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Liu W  Zhang XM  Wang LB 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):627-632
采用动物性饵料和人工饲料培育1~10日龄怀头鲇(Silurus soldatovi)仔稚鱼,分析测定了全鱼酸性、碱性蛋白酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶以及碱性磷酸酶的活性。结果表明:孵化后3天开口期仔鱼已具有较高的碱性蛋白酶活性,5日龄时碱性蛋白酶比活力达到较高值,8日龄时出现低值,总体变化呈波动上升趋势;酸性蛋白酶活性在1~8日龄处于较低水平,8日龄后开始迅速升高;淀粉酶活性在5日龄左右达到最高值,随后酶活性开始下降至较低水平;脂肪酶活性变化波动较大,表现为双峰型,两个峰值分别出现在3~4日龄和6~8日龄。摄食动物性饵料仔稚鱼消化酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性均高于摄食人工饲料。在整个早期发育过程中,碱性蛋白酶比酸性蛋白酶活性高,碱性蛋白酶、淀粉酶比活力在约8日龄仔稚鱼转变期明显下降,而酸性蛋白酶活性开始迅速升高,这说明消化酶活性的变化与仔稚鱼发育过程中消化机能转换具有相关性。怀头鲇在10日龄内碱性磷酸酶活性呈上升趋势,表明怀头鲇胃肠道功能的逐步发育完善。  相似文献   

为了筛选稀有逗鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)仔稚鱼期合适的饵料, 将初孵仔鱼随机分为3个组: 活饵组、饲料组、转食组, 每组3个平行, 均从3 dah(day after hatching)开始投喂相应饵料, 在10、15、20、25、30、35 dah时统计生长指标和存活率, 并进行35 dah仔稚鱼消化道组织学及消化酶活性研究。结果显示: (1)35 dah时, 活饵组存活率最高; (2)从15 dah开始, 活饵组表现出最好的生长性能, 并维持这种趋势; (3)活饵组的消化道各部肌层厚度、黏液细胞数目均最高, 提示该组仔稚鱼消化道发育状态较好, 并具有较优的消化吸收能力; (4)转食组胰蛋白酶活性显著高于活饵组和饲料组。研究结果提示: 相对于饲料和转食, 一直投喂活饵更有利于稀有逗鲫仔稚鱼的生长和发育。建议在标准化养殖过程中, 对仔稚鱼期的稀有逗鲫采取活饵投喂的方式。  相似文献   

为研究褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)视觉器官发育与生态习性及摄食行为之间的关系,用组织学方法对人工培育条件下的褐菖鲉仔、稚鱼的视觉器官发育特征进行了详细观察。结果表明,褐菖鲉为卵胎生鱼类,其视觉器官的分化速度较一般鱼类快,从母体产出时,仔鱼视网膜神经细胞层和原始晶状体已形成;1日龄仔鱼的视网膜分化为6层,晶状体出现纤维化,直径约72 μm,仔鱼开始具有一定趋光性;2日龄仔鱼视网膜分化完成,可见10层结构,巩膜出现,与仔鱼开口摄食相适应,游泳能力增强;5 ~ 7日龄晶状体直径达99 μm,晶状囊形成;17日龄,仔鱼角膜结构分化完成,脉络膜趋于完善;37日龄稚鱼的视觉器官各部分已经发育完全。  相似文献   

采用酶学和形态学测定方法, 研究在投喂卤虫条件下长吻(鱼危)仔鱼4种主要消化酶: 胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶和淀粉酶的活性变化以及长吻(鱼危)仔鱼口宽、全长变化。实验共进行13d, 实验结果表明: (1)长吻(鱼危)仔鱼全长、口宽的发育与其日龄表现出明显的线性正相关(RTL2=0.974, RMW2=0.964)。口宽与全长比值(MW/TL)在仔鱼开口后急剧下降, 并自7日龄开始维持在0.07—0.08, 口宽和全长处于同步发育期并表现出明显的相关性(R2=0.948), 说明7日龄(/h, days post hatching)后口宽和全长处于同步发育期, 标志仔鱼转食的开始。(2)长吻(鱼危)仔鱼初次开口时即可检测出四种消化酶的活性。5—7/h时胰蛋白酶显著高于初孵仔鱼, 与此时仔鱼开始开口摄食的行为相一致。胃蛋白酶、脂肪酶活性在仔鱼孵化后第7天即开口的第3天, 淀粉酶活性在孵化后第6天, 显著高于初次孵化出来的仔鱼。8—13/h时, 胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶和淀粉酶活性均在较高水平平稳的波动, 标志着消化道发育逐渐健全。  相似文献   

鲈鲤仔鱼的异速生长模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用实验生态学方法研究了鲈鲤(Percocypris pingi pingi)仔鱼(0~57日龄)的异速生长模式.结果显示:鲈鲤仔鱼全长由慢速生长到快速生长的转折点为25日龄;其多数外部器官均具有异速生长特点,头部和尾部的生长快于躯干部,均在22 ~ 27日龄出现生长拐点;眼径在14 ~ 15日龄较早出现生长拐点,促使眼睛充分发育,以提高早期仔鱼开口期摄食外源食物的能力;吻长在33~34日龄出现生长拐点,促进了口的充分发育,以适应不同的饵料环境;胸鳍、背鳍、尾鳍、臀鳍和腹鳍分别在13~14日龄、31~32日龄、32 ~33日龄、38 ~39日龄、43 ~ 44日龄出现生长拐点,除胸鳍和尾鳍外,其余各鳍的鳍条均在拐点处分化完全,即鲈鲤仔鱼的游泳能力已得到大幅提高.研究表明,鲈鲤仔鱼的异速生长模式,保证了各重要功能器官的充分发育,以适应多变的环境,有效地保障了其早期的生存,可为育苗生产和野生早期资源的保护提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

运用光学显微镜技术和实验生态学方法, 对斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)早期形态发育观察、异速生长模式及其生态学意义进行了研究。结果表明: 在水温(21.5±0.5)℃下, 初孵仔鱼全长(3.18±0.52) mm, 斑鰶仔鱼期从孵化出膜到43日龄棱鳞开始出现前, 稚鱼期从44日龄棱鳞出现到55日龄全身覆满鳞片。斑鰶的形态变化和器官分化主要发生在仔鱼期。斑鰶的吻长、躯干长、肠道长、胸鳍长、腹鳍长等重要形态学指标均存在异速生长现象, 其生长拐点依次为 42日龄(TL: 26.41 mm)、24日龄(TL: 15.57 mm)、31日龄(TL: 21.41 mm)、41日龄(TL: 25.47 mm)、42日龄(TL: 26.41 mm)。相对于全长、吻长和胸鳍长在拐点前后由正异速生长变为等速生长, 腹鳍长由正异速生长转为负异速生长, 这为呼吸、摄食和成功逃避捕食者提供有利条件; 而肠道长由负异速生长变为等速生长, 这可能与斑鰶的食性转化有关。综上所述, 为适应复杂多变的生存环境, 斑鰶在早期发育阶段优先发育对生长生存起关键作用的器官, 这对提高仔、稚鱼的存活率具有重要的生态学意义。研究将为今后进一步人工繁育和苗种培育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

美洲鲥胚胎及仔稚鱼的发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)早期生活史阶段的生长发育特征进行了观察和测量, 描述了胚胎和仔、稚鱼的生长发育特征。美洲鲥受精卵球形、无油球, 为沉性卵, 卵径2.85-3.28 mm。在水温20.3℃-21.9℃孵化条件下, 经过82h 孵化出膜, 根据其胚胎发育过程的形态特征, 胚胎发育分为受精卵、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期和出膜期7 个发育阶段。美洲鲥初孵仔鱼全长为(8.56±0.36) mm, 其卵黄囊体积为(4.57±0.77) mm3。1 日龄仔鱼脑部发育明显, 口张开, 肛门开通, 胸鳍形成。2 日龄仔鱼卵黄囊体积(0.71±0.23)mm3, 只有刚孵化的15.54%。3 日龄仔鱼经过1d 的混合营养期, 卵黄被完全吸收, 4 日龄仔鱼完全营外源性营养, 卵黄囊的体积(V)随孵化时间(h)的变化方程为V=4.1583e?0.0356h(R2=0.9901)。此后, 背鳍鳍条、尾鳍鳍条、臀鳍鳍条和腹鳍鳍条相继在晚期仔鱼出现, 9 日龄仔鱼尾椎开始弯曲, 21 日龄仔鱼尾椎弯曲完成。27 日龄鱼鳞开始形成, 到33 日龄稚鱼全身披鳞, 个体发育进入幼鱼期, 仔稚鱼期间的生长模型方程为: TL=0.0049D2+0.5091D+9.2578 (R2=0.9885, TL 为全长, D 为日龄)。    相似文献   

采集池塘育苗的39日龄之前的梭鱼(Liza haematocheila)仔、稚、幼鱼,对其早期发育阶段体色的变化以及鳍的发生、发育进行了连续观察。初孵仔鱼体表不具黑色素,仅卵黄囊具黑色素,孵化后2日龄体表黑色素增加,鳍膜无色透明。8日龄仔鱼开始变得不透明,腹侧有黑色线状斑点。在18~19日龄仔鱼转化为稚鱼时,鱼体背部具大量雪花状黑色素颗粒,在透色光下可观察到淡黄色斑点(黄色素)。30日龄幼鱼与成鱼相似,体表具淡白色,背褐腹白。梭鱼仔鱼在早期发育阶段各鳍的发育顺序是:胸鳍→尾鳍→腹鳍→背鳍→臀鳍→第二鳍棘。初孵仔鱼,鳍褶从头部后缘向后绕过尾部,终止于卵黄囊后缘油球外侧。2日龄仔鱼具胸鳍芽,全身由鳍膜包裹,5日龄仔鱼胸鳍和尾鳍鳍膜已具有相当的运动能力,能够起到推动和维持身体平衡的作用。梭鱼鳍在早期发育过程中最明显的变化是尾鳍的生长和鳍节的发育。梭鱼仔鱼在12日龄时出现腹鳍棘芽基,15日龄时第二背鳍棘出现。17日龄,尾椎骨向上弯曲,尾鳍基本发育完成,长鳍条16根,具10节,中间几根棘条末三节二向分叉,短鳍条上下各6~8根;背鳍有鳍条11根,具5节,最外侧鳍棘具刺,基部有支鳍骨。至30日龄,梭鱼幼鱼各鳍发育完全,与成鱼相似。  相似文献   

以2015年和2016年在孟屯河上游捕获的仔稚鱼为研究对象, 对其种属进行了鉴定, 观察了耳石形态特征、确证了耳石轮纹沉积规律, 并基于耳石日轮技术对其孵化期进行了推算。结果表明: 基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚单位Ⅰ(Cytochrome oxidase subunit Ⅰ, COⅠ)序列构建的系统进化树显示, 采集仔稚鱼为松潘裸鲤(Gymnocypris potanini)。在松潘裸鲤仔稚鱼生长过程中, 微耳石由近圆形发育成贻贝形, 矢耳石由锲形发育为箭矢状。采用温度标记处理松潘裸鲤仔稚鱼, 确定耳石轮纹沉积具有日周期性, 生长轮为日轮。依据耳石日轮数, 结合采样时间及耳石轮纹沉积规律, 并采用大多数裂腹鱼类日龄为日轮数N+1的关系, 推算出2015年松潘裸鲤样本的孵化时间为6月29日至7月15日, 2016年样本孵化时间为7月13日至8月18日, 这些结果为研究松潘裸鲤野生种群繁殖期及其资源保护等提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

大黄鱼仔稚鱼脊柱、胸鳍及尾鳍骨骼系统的发育观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究采用二重染色法对3-28日龄人工培育的大黄鱼Larimichthys crocea(Richardson)仔稚鱼的部分骨骼系统的发育进行观察。结果显示,仔鱼的脊索从6日龄(平均全长MTL3.9mm)开始分节,8-10日龄髓弓、脉弓先后开始发育,14日龄(MTL7.5mm)脊椎骨、髓棘、脉棘均已形成,至28日龄(MTL19.5mm)已发生骨化;大黄鱼仔鱼孵化时,胸鳍的上匙骨、匙骨、后匙骨、支鳍骨原基已形成,27日龄(MTL19.0mm)稚鱼具5块支鳍骨,鳍条发育完整;尾鳍发育以8日龄仔鱼脊索后端腹部2块尾下骨的形成开始,至14日龄仔鱼尾鳍已初具雏形,尾杆骨、尾上骨和尾下骨均发育完全,21日龄稚鱼尾下骨排列成弧状,第三与第四块尾下骨之间的缝隙增大,把尾鳍鳍条分为上下两部分,鳍条分节明显,28日龄稚鱼尾鳍尾杆骨及鳍条发生钙化。    相似文献   

During development of the roach from larvae to adults relative gut length increases from 44 to 104% of the body length. Gut passage rate correlates with gut length, ranging from 2.25 h in larvae to 6.2 h in adults (at 20 ± 1°C). In controlled experiments (20°C, feeding on carp diet) tryptic activity of the gut content increases with the age of the fish. In larvae artificial diet leads to considerable increase of tryptic activity, but to low growth rate and finally to total mortality. The reabsorption of digestive enzymes in the hindgut is efficient only in adults in which tryptic activity in the second half of the intestine is reduced to about 12% of total activity.  相似文献   

匙吻鲟仔稚鱼消化酶发育的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对出膜后0—53d匙吻鲟的酸性蛋白酶、碱性蛋白酶、α-淀粉酶、脂肪酶以及磷酸酶的活性变化进行了测定。匙吻鲟出膜后饲养于室内水泥培育池中,从第3天开始投喂枝角类,之后于第40天将试验鱼转移至池塘。试验材料为受精卵及出膜后第3、第6、第12、第20、第30、第40、第44、第47、第53天仔稚鱼样品。研究发现主要消化酶在出膜时或卵黄期即可检测出活力。碱性蛋白酶和酸性蛋白酶分别在出膜后3d(3DAH)和刚出膜时(0DAH)检测出活力。碱性蛋白酶活力在44DAH达到最大值[(1.96±0.09)U/fish],47DAH出现下降,但在53DAH开始上升,比活力在53DAH达到最大值[(8.84±0.59)U/mg protein]。酸性蛋白酶在44DAH达到最大值[(0.52±0.05)U/fish],比活力在6DAH出现第一个峰值[(2.08±0.09)U/mg protein],并在30DAH出现最小值[(0.83±0.06)U/mg protein]。试验期间碱性蛋白酶活力高于酸性蛋白酶。在12DAH—40DAH期间α-淀粉酶活力相对稳定,并在47DAH达到最大值[(0.42±0.03)U/fish],比活力在12DAH出现一个峰值[(1.18±0.12)U/mg protein],并于47DAH出现最大值[(1.94±0.16)U/mg protein]。发育早期脂肪酶活力较高,活力和比活力分别在30DAH[(0.20±0.02)U/fish]和6DAH[(2.28±0.22)U/mg protein]出现最大值。碱性磷酸酶活力变化趋势与比活力变化趋势相似,但是最大值分别出现在44DAH[(0.08±0.00)U/fish]和30DAH[(1.96±0.15)U/mg protein]。酸性磷酸酶活力在3DAH出现一个峰值[(0.01±0.00)U/fish],之后显著升高,并在44DAH达到最大值[(0.05±0.00)U/fish],其比活分别在30DAH[(1.19±0.10)U/mg protein]和44DAH[(1.10±0.08)U/mg protein]出现两个峰值。结果表明,蛋白酶、α-淀粉酶和磷酸酶随个体发育活力增加,碱性蛋白酶在个体发育早期对蛋白质的消化具有重要作用。养殖环境发生改变时,酸性蛋白酶、α-淀粉酶、碱性磷酸酶和酸性磷酸酶活力在生长减慢时增加,生长加快时降低,而脂肪酶活力则维持稳定。  相似文献   

Hatchlings cuttlefish were reared in the laboratory from hatching until 30 days old, fed with live shrimp, frozen shrimp or fish oil-enriched frozen shrimp. Survival of cuttlefish fed with oil-enriched frozen shrimp was better than in animals receiving live shrimp. However, there was no difference with cuttlefish fed with frozen shrimp, even if survival of those receiving oil-enriched frozen shrimp was always higher all along the experiment. Lower survival in animals fed with live shrimp represented the problem of using such food and confirms the necessity to elaborate an artificial food. Utilization of artemia was detrimental to growth and induced low values of instantaneous growth rate (IGR) and conversion rate even after feeding cuttlefish with shrimp. Nevertheless, growth parameters evolutions generally corresponded to those observed by other researchers. The profile noticed at the end of the experiment is typically observed when cuttlefish acquire their adult digestive system. Main differences were observed between groups fed with live shrimp or oil-enriched frozen shrimp. Enrichment did not induce same growth as in cuttlefish receiving live prey. However, at 20 and 25 days after hatching (DAH), in cuttlefish fed with oil-enriched frozen shrimp, ration was lower for the same growth than in other groups.These data showed capacity of juvenile cuttlefish to adjust their digestive enzyme activities according to the diet and the stage of development. Indeed, chymotrypsin was strongly influenced by enrichment, while other enzymes showed difference between live and frozen preys. Trypsin exhibited regulation by diet after 20 DAH. Freezing seemed to delay development as acid phosphatases, characteristic of first stages of cuttlefish, had lower activity in cuttlefish fed with live shrimp at 10 DAH. Moreover, influence of the stage of development was strong as activities between 20 and 30 DAH were different in all groups. This was in relation with evolution of the digestive system. These data illustrated the difficulty to elaborate optimal diet as digestive system evolves.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic development of the key digestive enzymes of featherback Chitala chitala was assayed during the early development. Amylase, lipase, trypsin and chymotrypsin activities were detected on 1 days after hatch (DAH), (during endotrophic stage) but pepsin activity was detected on 12 DAH (exotrophic phase) correlated with the improvement of gastric secretion at the beginning of flexion stage. The gradual shift of alkaline protease activity (trypsin and chymotrypsin) to more efficient acidic digestion indicated a change in the digestive physiology as a result of metamorphosis acquiring the juvenile characteristic during the postflexion or extrophic phase. The initial high level of amylase (i.e. from 1 DAH to 9 DAH) during endotrophic and endoexotrophic feeding stage could be better explained as a result of programmed gene expression. But a constant decrease in activity after the 12 DAH i.e. on the onset of flexion and exotrophic stage of featherback fish in the present study may be possibly due to the developmental changes in the gut morphology and increased protein level in the tissue. These fluctuations of the enzymatic activities in featherback larvae reflect the ability of the fish to adapt with the diet during ontogenetic shift. This information can lead to the possibility of developing an age specific formulated feed for intensive farming of this new candidate species.  相似文献   

The ontogenesis and specific activities of pancreatic and intestinal enzymes were investigated in sharpsnout sea bream, Diplodus puntazzo, during larval development until the end of weaning on day 50. The green-water technique was carried out for larval rearing in triplicate. Trypsin was first detected as early as hatching and sharply increased related to age and exogenous feeding until day 25, but a sharp decrease was observed towards the end of the experiment. Amylase was determined 2 days after hatching (DAH) and sharply increased to 10 DAH. Afterwards, slight decreases were found between 10 and 20 DAH and then slow alterations were continued until end of the experiment. Lipase was measured for the first time on day 4, and then slight increase was found to 25 DAH. After this date, slow variations were maintained until end of the experiment. Pepsin was firstly assayed 32 DAH related with stomach formation and sharply increased to 40 DAH. Then it was fluctuated until end of the experiment. Enzymes of brush border membranes, alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase N, showed similar pattern on specific activities during the first 10 days. Thereafter, while specific activity of alkaline phosphatase slightly decreased to 15 DAH and fluctuated until 20 DAH, aminopeptidase N activity slowly declined to 20 DAH. Afterwards, activity of alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase N were sharply increased to 30 DAH, showing maturation of the intestinal digestive process and also these activities continued to slight increase until end of the experiment. The specific activity of cytosolic peptidase, leucine-alanine peptidase sharply increased to on day 8, then suddenly declined to 12 DAH and further decreased until 20 DAH. After this date, in contrast to enzymes of brush border membranes, it sharply decreased to 25 DAH and continued to gradually decline until the end of the experiment. These converse expressions were indicative of a maturation of enterocytes and the transition to an adult mode of digestion.  相似文献   

利用光学显微技术和透射电镜技术,观察和研究了出膜后1-35日龄黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)仔稚鱼的胃肠发育.水温为23-25℃时,2日龄仔稚鱼的消化道分化出口咽腔、食道、胃、肠;3日龄肠道分化为前肠、中肠、后肠.3日龄黄颡鱼开口摄食时其胃贲门部黏膜层下出现胃腺,为已有鱼类研究报道中胃腺最早出现的日龄.超微结构显示3日龄胃腺细胞中可见胃蛋白酶原颗粒和丰富的管泡系统,为典型的泌酸胃酶细胞;随日龄增加,胃蛋白酶原颗粒越来越丰富而管泡系统越来越不明显.3日龄时前肠吸收细胞胞质中可见脂肪泡,后肠吸收细胞胞质中可见蛋白质胞饮体.直到25日龄后肠吸收细胞胞质中尚可见蛋白质胞饮体.以七结果表明黄颡鱼在3日龄开口摄食时消化道具备细胞外消化功能,但此功能不完善,期间继续通过胞饮作用等细胞内消化来弥补胞外消化的不足,直到25-30日龄后细胞外消化功能发育完善.采用符合其生理机能发育过程的投喂管理策略可以有效提高大规格苗种培育的成活率.  相似文献   

【目的】明确氯虫苯甲酰胺对沟金针虫Pleonomus canaliculatus亚致死效应的生理生化机制,阐明氯虫苯甲酰胺低致死剂量对沟金针虫食物利用、能量物质含量以及体内消化酶、保护酶和解毒酶活力的影响。【方法】室内采用土壤混药法测定氯虫苯甲酰胺对沟金针虫3龄幼虫毒力,并测定了氯虫苯甲酰胺LC10, LC25和LC40低致死剂量对沟金针虫3龄幼虫营养指标和体内能量物质含量的影响;采用酶动力学法检测了氯虫苯甲酰胺低致死剂量处理1, 6, 12, 24, 48和72 h后沟金针虫3龄幼虫体内消化酶(蛋白酶、α-淀粉酶、脂肪酶、海藻糖酶)、保护酶(CAT, POD和SOD)以及解毒酶(CarE, MFO和GST)活力的动态变化。【结果】氯虫苯甲酰胺对沟金针虫3龄幼虫有较高毒力,其LC50值为1.2397 mg/kg。LC10和LC40剂量氯虫苯甲酰胺处理沟金针虫3龄幼虫后,平均相对生长率(MRGR)和近似消化率(AD)显著降低,严重干扰其对食物的利用;LC10, LC25和LC40剂量处理后沟金针虫3龄幼虫体内主要的能量物质(蛋白质、脂质、碳水化合物、海藻糖)含量和消化酶活力均明显降低,而解毒酶和保护酶活力显著增加,最终延缓其生长发育。【结论】氯虫苯甲酰胺对沟金针虫幼虫具有很高的杀虫活性,低致死剂量氯虫苯甲酰胺处理沟金针虫幼虫后,通过抑制消化酶活性,使其对食物的利用能力降低和生长发育延缓,以及诱导解毒酶和保护酶活性来阻止外界毒物侵害。研究结果为阐明氯虫苯甲酰胺对沟金针虫的亚致死效应机制及作用机理提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the digestive tract was studied histologically and histochemically in sharpsnout sea bream Diplodus puntazzo from hatching (0 DAH, Days After Hatching) until day 57 (57 DAH). At hatching, the digestive tract appeared as a histologically undifferentiated straight tube lying dorsally to the yolk sac. When the mouth opened at 3 DAH, the digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharynx, oesophagus, incipient stomach and intestine. The pancreas, liver and gall bladder were also differentiated at this stage and both the bile and pancreatic duct had opened into the anterior intestine. Active feeding began in 50% of larvae at 4 DAH, although permanence of yolk reserves until 7 DAH suggests a period of both endogenous and exogenous feeding. Nutrient absorption was first visible from 5 DAH, as colourless supra- and infranuclear vacuoles in the anterior intestinal mucosa, suggesting a lipid content, as well as supranuclear, eosinophilic vacuoles, containing protein, in the posterior intestinal mucosa. Early caecal development could be detected from 10 DAH, whereas gastric glands appeared at 30 DAH, indicating the transition from larval to juvenile stage and the acquisition of an adult mode of digestion. Goblet cells appeared in the digestive tract of sharpsnout sea bream larvae shortly after first feeding. The mucus content of goblet cells varied with the digestive region and, in the buccal cavity and oesophagus, also with the developmental phase. This study provides knowledge for better husbandry practices in the aquaculture industry, as well as for the implementation of future nutritional studies.  相似文献   

Natural populations of alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) have declined recentlydue to the effects of commercial and sportfisheries. Aquaculture represents a short-termalternative to restore natural populations, anda first step to accomplish culture of thisspecies is the study of early life stages.Therefore, multidisciplinary research was usedto describe the major morpho-physiologicalchanges taking place during this period. Thestudies serve as a basis for the introductionof artificial diets for culture. Amorphological study distinguished differentnutritional stages, as well as externalindicators of starvation. A histologicalapproach showed the digestive tract to becompletely formed 5 days after hatching (DAH),at the beginning of exogenous feeding.Throughout larval development, intestinalmaturation was followed and a nutritionalindicator based on the mid-gut cell height wasvalidated. The occurrence of pepsin-likeproteolytic activity was detected from fiveDAH, while trypsin, chimiotrypsin andaminopeptidase-like activities graduallyincreased from two to nine DAH. The incidenceof cannibalism in culture conditions wascontrolled by exposure to anti-thyroidcompounds (thiourea – TU) to retard snoutgrowth. This treatment did not effect growthand allowed juveniles to feed on live prey butprevented the consumption of gar larvae of thesame size. Larvae exposed to3,3,5-triiodo-1-thyronine (T3) had fasterdevelopment, a potentially advantageouscharacteristic for the repopulation of theirnatural habitat. Finally, artificial feeds werewell accepted and resulted in growth ratessimilar to those of gar larvae that were fednatural prey. This has allowed the developmentof a feeding strategy that effectively reducedcannibalism and led to the production of 30 cmjuveniles in four months.  相似文献   

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