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皖南悬钩子植物资源及开发利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对皖南悬钩子属植物的种类及分布进行了调查研究,该属植物皖南有20种5变种,并报道了该资源的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

天目山自然保护区悬钩子属药用植物资源研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
田春元  周秀佳 《广西植物》2004,24(4):297-301
通过野外调查、采集标本、分类鉴定和查阅文献相结合的方法对浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区悬钩子属植物的药用资源状况进行了较为系统的调查研究。结果发现 :该保护区有悬钩子属植物 1 6种和 1变种 ,它们都可以作为药用植物入药 ,且资源蕴藏量大 ,具有较高的开发利用价值。该项研究有助于该保护区悬钩子属药用植物的开发利用 ,对扩大该属植物药源和发展地方经济都将起到积极的促进作用  相似文献   

山莓(Rubus corchorifolius L. f.)是蔷薇科悬钩子属、空心莓亚属中一种落叶小灌木,广泛分布于我国南北各地。悬钩子属植物在欧美各国栽培已久,并已选育出许多栽培类型进行推广;在我国除东北哈尔滨一带有零星栽植以外其他地区仍以野生为主,系统的研究和开发利用尚未进行,资源流失、破坏的现象仍十分严重。秦巴山区是我国悬钩子属植物的集中分布区之一,从甘肃文县到湖北郧西、竹溪都有山  相似文献   

黄果悬钩子资源开发利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔷薇科悬钩子属植物在国外作为一种重要的浆果类果树已具有悠久的栽培历史。我国悬钩子属植物虽种类繁多、资源丰富,但绝大部分目前仍处于野生状态。选择和保护其中一些优良的种类和类型加以开发利用,可以为我国人民提供一种高营养、高抗性的新型果品,并且对我国“第三代果树”的开发利用具有直接地促进作用。黄果悬钩子(Rubus xanthocarpus Eureau et Franch)是悬钩子属中一种珍贵的草本性野生果树。  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物的开发利用概述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
综合了国内外学者对悬钩子属植物的调查、研究 ,阐述了该属植物的生物学特征 ,地理分布 ,栽培状况 ,生理生化特征 ,药用有效成分分析 ,药理作用和开发利用方面的研究进展 ,并针对当前国内对悬钩子属植物的利用 ,提出了保护野生资源 ,发展人工种植 ,合理利用资源 ,制定中草药生产技术标准操作规程 (SOP)和中草药生产质量管理规范 (GAP) ,鉴定药用有效成分 ,开发相关有机食品和保健产品等一系列合理化建议  相似文献   

北方几种小浆果植物的核型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对悬钩子属、醋栗属、越桔属、沙棘属、接骨木属和五味子属等6属12种小浆果植物的染色体数目和核型进行了研究。其中绿叶悬钩子、牛迭肚和刺果茶Biao的染色体数目为首次报道。截止目前,关于小浆果植物的核型资料报道甚少。  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物化学成分及药理活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近10年来悬钩子属植物的化学成分和药理活性研究进行了综述,为该属植物的进一步开发利用提供参考。悬钩子属植物的化学成分主要包括黄酮、萜、鞣质、甾等。药理活性主要包括抗菌、抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗氧化、抗过敏、保肝、镇痛等。  相似文献   

云南栎属植物资源及开发利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周元 《广西植物》2001,21(4):330-334
栎属 (Quercus L.)植物在云南约 3 5种 ,在全省分布范围广泛。国内外在现代分布、系统分类及其演化、化石历史、遗传学以及分子生物学等方面对栎属植物进行了深入的研究。栎属植物中很多树种具有很高的经济价值 ,但长期以来未能得到合理开发和利用。本文对其地理分布、林木资源、化学成分、利用现状等方面进行了论述 ;并提出了栎属植物资源的保护和未来开发利用的几种途径。  相似文献   

秦巴山区悬钩子植物的种质资源   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
秦巴山区有野生悬钩子38种12变种,是我国悬钩子属植物比较集中的分布区之一,对秦巴山区悬钩子种质资源的系统调查和综合分析结果表明:1.悬钩子类果实中维生素类(尤其是维生素E)和SOD等生物活性物质的含量异常高,蛋白质、氨基酸、有机酸和矿质元素含量不同程度地高于栽培水果,是一种急待开发利用的野生果树。2.黄果悬钩子、粉枝莓、华中悬钩子、弓茎悬钩子、喜阴悬钩子、插田泡、茅莓、山莓和高粱泡等具有直立生长、植株健壮、少刺或无刺、丰产、抗寒耐旱等经济性状,是悬钩子类果树选种和育种的优良种质材料,其中有些种类还可以直接引种栽培。3.悬钩子植物的美化环境和水土保持作用及药用保健价值也应受到重视。  相似文献   

在对广东省湿地植被全面踏查的基础上,分析湿地植物资源现状并提出保护和利用对策。结果显示,广东省湿地维管植物共有96科240属352种,大部分为被子植物,其中含属数和种数较多的科有菊科、禾本科,含种数较多的属有莎草属Cyperus、蓼属Polygonum、母草属Lindernia、簕竹属Bambusa。出现频率较高的物种主要有喜旱莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.、凤眼蓝Eichhornia crassipes(Mart.)Solms、象草Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.、大薸Pistia stratiotes L.、铺地黍Panicum repens L.等。从生活型来看,多年生草本植物占总种数的71.59%,居主要优势;从生态类群来看,湿生植物占总种数的43.47%,居主要优势;从植物来源来看,本地物种占总种数的90.63%,居主要优势。入侵植物有41种,占总种数的11.66%。已开发利用的植物资源共204种,占总种数的57.63%。随着城市化进程的加快,开垦、采砂、排污等人为活动以及外来物种入侵使湿地环境遭到破坏,植物种类大大减少;用于园林绿化和净化污水的植物种类较少且多为外来种。建议合理开发湿地资源,加强外来物种的监控,多利用本地植物资源进行园林绿化和净化污水。  相似文献   

搞清楚中国外来植物种类有哪些, 从哪里来, 如何进入中国, 属于什么性质的类群, 它们的生物学特征和生态学特性如何等问题, 是中国外来入侵植物预防和预警机制研究的重要基础。《中国植物志》、Flora of China、各省级植物志书等记载的外来植物信息由于种种原因非常有限, 且目前我国尚没有完整体现中国外来植物信息的数据库。本文通过整合近几年外来植物相关的资料, 并通过文献考证增补外来植物原产地、习性等信息, 利用计算机网络、数据库及大数据分析技术手段, 经信息化处理和分类学校正, 进行分类体系重建, 最终确定中国外来植物的物种名录数据集。该数据集共有数据14,710条, 记载中国外来植物283科3,233属14,710个类群(含13,401原种332杂交种2嵌合体458亚种503变种14变型)。每个类群包括类别、中文科名、科名、中文属名、属名、中文名、别名、学名、命名人、生存状态、生存时间、生活型、原产国家或地区和中国引入省份等基础信息。数据集显示, 外来植物已在中国的植物种类构成中占据了相当大的比例(高达28.19%, 中国境内有维管植物52,177个类群, 其中本土37,464, 外来14,710, 上述数字包含种下等级, 统计截至2021年12月31日); 就生存状态而言, 栽培植物占所有外来植物的比例高达91%, 逃逸植物占7.36%, 归化植物占6.69%, 入侵植物占2.66%; 对于生活型的分析显示, 多年生类群占据了外来植物的绝大多数(13,625种, 约占总数的92.6%), 草本植物(8,937种, 约占总数的60.8%)相较于乔木(2,752种, 约占总数的18.7%)、灌木(4,916种, 约占总数的33.4%)及其他生活型数量要更多; 中国的外来植物大多来自北美洲(4,242种)、非洲(3,707种)、南美洲(3,645种)、亚洲(3,102种), 欧洲(1,690种)和大洋洲(1,305种)相对较少; 而中国具有外来植物最多的前10个省份分别为台湾(6,122种)、北京(5,244种)、福建(3,667种)、广东(3,544种)、云南(3,404种)、上海(2,924种)、江苏(2,183种)、江西(1,789种)、浙江(1,658种)和湖北(973种)。本数据集是第一次对中国外来植物进行全面系统整理, 可供从事外来植物相关研究工作参考, 也可作为植物多样性研究的基础资料, 还可作为农业、林业、草业、园林、草药及自然保护和环境保护人士及高等院校师生的参考数据。  相似文献   

在简要讨论外来植物相关定义的基础上, 对中国外来归化植物的调查和编目现状进行了概述; 并对近年发表的两篇文章中外来归化植物数据进行了订正。  相似文献   

To study the distribution of rhodanese (E.C. in plants, rhodanese activity was assayed on 13 cyanogenic and 12 non-cyanogenic species. All the species tested had the enzyme activity. This phenomenon leads to a hypothesis that the enzyme is generally distributed in plants.  相似文献   

Himalayan snowball plants, which are considered to be an extreme form of downy plants, have very dense trichomes on well-developed bracts that surround the inflorescences. It has been postulated that the downy inflorescences of these plants might serve to keep the interior of inflorescences warmer than the outside and, thus, to protect reproductive cells from low temperatures in their Himalayan habitat. In the present study, we examined the downy inflorescences of Saussurea medusa Maxim. in native habitats in the high alpine zone of the Henduan Mountains in Yunnan, China, and we analyzed the temperature within inflorescences after absorbance of light energy. S. medusa is pollinated by bumblebees and we found that its inflorescences accumulated heat not on the inside, but, rather, on the upper surfaces. The thick hollow stems and the overlapping bracts with obvious epinasty might serve not only to retain heat, but also as an insulator to protect the inside against overheating, with apparent local warming of flowers that are located at the tops of plants, which are cone-shaped. We made a model that mimicked the warming of inflorescences, providing support for the hypothesis that the downy bracts of S. medusa have two functions: thermal insulation to protect the inside of flowers and the accumulation of heat on the upper surfaces of the inflorescence. Such a system might be effective in attracting pollinators and also in protecting tissues from extreme variations in temperature. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

海南岛维管植物物种多样性的现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带岛屿的植物多样性一直是全球生物多样性保护的重点和热点。海南岛地处热带北缘, 是中国的第二大岛屿, 具有丰富的植物多样性。经过近几十年的考察研究, 关于海南岛的植物物种数量出现了多个版本。本文通过文献梳理和野外考证的方法进行了全面的植物多样性调查, 以确定其维管植物种数。结果表明: 截止到2015年12月, 海南岛记录并能考证实物或标本的维管植物共有6,036种, 包括野生种4,579种(含特有植物483种和珍稀濒危植物512种)、外来逸生及归化植物163种(含外来入侵种57种)、外来引种的纯栽培植物1,294种。自1964-1977年《海南植物志》出版至今, 新增野生及引种的栽培植物所占的比例均较大, 分别占海南岛野生和栽培植物总种数的35.9%和75.9%。本文还对其中1,220种的拉丁学名进行了异名处理等的订正。  相似文献   

Plant knowledge of the Shuhi in the Hengduan Mountains, Southwest China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Shuhi are a Tibeto-Burman ethnic group of around 1,500 people living exclusively in the Shuiluo Valley, southwest China. We documented their plant knowledge concerning wild collected species, and analyzed food, medicine, and ritual uses. Overall, uses, collection sites, and use frequencies of 136 plant species were documented. The plants were divided in fodder (46 spp.), food (43 spp.), medicine (27 spp.), ritual plants (20 spp.), fuelwood (17 spp.), plants used for construction (8 spp.), ornamentals (2 spp.), and "others" (34 spp.). Food plants mainly consist of fruits and leafy vegetables, and the uses are comparable with those of other ethnic groups in the area. Knowledge about medicinal plants is relatively limited, since traditional Shuhi healers use ritual and other healing methods instead of medicinal plants. Ritual plants play an important role relative to human well-being. Villagers and ritualists use them to keep the environment clean of malevolent spirits and to maintain a good relationship with the deities. All habitats, from the dry shrub vegetation at the valley bottom up to the alpine shrub, are used for plant collection, but 87% of all species are collected in the near vicinity of the villages around the fields and in the dry shrub vegetation. Finally, we postulate two main factors influencing wild plant use among the Shuhi: cultural values and accessibility.  相似文献   

Summary CpNpG and CpG methylation was surveyed in a range of vascular and nonvascular plants to determine firstly when CpNpG methylation evolved and secondly whether the two methylation systems found in higher plants were likely to be under common or separate control. Although both systems exist in a wide range of vascular plant taxa, the nonvascular plant taxa appear to contain only CpNpG methylation and this in only very limited amounts. The data suggest that both systems may have evolved at the same time and that speciation involved loss of one or the other methylation system or the evolution of differentiation stage-specific control systems.  相似文献   

云南种子植物中的新入侵和新分布种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了两个云南的新入侵植物及两个新分布种,分别是光冠水菊和细叶旱芹及俯垂粉报春和针叶韭,并对新入侵植物的危害性及防治措施等进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

Ethnobotany of Sambucus nigraL. in Catalonia (Iberian Peninsula):The Integral Exploitation of a Natural Resource in Mountain Regions. Economic Botany 58(3):456-469, 2004. We present in this paper data about the popular uses of elder (Sambucus nigra) obtained in two ethnobotanical studies carried out in the districts (comarques) of Pallars Jussà and Pallars Sobirà (Pyrenees) and in the Montseny Massif (Catalan Prelittoral Range), complemented with others from different Catalan regions (also investigated by our group) and compared with those from other Iberian and Mediterranean territories. This bush or small tree belonging to the family Caprifoliaceae is one of the plants that have been most reported and used (for medicinal and other purposes) by the informants, not only in the two regions studied but in all Catalonia and in many Mediterranean areas as well. It is one of the most versatile of plants, being used for food, medicine, crafts and games, as well as for ornamental purposes. In addition, almost every part of the plant, including the bark, roots, leaves, flowers, and fruit, has some uses.  相似文献   

K. R. Reddy 《Hydrobiologia》1981,85(3):201-207
A field study was conducted during the months of October, January, May, and July (1979–80) to examine the diel variations in dissolved O2 (DO), pH, dissolved CO2, bicarbonate and carbonate alkalinity, NH4-N, NO3-N, and PO4-P concentration, and conductivity (EC) of the water in six aquatic systems. Water in hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) ponds showed very little or no diel or seasonal variations in DO, pH, dissolved CO2, and bicarbonate alkalinity. Dissolved O2 concentration of the water under floating hyacinth cover was in the range of 0.2–3.0 µg/ml, while dissolved CO2 levels were in the range of 10–35 µg/ml. In the aquatic systems with no floating vegetation, i.e., elodea (Egeria densa) pond, cattail (Typha sp.) pond, control pond (filamentous algae and Chara spp.), and eutrophic lake (algae in Lake Apopka), DO and pH of the water increased during mid-day and decreased during the night. Dissolved O2 levels in these ponds were in the range of 5–20 µg/ml during mid-day and 2–8 µg/ml during the night, while pH of the water was in the range of 8–9.5 during mid-day and decreased to 7–8 during the night. An inverse relationship was observed between bicarbonate and carbonate alkalinity of the water in the aquatic systems with no floating vegetation while no carbonates were detected in the water with floating hyacinth plants. Ammonium N, NO3-N and PO4-P concentration of the water in these aquatic systems showed very little or no diel variations.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 2788.  相似文献   

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