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采用大田栽培的方式,研究了大穗型水稻金辉809籽粒灌浆过程中蛋白质的差异表达变化模式以及同一施氮量下不同的氮肥施用比例(总施氮量225 kg/hm2,基蘖肥:穗粒肥分别为7∶3和6∶4)对强弱势粒灌浆影响的分子机制。获得了水稻不同灌浆时段籽粒总蛋白的表达图谱,共发现32个在灌浆过程中发生显著差异表达的蛋白点,涉及籽粒的淀粉合成,能量代谢,激素信号转导,基因表达调节和抗逆响应等。在此基础上,进一步构建了不同灌浆发育时段水稻强弱势籽粒响应不同氮肥比例调控的蛋白表达图谱,结果发现强势籽粒响应氮肥调控出现差异表达的蛋白点有8个,而弱势籽粒有26个,可见强势籽粒灌浆具有更强的环境稳定性,相对地,弱势籽粒灌浆则易被环境所调节。在总施氮量不变的情况下,适当增加生育后期氮肥的施用量,有利于增强弱势籽粒中信号转导,促进相关基因的表达,提高物质调运与能量代谢速率,增强抗逆性,增强弱势籽粒的代谢水平,延长其灌浆时期,提升弱势籽粒活性和灌浆强度,增加结实率和千粒重,最终实现高产高效。研究结果对于进一步明确氮素调控水稻强弱势粒灌浆的分子生态特性具有重要的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

小麦花后水分亏缺和复水对同化物转运和籽粒灌浆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了阐明水分亏缺对小麦花后同化物转运和籽粒灌浆的影响及其生理机制的相关变化,以盆栽小麦旱作品种‘长旱58’为材料,自花后9 d起,设置正常供水(WW)、中度干旱胁迫后复水(MD)和重度干旱胁迫后复水 (SD)3个水分处理,比较干旱胁迫后复水处理对小麦籽粒产量、产量构成因素及水分利用效率、强弱势粒灌浆动态、旗叶光合性能、茎鞘非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)转运、籽粒形成关键酶活性变化等的影响。结果表明:(1)与WW相比,MD处理显著增加了小麦穗粒数和千粒重,进而提高籽粒产量、水分利用效率和小麦弱势粒的最大灌浆速率和平均灌浆速率,对强势粒则无显著影响,而SD处理则显著降低了穗粒数、千粒重、强弱势粒的最大灌浆速率和平均灌浆速率,但水分利用效率显著高于WW处理。(2)MD处理植株旗叶在小麦灌浆过程中维持了与WW基本相同的净光合速率,同时在小麦花后9~20 d时MD处理下气孔导度和蒸腾速率变化不明显,而在SD处理下气孔导度和蒸腾速率则急剧下降;另外,与WW相比,在整个灌浆期MD处理下旗叶叶绿素含量变化不显著,而SD处理下叶绿素含量呈大幅下降趋势。(3)MD处理提高了小麦弱势粒蔗糖合成酶和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性;同时使灌浆中后期有较高的果聚糖水解酶(FEH)活性和较低果聚糖含量,显著增强了茎鞘同化物质转运,提高茎鞘储藏物质对粒重的贡献率。研究发现,中度水分胁迫后复水处理小麦植株具有较好的叶片性能、花后较多的茎鞘同化物向籽粒转运以及较高的弱势粒库活性,从而提高旱作小麦弱势粒灌浆速率,增加穗粒数和粒重, 进而提高籽粒产量。  相似文献   

【目的】籽粒大小是影响藜麦产量、商品性和加工特性的重要因素,考察灌浆期大小粒型藜麦籽粒表型、灌浆特性和淀粉合成酶活性的差异,为大粒型藜麦品种的选育提供理论指导。【方法】选择千粒重大于5.0 g和小于3.0 g的藜麦材料各两份,在青海省农林科学院种质资源创新试验基地进行田间试验,比较自灌浆期始7 d、14 d、21 d和28 d籽粒表型、灌浆特性和淀粉合成酶活性等在大小粒型藜麦间的差异。【结果】(1)大小粒型藜麦籽粒面积、周长、直径、粒长、粒宽表型性状随着生育时期均极显著增大,且粒型间存在显著差异,并以籽粒面积和周长差异最大,大粒型藜麦显著高于小粒型藜麦9.12%~11.54%和21.49~23.92%。(2)灌浆期间大粒型藜麦百粒干重始终显著高于同期小粒型藜麦,平均增幅在21.23%~31.04%;大小粒型藜麦灌浆速率随生育期均先上升后下降,均符合“慢-快-慢”的变化规律,但达到峰值时间和峰高明显不同,大粒型峰值出现早而高,小粒型则低而迟。(3)淀粉分支酶(SBE)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)和ADPG焦磷酸化酶(AGP)在大小粒型藜麦籽粒灌浆期呈现不同的变化趋势,SBE和SS活性表现为小粒型藜麦强于大粒型藜麦,而SSS和AGP活性则表现为大粒型藜麦强于小粒型藜麦。【结论】藜麦籽粒灌浆期间4种淀粉合成酶活性的差异,致使淀粉合成积累量和灌浆速率峰值的不同,进而形成籽粒表型性状的差异,而SSS和AGPase是影响藜麦籽粒大小形成的关键酶。  相似文献   

AlA对冬小麦不同粒位籽粒灌浆影响的动态模拟及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以百农矮抗58为材料,采用大田试验的方法,研究了在始穗期喷施不同浓度(10mg/L、30 mg、50 mg/L)的5-氨基乙酰戊酸(5-Aminolevulinic acid,ALA)对冬小麦不同粒位籽粒灌浆特性的影响.应用Richards方程对10~50 mg/L ALA处理下冬小麦3个粒位(第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ粒位)的籽粒灌浆过程进行了模拟.建立在Richards方程基础上的籽粒生长分析显示:与对照相比,10~50 mg/L ALA处理使第Ⅰ和第Ⅲ粒位的千粒重分别增加了1.3~2.4g、3.4~4.7,较对照差异显著,第Ⅱ粒位的粒重与对照差异不显著;10~50 mg/L ALA处理使冬小麦3个粒位籽粒的平均灌浆速率和最大灌浆速率增大,灌浆活跃持续期延长,到达最大灌浆速率的时间提前.阶段灌浆特征参数的比较表明,在籽粒灌浆的渐增期,10~50 mg/L ALA处理使冬小麦3个粒位籽粒的平均灌浆速率增加,灌浆持续期缩短;在籽粒灌浆的快增期,使3个粒位籽粒的平均灌浆速率增加,灌浆持续期延长.在籽粒灌浆的缓增期,使强势粒(第Ⅰ、第Ⅱ粒位)的平均灌浆速率减小,灌浆持续期延长,但使弱势粒(第Ⅲ粒位)的平均灌浆速率增加,灌浆持续期延长.表明在灌浆的前期和中期,10~50 mg/L ALA处理可促进各粒位籽粒提早启动灌浆,并提高其灌浆速率,在灌浆后期减弱了强势粒对弱势粒籽粒灌浆充实的优势,从而有利于弱势粒的灌浆充实.从总体上讲,10~50 mg/L ALA对弱势粒(第Ⅲ粒位)粒重的影响程度大于强势粒(第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ粒位),其中30 mg/L ALA促进籽粒增重的效果最明显.  相似文献   

本文以水稻亚种间杂交组合Ⅱ优2070及恢复系2070、Ⅱ优419及恢复系中419为材料.应用HPLC和ELISA法测定灌浆期间根系伤流液中根源细胞分裂素(CTKs)种类和数量以及稻叶和籽粒中细胞分裂素组分含量的变化.研究表明在亚种杂交稻及其恢复系灌浆起始阶段,玉米素(Z)占总CTKs的比例高达62.8%-89.1%,是根系伤流液中细胞分裂素的主要成分.而二氢玉米素(diHZ)和二氢玉米素核苷(diHZR)则在灌浆后期明显上升,这种变化动态与II优2070和2070剑叶中ZRs(Z+ZR)、diHZRs(diHZ+diHZR)的波动变化是相符合的。与根系伤流液的主要细胞分裂素组成不同,IPAs在叶片和籽粒中占总CTKs量的比例最高。说明在灌浆期间.根系伤流液中CTKs的种类及其活性存在着变化,这种变化可能与细胞分裂素代谢酶活性变化及其相关酶基因表达的不同有关。讨论了强、弱势粒的CTKs组分的变化与籽粒结实的可能关系。  相似文献   

水稻籽粒灌浆过程中超弱发光特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验对水稻籽粒灌浆过程中不同时期籽粒进行了超弱发光测定。实验结果表明:在整个灌浆过程中单粒发光量呈单峰曲线,在籽粒全部充实并且颜色由青转黄时,发光量最大;发光强度呈递减趋势;运用该技术有可能进行水稻不同品种间的比较和品种灌浆力强弱的筛选。  相似文献   

氮肥和底墒对小麦籽灌浆过程的调节效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以氮肥和底墒为决策变量,采用最优二次D饱和设计,用Logistic方程拟合各水肥处理的籽粒充实过程,并推导出一系列次级参数,分别建立了小麦籽粒灌浆强度与持续时间参数的数学模型。结果表明:生长的氮肥或底墒逆境条件下的小麦受精子房的生长潜势(Co)较大,并随逆境条件的改善而降低;千粒重(Yo)与灌浆快增期(T)的长短、最大灌浆速率(Rmax)和平均灌浆速率(R)无明显相关性,却与起始生长势、灌浆系数(  相似文献   

杂交稻籽粒充实率问题初探(简报)   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
比较两个籽粒充实率有显著差别的杂交水稻组合的光合作用及去半穗后籽粒充实率的结果表明,籽粒充实率显著偏低的组合在乳熟后期表观光合量子效率下降快,光合功能衰退得早,以致籽粒充实率偏低。  相似文献   

氮肥和底墒对小麦籽粒灌浆过程的调节效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以氮肥和底墒为决策变量,采用最优二次D饱和设计,用Logistic方程拟合各水肥处理的籽粒充实过程,并推导出一系列次级参数,分别建立了小麦籽粒灌浆强度与持续时间参数的数学模型。结果表明:生长在氮肥或底墒逆境条件下的小麦受精子房的生长潜势(Co)较大,并随逆境条件的改善而降低;千粒重(Yo)与灌浆快增期(T)的长短、最大灌浆速率(R_(max))和平均灌浆速率(R)无明显相关性,却与起始生长势、灌浆系数(T·R_(max))高度正相关,并且千粒重与灌浆系数的相关性明显大于千粒重与起始生长势的相关性;氮肥和底墒对籽粒灌浆特性具有显著的调节作用。同时还阐述了调节这些参数的水肥栽培途径。  相似文献   

研究了重穗型杂交水稻培矮 6 4s/E3 2的灌浆过程和强、弱势颖花中内源IAA、ABA和GA1 GA3水平的动态状况。籽粒发育过程中不同内源激素水平高低依次为 :IAA >GA1 GA3>ABA。IAA和ABA水平在强势颖花中较高而GA1 GA3水平在弱势颖花中较高。 3种激素水平的变化与谷粒增重速率之间均存在正相关 ,两个最高的相关系数值分别存在于单位鲜重样本的IAA含量(ng/gFW ) 与籽粒鲜重的增重速率之间 (r =0 .82 1 8 )和单个籽粒IAA含量 (ng/grain)与籽粒干重的增重速率之间 (r =0 .8485 )。推测启动和维持籽粒灌浆过程可能需要较高的IAA水平 ;ABA可能具有促进籽粒中同化物的累积和种子成熟的作用 ;GA1 GA3可能具有保持弱势颖花活性的特殊作用  相似文献   

针对应用防护剂防治储粮害虫时存在的问题,全面分析影响储粮防护剂药效的因素,如害虫对药剂的敏感性、药剂剂型和施药方法、粮食种类和环境条件.并探讨了相关研究结果在储粮害虫防治实践中的意义和储粮防护剂未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

每种粮食的储粮环境中都存在有其特征性挥发物,储粮害虫的发生对储粮环境中挥发物具有重要影响。本文简述了顶空式固相微萃取法、浸入式固相微萃取法、电子鼻检测法等储粮挥发物的提取方法及其优缺点,对小麦 Triticum aestivum L.、稻谷 Olyza sativa L.、玉米 Zea mays L.和燕麦 Avena sativa L.等主要储藏粮食种类的挥发性化合物成分、粮食挥发物对昆虫行为反应的影响、主要储粮害虫(赤拟谷盗 Tribolium castaneum、锈赤扁谷盗 Cryptolestes ferrugineus 和象虫 Sitophilus spp.)发生与粮食挥发物的关系等研究进展进行综述,探讨了储粮环境挥发性化合物与储粮害虫关系未来的研究方向,以期对今后储粮害虫生态防治研究与应用提供参考信息。  相似文献   

Wheat is one of the most important global crops and selection for better performance has been ongoing since ancient times. As a quantitative trait controlled by the interplay of several genomic loci and under the strong influence of the environment, grain protein content (GPC) is of major interest in breeding programs. Here, we review the most recent contributions to the genetics underlying wheat GPC and grain protein deviation (GPD, representing the relationship between grain protein content and yield), together with the performance of genomic prediction models characterizing these traits. A total of 364 significant loci related to GPC and GPD are positioned on the hexaploid wheat genome, highlighting genomic regions where significant independent QTL overlap, with special focus on two regions located on chromosomes 3A and 5A. Some of the corresponding homoeologous sequences co-locate with significant independent QTL reported on the B and D subgenomes. Overlapping independent QTL from different studies are indicative of genomic regions exhibiting stability across environments and genotypes, with promising candidates for improving grain quality.  相似文献   

Significant genetic variation in leaf photosynthetic rate has been reported in grain sorghum [Sorghum biocolor (L.) Moench]. The relationships between leaf photosynthetic rates and total biomass production and grain yield remain to be established and formed the purpose of this experiment. Twenty two grain sorghum parent lines were tested in the field during the 1988 growing season under well-watered and water-limited conditions. Net carbon assimilation rates were measured at mid-day during the 30 day period from panicle initiation to head exertion on upper-most fully expanded leaves using a portable photosynthesis system (LI-6200). Total biomass and grain production were determined at physiological maturity. The lines exhibited significant genetic variation in leaf photosynthetic rate, total biomass production and grain yield. Significant positive correlations existed between leaf photosynthesis and total biomass and grain production under both well-watered and water-limited conditions. The results suggest that leaf photosynthetic rate measured prior to flowering is a good indicator of productivity in grain sorghum.  相似文献   

区域粮食安全的动态研究--以延安市宝塔区为例   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
粮食安全的研究对地区的发展是极为重要的因素,20世纪70年代以后,国内外对粮食安全的研究相继展开,不同领域的专家从不同角度对粮食安全问题进行研究,同时还有一些地区的实例研究。本文从粮食的数量、质量和持续发展三个方面分别对粮食安全进行分析,并以位于黄土高原丘陵沟壑区的延安市宝塔区为例进行实例研究,结果表明,延安市宝塔区的粮食并不能完全满足小康水平的400kg.人-1,尤其是随着耕地面积的流失和饲粮性动物的饲养的增加,粮食数量安全显得更为重要;在粮食质量方面,相对于延安地区和陕西省而言,该地区的粮食质量在有害物质方面还比较安全;由于处于城郊区,宝塔区的耕地处于较大的压力下,需要改善土地利用结构、提高科技生产水平或者从外地调入粮食以满足其发展的需要。  相似文献   

Although the temperature of grain in the holds of ships arriving in Japan from Argentina, Australia, Canada, China and USA during 1966–67 varied with the grain, country of origin, and season, it was likely to be determined by the temperature of the grain when it was loaded into the ships. Dockage level varied among bulks of the same type of grain, but the mean dockage in any one crop was always larger when originating from the USA than from other countries. Generally the viability of the grain was good, but when it was reduced, interaction of variety and time seemed to be the principal cause. Field fungi — non-pathogenic Alternaria, and the pathogenic Helminthosporium and Fusarium species — tended to die out, during transport, thus reducing the hazards of new pathogenic strains being distributed across international boundaries. The non-pathogenic field fungi, Cladosporium and Phaeoramularia, were persistent. Although common in grain shipments from all countries, species of Aspergillus and Penicillium varied quantitatively with the different grains. In this respect, more Aspergillus spp. were found in grains originating in the USA and Australia than those originating in Canada. The primary contamination by storage fungi appeared to be at the source, at or after harvest and in storage prior to export.  相似文献   

A. Micke 《Plant and Soil》1993,152(1):81-85
Genetic variation among existing cultivars and in germplasm collections is the outcome of selection during evolution and plant breeding. Mutagenesis offers the plant breeder a chance to tackle unconventional objectives, particularly those that were at a selection disadvantage in the past. Effective mutagens are available, but the bottleneck is the effective selection of rare desired variants from large mutagenized populations. Selection methods must be non-destructive. Grain legume mutation breeding has already led to improved cultivars with higher yield, better grain quality, or stronger resistance to pathogenens. Many mutations affecting nitrogen fixation related traits have also been reported. Some could be useful in breeding better cultivars, but the majority are being used to study the factors interacting in the complex process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation and to improve the strategy for producing cultivars with better fixation capacity.  相似文献   

Increasing climate variability, resulting in frequent years of poor rainfall, has recently subjected the traditional subsistence farmers in the Central Clay Plain of the Sudan to longer periods of food shortage. However, excess production in years of good rainfall could bridge the gap of years with poor rainfall if the grain is properly stored. Resource-poor farmers have tried several linings to improve the traditional underground pit (”matmura”) they use for storage of sorghum. In the experimental study described here, pits with two types of lining: (i) a mixture of mud, cow dung and straw and (ii) sorghum chaff, were compared with unlined pits. Six closed pits were used, two for each type, and temperature and moisture content were monitored. It was found that the temperature increased in all pits and at all positions within the pits, with few differences between the linings. Moisture levels also increased everywhere but the sources of moisture were at the sides and bottoms of the pits. The chaff-lined pits were superior to the others because they showed smaller increases in moisture content at all positions and thus maintained a better quality of sorghum. Joint traditional assessments with local farmers after the pits were opened supported these findings. Received: 15 March 2000 / Revised: 4 January 2001 / Accepted: 10 January 2001  相似文献   

Argonaute (AGO) proteins and small RNAs (sRNAs) are core components of the RNA‐induced silencing complex (RISC). It has been reported that miRNAs regulate plant height and grain size in rice, but which AGO is involved in grain size regulation remains unclear. Here, we report that enhanced expression of OsAGO17, a putative AGO protein, could improve grain size and weight and promote stem development in rice. Cytological evidence showed that these effects are mainly caused by alteration of cell elongation. Expression analyses showed that OsAGO17 was highly expressed in young panicles and nodes, which was consistent with the expression pattern of OsmiR397b. SRNA sequencing, stem‐loop RT‐PCR and sRNA blotting showed that the expression of OsmiR397b was reduced in ago17 and enhanced in the OsAGO17 OE lines. Four OsmiR397b target laccase (LAC) genes showed complementary expression patterns with OsAGO17 and OsmiR397b. Combined with the results of immunoprecipitation (IP) analysis, we suggested that OsAGO17 formed an RISC with OsmiR397b and affected rice development by suppression of LAC expression. In conclusion, OsAGO17 might be a critical protein in the sRNA pathway and positively regulates grain size and weight in rice.  相似文献   

稻米品质性状对开放式空气二氧化碳浓度增高的响应   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
利用开放式空气CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统平台。研究大田栽培条件下粳稻武香粳14号稻米品质性状对CO2浓度增高200μmol·mol^-1的响应。结果表明.FACE处理稻谷的出糙率平均比CK高1.4个百分点,整精米率平均比CK低12.3个百分点,较低的供N水平有利于提高FACE条件下的出糙率.较高的供N水平有利于提高FACE条件下的整精米率;FACE处理的稻米垩白略有增加。垩白粒率平均比CK高11.9个百分点,垩白度平均比CK平均高2.8个百分点,较高的供N和供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下垩白大小、垩白粒率和垩白度;FACE处理稻米糊化温度平均比CK平均高0.52℃,胶稠度有提高的趋势,但对稻米直链淀粉含量影响较小,较高的供N和供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米的直链淀粉含量,较低的供N和较高的供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米胶稠度,较低的供N水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米糊化温度;FACE处理使稻米蛋白质含量比CK平均低0.6个百分点,较低的供N和供P水平有利于降低FACE条件下稻米蛋白质含量。  相似文献   

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