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稻胚凝集素(RGL)存在胚中,胚乳中没有测得凝集素活性。水稻开花后7~21天胚中RGL括性与含量迅速增加、积累,基本达到成熟胚的最高水平。在开花后7与13天胚中除了有RGL存在外还发现有与RGL免疫学性质无关的凝集素存在。在萌发早期RGL活性与含量迅速下降,在浸种萌发后1~4天之间则又保持相对恒定。水稻胚胎发育与萌发过程中没有观察到与RGL免疫学性质相关但分子性质不同的凝集素存在。RGL是稻胚发育过程中形成的专一蛋白质,它的表达与积累有严格的时空专一性,它的活性与含量变化与细胞分裂、分化等胚胎发育过程是相关联的。  相似文献   

近些年来用标记过的外源凝集素作探针以研究细胞膜的结构和功能已取得很大进展。本文首次用~(125)I标记鸡胚肝凝集素,再以~(125)I-凝集素亲和标记鸡胚肝细胞。标记的鸡胚肝细胞经放射自显影(ARG),可用扫描电镜(SEM)对细胞表面受体的位点进行直接观察,以研究鸡胚肝凝集素受体的分布特征。  相似文献   

以异硫氰酸甲酯(FITC)标记的三种凝集素(伴刀豆凝集素, 麦芽凝集素和大豆凝集素)为荧光探针,对烟草及蓝猪耳各发育时期胚细胞表面的凝集素受体进行了定位.结果显示胚柄基部荧光信号最强,沿胚柄单列细胞向胚体方向渐次减弱.以后随着胚柄功能的逐渐丧失而改变.同时,三种凝集素受体集中分布于胚柄细胞间的分裂面;凝集素受体在原胚中分布的另一个特点是聚集于新形成的细胞壁上.随着胚胎发育至分化阶段,凝集素受体则主要分布在胚体细胞的外切向壁上;三种凝集素受体的动态分布显示了凝集素受体的分布与细胞分裂之间的密切关系及其调控胚胎发育的作用.  相似文献   

ConA的抗着床效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈蕙玲  周念辉  孙册 《生理学报》1988,40(2):202-207
本文用凝集素为探针,探索糖复合物在胚泡着床中的作用,报道了与甘露糖苷有专一结合的伴刀豆凝集素(ConA)有明显的抗小鼠胚泡着床作用。妊娠4d的小鼠,每只子宫角中注入Con A 25μg,22只子宫角中只有4只子宫角有胚泡着床,着床率为18.2%,与生理盐水对照组的着床率87.5%相比有明显差异。将相同剂量的Con A先与0.4mol/L α-甲基-D-甘露糖苷温育1—2h后再注入子宫,20只子宫角中有15只子宫角有胚泡着床,着床率提高到75%。用辣根过氧化物酶直接标记法证明,着床前子宫内膜细胞表面有Con A受体存在,并随着妊娠天数而增加,尤其是间质细胞,发情期时时为阴性反应,到着床期蜕膜细胞膜表面呈现出大量Con A受体。提示精复合物在着床中的重要作用。与甘露糖苷同样专一结合的,但寡糖结构专一性与Con A不同的豌豆凝集素注入子宫则无抗着床效应,着床率为85.7%。由此可以推测,N-连接的包含二个未被取代的或只在C-2位被取代的α-甘露糖苷的寡糖参于胚泡与子宫内膜相互作用的着床过程。  相似文献   

稻胚凝集素(RGL)对稻胚、稻苗叶、根细胞,以及稻幼胚胚芽、胚根愈伤组织悬浮细胞都有凝集作用,RGL对元麦及烟草叶原生质体也能凝集。N-L酰葡萄糖胺(GlcNAc)有抑制RGL对细胞的凝集作用,但对胚根愈伤组织细胞的抑制效应不明显。水稻等细胞表面具有能与RGL专一结合的位点,只是胚根和胚芽愈伤组织细胞表面的糖蛋白分子有一定差异。RGL对水稻、元麦及烟草的细胞或原生质体的凝集效应不存在种间的专一性。RGL含量随胚的分化发育而不断增加,成熟中后期胚内RGL含量达到成熟时程度;胚芽鞘细胞中RGL分布广泛,胚芽、胚根的外层细胞显色深于内层,早期的胚乳细胞、子房内层、珠被、珠心细胞中均有RGL显色反应,但它的糖结合专一性与成熟胚RGL可能不同。  相似文献   

应用亲和层析法从三齿草藤(Vicia bungei Ohwi)种子中纯化的三齿草藤凝集素(VBL),可以凝集兔和豚鼠的红细胞,也可凝集人、牛和羊的精细胞,说明这些细胞表面存在有VBL的受体。用FITC和~(125)I进行标记,可得到FITC-VBL和~(125)I-VBL,其生物学活性不受影响。氯胺T法的标记率可达55%;应用FITC-VBL研究牛精细胞和兔红细胞膜上VBL受体的分布,发现二者由胞膜上受体分布据不一致。VBL与牛精细胞结合条件的正交试验表明细胞浓度的影响最大。用不同量的未标记的VBL对~(125)I-VBL与兔红细胞和人精细胞的结合实验,以Scatchard法作图,兔红细胞得一类似于双曲线的凹形曲线,提示该细胞膜上受体的性质有所不同,而人精细胞却有很大差异。若以兔红细胞膜上存在有高低亲和力两种受体进行计算,可求得结合常数和每个细胞上的受体数。应用几种单糖和外源凝集素影响~(125)I-VBL与兔红细胞的结合,当单糖(D-Man,D-Glc)浓度为0.01M时,相对结合率开始急剧下降,单糖浓度若增至0.1M时,其相对结合率仅为40%,而PHA-P和SML浓度为1mg/ml时,相对结合率开始下降,当浓度达10mg/ml时,相对结合率下降至30%左右。  相似文献   

本文利用扫描电镜放射自显影(SEM-ARG)技术研究鸡胚肝凝集素的专一性。该凝集素经乳糖尿素液抽提和离心分离后,再用DE-52纤维素柱和蓝色葡聚糖柱进一步纯化。纯化后的鸡胚肝凝集素用 125Ⅰ标记。以标记的 125Ⅰ-凝集素为探针再标记来自不同组织的细胞。标记的细胞经过放射自显影,用扫描电镜对细胞表面凝集素受体的位点进行直接观察。实验结果表明鸡胚肝凝集素对细胞的凝集作用具有相对的专一性。  相似文献   

开花前的水稻旗叶提取液中不含有血凝活力,但开花后旗叶提取液中能测得血凝活力,并随着开花后天数增加而逐渐升高。雄蕊和成熟花药中无血凝活力,开花前和开花早期的子房提取液中有血凝活性,开花5d后子房或胚乳中测不到血凝活性,但胚中血凝活性随种子发育而明显增加。分别从“寒丰”和“双丰一号”水稻成熟胚中分离得到凝集素,用电泳、免疫学方法和血凝试验表明两者的分子特性和血凝性质完全相同。  相似文献   

应用十二种生物素标记的凝集素,分析了经SDS-PAGE和电转印分离的登革Ⅱ型病毒(D_2V)糖蛋白。结果表明:D_2V的包膜糖蛋白E可与三种D-甘露糖特异的凝集素(conAPSA及LCA)结合,提示E蛋白的寡糖链为高甘露糖型。D_2V的糖基化非结构蛋白NS_1可与两种D-甘露糖特异的凝集素conA及LCA结合,提示NS_1的寡糖链亦为高甘露糖型。实验结果还显示了一些可能为C6/36细胞感染D_2V后新合成、合成量增加或减少以至完全受抑制的糖蛋白成分,有关这些糖蛋白的性质、功能、意义尚不清楚。在本实验条件下,这种生物素标记凝集素印迹法证明了其敏感性和糖基特异性,可以作为分析各种微量含糖大分子的一种实用方法。  相似文献   

黑色菜豆(phaseolussp.)种子中含有对人A型血专一凝集的凝集素。用猪胃粘蛋白-Sepharose 4B作亲和吸附剂和Sephadex G-200凝胶过滤,可以纯化这种凝集素。纯化的凝集素在pH8.9,Tris-EDTANa_2-borate缓冲液的PAGE中,呈现单一蛋白带;酚-硫酸法测得总糖含量为3.22%。在SDS-PAGE中发现其分子由两种亚基所组成,亚基分子量分别为38,000和35,000。当凝集素浓度分别为0.98μg/ml和1.95μg/ml时能强烈地凝集人A型和AB型血细胞。在凝集素浓度高达500μg/ml时,B型血细胞能发生弱凝集反应,但对O型血和兔红细胞则完全不发生凝集反应。其凝集活性可被GalNAC、L-Fuc、猪甲状腺球蛋白和卵粘蛋白所抑制。该凝集素对人外周血中淋巴细胞的转化率达80%,细胞分裂比率高达37.1%;氨基组成分析表明,凝集素分子中Asp和Glu含量较高,而cys和Met含量很低。  相似文献   

C型凝集素(C-type lectin)代表一个识别碳水化合物配体依赖于钙离子(Ca2+)参与的糖原结合蛋白家族,含有一个或多个一级结构和二级结构同源的碳水化合物识别结构域。随着研究的深入,越来越多的C型凝集素能够识别体内的非糖类的配体,包括蛋白质和脂类等。这些C型凝集素在维持机体稳态、免疫防御以及免疫监视等重要生理病理过程中发挥着重要作用。就C型凝集素的结构、分类和在免疫系统中的功能作一介绍。  相似文献   

Rice leaf slices stimulated with blast fungus hyphal component reduced nitroblue tetrazolium in a damped oscillatory profile with relaxing half wavelength in a medium containing glucose, when the respective rate of reduction was plotted against the function of time after the application of blast fungus hyphal component. In the presence of 110μm FAD and glucose, the wave number of the reduction profile increased 4- to 5-fold when compared to that in the absence of exogenous FAD. Exogenous FAD in the increasing concentration of 70 to 110 μm, which was added in the presence of glucose, gave a positive heterotropic-like response upon the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium with rice leaf slices which were press-injured and stimulated. Exogenous pyrroloquinoline quinone in the increasing concentration of 10?3 to 10?1 μm, which was added in the presence of glucose, gave an inhibition upon the reduction. From sediment of the homogenate of stimulated rice leaf slices, the nitroblue tetrazolium reducing redox-enzyme system was solubilized by Triton X-100 and was electrophoretically isolated in a sharp blue band on a polyacrylamide slab gel containing Triton X-100, when the electrophoresed gel was stained by nitroblue tetrazolium or Coomassie brilliant blue. In the solubilized solution, the presence of b-type cytochrome was observed by the oxidation-reduction difference spectrum.  相似文献   

Banana lectin (BanLec) was isolated from slightly overripe bananas (PCI 6-7) by homogenation in NaCl solution, followed by extraction in the presence of glucose, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and affinity chromatography. Yields were approximately 10-fold greater that those of previously published methods using acidic extraction from very overripe fruit (Peel Color Index [PCI] 7+). By dilution of added isotopically labeled recombinant lectin, the content of total exchangeable BalLec was shown to be constant or to slightly decrease with increasing stage of ripeness, even though extractable BanLec increased, followed by rapid decrease in overripened fruit. In the course of this study we observed that recombinant BanLec expressed in Escherichia coli, although chemically and functionally identical to native BanLec, differed slightly in its apparent molecular size on gel filtration, probably due to differences in its native folding.  相似文献   

The slug, Limax flavus, contains a lectin that appears to be highly specific for sialic acid residues of glycoproteins. The carbohydrates which inhibited the hemagglutinating activity of the slug lectin and the concentration of the carbohydrate which gave a 50% inhibition are as follows: N-acetylneuraminic acid, 0.13 mm; N-glycolylneuraminic acid, 0.90 mm; d-glucosamine, 4.9 mm; d-galactosamine, 7.6 mm; N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, 23 mm; and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, 24 mm. d-Galactose, d-glucose, d-mannose, α-methyl-d-glucoside, α-methyl-d-mannoside, l-arabinose, d-xylose, l-fucose, d-glucuronic acid, lactose, and sucrose were found to be ineffective as inhibitors of the hemagglutinating activity of the slug lectin. Hemagglutination by slug lectin was strongly inhibited by bovine submaxillary mucin and fetuin but not by sialic acid-free bovine submaxillary mucin or fetuin.  相似文献   

南美藜种皮凝集素的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南美藜种皮中存在着凝集素。最适pH7—9,热稳定性较差。南美藜种皮凝集素(QSL)的血凝活性可以被D-半乳糖,L-鼠李糖抑制,其中前者抑制能力强。QSL硫酸铵分级沉淀血凝活性60—80组分最高。  相似文献   

Banana lectin (Banlec) is a dimeric plant lectin from the jacalin-related lectin family. Banlec belongs to a subgroup of this family that binds to glucose/mannose, but is unique in recognizing internal alpha1,3 linkages as well as beta1,3 linkages at the reducing termini. Here we present the crystal structures of Banlec alone and with laminaribiose (LAM) (Glcbeta1, 3Glc) and Xyl-beta1,3-Man-alpha-O-Methyl. The structure of Banlec has a beta-prism-I fold, similar to other family members, but differs from them in its mode of sugar binding. The reducing unit of the sugar is inserted into the binding site causing the second saccharide unit to be placed in the opposite orientation compared with the other ligand-bound structures of family members. More importantly, our structures reveal the presence of a second sugar binding site that has not been previously reported in the literature. The residues involved in the second site are common to other lectins in this family, potentially signaling a new group of mannose-specific jacalin-related lectins (mJRL) with two sugar binding sites.  相似文献   

Globomycin inhibited the incorporation of [14C]diaminopimeric acid (Dap) into the cold 5% TCA insoluble fraction of Escherichia coli H2143 at higher concentrations than the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).

One-sixth or -seventh molecules of the lipoprotein were found per one molecule of N-acetyl glucosamine (GlucNAc) or Dap in globomycin-treated cells as compared with one-twelfth or -thirteenth molecules in normal cells. Among globomycin-resistant cells isolated, one-tenth were lipoprotein-less mutants and they showed a slightly swollen form and leaked RNase into the medium. It was interesting that spheroplast formation of the mutants in the presence of the antibiotic was not observed even at a high concentration.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a Man/Glc-specific lectin from the seeds of the bloodwood tree (Pterocarpus angolensis), a leguminous plant from central Africa, has been determined in complex with mannose and five manno-oligosaccharides. The lectin contains a classical mannose-specificity loop, but its metal-binding loop resembles that of lectins of unrelated specificity from Ulex europaeus and Maackia amurensis. As a consequence, the interactions with mannose in the primary binding site are conserved, but details of carbohydrate-binding outside the primary binding site differ from those seen in the equivalent carbohydrate complexes of concanavalin A. These observations explain the differences in their respective fine specificity profiles for oligomannoses. While Man(alpha1-3)Man and Man(alpha1-3)[Man(alpha1-6)]Man bind to PAL in low-energy conformations identical with that of ConA, Man(alpha1-6)Man is required to adopt a different conformation. Man(alpha1-2)Man can bind only in a single binding mode, in sharp contrast to ConA, which creates a higher affinity for this disaccharide by allowing two binding modes.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this work was to analyse the antimicrobial properties of a purified lectin from Eugenia uniflora L. seeds. Methods and Results: The E. uniflora lectin (EuniSL) was isolated from the seed extract and purified by ion‐exchange chromatography in DEAE‐Sephadex with a purification factor of 11·68. The purified lectin showed a single band on denaturing electrophoresis, with a molecular mass of 67 kDa. EuniSL agglutinated rabbit and human erythrocytes with a higher specificity for rabbit erythrocytes. The haemagglutination was not inhibited by the tested carbohydrates but glycoproteins exerted a strong inhibitory action. The lectin proved to be thermo resistant with the highest stability at pH 6·5 and divalent ions did not affect its activity. EuniSL demonstrated a remarkable nonselective antibacterial activity. EuniSL strongly inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella sp. with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 1·5 μg ml?1, and moderately inhibited the growth of Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus sp. and Escherichia coli with a MIC of 16·5 μg ml?1. Conclusions: EuniSL was found to be effective against bacteria. Significance and Impact of the Study: The strong antibacterial activity of the studied lectin indicates a high potential for clinical microbiology and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

AIMS: The initial colonization of the tooth by streptococci involves their attachment to adsorbed components of the acquired pellicle. Avoiding this adhesion may be successful in preventing caries at early stages. Salivary mucins are glycoproteins that when absorbed onto hydroxyapatite may provide binding sites for certain bacteria. Algal lectins may be especially interesting for oral antiadhesion trials because of their great stability and high specificity for mucins. This work aimed to evaluate the potential of two algal lectins to inhibit the adherence of five streptococci species to the acquired pellicle in vitro. METHODS AND RESULTS: The lectins used were extracted from Bryothamnion triquetrum (BTL) and Bryothamnion seaforthii (BSL). Fluorescence microscopy was applied to visualize the ability of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled lectins to attach to the pellicle and revealed a similar capability for both lectins. Streptococcal adherence assays were performed using saliva-coated microtitre plates. BSL inhibited more than 75% of Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus mutans adherence, achieving 92% to the latter. BTL only obtained statistically significant results on S. mitis and S. sobrinus, whose adherence was decreased by 32.5% and 54.4%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Algal lectins are able to inhibit streptococcal adherence. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our results support the proposed application of lectins in antiadhesion therapeutics.  相似文献   

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