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采用组织学方法观察了实验室饲养的重口裂腹鱼眼在胚胎和早期仔鱼阶段的发生和形态变化过程。结果显示,重口裂腹鱼眼的发生开始于神经胚时期形成的眼原基,眼原基经过分化和内陷形成双层视杯,最终发育形成视网膜。晶状体和角膜来源于外胚层细胞,晶状体发育主要经历晶体板时期;角膜的发育时间较视网膜和晶状体晚,始于角膜上皮的形成。出膜后3 d仔鱼视网膜发育基本完成,眼色素沉积明显,基本具备眼的功能结构。本研究结果丰富了重口裂腹鱼早期发育的生物学资料,为苗种培育等生产实践提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

四指马鲅视网膜早期发育的组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用石蜡连续切片技术、H.E染色和显微测量法,对四指马鲅(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)早期发育过程中视网膜的结构、分化和形成过程以及视觉特性进行了研究。结果显示,受精后8 h54 min,视杯已经形成。初孵仔鱼视网膜没有分化。2日龄仔鱼可以清晰的辨认出色素上皮层、外核层、内核层和神经节细胞层。3日龄仔鱼内核层已经分化出水平细胞、双极细胞和无长突细胞。4日龄仔鱼视网膜10层结构完整。9日龄至14日龄,外核层胞核数目与神经节细胞数目的比值增大,视网膜会聚程度升高,是该鱼视觉特性发生变化的过渡期,这与其从浮游到浅海中下层和泥沙质海底活动的生态迁移相适应。在生长发育的早期阶段,其视网膜内核层水平细胞仅有1到2层,属于感光系统不甚发达的类型。该鱼在仔鱼浮游生活阶段,视敏度较高,视觉对其行为和摄食活动具有重要作用,适应生活于光照较充足的环境中,转入浅海中下层和泥沙质海底后,光敏度和视敏度均较差,视觉在其行为和摄食活动中不具有主要作用。  相似文献   

详细观察和描述了非洲爪蟾Xenopus laevis眼的发生和发育变化过程,并分别对各发育时期视网膜的厚度进行了定量分析.非洲爪蟾眼的发牛开始于眼原基的形成,进而形成视泡;晶状体的发生是在视杯外壁增厚的同时诱导覆盖其上的胚胎外胚层内层增厚,形成预定晶状体板;在视网膜和晶状体共同诱导下,预定角膜上皮变为透明的角膜.在视杯出现之前,预定RPE的厚度由厚变薄,NR层不断地增厚直至结构功能完善.  相似文献   

为研究褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)视觉器官发育与生态习性及摄食行为之间的关系,用组织学方法对人工培育条件下的褐菖鲉仔、稚鱼的视觉器官发育特征进行了详细观察。结果表明,褐菖鲉为卵胎生鱼类,其视觉器官的分化速度较一般鱼类快,从母体产出时,仔鱼视网膜神经细胞层和原始晶状体已形成;1日龄仔鱼的视网膜分化为6层,晶状体出现纤维化,直径约72 μm,仔鱼开始具有一定趋光性;2日龄仔鱼视网膜分化完成,可见10层结构,巩膜出现,与仔鱼开口摄食相适应,游泳能力增强;5 ~ 7日龄晶状体直径达99 μm,晶状囊形成;17日龄,仔鱼角膜结构分化完成,脉络膜趋于完善;37日龄稚鱼的视觉器官各部分已经发育完全。  相似文献   

详细观察和描述了稀有鮈鲫眼发育的形态变化,并分别对视网膜发育早期神经层、色素上皮层的厚度及眼发育后期视网膜的总厚度进行了测量。结果表明:稀有鲫眼的发生始于神经胚时期形成的眼原基,与两栖、哺乳类动物不同,其眼原基是由间脑向左右伸出的对称外突实体;在尾芽期眼原基向腹侧弯曲、侧向伸长,随后开始内陷,在尾泡期形成视杯。眼原基外层与外胚层紧贴的部分将发育为视杯的内层、神经视网膜,而眼原基其余部分将分化为视杯的外层、视网膜色素层。在尾泡期之后,视网膜色素层停止有丝分裂开始形成色素颗粒,此时视网膜神经层开始分化。视网膜这两层结构在发育早期分化的有序进行可能与早期胚胎头部内空间以及附近的间充质细胞有关。从神经胚期到尾泡期,视网膜色素层厚度由42.3±0.8μm减小到4.8±0.4μm,视网膜神经层厚度从37.1±0.2μm增加到43.7±0.6μm,而从尾鳍期到孵出期视网膜总厚度从42.7±1.2μm逐渐增加到98.3±2.1μm。与所有脊椎动物一样,稀有鲫眼的视网膜分化也是按照由内向外的顺序进行,晶状体、角膜及其他结构在孵出时已基本发育完全。  相似文献   

采用组织学方法观察了胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus) 眼的发生过程, 结果显示: 胭脂鱼眼的发育经历了眼原基形成期、眼囊形成期、视杯形成期、晶体板形成期、晶体囊形成期、角膜原基形成期、角膜上皮形成期、视网膜细胞增殖期、晶状体成熟期、眼色素形成期以及眼成型期等11个时期。视网膜发育最早, 起始于眼原基的形成, 直至眼成型期分化完成, 形成了厚度不一的8层细胞, 由内向外依次为神经纤维层、神经细胞层、内网层、内核层、外网层、外核层、视杆视锥层和色素上皮层, 且发育历时最长, 约264h。晶状体的发育在视网膜之后, 始于晶体板的形成, 于出膜前期成熟, 发育历时最短, 约74h。角膜发育最晚, 始于角膜原基的形成, 出膜1 d分化为透明的成熟角膜, 发育历时约96h。出膜4 d仔鱼眼色素沉积明显, 视网膜各层分化明显, 晶状体内部完全纤维化, 眼的形态结构基本发育完全。  相似文献   

云斑尖塘鳢胚胎和早期仔鱼的发育   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
对云斑尖塘鳢(Oxyeleotris marmoratus)胚胎和早期仔鱼的发育进行了观察,详细描述了各发育阶段的形态特征。在28℃定水温条件下,云斑尖塘鳢的胚胎发育历时80h 30min,可分为24个发育分期。在整个发育过程中,眼、耳囊、心脏、消化道、肾脏、鳔、胸鳍和尾鳍等得到了优先发育。  相似文献   

朱道玉 《动物学杂志》2008,43(4):97-101
在孵化基质沙粒径为0.3~0.6mm、孵化温度为(33.0±0.5)℃、孵化基质的湿度为7%~10%、相对湿度为70%~85%的条件下孵化中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)卵,孵化周期35~36 d.破壳取不同发育时期的胚胎并制作切片,观察眼睛发育的形态学和组织学特征.孵化第4 d头部两侧出现眼泡的突起;第6d眼睛开始出现色素,第14 d色素由褐色变为黑色;第7 d瞳孔出现,透过瞳孔可见晶状体;虹膜于第14d出现,第18、19 d瞳孔周围呈放射状;巩膜突自第19 d出现,第21 d增至最多,第23 d消失;上、下眼睑分别在第19 d和22 d出现,第32 d眼睑可覆盖瞳孔,眼睛形态与成体眼睛相似.表皮外胚层于第3 d形成角膜原基和晶体泡,第32 d角膜发育完成;第34 d晶状体发育完成;神经外胚层于44~48 h由前脑的两侧分化形成视泡,第3 d由视泡分化形成视杯,并逐步分化形成视网膜;第23 d视网膜的八层结构基本形成;第34 d视网膜发育完成.  相似文献   

线纹尖塘鳢仔、稚鱼的形态发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对池养条件下线纹尖塘鳢(Oxyeleotris lineolatus)的胚后发育进行定期观察,胚后发育大致可分为前期仔鱼、后期仔鱼、稚鱼和幼成鱼期。观察发现,线纹尖塘鳢的初孵仔鱼个体较小,仅2.875mm,前期仔鱼,包括混合营养仔鱼期,时间短,仅为5d,属较早建立起外源性营养摄食机制的鱼类;器官发育主要在后期仔鱼阶段完成;鳞的出现和鳞被形成在稚鱼发育阶段完成;在池塘自然水温26~30℃条件下,从初孵仔鱼到稚鱼发育期完成历时43~44d。  相似文献   

云斑尖塘鳢仔鱼摄食节律的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对自然光照条件下云斑尖塘鳢仔鱼的昼夜摄食节律和在夜间增加不同强度外光源条件下仔鱼的摄食发生率进行了研究。结果表明,云斑尖塘鳢仔鱼具有明显的昼夜摄食节律,晚上摄食发生率是著高于白天,其摄食主要集中在光线较弱的16:00~00:00;5日龄仔鱼在100~500Lx,8日龄和12日龄仔鱼在10~100Lx光照条件下的摄食发生率要明显高于黑暗或更高光照条件下的摄食发生率。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution as well as ultrastructural and biochemical characteristics of apoptotic and mitotic cells during human eye development were investigated in 14 human conceptuses of 4-9 postovulatory weeks, using electron and light microscopy. In the 5th developmental week, apoptotic and mitotic cells were found in the neuroepithelium of the optic cup and stalk, being the most numerous at the borderline between the two layers of the optic cup, and at the place of transition of the optic cup into stalk. They were also found at the region of detachment of the lens pit from the surface ectoderm. In the later developmental stages (the 6th-the 9th week), apoptotic and mitotic cells were observed in the neural retina and the anterior lens epithelium. Throughout all stages examined, mitotic cells were found exclusively adjacent to the lumen either of the intraretinal space or the optic stalk ventricle, or were restricted to the superficial epithelial layer of the lens primordium. Unlike mitotic cells, apoptotic cells occurred throughout the whole width both of the neuroepithelium and the surface epithelium. Ultrastructurally, apoptotic cells were characterised by round- or crescent-shaped condensations of chromatin near the nuclear membrane, while in the more advanced stages of apoptosis by apoptotic bodies. The distribution of caspase-3-positive cells coincided with the location of apoptotic cells described by morphological techniques indicating that the caspase-3-dependent apoptotic pathway operates during the all stages of human eye development. The location of cells positive for anti-apoptotic bcl-2 protein was in accordance with the regions of eye with high mitotic activity, confirming the role of bcl-2 in protecting cells from apoptosis. In the earliest stage of eye development, apoptosis and mitosis might be associated with the sculpturing of the walls of optic cup and stalk, while high mitotic activity along the intraretinal space and optic stalk ventricle indicates its role in the gradual luminal closure. These processes also participate in the detachment of the lens pit epithelium from the surface ectoderm as well as in further closure of the lens vesicle. Later on, both processes seem to be involved in the neural retina differentiation, lens morphogenesis and secondary lens fibre differentiation.  相似文献   

The formation of the vertebrate optic cup is a morphogenetic event initiated after the optic vesicle contacts the overlying surface/pre-lens ectoderm. Placodes form in both the optic neuroepithelium and lens ectoderm. Subsequently, both placodes invaginate to form the definitive optic cup and lens, respectively. We examined the role of the lens tissue in inducing and/or maintaining optic cup invagination in ovo. Lens tissue was surgically removed at various stages of development, from pre-lens ectoderm stages to invaginating lens placode. Removal of the pre-lens ectoderm resulted in persistent optic vesicles that initiated neural retinal differentiation but failed to invaginate. In striking contrast, ablation of the lens placode gave rise to optic vesicles that underwent invagination and formed the optic cup. The results suggest that: (1) the optic vesicle neuroepithelium requires a temporally specific association with pre-lens ectoderm in order to undergo optic cup morphogenesis; and (2) the optic cup can form in the absence of lens formation. If ectopic BMP is added, a neural retina does not develop and optic cup morphogenesis fails, although lens formation appears normal. FGF-induced neural retina differentiation in the absence of the pre-lens ectoderm is not sufficient to create an optic cup. We hypothesize the presence of a signal coming from the pre-lens ectoderm that induces the optic vesicle to form an optic cup.  相似文献   

Upon morphogenesis, the simple neuroepithelium of the optic vesicle gives rise to four basic tissues in the vertebrate optic cup: pigmented epithelium, sensory neural retina, secretory ciliary body and muscular iris. Pigmented epithelium and neural retina are established through interactions with specific environments and signals: periocular mesenchyme/BMP specifies pigmented epithelium and surface ectoderm/FGF specifies neural retina. The anterior portions (iris and ciliary body) are specified through interactions with lens although the molecular mechanisms of induction have not been deciphered. As lens is a source of FGF, we examined whether this factor was involved in inducing ciliary body. We forced the pigmented epithelium of the embryonic chick eye to express FGF4. Infected cells and their immediate neighbors were transformed into neural retina. At a distance from the FGF signal, the tissue transitioned back into pigmented epithelium. Ciliary body tissue was found in the transitioning zone. The ectopic ciliary body was never in contact with the lens tissue. In order to assess the contribution of the lens on the specification of normal ciliary body, we created optic cups in which the lens had been removed while still pre-lens ectoderm. Ciliary body tissue was identified in the anterior portion of lens-less optic cups. We propose that the ciliary body may be specified at optic vesicle stages, at the same developmental stage when the neural retina and pigmented epithelium are specified and we present a model as to how this could be accomplished through overlapping BMP and FGF signals.  相似文献   

The role of the lens in early eye development was examined in transgenic mice carrying the cytotoxic diphtheria toxin A gene driven by hamster alpha A-crystallin promoter sequences. Mice hemizygous for this construct are microphthalmic and contain a vacuolated and highly disorganized lens, whereas adult homozygous mice are completely ablated of the lens and lack a pupil, aqueous and posterior chamber, vitreous humor, iris, and ciliary body and show extensive convolution of the sensory retina. Developmental analysis of animals homozygous for the transgene revealed that the optic cup and lens vesicle form normally and that ablation of the lens occurs as a gradual degenerative process beginning between Days 12 and 13 of gestation. Degeneration of the lens vesicle coincides with retarded growth and development of the neuroretina, sclera, and cornea. The anterior lip of the optic cup fails to differentiate into the normal epithelium of the iris and ciliary body and the vitreous body does not develop. Although the retinal layers apparently form normally, retinal folding becomes prominent following lens degeneration. These results suggest that development of a functional lens from Embryonic Day 12.5 onward is critical for formation of the ciliary epithelium, iris, and vitreous body, as well as for appropriate growth, development, and maintenance of morphology of the retina, cornea, sclera, and optic nerve. Our results also provide information on the time course of DT-A-mediated cell destruction in vivo and are discussed in context with previous lens ablation studies and the importance of developmental analysis for interpretation of the extent to which morphogenetic aberrations are concurrent with or secondary to genetic ablation of the target tissue.  相似文献   

The ventral region of the chick embryo optic cup undergoes a complex process of differentiation leading to the formation of four different structures: the neural retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the optic disk/optic stalk, and the pecten oculi. Signaling molecules such as retinoic acid and sonic hedgehog have been implicated in the regulation of these phenomena. We have now investigated whether the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) also regulate ventral optic cup development. Loss-of-function experiments were carried out in chick embryos in ovo, by intraocular overexpression of noggin, a protein that binds several BMPs and prevents their interactions with their cognate cell surface receptors. At optic vesicle stages of development, this treatment resulted in microphthalmia with concomitant disruption of the developing neural retina, RPE and lens. At optic cup stages, however, noggin overexpression caused colobomas, pecten agenesis, replacement of the ventral RPE by neuroepithelium-like tissue, and ectopic expression of optic stalk markers in the region of the ventral retina and RPE. This was frequently accompanied by abnormal growth of ganglion cell axons, which failed to enter the optic nerve. The data suggest that endogenous BMPs have significant effects on the development of ventral optic cup structures.  相似文献   

The water-soluble proteins of chick retina were studied during the formation of eye cup and at the early stages of histological differentiation of retina by the micro-method of electrophoresis in 20% polyacrilamide gel. The retina of embryos at the stages under study contains a range of proteins forming over 20 fractions in electrophoresis. The most fractions are formed by the proteins which electrophoretic mobilities exceed that of serum albumin. The early stages of retina development are characterized by the definite changes in its protein composition. These changes manifest themselves in the disappearance of the most anodic fractions beginning from the stage of contact between the optic vesicle and presumptive lens ectoderm. During the subsequent development, these proteins are detected again in the retina, the corresponding anodic fractions being most distinct at the stage of completed eye cup. Their content in the retina decreases repeatedly with the beginning of histogenesis up to their complete disappearance.  相似文献   

The mab-21 gene was first identified because of its requirement for ray identity specification in Caenorhabditis elegans. It is now known to constitute a family of genes that are highly conserved from vertebrates to invertebrates, and two homologues Mab21l1 and Mab21l2 have been identified in many species. Here we describe the generation of Mab21l2-deficient mice, which have defects in eye and body wall formation. The mutant mouse eye has a rudimentary retina, as a result of insufficient invagination of the optic vesicle due to deficient proliferation, causing the absence of lens. The defects in optic vesicle development correlate with reduced expression of Chx10, which is also required for retina development; Rx, Lhx2, and Pax6 expression is not significantly affected. We conclude that Mab21l2 expression is essential for optic vesicle growth and formation of the optic cup, its absence causing reduced expression of Chx10. Mutant mice also display abnormal extrusion of abdominal organs, defects in ventral body wall formation, resulting in death in utero at mid-gestational stage. Our results reveal that Mab21l2 plays crucial roles in retina and in ventral body wall formation.  相似文献   

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