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种子的贮油细胞器——油体及其蛋白   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物柴油作为一种可再生的替代能源,因其良好的环境效应而倍受关注.植物油是生产生物柴油的主要原料.植物油作为最经济、最有利于种子传播和萌发生长的能量和碳源物质,贮存和积累于植物种子的贮油细胞器-油体之中.本文综述了植物种子油体的亚细胞结构、化学组成及其功能、生物合成与降解等的研究进展.  相似文献   

利用油体表达系统生产外源重组蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物生产外源蛋白日益受到重视,是一个安全廉价的生产系统。植物油体表达系统利用油素蛋白的高表达性和易分离特性改进了植物生物反应器下游加工技术、降低了高纯度药用蛋白的生产成本。本文介绍了油体和油素蛋白的组成结构等特征,重点阐述了国内外各领域用植物油体表达系统生产外源蛋白的研究进展,探讨了油体系统的优势和存在的问题。本实验室利用油体系统开发酸性成纤维细胞生长因子(haFGF)医类新药,生物活性检测正在进行中。油体表达系统作为药用蛋白的新来源,将得到逐步的完善及更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

以油体作为生物反应器的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
获得安全、经济、稳定具有生物活性的重组蛋白,应用于基础研究及临床应用是一个重大的战略课题,现在可以利用酵母、细菌和动物细胞生产多种药物蛋白,但这些蛋白的生产过程还存在许多问题.利用植物作为生物反应器生产药用蛋白和疫苗是目前生物反应器研究的热点.油体蛋白在油料作物种子中高水平表达且易于分离,经过改造后是生产目的蛋白的一种理想栽体.介绍了油体、油体蛋白的结构以及利用植物油体蛋白表达体系这一新型植物生物反应器生产目的蛋白的研究进展和前景.  相似文献   

三种植物油及其生物柴油中脂肪酸组成的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈鹏  蒋卫东  刘颖颖  颜钫  陈放   《广西植物》2007,27(3):448-452,419
生物柴油油料植物的选择是多样化的。通过对麻疯树,青刺果及乌桕三种产于西南的油料植物油分的理化性质及它们的生物柴油进行GC/MS分析,以麻疯树油为参照油分,对比青刺果油和乌桕油,找出适合作生物柴油油料植物油分的特点,为生物柴油油料植物的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   

油体是植物种子内储藏脂肪的亚细胞单位,其内部为三酰甘油(TAG),外部由单层磷脂和油体蛋白组成。这种稳定的结构可以使油体抵抗环境的压力,便于应用到食品及制药工业中。对比碱法、水法、Tris-HCl法、Tricine法4种油体提取方法,对亚麻芥油体采取梯度离心法,制备亚麻芥油体,并对不同pH、温度、NaCl浓度条件下油体稳定性做初步研究。结果表明,4种方法所提取的油体大小均在0.5~1μm;相较于水法、Tricine法、碱法所回收油体被破坏,Tris-HCl法提取油体大小均一,提取率达17%。同时,油体在4≤pH≤7条件下,油体稳定性破坏。8≤p H≤10时;油体均匀分散,稳定分布。经过不同温度及NaCl浓度处理的油体均呈上浮状态,稳定性破坏。  相似文献   

鞠丽萍  陈彬  杨志峰  戴婧  齐静  苏美蓉  刘耕源 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5646-5652
生物柴油作为石油的替代能源之一,已在我国开始了产业化应用。采用能值分析方法对以麻风果油为原料的生物柴油生产全过程,包括麻风树的种植、麻风果实的运输、麻风果油的榨取、果油酯化4个过程以及废水的处理进行了评价,从可更新资源、不可更新资源和购买资源入手构建了能值评价指标体系,并与大豆油为原料的生物柴油、小麦为原料的生物乙醇进行了比较。结果表明麻风果油生物柴油的能值转换率是1.67×1013sej/kg,能值产出率是1.85,环境负载率是6.84,可持续发展指数是0.271。比较得出,麻风果油能值转换率是大豆油的3倍,是生物乙醇的2倍;相同经济能值的投入,麻风果油能值产出率最高,但对环境的依赖程度也更强;可持续发展指数三者相差不大。原料的非食用性方面,与大豆生物柴油、生物乙醇相比,麻风果油有很大的优势,具有发展潜力。  相似文献   

植物油体研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡佳  刘春林 《植物学报》2017,52(5):669-679
油体是生物体细胞中一种重要的细胞器结构,由单层磷脂酸膜包裹中性脂肪酸形成,膜上镶嵌有决定油体性质的多种膜蛋白。油体在能量储存、细胞生殖分化、抗病抗寒和发育调控等多种生命活动中起重要作用。该文对植物油体的结构、生物学功能、不同组织中油体的形成情况以及油体膜蛋白的研究进展进行了多方位概述和总结,以期为后续研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

CN1775913:高酸值潲水油制备生物柴油的新工艺本发明涉及一种将废弃的植物油转化为生物柴油的新工艺。此工艺采用酯交换法,以浓硫酸、浓磷酸为催化剂、高酸值潲水油为原料,制备出的生物柴油已达国外现有的生物柴油的质量标准,并且与矿物柴油的性能指标接近。本工艺具有以下特点:(1)采用酯交换法制备生物柴油,以均匀设计的实验方法,优化出以浓硫酸、浓磷酸为催化剂、高酸值潲水油为原料,制备生物柴油的最佳条件,生物柴油的转化率高达98·5%。(2)针对制备柴油酸值高、颜色深、甲醇浪费等一系列问题,采用一种独特的后处理方法,使制备出的生物…  相似文献   

开发木本油料植物作为生物柴油原料的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文根据德国、欧盟和美国制定的生物柴油标准制定了以碘值、十六烷值和脂肪酸组成等参数作为植物油质量的评价体系。通过四条标准,即51<十六烷值<65、碘值<115、亚麻酸<12%和十八碳四烯酸<1%、碳链长度为C12-C22,对国产118种种子含油量超过30%的木本油料植物进行评估,共筛选出53种木本油料植物的种子油可作为发展生物柴油最适合的原料。其中油茶、杏、无患子、臭椿、白檀、海州常山分布广,是值得推广种植的生物柴油植物。富油大科山茶科和无患子科植物的种子油一般都适合发展生物柴油,而富油大科樟科、松科和卫矛科植物的种子油不适合作生物柴油原料。我国各省区可因地制宜选择合适的能源树种,发展生物柴油产业。  相似文献   

目前生物柴油因其环保和可再生利用资源的特性备受关注。多数生物柴油是通过甲醇和碱催化食用油得到的,而大量非食用油也可以制备生物柴油。本文报道用高含游离酸脂肪油快速高效低成本制备成其单酯的二步法工艺。先用1% H2SO4以少于1.5%量对甲醇和云南特产香果树(Lindera communis)籽的粗原料油以10∶1摩尔比组成的混合液酸催化酯化游离脂肪酸;之后再对醇和得到的油脂产品按摩尔比15∶1的混合液碱催化转化为单甲酯和甘油。本方法是一个直接甲脂化制备生物柴油的工艺简洁、降低成本的新技术。文中还讨论了该工艺影响转化效率的主要因素,如摩尔比,催化量,温度,反应时间和酸度。香果树生物柴油不重蒸,而其生物柴油的主要特性,如粘度、热值、比重、闪点、冷滤点等与生物柴油标准的匹配度,也做了报道,研究结果将为香果树生物柴油以非重蒸油料制备生物柴油产品,作为潜在的柴油燃料替代产品提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

An in vitro system was established to examine the targeting of proteins to maturing seed oil bodies. Oleosin, the most abundant structural protein, and caleosin, a newly identified minor constituent in seed oil bodies, were translated in a reticulocyte lysate system and simultaneously incubated with artificial oil emulsions composed of triacylglycerol and phospholipid. The results suggest that oil body proteins could spontaneously target to artificial oil emulsions in a co-translational mode. Incorporation of oleosin to artificial oil emulsions extensively protected a fragment of approximately 8 kDa from proteinase K digestion. In a competition experiment, in vitro translated caleosin and oleosin preferentially target to artificial oil emulsions instead of microsomal membranes. In oil emulsions with neutral phospholipids, relatively low protein targeting efficiency was observed. The targeting efficiency was substantially elevated when negatively charged phospholipids were supplemented to oil emulsions to mimic the native phospholipid composition of oil bodies. Mutated caleosin lacking various structural domains or subdomains was examined for its in vitro targeting efficiency. The results indicate that the subdomain comprising the proline knot motif is crucial for caleosin targeting to oil bodies. A model of direct targeting of oil-body proteins to maturing oil bodies is proposed.  相似文献   

Oleosin is the most abundant protein in the oil bodies of plant seeds, playing an important role in regulating oil body formation and lipid accumulation. To investigate whether lipid accumulation in transgenic rice seeds depends on the expression level of oleosin, we introduced two soybean oleosin genes encoding 24 kDa proteins into rice under the control of an embryo-specific rice promoter REG-2. Overexpression of soybean oleosin in transgenic rice leads to an increase of seed lipid content up to 36.93 and 46.06 % higher than that of the non-transgenic control, respectively, while the overall fatty acid profiles of triacylglycerols remained unchanged. The overexpression of soybean oleosin in transgenic rice seeds resulted in more numerous and smaller oil bodies compared with wild type, suggesting that an inverse relationship exists between oil body size and the total oleosin level. The increase in lipid content is accompanied by a reduction in the accumulation of total seed protein. Our results suggest that it is possible to increase rice seed oil content for food use and for use as a low-cost feedstock for biodiesel by overexpressing oleosin in rice seeds.  相似文献   

黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)是一种重要的木本油料植物,其果实中贮存着大量的油脂,这些油脂分子主要存在于果皮、种皮和胚的油体中。在光学显微镜下观察发现,果皮中油的积累开始于果实发育晚期,果皮开始变红时;种皮中油体的发育开始于果实发育早期;胚中油体的发育开始于球形胚时期。透射电子显微镜观察结果显示,种皮和胚中的油体形成于内质网,而果皮中的油体则分别由内质网、质体和液泡形成。尼罗红荧光标记显示,内质网形成的油体始终以独立单元的形式存在。种皮和胚中也贮藏蛋白体,但发育晚于油体。果皮、种皮和子叶中都贮存少量的淀粉粒。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜油体数量及面积之和与含油量的相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用荧光染料尼罗红染色和激光扫描共聚焦显微观察技术, 建立了油菜油体观察或生物体内中性脂类物质定性鉴定的研究体系。对高油品种宁油14号、宁油18号、ZH-088和低油品种ZL-366、NjY008、Westar共6个甘蓝型油菜品种子叶 贮藏细胞内的油体进行了观察。研究发现: 油菜种子成熟过程中, 油体从着色不明显的小颗粒, 逐渐发育形成着色清晰的球状大油体。种子成熟干燥后, 油体间很少发生聚合。在成熟干燥的种子中, 油体集中分布于子叶贮藏细胞中央, 呈椭圆形或不规则形状, 较少为圆形。通过研究种子内油体与含油量的关系, 发现高油品种组与低油品种组之间在单个子叶贮藏细胞内油体数量和截面积之和存在明显差异, 而在高油品种组内或低油品种组内的差异不明显。结果显示, 油菜种子细胞中油体的数量和总面积与含油量之间存在正相关, 可作为高油分材料的选择依据。  相似文献   

利用荧光染料尼罗红染色和激光扫描共聚焦显微观察技术,建立了油菜油体观察或生物体内中性脂类物质定性鉴定的研究体系。对高油品种宁油14号、宁油18号、ZH-088和低油品种ZL-366、NjY008、Westar共6个甘蓝型油菜品种子叶贮藏细胞内的油体进行了观察。研究发现:油菜种子成熟过程中,油体从着色不明显的小颗粒,逐渐发育形成着色清晰的球状大油体。种子成熟干燥后,油体间很少发生聚合。在成熟干燥的种子中,油体集中分布于子叶贮藏细胞中央,呈椭圆形或不规则形状,较少为圆形。通过研究种子内油体与含油量的关系,发现高油品种组与低油品种组之间在单个子叶贮藏细胞内油体数量和截面积之和存在明显差异,而在高油品种组内或低油品种组内的差异不明显。结果显示,油菜种子细胞中油体的数量和总面积与含油量之间存在正相关,可作为高油分材料的选择依据。  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) is expressed in sandalwood (Santalum album L.) seeds under developmental regulation, and it is localized with spherical storage organelles in the endosperm [Anil et al. (2000) Plant Physiol. 122: 1035]. This study identifies these storage organelles as oil bodies. A 55 kDa protein associated with isolated oil bodies, showed Ca(2+)-dependent autophosphorylation and also cross-reacted with anti-soybean CDPK. The CDPK activity detected in the oil body-protein fraction was calmodulin-independent and sensitive to W7 (N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide) inhibition. Differences in Michaelis Menton kinetics, rate of histone phosphorylation and sensitivity to W7 inhibition between a soluble CDPK from embryos and the oil body-associated CDPK of endosperm suggest that these are tissue-specific isozymes. The association of CDPK with oil bodies of endosperm was found to show a temporal pattern during seed development. CDPK protein and activity, and the in vivo phosphorylation of Ser and Thr residues were detected strongly in the oil bodies of endosperm from maturing seed. Since oil body formation occurs during seed maturation, the observations indicate that CDPK and Ca(2+) may have a regulatory role during oil accumulation/oil body biogenesis. The detection of CDPK-protein and activity in oil bodies of groundnut, sesame, cotton, sunflower, soybean and safflower suggests the ubiquity of the association of CDPKs with oil bodies.  相似文献   

Lipid particles have been isolated from seeds of wax bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), a species in which starch and protein rather than lipid are the major seed storage reserves. These lipid particles resemble oil bodies present in oil-rich seeds in that > 90% of their lipid is triacylglycerol. Moreover, this triacylglycerol is rapidly metabolized during seed germination indicating that it is a storage reserve. The phospholipid surfaces of oil bodies are known to be completely coated with oleosin which prevents their coalescence, particularly during desiccation of the developing seed. This would appear to be necessary since lipid is the major storage reserve in oil seeds, and there are very few alternate types of storage particles in the cytoplasm of oil seed endosperm to provide a buffer against coalescence of oil bodies by isolating them from one another. The present study indicates that the surfaces of lipid particles from wax bean are not completely coated with oleosin and feature regions of naked phospholipid. This finding has been interpreted as reflecting the fact that lipid particles in wax been seeds are less prone to coalescence than oil bodies of oil-rich seeds. This arises because the individual lipid particles are interspersed in situ among highly abundant protein bodies and starch grains and hence less likely to come in contact with one another, even during desiccation of the developing seed.  相似文献   

Oil bodies of plant seeds contain a matrix of triacylglycerolssurrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids embedded with alkalineproteins termed oleosins. Triacylglycerols and two oleosin isoformsof 17 and 15 kDa were exclusively accumulated in oil bodiesof developing sesame seeds. During seed development, 17 kDaoleosin emerged later than 15 kDa oleosin, but it was subsequentlyfound to be the most abundant protein in mature oil bodies.Phosphotidylcholine, the major phospholipid in oil bodies, wasamassed in microsomes during the formation of oil bodies. Priorto the formation of these oil bodies, a few oil droplets ofsmaller size were observed both in vivo and in vitro. Theseoil droplets were unstable, presumably due to the lack of sterichindrance shielded by the oleosins. The temporary maintenanceof these droplets as small entities seemed to be achieved byphospholipids, presumably wrapped in ER. Oil bodies assembledin late developing stages possessed a higher ratio of oleosin17 kDa over oleosin 15 kDa and were utilized earlier duringgermination. It seems that the proportion of oleosin 17 kDaon the surface of oil bodies is related to the priority of theirutilization. (Received July 16, 1997; Accepted October 27, 1997)  相似文献   

Stable oil bodies were purified from mature lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) pollen. The integrity of pollen oil bodies was maintained via electronegative repulsion and steric hindrance possibly provided by their surface proteins. Immunodetection revealed that a major protein of 18 kDa was exclusively present in pollen oil bodies and massively accumulated in late stages of pollen maturation. According to mass spectrometric analyses, this oil body protein possessed a tryptic fragment of 13 residues matching that of a theoretical rice oleosin. A complete cDNA fragment encoding this putative oleosin was obtained by PCR cloning with primers derived from its known 13-residue sequence. Sequence analysis as well as immunological non-cross-reactivity suggests that this pollen oleosin represents a distinct class in comparison with oleosins found in seed oil bodies and tapetum. In pollen cells observed by electron microscopy, oil bodies were presumably surrounded by tubular membrane structures, and encapsulated in the vacuoles after germination. It seems that pollen oil bodies are mobilized via a different route from that of glyoxysomal mobilization of seed oil bodies after germination.  相似文献   

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