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<正> 桃小食心虫是我国北方多种果树上钻蛀果实的一大害虫,尤以苹果、梨和枣的果实受害重,亟需积极防治。因其在不同守主上的发生、为害不完全一样。苹果、枣上为害的桃小食心虫已有较详细的研究,一年可发生1—2代,而在梨树上为害的桃小食心虫,迄今尚缺乏资料参考。以1978—1980年我们在辽宁省锦西县虹螺山梨区进行了此虫的生物学观察和药剂防治试验。现将结果报道于下,以供参考。  相似文献   

为研究寄主植物对桃小食心虫越冬幼虫体内耐寒性物质的影响,测定了苹果、酸枣、枣、梨和山楂5种寄主植物上采集的桃小食心虫越冬幼虫过冷却点、体内含水量、总脂肪、总蛋白和总糖含量.结果表明: 5种果实上采集到的桃小食心虫越冬幼虫的过冷却点(SCP)和结冰点(FP)存在显著差异,均值分别在-15.53~-8.50 ℃和-11.31~-4.04 ℃.其中取食山楂的幼虫SCP、FP和糖原含量最高,含水量最低;取食苹果的SCP、FP、糖原和总脂肪含量最低,含水量和总蛋白含量最高;取食梨的桃小食心虫越冬幼虫的鲜质量最高;取食枣的桃小食心虫的总脂肪含量最高,总蛋白含量和鲜质量最低.

我国梨小食心虫综合防治研究进展   总被引:26,自引:6,他引:20  
近年来,由于农业产业结构的调整,我国北方果树栽培种类日益增多、种植面积不断扩大。重要果树害虫梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)为害大幅回升、危害逐年增加。针对这一情况,在西北、东北和华北3个北方果树生产代表区域建立50余个监测示范点,开展了梨小食心虫的生物生态学规律及综合防治技术的研究、集成与示范。研究结果表明,气候变化和种植结构对梨小食心虫发生规律有显著影响。全球气候变暖条件下,梨小食心虫年发生世代呈增加趋势;在果树混栽区域,晚熟桃为梨小食心虫的主要越冬场所。防治技术方面,在对梨小食心虫常规农业防治、物理防治、生物防治、化学防治技术组装配套的基础上,重点开展了高效节水诱捕器、国产迷向产品研发及标准化应用技术、优势天敌饲养及释放技术、专用农药研发及农药减量化技术等研究工作。前瞻性地研发了植物源诱捕剂及迷向新剂型等贮备技术。最后针对当前梨小食心虫防治工作中存在的问题和不足,确定了下一步的研究方向:(1)全球气候变暖对梨小食心虫发生动态的影响;(2)梨小食心虫成虫不同寄主间的转移规律;(3)梨小食心虫的抗性监测技术和快速诊断试剂盒研制;(4)梨小食心虫的抗性分子机理与抗性治理技术。  相似文献   

为明确桃小食心虫和梨小食心虫幼虫肠道细菌的结构和多样性,本研究利用Illumina HiSeq技术对饲喂金冠苹果的桃小食心虫和梨小食心虫幼虫肠道细菌的16S rRNA V4变异区进行测序与分析.结果表明: 共获得桃小食心虫幼虫肠道细菌229043条reads,聚类为2112个OTUs,注释得到27个门,65个纲,124个目,205个科,281个属;共获得梨小食心虫幼虫肠道细菌240389条reads,聚类为957个OTUs,注释得到22个门,46个纲,89个目,145个科,180个属.桃小食心虫幼虫肠道细菌以变形菌门(87.98%±5.29%)、厚壁菌门(3.91%±1.19%)和放线菌门(1.04%±0.47%)为主;梨小食心虫肠道细菌以变形菌门(50.06%±19.56%)、厚壁菌门(32.02%±8.48%)和蓝细菌门(25.24%±10.28%)为主.两种食心虫在门、纲、目、科、属、种水平上均存在显著差异.从本研究结果看,即使均以苹果为寄主,两种食心虫幼虫肠道细菌结构和多样性也存在显著差异,桃小食心虫幼虫肠道细菌多样性比梨小食心虫丰富,这可能与两者不同的取食特性和消化机制有关.本研究结果为后期揭示肠道微生物与两种食心虫相互作用关系奠定了基础.  相似文献   

苹掌舟蛾药效实验的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苹掌舟蛾(Phalera flavescens Bremer et Grey)为北方苹果、南方枇杷和梨、桃、李、杏、梅、樱桃、山楂等果树的重要害虫,常致枇杷及光叶石楠受害成灾。本用统计的方法分析了采用农药和病毒防治苹掌舟蛾幼虫的效果。  相似文献   

桃蛀果蛾学名的更正   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
桃蛀果蛾俗称桃小食心虫、苹果食心虫等,简称“桃小”,在国外分布于日本和朝鲜;在我国分布于31°N以北,102°E以东的广大地区,包括吉林、辽宁、河北、北京、天津、山东、江苏、浙江、江西、河南、山西、陕西、宁夏、甘肃、青海、四川等省(市),寄主植物包括苹果、梨、枣、酸枣、山楂、桃、海棠、花红、李、杏、梅等10多种果树。桃蛀果蛾以幼虫取食这些寄主植物的果实,长期以来一直是我国果树生产上的重要害虫,所以国内各地对此虫的生物学、发生规律、防治等方面的研究颇多。目前国内普遍使用的学名是Carposina niponensis Walsingham,但我国分布的桃蛀果蛾,其学名究竟是不是C.niponensis,却有必要予以澄清,否则将引起混乱。  相似文献   

北京密云两种蛀果类害虫的发生及防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙淑玲  王进忠 《昆虫知识》2000,37(4):200-203
桃蛀果蛾与梨小食心虫是北京密云县燕落果树产区的主要蛀果类害虫 ,我们对两种食心虫的发生及其生物学特性进行了观察 ,并提出了防治两种食心虫的综合技术措施 ,使蛀果率由原来的年平均6 0 %降至 2 %。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来我国先后合成了梨小食心虫Gra-pholitha molesta(Busck)、苹果小卷叶蛾Ado-xophyes orana Fischer von Roslerstamm和桃小食心虫Carposina nipponensis Walsingham等重要果树害虫的性诱剂,并已广泛用于这些害虫的预测预报。  相似文献   

梨小食心虫生物防治研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)是世界性分布的果树主要害虫之一,可危害多种果树。多年来,过度依赖化学农药防治梨小食心虫效果并不理想,且杀伤天敌、污染环境、导致农药残留。利用自然天敌防治梨小食心虫高效、无毒、无污染,符合当前社会对环保的要求。本文结合前人工作,从病原微生物、寄生性天敌、捕食性天敌、性信息素、化学信息物质等方面,综述了梨小食心虫生物防治的研究进展,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

为了准确掌握梨小食心虫的产卵特性,研究模拟室外条件下该虫在不同寄主果树的叶片、桃枝不同部位及不同品种桃果上的产卵偏好.结果表明: 梨小食心虫成虫对7种寄主果树叶片的产卵偏好由高至低依次为:桃>樱桃>苹果>李>梨>海棠>杏.在桃树叶片上的产卵量占总产卵量的33.5%,平均单叶卵量达8.3粒;虫卵在不同寄主叶片正、反两面的分布有所差异,苹果和海棠叶片正面卵量多于背面,桃、李、梨、杏叶背面卵量多于正面,桃叶背面卵量是正面的3.3倍,樱桃叶两面卵量差异不明显;该虫在桃枝上产卵部位选择顺序为:叶片>托叶>叶柄>枝条,叶片是其主要产卵部位,占总产卵量的88.7%;梨小食心虫在桃枝上主要选择靠近顶端未展叶的前10片桃叶背面产卵,前10叶卵量占总产卵量的725%,其中第3片叶上产卵最多,占9.3%;第25叶以后仅占总产卵量的1.1%;在不同类型桃果上的产卵偏好次序为:油桃>蟠桃>毛桃;绒毛疏密及其特点是影响梨小食心虫在寄主果树叶片和果实上产卵选择的首要因素.  相似文献   

我国稻螟灾害的现状及损失估计   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:37  
我国稻螟为害的确切记载始于 1 0 2 2年。 2 0世纪 5 0年代中期以前 ,以二化螟Chilosuppressalis(Walker)为害为主。此后十几年中 ,三化螟Tryporyzaincertulas(Walker)普遍大发生。 70年代 ,我国螟害轻微。 1 993年 ,二化螟急剧回升 ,三化螟也随之回升。 1 996年 2种稻螟大发生 ,此后连年暴发成灾。目前我国螟灾的主要特点是虫口密度高、受害范围广、受害程度重、持续时间长、经济损失大。首要螟灾区是沿江稻区 ,二化螟和三化螟分别约占 2 3和 1 3。全国年发面积约 1 5 0 0万hm2 ,防治约 3 80 0万hm2 次。该文首次估计年防治代价约 45 7~ 60亿元 ,残虫造成作物损失近 65亿元 ,总经济损失约 1 1 5亿元。由此可见 ,当前稻螟已取代稻飞虱、棉铃虫成为影响我国国计民生的头号害虫。  相似文献   

Sugarcane borers are economically damaging insects with species that vary in distribution patterns both geographically and temporally, and vary based on ecological niche. Currently, identification of sugarcane borers is mostly based on morphological characters. However, morphological identification requires taxonomic expertise. An alternative method to identify sugarcane borers is the use of molecular data. DNA barcoding based on partial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) sequences has proven to be a useful tool for rapid and accurate species determination in many insect taxa. This study was conducted to test the effectiveness of DNA barcodes to discriminate among sugarcane borer species in China. Partial sequences of the COI gene (709 bp) were obtained from six species collected from different geographic areas. Results showed that the pairwise intraspecies genetic distance was < 0.02, whereas the interspecies genetic distance ranged from 0.117 to 0.182. Results from a neighbor-joining tree showed that the six sugarcane borer species were certainly separated. These results suggested that the partial COI sequences had high barcoding resolution in discriminating among sugarcane borer species. Our study emphasized the use of DNA barcodes for identification of the analyzed sugarcane borer species and represents an important step for building a comprehensive barcode library for sugarcane borers in China.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran stem borers are among the most important insect pests of maize, sorghum and sugarcane in sub‐Saharan Africa. Except for Chilo partellus, the other stem borer pests in Ethiopia are indigenous to Africa and are assumed to have coevolved with some native grasses and sedges in the natural habitat. In addition to pest species, natural habitats harbour diverse non‐economic stem borer species, some of which are new to science. However, with the growing threats to natural habitats, some non‐economic stem borer species may switch or expand their host ranges to include cultivated crops and evolve as “new” pests. Besides host switch, some of the unknown species currently limited to natural habitats may disappear. We examined the diversity, abundance and interactions of lepidopteran stem borers and their wild host plants in five different vegetation mosaics in Ethiopia. The stem borer species diversity varied among vegetation mosaics and host plants. Forty‐four stem borer species belonging to 14 different genera in the families of Noctuidae, Crambidae, Pyralidae and Tortricidae were recorded from 34 wild host plants and through light trap. Among these families, Noctuidae was the highest in species richness in which 31 species were identified, out of which 15 species and two genera were new to science. This paper discusses the ecological interpretation of host plant–stem borer species interactions, particularly in relation to habitat disturbances.  相似文献   

黑莓鳞翅目害虫的发生为害习性与防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡淼  王传永 《昆虫知识》1999,36(6):337-341
黑莓是新引进的第三代小果类植物。本文简要报告黑莓上14科引种鳞翅目害虫的发生为害习性。其中食叶为主的害虫41种,蛀果为主的2种,蛀干为主的1种,吸果夜蛾8种。提出了以搞好果园管理为基础的综合防治技术。  相似文献   

Lepidopterous stem borers seriously affect production of maize, Zea mays L., in sub-Saharan Africa. Intercropping maize with legumes such as lablab, Lablab purpurens (L.), is one of the effective systems to control stem borers. Sole culture maize and maize/lablab intercrop system of different lablab densities were planted at two locations to investigate the effects of intercrop system on incidence and severity of stem borers with particular reference to Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Stem borer infestation was found to be more severe in sole culture maize than maize in maize/lablab intercrop. There was a significantly negative relationship between lablab densities and maize grain yields, suggesting a possible competition for resources between the two crops. It was concluded that density of lablab and date of planting of lablab in maize/lablab intercropping have significant affects on stem borer populations and maize grain yields.  相似文献   

甘肃陇东玉米螟生物学特性的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘寿民  侯正明 《昆虫知识》2004,41(5):461-464
米螟性诱剂试验、形态鉴定表明 ,陇东发生的玉米螟 ,以亚洲玉米螟OstriniafurnacalisGuenee为优势种 ,也有少量的欧洲玉米螟Ostrinianubialis (H櫣bner)。有效积温计算 ,年发生 1 2 4代 ,其中蛹期3 3d ,产卵前期 7d ,卵期 1 2d ,幼虫期 46d。观察表明陇东玉米螟年发生基本 1代 ,局部 2代。 7月上中旬为蛾量高峰期。阶段性人工饲养表明 ,蛹期 2 1 8d ,产卵前期 2 8d ,卵期 1 0 1d。雌蛾寿命 7 9d ,雄蛾寿命 6 4d。影响发生的重要因素是降水量和天敌。  相似文献   

Surveys were conducted in the major apple growing regions of New York state to determine the incidence of borers infesting burrknots on clonal apple rootstocks. Dogwood borer, Synanthedon scitula (Harris), was generally prevalent throughout the state, but American plum borer, Euzophera semifuneralis (Walker), was limited to western New York apple orchards near infested stone fruit trees. Insecticides evaluated in the field for efficacy against both borers were chlorpyrifos, endosulfan, indoxacarb plus oil, methoxyfenozide, fenpropathrin, and kaolin clay. Also, white latex paint was tested alone and mixed with chlorpyrifos. One application of chlorpyrifos applied at the petal fall developmental stage was equivalent to chlorpyrifos applied at petal fall and again in mid-July, and it provided season-long control of dogwood borer and American plum borer. One application of chlorpyrifos applied any time between the half-inch green developmental stage and petal fall, or after harvest the previous season, controlled both overwintered and summer brood larvae of dogwood borer. Multiple applications of fenpropathrin, indoxacarb plus oil, and endosulfan applied during the dogwood borer flight period controlled the summer brood.  相似文献   

Abstract  The sugarcane weevil borer ( Rhabdoscelus obscurus ) is a pest of sugarcane and palm plantations in high rainfall areas of far north Queensland. Pheromone mass trapping of adult borers is an effective method of monitoring and may also impact on their population densities. Trials to evaluate different designs of pheromone trap showed the 'water trap' to be the most effective in capturing the highest number of adult borers. The water trap is a 20 cm-diameter pot with a plastic bag inserted to hold water with pheromone lures and cane pieces held together in a plastic container suspended over the water from a square of wire mesh. Results also showed that adult borers in adjacent fields are able to sense the lures and migrate into treated fields. The sex ratio of captured borers in split-cane traps (which is a standard population monitoring tool) was male biased from February to April but was more balanced later in the year. However, the pheromone traps mainly attracted female borers all year round, except during May. Thus, we recommend pheromone traps to be deployed early in the season (November to early December) to attract the maximum number of adult females at a critical time for the population as it starts to build up. In addition, placing pheromone traps inside cane paddocks did not improve the total catch in most cases. Therefore, placing pheromone traps under the shade of trees outside the paddock or at the edge of the paddock under sugarcane can be a feasible mass trapping method that can easily be implemented by cane growers.  相似文献   

贵阳地区豆野螟和亮灰蝶的生物学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗庆怀  黎家文  赵宏  张明  龙姣 《昆虫知识》2003,40(4):329-334
在贵阳地区,豆野螟Maruca testulalis Geyer和亮灰蝶Lampides boeticus(L.)是豇豆的主要钻蛀性害虫,其田间虫口之和占钻蛀性害虫虫口总量的99.9%;它们每年均可完成5个世代,7月上旬~8月上旬田间虫口达最高峰,对豇豆等多种豆类蔬菜的产量和品质危害极大。该文报道这2种害虫的生物学特性和田间种群消长规律,包括各代田间可见时间(从卵至成虫)、各虫态历期、发育速率、发育起点温度、有效积温等,结合本研究结果及国内相关文献探讨了2种钻心虫的某些生物学特性和防治对策。  相似文献   

This paper provides a review on lepidopteran stem borer pests of graminaceous crops in Asia and Indian Ocean Islands which have the potential to invade Australia. Information on the geographical distribution, host plants and potential of invading Australia is provided for 36 stem borer species. A literature review of all natural enemies of 18 key pest species is provided. A knowledge of possible biological control options is essential to determine which natural enemies are to be considered for introduction following an incursion. The Braconid, Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), stands out as a promising candidate for introduction into Australia following a borer incursion. Studies are currently being conducted on a native Cotesia species in Australia, which may be able to parasitize larvae of exotic borers, therefore minimizing the need for other parasitoids introductions.  相似文献   

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