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广西恭城月柿生态农业旅游能值分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
应用奥德姆(H.T.Odum)创立的生态经济系统能值(emergy)分析理论和方法,定量分析广西恭城瑶族自治县月柿生态农业旅游经济系统的物流和能流,以期为当地和中国欠发达地区的可持续发展提供科学依据。研究结果表明:2004年,该县红岩月柿生态“农业-旅游”经济系统经济投入为12.74×10^5$,经济产出为35.47×10^5$,实现经济净收益22.73×10^5$。与原生态农业系统相比,复合系统在经济投入增加17.2%的情况下,经济产出增加126%以上,经济净收益约为原生态农业系统的4.75倍,经济产投比由原系统的1.44变为复合系统的2.78。发展生态旅游之后,当地新的生态农业旅游系统在环境投入不变的情况下,增加对环境资源的经济反馈9.24×1017sej,使能值产出增加9.79×10^18sej,新系统净效益是原生态农业系统的4.74倍,净能值产出率为原生态农业系统的1.94倍,能值投资率比原生态农业系统提高17%。研究结果还指出:目前恭城县红岩月柿生态农业旅游经济系统正处于发展的初级阶段。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地生态能值分析研究   总被引:34,自引:7,他引:27  
崔丽娟  赵欣胜 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1480-1485
应用奥德姆 (H.T.Odum)创立的生态经济系统能值分析理论 ,定量分析鄱阳湖湿地生态系统内的物流和能流。研究认为分析湿地生态效益主要有 4个步骤 ,即 :(1 )建立概念性的能值分析系统 ,全面反映能值分析方法 ;(2 )能值指标系统分析表制作与能值计算 ;(3)能值指标估算 ;(4 )依能值指标系统分析表和能值图解阐述湿地生态效益。通过整理实地考察所获数据和历史资料 ,运用所提的方法进行分析研究 ,其湿地生态系统能值图解和能值指标分析表的分析结果表明 :鄱阳湖湿地的投入量太阳能值为 3.36× 1 0 1 9sej,产出量太阳能值为 3.0 7× 1 0 2 0 sej,初级生产力为 5 .0 4× 1 0 1 9sej,不可再生能源或资源为 6 .35× 1 0 1 9sej,资本投入 /产出中的生态服务、生态旅游和科研工作太阳能值分别有 8.79× 1 0 1 9sej,4 .80× 1 0 1 9sej,1 .0 5× 1 0 1 9sej,总计 1 .4 6× 1 0 2 0sej,进而得出鄱阳湖湿地生态系统整体投入 /产出的效益良好。湿地水禽的太阳能值为 1 .6 1× 1 0 2 0 sej,说明鄱阳湖湿地在保护水禽方面的地位不可替代 ,在长江流域内有着非常重要的生态功能  相似文献   

应用生态经济系统能值分析理论,定量分析广州市南沙地区十九涌红树林沼泽湿地的生态效益以及系统内的物流和能流.结果表明,2002年红树林的能值-货币价值为1.88×104美元,湿地水禽和水产的能值-货币价值分别有22.78×104美元和12.00×104美元,湿地系统能值总投入17.96×1016sej,不可再生能源9.44×1016sej;产出能值总量31.28×1016sej.通过湿地生态系统能值分析图和能值分析表,可以看出南沙十九涌红树林沼泽湿地整体投入/产出的效益非常合理,即投入少(10.49×104美元),产出量大(42.82×104美元),说明红树林湿地具有低投入高产出的特点.  相似文献   

基于能值理论的吉林省农业生态系统分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以吉林省为研究区进行了农业生态系统的能值动态分析.结果表明:1990-2007年,吉林省的总能值投入呈上升的趋势,源于经济系统的反馈能值占总投入能值的比例基本保持在85%以上,其中可更新的能值投入占总投入的80%以上(农业劳动力的能值投入占总投入的60%);总产出能值也呈逐年增加的趋势,从1990年的5.5×1022 sej增至2007年的13.61×1022 sej,增长了147%,其中产出能值以种植业和畜牧业为主;1990--2007年总体上吉林省净能值产出率较高,环境负载率比较低,可持续发展能值指标较高并且呈逐年上升的趋势(从1990年的2.64上升到2007年的4.98),但吉林省农业生态系统的社会经济反馈能值中工业辅助能值投入不足,总的来说吉林省的农业可持续发展潜力较大.  相似文献   

辽宁省朝阳市农业生态经济系统能值分析   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
应用能值分析的方法,研究了以辽宁省朝阳市为代表的辽西半干旱区农业生态经济系统的能值投入及产出结构,并通过计算、对比能值评价指标,分析了朝阳市农业生态经济系统的发展现状。结果表明,对自然资源的过度利用造成了当地生态环境条件的恶化,由此产生不可更新自然资源的流失以及产出能值的损失;对可更新有机能的不充分利用也是造成当地资源浪费和环境破坏的重要原因。  相似文献   

为客观评估和比较退耕还林后黄土高原典型小流域不同种植业发展模式的稳定性和可持续性,本研究通过能值分析方法,定量分析了粮食和果树兼作、粮食生产为主和果树种植为主3种典型流域种植业系统的能值投入和产出情况,建立能值分析指标体系,在自然资源压力、社会和经济发展水平方面进行比较,进而对3种模式的系统可持续性进行评估.结果表明: 黄土高原典型流域不同类型种植业系统外部辅助能值均占总能值投入的75%以上,且其中不可更新能值所占比例远大于可更新能值,由此造成了能值自给率低而环境承载率高的特点;流域粮食种植业生产具有高投入、低产出的特点,而水果种植和粮果兼作具有高投入、高产出的特点,3种模式能值密度均达到全国农业经济系统平均水平2倍以上,其中,粮食生产为主的模式净能值产出率最低而粮果兼作型最高;流域种植业能值可持续发展指数均<1,能值/环境可持续指标均远低于全国农业系统平均水平,可持续发展能力较低,以粮食和果树兼作的模式可持续发展指数最高.3种模式比较发现,粮果兼作发展模式在流域种植业发展中具有相对较好的发展能力和较高的系统稳定性,能值生产效率适中且可持续性最高,因此黄土高原地区以流域为单元的农业发展应该更加偏向于考虑多产业综合的复合结构生产方式.  相似文献   

张新焕  杨德刚  刘云同 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6068-6076
利用能值理论与方法对2000~2006年新疆渭干河流域种植业系统的可持续性与敏感性进行分析,研究结果表明:(1)种植业系统的能值总投入逐年上升,不可更新工业辅助能与可更新自然资源能是种植业系统主要的能值投入类型,地均能值投入在上、中、下游呈递增趋势;(2)种植业系统的能值总产出呈现逐年上升趋势,地均能值产出在上、中、下游依次增加,棉花是中游与下游重要的能值产出作物,玉米、小麦是上游主要的能值产出作物;(3)中游种植业系统的可持续发展指数较高,近年来基本处于稳定状态;上游与下游可持续发展能力偏低,并且表现为连续下降的趋势,形成上、下游可持续发展指数偏低的本质原因差别较大;(4)种植业系统对可更新自然资源能的变化响应较弱,对不可更新工业辅助能变化的响应最为明显;下游种植业系统在环境改善或恶化的情景下响应最为敏感,上游种植业系统对环境变化的响应较弱.  相似文献   

李玉凤  刘红玉  郑囡  曹晓 《生态学报》2011,31(4):1021-1028
以西溪国家湿地公园为研究案例,从景观功能分类入手,揭示城市湿地公园景观格局与功能特征。结果表明:(1)西溪湿地公园是以生态保护为主,兼顾合理利用为基本功能特征,其生态保护功能区面积占整个公园的53.7%,旅游休闲区面积占46.3%;(2)西溪湿地公园生态保护功能斑块在整个公园中所占面积为42.08%,且面积大、形状复杂、多样性较低;旅游休闲斑块面积占25.41%,并且表现为斑块面积小、形状规则、多样性高等特点;(3)西溪湿地公园生态保护廊道面积是旅游休闲廊道面积的一半左右,其网络结构比旅游休闲廊道复杂,有利于生态保护功能的发挥;(4)生态保护廊道缓冲区内主要由生态保护斑块组成,旅游休闲廊道的缓冲区内生态功能斑块和旅游休闲斑块所占面积相差不大。基于功能分类的景观格局研究方法有利于识别景观功能的空间特征,能够有效揭示景观生态保护与利用的空间关系。  相似文献   

四川省汶川县生态经济系统能值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘淼  胡远满  常禹  布仁仓 《生态学杂志》2008,27(11):1997-2001
基于能值理论和分析方法,应用统计和实地调查数据,对四川省汶川县1982-2002年的生态经济系统进行了分析.结果表明:汶川县的经济水平较低,规模较小;主要能值投入为可再生资源;能值产出中不可再生资源能值占大部分,主要来自矿产资源和水泥生产;研究区输出大量能值,项目包括矿产资源和木材资源,大量的能值输出,特别是木材能值输出已使得研究区脆弱的生态环境出现生态问题;汶川县的人均能值消费水平较低,生活水平不高;研究区应注意经济与生态的协调发展.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区小流域系统生态经济要素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
党小虎  刘国彬  李小利  薛萐  锁冠侠 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3516-3525
以隆德县李太平小流域为例,对比分析了退化小流域系统恢复重建过程中系统的生态经济要素变化,揭示系统演变趋势.应用能值方法分析了投入产出的动态变化,评价治理的生态经济效果.结果显示:农、林、牧业用地比例由1990年的6.2:2.0:1.0变为2003年的1.9:1.4:1.0,土地利用及种植结构趋于合理,农业产值所占比重由79.6%下降为54.8%,林业、牧业、副业产值比例分别由9.6%、9.6%、1.1%上升为22.7%、15.1%、7.4%,收入多样性指数也呈增加趋势,显示了流域收入构成的多元化,有利于生态经济系统的稳定.同时,恩格尔系数减小,表明人民生活水平日益提高.基于能值的流域生态经济系统投入产出效率动态研究结果表明在调整后的土地利用格局及种植结构下,净能值产出率由1990年的2.5增长到2003年的3.41,资源利用效率逐年提高,环境负荷率在1990、1995和2003年分别为2.55、2.44和2.11,呈减小趋势,能值持续性指数从1990年的0.98增加到2003年的1.62,经济与生态环境的协调性不断提高.研究结果表明该治理模式是成功的.  相似文献   

杨卓翔  高阳  赵志强  李双成 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3635-3644
应用能值分析方法,通过能值转换率,把深圳市3个农场生态经济系统的能量流、物质流、货币流和信息流转化为统一量纲———能值。在绘制能值系统概图和编制能值分析表的基础上,建立能值评价指标体系对3个系统的能值输入结构、生产效率、环境负载和可持续发展状况等进行分析和比较。此外,比较经济指标与能值分析结果,并采用情景分析对农场未来发展做出预测。能值分析方法不仅考虑环境及其服务功能对经济生产的贡献,同时能值交换率和能值产出率把系统经济流入和产出纳入分析过程,结合环境和经济评价,可用于综合分析农场生态效益和经济效益。研究结果表明:西丽果场是可持续发展能力最高的农场,碧岭现代农业科技园次之,而山海农场的可持续发展能力最低。都市农场应该大比例利用可更新资源,努力发展农业生产,并且积极提升农业的技术含量。在此基础上,控制规模合理地发展旅游经济,走高科技农业生态旅游之路。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的我国小水电生态影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞明月  张力小  王长波 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2741-2749
如何系统定量地评价小水电开发过程所引起的景观变化、河流局部断流等生态影响,是平息争议、进行合理规划与开发小水电前提之一。运用能值分析方法,以贵州省赤水市观音岩水电站为例,将小水电建设、运行的资源投入,以及河道中水流的时空改变所导致生态服务功能的损失纳入核算体系,对其生态影响进行综合定量评估。从2010年的实际结果来看,由于河流断流,导致水坝下游生态系统服务功能的能值损失为2.77×1018sej,占到了系统建设运行总投入的44.84%,其中重点保护鱼种在影响河段的生境破坏是最大的能值损失。若不考虑下游生态系统服务功能损失,系统的环境负载率为1.92,可持续性指标为1.22;而考虑下游生态影响之后,系统环境负载率增大至4.26,可持续性指标减小为0.34。研究表明,小水电的开发必须遵循适度开发、规划优先,保障河流最基本的生态需水底线,是协调小水电开发和河流健康矛盾、追求小水电持续发展的刚性要求。  相似文献   

Emergy evaluation of organic rice-duck mutualism system   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Yun-Guan Xi  Pei Qin   《Ecological Engineering》2009,35(11):1677-1683
Rice-duck mutualism is one form of ecological engineering which makes use of the symbiotic relationship between rice and ducks to more effectively utilize materials, reduce chemical fertilizer and pesticide inputs, increase product safety and overall productivity and decrease the pollutants discharged from rice-fields. This is becoming a popular mode for organic rice production in China and it can be used as one measure taken in the drainage area to assist in the ecological rehabilitation of lakes. This study applied the emergy evaluation method to analyze the resource use and environmental impact of organic rice-duck mutualism (mode 1) compared with the conventional wheat/rice rotation system (mode 2) in the same farm to evaluate its sustainability and ecological and economic benefits and provide suggestions for optimizing this system. The results showed that mode 1 produced greater emergy benefits, and had higher self-organization, lower environmental pressure and higher product safety. The net emergy yield ratio (EYR), feedback ratio of yield emergy (FYE) and emergy sustainable index (ESI) of mode 1 were 1.57 times, 14.10 times and 8.71 times those of mode 2, respectively, and the emergy index of product safety (PSI) was 0 in mode 1 and −0.66 in mode 2. The emergy investment ratio (EIR) and environmental loading ratio (ELR) were 40.1 and 18.3% of those of mode 2. The economic benefit of mode 1 was lower than mode 2. The economic output, gross income and net income of mode 1 were 15.7, 10.8 and 35.4% less than those of mode 2, respectively, but using Em$, the output, gross income and net income of mode 1 were 47.4, 161.2, 87.3% higher than mode 2. With the development of markets for organic foods, mode 1 has the potential to achieve better economic benefits.  相似文献   

应用能值分析理论和方法,对新疆天山北坡经济带农牧业生态经济系统进行了分析和评价,通过一系列的能值指标定量分析了该地区的农牧业系统的能值流动。结果表明:环境资源对农牧业系统的贡献很大,环境资源能值占总能值利用的79.2%,高于全国农业系统平均值(13%);净能值产出率为4.81,高于我国平均值(0.27),说明该区域农牧系统生产有一定的竞争优势;农牧业产品的宏观经济价值大于市场价值,这是由于农牧业生产中有相当大一部分环境资源无偿投入所致;环境负载率指标为0.373,低于我国农业系统的环境负载率(2.8),环境压力较小;可持续发展指数为12.90,有较好的发展潜力,据此,提出了一系列促进区域农业可持续发展的产业结构调整措施。  相似文献   

The theory and indices of Odum's concept of emergy are explained. The environmental and economic inputs and sustainability of cassava chips production system are evaluated by emergy methodology. The emergy indices of cassava chips production system were calculated as follows: Tr (transformity) was 6.85E + 11 sej/kg, EYR (emergy yield ratio) was 1.11, ELR (environmental loading ratio) was 1.75, EIR (emergy investment ratio) was 9.33, and ESI (emergy sustainability indice) was 0.63. The emergy indices of four kinds of feedstock for fuel ethanol—corn, wheat, sugarcane, and cassava chips—were compared. Least solar energy was consumed when taking cassava chips as feedstock for fuel ethanol. According to the emergy indices, using cassava chips as the feedstock of fuel ethanol is helpful for sustainable development in China.  相似文献   

基于生态能量视角的我国小水电可持续性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的小水电开发经历了以解决农村地区用电短缺到当前以促进节能减排、清洁能源建设为目的的转变。运用生态能量分析的方法之一——能值分析方法,选取贵州省安龙县红岩二级水电站为案例,对其建设与运行的可持续性进行了系统分析,并与国内外大水电的相关指标进行了平行对比。结果表明:该水电站2010年电力产出的能值转换率为1.03×105sej/J,其可再生性比例为52.01%,在能值产出率、环境负载率和可持续能力等方面的表现均好于大水电。但其能值交换率为0.58,表明2010年水电上网价格偏低。小水电的不稳定运行也使其系统能值指标呈现波动变化,当实际发电量为设计发电量的50%时,水电的能值转换率接近于湄公河上大坝生产水电的能值转换率,可持续性指标的值从6.12急剧降到3.01。系统评估水电资源,作好流域小水电总体开发规划,保证小水电系统稳定运行是提高其可持续性的关键之一。  相似文献   

A conceptual framework of internal and external emergy was addressed to integrate ecosystem services evaluation and emergy analysis. Internal emergy yields support the material, structure, and information of the ecosystem, and external emergy is those goods and services related to the outside of the ecosystem. An accounting system was determined from the conceptual framework and applied to the evaluation of ecosystem services of conversion activities in Yancheng National Nature Reserve (YNNR), an international important coastal wetland in Jiangsu Province of China. Three typical conversion systems were selected as study cases: (1) a ragworm culturing system (RCS, located in the core zone of YNNR), (2) a clam culturing system (CCS, located in the buffer zone), and (3) a fishpond system (FCS, located in an experimental zone). Our results showed that the ragworm culturing system was more sustainable than the other two systems; indices of base emergy yield ratio (Beyr), net emergy yield ratio (EYR), eco-services benefits (Bs), emergy sustainable indices (ESI) were more sensitive in the new accounting system; the function of the ragworm culturing system relied more on renewable resources and the other two relied mainly on the economic management; and environmental impact, and external services played a crucial role in the ecological engineering evaluation.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(1):133-149
The relationships between, and usefulness of, three different analysis methods: (1) economic cost and return estimation (CAR), (2) ecological footprint (EF) and (3) emergy analysis (EA) in assessing economic viability, ecological carrying capacity and sustainability in tropical crop production was the focus for this study. The analyses were conducted on six agricultural crop production systems in Nicaragua: common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L. Mill), cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. var. capitata), maize (Zea mays L.), pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) and coffee (Coffea arabica L.). The economic indices studied were revenues and profitability. The ecological footprint indices were ecological footprint per hectare of crop (EFcrop), ecological footprint per 1000 USD revenues (EFrev) and ecological footprint per gigacalorie of food energy produced (EFGcal). The emergy analysis indices used were emergy-based profitability (EAprof) and emergy-based ecological footprint (EAEF). The study indicated that cabbage and tomato were the most profitable crops, both in economic and emergy terms, and that coffee was the least profitable crop to grow. On the other hand, beans, coffee and maize were most sustainable when sustainability was measured as ecological carrying capacity, assessed by EF or emergy-based EF, while cabbage and tomato were the least sustainable. Moreover, maize turned out to be the crop with the lowest area demand per production of gigacalorie. Profitability assessed in economic terms or in relation to emergy use (EAprof) or to ecological footprint showed similar patterns and gave the same rankings between the crops. However, profitability assessed by CAR was higher than when assessed by EAprof, due to the fact that no environmental appropriation is included in the CAR. Area appropriation assessed with emergy or with ordinary ecological footprint also resulted in mainly the same rankings between the crops, while the actual size of the areas was at most 10 times larger when assessed in emergy than with plain ecological footprint. Our results add to the body of knowledge on the poor coherence between economic profitability and ecological sustainability. However, we argue that these evaluations may be used as methods for quantitatively assessing different production systems, leading to indices weighting together economic and environmental aspects that may be used to make decisions.  相似文献   

The theoretical framework and methodology of a water ecological–economic system (WEES) assessment based on emergy synthesis are proposed in this paper. Through calculating ecological and economic inputs and outputs within and outside the complex system, this paper discusses the system's economic situation, water resources development and system sustainability based on a series of emergy indicators. Besides traditional indices, following the principle of system assessment, four new indices, water emergy ratio (WER), water emergy utilization ratio (WEUR), water emergy self-support ratio (WESR), and water emergy density (WED) are formulated to assess the state of water resources development quantitatively. Taking the Zhengzhou water ecological–economic system as a study area, through the comparison of the systematic indicators of Zhengzhou with those of the selected Chinese cities, the general status of the Zhengzhou water ecological–economic system in China is identified. The results also show that most indicators of Beijing are located at middle levels among the selected Chinese cities. In particular, the sustainability, expressed by the indicators emergy-based sustainability index (ESI) and water resources population carrying capacity (WPC) were 1.34 and 1.94 million, respectively, in Zhengzhou in 2005, which indicates that the Zhengzhou WEES is in heavy pressure of water resources and is located at low levels of sustainability.  相似文献   

孙晓瑞  税伟  郑佳瑜  陶煜  李慧 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4342-4353
生态城市建设是中国城市转型发展的关键节点,对中国生态文明和新型城镇化发展具有推动作用。研究以中国典型的生态城市厦门市为例,基于城市代谢框架结合能值分析法,对厦门市代谢系统进行各项能值流的核算,构建2010-2017年厦门市能值指标评估体系,选用可持续发展指数、可持续发展能值指标、城市健康水平能值指数3项指标综合评价其生态可持续性,选取部分能值指标与珠海市、深圳市进行对比分析,以期为中国生态城市的可持续发展提供科学参考。结果表明:(1)2010-2017年,厦门市总能值呈上升趋势,2017年的总能值为2.51×1024 sej,是2010年总能值的1.65倍,货币流能值显著增加,废弃物流能值下降。能值自给率由98.30%逐渐递增至99.20%,能值产出率由8.30%逐渐递增至15.20%,环境承载率小于3,属于环境低负荷状态。(2)厦门市可持续发展指标处于1-10之间,表明其生态经济系统具有活力和发展潜力,可持续发展能值指标由2010年的3.67增加至2017年的7.76,表明厦门市的可持续发展性能愈来愈好,城市健康水平能值指数由2010年的6.21上升至2017年的25.80,表明厦门市生态系统处于健康可持续发展的状态。(3)厦门市与珠海市、深圳市的能值指标对比分析表明,厦门市与珠海市均处于富有经济活力与生态可持续发展潜力阶段,且厦门市代谢系统的可持续发展水平整体优于珠海市与深圳市。(4)总体来看,厦门城市代谢系统处于可持续发展阶段,生态城市的建设有利于厦门市实现生态经济的可持续发展,研究对同类型生态城市的建设与可持续发展具有理论参考价值。  相似文献   

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