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首次报道了乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis)的染色体数目和核型。核型公式为2n=38=28m+6sm+4st(2SAT)。与前人认为整个含笑属都为单一的2A型不同,乐昌含笑的核型属于Stebbins的2B型,具有2对近端着丝粒染色体。而且发现在第9对染色体上有小随体的存在。这些表明在含笑属内含有不同的核型。乐昌含笑在细胞学意义上可能是属内比较进化的类群。对染色体结构的细微改变在木兰科植物的种属进化上的作用进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

中国含笑属核型分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对我国木兰科Magnoliaceae含笑属Michelia 12个种的核型进行了研究,核型公式如下:火力楠 M.macclurei var.sublanea 2n=34m(2SAT)+4sm;白兰M.alba 2n=34m+4sm;多花含笑M.flori- bunda 2n=30m+8sm;黄兰M.champaca 2n=32m+6sm;石碌含笑M.shiluensis 2n=32m+6sm;阔 瓣含笑M . platypetala 2n=32m+6sm(2SAT);含笑M.figo 2n=32m+6sm;深山含笑M.maudiae 2n=32m+6sm;长蕊含笑M. longistamina 2n=32m=6sm;金叶含笑M.foveolata 2n=34m=4sm; 野含笑M.skineriana 2n=30m+8sm;峨嵋含笑M.wilsonii 2n=30m+8sm(2SAT)。该属核型全部为 对称核型,除多花含笑为1A类型外,其他均为2A核型。含笑属种间核型具有很大相似性,核型资料对该属属以下的分类帮助不大。  相似文献   

不同砧木阔瓣含笑嫁接苗生长生理及亲和性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以白玉兰、紫玉兰、乐昌含笑、深山含笑作砧木的阔瓣含笑嫁接苗为材料,通过对嫁接苗生长特性的观测和生理生化指标的动态测定,运用主成分分析和隶属函数法计算亲和性综合指数,评价阔瓣含笑与4种砧木的苗期亲和性。结果表明:以深山含笑和紫玉兰作砧木的嫁接成活率较高(分别为88.33%、83.33%),白玉兰次之(为75%),乐昌含笑较低(为63.3%);砧木对嫁接苗的苗高有较大影响,以深山含笑和紫玉兰的苗高最高,白玉兰次之,乐昌含笑最矮;砧木对嫁接苗叶片数的影响表现为初期存在一定差异,生长后期差异逐渐缩小。在嫁接苗生长过程中,4种砧木嫁接苗的叶绿素含量均呈双峰型变化,类胡萝卜素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、POD活性表现出先上升后下降的趋势,可溶性糖含量总体表现为先下降后上升的趋势。在4种砧木的嫁接苗中,深山含笑、紫玉兰和白玉兰的各项生理指标都相近,而乐昌含笑整个生长期都低于其它3种嫁接苗。从亲和性综合指数来看,深山含笑的亲和性指数最高(为0.518),乐昌含笑的最低(为0.470)。综合分析,认为4种砧木与阔瓣含笑都具有一定的亲和性,其中以深山含笑最好,乐昌含笑最差。  相似文献   

以广东中山树木园20种含笑属植物为对象,研究其引种后的生长表现。结果表明:20种含笑属植物在中山树木园均生长良好,分析的13种含笑属植物在胸径、树高及冠幅的生长量上均存在显著差异。本地苗木黄兰、白兰、乐昌含笑及火力楠在树高、胸径及冠幅方面表现优异。2004年于湖南引种的5种含笑以灰绒含笑和多花含笑生长最好;2005至2009年引种的7种含笑属植物以亮叶含笑表现最佳。  相似文献   

濒危植物长蕊木兰的核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了长蕊木兰(Alcimandra cathcartii)的染色体核型,核型公式为2n=2x=38=22m+15sm(3sat)+1st。核型类型属于Stebbins的2A型。第18条染色体为st染色体,第5、6、7条sm染色体的短臂上各具有1个随体。间期核为简单染色中心型(simple chromocenter type),有丝分裂前期染色体为中间型(interstitial type)。对前人关于木兰属和含笑属植物的核型研究结果进行了比较分析,长蕊木兰与含笑属亲缘关系较近,但稍有区别,而与木兰属的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

云南大叶茶细胞学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李光涛   《广西植物》1988,(3):249-255
本文采用去壁低渗法研究了云南大叶茶的染色体核型,间期核形态和多核现象。结果表明大多数染色体是中部着丝粒染色体,5对是近中部着丝粒染色体,第7和12对染色体中各有1条具随体染色体。根据Levan等的分类原则,其核型为2n=20m+8sm+2sm(SAT),属于Stebbins核型分类的“2A”型,同时亦发现有“2B”型的核型。云南大叶茶间期核型为浓密分散型和复杂染色中央微粒型两种;并首次发现茶树中的多核现象,在所观察的1250个细胞中有6个是具双核细胞(占0.48%),有2个是具三核细胞占(0.16%)。另外,本文还对部份山茶属植物的核型进行了讨论。从核型上可以看出:(1)山茶属植物在进化上属于较原始的种系;(2)山茶属植物核型的进化基本符合Stebbins提出的植物界核型进化的规律,即对称—→不对称;(3)山茶属植物的核型在一定范围内变异甚大,这种变异没有一定的规律性。这些观点与张宏达提出的山茶属植物的分类系统基本吻合。带随体的染色体数目在山茶属植物核型的进化上没有什么明显的变化规律。  相似文献   

为探析乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis)在不同光照强度下生长及光合能力的适应机制,以乐昌含笑2年生幼苗为试材,经100%(CK)、70%(T1)、50%(T2)、30%(T3)、10%(T4)全光照5个不同遮荫处理1年(3年生),进而对其生长及光合指标进行测定。结果表明,在70%全光照和100%全光照下,乐昌含笑幼苗存活率与株高、地径生长显著高于其他处理。净光合速率在70%光照强度处理时达最高值(8.553μmol·m-2·s-1);随着遮荫胁迫的加重,净光合速率逐渐下降,在50%全光照下净光合速率下降主要由气孔限制导致,30%全光照和10%全光照下由非气孔限制导致。与其他遮荫处理相比,100%全光照和70%全光照下乐昌含笑叶片具有更高的最大净光合速率(8.166和8.735μmol·m-2·s-1)、光饱和点(1215.956和1145.328μmol·m-2·s-1)和光补偿点(16.280和13.572μmol·m-2  相似文献   

木兰科16种含笑属植物的花粉形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究对含笑属5组16种植物(其中:峨眉含笑、多脉含笑、蔼和含笑、毛果含笑、南亚含笑、展毛含笑、阔瓣含笑和壮丽含笑等8种为首次报道)的花粉样品进行了扫描电子显微镜观测,并对其花粉粒形态及大小性状进行统计分析,以揭示木兰科含笑属植物的花粉形态特征,探讨其系统分类学意义。结果显示:含笑属植物的花粉粒形态均为两侧对称,异极,具1远极单沟萌发孔,沟长几乎达两端,极面观为椭圆状,赤道面观为舟状,表面无脊或具脊;含笑属花粉粒表面小穿孔的密度为0.002 5~1.500 0个/μm~2,最长轴长为30.69~58.02μm、变异系数为2.85%~8.20%,最短赤道轴长为15.29~31.29μm、变异系数为4.29%~15.53%,轴比值为1.43~2.69、变异系数为2.53%~13.00%。经组间、种间和种内比较,含笑属植物的花粉粒仅在小穿孔密度和3个大小性状上存在一定的种间分类学价值。  相似文献   

为了解乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis)叶形态和生长性状的家系变异特征,对15个家系的叶形态性状和生长指标及其相关性进行了分析。结果表明,乐昌含笑叶片形态在家系间和家系内均存在显著差异,不同家系间以帽子峰家系叶形态的平均变异系数最大(23.55%),乐九5家系的最小(12.63%);不同叶形态性状间以干物质质量的变异系数最大(25.50%),叶柄长宽比的最小(5.14%);树冠浓密度、胸径和树高在家系内的变异比家系间的显著。相关分析表明,叶长与叶宽、叶干物质质量与叶面积之间均呈显著正相关关系(P0.05)。根据聚类分析结果,15个家系可分为4类,第I类家系具有树冠浓密、树体高大等特征;第II、III类家系具有树冠较稀疏且树体较矮小等特征;第IV类家系具有树冠较稀疏但树体较高大等特征。因此,这为乐昌含笑树种的合理开发利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

作者研究了柑桔属30个分类群的核型及进化。结果表明:染色体数目为2n=2x=18,属小染色体植物,核型由中部着丝粒染色体(m)和近中部着丝粒染色体(sm)组成,具2—4个连接于短臂上的随体,一些分类群的部分同源染色体上存在长度和臂比值不同程度的杂合现象,核型均属2A型。比较随体及与之相连短臂,其随体分为大随体(LS)中随体(MS)和小随体(SS)三类,随体的多样性可作为探讨该属物种的起源、系统演化的一个遗传标志。作者赞同把柚(Citrus grandis)作为柑桔属的一个基本种,而宽皮柑桔(C.reticulata)核型变异较大,还待进一步分析;推测红黎檬(C.limonia)、葡萄柚(C.paradisi)、甜橙(C.sinensis)、酸橙(C.aurantium)、香园(C.wilsonii)、三宝柑(C.sulcata)、部分宽皮柑桔(C.reticulata)为杂种起源。该属核型由不对称向对称进化是与形态及孢粉的进化趋势一致的。  相似文献   

研究了木兰科(Magaoliaceae)3个杂交组合的亲本和杂交后代的核型。结果表明,云南含笑(Michelia yunnanensis)、灰岩含笑(Michelia calcicola)及其杂交组合A的核型分别为2n=2x=38=36m+2sm、2n=2x=38=34m+4sm和2n=2x=38=26m+12sm;紫花含笑(Michelia crassipes)及其与云南含笑杂交组合C的核型分别为2n=2x=38=32m+6sm和2n=2x=38=24m+12sm+2st;山玉兰(Mognolia delavayi)、广玉兰(Mognolia grondiflora)及其杂交组合U的核型分别为2n=2x=38=28m+10sm、2n=6x=114=88m+lOsm+16st和2n=4x=76=57m+15sm+4st。杂交组合的核型与理论核型存在明显的差异,可能是在杂交组合的形成过程中,来自亲本的染色体发生了结构变异。  相似文献   

Reported in the present paper are chromosome numbers and karyotypes of three genera of the Gesneriaceae, i.e. Ancylostemon Craib. , Briggsiopsis (Franch.) K. Y. Pan and Lysionotus D. Don. The former two genera are endemic to China. The karyotype of Ancylostemon aureus (Franch.) Burtt is formulated as 2n = 34 = 20m(1sat) + 14sm, with the same chromosome number as its allied species A. convexus Craib. This species is characterized by the interphase nucleus of complex chromocenter type and the proximal type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of the monospecific genus Briggsiopsis is 2n = 34, the same as the lowest chromosome number reported in Briggsia. The karyotype of Briggsiopsis, which is formulated as 2n = 25m + 6sm + 3st, also seems to be primitive among the species of the two genera. Briggsiopsis is characterized by the interphase nucleus of simple-complex chromocenter type and the interstitial-gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of Lysionotus carnosus Hemsl. is the lowest reported in this genus. Its karyotype is formulated as 2n= 30 = 21m + 5sm + 3st + lt. Lysionotus serratus var. pterocaulis, with the karyotype being formulated as 2n= 32 = 2lm + 10sm + lt, has the same chromosome number as var. serratus. These two species show a remarkable differentiation of karyotypes and are characterized by the interphase nuclei of simple-complex chromocenter type and the gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. _ .  相似文献   

The Genus Paris L., distributed in Europe and Asia, is one of the genera of Trilliaceae. There are currently 19 recognized species. The karyological study indicates that basic number of the Paris species is X=5, and here are two kinds of the basic karyotypes: tropical type (K2n=2x=10=6m+4t), and temperate type (K2n=2x=10=6m+4st, or 6m+ 2st+2t). The species (13) with the tropical karyotype are distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions in Asia; the others with the temperate karyotype (6 species) occur in the temperate area of Eurasia. In the genus Paris, there are two peripheral species, which both have temperate karyotypes: tetraploid P. quadrifolia, in the western part of the overall range of the genus (Europe), and octaploid P. japonica, limited in the eastern part (Japan). All the species having tropical karyotypes are diploid. Among them, the more primitive ones such as P. dunniana, P. vietnamensis are concentrated in South China and the north of the Indo-China Peninsula. Examination of the geographical distribution of the species in the light of the karyological data has led the authors to propose: Paris originated in the tropical area between 18°N and 23°27’N in Asia. 14 species, which together make up 74% of the total (with 10 different karyotypes), occur in the area from the Qionglei Mountains to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. With the greatest density of species in the area and their remarkable differences in chromosome ploidy and karyotypes, this region is without doubt the centre of modern distribution and differentiation of Paris.  相似文献   

This paper reports chromosome number and karyotype analysis of Cycas panzhihuaensis endemic to China. The material was collected from Dukou, Sichuan. It is a diploid species, with 2n=22=2m+4sm+4st+l2t. The karyotype of Cycas panzhihuaensis is different from that of the other species of the genus Cycas, which was known to be 2n=4m+8st+10t. The former is a new karyotype in the genus. The authors briefly discuss karyotype evolution of the genus Cycas in this papar.  相似文献   

醉鱼草属四个种的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了醉鱼草属(Btuldleja)4个种的染色体核型。云南醉鱼草(B.yunnanensis)的核型公式为2n=2x=38=22m+16sm,皱叶醉鱼草(B.crispa)为2n=2x=38=26m+10sm+2st,密蒙花(B.officinalis)为2n=2x=38=20m+16sm+2st,口本醉鱼草(B.japonica)为2n=2x=38=20m+16sm+2st。日本醉鱼草的核型为2B型,其它3个种的核型为2A型。根据核型分析结果,结合形态学特征和已有的细胞学资料,初步讨论了醉鱼草组(Sect.Neemda)两个系(Series)可能的演化关系。  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of the 4 species in genus Buddleja were reported. The karyotype formulas are 2n= 2x= 38= 22m+ 16sm ( B1 yunnanensis) , 2n= 2x= 38= 26m+ 10sm+ 2st ( B1 crispa) , 2n= 2x= 38= 20m+ 16sm + 2st ( B1 off icinalis ) , and 2n= 2x= 38= 20m+ 16sm+ 2st ( B1japonica) . Karyotype of B1japonica belongs to Stebbins. s 2B type and other 3 species belong to Stebbins. s 2A type. Based on the cytological data ( karyotypes and the recorded chromosome numbers) and the species morphologies, the evolution trend of the two series in Sect1Neemda was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper reports karyotype analysis of Cephalanthera erecta and C. falcata from Lushan, China. (1) The karyotype formula of C. erecta is 2n=34=10m+ 14sm+ 10st. C. falcata has two cytotypes: type A is 2n = 34 = 8m + 16sm + 10st, while type B is 2n = 34 = 8m + 22sm + 4st. The type B is a translocation homozygote derived from the type A by chromosomal structural reorganization, which involved a translocation between the short arms of the 1st pair of chromosomes and the long arms of the 3rd pair. The type B is similar to the type A in morphological characterissties. (2)In the light of Stebbins’ classification of karyotypic asymmetry, three karyotypes of C. erecta and C. falcata belong to “3C”. Such an asymmetrical karyotype in a primitive genus like Cephalanthera of Orchidaceae may be of great significancefor a discussion on evolution and deserves a further study.  相似文献   

珍珠菜属三种植物的核型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国产三种珍珠菜属 (Lysimachia)植物进行了核型研究 ,其中点腺过路黄 (LysimachiahemsleyanaMaxim .)染色体核型 2n =2 2 =2m +4sm +8st+8t,聚花过路黄 (L .congestifloraHesmsl.)核型 2n =2 4=2m +2sm +1 0st+1 0t及山萝过路黄 (L .melampyroidesR .Knuth)染色体数目 2n =2 2 ,核型 2n =2 2 =4m +6sm +4st+8t,为首次报道。本文还分析了黄连花亚属 (subgen.Lysimachia) 2组 8种植物的核型 ,结果表明黄连花组(sect.Lysimachia)核型类型 1A ,过路黄组 (sect.Nummularia)核型类型 3A或 3B。  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 7 species of Smilax L. in Liliaceae (s. 1.) are cytotaxonomically studied in this work. Their karyotypic characters, distinction between the species and the chromosomal basis of sexual differentiation are discussed. The karyotypes of most species are first reported. The results are shown as follows (see Tables 1-4 for the chromosome parameters and the karyotype constitution; Fig. 1 for their idiograms): 1. Smilax nipponica Miq. The species is one of the herbaceous species distributed in East Asia. Two karyotypes, 2n = 26(type A) and 2n = 32 (type B), are found in the species (Plate 1: 1-7). The karyotype of No. 88032 (uncertain of -L--M--S- sexuality) is 2n = 26 = 2m + 6st + 6m + 4sm + 6sm + 2st. The karyotype has 4 pairs of L chromosomes, of which the first three pairs are subterminal, and the 4th is median. The karyotype belongs to 3B. No. 88045 (the male) and No. 88046 (the female) have 2n = 32. Their karyotypes are basically uniform, and both are -L--M-- S 2n=32= 2m+4sm+ 2st+ 2m+4sm+ 6m+ 10sm + 2st, also with 4 pairs of L chromosomes, but the 2nd pair is median, and thus different from the type A. The karyotype belongs to 3B. The first pair of chromosomes of the male are distinctly unequal in length, with the D. V. (0.93) of relative length between them obviously greater than that of the female (0.1). The pair seems to be of sex-chromosomes. Sixteen bivalents (n= 16) were observed at PMCs MI of No. 88045 (Plate 1: 4). The major difference between the karyotypes A and B are greater relative length of L chromosomes in the type A than in the type B, and the increase of chromosome number in the karyotype B mainly due to the increase of st chromosomes. Nakajima (1937)reports 2n= 30 for S. hederacea var. nipponica (=S. nipponica, Wang and Tang, 1980). 2. S. riparia A. DC. This species is also herbaceous, distributed in East Asia. Thirty chromosomes were found in root-tip cells (uncertain of sexuality). The kar -L--M--S-yotype is 2n = 30 = 8st + 6sm + 2st + 6m + 6sm + 2st (Plate 3: 1, 5), consisting mainly of sm and st chromosomes. There are 4 pairs of L chromosomes which are all subterminal and the m chromosomes appear to fall all into S category. Though the karyotype belongs to 3B, it is less symmetrical than that of S. nipponica. The species is karyologically rather different from S. nipponica, therefore. The first pair of chromosomes of this material are unequal in length, and it may be a male. The karyotype of this species is first reported. 3. S. sieboldii Miq. The species is a thorny climbing shrub, distributed in East Asia. At PMCs All, 16 chromosomes (n= 16) were found (Plate 2: 6), in accordance with Nakajima's (1933) report for a Japanese material. 4. S. china L. This species, a thorny climbing shrub, is of a wide distribution range mainly in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Two karyotypes were observed in different populations. (1) The population from Xikou has 2n = 96(6x) = 20st+L- -M- 6t + 6sm + 12st + 52(S) (Plate 3:7), of which the first three pairs of chromosomes are terminal, different from those in the other species. The arm ratios of both L and M chromosomes are larger than 2.0, which resembles those of S. davidiana. (2) PMCs MI of the population from Shangyu shew 15 chromosomes (n 15). The hexaploid of the species is recorded for the first time. Hsu (1967,1971) reported 2n = 30 from Taiwai and Nakajima (1937) recorded n = 30 from Japan, which indicates that the karyotype of the species varies not only in ploidy, but also in number. 5. S. davidiana A. DC. The somatic cells were found to have 32 chromosomes, and PMCs MI shew 16 bivalents (Plate 2: 1-5). The karyotype is 2n = 32=-L- -M- -S 8st + 4sm + 4st + 8sm + 8st. The karyotype belongs to 3B, and is less symmetrical than those in herbaceous species. The D. V. (0.20) of relative length between the two homologues of the first pair is slightly larger in the male than in the female (0.14), and it is thus difficult to determine whether they are sexual chromosomes or not. 6. S. glabra Roxb. The species is a non-thorny climbing shrub, distributed in East Asia and Southeast Asia. 32 chromosomes were found in somatic cells. The -L- -M- - Skaryotype is 2n= 32= 8st + 10st+6sm+8st (Plate 3: 2, 6),with only 3 pairs of sm chromosomes (12, 13 and 16th). The karyotype is more asymmetric than that of S. davidiana, although it is also of 3B (Table 1). The karyotype is first reported for the species. 7. S. nervo-marginata Hay. var. liukiuensis (Hay.) Wang et Tang The variety has a relatively narrow distribution range, mainly occurring in eastern China. The chromosomal number of somatic cells is 2n= 32 (Plate 3: 3-4). The karyotype is -L- -M- -S 2n = 32 = 2sm + 6st + 2sm + 2st + 2m + 6sm + 12st, evidently different from that of S. glabra. The first pair of chromosomes are submedian, and much longer than the 2nd to 4th pairs. The ratio in length of the largest chromosome to the smallest one is 4.3. The symmetric degree is of 3C, a unique type. The karyotype of the species is reported for the first time. In Smilax, the known basic numbers are 13, 15, 16 and 17. The two herbaceous species distributed in East Asia have three basic numbers: 13, 15 and 16, while the woody species studied mainly have 16, with no 13 recorded. Mangaly (1968) studied 8 herbaceous species in North America and reported 2n=26 for them except S. pseudo-china with 2n=30. Mangaly considered that a probably ancestral home of Smilax, both the herbaceous and woody, is in Southeast Asia and the eastern Himalayas, and speculated that the ancestral type of Sect. Coprosmanthus is possibly an Asian species, S. riparia. The karyotypes of the two herbaceous species in East Asia consist mostly of sm and m chromosomes, whereas those for the North American species are all of st chromosomes. Based on the general rule of karyotypic evolution, i.e. from symmetry to asymmetry, his speculation seems reasonable. Researches on sex-chromosomes of Smilax have been carried out since 1930 (Lindsay, 1930; Jensen, 1937; Nakajima, 1937; Mangaly, 1968), and they are generally considered to be the largest pair, but there is still no adequate evidence. The result of our observation on S. nipponica may confirm that the first pair of chromosomes of this species is XY type of sex-chromosomes. Chromosomes of the genus are small and medium-sized, varying between 1-6 μm, slightly larger in herbaceous species than in woody ones, larger in the karyotype of 2n=26 than in that of 2n=32. Based on karyotype constitution of the above 5 species, the karyotype in the genus is characterized by 4 pairs of L chromosomes and 2-5 pairs of M chromosomes, and mostly st and sm chromosomes, and by rather asymmetrical 3B type. The degree of symmetry in the above 5 species is from Sect. Coprosmanthus to Sect. Coilanthus, and herbaceous species towoody ones.  相似文献   

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