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该研究针对根茎型克隆植物羊草(Leymus chinensis)考察了以下内容:1)地上枝条和根茎中可溶性碳水化合物含量的时间动态及其对去叶干扰的响应;2)特定阶段植物体内一定部位的可溶性碳水化合物浓度差异;3)植物体各部分(地上部分、直立茎地下部分及根茎)间可溶性碳水化合物浓度变化之间的关联。基于上述研究结果,作者试图弄清碳水化合物对于羊草克隆分株和整个基株生长和存活的意义。实验共有4个处理:1个对照和3个不同频度(在整个实验进行期间分别去叶1次、3次和5次)的去叶处理。所有去叶处理都采取一个统一的强度,即留茬15 cm。地上枝条和根茎的取样频次为每10 d 1次。植物体各部分可溶性碳水化合物浓度以高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定。对不同去叶频度处理间的碳水化合物含量差异显著性进行ANOVA分析。结果表明:不去叶对照处理在生长季盛期可溶性碳水化合物浓度的显著下降归因于植物体快速的生长而引起植物叶片旺盛的呼吸消耗,而去叶处理中植物的可溶性碳水化合物浓度并没有大的降低甚至在最频繁的去叶处理下还有所上升,主要是由于去叶处理减少叶片而造成地上部分总呼吸量下降所致。一次性去叶处理并没有影响植物地上部分最终的可溶性碳水化合物浓度,但是连续数次的去叶处理对地上部分可溶性碳水化合物浓度产生了一定的影响。在秋季气温下降时,碳水化合物自地上向地下的转移在去叶频度越大的处理下表现越为迅速。这表明当植物体接受到气温降低的信号后,去叶干扰加速碳水化合物自地上向地下的转移。可能由于地下枝条存在一定的贮藏功能,在实验过程中地下枝条中可溶性碳水化合物浓度比地上枝条中表现的更加稳定。根茎中的可溶性碳水化合物必要时会转移到地上以供应地上枝条的生长,而旺盛的生长会消耗可溶性碳水化合物,然而自未接受去叶处理的分株向接受去叶处理的分株的克隆整合(常常在较高频次的去叶处理中发生)可能会在一定程度上缓解这种消耗所造成的影响。  相似文献   

以烟台海岸生态断带滨麦(Leymus mollis)和肾叶打碗花(Calystegia soldanella)为材料,在远离高潮线不同位置上取土样和植物材料,通过测定土壤Na+和两植物根叶Na+含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性和渗透调节物含量,以揭示滨麦和肾叶打碗花根叶中Na+在其适应海岸盐环境中的生理调控机制。结果表明,在高潮线土壤Na+含量最高,滨麦根叶Na+含量较高,两植物根叶中MDA和水分含量、抗氧化酶活力均较低,但渗透调节物含量均较高。随远离高潮线土壤Na+含量下降,滨麦根叶Na+含量下降,而肾叶打碗花根中Na+含量上升,其根叶Na+含量较滨麦分别高637%和319%。同时两植物根叶MDA含量、叶片含水量增加;两植物根中POD和SOD活力增加;两植物根叶可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量下降。但不同生态断带滨麦叶片平均含水量相对较低,MDA含量、POD和CAT和SOD活力、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量相对较高。在盐土环境中滨麦通过降低Na+的吸收和提高抗氧化酶活力和有机渗透调节物含量维持氧自由基代谢平衡和水分平衡。而肾叶打碗花是泌盐植物,在不同生态断带其叶片Na+含量、平均含水量相对较高,叶MDA含量、POD和CAT活力、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量均相对较低。泌盐植物的肾叶打碗花依赖根叶中积累的Na+作为无机渗透调节剂维护其离子平衡和水分平衡及正常生长。因此,积累在根叶中的Na+离子既作为无机渗透调节剂维护细胞离子平衡和水分平衡,又引发细胞生理干旱促进有机渗透调节物合成;另外还作为氧自由基诱发剂促使活性氧自由基(ROS)积累,通过积累的ROS激活抗氧化保护酶系统抑制膜脂过氧化、维护氧自由基代谢平衡。海岸沙地土壤中高浓度Na+是海滨滨麦和肾叶打碗花能长期在盐土环境中生存的依靠元素,其对植物的生理调控作用可能是滨麦和肾叶打碗花适应盐土生存的重要生理适应机理。  相似文献   

马会雷  张婷凤  周瑞莲  张玥 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3504-3513
在自然条件下,测定分析了夏季和秋季静风天及秋季大风天,海岸沙丘不同坡向环境因子及滨麦株高、叶片叶绿素含量、土壤含水量和光合日变化特性,以期明晰滨麦响应不同风速环境的生理调控机理。结果表明,不同坡向环境异质性明显,滨麦形态可塑性强。海岸迎风坡风大、温度低、湿度大,滨麦植株低矮、叶绿素含量较高;背风坡温度高、土壤干旱、空气流动差,滨麦植株高大,叶绿素含量低。在夏秋季静风天,迎风坡和背风坡滨麦叶片Pn出现光合"午休"现象,但迎风坡滨麦日均Gs、Tr、Pn均显著高于背风坡;而在秋季大风天,迎风坡和背风坡滨麦叶片Pn"午休"现象消失,并且背风坡滨麦日均Pn、Tr、Gs均显著高于迎风坡滨麦。同坡向相比,秋季大风天迎风坡滨麦日均Pn、Tr、Gs明显较秋季静风天低,而背风坡滨麦日均叶片Pn、Tr、Gs却较静风天分别增高126%、66.3%、134%。强海风吹袭引发迎风坡温度降低、滨麦叶片摇摆、气孔导度降低导致Pn下降,而强海风使背风坡空气流动加快、温度降低、气孔导度增大、"午休"消失使Pn增高。不同坡向滨麦对不同海风风速的适应表现出明显的光合生理可塑性,它在滨麦适应不同风力、提高其光合速率和增加物质积累上具有重要作用。而滨麦的形态和光合生理可塑性可能是其在不同海风强度下生存、生长、实现种群扩张的重要生理调控机理,这一特性在未来作物、牧草和树木抗风、抗盐育种中具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

环境胁迫对海草非结构性碳水化合物储存和转移的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江志坚  黄小平  张景平 《生态学报》2012,32(19):6242-6250
非结构性碳水化合物在海草体内的代谢对植株的生长有重要影响。为更好地跟踪非结构性碳水化合物在海草响应环境胁迫中所起的作用,根据国内外最新文献,重点综述了光强、营养盐、盐度、海洋酸化、温度、硫化物和动物摄食等环境胁迫对海草非结构性碳水化合物储存和转移的影响。光限制和富营养化均降低非结构性碳水化合物的合成,并使之从地下根茎转移到叶;而海洋酸化却促进非结构性碳水化合物合成并向地下组织转移;盐度变化改变海草体内渗透压,需要非结构性碳水化合物的新陈代谢来维持;温度通过影响光合作用、呼吸作用、氮代谢来影响非结构性碳水化合物的合成与储存;而硫化物和动物摄食则分别通过抑制海草酶的活性和啃食海草光合组织,减少非结构性碳水化合物的合成和储存。同时指出了一些今后关于海草非结构性碳水化合物的重点研究方向:(1)海草不同生命阶段(种子休眠和萌发,发育,繁殖等)非结构性与结构性碳水化合物之间,以及可溶糖与淀粉之间的转化分配机制;(2)双环境因子或者多环境因子对海草非结构性碳水化合物的耦合作用;(3)非结构性碳水化合物作为海草床生态系统健康评价指标的研究与应用。  相似文献   

放牧影响下羊草种群生物量形成动态的研究   总被引:22,自引:11,他引:11  
在种群水平上研究了放牧对东北草原羊草草地羊草种群生物量形成动态的影响.结果表明,随放牧强度增加,羊草种群地上同化系统和非同化系统现存量、凋落物积累量及地下活根茎量和死根茎量均显著下降.重度放牧阶段,羊草种群地上同化系统、非同化系统现存量分别为轻牧阶段的48.6%和49.4%;地下活根茎量和死根茎量分别为轻牧阶段的41.3%和51.4%.同时地上同化系统与非同化系统间及地下活根茎量与死根茎量间具有相同的季节变化趋势.  相似文献   

地下芽植物能够通过地下储存器官占据生境资源、储存营养物质等策略来获得生态优势,其地下储存器官多样性以及生物量分配策略,对地下芽植物物种组成以及生态系统功能产生重要影响。然而,以往研究多关注草地生态系统的地下芽植物,对森林地下芽植物的了解仍然缺乏。采集了古田山国家级自然保护区不同海拔分布的693个草本植物个体,分析了地下芽植物及其地下储存器官的类型与多样性,比较了地下芽植物与非地下芽植物的地上、地下各器官的绝对、相对生物量。结果显示:(1)地下芽植物的相对丰富度为69.1%,相对多度为88.2%。大多为根状茎植物,主要由禾本科、莎草科、堇菜科和蕨类植物组成。(2)除茎外,地下芽植物各器官的绝对生物量(叶:1.94g,根:0.65g,地上部分:2.0g,地下部分:4.1g)均大于非地下芽植物(叶:0.26g,根:0.13g,地上部分:0.68g,地下部分:0.13g)。(3)地下芽植物叶(0.40)与茎(0.14)的相对生物量小于非地下芽植物(叶:0.48,茎:0.35),地下部分相对生物量(0.56)大于非地下芽植物(0.17)。本研究表明,以根状茎植物为主的地下芽植物是古田山亚热带森林生态系统草本植物的主要构成者,且个体普遍较大,倾向于将生物量投资于地下器官。这些结果为认识地下芽植物的生态策略与功能以及草本植物群落管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

沈阳城市森林主要树种物候对气候变暖的响应   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用统计和线性回归方法,探讨了近40年来沈阳城市森林主要树种物候对气候变暖的响应.结果表明,沈阳城市森林树木休眠期长短与冬季气温密切相关,适宜的寒冷条件有利于解除树木休眠期;树木萌动期早晚与冬季和早春气温高低呈显著的负相关关系,冬春季气温越高,芽萌动越提前.树木爆芽后15 d左右开始展叶,展叶早晚主要受展叶前的春季气温高低的影响,但与冬季气温没有相关关系.始花前2~8旬,特别是2~4旬气温对始花期影响最显著,春季气温升高始花期提前. 树木芽萌动期、展叶始期与寒冷指数(CI)呈显著正相关关系,而开花始期与CI没有相关关系.沈阳城市森林树木对气候变暖的响应,主要表现在年均温升高1 ℃,芽萌动期提前9 d,展叶始期提前10 d,开花始期提前5 d.  相似文献   

全球变化引发的极端气候事件严重影响草地生态系统结构与功能。然而,作为多年生草地重要繁殖体库,半干旱草甸草原地下芽库如何响应极端干旱尚未明确。本研究以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原为对象,利用模拟极端干旱样地平台,探究地下芽库及其与地上植被关系对模拟生长季极端干旱的响应。结果表明,环境降水水平与干旱处理下总芽密度分别为1443和1128芽·m-2;分株总密度分别为1791和1346株·m-2;群落整体分生组织制约系数分别为0.84和0.83。极端干旱对草甸草原地下芽库、地上分株密度以及二者之间关联均无显著影响。就优势植物功能群根茎型禾草而言,极端干旱对其地下芽库同样无显著影响。因此,地下芽库表现出对极端干旱一定程度的抵抗力,可作为草甸草原植被应对极端气候事件的保险策略,有效促进草甸草原在极端气候胁迫下的种群更新与植被恢复,有助于草甸草原植被稳定性与生态系统功能维持。  相似文献   

甘肃天祝高寒珠芽蓼草甸5月20日左右返青。地上生物量的变化呈单峰曲线,最大值在8月22日,干物质为548.39g/m2(489.06g/m2去灰分物质;下同);净第一性生产力为481.05g/m2·a干物质。地下生物量很大,6一9月平均接近6kg/m2,呈单谷曲线变化,最低值出现在7月20日,为4556.87g/m2干物质。地上部分最大生长率出现在月平均气温只有8—10℃的返青后一个月,平均绝对生长率为5.89g/m2·d干物质,平均相对生长率为0.152g/g·d干物质。春季地上部分的最大生长率与活根的很大消耗联系在一起。地上部分对太阳总辐射的转化率为0.155%,对生理辐射的转化率为0.316%,对≥0℃-≤0℃生长期的生理辐射的转化率为0.692%。地上部分在生长的第一个月对总辐射的表观转化率最高,平均为0.57%。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区不同生活型植物物候响应气候变暖的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用1974年以来民勤荒漠区植物物候观测资料和气象观测资料,将22种植物分别按生长类型划分为乔木、灌木和草本植物3种生活型,再按更新芽着生部位将22种植物划分为高位芽植物、地上芽植物和地面芽植物植物3种生活型,分析了按这2种方法划分的不同生活型植物物候响应气候变化的差异.结果表明:1)不论以哪种方法划分的植物生活型,春季物候响应气温变化的敏感程度均大干秋季;2)按生长类型划分的3种生活型植物之间的物候变化差异较按更新芽着生部位划分的3种生活型植物之间的物候变化差异大,主要表现为乔木和灌木的物候差异较大;3)当地植物的生长期长度、乔木的春季物候提前幅度和高位芽植物的春季物候提前幅度大干其他文献报导;4)更新芽着生部位越高,春季物候响应当月和当年气温变暖越敏感,表明在地面以上、乔木高度以内,距地面越高气温对春季物候的影响越显著.  相似文献   

Multiple signaling molecules, including Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and Wnt, induce two patches of ectoderm on either side of the hindbrain to form the progenitor cell population for the inner ear, or otic placode. Here we report that in Spry1, Spry2 compound mutant embryos (Spry1−/−; Spry2−/− embryos), the otic placode is increased in size. We demonstrate that the otic placode is larger due to the recruitment of cells, normally destined to become cranial epidermis, into the otic domain. The enlargement of the otic placode observed in Spry1−/−; Spry2−/− embryos is preceded by an expansion of a Wnt8a expression domain in the adjacent hindbrain. We demonstrate that both the enlargement of the otic placode and the expansion of the Wnt8a expression domain can be rescued in Spry1−/−; Spry2−/− embryos by reducing the gene dosage of Fgf10. Our results define a FGF-responsive window during which cells can be continually recruited into the otic domain and uncover SPRY regulation of the size of a putative Wnt inductive center.  相似文献   

Resin glycosides are secondary metabolites exclusive to the convolvulaceous plants. In this study, crypthophilic acids A–C (13), the first resin glycosides occurring in another family (Scrophulariaceae), and the other constituents of Scrophularia cryptophila were examined for in vitro antiprotozoal and antimycobacterial potentials. Except for crypthophilic acid B (2), all tested compounds exhibited growth-inhibitory effect against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, with l-tryptophan (6) and buddlejasaponin III (7) being the most potent ones (IC50's 4.1 and 9.7 μg/ml). In contrast, the activity towards Trypanosoma cruzi was poor, and only crypthophilic acid C (3), 6 and 7 were trypanocidal at concentrations above 40 μg/ml. With the exception of 2 and 6, all compounds were active against Leishmania donovani. Harpagide (4) and 3 emerged as the best leishmanicidal agents (IC50's 2.0 and 5.8 μg/ml). Only compounds 3, 6 and 7 showed antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum with IC50 values of 4.2, 16.6 and 22.4 μg/ml. Overall the best and broadest spectrum activity was presented by compounds 3 and 7, as they inhibited all four parasitic protozoa. None of the isolates had significant activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MICs >100 μg/ml) or were toxic towards mammalian (L6) cells. This is the first report of antiprotozoal activity for natural resin glycosides, as well as for harpagide (4), acetylharpagide (5), tryptophan (6) and buddlejasaponin III (7).  相似文献   

Molloy  F. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):293-299
Of the 1500 km coast of Namibia, only 80 km is predominantly rocky, the remaining 1420 km being sandy with only minor rocky outcrops. At present two species are utilized, Gracilaria verrucosa for agar and Laminaria schinzii for human consumption. Other potentially utilizable seaweeds occurring on the coast are Ecklonia maxima for alginates, Suhria vittata for agar, Gigartina radula, G. stiriata and Aeodes orbitosa for carrageenans and Porphyra capensis for human consumption. Laminaria schinzii also can be used for alginate production. Due to the diamond-mining areas around the 80 km rocky area at Luderitz (26° 39 S), only 20 km are accessible; hence, at present the seaweeds are being exploited almost to their full potential. The species currently not being utilized could be used, however, to support the industry that already exists at Luderitz. To increase production, access to the diamond areas would have to be gained or a cultivation program initiated.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphorus, Zn2+, CO2, and light intensity on growth, biochemical composition, and the activity of extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) in Isochrysis galbana were investigated. A significant change was observed when the concentration of phosphorus in the medium was increased from 5 μmol/L to 1000 μmol/L affecting I. galbana’s cell density, biochemical composition, and the activity of extracellular CA. Phosphorous concentration of 50 μmol/L to 500 μmol/L was optimal for this microalgae. The Zn2+ concentration at 10 μmol/L was essential to maintain optimal growth of the cells, but a higher concentration of Zn2+ (≥ 1000 μmol/L) inhibited the growth of I. galbana. High CO2 concentrations (43.75 mL/L) significantly increased the cell densities compared to low CO2 concentrations (0.35 mL/L). However, the activity of extracellular CA decreased significantly with an increasing concentration of CO2. The activity of extracellular CA at a CO2 concentration of 43.75 mL/L was approximately 1/6 of the activity when the CO2 concentration was at 0.35 mL/L CO2. Light intensity from 4.0 mW/cm2 to 5.6 mW/cm2 was beneficial for the growth, biochemical composition and the activity of extracellular CA. The lower and higher light intensity was restrictive for growth and changed its biochemical composition and the activity of extracellular CA. These results indicate that phosphorus, Zn2+, CO2, and light intensity are important factors that impact growth, biochemical composition and the activity of extracellular CA in I. galbana.  相似文献   

New and old problems in the taxonomy of the Gelidiales (Rhodophyta)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Santelices  Bernabé 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):125-135
The order Gelidiales includes over 140 agar-producing taxa. Many species are taxonomically confused; the boundaries of one family and all but four genera recently have been contested, and the controversy over ordinal status has lasted for over 25 years. This study reviews recent developments in the taxonomy of the group and suggests future areas for studies. The order cannot be defined by a few exclusive characters, as intended in the past, but it shows a unique combination of characters. Additional studies on Gelidiella and Acanthopeltis seem advisable to clarify family limits. The segregation of Onikusa and Pterocladiastrum is doubtful. Only three of six characters discriminate Gelidium from Pterocladia. None allows complete generic segregation and all need variability studies. Analysis of nomenclatural types in the light of morphological variation would permit an understanding of species limits in Gelidium and Pterocladia. Similar studies are needed in Gelidiella and Ptilophora.  相似文献   

Dose-dependent effect of synthetic heptapeptides Semax (Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro) and Selank (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro) on the enkephalin-degrading enzymes of human serum was demonstrated. The inhibitory effects of Semax (IC5010 M) and Selank (IC5020 M) are more pronounced than that of puromycin (IC5010 mM), bacitracin, and some other inhibitors of peptidases. Beside the heptapeptides, their pentapeptide fragments also possessed an inhibitory effect; tri-, tetra- and hexapeptide fragments did not display such an effect. As the above enzymes take part in degradation of not only enkephalins but also other regulatory peptides, it can be assumed that one of the mechanisms of biological activity of Semax and Selank is related to this inhibitory activity of theirs.  相似文献   

We used a five-gene data set (mtDNA: 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cyt-b; nDNA: Cmos, Rag2) comprising approximately two-thirds of all extant testudinid species and, for the first time, including all five Testudo species to investigate the question of whether all western Palaearctic testudinids are monophyletic. Further, we examined whether the recently suggested allocation of the African Geochelone pardalis in the otherwise exclusively South African genus Psammobates and of the Malagasy G. yniphora in the monotypic genus Angonoka is justified in the face of considerable morphological evidence against such placements. Our phylogenetic analyses do not support the paraphyly and generic break-up of Testudo, as suggested by previous papers using a smaller taxon sampling and mtDNA data only. We propose a continued usage of the generic name Testudo for all five western Palaearctic tortoise species. Within Testudo, two monophyletic subclades are present, one containing T. hermanni+T. horsfieldii, and the other comprising (T. kleinmanni+T. marginata)+T. graeca. Nomenclaturally, we demonstrate that Eurotestudo Lapparent de Broin et al., 2006, which was recently erected with the type species T. hermanni, is an objective junior synonym of Chersine Merrem, 1820 and Medaestia Wussow, 1916. Recognition of a monotypic genus Angonoka for G. yniphora is unwarranted according to both our re-analysis of sequence data and morphological data. Acknowledging the strong morphological similarity between G. yniphora and G. radiata, we suggest placing both species into the genus Astrochelys. Although sequence data for only one of the three Psammobates species was available for analysis, there is currently no cause to challenge the monophyly of this genus as established on the basis of morphological evidence. Thus, we hypothesize that G. pardalis is sister to a monophyletic Psammobates. In light of the clear morphological gap between G. pardalis and Psammobates species, the recognition of a distinct genus Stigmochelys for the former seems justified.  相似文献   

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