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条背萤的闪光求偶行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水栖萤火虫条背萤Luciola substriata (Gorh.)发出单脉冲周期性特异闪光信号进行求偶。室外观测发现,在23℃、86% RH时,雄萤飞行求偶闪光信号脉冲闪光持续时间为0.52 s,间隔时间为0.28 s,闪光信号的最大亮度为0.6 lx; 雌萤求偶信号周期为 0.67 s,最大亮度为0.4 lx。雄萤发出求偶信号0.22 s后,雌萤发出两个连续的回应信号。第一个回应信号为0.49 s,第二个为0.41 s, 两个回应信号的间隔时间为0.11 s。雄萤发现雌萤回应信号后,降落至离雌萤5~10 cm处,继续发出闪光信号,但闪光脉冲频率减小,闪光脉冲时间为1.23 s,间隔时间为0.50 s。条背萤交配时呈“V”或“一”字形交配姿势。  相似文献   

稳态视觉诱发电位(steady-state visual evoked potential,SSVEP)不同于瞬态视觉诱发电位,有其独特的产生机理。当用两种不同频率的闪光同时刺激时,每种频率闪光诱发的SSVEP之间是否会相互影响?它们与对应单一频率闪光刺激时产生的SSVEP的关系怎样?作者用!波段频率8.3Hz与"波段频率20Hz的闪光分别及同时刺激10个被试的双眼,发现在同时刺激时,每种频率闪光的SSVEP比对应单频刺激时的SSVEP略小,但位置分布无明显变化。这说明不同频率SSVEP的产生网络是彼此独立的,在被同时激活时,每个网络产生的信号并不相互影响。  相似文献   

N-酰基高丝氨酸内酯(N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones,AHLs)信号分子介导的群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)是一种普遍的革兰氏阴性细菌信息交流方式。AHL-QS系统包括Lux I型AHLs合成酶和LuxR型受体蛋白。然而,部分革兰氏阴性菌缺失1个或多个LuxI型AHLs合成酶,仅有未配对的LuxR型受体蛋白,该LuxR型受体蛋白称为LuxR solo或Orphan蛋白。LuxR solos蛋白在细菌窃听、种间和种内的信号交流中起重要作用,为群体感应研究领域的热点。本文主要综述细菌LuxR solos蛋白的发现、基本概念、蛋白结构及类型,阐述感应AHLs和非AHLs信号分子的重要LuxR solos蛋白及功能,并对群体感应LuxR solos蛋白的研究前景和意义进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘炳仑 《植物研究》1984,4(2):87-102
本文对我国8属22种3变种的瑞香科植物花粉形态进行了观察。本科花粉具散孔,花粉形态属于单类型。根据纹饰特点,本文将瑞香科花粉分为具瘤状纹饰和具网状一巴豆型图案两个类型。另外,还对巴豆型图案和本科在被子植物中的系统位置等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

昆虫翅多型现象的控制机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫翅多型现象是指相同性别的昆虫,在翅长等方面具有二种或更多种不同类型的个体。例如,重要的水稻害虫褐飞虱(Nilaparvata luens)具长翅型、短翅型两种类型;而世界性的害虫蚜虫类,则出现有翅型和无翅型两种类型。  相似文献   

洋蒲桃次生木质部中导管分子的解剖学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈树思 《植物学通报》2006,23(6):677-683
运用细胞图像分析系统和显微照相的方法对洋蒲桃(Syzygium samarangense)次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。次生木质部导管分子类型有:两端具尾导管、一端具尾导管和无尾导管。导管分子穿孔板存在着4种类型:两端均为具2个单穿孔的复穿孔板;一端为1个单穿孔板,另1端为具2个单穿孔的复穿孔板;两端均为单穿孔板:两单穿孔板位于同一端壁两侧相互对应以及一些过渡类型穿孔板。根据观察结果,分析了各类型穿孔板之间的演化关系。  相似文献   

陈树思 《植物学报》2006,23(6):677-683
运用细胞图像分析系统和显微照相的方法对洋蒲桃(Syzygium samarangense)次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。次生木质部导管分子类型有: 两端具尾导管、一端具尾导管和无尾导管。导管分子穿孔板存在着4种类型: 两端均为具2个单穿孔的复穿孔板;一端为1个单穿孔板, 另1端为具2个单穿孔的复穿孔板;两端均为单穿孔板;两单穿孔板位于同一端壁两侧相互对应以及一些过渡类型穿孔板。根据观察结果, 分析了各类型穿孔板之间的演化关系。  相似文献   

成梅  徐凤霞 《广西植物》2020,40(1):60-70
花部结构与传粉者协同进化是有花植物成功演化的关键原因,在番荔枝科的植物中传粉室是一个非常明显的花部结构。由于该科花瓣的大小、轮数及每轮花瓣数、花瓣间的连合方式等高度多样,导致其传粉室形态也高度多样。番荔枝科107属中68属具详细的花部结构研究,该文根据开花期传粉室的闭合情况将这68属的传粉室分为开放型、半闭合型和闭合型3类,研究其系统演化意义。结果表明:(1) 24属具开放型传粉室,38属具半闭合型传粉室,26属具闭合型传粉室;约17属具2种或3种传粉室类型。(2)不同传粉室类型的植物与传粉者之间具有一定的对应关系,蜂类和蝇类主要为开放型传粉室或传粉室空间较大的半闭合型和闭合型传粉室植物传粉;蓟马主要为半闭合型与闭合型传粉室植物传粉。(3)古热带和新热带是番荔枝科植物的分布中心。分布于古热带的植物种数最多,但传粉室类型和传粉者较单一;分布于新热带的植物种数相对较少,但传粉室类型与传粉者都高度多样性。已有研究表明非洲是番荔枝科植物的起源地,开放型传粉室的植物主要分布于热带非洲,普遍存在于各族早期分化的属中,且均由小甲虫进行传粉,是该科较原始的传粉室类型;半闭合型分布于热带非洲、热带亚洲及热带美洲,闭合型传粉室主要分布于热带亚洲,这两类传粉室植物的传粉者也较多样性,是番荔枝科植物中较进化的传粉室类型。  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属花粉形态及其分类意义   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
在光学显微镜和扫锚电镜下对锦鸡儿属31种2变种植物花粉形态进行了观察。根据外壁表面纹饰,可分:类型I,表面具小穿孔;类型II, 具网状纹饰。 在类型II中据网眼大小和网脊宽度特征又分为两个亚类型。 根据花粉体积大小,可分4个类型。本属植物花粉形态较为一致,表明是一个自然类群。组、 系的花粉形态特征与一般形态变异不一定相对应,即形态上有明显区别的种类,在花粉形态上未必有很大区别,仅一些种类及矮锦鸡儿系 Ser. Pygmaeae的花粉形态相近。 本属花粉形态在种下等级的变异, 特别是青藏高原分布的种类的变异较为明显,例如 C.bicolor,C. jubata,C. erinacea 与各自的近缘种类。花粉形态为分类处理提供了参考。本属植物花粉形态是从表面具小穿孔向具网状纹饰演化,对应于羽状叶类群向掌状叶类群演化。  相似文献   

贵州软滑水螨属二新种记述:(蜱螨亚纲:软滑水螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述软滑水螨科Pionidae二新种。新种多盘软滑水螨Pipma polyacetabula sp.nov.以其两性具极多殖吸盘(雄螨68—72个,雌螨45—50个)为其显著特征。新种宽殖软滑水螨P.platyura sp.nov.两性殖吸盘数目较多(雄螨35—42个,雌螨约48个),两性殖吸盘板宽近与Ⅳ足基节板等宽。两新种间以雄性殖吸盘数差异显著;两新种亦以殖吸盘数与本属已知种有显著差异而易于鉴别。  相似文献   

发光细菌在水环境生物毒性检测中应用的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
发光细菌是一类自身含发光基因且能够发出可见光的细菌,其分布非常广泛。由于具备了日常毒性检测所要求的快速灵敏以及再现性好的特点,发光细菌法愈来愈受到关注,且因其快速和低成本的特点常被用作早期预警系统。基因操作技术的介入更使得发光细菌试验具有了分辨各种毒性的功能。本文综述了发光细菌在环境毒性检测中的进展,重点介绍了基于发光细菌的毒性试验方法,以及在水质检测中的应用。  相似文献   

Control of contractility in Spirostomum by dissociated calcium ions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The freshwater protozoan, Spirostomum ambiguum, exhibits generalized contraction when electrically stimulated with a DC pulse. Light and electron microscopic studies show a subcortical filamentous network, believed responsible for generating contractile tension, in association with vesicles which were shown to accumulate calcium oxalate precipitates. Organisms microinjected with the calcium-sensitive, bioluminescent protein, aequorin, emit light when stimulated to contract. Analyses of cinefilm records of electrically induced contraction indicate that contraction may occur up to 25 msec after the onset of stimulation at a point when the calcium-aequorin light emission is at a peak. The evidence shows that calcium release from an interval compartment is directly associated with the onset of contraction in Spirostomum, and that the removal of calcium, through some internal sequestering mechanism, signals relaxation.  相似文献   

In contrast to most mesopelagic bioluminescent organisms specialised in the emission and reception of blue light, the planktonic annelid Tomopteris helgolandica produces yellow light. This unusual feature has long been suggested to serve for intraspecific communication. Yet, this virtually admitted hypothesis has never been tested. In this behavioural study of spectral colour sensitivity, we first present an illustrated repertoire of the postures and action patterns described by captive specimens. Then video tracking and motion analysis are used to quantify the behavioural responses of singled out worms to photic stimuli imitating intraspecific (yellow) or interspecific (blue) bioluminescent signals. We show the ability of T. helgolandica to react and to contrast its responses to bioluminescent‐like blue and yellow light signals. In particular, the attractive effect of yellow light and the variation of angular velocity observed according to the pattern of yellow stimuli (flashes versus glows) support the intraspecific communication hypothesis. However, given the behavioural patterns of T. helgolandica, including mechanically induced light emission, the possibility that bioluminescence may be part of escape/defence responses to predation, should remain an open question.  相似文献   

Bacterial volatiles and their action potential   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past few years, an increasing awareness concerning the emission of an unexpected high number of bacterial volatiles has been registered. Humans sense, intensively and continuously, microbial volatiles that are released during food transformation and fermentation, e.g., the aroma of wine and cheese. Recent investigations have clearly demonstrated that bacteria also employ their volatiles during interactions with other organisms in order to influence populations and communities. This review summarizes the presently known bioactive compounds and lists the wide panoply of effects possessed by organisms such as fungi, plants, animals, and bacteria. Because bacteria often emit highly complex volatile mixtures, the determination of biologically relevant volatiles remains in its infancy. Part of the future goal is to unravel the structure of these volatiles and their biosynthesis. Nevertheless, bacterial volatiles represent a source for new natural compounds that are interesting for man, since they can be used, for example, to improve human health or to increase the productivity of agricultural products.  相似文献   

A bio-MEMS based cell-chip that can detect a specific toxicity was fabricated by patterning and immobilizing bioluminescent bacteria in a microfluidic chip. Since the emitted light intensity of bioluminescent bacteria changed in response to the presence of chemicals, the bacteria were used as the toxicity indicator in this study. A pattern of immobilized cells was successfully generated by photolithography, utilizing a water-soluble and negatively photosensitive polymer, PVA-SbQ (polyvinyl alcohol-styrylpyridinium) as an immobilization material. Using the recombinant Escherichia coli (E. coli) strain, GC2, which is sensitive to general toxicity, the following were investigated for the immobilization: an acceptable dose of long-wavelength UV light, the biocompatibility of the polymer, and the effect of the chip-environment. We found that 10 min of UV light exposure, the toxicity of polymer (SPP-H-13-bio), and the other chip-environment did not inhibit cell metabolism significantly for making a micro-cell-chip. Detection of a specific toxicity was demonstrated by simply immobilizing the bioluminescent bacteria, DK1, which increased bioluminescence in the presence of oxidative damage in the cells. An injection of hydrogen peroxide of 0.88 mM induced 10-fold increase in bioluminescent intensity confirming the capability of the chip for toxicity monitoring.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction process for light emission in vivo. An organic substance is normally oxidized in the protein to obtain the energy required for the light emission. Determination of the structure of the substance is one of the most important parts of bioluminescent research. Photoproteins of a flying squid and a mollusk contain chromophores that are formed by connecting an apo-protein and dehydrocoelenterazine. The chromophore has a chemical structure that can emit light in a photoprotein. The structural analysis of the chromophores in the photoproteins is described.  相似文献   

The generation of light by living organisms such as fireflies, glow-worms, mushrooms, fish, or bacteria growing on decaying materials has been a subject of fascination throughout the ages, partly because it occurs without the need for high temperatures. The chemistry behind the numerous bioluminescent systems is quite varied, and the enzymes that catalyze the reactions, the luciferases, are a large and evolutionarily diverse group. The structure of the best understood of these intriguing enzymes, bacterial luciferase, has recently been determined, allowing discussion of features of the protein in structural terms for the first time.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence is a trait observed among approximately 10% of Vibrio cholerae isolates. We have demonstrated that not only do some strains of V. cholerae produce low levels of light, undetectable by the human eye, but the luciferase gene sequence is present in strains of V. cholerae which emit no detectable light, evidenced by hybridization with a luciferase DNA probe. Comparisons of the amino acid sequences of luciferase enzymes of marine species have shown that these proteins have diverged to the point where they have only short regions of amino acid identity. The polymerase chain reaction method of DNA amplification with oligonucleotide primers based on these regions was used to isolate a region of the luxA gene from both luminescent and nonluminescent V. cholerae strains. The nucleotide sequence of this region was determined and reveals that nonluminescent V. cholerae have 99.7% nucleotide sequence similarity in this region with the luminescent biovar V. cholerae bv. albensis as well as significant similarity to other species of bioluminescent bacteria, a finding that is in accord with the hypothesis that these species have a common luminescent ancestor, most probably from the marine environment.  相似文献   

Self-illuminating quantum dot conjugates for in vivo imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluorescent semiconductor quantum dots hold great potential for molecular imaging in vivo. However, the utility of existing quantum dots for in vivo imaging is limited because they require excitation from external illumination sources to fluoresce, which results in a strong autofluorescence background and a paucity of excitation light at nonsuperficial locations. Here we present quantum dot conjugates that luminesce by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer in the absence of external excitation. The conjugates are prepared by coupling carboxylate-presenting quantum dots to a mutant of the bioluminescent protein Renilla reniformis luciferase. We show that the conjugates emit long-wavelength (from red to near-infrared) bioluminescent light in cells and in animals, even in deep tissues, and are suitable for multiplexed in vivo imaging. Compared with existing quantum dots, self-illuminating quantum dot conjugates have greatly enhanced sensitivity in small animal imaging, with an in vivo signal-to-background ratio of > 10(3) for 5 pmol of conjugate.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence is a trait observed among approximately 10% of Vibrio cholerae isolates. We have demonstrated that not only do some strains of V. cholerae produce low levels of light, undetectable by the human eye, but the luciferase gene sequence is present in strains of V. cholerae which emit no detectable light, evidenced by hybridization with a luciferase DNA probe. Comparisons of the amino acid sequences of luciferase enzymes of marine species have shown that these proteins have diverged to the point where they have only short regions of amino acid identity. The polymerase chain reaction method of DNA amplification with oligonucleotide primers based on these regions was used to isolate a region of the luxA gene from both luminescent and nonluminescent V. cholerae strains. The nucleotide sequence of this region was determined and reveals that nonluminescent V. cholerae have 99.7% nucleotide sequence similarity in this region with the luminescent biovar V. cholerae bv. albensis as well as significant similarity to other species of bioluminescent bacteria, a finding that is in accord with the hypothesis that these species have a common luminescent ancestor, most probably from the marine environment.  相似文献   

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