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我国桑树五种常见粉虱的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)对我国桑树5种主要粉虱害虫桑粉虱Pealius mori(Takahashi)、杨梅粉虱Parabemisia myricae Kuwana、珊瑚瘤粉虱Aleuroclava aucubae Kuwana、马氏粉虱Aleurdolobus marlatti(Quaintance)和非洲伯粉虱Bemisia afer(Priesner&Hosny)伪蛹的超微形态结构特征进行了系统观察和描述;并对这5种粉虱的主要形态特征进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

中国新疆地区粉虱种类(半翅目:粉虱科)记述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
记述了新疆地区粉虱5属6种,即欧洲甘蓝粉虱Aleyrodes proletella(Linnaeus),葡萄穴粉虱Aleurolobus shantungi Tang,非洲小粉虱Bemisia afer(PriesnerHosny),烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius),桑粉虱Pealius mori(Takahashi),温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood),其中葡萄穴粉虱为新疆新记录种。并且用扫描电镜对其伪蛹进行拍照,并依据玻片标本进行了描述。编制了新疆地区粉虱分类检索表。  相似文献   

运用扫描电子显微镜对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci、非洲伯粉虱Bemisia afer、温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum和柑桔粉虱Dialeurodes citri4种粉虱4龄若虫的超微形态特征进行了初步研究。结果表明,扫描电子显微镜下的超微结构特征可很好地将4种粉虱区分开来,如烟粉虱圆锥状的舌状突,非洲伯粉虱尾沟两侧隆起上形成的横脊,温室粉虱形态典型的乳突和泌蜡孔,柑桔粉虱近圆形的皿状孔及其尾沟内的卵石状乳突等特异特征。并根据种间的超微结构特异特征,编制了不同种的简明检索表。超微形态特征为粉虱种群鉴定提供了可靠的理论参考。  相似文献   

记述粉虱科2中国新纪录种:木姜子棒粉虱Aleuroclava ayyari(Sundararaj&David)和扁担杆褶粉虱Aleurotrachelus grewiae Takahashi。用环境扫描电镜对其伪蛹进行拍照,并依据玻片标本进行描述和绘图。木姜子棒粉虱主要鉴别特征是在头部和第1腹节分别着生1对长的亚背区刚毛。扁担杆褶粉虱主要鉴定特征是蛹壳硬化,头尾两端较尖,腹部中央基部较圆。标本存放在扬州大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)和烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)是严重危害葫芦科、茄科和豆科等多种蔬菜的主要害虫,具有分布范围广、种群数量大、繁殖力强等特性。作者通过田间试验研究了蔬菜保护地内间作温室粉虱非嗜食植物芹菜(Apium graveliens L.)对其的防治效果。结果表明:与空白处理和常规化学防治相比,在番茄和黄瓜保护地内间作芹菜对温室粉虱均具有显著的防治效果,驱避效果分别达到98.0%和84.5%。这些结果是初步的,但其为进一步研究温室粉虱的寄主选择机制和非化学防治方法提供了依据。  相似文献   

通过比较研究茶黑刺粉虱 Aleurocanthus camelliae Kanmiya & Kasai和樟刺粉虱 Aleurocanthus cinnamomi Takahashi形态特征,有助于更好地区分这两种刺粉虱种类。采集这两种粉虱标本,通过体视显微镜和扫描电镜对茶黑刺粉虱和樟刺粉虱不同龄期形态结构进行了系统观察和比较研究;同时将伪蛹制作玻片标本观察。茶黑刺粉虱和樟刺粉虱卵、1 龄若虫和2 龄若虫形态结构比较相似,但是伪蛹形态不同,刺的数量及分布有较大的区别。茶黑刺粉虱中央区隆起,尤其是管状孔区域更明显,位于一个凸起的瘤突上;亚缘区上有10 ~ 11 对刺排列,樟刺粉虱亚缘区具有刺14 对,其中头胸部5 对,腹部9 对。茶黑刺粉虱管状孔隆起,亚心形或近圆形,盖瓣心形,几乎充塞了整个管状孔区域;樟刺粉虱管状孔半圆形,盖瓣半圆形,充塞管状孔一半区域。两种刺粉虱成虫整体上比较相似,复眼、胸部和腹部及前翅基部为橙黄色;前后翅及身体上的白色粉状物都是由后足将腹部蜡盘分泌物覆盖上的,茶黑刺粉虱的粉状物比樟刺粉虱要多。前后翅上有不同形状的白色斑纹,左右翅斑相连,但是樟刺粉虱前翅后缘全白,而茶黑色粉虱前翅后缘仅有部分白斑。本研究结果有助于更好地区分樟刺粉虱和茶黑刺粉虱,为农林生产过程中准确鉴定和防治提供一定的参考资料。  相似文献   

虞国跃 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1368-1372
在北京房山区上方山的白屈菜Chelidonium majus L.叶背上发现了一种粉虱。这是一种中国新记录种:忍冬粉虱Aleyrodes lonicerae Walker 1852。本文描述了其各期的形态特征及种类鉴别特征,并列出世界已知的11科23种寄主植物,记录了2种寄生蜂:恩蚜小蜂Encarsia sp.和桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus sp.nr.emiratus,并提供了粉虱及寄生蜂的生态图。  相似文献   

‘小黑瓢虫Delphastus cataline(Hom)是我国1996年引进的粉虱重要捕食性天敌.引进后我们对其进行保种定殖,并研究了其对甘薯粉虱Bemisia tabaci的捕食选择性和种内干扰反应.  相似文献   

B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)和温室粉虱(Trialeurodes vaporariorum)在华北地区常混合发生, 为了揭示寄主植物在两种粉虱生态位竞争中的作用, 以番茄饲养的B型烟粉虱与温室粉虱为实验种群, 研究了转换取食棉花、甘蓝及玉米后, 其体内淀粉酶及蛋白酶的变化。结果表明, 无论在饲养寄主上还是转换植物上, B型烟粉虱淀粉酶活性较温室粉虱高1.49–1.66倍, 改变植物种类对两种粉虱淀粉酶活性的影响不大。植物种类的改变对B型烟粉虱的蛋白酶活性没有显著影响, 而温室粉虱却受到明显抑制, 由番茄转换到甘蓝、棉花及玉米上, 温室粉虱蛋白酶活性下降了29.9–42.7%; 转换到甘蓝或棉花上, B型烟粉虱蛋白酶活性分别较温室粉虱高1.30倍和1.21倍, 而在玉米上两种粉虱间没有明显差异。B型烟粉虱在嗜食寄主甘蓝或非寄主玉米上取食, 其淀粉酶活性的动态变化趋势为激活—抑制型或抑制—激活型, 而温室粉虱激活—抑制不明显; 在B型烟粉虱嗜食、温室粉虱亦可利用的棉花上, 两种粉虱淀粉酶活性的动态趋势相仿。转换的植物种类不同, 两种粉虱蛋白酶活性的变化趋势各异; 在B型烟粉虱嗜食的甘蓝和棉花上, 其蛋白酶活性的动态趋势为激活—抑制型; 在非寄主玉米上虽亦为激活—抑制型, 但激活需时长且较为平缓; 而温室粉虱无论转换为寄主还是非寄主植物, 其蛋白酶活性的变化趋势均相仿且较为平缓。以上结果表明B型烟粉虱应对植物种类转换的能力较温室粉虱强。  相似文献   

海南、广西发现外来双钩巢粉虱   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
双钩巢粉虱Paraleyrodes pseudonaranjae Martin是一种原产于南美洲,并首先记录于佛罗里达、夏威夷和香港等地的粉虱.本文记录了这种粉虱在海南、广西和广东的分布,提供了种类鉴别特征,各期的形态特征及生态图,并列出了目前已知的21科40种寄主植物,广东记录的庞达巢粉虱应是本种的错误鉴定.随着定居时间的推移,双钩巢粉虱的为害性有加重的趋势.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the endosymbionts of several populations of whitefly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) was examined using transmission electron microscopy. Consistent differences in morphology and relative number of endosymbionts were observed between species and biotypes of whitefly within the Bemisia taxon.Bemisia argentifolii (=B. tabaci B biotype) individuals from Hawaii, Florida, and Arizona contained two morphological types of microorganisms housed within the mycetocyte cells of immature whiteflies. In contrast, individuals from populations ofB. tabaci A biotype from Arizona and Mexico, andB. tabaci Jatropha biotype from Puerto Rico, consistently contained three distinct morphological types of microorganisms within their mycetocytes. Organisms fromB. tabaci A and Jatropha biotypes differed from each other in the relative frequency of each type of microorganism. These observations suggest that different whitefly biotypes may have variable combinations of micro-fauna, with some possibly unique to each group, and furthers the hypothesis that variation in whitefly endosymbionts may be associated with the development of biotypes.  相似文献   

We examined whether the young pupae of three parasitoid species, Encarsia inaron (Walker), E. lutea (Masi), and E. sophia (Girault and Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), all attacking the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), exhibited different susceptibility to host feeding and to autoparasitism than older pupae. These parasitoid species differ as follows: E. lutea is autoparasitic and has non‐melanized pupae, E. inaron is not autoparasitic and has melanized pupae, whereas E. sophia is autoparasitic and has melanized pupae. The results showed that the younger pupae were always more susceptible to internecine action (host feeding or autoparasitism) than the older pupae. The relative immunity of the older pupae was not dependent upon pupal melanization, as it was the same for pupae of E. lutea that have unmelanized pupae as the other melanized species. The findings increased the range of the ‘window of opportunity’ for male development discovered by Hunter & Kelly (1998 , Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 89: 249–259) to more Encarsia species and to the phenomenon of host feeding, and suggest that relative pupal resistance to damage may be widespread among these parasitic Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

B型烟粉虱对23种寄主植物适应度的评估和聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安新城  郭强  胡琼波 《生态学报》2011,31(11):3150-3155
本文利用前期开发的两个寄主植物适应度评估模型对B型烟粉虱能够完成发育的23种寄主进行了寄主适应度评估,并对评估结果进行了聚类分析,分析结果显示供试烟粉虱种群存在明显的寄主偏好性,黄瓜与甘蓝为嗜好寄主,繁殖力大,若虫成活率高,非常有利于烟粉虱的种群发育;而其它寄主在营养状况、物理性状及次生化合物的综合作用下,烟粉虱的寄主植物适应度变化较大且整体低于嗜好寄主,结果暗示烟粉虱的寄主生态位可能存在从核心到周缘的分层现象。比较了两个评估模型的分析结果,虽然在低层聚类中存在差异,但高层聚类的结果趋于一致。  相似文献   

为了揭示辽宁省冬季温室内越冬粉虱伪蛹的种类及烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)情况, 于2012年1月份在辽宁省不同县市区的温室作物上采集了17份粉虱伪蛹样品(每样品含30头粉虱伪蛹) , 镜检鉴别粉虱种类并利用mtCOI基因对烟粉虱生物型进行了鉴定; 检测了烟粉虱携带TYLCV情况并对其PCR扩增产物进行了测序分析。结 果表明: 辽宁省冬季温室内存在越冬温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)与烟粉虱。17份粉虱样品中, 11份样品为烟 粉虱样品, 6份样品为温室白粉虱和烟粉虱混合样品。混合样品中, 温室白粉虱仅在锦州凌海(LH)样品中占优势。17份烟粉虱样品(包 括混合样品)中, 仅有4份样品为B型与Q型混合样品, 其他13份样品烟粉虱生物型均为Q型。17份烟粉虱样品中有3份Q型烟粉虱样品检测 到TYLCV, 系统树分析进一步证实该病毒是TYLCV。调查结果为辽宁省粉虱与TYLCV的早期测报和防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Abstract The parasitoids in the genera of Encarsia and Eretmocerus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) are important biological control agents of whiteflies, and some of them not only parasitize hosts but also kill them with strong host‐feeding capacity. Two whitefly parasitoid species, Encarsia sophia and Eretmocerus melanoscutus were examined to determine if mating and host density affected their host feeding and parasitism. The whitefly host, Bemisia tabaci, was presented to these two wasp species in densities of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 third‐instar nymphs per clip cage. Mated whitefly parasitoid females fed on more hosts than unmated females under a range of host densities (under all six host densities for En. sophia; under the densities of 40 nymphs or more for Er. melanoscutus). Meanwhile, mated females parasitized more whitefly nymphs than unmated females under all host densities for both species. With increase of host density, mated or unmated Er. melanoscutus females killed more hosts by host feeding and parasitism. Mated En. sophia females killed more hosts by host feeding with increase of host density, whereas unmated females did not parasitze whitefly nymphs at all. Our results suggest that only mated female parasitoids with host‐feeding behavior should be released in crop systems to increase their bio‐control efficiency.  相似文献   

烟粉虱对寄主的选择行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安新城  任顺祥 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):566-570
烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)成虫对寄主植物选择行为的实验结果表明,烟粉虱是通过植物广谱的绿色气体识别植物材料,并进一步受到绿色的诱导。通过烟粉虱在适宜与非适宜寄主植物上滞留时间的差异,可以看出烟粉虱是通过口针刺探的寄主评估过程逐渐实现寄主偏好性的,存在一个短的时滞。综合来看,烟粉虱的寄主选择是通过嗅觉、视觉和味觉共同参与的一个决策过程,以寄主植物的气味、颜色和质量为线索,逐步定位到适宜的寄主植物上,因此在寄主选择过程中存在很大的可塑性。  相似文献   

The whitefly, Bemisia afer (Hemiptera; Aleyrodidae), is emerging as a major agricultural pest. The current identification methods based on adult and pupal morphology are laborious and unreliable. A diagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol was developed for the first time in this study to discriminate B. afer from other whitefly species. Primers specific to mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (mtCOI) were designed to amplify a band of approx 650 bp. The PCR products were sequenced from B. afer samples collected from Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zanzibar, and the United Kingdom. Phylogenetic analyses of mtCOI sequences and those of reference B. afer sequences clustered the African B. afer separately from the UK and Chinese populations and from other whitefly species. The African cluster was divided into two clades by parsimony and neighbor-joining methods. This indicates the existence of at least two genotypic clusters of B. afer, which are diverged by 0.8 to 3.2% nucleotide (nt) identities. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that these differences were the result of within population variation but were insufficient to identify discrete populations. Among the whitefly species used in the analysis, B. afer was equally dissimilar to Bemisia tabaci and Bemisia tuberculata (21.3–26.2% nt identities). As is the case for B. tabaci, these data show that mtCOI sequences are informative also for identifying B. afer variants, which lack distinguishing morphological features.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Insects, particularly phloem-feeding Sternorrhyncha, are known to produce sugars in their honeydew (excreta) that are not found in their host plants. Of these, Bemisia tabaci , the sweet potato whitefly, is the only insect known to produce trehalulose [α- d -glucose (1,1) d -fructose] as a major component of its honeydew. The present study aims to determine whether trehalulose is comparable to sucrose as a nutrient source for three whitefly parasitoids ( Encarsia formosa , Encarsia pergandiella and Eretmocerus eremicus ). In addition, the study also examines trehalulose feeding effects on longevity for a parasitoid of muscoid Diptera, Nasonia vitripennis . Parasitoids are provided diets of either sucrose or trehalulose in varying concentrations (from 0.1% to 70%) or a water control. Sucrose and trehalulose are not significantly different in affecting survival when compared at the same concentration. This was true for all Bemisia parasitoids and N. vitripennis. Certain specific diets are significantly different in pairwise combination tests. There is a significant effect of species, diet type and the interaction of these two factors on the longevity of the three different Bemisia parasitoid species; however, within species, there is no significant increase in longevity observed for either carbohydrate diet. This result contrasts with expectations for the effects of host-modified carbohydrates on longevity. The implications are that, although carbohydrate feeding is essential for these parasitoids, these host-provided sources of carbohydrates are equally capable of extending longevity.  相似文献   

由于烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci、温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum等粉虱害虫在我国猖獗为害,我国已从种群动态监测到害虫综合治理开展了一系列研究。为了有一套统一、规范的标准,我们制定了保护地蔬菜与露地蔬菜生产上粉虱害虫的系统调查与监测技术规程,包括调查与监测的目的、样本大棚或田块的选择,粉虱各虫态发生数量的调查、监测与统计方法等,并根据保护地蔬菜与露地蔬菜的生长特点,提出了相应的粉虱害虫预测预报、防治阈值、防治对策及防控时间等技术措施。  相似文献   

烟粉虱的分类地位及在中国的分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
烟粉虱广泛分布于全球热带和亚热带地区。近20多年,烟粉虱的一些遗传群入侵世界各地,严重危害作物生产。烟粉虱遗传结构的多样性和复杂性早已被关注,但其分类地位,尤其是烟粉虱到底是一个包含多个生物型的种还是一个包含许多隐种的物种复合体,一直颇受争议。近几年,有关烟粉虱种系发生和系统学的研究取得长足进展,有证据推论其是一个包含至少31个隐种的物种复合体,但生殖隔离证据仍显不足,种系发生分析结果也因仅依据COI一个基因而受到质疑。因此,在大多数从事烟粉虱研究的同行接受其为一个物种复合体的概念的同时,仍有同行沿用生物型的概念。在我国境内已先后报道了包括13个本地种和2个全球入侵种在内的15个烟粉虱隐种。本地种主要分布在我国南部及包括海南岛和台湾岛的东南沿海地区,隐种的多样性由南向北逐渐降低。入侵种“中东一小亚细亚1”隐种(MEAMl)(即“B型”)和“地中海”隐种(MED)(即“Q型”)分别于20世纪90年代中后期和2003年前后入侵我国,并在许多地区迅速取代了本地种而占据优势地位。全国范围内的调查数据显示,这2个入侵种可在大部分区域共同存在,但自2005年以来,MED在许多地区陆续取代MEAMl,这很可能与MED对大量使用的新烟碱类杀虫剂有较强抗性有关。本文还讨论了烟粉虱隐种复合体分类所面临的命名等难题以及大范围抽样调查的数据偏差问题。  相似文献   

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