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2005年4—12月在四川老君山自然保护区,通过计算机声谱分析技术,对四川山鹧鸪(Arborophila rufipectus)雄性的鸣声行为特征进行了研究,其结果表明,雄性单音节鸣声出现在啼叫、保护领域和求偶中,这些鸣声持续时间差异明显,主峰值差异不明显;雄性双音节鸣声出现在啼叫、保护领域、竞争雌体和求偶中,这些鸣声第一音节时间、第二音节时间、音节间隔时间和主峰值差异极显著,全句时间差异不明显;雄性多音节鸣声出现在保护领域、警戒和惊吓中。雄性亚成体多音节鸣声出现在惊吓和警戒中;雄性成体和亚成体警戒鸣叫的音节持续时间、音节间隔时间和主峰值差异均不明显,全句持续时间差异明显;雄性亚成体和雄性成体的惊吓鸣叫音节持续时间、音节间隔时间、全句持续时间和主峰值差异均不明显。四川山鹧鸪表现出的各种鸣声行为是为了保护配偶和防止天敌,使该种群更好地繁衍。  相似文献   

绿背山雀繁殖期鸣声声谱分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2005年4~6月,在四川屏山县老君山自然保护区采用计算机声谱分析技术,对绿背山雀繁殖期护域、警告、报警、警戒和幼雏乞食的鸣声进行了初步研究。结果表明,雄性护域有3种不同音节鸣声,3种音节鸣声的MPF差异均不明显(P〉0.05),全句持续时间差异显著(X^2=8,42〉x0.05^2,df=2,P〈0.05);雌性护幼为2个音节的警告呜声;雌雄两性遇到危险时均发出音节不同的警戒声和报警声,其警戒声各音节持续时间差异极显著(P〈0,01),各音节间隔时间差异不明显(P〉0.05);幼雏乞食鸣声通常由2~3个音节重复而成。同时还探讨了不同鸣声与相应行为的关系。  相似文献   

噪音环境下花臭蛙求偶鸣声特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2012年7月份,在黄山浮溪地区利用超声录音设备录制并分析了繁殖季节雄性花臭蛙(Odorrana schmackeri)个体的求偶鸣声。观察发现花臭蛙繁殖活动主要集中在7月中旬,繁殖高峰期活动无昼夜规律,全天均可见求偶鸣叫及抱对产卵等行为,并且多在浅水滩处活动。花臭蛙鸣声根据音节数和声谱特征可分为4种类型:即单音节音、婴儿音、双音节音和多音节断奏音,其中,单音节音、双音节音和婴儿音较为常见。利用Selena软件给出4种声音的语图以及各自对应的能谱图,利用Sound Analysis pro v1.2对单音节音、双音节音和婴儿音的鸣声特征参数进行定量分析,分析的声音参数包括鸣叫持续时间、音节数、音节持续时间、音节间隔、主频、脉冲率等。结果表明,花臭蛙鸣声的主频范围为1.8~4.5 k Hz(n=65)。鸣声不包括超声组分,主频峰值(3.1±0.7)k Hz,与前人电生理实验所得花臭蛙听觉敏感峰值一致,说明花臭蛙主要在这一频段进行通讯。对3种常见鸣叫音声音参数的单因素方差分析结果表明,双音节音与单音节音和婴儿音在声音持续时间上存在显著性差异(P0.01),双音节音和单音节音在第二谐波声强上也具有显著性差异(P=0.01)。花臭蛙的双音节音在3种常见鸣叫音中具有最长的持续时间,为(99.5±8.4)ms,故推测,双音节音为花臭蛙繁殖期主要求偶鸣声,并通过其鸣声时长的变化来体现自身品质的好坏。  相似文献   

白颊噪鹛四川亚种繁殖期鸣声声谱分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年3~10月,在四川省南充市郊通过声谱分析对白颊噪鹛四川亚种Garrulax sannio oblectans繁殖期的鸣声与行为做了初步研究.其鸣声类型具有占区、驱赶、雌雄应答、求偶、交配、乞食、召唤、报警、惊叫及集群觅食等鸣声.其鸣声大多由短的重复的单音节、双音节和多音节鸣声组成.鸣声音节中最常见为单音节鸣声,最少的为多音节鸣声.  相似文献   

斑背大尾莺繁殖期鸣声行为分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Qu WH  Li F  Sha JB  Zhang YM 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):141-149
2009年5-7月,在辽宁双台河口保护区录制了20只繁殖期斑背大尾莺雄性个体的鸣声.根据行为特征,该鸟鸣声定义为3种鸣声类型:求偶炫耀鸣唱、报警声和联络声.利用Wavesurfer软件对20只斑背大尾莺雄性个体543个鸣声的句子持续时间、句子音节个数、音节持续时间、音节间隔时间等4个参数进行分析测量,发现求偶炫耀鸣唱由节奏逐渐加快的前部句子和音节组成复杂的主体部两个句子组成; 报警声和联络声的句子均由单音节组成.音节类型总数为38种,其中包括前部句子的音节类型6种.采用单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA)对求偶炫耀鸣唱的4个参数进行差异性检验发现,不同个体的各个参数均呈极显著差异(P<0.01).  相似文献   

鸣叫是无尾两栖类声音通讯的重要环节之一。许多蛙类的鸣叫行为具有节律性,且受温度和湿度的影响。为研究红蹼树蛙(Rhacophorus rhodopus)的鸣声特征和鸣叫节律,2016年5—6月,采用录音机和指向性话筒,在野外录制了61只雄性红蹼树蛙的鸣声,并通过悬挂录音笔和自动温湿度记录仪研究其鸣叫节律(22 d)。结果发现:红蹼树蛙的鸣声分为单音节和多音节(音节数2~20;平均6.27±2.94)2种类型。与多音节鸣声的主频(2213.32±106.95 Hz)、音节时长(14.83±1.27 ms)和音节间隔(60.66±8.56 ms)相比,单音节鸣声的主频(2289.87±120.14 Hz)、音节时长(16.93±1.68 ms)和音节间隔(610.99±178.48ms)显著升高(P0.05),而2种鸣声的基频(单音节鸣声:212.51±21.63 Hz;多音节鸣声:225.39±26.80 Hz)无显著差异(P0.05)。红蹼树蛙每晚19:00至次日03:00具有鸣叫行为,22:00为高峰期。结果表明:红蹼树蛙主要通过改变鸣声的主频、音节时长、音节间隔以及音节数提高声音通讯效率。红蹼树蛙的鸣叫行为具有昼夜节律,且在一定程度上受温度和湿度的影响。  相似文献   

张方  陈潘  赵书仪 《动物学研究》2013,34(3):196-203
为了解同域分布的两种无尾两栖类动物武夷湍蛙(Amolops wuyiensis)和凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormotus)在高噪音环境下的求偶鸣声特征及其适应策略,该研究利用超声录音设备录制并分析了繁殖季节武夷湍蛙和凹耳蛙雄性个体在同一噪音环境下的求偶鸣声。结果显示,繁殖期武夷湍蛙在不同时段均能发出3~6个音节数不等的单一鸣声,每个音节由2~10个声脉冲组成,鸣声平均持续时间为2198.20ms,主频为2231.90Hz,信噪声强差为33.00dB,且鸣声不含超声组分,不具备超声通讯的基础。凹耳蛙在每天的18:00—21:00有集中鸣叫行为,鸣声平均持续时间为331.80ms,主频为6665.50Hz,信噪声强差为37.00dB,且鸣声谐波包含超声组分,与前人描述一致。经进一步分析发现,武夷湍蛙和凹耳蛙的鸣声主频和声强均高于背景噪音,噪音不会对其鸣声产生掩蔽作用。通过比较分析得知,武夷湍蛙鸣声主频率<凹耳蛙,推测其声信号传播距离相对后者更远,该蛙在噪音环境下有可能通过调整自身的发声策略(即采用多音节鸣叫声、增加鸣叫时长和鸣叫频次等)来完成种内通讯,并通过改变鸣声时长来体现雄性自身的品质,以便提高对雌性的吸引力。而相同噪音环境下的凹耳蛙则可能采用较为节约能量的方式提高声信号频率的通讯策略,完成种内竞争和交流。  相似文献   

丹顶鹤性活动的声行为研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丹顶鹤繁殖期的性活动可分为雄鹤求偶、雌鹤对雄性求偶的应答、两性交配和交配完结4个阶段,其相应的鸣声模式分别为雄性的求偶鸣声、雌性对雄性求偶的应答声和两性的对鸣声、两性对唱的交配声和两性的高声合唱。4个阶段鸣声都是以基本音的主频率(PF)为主音的单音调声,前3个阶段都带数个近似fn=nf0(f0=FP)关系的低幅值谐频成分。第4个阶段带数个近似fn=nf0(f0=FP)关系的高幅值谐频成分;品质因数(Q3dB)多半为4~6,声脉冲重复频率(RFP)一般为150~180Hz,而第2阶段声的RFP一般为180~260Hz。雄性鸣声的每个单次叫声中含有的音节数较少,一般不超过4个;而雌性鸣声比较复杂。每个单次叫声中含有的音节数较多,一般都在7~8个以上;但雌雄鸣声的每个音节都是由3个声脉冲组成。雄鹤鸣唱声频率变化范围较小,而雌鹤鸣唱声频率变化形式是由低到高达到高峰后又开始下降。4个阶段的鸣声都具有较好共鸣。只有第2阶段发声运动较快。而且发现雄鹤鸣唱单次鸣叫声的音节数“增多”。各阶段鸣声特性均存在差异,不同配偶间均存在显著差异,研究结果表明丹顶鹤雌雄都具有不同的鸣声,且其性活动过程中不同的鸣声行为具有较高的个体识别信号潜能。另外,求偶鸣叫声和求偶应答与对鸣声在性活动鸣声中起着决定性的作用。  相似文献   

双斑蟋鸣声特征与行为关系的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
利用计算机声分析技术对双斑蟋(Gryllus bimaculatus 1773)的召唤声、不同性比的求偶声和争斗声的结构、频谱与时域特征进行比较,以探讨鸣声特征与行为的关系。结果表明:①3种鸣声的脉冲时间长度(PL)、脉冲时间间隔(IPI)、每个脉冲群(PG)的脉冲数(PN)、声脉冲组合形态和密度等基本相同。这些特征参数较为稳定,为种间鉴别因子,其中以IPI为最。②节奏(Rh)、声长(SL)、间歇(IT)特征与蟋蟀的社会活动和个体活动有密切联系。从雄性单独生活时的召唤声到有雌性存在时的求偶声,每个节奏中的音节数逐渐增加,从单音节、双音节到多音节;SL、IT呈下降趋势。不同性比条件下,雄性数量明显影响鸣声特征。雄性数目增加,Rh、SL呈上升趋势;IT呈下降趋势。不同比例的雌性对雄性鸣声的影响无明显规律。③鸣声的频谱与时域呈一定对应关系。召唤声、求偶声和争斗声的脉冲能量主要集中在1个能量区上,表现出种的同一性。  相似文献   

棘胸蛙求偶鸣声与温度有关但与体大小无关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸣声被认为是鉴别蛙类物种最有效的特征之一,但受许多因素影响。为了研究环境因素和身体大小与雄性棘胸蛙鸣声特征的关系,在人工仿生态养殖条件下测量环境温度和体温以及蛙体的大小(体重、体长),并通过个体定位,录制繁殖期中雄性棘胸蛙的求偶鸣声,分析鸣叫参数。结果表明,棘胸蛙雄性鸣声特征测量参数与体重、体长无相关性,而鸣声特征中的鸣叫时长、音节时长与环境温度、水温、体温、泄殖腔温度存在负相关性。研究结果提示在开展棘胸蛙鸣声学研究时应注意温度对其的影响。  相似文献   

2009年4~9月在四川省若尔盖县铁布自然保护区,对四川梅花鹿Cervusnippon sichuanicus产仔换茸期的声行为进行了较系统的研究。四川梅花鹿产仔换茸期的声行为可以分为报警声、惊叫声、吼叫声、母子召唤声等20种鸣声。通过声谱分析获得了各种鸣声的语谱图及其频谱特征,并通过野外观察初步确定了这些声行为的生物学意义。在遇到危险或潜在危险时,成年雄鹿往往第一个发出报警鸣声,而雌鹿的报警声大约是雄鹿的两倍多。成年个体的主动防御鸣声频次要多于亚成体,而幼体未见有该类鸣声。对梅花鹿不同亚种和不同季节的几种声行为进行了比较。  相似文献   

Vocalizations of Hainan partridges (Arborophila ardens) during the breeding season were studied, by making use of playback experiments, in Yinggeling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China. Both males and females were found to crow and to produce duet calls during the breeding season, and there was a sex difference in crowing as shown by spectrogram analyses. Both sexes responded strongly to simulated intrusion from pairs of conspecifics. However, it was found that males responded to intrasexual intrusion to a greater extent than to intersexual intrusion. Moreover, females responded strongly to both intra- and intersexual intrusion. Female-female response is proposed as a behavioral mechanism that favors monogamy in the Hainan partridge, and a generally high response to any kind of vocal stimuli indicates that females may play an important role in territory defense in this species. To our knowledge, this is the first report for female crowing in the genus Arborophila, and the second case for female crowing in the family Phasianidae.  相似文献   

2006 年9 ~11 月在四川省若尔盖县铁布自然保护区,对四川梅花鹿发情期的声行为进行了初步观测,结果表明:在发情期,四川梅花鹿的发声行为可分为雌、雄鹿的报警叫声,雄鹿的吼叫声和求偶叫声。雌鹿的报警叫声持续时间257 ~ 539 ms,频率范围1409. 5 ~ 4474. 6 Hz,主频率3534. 8 ±89.12 Hz;雄鹿的报警叫声持续时间136 ~187 ms,频率范围271.8 ~3910.5 Hz,主频率3244.3 ±79.32 Hz;两者在持续时间、最低频率、最高频率上差异极显著(P < 0.01),在间隔时间上差异不显著(P = 0.624)。吼叫是雄鹿的主要发情行为之一。雄鹿每次吼叫1 声,持续时间1580 ~4972 ms,频率范围234.6 ~6171.4 Hz,主频率2264.6 ± 166.44 Hz。雄鹿吼叫声的主频率存在显著的个体差异(P <0.01)。在整个吼叫过程中,一只雄鹿的吼叫常会引起周围其它雄鹿的吼叫反应。雄鹿每日吼叫的次数与其在繁殖群中的等级序列有关,不同序列等级雄鹿的吼叫频次存在显著差异(P<0.01)。雄鹿的吼叫声在白天和夜晚均能听到,但主要发生在06:00 ~ 08:00、17:00 ~ 19:00 和01:00 ~ 03:00 三个时间段。四川梅花鹿雄鹿的求偶叫声有4 种,其生物学意义与发情炫耀、追逐、激惹和爬跨等行为有关。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Cracidae rank among the most threatened families of Neotropical birds, and studies of their vocal behavior may help guide conservation and monitoring efforts. We describe the vocal behavior of Great Curassows (Crax rubra), a little‐studied Cracid species currently listed as vulnerable. From 2008 to 2010, we recorded curassows in northwest Costa Rica using both handheld and automated digital recorders. Analysis of recordings revealed that Great Curassows had a vocal repertoire of five call types. Yip and bark calls are sex‐specific alarm calls of short duration (0.12 and 0.08 s, respectively). The descending whistle is a longer duration alarm call (2.18 s) produced primarily by males. The snarl is a short call (0.67 s) associated with a threat display produced by adults with dependent young. The boom call was the most common Great Curassow vocalization, and was given only by males. Boom calls are long (8.86 s), low‐frequency (<150 Hz), multisyllable calls comprised of four stereotyped phrases. Great Curassows often uttered boom calls well before dawn, with a peak in activity at dawn and the hours following. Males produced bouts of repeated boom calls that lasted an average of 35 min, but sometimes continued for more than 5 h. Boom calls were given from February to June, with a peak in late April and early May when breeding begins. Discriminant analysis of boom calls of birds from 10 different locations revealed interindividual variation in call structure that may be useful for bioacoustic monitoring of individuals. Our results suggest that automated recorders might provide a way to monitor the abundance of male curassows because their boom calls are given frequently during the period from February to June and can be detected at distances up to 250 m.  相似文献   

Many social animals develop vocal communications to send and receive information efficiently in a group. In alarm communication, call recipients in a social group evaluate alarm calls, enhancing their probability of survival in the face of predatory threats. Calls from naïve and younger group members might be less evocative, in terms of rendering group members vigilant, than calls from more experienced adults because adults are generally more reliable. It remains uncertain, however, what acoustic characteristics render an alarm call reliable. Here, we report that adult degus, Octodon degus (Rodentia, Octodontidae), produced an alarm with a frequency-modulated (FM) syllable, accompanied by low bandwidth and entropy, to evoke a high-vigilance response amongst receivers. Unlike adults, subadult degus did not emit the FM syllable in the warning context, and their call without the FM syllable evoked less vigilance than the adult alarm. We suggest that the FM structure of the adult-produced syllable serves as the primary feature characterizing a reliable alarm call. Our results are consistent with those found in other social rodents, e.g., ground squirrels and gerbils, also produce FM alarm calls in high-urgency situations supports the importance of the FM syllable in alarm communication.  相似文献   

Yang C  Xiao Z  Guo Y  Xiong Y  Zhang X  Yue B 《Zoological science》2012,29(7):423-427
Sichuan sika deer (Cervus nippon sichuanicus) is an endangered and endemic subspecies of sika deer to Sichuan Province, China. According to our observations in the wild, the Sichuan sika deer makes alarm signals in the presence of actual or potential predators. In order to test the variation of the rhythmic alarm calls in some sex/age classes and different risk contexts, we recorded alarm calls of Sichuan sika deer from 2 October to 30 November 2008 and from 4 April to 5 September 2009 in the Tiebu Nature Reserve, Zoige County, Sichuan Province, China, and made acoustic analysis of these alarm calls. The results showed that the fundamental frequencies of alarm signals of Sichuan sika deer tended to decrease with age, and were significantly higher for females than for males. Duration tended to increase with age, and was significantly longer for males than for females. The fundamental frequencies and duration of alarm calls in adults were significantly higher and shorter respectively in high-risk than in moderate-risk contexts.  相似文献   

After sections of left or right tracheosyringeal nerve (NXIIts), greenfinches may repeat everyday calls, with no effect on temporal properties. It is suggested that either side of syrinx may produce sound alone and ipsilateral innerration of NXIIts for the syringeal muscles. After section of left NXIIts, the bird produces the vocal pattern of partial tone increase, and effects on the sound intensity and sentence length average 1.4 and 2.8 times those after section of right NXIIts, suggesting that the innervation of NXIIts has left side dominance. After bilateral section of NXIIts, the call rhythm in company with expiratory motions is 98–146 times/min, on an average, and lose all sentence types and syllable structure of normal call. But the call spectra produced by tympaniform membrane vibrations without innervation still reserve frequency components similar to the tonic frequency and harmonics of normal calls.  相似文献   

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