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狗獾粪便DNA提取方法的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在京杭大运河扬州段堤坝上采集狗獾的新鲜粪便,采用预处理-酚/氯仿抽提法、NaCl改良法、异硫氰酸胍裂解法、淀粉吸附法及QIAamp试剂盒法5种方法对粪便样品中狗獾DNA进行提取,探讨狗獾粪便样品中DNA提取方法和优化条件。结果表明,在5种提取方法中,淀粉吸附法的效果明显优于其它4种方法。采用粪便裂解液快速裂解细胞后,加入淀粉去除其中的大量PCR抑制物,然后用蛋白酶K裂解、酚/氯仿/异戊醇抽提,最后使用UNIQ-10柱纯化粪便DNA,对线粒体控制区和微卫星位点的PCR扩增反应及测序结果证实该方法的可行性。以上结果表明,通过该方法获得的粪便DNA能够用于更深入的分子遗传学等学科的研究。  相似文献   

大熊猫和小熊猫粪便DNA提取的简易方法   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
采集了大熊猫和小熊猫的新鲜粪便样品 ,使用 1 0 0 %乙醇保存。通过重复离心富集研究动物的肠道脱落细胞 ,并使用乙醇和双蒸水洗涤以除去抑制物。用 1 %的SDS快速裂解细胞 ,离心除去残渣后 ,向裂解液中加入蛋白酶进行消化。消化结束后使用等体积的酚 /氯仿抽提 ,乙醇沉淀DNA。用双蒸水溶解粪便DNA后 ,使用PCR产物纯化试剂盒对粪便DNA进行纯化。电泳检测结果显示 ,从乙醇保存的大、小熊猫粪便样品中抽提到高质量的粪便DNA。对线粒体控制区、细胞色素b基因、 1 2SrRNA基因的PCR扩增反应以及测序结果也证实了样品保存方法和DNA抽提方法可靠而高效。此方法使用实验室内常用的分子生物学试剂 ,不仅克服了分子粪便学研究中常见的抑制物粪便DNA微量降解严重等障碍 ,与商业化的粪便抽提试剂盒 (QIAampDNAStoolMiniKit,Qiagen)相比还是一种经济的试验方法 (抽提反应成本为试剂盒的 1 / 5 )。文中还对粪便DNA内细菌基因组等背景DNA可能对分子粪便学试验结果的影响进行了探讨。在基于PCR技术的遗传学研究中 ,对于植食性动物而言 ,粪便内的背景DNA对目标动物DNA片断的扩增和序列测定未见影响 ;但对于肉食性动物 ,则必须考虑被捕食者基因组对试验可能产生的影响 ,应谨慎对待  相似文献   

为从昆虫干标本中获取高质量DNA,以利于后期PCR扩增目的基因,本研究对DNA提取前昆虫干标本的预处理方法进行探讨,分别测定其纯度和质量,并用不同引物进行了扩增效果对比。结果显示:经过预处理的样品DNA平均含量均高于CK的52.283 ng/滋L,最高为0.9%Na Cl处理3 h,平均含量达122.632 ng/滋L;米象4种预处理方法提取的DNA利用引物Lco1490/Hco2198及UEA7/UEA10均能扩增出650 bp长度条带,仅有0.9%Na Cl溶液浸泡3 h处理的米象可通过引物J173/J1331扩增出1 000 bp的长片段条带。研究表明,经过预处理后,一定程度上减少了基因组DNA的断链,主要对样品DNA的质量浓度影响显著;以9%Na Cl溶液3 h预处理后的昆虫干标本,利用磁珠法所提DNA的质量及PCR扩增效果最佳。  相似文献   

对影响哺乳动物粪便DNA提取相关因素的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从动物粪便中提取DNA是一种优秀的非损伤性取样方法,然而在实际操作中成功提取高质量粪便DNA却是一件不太容易的事情.粪便DNA的获取不仅与提取方法有关,还受到样品采集、保存、二次取样、预处理等相关环节的影响,对其中任一环节的忽视都会导致试验达不到理想效果.综合国内外具有代表性的哺乳动物粪便DNA提取技术,对有关环节进行了详细的评述,并对PCR扩增中的常见问题进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

基因工程菌里氏木霉染色体DNA的提取方法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
研究基因工程菌株里氏木霉(Trichoderma Teesei)染包体DNA的提取方法。采用冷冻研磨CTAB法、氯化苄SDS法和冷冻研磨SDS法三种提取DNA的力法。通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳埘提取的DNA进行检测。结果表明:冷冻研磨CTAB法更适合此类DNA的提取。对冷冻研磨CTAB法提取条件进行了优化。用该法提取的DNA上的外源基因t—PAcDNA部分片段进行PCR扩增,获得良好结果。用本实验冷冻研磨CTAB法提取的DNA完全适用于PCR和其它的分子生物学操作的要求。  相似文献   

穿山甲标本和甲片的DNA提取及PCR扩增   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证经处理后的穿山甲(Manis spp.)标本和甲片是否可以用于种间分子鉴定标记的开发及个体识别工作,本文在样品的预处理、消化、提取后纯化等方面对传统提取方法进行了改进,分别从穿山甲剥制标本、干皮标本及甲片中提取总DNA;然后用Cyt b基因扩增通用引物、12S rRNA基因全序列扩增引物、RAPD引物及微卫星引物进行了PCR扩增,并对部分扩增结果进行了序列测定.结果表明,除剥制标本的脚底皮张组织外,其他样品基本都可以提取出DNA.以此为模板的PCR扩增中,2种线粒体基因引物扩增出明显目的条带,RAPD引物扩增出种间特异条带,测序结果可用于种间特异性引物及SCAR引物的开发;微卫星引物在甲片样品中扩增稳定,可用于个体识别工作.  相似文献   

一种从鸟类剥制标本提取DNA的改进方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用非损伤性取样的方法,收集鸟类剥制标本的皮肤组织和羽毛,用无水乙醇、浸泡液预处理的方法抽提DNA,结果两者都可提取DNA供PCR扩增。将PCR产物经序列测定和比对分析,证明提取的DNA为目的DNA,表明本试验方法可行。鸟类剥制标本的皮肤组织和羽毛可以作为研究种群遗传学的资源。  相似文献   

目的:川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是我国特有珍稀物种,其粪便作为一种非损伤性样品,为珍稀濒危动物的种群数量调查、遗传多样性评价、亲缘关系、系统进化等研究带来了很大便利,本研究试图建立高效、简便的粪便样品保存方法。方法:在现有珍稀濒危动物粪便样品保存方法的基础上,分别使用干燥法、冷冻法和干燥-冷冻法保存川金丝猴的粪便样品,比较了不同保存方法的DNA提取效果,以及对mtDNA控制区片段的PCR扩增成功率和微卫星基因的PCR扩增效率。结果:干燥法、冷冻法和干燥-冷冻法三种不同保存方法保存粪便1周时间后,提取的粪便DNA样本扩增mtDNA片段的成功率均为92%,微卫星基因的扩增成功率分别为79%、78%、80%;保存2个月后,mtDNA片段扩增成功率分别为80%、76%和80%,微卫星基因扩增成功率分别为65%、61%、67%;保存6个月后,mtDNA片段扩增成功率分别为56%、52%和64%,微卫星基因扩增成功率分别40%、34%、46%。因此,随着保存时间的增长,三种方法的保存效率都将明显降低,但干燥-冷冻法得到的DNA样本扩增成功率相对较高。结论:粪便样品能够为川金丝猴的遗传多样性评价等相关研究提供有效信息,干燥-冷冻法保存能够更为有效的保证DNA的提取和基因扩增效率。  相似文献   

古DNA实时荧光定量PCR实验中标准品的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实时荧光定量PCR技术通过对PCR每一循环扩增产物的实时检测,可对模板的精确拷贝数进行绝对定量,从而用于古DNA实验中提取和扩增条件的比较和优化.本研究采用异硫氰酸胍碱裂解-SiO2吸附的方法,从采自黑龙江省的晚更新世斑鬣狗化石材料中提取得到了斑鬣狗线粒体基因组古DNA.经常规PCR扩增后,将纯化的扩增产物克隆到微生物体内使其大量复制,再用M13通用引物扩增出含少量外源DNA的古DNA目标片段,从而建立了适用于古DNA荧光定量PCR扩增的标准品的制备方法.经检测分析,运用该方法制备的标准品性质稳定,能够准确地指示反应体系中较为精确的古DNA模板拷贝数,从而反映古DNA的提取和扩增效率,用于比较并优化古DNA提取和扩增条件.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是寻求一种简便、高效和对黄牛没有创伤的DNA提取方法,从而为黄牛基因组DNA的制备提供最优可行方案。本研究以中国黄牛毛囊作为DNA的提取材料,设计了离心柱法、磁珠法、SDS法、CTAB法、碱裂解法和煮沸法等6种DNA提取方法,然后分别对提取的DNA样本进行了分光光度计鉴定、PCR扩增和琼脂糖凝胶电泳。发现在这6种方法中,耗时最短且成本最低的是煮沸法;DNA纯度、浓度和完整度最理想的是CTAB法;而磁珠法可实现大规模高通量提取,能减少实验者的手动工作量,并且适用于基因测序各种常规操作。以此得出,适用于基因测序的6种黄牛毛囊DNA提取方法中最优的是磁珠法。本研究对中国黄牛毛囊DNA的6种提取方法进行了总结和分析,为今后提取毛囊DNA的研究提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

张志敏  王慧娟  刘中来  熊国梅 《遗传》2006,28(6):665-671
沿用本室改进的粪便提取方法,参照马来熊BDNF基因序列设计引物,首次从亚洲黑熊粪便DNA中扩增和克隆到包含完整核BDNF基因的753 bp片段,以毛发作阳性对照并进行重复实验,获得稳定一致结果。序列分析表明,亚洲黑熊的BDNF基因非常保守,与人相比,一致性达94.5%,与大熊猫比达98.9%。在推导的多肽序列中,其成熟区氨基酸序列与所有已报道哺乳动物的完全一致;对亚洲黑熊及其相关物种BDNF基因序列的比较分析,发现大熊猫与包括黑熊在内的熊科动物亲缘关系更近,而与小熊猫较远。文章首次采用非损伤性取样法在分子生物学水平对亚洲黑熊基因组核BDNF基因进行分析,不仅为亚洲黑熊的保护和繁育提供重要参考资料,为非损伤性取样在珍稀濒危野生动物研究中的应用拓宽了思路,也为亚洲黑熊及其近缘种的系统分类研究提供分子证据。  相似文献   

Wan QH  Zhu L  Wu H  Fang SG 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(9):2441-2450
Habitat destruction and human activity have greatly impacted the natural history of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Although the genetic diversity of neutral markers has been examined in this endangered species, no previous work has examined adaptive molecular polymorphisms in the giant panda. Here, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB locus was investigated in the giant panda, using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequence analysis. Comparisons of DNA samples extracted from faecal and blood samples from the same individual revealed that the two materials yielded similar quantities and qualities of DNA, as well as identical SSCP patterns and allelic sequences, demonstrating the reliability of DNA isolation from panda faeces. Analysis of faecal samples from 60 giant pandas revealed relatively low number of alleles: seven alleles. However, the alleles were quite divergent, varying from each other by a range of 7-47 nucleotide substitutions (4-25 amino acid substitutions). Construction of a neighbour-joining tree and comparisons among DRB alleles from other species revealed that both similar and highly divergent alleles survived in the bottlenecked panda populations. Despite species-specific primers used and excellent faecal DNA isolated, a lower level of heterozygosity than expected was still observed due to inbreeding. There were three types of evidence supporting the presence of balancing selection in the giant panda: (i) an obvious excess of nonsynonymous substitutions over synonymous at the antigen-binding positions; (ii) trans-species evolution of two alleles between the giant panda and other felids; and (iii) a more even distribution of alleles than expected from neutrality.  相似文献   

目的建立一种基于PCR分析分子多样性的小鼠肠道菌群宏基因组提取方法。方法比较、综合国内外小鼠肠道菌群宏基因组的提取方法后建立一种新方法,小鼠肠道内容物经丙酮洗涤,差速离心,溶菌酶、SDS裂解,CTAB处理,酚/氯仿抽提后可得到高质量的DNA,通过紫外分光光度计、琼脂糖凝胶电泳、细菌通用引物PCR和扩增核糖体限制性酶切片段分析(ARDRA)等检测该方法的实用性。结果该方法获得的小鼠肠道菌群宏基因组DNA大小在23kb左右,A260/A280在1.8—2.0,经细菌通用引物PCR后能得到适用于ARDRA的目的产物。结论该方法经济适用性较强,具备一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in the detection and enumeration of micro‐organisms pathogenic for human and present in bovine faeces. This interest is because pollution of the environment by animal faeces may affect the safety of food and of drinking or recreational water. Detection and quantification of microbial pathogens carried out using DNA extracted from the faecal matrix are affected by the quality and the quantity of the DNA extracts, which are critical factors that limit the accuracy and sensitivity of molecular studies. This review compares published methods on DNA extraction from bovine faeces, focusing on the extent to which the success of DNA amplification is affected by issues related to the faeces. Following a general discussion on the DNA extraction methods used for faeces, we focus particularly on issues related to the faecal environment itself. The objective is to identify information that can be used to improve the sensitivity of those PCR methods used after direct DNA extraction.  相似文献   

短尾猴陈旧粪便中DNA的提取   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分子粪便学(Molecular scatology)是一门将传统粪便分析方法与分子生物学技术相结合,以动物粪便为实验材料进行多领域研究的学科(魏辅等,2001)。虽然该方法已在野生濒危动物保护遗传学和分子生态学研究中发挥了很大作用(Kohnand Wayne,1997),但目前大多数分子粪便学研究中使用的材料是新鲜粪便,从保存时间很长的陈旧粪便中很难提取到高质量的DNA用于PCR扩增以及序列分析,严重制约了分子粪便学的广泛应用(Wasser et al.,1997;Constable et al.,2001;Murphy et al..2002)。  相似文献   

This paper describes a method that facilitates the extraction of PCR-compatible DNA from different activated sludge samples. The approach involves a novel preprocessing step in DNA extraction, which removes potential PCR inhibitors. The sludge was washed with different ratios of acetone and petroleum ether after pretreatment with 0.01% Tween-20 at 50 degrees C. It was observed that an initial washing step with 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0, before the detergent-solvent step, improved the quality of the extracted DNA. The extraction protocol resulted in amplifiable amounts of DNA when 10 mg of a sludge sample was used, even in the presence of phenol as a sludge contaminant. The usefulness of the extracted template was demonstrated by carrying out different PCR reactions. The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns demonstrated the diversity of sludge samples.  相似文献   

The purity of DNA extracted from faecal samples is a key issue in the sensitivity and usefulness of biological analyses such as PCR for infectious pathogens and non-pathogens. We have compared the relative efficacy of extraction of bacterial DNA (both Gram negative and positive origin) from faeces using four commercial kits (FastDNA kit, Bio 101; Nucleospin C+T kit, Macherey-Nagal; Quantum Prep Aquapure Genomic DNA isolation kit, Bio-Rad; QIAamp DNA stool mini kit, Qiagen) and a non-commercial guanidium isothiocyanate/silica matrix method. Human faecal samples were spiked with additional known concentrations of Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bacteroides uniformis, the DNA was then extracted by each of the five methods, and tested in genus-specific PCRs. The Nucleospin method was the most sensitive procedure for the extraction of DNA from a pure bacterial culture of Gram-positive L. acidophilus (10(4) bacteria/PCR), and QIAamp and the guanidium method were most sensitive for cultures of Gram-negative B. uniformis (10(3) bacteria/PCR). However, for faecal samples, the QIAamp kit was the most effective extraction method and led to the detection of bacterial DNA over the greatest range of spike concentrations for both B. uniformis and L. acidophilus in primary PCR reactions. A difference in extraction efficacy was observed between faecal samples from different individuals. The use of appropriate DNA extraction kits or methods is critical for successful and valid PCR studies on clinical, experimental or environmental samples and we recommend that DNA extraction techniques are carefully selected with particular regard to the specimen type.  相似文献   

Techniques for application of faecal DNA methods to field studies of Ursids   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
We describe methods for the preservation, extraction and amplification of DNA from faeces that facilitate field applications of faecal DNA technology. Mitochondrial, protein encoding and microsatellite nuclear DNA extracted and amplified from faeces of Malayan sun bears and North American black bears is shown to be identical to that extracted and amplified from the same individual's tissue or blood. A simple drying agent, silica beads, is shown to be a particularly effective preservative, allowing easy and safe transport of samples from the field. Methods are also developed to eliminate the risk of faecal DNA contamination from hair present in faeces.  相似文献   

陈旧皮张中DNA提取的新方法   总被引:32,自引:6,他引:26  
对传统的馆藏陈旧皮张标本DNA提取方法进行了改进,所提DNA分子量可达1kb,而且具有样品用量少(约0.01g),消化时间短(约14h)和操作步骤简单等优点,利用所提DNA,对小熊猫等珍稀动物线粒体DNA的细胞色素b和控制区序列的部分片段进行了PCR扩增,序列测定和比较分析,证实所提DNA合格而无污染,完全可以用于珍稀动物保护遗传学研究。  相似文献   

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