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滇池产太湖新银鱼食性与摄食行为的初步研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
刘正文  朱松泉 《动物学报》1994,40(3):253-261
太湖新银鱼Neosalanx taihuensis Chen于1979年移植滇池,现已成为滇池鱼类的优势种和渔业主体,据1990年10月至1991年8月的标本(全长24-85mm)分析结果表明,该银鱼为典型的浮游动物食性鱼类,食物组成不随个体大小而变化。同时表明,太湖新银鱼的摄食有明显的选择性,主要依浮注入动物的个体大小选食,而浮游动物的逃跑能力,运动方式和可见度等则对太湖新银鱼的摄食行为影响不大  相似文献   

1992年5月至1996年8月对徐家河水库近太湖新银鱼的形态学,繁殖特性,生长以及食性进行了研究。结果表明,徐家河水库近太湖新银鱼主要以枝角类和桡足类为食,繁殖季节为3-6月,其中4月中旬为繁殖高峰期,与太湖新银鱼不同只有春季产卵群体,生命周期为一年。体重与体长关系为:W=2.014×10-6L3.170(r=0.999)。其von Benrtalanffy生长方程为Lt=65.071-e-0.2394(t+0.5066)forbody length and Wt=1.1281-e-0.2394(t+0.5066)3.170。    相似文献   

本文报道在云南南亚热燕山区大水体池塘中,用人工施肥培养浮游动物,作为革胡子鲶稚鱼的开口饵料及其形成夏花鱼苗的动物性饲料是可行的。对孵出四日龄的稚鲶进行培育,在水温23.2-30.3℃时,可使十七日龄稚鲶达到夏花水平,存活率达60%以上,研究结果表明,四日龄稚鲶口宽为760-900μm,开口期及生长前期主要摄取枝角类、桡足类和摇蚊幼虫。稚鲶生长后期,对轮虫、水生昆虫幼体及配合饲料的摄取量增加,而摄食  相似文献   

兴凯湖大银鱼食物组成与食性转化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文于2010年6月—2011年1月逐月分析中俄界湖兴凯湖外来种大银鱼食性,结果发现,大银鱼主要摄食枝角类、桡足类、虾类和鱼类。6月份大银鱼体长<60 mm,以枝角类和桡足类为食,7月份体长>60 mm群组、8月份体长>80 mm群组、9月份体长>100 mm群组与10月及之后体长>120 mm群组等的食谱中均出现鱼类,且优势种类为大银鱼和属鱼类。该摄食鱼类的大银鱼最小体长随季节而增加的现象,与饵料鱼类生长导致的食物资源可得性变动密切相关。  相似文献   

为分析长江上游干支流梯级水利开发对张氏(Hemiculter tchangi Fang)的生态效应,在已对该鱼繁殖生物学、年龄与生长和形态性状进行研究的基础上,对张氏食性进行分析。针对采自四川省合江县的张氏样本,探究其食物组成;并分别比较不同季节、不同年龄组别、性腺不同发育期的样本的摄食状况。结果显示:张氏是偏动物性食性的杂食性鱼类。摄食双翅目昆虫(蚊蝇幼虫)、草本植物及种子、藻类、环节动物门寡毛纲(水蚯蚓)、膜翅目昆虫、甲壳类、枝角类、鞘翅目昆虫、贝类以及小鱼、鱼卵、幼蛙等。动物性饵料在夏季出现次数百分比最高,冬季最低;而藻类在冬季出现百分比高于其他季节。平均充塞度和摄食率均以春季为最高,秋季最低。在14龄鱼中,摄食率随着年龄的增加而增大。对于雌鱼而言,处于Ⅱ期的鱼类个体肠道内食物平均充塞度高于其他各期;而对于雄鱼,处于不同性腺发育期的样本,平均充塞度和摄食率则无规律性变动。在其繁殖季节59月期间,未出现停止摄食的现象,平均充塞度和摄食率处于中等水平。    相似文献   

为了探究了鲤(Cyprinus carpio)仔稚鱼的生长过程中主要消化酶活性变化规律, 实验测定了鲤从孵化出膜到40 日龄(日龄, Day after hatching)仔稚鱼期间的生长、可溶性蛋白含量和几种消化酶活性变化。结果显示: 仔稚鱼全长以及体重在15 日龄后增速加快, 特定生长率为14.81%。淀粉酶、脂肪酶、胰蛋白酶, 糜乳蛋白酶、碱性磷酸酶以及氨基肽酶在1 日龄仔鱼体内均能检测到活性。在仔稚鱼发育过程中, 其可溶性蛋白含量先下降后上升。仔鱼摄食前消化酶的活性出现一定的上升, 随着仔稚鱼消化系统发育以及营养方式的转变, 其消化酶活性从3到25 日龄处于不断的变化状态, 而25 日龄到实验结束鲤仔稚鱼的消化酶处于一种相对稳定的状态, 标志着其消化功能趋于完善。根据不同发育时期鲤消化酶活性的变化, 设计有机可腐化的材料制备人工鱼巢以提高人工鱼巢的生态修复功能, 降低饥饿对仔稚鱼成活率的影响。  相似文献   

淤泥湖近太湖新银鱼的生物学及其增殖途径的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近太湖新银鱼的生殖期为春夏季的3月底至6月上旬,产卵盛期为4月上旬和5月上旬。性成熟年龄为1年,属分批产卵类型。终生以浮游动物为食。生长1年平均全长为68.7mm,平均体重为0.70g。产卵后不久死亡,寿命只有1年。捕捞近太湖新银鱼的合理时期为冬季,捕捞期内划定禁渔区和向禁渔区放流部分亲本。产卵盛期人工放流受精卵或银鱼苗。  相似文献   

为了研究鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)两种鱼食物组成的空间变化,分析了2010年7月至2011年10月在洱海古生和北部两采样点逐月采集或收集的共93尾鲢和71尾鳙的肠道内含物,对其食物组成的季节变化、空间变化及与太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)的食物重叠进行了研究。结果表明,鲢、鳙全年摄食的饵料生物数分别为75 属和 64属。根据相对重要性指数(IRI%),微囊藻(Microcystis)和象鼻溞(Bosmina)为两种鱼的主要饵料类群。鲢、鳙的食物组成呈明显的季节变化,这与饵料生物的季节变化密切相关。在空间上,两种鱼在古生摄食的浮游植物比例大于北部,这是由不同区域饵料生物组成差异导致的结果。Schoener重叠指数显示鲢、鳙与太湖新银鱼之间的食性重叠不显著(E0.6)。    相似文献   

为了解鳙在低营养水体中的下行效应,于秋冬季节在流溪河水库开展了原位围隔实验。该实验在水库原水中进行,并根据鳙的生物量(0 g·m–3和3 g·m–3)设置了对照组和有鱼组。研究结果显示:总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、氮磷质量比(TN:TP)和叶绿素(Chl a)在加入鳙后均未发生显著变化。所有围隔中浮游动物群落均是以小个体种类为主,缺少大型枝角类。鳙的存在促进了轮虫和剑水蚤丰度的增加,但降低了枝角类和哲水蚤的丰度,并导致枝角类、桡足类及浮游动物的生物量显著下降。有鱼围隔中甲壳类的平均体长(352—396μm)显著低于对照组(547—592μm)。添加鳙使浮游植物优势门类绿藻与大型浮游植物(最大轴直径≥30μm)的生物量显著升高,但对优势门类硅藻、金藻和甲藻、小型浮游植物(最大轴直径<30μm)以及浮游植物的生物量无显著影响。这些结果显示,鳙对浮游动物群落产生了强烈的下行效应,对浮游植物群落则未产生明显的级联效应。我们的结果表明,在缺少大型牧食性枝角类的低营养水体中,鳙在低温季节对水质的影响可能相对有限。  相似文献   

在实验室27℃水温下,研究了少食、中食和饱食三个摄食水平对0至25日龄雌雄食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)的生长发育特征和饵料利用效率的影响。26d饲养实验结束后,对试验鱼摄食和生长指标、臀鳍分化、性成熟及饵料转换效率进行分析。结果显示:到臀鳍开始分化时,饱食组雄鱼的累计摄食总能量和生长速度开始小于雌鱼,且随日龄的增加差异加大;随摄食水平的增加,0日龄仔鱼到臀鳍分化和性成熟的时间缩短。至实验结束,各摄食组的雄鱼均形成发育完善的生殖足,性腺都达到成熟状态;而雌鱼性成熟迟于雄鱼,且其性成熟更易受到摄食水平的影响,饱食组只有约50%的个体达到性成熟,少食组的卵母细胞则均处在小生长期。随着摄食水平的增加,雌雄鱼的体长、体重和干物质特定生长率均呈明显上升趋势,而干物质饵料转化效率则呈明显下降趋势;实验结束时,雌鱼的生长指标和干物质饵料转化率均大于雄鱼。以上结果表明,伴随臀鳍的分化,食蚊鱼在摄食、生长、发育、性成熟和应对食物丰度变化上表现出显著的性别差异。    相似文献   

Neosalanx taihuensis is an important zooplanktivorous commercial fish that has been widely introduced into Chinese freshwaters. Introduction of this species has induced decline and even extinction of native fish species in some waters. In this study, impacts of N. taihuensis introduction on growth and reproductive characteristics of an indigenous zooplanktivorous fish Hemiculter leucisculus were investigated by comparing population traits of the latter species in two reservoirs that differ only in whether N. taihuensis has been introduced. Huangshi Reservoir (HSR) and Mengquan Reservoir (MQR) are geographically proximate and display similar nutrient regimes and native fish faunas, but N. taihuensis has been stocked only in HSR. Populations of H. leucisculus in both reservoirs consisted of three age groups, ranging from age 1 to 3. Standard length (SL), body weight and back-calculated SL-at-age of H. leucisculus in HSR were significantly less than in MQR for both males and females in each age group. Female H. leucisculus also tended to produce fewer and smaller eggs (indicated by lower absolute fecundity, gonad weight and smaller egg diameter) in HSR than in MQR for each age group. We suggest that reduced growth and reproductive investment by H. leucisculus in HSR are likely the result of N. taihuensis introduction.  相似文献   

This study examined the formation of morphological defences by two coexisting Daphnia species, the large-sized D. pulicaria (2 mm) and the small-sized D. mendotae (1.4 mm), in response to the presence of young-of-the-year (YOY) yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and invertebrate predators (Chaoborus, Leptodora) during summer in a mesotrophic lake. We hypothesized that due to differential size-selective predation risk by YOY fish and invertebrates, the large-sized and the small-sized Daphnia species would show different morphological responses to predation threats. We followed changes in two morphological traits (relative length of the tail spine in D. pulicaria and of the helmet in D. mendotae) among different periods during summer according to YOY fish and invertebrate predation. We defined four YOY fish predation periods based on the presence of YOY perch in the pelagic zone of the lake and the relative abundance of Daphnia preys in their gut contents, and two invertebrate predation periods based on exclusive or mutual occurrence of the invertebrate predators. The large-sized (D. pulicaria) and the small-sized (D. mendotae) species showed different morphological responses to YOY fish and invertebrate predators, respectively. The tail spine ratio of the juveniles and adults of D. pulicaria did not change in response to YOY fish predation or to invertebrate predation. A gradual increase in the helmet ratio was observed in the small-sized D. mendotae over the summer period. This change was related to the co-occurrence of the invertebrate predators (Chaoborus and Leptodora) and to YOY fish predation. The warmer temperature cannot be accounted for helmet elongation since it was constant across depths, and not related with the co-occurrence of D. mendotae and YOY perch. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   

Migration of Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne-Edwards) from the Arabian Gulf to nursery grounds in the inland waters of Iraq extends from May/June to January/February. Shrimp ranging in size from 3–125 mm total length were found in inland waters. In the shallow waters of the Al-Assaflya small-sized shrimp only were caught, while in the Marshes large-sized shrimp were abundant. Maximum numbers of recruits were recorded when temperatures reached 23–25 °C. However, the discharge of the Shatt Al-Arab may also be an important factor regulating recruitment.The growth rates of small shrimp were higher than those of large ones. There mostly was, a preponderance of females over males. Spawning at sea appears to occur immediately after emigration. Gonad development was not observed. Commercial landings, at the two main fish markets at Basrah, during September–November 1985 averaged 1000 kg day–1.  相似文献   

A cyanobacterial bloom prevents fish trophic cascades   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We experimentally compared the impacts of visually feeding zooplanktivorous fish and filter‐feeding omnivorous fish in shallow tropical Dakar Bango reservoir, Senegal. We provoked a cyanobacterial Anabaena bloom under mesotrophic to eutrophic N‐limited conditions in 18 enclosures assigned to six Nile tilapia life‐stage treatments, at typical biomasses: fishless control (C), zooplanktivorous fry (Z), omnivorous juveniles (O), herbivorous fingerlings (H) and two combinations (OZ, OH). 2. All fish grew well, but as prevalent inedible phytoplankton dampened fish effects, community‐level trophic cascades did not occur. Planktivore types acted independently and affected differentially the biomasses of total zooplankton, cyclopoids, nauplii, cladocerans, invertebrate carnivores, large herbivores, colonial cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta. They neither influenced the total biomass of phytoplankton, nor most water chemistry characteristics. Responses were apparently not fish‐biomass related. The bloom collapsed synchronously in all enclosures, coinciding with enrichment ending, with a return to clear water within 12 days. 3. Our results support the hypothesis that excess nutrients and prevalent inedible cyanobacteria inhibit the cascading effects of natural biomass levels of both visually feeding zooplanktivores and filter‐feeding omnivores. In N‐limited meso‐eutrophic shallow tropical lakes with predominantly small herbivorous zooplankton, neither the type nor the biomass of planktivorous fish present seems likely to prevent the transient outburst of cyanobacterial blooms. Such fragile ecosystems may thus not sustain a trophic state suitable for drinking water production, unless human impacts are restricted. The generality of restoration approaches based on ecological engineering should be further explored.  相似文献   

江苏海岸带水域浮游动物的种类组成和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查江苏海岸带水域(119°15′—123°30′E,31°40′—35°15′N),分析鉴定1980年8、11月和1981年2、5月浮游动物样品。结果如下: 1.初步鉴定浮游动物98种,其中水螅水母类29种、管水母类4种、栉水母类2种、枝角类1种、桡足类46种、糠虾类6种、磷虾类2种、樱虾类4种、浮游腹足类1种、毛颚类8种及浮游幼虫多类。 2.浮游动物的种类组成是以暖温性近岸低盐种为主的。真刺唇角水蚤。(Labidocera euchaeta)、中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、中华假磷虾(Pseudeuphausia sinica)、强壮箭虫(sagittacrassa)等是组成调查区浮游动物的主要种类。 3.浮游动物生物量,5月最高,平均达195毫克/米~3。11月最低,平均为85毫克/米~3。8月的和2月的分别为146毫克/米~3和106毫克/米~3。 4.浮游幼虫的数量,8月高最,平均达188个/米~3。2月最低,平均不到1个/米~3。5月的和11月的分别为6个/米~3和3个/米~3。 5.江苏海岸带水域能有3个全国有名的渔场存在、这和该区具有形成渔场的饵料基础——浮游动物资源丰富是分不开的。 6.不同生态类群浮游动物的时空分布基本上反映了江苏海岸带水域各个季节水文状况的基本特征。  相似文献   

运用8种网目规格的成套浮性刺网作为鱼类采样工具,于2005年夏季在长江中游浅水草型湖泊牛山湖进行鱼类定量采样,通过比较不同茂密程度黄丝草生境中的小型鱼类组成、数量和大小结构,探讨此类湖泊小型鱼类的空间分布特征及其与沉水植被的关系.采样期间共捕获13种1124尾鱼,依据其等级丰度和出现频次,鳖和红鳍原鲌为该湖优势上层小型鱼类.在调查的沉水植物生物量范围内,鱼类物种丰富度和Shannon多样性指数与沉水植物生物量之间呈现倒抛物线关系;两种优势小型鱼类的种群丰度均与沉水植物生物量有着显著的线性正相关关系,且其平均个体大小在裸地生境较高、沉水植被茂密区较低,幼鱼更倾向群聚于厚密的黄丝草生境中;其他生境因子(水深和离岸距离)对鳖和红鳍原鲐空间分布的影响不显著.黄丝草植被生境是牛山湖两种优势小型鱼类的重要保护生境,应加强对黄丝草等沉水植被的保护及恢复.  相似文献   

Causes and consequences of the success of bream in Dutch eutrophic lakes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In the last decennia eutrophication has caused a shift in the species composition of fish communities in Dutch fresh waters. The changes have led to the disappearance of vegetation in lakes and ponds; zooplankton and chironomids are now the most abundant food organisms for fish. In the turbid, open waters bream and pikeperch are the dominant fish species. Only small bream is vulnerable to predation, but because bream grows much faster than the other cyprinids the time span in which the fish is vulnerable is the shortest. The large bream (>20 cm) can coexist with pikeperch since it is not vulnerable to predation and still utilizes the food organisms efficiently. Eutrophication is accelerated if both bream populations are composed of small-sized specimens preventing large-sized zooplankton to develop, and if they are composed of large-sized individuals which can efficiently stir up the bottom sediments.  相似文献   

滇池太湖新银鱼的生长特性与资源量关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王瑛  陈银瑞 《动物学研究》1998,19(4):289-295
为了滇池中太源新银鱼(NeosalanxtaihuensisChen)达到稳产,高产,优质,高效的目的,管理部门急需寻求一个合理的资源平衡点,经31个月的连续采样调查,应用VonBertalanffy生长方程,得到太湖新银鱼1989年和1990年生长方程分别为:L=6.70(1-e^-0.198(t-0.225),W=1.78(1-e^-0.198(t-0.225))^3和L=7.48(1-e^-  相似文献   

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