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光合有效辐射(PAR)是影响白天净生态系统碳交换(NEE)变化的主要环境因子,但坡面地形水平测量的PAR与超声风速仪倾斜校正后的NEE坐标系统并不匹配。本研究以平均坡度9°、坡向296°的帽儿山温带落叶阔叶林为例,研究2016年生长季(5—9月)NEE的日变化规律及其驱动因子,评估水平和坡面平行辐射表测量PAR在光响应参数估计以及其他驱动因子对NEE解释方面的差异。结果表明: 生长季各月NEE日变化均呈上、下午不对称的单峰曲线,NEE日出约2.5 h后变为负值(净碳吸收),在12:00左右达到峰值,日落前2 h再次接近零。日吸收峰7月最大,5月最小。从整个生长季来看,坡面平行与水平测量PAR的时滞和差异导致通过水平辐射表测得的PAR值拟合得到的光合量子效率(α)和白天呼吸速率(Rd)分别增大13.3%和11.5%,最大光合效率(Amax)降低7.7%;上午与下午的NEE光响应曲线不对称,下午的RdAmax均大于上午。光响应参数还受天气条件影响,多云Amax大于晴天,但αRd大多小于晴天。但逐月来看,水平测量辐射的AmaxRd普遍低于倾斜测量辐射的值,尤其是多云下午的Amax。辐射表安装方式还影响空气温度(Ta)与饱和水汽压差(VPD)对NEE的解释,除9月Ta外,基于坡面平行辐射表的全天NEE残差与Ta和VPD的相关性(r为0.082~0.219和0.162~0.282)高于基于水平辐射表的NEE残差(r为0.013~0.197和0.098~0.224)。本研究表明,倾斜地形水平测量PAR可对NEE的环境解释带来明显误差,这对山地植被辐射测量方法以及陆地生态系统碳通量的科学解释具有重要意义。  相似文献   

阳光紫外辐射对褐藻羊栖菜生长和光合作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨经济褐藻羊栖菜对阳光紫外辐射变化的响应,我们在全波段阳光辐射(280-700 nm),去除UV-B辐射(320-700 nm)以及光合有效辐射PAR (400-700 nm)三种辐射条件下对其进行培养,测定了其光合作用与生长的变化。羊栖菜的生长是通过每两天测量一次藻体的湿重来测定的,光合放氧是用Clark型氧电极测定的,为了测定藻体叶绿素a和紫外吸收物质的含量,从250 nm到750 nm对羊栖菜的甲醇提取液进行扫描,叶绿素a的浓度用Porra的公式计算,紫外吸收物质的计算是根据Dunlap的方法先计算紫外吸收物质和叶绿素a的比率,然后乘以每单位藻体叶绿素a的含量。结果表明,当藻体接收较多的日辐射量时有较高的相对生长速率,当滤除UVR后,较高的太阳辐射也导致了较高的光合放氧。然而太阳紫外辐射能够抑制藻体的光合放氧和生长速率,降低叶绿素a的浓度,并且这种抑制作用随着辐射水平的升高而增强。此外,阳光紫外辐射也诱导产生了一定量的紫外吸收物质,但并不足以抵抗紫外辐射对藻体的伤害作用。  相似文献   

地表辐射对研究地表能量平衡及气候形成机制具有重要意义。利用中天山乌拉斯台地区陆气相互作用观测站2018年5月至2019年4月地表辐射数据,分析了中天山草地不同时间尺度和不同天气条件下的地表辐射与反照率变化特征。结果表明:(1)地表辐射月平均日变化除大气长波辐射较弱外,其余分量均呈单峰型,极值大小及时间存在差异,太阳总辐射与净辐射最大日峰值均出现在6月,为920.9与603.3 W/m~2,大气与地表长波辐射分别出现在7月和8月,为327.5 W/m~2与471.7 W/m~2,而反射短波辐射则出现在2月,为520.6 W/m~2。(2)太阳总辐射、反射短波辐射、大气与地表长波辐射年曝辐量分别为6860.62、2101.72、7171.25、10089.69 MJ/m~2;就季节变化而言,反射短波辐射曝辐量在冬季明显高于其它季节,其它分量则均表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。(3)不同月份地表反照率日变化均呈“U”型曲线,年均值为0.393,最大与最小月均值分别出现在12月与8月,为0.760与0.217。这种变化体现在季节上则为冬季>秋季>春季>夏季。(...  相似文献   

紧凑型夏玉米群体的辐射截获   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
测量了紧凑型夏玉米 (掖单 1 3)群体的太阳总辐射和光合有效辐射 ( PAR)的反射率、透过率和截获率 .结果表明 ,紧凑型夏玉米具有直立型叶片的透光和截获特点 ,抽雄前总辐射和 PAR的消光系数分别为 0 .2 84和 0 .40 1 ,良好的透光特性使紧凑型夏玉米比平展型的能承受更大的种植密度 .雄穗的透过率约为 75% ,去掉部分雄穗能改善叶簇的光照条件 .本文探讨了总辐射和 PAR的日平均截获率 (āQ)和 (āu)和绿色叶面积指数 ( L )的关系  相似文献   

荧光成像已被广泛应用于生物医学和临床诊断领域。近红外(Near-infrared,NIR,700–1 700nm)荧光成像在NIR波段对生物组织显影,与可见光波段(400–760 nm)的传统荧光成像相比,更有助于提高成像的信噪比和灵敏度。高质量的荧光成像需要借助良好的荧光探针,纳米技术的快速发展使具备良好荧光特性的有机染料不断涌现。与无机荧光探针相比,有机荧光探针具有安全性高、生物相容性好、光学稳定性强等优点。因此有机荧光探针辅助的NIR荧光成像可为研究者提供生物样品的结构和动态信息,是当前光学、化学、生物医学等多学科交叉研究领域的热点。文中结合近年来有机荧光探针在宫颈癌成像应用中的研究,概述了几种典型的有机荧光探针辅助NIR荧光成像在宫颈癌中的应用,如吲哚青绿、七甲川菁染料、罗丹明类荧光探针和聚合物荧光纳米颗粒,并对其发展前景和应用价值进行了展望。  相似文献   

为探讨中不同波段的光合有效辐射对钝顶螺旋藻(Arthrospira platensis)形态、生长及光合作用的影响,实验将钝顶螺旋藻D-0083藻液转入带塞的石英管中,石英管水平置于阳光下并在其上覆盖不同的截止型和带通型滤光片,以使藻丝接受不同波段的太阳辐射;并检测其生长、形态与光合活动的变化。结果发现:所有波段(320—500、395—700、510—700和610—700 nm)光合有效辐射下的藻丝均螺旋变紧且生物量增加。其中以包含少量紫外辐射A(Ultraviolet-A)的蓝光波段(320—500 nm)和红光波段(600—700 nm)对藻丝形态变化、生长及光合速率的诱发效率较高。在320—500、395—700、510—700和610—700 nm波段上的单位能量光照引起钝顶螺旋藻螺距变化的效率分别为0.070、0.015、0.021、0.045μm/(W·m~2)。波段320—500 nm虽然会轻微抑制钝顶螺旋藻D-0083的有效光化学效率(Fv′/Fm′)、电子传递速率(ETR)和藻蓝蛋白的荧光发射,但是却能够有效诱导其藻丝变紧促进生长。此外,钝顶螺旋藻D-0083的藻丝变紧程度、比生长速率变化与不同波段太阳辐射下藻丝体的光合性能相一致。该研究表明任何波段的光合有效辐射都能使螺旋藻藻丝螺旋变紧并引发生长和光合作用,其中以蓝光和红光的效率最高。  相似文献   

帽峰山常绿阔叶林辐射通量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈进  陈步峰  潘勇军  肖以华  史欣 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6766-6776
常绿阔叶林作为南亚热带气候条件下森林的典型代表,在森林辐射研究中扮演着重要的角色.基于广州帽峰山常绿阔叶林1 a的辐射观测数据,分析了其时序变化和分配等规律.结果表明:太阳总辐射(K ↓)、反射辐射(K↑)和净辐射(Rn)通量日变化呈典型的单峰曲线,大气逆辐射(L↓)、森林长波辐射(L↑)呈余弦曲线,长波有效辐射(Ln)呈波浪形.各辐射总量均为雨季大于旱季,Ln除外;帽峰山常绿阔叶林K ↓年总量为4201.22 MJ/m2,Rn、K↑和Ln占其比例分别为63%、11%和26%.Rn通量分配率日变化呈倒“U”型曲线,Ln和K↑呈“U”型曲线.林冠上光合有效辐射(PARa)日平均值旱季小于雨季,林冠下(PARb)则相反;PARa变异系数旱雨季均小于PARb;PARa日变化呈典型的单峰曲线,PARb整体和PARa一致,仅在中午时刻出现微弱双峰.PAR透射率日峰值出现时间范围与K↓基本一致,尤其是在雨季,PAR透射率日平均值雨季大于旱季.帽峰山常绿阔叶林PAR/K↓比率为20%左右.  相似文献   

为了研究短期太阳紫外辐射对钝顶螺旋藻的影响,作者将静止和充气培养的藻体,暴露在全波长太阳辐射PAB(PAR UVA UVB),去除UVB辐射PA(PAR UVA)及切断所有紫外辐射的光合有效辐射P(PAR)三种光处理条件下,测定了其光化学效率的变化。结果表明,紫外辐射(UVP)及光合有效辐射(PAR)均能导致钝顶螺旋藻的光化学效率降低,表现出了明显的光抑制,但是,UVR可导致更大程度的光抑制。充气培养条件下,与早晨(07:00)初始值相比,PAR导致了11%~20%的光抑制,而UVR(PAB-P)所产生的额外光抑制占9%~31%;静止培养条件下,UVR的存在使得螺旋藻的光化学效率趋近于零(无法检出)。在两种培养条件下,藻细胞所受最大光抑制均发生在中午,下午(17:00)表现出不同程度的恢复。紫外辐射使得类胡萝卜素及藻蓝蛋白与叶绿素a含量的比例增大。与PAB和P相比,PA处理使得螺旋藻类胡萝卜素和藻蓝蛋白与叶绿素含量之比明显升高,UVA可能会诱导类胡萝卜素及藻蓝蛋白的合成。  相似文献   

通过大田试验,测量了水稻不同生育期的冠层光谱,并通过在TM红光波段和近红外波段范围内不断扩展波段宽度,计算了各个波段宽度对应的归一化植被指数(NDVI)及其与叶面积指数(LAI)的最大相关系数,再根据NDVI与LAI最佳拟合方程的最大R2值随波段宽度的变化特征确定了最佳波段宽度.结果表明:NDVI与LAI的相关系数和最佳拟合方程的最大R2值具有相同的变化趋势,在小于红光波段宽度60nm范围内,均随波段宽度的增大而减小,即窄波段NDVI比宽波段NDVI对LAI的估算效果好;在超过60nm后,由于受近红外波段宽度的影响而略有波动.对R2规律的分析表明,使用NDVI估算水稻LAI的最佳波段宽度为15nm.  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾沿岸带水体生物学与光学特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于 1998~ 1999年周年 4季原位水下光场观测资料及中国科学院太湖湖泊生态系统研究站 1992~ 2 0 0 1年悬浮物、叶绿素 a、透明度长期历史观测资料分析了太湖梅梁湾沿岸带第 2号站点水体的生物学与光学特性 ,探讨了水下光合有效辐射(PAR)总量的日变化、垂直分布 ;光衰减系数的季节变化及光谱分布 ;影响光衰减系数的主要水色因子。结果表明 ,无论是 PAR还是光谱衰减系数其值都很高 ,其中 PAR衰减系数在 1.4 0~ 5 .30 / m间变化 ,均值为 2 .4 3± 0 .5 5 / m,秋季最大、夏季最小 ,真光层深度在 0 .87~ 3.2 9m间变化 ,均值为 1.98± 0 .4 1m;水下光谱在蓝光波段衰减最强烈 ,其次是红光、绿光 ,随着深度增加光谱成分出现绿移和红移现象 ,绿红光占得比例越来越大 ;光谱衰减系数随着波长的增加大致呈下降趋势 ,但在 6 70 nm附近有个峰值 ;基于线性相关分析发现在混浊的沿岸带水体中影响光衰减主要因子为水体中的悬浮物和有色可溶性有机物 ,叶绿素 a对 PAR衰减系数的贡献率只占到 1.5 9%~ 14 .2 1%。  相似文献   

Riparian planting is often recommended for stream restoration, notably to mitigate solar heating of stream waters. However, plant leaves shade photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) more efficiently than the near-infrared (NIR, 700–3000 nm) wavelengths that comprise about half of incident solar radiation and so contribute equally to water heating. Total solar radiation (NIR + PAR) exposure at the reach scale is needed to avoid bias when predicting the thermal response of streams. In this article, we alert stream ecologists and riparian restorers to the water heating contribution of NIR and provide a means to account for both NIR and PAR in total solar radiation penetrating riparian canopies. We used spectral pyranometers to simultaneously measure total solar radiation and its NIR component under different tree canopies over a wide range of shade conditions as indexed by PAR exposure. Measurements were made during full overcast (diffuse lighting) conditions so as to ‘sample’ transmission of radiation through the complete canopy. The NIR proportion of sub-canopy solar radiation increased steadily with increasing shade and was appreciably greater under willow than pine canopies, while NZ native broadleaf rainforest had intermediate (rather variable) NIR content. Our trend lines for different tree canopies permit total sub-canopy solar radiation to be estimated from PAR exposure for unbiased modelling of stream thermal regimes.  相似文献   

The daily total photosynthetically active radiation (400??00?nm, PAR) and near-infrared radiation (700??000?nm, NIR) were measured in the understory beneath the canopy (PARt and NIRt) and above the canopy (PARi and NIRi) of a Japanese cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest during the snow-free period (May to November). The integration of spectral radiation for NIR and that for PAR, and the daily integrations of instantaneous NIR and PAR, reduced the noises from the optical difference in spectrum and from canopy structure heterogeneity, sky condition and solar elevation. PARi/PARt was linearly related to NIRt/PARt (R2?=?0.96). The effect of cloudiness was negligible, because the fluctuation of NIRi/PARi was quite small regardless of season and weather conditions compared with the range of NIRt/PARt in the forest. The ratio of NIRt/PARt beneath the canopy was log-linearly related to the in situ leaf area index (LAI) with a wide range from 0 to 5.25 (R2?=?0.97). We conclude that seasonal changes in fAPAR (=?1???PARt/PARi) and LAI of a canopy can be estimated with high accuracy by transmitted NIRt and PARt beneath the canopy.  相似文献   

阳光紫外辐射对室内水培发状念珠藻生理特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发状念珠藻(Nostoc flagelliforme Bornet & Flahault)是一种重要的陆生经济蓝藻,室内培育出的原植体如何适应阳光辐射的问题尚需探讨。为此,作者将室内水培发菜置于阳光下培养,测定了其生长、有效光化学效率(F/Fm΄)和色素的变化。结果表明,较高的可见光(PAR,395-700 nm)和紫外辐射(UVR,280-395 nm)均导致水培发菜的F/Fm΄下降。第1天中午,PAR和UVR分别使F/Fm΄下降了54%和13%;傍晚,F/Fm΄有部分恢复。UVR对发菜适应阳光2d后的生长无负面作用。发菜在适应全阳光辐射期间,紫外吸收物质(Scytonemin和Mycosporine-like amino acids)含量不断增加,9d后,分别增加了124倍和9倍。这些紫外吸收物质的增加对发菜细胞降低光抑制,适应阳光辐射,起到了重要作用。本研究的结果可为水培发菜室外培养方法的建立提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

At Helgoland, in the North Sea, growth of the high sublittoral brown macroalga Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamoroux was examined in October (the time of tetraspore release) in an outdoor tank by exposing 2-day-old germlings to four solar radiation treatments achieved with different filter materials or an additional artificial light source: photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 395–700 nm), PAR plus ultraviolet (UV)-A (320–700 nm), full solar spectrum, or solar spectrum plus artificial UV radiation (UVR). Based on length measurements over a period of 3 weeks, the growth rate in germlings strongly decreased in conditions with UVR compared to PAR: by 14% under PAR+UV-A, by 31% under the full solar spectrum and by 65% with additional UVR. Although growth rates of germlings under UVR were reduced mainly in the first week, the plants did not regain the size of the untreated plants even after 9 weeks. Regardless of the exposure, no defects in morphology or anatomy including the exposed apical meristem were detected, except for a reduction in cell division rates perhaps due to additional cost for photoprotective or repair mechanisms. Depending on the actual position of D. dichotoma plants in the natural habitat, individuals in high positions receive substantial amounts of the more harmful UV-B while those lower down might only receive UV-A during part of the day, thus the effect of UV-B on the growth of D. dichotoma will depend on its position in the field. The effects of tidal variation of the light climate and the implications of our results for the zonation of D. dichotoma are discussed. Received in revised form: 6 July 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Solar radiation transmission in forest stands affects many processes, including biomass and diversity of understorey vegetation and tree seedling regeneration (growth and morphogenesis). However, understorey light availability is not easy for forest managers or scientists to measure. Therefore, different models have been developed to predict light transmission in forest stands according to tree or stand structure. However, these models are generally too complex to be used operationally. This paper reports the assessment of light transmission according to stand parameters commonly measured by foresters in inventories. We measured transmittance in 29 even-aged oak stands in France for various wavebands, total solar radiation (TSR, 300–3000 nm), PAR (400–700 nm), red (R, 660 nm) and far-red (FR, 730 nm), and demonstrated that transmittance in a given waveband can be predicted from the measurement of another waveband. The R:FR ratio can be predicted according to TSR or PAR transmittance, but the opposite is also true; PAR or TSR transmittance can be predicted from the R:FR ratio. Transmittance variability was characterised, and the variation coefficient ranged from 5 to 45% with a trend to increase with tree density. By analogy to Beer–Lambert's law, we established that mean daily transmittance for the different wavebands can be assessed according to stand basal area and stand age with good accuracy (R 2>0.74). Results are discussed in comparison with other models based on the principle of parsimony.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) on carbon uptake, oxygen evolution and motility of marine phytoplankton were investigated in coastal waters at Kristineberg Marine Research Station on the west coast of Sweden (58° 30'N, 11° 30'E). The mean irradiances at noon above the water surface during the investigation period were: photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) 1670 μmol m−2 s−1; ultraviolet-A radiation (UV-A, 320–400 nm) 35.9 W m−2 and ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) 1.7 W m−2. UV-B radiation was much more attenuated with depth in the water column than were PAR and UV-A radiation. UV-B radiation could not be detected at depths greater than 100–150 cm. Inhibition of carbon uptake by UV-A and UV-B in natural phytoplankton populations was greatest at 50 cm depth and the effects of UV-B were greater than those of UV-A. At depths greater than 50 cm there was almost no effect of ultraviolet radiation on carbon uptake. PAR, UV-A and UV-B decreased oxygen evolution by the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum . Inhibition of oxygen evolution was greater after 4 h than 2 h but it was not possible to distinguish the negative effects of the different light regimes. The motility of P. minimum was not affected by PAR, UV-A and UV-B. The importance of exposure of phytoplankton to different light regimes before being exposed to natural solar radiation is discussed.  相似文献   

The spectral distribution of solar radiation was studied under different sky conditions during a 15-month period in Miami, Florida (USA), and over a latitudinal gradient at solar maximum. Spectroradiometric scans were characterized for total irradiance (300–3000 nm) and the relative energetic and photon contributions of the following wavelength regions: UV-B (300–320 nm); UV-A (320–400 nm); B (400–500 nm); PAR (400–700 nm); R (600–700 nm); and FR (728–732 nm). Notable results include: (i) significantly higher UV-A energy fluxes than currently in use for laboratory experiments involving the biological effects of this band-width (values ranged from 33.6 to 55.4 W/m2 in Miami over the year); (ii) marked diurnal shifts in B:R and R:FR, with elevated R:FR values in early morning: (iii) a strong correlation between R:FR and atmospheric water content; and (iv) unusually high PAR values under direct sunlight with cloudy skies (2484 mol/2 per s).  相似文献   

To study the impact of solar UV radiation (UVR) (280 to 400 nm) on the filamentous cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, we examined the morphological changes and photosynthetic performance using an indoor-grown strain (which had not been exposed to sunlight for decades) and an outdoor-grown strain (which had been grown under sunlight for decades) while they were cultured with three solar radiation treatments: PAB (photosynthetically active radiation [PAR] plus UVR; 280 to 700 nm), PA (PAR plus UV-A; 320 to 700 nm), and P (PAR only; 400 to 700 nm). Solar UVR broke the spiral filaments of A. platensis exposed to full solar radiation in short-term low-cell-density cultures. This breakage was observed after 2 h for the indoor strain but after 4 to 6 h for the outdoor strain. Filament breakage also occurred in the cultures exposed to PAR alone; however, the extent of breakage was less than that observed for filaments exposed to full solar radiation. The spiral filaments broke and compressed when high-cell-density cultures were exposed to full solar radiation during long-term experiments. When UV-B was screened off, the filaments initially broke, but they elongated and became loosely arranged later (i.e., there were fewer spirals per unit of filament length). When UVR was filtered out, the spiral structure hardly broke or became looser. Photosynthetic O(2) evolution in the presence of UVR was significantly suppressed in the indoor strain compared to the outdoor strain. UVR-induced inhibition increased with exposure time, and it was significantly lower in the outdoor strain. The concentration of UV-absorbing compounds was low in both strains, and there was no significant change in the amount regardless of the radiation treatment, suggesting that these compounds were not effectively used as protection against solar UVR. Self-shading, on the other hand, produced by compression of the spirals over adaptive time scales, seems to play an important role in protecting this species against deleterious UVR. Our findings suggest that the increase in UV-B irradiance due to ozone depletion not only might affect photosynthesis but also might alter the morphological development of filamentous cyanobacteria during acclimation or over adaptive time scales.  相似文献   

In situ experiments were conducted at various depths in the water column to determine the effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) on photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton assemblages from the subtropical Lake La Angostura (Argentina, 26°45′ S; 65°37° W, 1980 m asl.). Water samples were taken daily and incubated under three radiation treatments: (a) Samples exposed to UVR + Photosynthetic Available Radiation (PAR) – PAB treatment (280–700 nm); (b) Samples exposed to ultraviolet-A radiation (UV-A) + PAR – PA treatment (320–700 nm), and, (c) Samples exposed to PAR only – P treatment (400–700 nm). Additionally, depth profiles were done to determine different physical (i.e., temperature and underwater radiation field) and biological characteristics of the water column – photosynthetic pigments, UV-absorbing compounds, cell concentration, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). The effects of UVR on natural phytoplankton assemblages were significant only in the first 50 cm of the water column, causing a decrease in photosynthetic rates of 36 and 20% due to UV-A and ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B), respectively; below this depth, however, there were no significant differences between radiation treatments. Concentration of CPDs per mega base of DNA in natural phytoplankton was low, <27 CPDs MB−1 between 0 and 4 m. Data on net DNA damage, together with that on mixing conditions of the water column, suggest that mixing can favour phytoplankton by allowing cells to be transported to depths where active repair can take place. This mechanism to reduce UVR-induced DNA damage would be of great advantage for these assemblages dominated by small cyanobacteria and chlorophytes where UV-absorbing compounds that could act as sunscreens are virtually absent.  相似文献   

James Ehleringer 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):366-370
Summary Leaf absorptances to solar radiation in the 400–700 nm (photosynthetically useful wavelengths) are presented for a diversity of species in the Mohave and Sonoran Deserts of North America. As a life form shrubs are shown to have the widest range of absorptance, with perennial herbs and cacti exhibiting a smaller range, and very little variation in leaf absorptances among trees and annuals. The measurement of leaf absorptance at 625 nm is shown to be the same as the leaf absorptance to solar radiation over the 400–700 nm. Over a wide range of species and absorptances, the total solar leaf absorptance (400–3,000 nm) is shown to be closely related to the 400–700 nm leaf absorptance.  相似文献   

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