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A multitude of signalling pathways are involved in the process of forming an eye. Here we demonstrate that β-catenin is essential for eye development as inactivation of β-catenin prior to cellular specification in the optic vesicle caused anophthalmia in mice. By achieving this early and tissue-specific β-catenin inactivation we find that retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) commitment was blocked and eye development was arrested prior to optic cup formation due to a loss of canonical Wnt signalling in the dorsal optic vesicle. Thus, these results show that Wnt/β-catenin signalling is required earlier and play a more central role in eye development than previous studies have indicated. In our genetic model system a few RPE cells could escape β-catenin inactivation leading to the formation of a small optic rudiment. The optic rudiment contained several neural retinal cell classes surrounded by an RPE. Unlike the RPE cells, the neural retinal cells could be β-catenin-negative revealing that differentiation of the neural retinal cell classes is β-catenin-independent. Moreover, although dorsoventral patterning is initiated in the mutant optic vesicle, the neural retinal cells in the optic rudiment displayed almost exclusively ventral identity. Thus, β-catenin is required for optic cup formation, commitment to RPE cells and maintenance of dorsal identity of the retina.  相似文献   

The formation of the vertebrate optic cup is a morphogenetic event initiated after the optic vesicle contacts the overlying surface/pre-lens ectoderm. Placodes form in both the optic neuroepithelium and lens ectoderm. Subsequently, both placodes invaginate to form the definitive optic cup and lens, respectively. We examined the role of the lens tissue in inducing and/or maintaining optic cup invagination in ovo. Lens tissue was surgically removed at various stages of development, from pre-lens ectoderm stages to invaginating lens placode. Removal of the pre-lens ectoderm resulted in persistent optic vesicles that initiated neural retinal differentiation but failed to invaginate. In striking contrast, ablation of the lens placode gave rise to optic vesicles that underwent invagination and formed the optic cup. The results suggest that: (1) the optic vesicle neuroepithelium requires a temporally specific association with pre-lens ectoderm in order to undergo optic cup morphogenesis; and (2) the optic cup can form in the absence of lens formation. If ectopic BMP is added, a neural retina does not develop and optic cup morphogenesis fails, although lens formation appears normal. FGF-induced neural retina differentiation in the absence of the pre-lens ectoderm is not sufficient to create an optic cup. We hypothesize the presence of a signal coming from the pre-lens ectoderm that induces the optic vesicle to form an optic cup.  相似文献   

采用组织学方法观察了胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus) 眼的发生过程, 结果显示: 胭脂鱼眼的发育经历了眼原基形成期、眼囊形成期、视杯形成期、晶体板形成期、晶体囊形成期、角膜原基形成期、角膜上皮形成期、视网膜细胞增殖期、晶状体成熟期、眼色素形成期以及眼成型期等11个时期。视网膜发育最早, 起始于眼原基的形成, 直至眼成型期分化完成, 形成了厚度不一的8层细胞, 由内向外依次为神经纤维层、神经细胞层、内网层、内核层、外网层、外核层、视杆视锥层和色素上皮层, 且发育历时最长, 约264h。晶状体的发育在视网膜之后, 始于晶体板的形成, 于出膜前期成熟, 发育历时最短, 约74h。角膜发育最晚, 始于角膜原基的形成, 出膜1 d分化为透明的成熟角膜, 发育历时约96h。出膜4 d仔鱼眼色素沉积明显, 视网膜各层分化明显, 晶状体内部完全纤维化, 眼的形态结构基本发育完全。  相似文献   

The ventral region of the chick embryo optic cup undergoes a complex process of differentiation leading to the formation of four different structures: the neural retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the optic disk/optic stalk, and the pecten oculi. Signaling molecules such as retinoic acid and sonic hedgehog have been implicated in the regulation of these phenomena. We have now investigated whether the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) also regulate ventral optic cup development. Loss-of-function experiments were carried out in chick embryos in ovo, by intraocular overexpression of noggin, a protein that binds several BMPs and prevents their interactions with their cognate cell surface receptors. At optic vesicle stages of development, this treatment resulted in microphthalmia with concomitant disruption of the developing neural retina, RPE and lens. At optic cup stages, however, noggin overexpression caused colobomas, pecten agenesis, replacement of the ventral RPE by neuroepithelium-like tissue, and ectopic expression of optic stalk markers in the region of the ventral retina and RPE. This was frequently accompanied by abnormal growth of ganglion cell axons, which failed to enter the optic nerve. The data suggest that endogenous BMPs have significant effects on the development of ventral optic cup structures.  相似文献   

The lens influences retinal growth and differentiation during vertebrate eye development but the mechanisms are not understood. The role of the lens in retinal growth and development was studied in the teleost Astyanax mexicanus, which has eyed surface-dwelling (surface fish) and blind cave-dwelling (cavefish) forms. A lens and laminated retina initially develop in cavefish embryos, but the lens dies by apoptosis. The cavefish retina is subsequently disorganized, apoptotic cells appear, the photoreceptor layer degenerates, and retinal growth is arrested. We show here by PCNA, BrdU, and TUNEL labeling that cell proliferation continues in the adult cavefish retina but the newly born cells are removed by apoptosis. Surface fish to cavefish lens transplantation, which restores retinal growth and rod cell differentiation, abolished apoptosis in the retina but not in the RPE. Surface fish lens deletion did not cause apoptosis in the surface fish retina or affect RPE differentiation. Neither lens transplantation in cavefish nor lens deletion in surface fish affected retinal cell proliferation. We conclude that the lens acts in concert with another optic component, possibly the RPE, to promote retinal cell survival. Accordingly, deficiency in both optic structures may lead to eye degeneration in cavefish.  相似文献   

The role of the lens in early eye development was examined in transgenic mice carrying the cytotoxic diphtheria toxin A gene driven by hamster alpha A-crystallin promoter sequences. Mice hemizygous for this construct are microphthalmic and contain a vacuolated and highly disorganized lens, whereas adult homozygous mice are completely ablated of the lens and lack a pupil, aqueous and posterior chamber, vitreous humor, iris, and ciliary body and show extensive convolution of the sensory retina. Developmental analysis of animals homozygous for the transgene revealed that the optic cup and lens vesicle form normally and that ablation of the lens occurs as a gradual degenerative process beginning between Days 12 and 13 of gestation. Degeneration of the lens vesicle coincides with retarded growth and development of the neuroretina, sclera, and cornea. The anterior lip of the optic cup fails to differentiate into the normal epithelium of the iris and ciliary body and the vitreous body does not develop. Although the retinal layers apparently form normally, retinal folding becomes prominent following lens degeneration. These results suggest that development of a functional lens from Embryonic Day 12.5 onward is critical for formation of the ciliary epithelium, iris, and vitreous body, as well as for appropriate growth, development, and maintenance of morphology of the retina, cornea, sclera, and optic nerve. Our results also provide information on the time course of DT-A-mediated cell destruction in vivo and are discussed in context with previous lens ablation studies and the importance of developmental analysis for interpretation of the extent to which morphogenetic aberrations are concurrent with or secondary to genetic ablation of the target tissue.  相似文献   

The role of cell death during morphogenesis of the mammalian eye   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Serial sections of embryonic rat eyes were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, quantified (by counting pycnotic and viable nuclei), reproduced by camera lucida on wax plates, and moulded into reconstructions in order to study the normal progression of cellular death during morphogenesis. At least nine distinct necrotic loci (A through I) can be distinguished. Immediately following contact between the retina and surface ectoderm (day 11) degenerating cells were observed in (A) the ventral extent of the optic vesicle, beginning in the mid-retinal primordium and continuing ventrally in the optic stalk, (B) in the rostral optic stalk base, and (C) in the surface ectoderm encircling the early lens placode. No degeneration was observed in the dorsal half of the presumptive retina, in the entire pigment epithelium, or in the lens placode proper. During day 11.5 the lens placode thickens and forms a degenerating locus (D) in its ventral portion opposite the underlying pycnotic zone in the retina (A). During day 12 the ventral pycnotic zone (A) divides into two subunits (A1 and A2). Invagination of the lens displaces its marginal and ventral components (C and D) so that they come to occupy the lens pore area and presumptive corneal epithelium. Simultaneous invagination of the retinal rudiment juxtaposes the pigment epithelium which concurrently forms a necrotic area (E) adjacent ventrally to that in the retina (A1). Degeneration appears in the caudal optic stalk (I). The density of viable cells decreases adjacent to pycnotic areas in the retina and pigment epithelium and increases within these death centers. During day 13 the optic fissure forms within the subunits of the ventral pycnotic zone (A1 and A2). Degenerations are seen in the dorsal optic stalk (F) and in the walls of the optic fissure (G and H). Throughout these stages necrosis appears only in those portions of the eye rudiment where invagination is either retarded or completely absent. In part, these observations suggest that cell death serves (1) to retard or inhibit invagination within death centers, (2) to integrate the series of invaginations which mould the dorsal optic cup and optic fissure, (3) to assist formation of the pigment epithelium monolayer, and (4) to orient the lens vesicle within the eye cup. The spatio-temporal relationship between necrotic loci suggests that pycnotic cells in the retina may influence their production in the lens and pigment epithelium. Preliminary observations on the mouse, pig, and human substantiate those on the rat.  相似文献   

During eye development, retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) and neural retina (NR) arise from a common origin, the optic vesicle. One of the early distinctions of RPE from NR is the reduced mitotic activity of the RPE. Growth arrest specific gene 1 (Gas1) has been documented to inhibit cell cycle progression in vitro (G. Del Sal et al., 1992, Cell 70, 595--607). We show here that the expression pattern of Gas1 in the eye supports its negative role in RPE proliferation. To test this hypothesis, we generated a mouse carrying a targeted mutation in the Gas1 locus. Gas1 mutant mice have microphthalmia. Histological examination revealed that the remnant mutant eyes are ingressed from the surface with minimal RPE and lens, and disorganized eyelid, cornea, and NR. Analysis of the Gas1 mutant indicates that there is overproliferation of the outer layer of optic cup (E10.5) immediately after the initial specification of the RPE. This defect is specific to the ventral region of the RPE. Using molecular markers for RPE (Mi and Tyrp2) and NR (Math5), we demonstrate that there is a gradual loss of Mi and Tyrp2 expression and an appearance of Math5 expression in the mutant ventral RPE region, indicating that this domain becomes respecified to NR. This "ectopic" NR develops as a mirror image of the normal NR and is entirely of ventral identity. Our data not only support Gas1's function in regulating cell proliferation, but also uncover an unexpected regional-specific cell fate change associated with dysregulated growth. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the dorsal and ventral RPEs are maintained by distinct genetic components.  相似文献   

Upon morphogenesis, the simple neuroepithelium of the optic vesicle gives rise to four basic tissues in the vertebrate optic cup: pigmented epithelium, sensory neural retina, secretory ciliary body and muscular iris. Pigmented epithelium and neural retina are established through interactions with specific environments and signals: periocular mesenchyme/BMP specifies pigmented epithelium and surface ectoderm/FGF specifies neural retina. The anterior portions (iris and ciliary body) are specified through interactions with lens although the molecular mechanisms of induction have not been deciphered. As lens is a source of FGF, we examined whether this factor was involved in inducing ciliary body. We forced the pigmented epithelium of the embryonic chick eye to express FGF4. Infected cells and their immediate neighbors were transformed into neural retina. At a distance from the FGF signal, the tissue transitioned back into pigmented epithelium. Ciliary body tissue was found in the transitioning zone. The ectopic ciliary body was never in contact with the lens tissue. In order to assess the contribution of the lens on the specification of normal ciliary body, we created optic cups in which the lens had been removed while still pre-lens ectoderm. Ciliary body tissue was identified in the anterior portion of lens-less optic cups. We propose that the ciliary body may be specified at optic vesicle stages, at the same developmental stage when the neural retina and pigmented epithelium are specified and we present a model as to how this could be accomplished through overlapping BMP and FGF signals.  相似文献   

河川沙塘鳢视觉器官的发育及其与摄食的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用光学显微镜观察了河川沙塘鳢(Odontobutis potamophila)视觉器官的发育,并对其发育与摄食的关系进行了研究。河川沙塘鳢的眼囊起源于神经外胚层。当胚胎发育至心跳期时,眼囊内陷形成视杯;之后,视杯内表面的外胚层形成晶状体而与视杯分离,视杯进一步发育形成视网膜。随着胚胎的进一步发育,晶状体的直径增加,结构逐步发育完善。胚胎发育至眼黑色素出现期时,视网膜分化为6层,其中,外核层、内核层和神经节细胞层3个核层明显;胚胎发育至孵化前期时,视网膜已分化为10层。孵出后1d的仔鱼,其视网膜已能行使功能,仔鱼逐渐开口摄食。随着稚、幼鱼的发育,视网膜厚度进一步增加,结构发育完善。视网膜的结构和视觉特性显示河川沙塘鳢是要求光照条件好、白昼活动并具有较好视觉功能的鱼类。  相似文献   

The specification of embryonic cells to produce the retina begins at early embryonic stages as a multi-step process that gradually restricts fate potentials. First, a subset of embryonic cells becomes competent to form retina by their lack of expression of endo-mesoderm-specifying genes. From these cells, a more restricted subset is biased to form retina by virtue of their close proximity to sources of bone morphogenetic protein antagonists during neural induction. During gastrulation, the definitive RSCs (retinal stem cells) are specified as the eye field by interactions with underlying mesoderm and the expression of a network of retina-specifying genes. As the eye field is transformed into the optic vesicle and optic cup, a heterogeneous population of RPCs (retinal progenitor cells) forms to give rise to the different domains of the retina: the optic stalk, retinal pigmented epithelium and neural retina. Further diversity of RPCs appears to occur under the influences of cell-cell interactions, cytokines and combinations of regulatory genes, leading to the differentiation of a multitude of different retinal cell types. This review examines what is known about each sequential step in retinal specification during normal vertebrate development, and how that knowledge will be important to understand how RSCs might be manipulated for regenerative therapies to treat retinal diseases.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that retinoic acid (RA) synthesized by the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2) is required in forebrain development. Deficiency in RA due to inactivation of the mouse Raldh2 gene or to complete absence of retinoids in vitamin-A-deficient (VAD) quails, leads to abnormal morphogenesis of various forebrain derivatives. In this study we show that double Raldh2/Raldh3 mouse mutants have a more severe phenotype in the craniofacial region than single null mutants. In particular, the nasal processes are truncated and the eye abnormalities are exacerbated. It has been previously shown that retinoids act mainly on cell proliferation and survival in the ventral forebrain by regulating SHH and FGF8 signaling. Using the VAD quail model, which survives longer than the Raldh-deficient mouse embryos, we found that retinoids act in maintaining the correct position of anterior and dorsal boundaries in the forebrain by modulating FGF8 anteriorly and WNT signaling dorsally. Furthermore, BMP4 and FGF8 signaling are affected in the nasal region and BMP4 is ventrally expanded in the optic vesicle. At the optic cup stage, Pax6, Tbx5 and Bmp4 are ectopically expressed in the presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), while Otx2 and Mitf are not induced, leading to a dorsal transdifferentiation of RPE to neural retina. Therefore, besides being required for survival of ventral structures, retinoids are involved in restricting anterior identity in the telencephalon and dorsal identity in the diencephalon and the retina.  相似文献   

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