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小灵猫的泌香规律与增产关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言 野生小灵猫经笼养驯化,使其自动定点泌香,已获初步成功(王培潮、陆厚基,1975年)。为了提高灵猫香的产量,还要搞清楚小灵猫泌香规律,运用泌香规律,创造条件,提出措施,才能达到增产的可能。  相似文献   

小灵猫(Viverricula indica)分布,在长江流域及以南各省,安徽也是主要产地之一.1980年以来,我们利用当地资源,开展了小灵猫的人工饲养试验,经过八年多的实践,初步掌握了小灵猫的习性和饲养方法.野生小灵猫家养成活率已由初期的54%提高到目前的86%.为了合理地利用小灵猫资源,变野生为家养,现作如下介绍.  相似文献   

麝鼠香腺发育与活体取香的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据麝鼠香腺的形态发育,将其划分为非泌香期、香腺发育期、泌香盛期和泌香持续期4个时期.通过对192只成年雄性麝鼠分另进行5次活体取香,每只取香量累计达2.65±0.32g。非泌香期肌注丙酸睾丸素5mg/kg。可诱导雄麝鼠香腺的发育和泌香。通过饲养繁殖观察,证明雄体取香对配偶雌体繁殖无不良影响。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草蝙蝠蛾人工饲养技术的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王宏生 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):144-146
在人工饲养条件下 ,研究了不同温度条件对蝙蝠蛾Hepialusspp .卵及幼虫的影响和半人工饲料的饲喂效果。试验表明 ,卵在湿度适宜的情况下 ,以 1 5℃下的孵化率最高 ,为 86 75 %。用冷冻的方法可以将幼虫保存一定的时间 ,在低温条件下幼虫的抵抗能力变弱。在人工饲养 90d的时间内 ,对各试验组综合分析 ,初步确定 1号料较适合蝠蛾幼虫生长 ;在饲料中添加的 2种不同的防腐剂对幼虫体重的影响不显著  相似文献   

在2016年和2017年的5—8月,我们对川西马尔康麝场圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的麝香分泌进行了行为与生理监测,对麝香分泌的各阶段进行了准确判定,记录了泌香启动、泌香盛期开始、泌香盛期终止及泌香结束的时间阶段及持续时间长,分析了林麝麝香分泌的时间阶段与体重和年龄等因素的关系。结果表明,马尔康麝场的雄性林麝平均泌香启动日在6月16日[(167.06±7.75)d,n=141],于6月17日进入泌香盛期[(168.52±7.67)d,n=141],6月21日[(172.17±7.26)d, n=138]泌香活动减弱,至6月25日[(176.27±8.11)d, n=131]泌香结束;雄麝体重与其泌香启动、泌香盛期停止及泌香结束时间呈显著负相关(rPS = -0.234,PPS =0.028;r VSF = -0.215,PVSF = 0.047;r SE = -0.229,PSE = 0.043),即雄麝的体重越大,其泌香越早;各年龄组间的平均泌香时长差异显著(F 17, 113 = 3.482, P = 0.003),其中2岁雄麝平均泌香时长最长[(13.07±2.08)d, n=20],显著高于3岁[(9.38±0.76)d, n=12, P = 0.042]和4岁[(7.80±1.60)d, n=5, P = 0.013]个体;马尔康林麝平均泌香量为(11.85g±0.96)g, (n=114),随泌香时长延长有增加趋势,但不显著(P = 0.854)。基于上述林麝雄体的泌香时间、泌香量与年龄和体重等因素间的关联,可对圈养的林麝个体间的泌香力、泌香量等进行区分和预判,作为圈养林麝驯养生产力优化的依据,并可为圈养林麝优质品系的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

绒毛膜促性腺素(hCG)对小灵猫泌香影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就绒毛膜促性腺素(hCG)对小灵猫泌香的影响进行了研究。试验用药剂量为875IU/只。结果表明,试验组用药前60天平均产香为4.52±0.48克/只,三次用药后(60天)平均产香为7.52±0.28克/只,增产66.4%;用药后试验组与对照组比较增产91.3%。差异均显著(p<0.05)。但hCG不能活化小灵猫的擦香行为。  相似文献   

雄激素诱导林麝二次泌香实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用初始量50毫克、间一日递增25毫克肌注丙酸睾丸酮诱导雄麝产生第二次泌香,其泌香反应发生率达91%,平均可增产麝香76.91%。诱导后对次年自然泌香节律无影响,且能使次年自然泌香量增加26.9%以上。  相似文献   

在雄麝的自然泌香期外,应用外源性丙酸辛丸酮可以诱导雄麝产生第2次泌香反应,这种生理诱导技术的正确合理运用,可以显著地提高麝香年产量,取得很大的经济效益。应用雄激素诱导泌香曾有过报道,但诱导产香量较低,且限于1年的实验观察,对于连续两年以上诱导泌香实验尚未见报道。我们经多次实验筛选,采用丙酸睾丸酮诱导,初始量50mg,间日递增25mg诱导技术,连续3年诱导产生第2次泌香,并观察了产香量的变化规律以及对自然香量的影响。  相似文献   

罗清 《动物学研究》2007,28(1):101-103
运用简单线性相关及回归分析方法,对人工圈养条件下20头太平洋瓶鼻海豚(Tursiopsgilli)的体重与体长的相关性分析结果表明,海豚体重与体长呈显著正相关(r=0.960,P<0.01),其体重随体长变化的回归方程为^Y=2.19X-368.65;体重与体长的比值随着体长的增加而增加,且呈直线趋势。依据海豚体重与体长的相关分析来控制其体重,从而提高科学饲养管理水平,使海豚的摄食量、训练行为与健康之间保持平衡,是很有必要的。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾人工饲料及饲养条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改良草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E Smith)人工饲料配方及优化饲养条件,为草地贪夜蛾室内批量饲养奠定基础。利用不同人工饲料配方及制作工艺、不同温湿条件、对草地贪夜蛾进行群体饲养,研究其对草地贪夜蛾生长发育及繁殖的影响,并开展不同产卵介质对草地贪夜蛾成虫产卵量及卵孵化率的影响。结果显示,在温度27℃±0.5℃、相对湿度70%±5%、光周期L∶D=16 h∶8 h的人工气候箱中,采用饲料配方4进行幼虫群体饲养的效果最好,其发育历期最短,仅为27.1 d,幼虫存活率高达83.8%,化蛹率为91.2%,雌雄性比为1∶1.08,单雌产卵量为836粒。另外,草地贪夜蛾幼虫最喜食加热20 min的饲料,成虫于粉色塑料纸上产卵量最大。该饲料配方非常适宜草地贪夜蛾室内饲养,优化的饲养条件也为其室内规模化饲养提供参考。  相似文献   

Measurements of the body weight of monkeys in the Japanese monkey troop on Koshima islet in southern Japan have been made since 1970. Population changes in the troop have been recorded since 1952. The population changes were further analyzed on the basis of the body weight changes of the troop members. The recent history of the Koshima troop can be divided into three periods differing according to conditions of artificial feeding: (1) a semi-wild period (SW Period, 1952–63); (2) an artificial feeding period (AF Period, 1964–71); (3) and a restricted artificial feeding period (Non-AF Period, 1972–77). The AF Period represented a period of population growth, whereas the Non-AF Period was a declining one when the population density of the troop was roughly ten times that of most wild troops. These population changes, i.e., changes in population parameters especially in the population declining phase, could be fairly well understood from the general features of the body weight changes of the troop members, the slow body weight growth, elevation of age at first birth, and small size of adult females. Reproduction and survival were affected by seasonal and yearly changes in body weight. The pattern of changes in body weight displayed seasonal peaks in the autumn and spring. Of these, the former suggests that fruit eating in the autumn is an important factor in the reproduction and growth of the monkeys.  相似文献   

Synopsis The developmental interval, body length, dry and wet weight were determined in carp larvae during the first 2 weeks of exogenous feeding. Six feeding groups were reared at 26°C; four groups received different artificial diets, whereas zooplankton-fed larvae and unfed larvae served as controls. It was found that larval developmental rate can be modified by the type of food. The diet affects the relationship between developmental step and weight. The effect of diet on the relationship between development and length becomes manifest at older steps (after longer feeding the same diet). A threshold point, after which satisfactory results of feeding artificial diets to carp larvae can be expected, depends not only on body size but also on the degree of development.  相似文献   

Different studies have reported that daytime feeding entrains the circadian rhythm of corticosterone secretion in rats. However, it remained unclear whether calorie restriction or daytime feeding access have an effect. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of an 8-h daytime feeding access on the circadian rhythm of plasma corticosterone. Eleven adult male Wistar rats were assigned to two different conditions of access to food: ad lib feeding for one week and daytime feeding for the following two weeks. On the 7th, 14th and 21st day, blood samples were collected every 4 h from 08:00 to 04:00. Food intake and body weight were recorded daily. During daytime feeding, rats ingested 88% of the amount of food ingested over 24 h in the ad lib feeding period. However, body weight increased significantly from the first day to the end of experiment. Peak plasma corticosterone was 12 h shifted during daytime feeding period compared to the ad lib condition. This study showed that an 8-h daytime feeding entrained the circadian rhythm of plasma corticosterone without body weight loss or severe food restriction.  相似文献   

Different studies have reported that daytime feeding entrains the circadian rhythm of corticosterone secretion in rats. However, it remained unclear whether calorie restriction or daytime feeding access have an effect. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of an 8-h daytime feeding access on the circadian rhythm of plasma corticosterone. Eleven adult male Wistar rats were assigned to two different conditions of access to food: ad lib feeding for one week and daytime feeding for the following two weeks. On the 7th, 14th and 21st day, blood samples were collected every 4 h from 08:00 to 04:00. Food intake and body weight were recorded daily. During daytime feeding, rats ingested 88% of the amount of food ingested over 24 h in the ad lib feeding period. However, body weight increased significantly from the first day to the end of experiment. Peak plasma corticosterone was 12 h shifted during daytime feeding period compared to the ad lib condition. This study showed that an 8-h daytime feeding entrained the circadian rhythm of plasma corticosterone without body weight loss or severe food restriction.  相似文献   

We studied scent-marking behavior, olfactory response to various excretions (secretion of the perineal gland, urine, and feces), as well as the information content of these excretions in the common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Pallas, 1777). Six forms of scent-marking behavior have been described. The activity and proportion of forms of such behavior differ in males and females. Dragging the perineal gland and leaving the secretion on the substrate was most commonly observed in the animals of both sexes. The olfactory response of the palm civet varied in duration and depended both on animal sex and excretion type. The palm civet could distinguish animal species, sex, and familiar/unfamiliar individuals by the odor of the perineal gland secretion. Differences in the olfactory response of the palm civet to feces was observed only if they belonged to different species. The scent marks of the perineal gland were most significant in mediated communication by scent marks of the palm civet; they completely replicated the information of the urine marks.  相似文献   

This study describes the in vitro digestibility and fermentability of high molecular weight (ca. 2,000,000) levan and its effect on the metabolism of lipids in growing rats fed cholesterol-free diets. Levan was synthesized from sucrose using bacterial levansucrase immobilized on a honeycomb-shaped ceramic support. Although body weight gain, weight of visceral organs, morphologic changes in the digestive tract, and the serum triacylglycerol and glucose concentrations were not affected by feeding levan diets for 4 weeks, a significant hypocholesterolemic effect was observed. Serum cholesterol level was decreased to 83% or 59% by feeding a 1% or 5% levan diet, respectively. The hypocholesterolemic effect was accompanied by a significant increase in fecal excretion of sterols and lipids. High molecular weight levan, though not hydrolyzed by the salivary amylases, was hydrolyzed by artificial gastric juice and was changed to a low molecular weight (ca. 4,000) levan with a small amount of fructose, but did not produce any fructooligosaccharides. Low molecular weight (ca. 6,000) levan was not hydrolyzed by either pancreatic juice or small intestinal enzymes. This suggests that, in vivo, low molecular weight levan derived from the high molecular weight material is not further digested and reaches the colon intact. The fermentation of low molecular weight levan (ca. 6,000) by several strains of bifidobacteria was not observed. These results showed that the hypocholesterolemic effect of levan may result from the prevention of intestinal sterol absorption, and not from the action of the fermentation products of levan.  相似文献   

Growth hormone secretagogues (GHSs) stimulate growth hormone (GH) secretion, which is lipolytic. Here we compared the effects of twice daily s.c. treatment of GH and the GHS, ipamorelin, on body fat in GH-deficient (lit/lit) and in GH-intact (+/lit and +/+) mice. In +/lit and lit/lit mice ipamorelin induced a small (15%) increase in body weight by 2 weeks, that was not further augmented by 9 weeks. GH treatment markedly enhanced body weight in both groups. Ipamorelin also increased fat pad weights relative to body weight in both lit/lit and +/lit mice. Two weeks GHS treatment (ipamorelin or GHRP-6) also increased relative body fat, quantified by in vivo dual energy X-ray absorpiometry (DEXA) in GH-intact mice. GH decreased relative fat mass in lit/lit mice and had no effect in GH-intact mice. Treatment with GHS, but not GH, increased serum leptin and food intake in GH-intact mice. Thus, GHSs increase body fat by GH-independent mechanisms that may include increased feeding.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同喂养方式对婴儿骨密度、维生素A的影响。方法:选择2015~2016年来我院体检的婴儿120例,根据不同喂养方式的不同分为母乳喂养组、混合喂养组及人工喂养组,比较三组婴儿1、3、6月的身长、头围、体质量、骨密度,6月时的维生素A及6月内的患病率。结果:三组婴儿1、3、6月内身长、体质量及头围对比差异无统计学意义(P0.05);1月、3月时,母乳喂养组与混合喂养组骨密度与明显高于人工喂养组(P0.05);母乳喂养组与人工喂养组对比差异无统计学意义(P0.05);6月时,混合喂养组婴儿的骨密度显著高于人工喂养组和母乳喂养组(P0.05),人工喂养组显著低于母乳喂养组(P0.05)。6月时,母乳喂养组的维生素A明显低于人工喂养组及混合喂养组(P0.05)。母乳喂养组6月内的患病率明显低于混合喂养组及人工喂养组(P0.05)。结论:6个月前不同喂养方式对婴儿的体格发育无明显影响,而6个月左右母乳喂养的婴儿骨密度及维生素A含量均低于混合喂养,母乳喂养可降低婴儿的患病率,6个月内应提倡母乳喂养。  相似文献   

华南虎(Panthera tigris amoyensis)又称中国虎,为我国特有虎亚种,是现存5个虎亚种中最濒危的一种.它曾广泛分布于我国黄河流域以南至珠江以北的广大地区,现仅分布在福建、江西、广东和湖南交界的南岭山地林区,野外数量不足30只(韩宗先,2004),被列为国家Ⅰ级保护野生动物.IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)将其濒危等级划分为极危(CR),亦被认为是"最优先需要国际保护的动物"(IUCN,2010).  相似文献   

实现全人工繁殖是中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)物种保护的重要途径,建立中华鲟人工养殖亲鱼群体是人工繁殖的基础条件。本文以自然变温条件下人工培育的中华鲟后备亲鱼(年龄15龄,体长183~235 cm,体重71.5~180.5 kg,n=14)为研究对象,每天对摄食行为进行观察记录,每月对生长指标进行检查测量,通过持续12个月的跟踪观测,开展后备亲鱼摄食和生长特征研究。结果显示,后备亲鱼摄食比例、摄食频次具有明显的月际变化特征,均存在极显著差异(P<0.01),雌鱼、雄鱼均具有相似的周年变化规律,雌雄摄食比例仅9月存在显著差异(P<0.05),雌雄摄食频次同月均无显著差异(P>0.05);后备亲鱼配合饲料日饵率和鲜活饵料日饵率均呈现先下降后升高的变化趋势,配合饲料日饵率10月最低,为0.02%,1月最高,为0.19%,鲜活饵料日饵率6月最低,为0.12%,4月最高,为0.99%;配合饲料的年均摄食比例仅为18.39%±17.61%,鲜活饵料的年均摄食比例为62.57%±15.63%,配合饲料和鲜活饵料摄食比例存在极显著差异(P<0.01),可见实验对象对鲜活饵料具有明显摄食偏好;配合饲料日饵率、鲜活饵料日饵率、总摄食率、雌鱼摄食率、总摄食频次和雌鱼摄食频次与水温存在显著负相关关系(P<0.05);后备亲鱼体周长、体重、肥满度均呈现先下降后上升的变化趋势,呈现生长缓慢特征,不同月份肥满度存在显著差异(P<0.05),其他生长指标不同月份间比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。在中华鲟后备亲鱼培育管理中,应注意加强水温调控,提供适宜养殖条件,减少人为干扰,改善摄食和生长效果。本研究对中华鲟后备亲鱼养殖技术的改进具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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