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高寒草甸灭鼠后鼠兔和鼢鼠数量恢复的数学模型   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
灭鼠后残鼠种群的恢复研究具有重要意义。为使防治工作更有效,1976—1980年,我们在青海省门源县海北高寒草甸生态系统定位研究站调查了高原鼠兔和中华鼢鼠的种群恢复过程,发现灭鼠后残鼠数量按逻辑斯蒂曲线增长。 残鼠数量恢复时间t与种群返回时间t_r呈正比。灭鼠后数量恢复时间可按下式估计: 每年杀灭种群一定比例,残鼠数量恢复的数学模型如下; 每年杀灭一定数量,残鼠数量恢复的模型如下: 高原鼠兔和中华鼢鼠的残鼠种群恢复速度不同。根据上述数学模型估计,高原鼠兔数量恢复较快,丽中华鼢鼠较慢,因此,其最适灭鼠率也不相同。若每年杀灭一次,对于高原鼠兔,杀灭率必须在80%以上,对于中华鼢鼠,必须在70%以上。  相似文献   

短效不育剂控制下季节性繁殖害鼠种群的动态模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害鼠给人类带来很大的危害,人们可以利用杀鼠剂和不育剂对其进行控制.害鼠在摄食不育剂后导致不育,但有时不育鼠会恢复生育能力,生育后代,使种群规模增大.本文建立了灭杀控制和短效不育控制下害鼠种群的动态模型,在模型中每隔固定时间施行两种控制,在害鼠的繁殖具有季节性的前提下,分析了模型的形态以及害鼠不育率、灭杀率、控制间隔、不育剂有效期等参数对种群动态的影响.结果表明: 较高的不育率和灭杀率,以及较短的控制间隔会达到更好的控制效果,可以使种群较小,甚至灭绝.短效不育剂限制了不育剂在控制害鼠上的作用,也降低了控制的效果.在使用短效不育剂控制害鼠的情况下,在繁殖季节后期,害鼠种群会有小的恢复.  相似文献   

利用不育技术防治高原鼠兔的理论模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高原鼠兔数量的激增加剧了高寒草甸的退化,采取化学灭杀的方法控制高原鼠兔,只能暂时降低高原鼠兔的数量,在较短的时间内种群又会恢复到原来的水平。本文从理论上探讨不育控制对高原鼠兔种群的影响,建立了具有性别结构的高原鼠兔种群的数学模型,探讨在不育控制中两性的不育率对种群动态的影响并比较不育控制与化学灭杀的区别。结果表明:不育控制比化学灭杀在抑制和消灭种群上都具有更好的效果;在不育控制中雌性的不育率具有更为重要的作用,所以在利用不育技术控制高原鼠兔时要特别注意雌性不育率。  相似文献   

"社会-经济-自然复合生态系统"中的鼠害治理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张美文  王勇  李波  陈安国 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):250-258
在自然生态系统中,鼠类并非完全有害,作为生态系统中的一个组成部分和物流与能流的一环,有其存在的必然性。只有在与人类的生活和生产发生冲突时,鼠类才表现出其危害,生态系统的失衡是鼠类暴发成灾最根本的原因。目前,害鼠对工农业生产造成严重的危害,并威胁着人们的身体健康,害鼠防治的异化则对生态环境造成严重的影响。对鼠害的治理是一项社会性的工程,当地政府的政策法令、组织管理、人们的科学化素质以及科技普及程度,对害鼠的控制有着重要的作用。从长远发展来讲,随着社会的进步,经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,害鼠种群数量将会受到控制而趋于下降。但中短期而言,社会经济建设的某些活动可能引发局部或大面积害鼠种群的暴发。因此在实施那些措施时,若能注意害鼠种群的发生发展,或对有关项目可能对鼠类生存环境的影响进行预测,并采取有效措施控制害鼠种群,将会减少害鼠带来的各种损失,更有利于我们的经济建设。由此提出,可适时地采用“社会—经济—自然复合生态系统”的思维,并关注目前社会经济活动中重大举措对鼠类群落的影响,科学地制定鼠害控制对策。  相似文献   

利用不育技术防治高原鼠兔的理论模行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘汉武  周立  刘伟  周华坤 《生态学杂志》2008,27(7):1238-1243
高原鼠兔数量的激增加剧了高寒草甸的退化,采取化学灭杀的方法控制高原鼠兔,只能暂时降低高原鼠兔的数量,在较短的时间内种群又会恢复到原来的水平.本文从理论上探讨不育控制对高原鼠兔种群的影响,建立了具有性别结构的高原鼠兔种群的数学模型,探讨在不育控制中两性的不育率对种群动态的影响并比较不育控制与化学灭杀的区别.结果表明:不育控制比化学灭杀在抑制和消灭种群上都具有更好的效果;在不育控制中雌性的不育率具有更为重要的作用,所以在利用不育技术控制高原鼠兔时要特别注意雌性不育率.  相似文献   

黄毛鼠种群数量季节变动及其影响因素的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
黄毛鼠是农业、卫生保健事业的主要害鼠之一,其种群数量的季节变动明显地表现为初春的数量上升,夏秋季低数量和冬季持续高数量3个阶段。数量消长曲线呈马鞍形。 菜地是黄毛鼠良好的栖息地,鼠密度终年多保持在较高的水平;旱地的鼠密度稍高;水田的鼠密度较低。 黄毛鼠种群数量的季节变动主要是种群的繁殖力和年龄组成变化的反映,同时又受到气候条件和农业生产活动的制约。  相似文献   

北京地区黑线仓鼠年龄鉴定及种群年龄组成的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
张洁 《兽类学报》1985,5(2):141
鼠类种群年龄组成的研究是种群生态学的基础内容。种群年龄组成的变化,直接关系到鼠类数量的波动。黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis)是北京地区农田的主要害鼠之一,为探讨该鼠种在农田生态系统中的作用,并控制其危害,研究其种群年龄组成及变化是非常必要的。  相似文献   

达乌尔黄鼠的食性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
达乌尔黄鼠(Citellus dauricus mongolicus Milne-Edwards)是重要的牧业害鼠,研究其食物组成及其季节性变化,有助于评价对牧业生产危害程度,了解它和种群数量变动关系,为选择毒饵和有利的毒杀季节,控制害鼠数量提供依据。 对达乌尔黄鼠食性研究,仅零散在一些报道中(寿振黄等,1962年;夏重志等,1965  相似文献   

认识高原鼠兔Ochotona curzoniae在草地退化中的角色和地位,对于加强高寒草甸生态系统高原鼠兔种群管理具有重要的意义。以高原鼠兔有效洞穴密度为调查对象,根据所调查的12个样地遴选出4个不同鼠洞等级的研究样地去评估鼠兔数量和植物生物量变化之间的关系。主要结论如下:高原鼠兔活动并非引起草地退化的原因,而是作为草地退化的标志性信号,然而高频度的鼠兔活动会加剧草地逆向演替的进程。因此,一些综合措施诸如减少牲畜数量、动态的轮牧、草地恢复管理技术、社区参与式管理等可以有效提高草地生产力和防止鼠害爆发。对各类型退化草地进行综合治理时,应加强对害鼠种群动态的监测,当种群密度超过经济阈值或达到高密度种群时,应急性、常规性灭鼠工作才可以实施,为重度型退化草地重建、植被恢复和土壤发育提供可能性。  相似文献   

生态恢复状态下天敌对小菜蛾的自然控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过组建不同防治措施下的小菜蛾自然种群生命表,结果表明,化学防治区小菜蛾自然种群趋势指数为52.52;在生态恢复区,天敌因子对目标害虫的自然控制作用得到恢复和增强,连续4个世代的小菜蛾种群趋势指数分别为16.9、7.16、3.71和4.02,其种群数量的发展得到有效地抑制.影响小菜蛾春季第一、第二、第三及第四代种群数量的重要因子分别为绒茧蜂寄生、4龄幼虫的捕食及其它、赤眼蜂寄生和绒茧蜂寄生,其相应的排除作用控制指数分别为1.39、1.56、1.74和1.54.从天敌与小菜蛾种群相互作用的过程来看,前者对后者的控制作用表现出明显的时滞效应,其种群数量的发展需要一个累积过程.能否采取积极的田间保护、增强措施,将是充分发挥天敌控害潜能的关键因素之一.  相似文献   

黄惠敏  王廷正 《兽类学报》1999,19(3):221-226
棕色田鼠是河南西部农作区的主要危害鼠种。1993年8月~1995年3月在河南省灵宝市程村乡对棕色田鼠的密度及其对农作物的危害程度进行了调查研究 , 并对小麦、黄豆2种不同作物地防治棕色田鼠的经济阈值进行了初步估算。把棕色田鼠对这2种作物的危害分为4个等级, 小麦地防治棕色田鼠的经济阈值为133.9只/hm2; 黄豆地防治棕色田鼠的经济 阈值为181.1 只/hm2,达到此密度应进行防治,否则将造成不同程度的经济损失。  相似文献   

鼠类对敌鼠钠盐的敏感性与耐性的初步研究及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敌鼠钠盐在近几年来已逐步推广使用,并取得较好的效果。一些作者曾用敌鼠钠盐对长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)、高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)及小白鼠等作过毒力测定和现场灭鼠(夏武平1976,何新桥等1973),但对于我国常见的广布鼠种对敌鼠钠盐的敏感性和耐性方面的研究报告,仍为少见。耐性指中毒未死,抗药性增强,是后天获得的。为了正确合理地使用这一毒鼠剂,以利灭鼠工作的顺利开展,我们于1975年夏初曾以我国各地较常见的黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、黄胸鼠(Rattus flavipectus)和褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)为实验动物,对这方面问题进行初步探讨,现报告如下。  相似文献   

内蒙古草场鼠害的基本特征及其生态对策   总被引:31,自引:8,他引:23  
天然草场是发展畜牧业的重要基地。本区草场面积辽阔,资源丰富,具有很大的生产潜力。对于此类可再生资源的利用和保护,从东部的草原草场到西部荒漠草场,目前均还存在不同程度的草场退化、沙化以及与此有关的鼠害问题。鼠患严重地区,如呼伦贝尔草原,据有关单位1971-1982年统计资料,在布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)种群数量增长年份,受害草场达可利用面积的54%;一般年份亦有10-20%。  相似文献   

Plutonium is not uniformly distributed in testicular tissues; thus some cell populations may receive larger or smaller radiation exposures than would be expected if the nuclide were uniformly distributed. The distributions of cell populations within alpha-particle range of Pu deposits in rat and beagle testes were determined. The data were collected from autoradiographs of testicular tissues containing 241Pu. A cell distribution factor (CDF) was determined for each cell population and is defined as the average number of each cell type within alpha-particle range of each observed Pu deposit relative to the number of each cell type that would be expected within alpha-particle range of each Pu deposit, if the deposits were distributed uniformly. In addition, the percentage of the spermatogonial stem cell population within alpha-particle range of Pu deposits was determined. In rats, the CDF for the spermatogonial stem cells is about 2.2. This value is similar to other enhancement and inhomogeneity factors reported for rodents in the literature. In beagles the CDFs to all cells in the seminiferous epithelium were less than the rats. In addition, the percentage of spermatogonial cells within alpha-particle range of Pu concentrations in the interstitial tissues was a factor of about 3 less in the dog than in the rat. The largest CDFs seen in both species were in the interstitial tissues, particularly for Leydig cells. Because the organization of testicular tissues in the beagle is quite different from rodents but more similar to human, the results from this study suggest that extrapolations from rodents to humans may tend to overestimate the potential for radiation exposure to spermatogonial stem cells as well as the fraction of the spermatogonial stem cell population at risk to exposure from internally deposited 239Pu.  相似文献   

Abstract  The effect of chemical insecticides on the structure and diversity of arthropod communities in various vegetable fields and the restoration of their biodiversity after stopping application of chemical insecticides were studied. The results showed that the effect of chemical insecticides on the arthropods in vegetable fields could be characterized the species structure, the diversity index and the evenness of species distribution. Components of arthpod species depended closely on the species number of insect pests, predatory natural enemies and spiders. Investigations showed that the numbers of species in the vegetable fields managed with chemical insecticides were obviously reduced, and their diversity indices were lower comparing with that without chemical insecticides. When the applications of chemical insecticides were stopped in vegetable fields, the index of population trend ( I ) of dominant insect pests decreased greatly, the control effect of natural enemies on major insect pests increased, and the diversity index of arthropod increased at the same time. Thus, limiting the application of chemical insecticides, resuming the environment of vegetable fields destroyed by using chemical insecticides, escalating the control ability of natural enemies on main insect pests will play an important role in the ecological control of insect pests in vegetable fields.  相似文献   

菜田节肢动物群落特征及其多样性恢复的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了化学杀虫剂对菜田节肢动物群落结构和多样性的影响以及停止化学杀虫剂使用后多样性的恢复,结果表明化学杀虫剂对菜田节肢动物群落的物种组成,多样性指数及物种分布的均匀性等均有影响,菜田节肢动物群落结构变化同害虫类,捕食性天敌和蜘蛛类的特征变化关系密切,经常使用化学杀虫剂的菜田与停止使用后的菜田相比,物种数量显减少,多样性指数降低,停止化学杀虫剂使用后,优势害虫的种群趋势指数明显降低,大敌对主要害虫的控制作用增强,节肢动物多样性指数增大,因此,限制化学杀虫剂的使用,恢复由于化学杀虫剂的使用而破坏了菜田环境,增强天敌对主要害虫的控制能力,这在菜田害虫生态控制中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

洞庭丘岗平原区农村鼠类群落演替的观察   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
郭聪  陈安国 《兽类学报》1992,12(4):294-301
本文描述和分析了洞庭丘岗平原区鼠类群落的演替趋势及演替原因。80年代以前,该地房舍区鼠类群落组成以黄胸鼠及小家鼠为主,种群数量均较低。80年代初期,种植业、饲养业大发展,农户贮粮及防鼠设施未跟上,致使褐家鼠数量激增。80年代中后期,贮粮和住房条件改善,并经常使用敌鼠钠盐灭鼠,褐家鼠的种群数量下降,室内鼠类组成正向以小家鼠为主的方向演替。80年代初期农田区褐家鼠的比例亦上升,中期回归到以黑线姬鼠为主的状态。预测今后小家鼠和黑线姬鼠的比例将进一步上升,成为今后主要防治对象。  相似文献   

地下鼠生物学特征及其在生态系统中的作用   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
张堰铭  刘季科 《兽类学报》2002,22(2):144-154
地下鼠生活型、行为、种群结构的特殊性,决定了此类动物对植被、土壤及生态系统作用的多样性。地下挖能改变土壤的物理环境,导致土壤类型、发育速率、营养可利用性、微地形等的变化。地下啃食直接影响植物的形态、丰富度、种间竞争、植被类型和物种多样性、生物是及群落组成构成等,植物对植食性动物的防御策略具有更明显的化学防卫特性。地下鼠与其他植食性动物种间竞争、空间利用等关系密切,是食肉动物重要的食物资源。地下鼠对生态系统生产力、空间异质性、营养结构和循环、碳素储存以及微量气体释放等生物地球化学过程均能产生影响,显示出有别于地面植食性动物的重要性和不可替代性。  相似文献   

Mating tactics in species with facultative polygyny seem to be very flexible and to depend on local environmental conditions. We analysed the habitat and population contexts of territorial behaviour, associated with polygyny, in a population of Sedge Warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus inhabiting natural wetlands. Nearly one-third of all breeding males (46 individuals) resumed song after completing their mating with the first female, in order to attract another one. Resuming males were usually the earliest arrivals. There was a continuity in the territorial behaviour between resuming song on first territory and polyterritorial behaviour. Fifty-nine percent of resuming males set up second territories, clearly separated from the first. The second territory was usually located close to the primary female activity area. The quality of the first and second territories were correlated, with second territories being significantly inferior. However, their quality was not significantly different from the territories of non-breeding males. The quality of the second territories was also negatively related to the distance from the first territories. Polyterritorialism was influenced by population numbers: the higher the number of territorial males, the lower the number of second territories settled and the lower their average quality. Although the polygyny frequency in the studied population was very low, polyterritorial males were significantly more likely to be polygynous. We concluded that polygyny frequency can be significantly influenced by population numbers, which might be one of the main factors responsible for the variability in the mating system in this species.  相似文献   

Self-replication of somatostatin cells in the antral mucosa of rodents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possibility that antral somatostatin cells have a self-replicating activity has been studied in three species of rodents: mice, rats and guinea-pigs, after a flash tritiated thymidine injection. The immunocytochemical staining of somatostatin cells, using specific antiserum, was combined with radioautographic procedures. The labelling index for somatostatin cells--and for gastrin cells identified on serial sections--was established after counting a large number of cells at the optical microscope level, on parallel tissue strips removed throughout the entire antrum. A significant percentage of the somatostatin cell population synthesized DNA. Values were similar for the three species of rodents ranging from 0.8 to 1.1%, that is slightly higher than the percentage of labelled gastrin cells, which was 0.67-0.7%. After a 36-hr continuous infusion of radioactive precursor in one rat, the labelling index observed remained low; 2.33% for somatostatin cells and 1.68% for gastrin cells. Colchicine injection in mice allowed the observation of mitotic figures in well differentiated somatostatin cells. Four hours after that injection, the mitotic index was estimated roughly at 0.3%. Thus, evidence has been presented that in rodents a fraction of the antral somatostatin cell population is capable of dividing, similar to the situation in gastrin cells.  相似文献   

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