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记录了麻痹猫的体感皮层(SI)神经元的自发和隐神经的A类和C类纤维传入诱发放电(A-ED和C-ED)。用NCCVF分析神经元放电。结果表明,SI区神经元对同时刺激隐神经的A类和C类纤维的反应呈多种型式:(1)A-ED和C-ED共存,包括Ⅰ.A-ED和C-ED始终相互伴随出现;Ⅱ.在刺激之初,只出现A-ED,但是,当阻断A类纤维传入并由C类纤维传入诱发神经元放电后,再同时刺激A类和C类纤维时,A-ED和C-ED便同时出现。(2)A-ED制约C-ED,特点是,只要A-ED存在,C/ED就不出现。只有阻断A类纤维传入后,C-ED才产生。(3)单一A-ED,不管在什么刺激条件下,这类神经元都只有A-ED,而不产生C-ED 结论:根据反应型式的不同,可将SI区的神经元分为Ⅰ.A类和C类纤维传入同时驱动的神经元;Ⅱ.A-ED制约C-ED的神经元;Ⅲ.只由A类纤维传入驱动的神经元。  相似文献   

用玻璃微电极记录了猫小脑浦肯野细胞的简单锋电位(PC-SS)。在标准化互协方差函数图中,PC-SS自发放电无明显波峰;弱刺激隐神经只引起A类纤维传入时,PC-SS出现A类诱发放电反应(A-CED),它包括潜伏期为16.7±0.9ms的早反应和270.8±12.8ms的晚反应。用极化电流选择性阻滞A类纤维传导后,强刺激只引起C类纤维单独传入时,出现潜伏期为142.4±4.3ms的C类诱发反应(C-CED)。强刺激同时引起A类和C类纤维传入时,只出现A-CED而不出现C-CED。按标准化功率谱密度函数分析,PC-SS自发放电可分为两种类型。一类为高峰型,最大能量峰值平均为15.7±4.7×10~(-3),峰频为4.07±1.67Hz;刺激A类纤维使峰值增大,而刺激C类纤维却使峰值减小。另一类为低峰型,峰值为8.4±1.4×10~(-3),峰频为3.67±2.90Hz。刺激A类和C类纤维均使峰值增大,前者增大更多,但峰频均无显著性变化。上述结果表明,C类纤维传入可以到达小脑浦肯野细胞,引起特异的PC-SS放电反应。  相似文献   

隐神经C类纤维传入诱发小脑皮层电反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴杰  陈培熹 《生理学报》1989,41(6):529-535
当弱刺激只引起隐神经A类纤维传入时,小脑皮层出现A-CEP,由潜伏期为11.8±3.5ms的早成分和312.1±17.5ms的晚成分组成;当强刺激同时引起A类和C类纤维传入时,出现AC-CEP类似A-CEP;用极化电流选择性阻断A类纤维传导后,只让C类纤维传入时,出现潜伏期为134.2±18.4ms的C-CEP。在Ⅵ小叶蚓部原裂附近C-CEP以正波为主,幅值最大,并在深层位相倒转。C-CEP的潜伏期较长,频率响应较低,幅值较小,随C类纤维传入量而变化,且对镇痛剂较敏感。结果表明C-CEP是由单纯C类纤维传入引起的,在小脑皮层内产生,是小脑皮层对慢痛信息传入的反应。提示C类纤维传入可以到达小脑皮层,引起诱发电位。当A和C类纤维同时传入时,C-CEP不出现,可能是被A类纤维传入所抑制。  相似文献   

躯体传入冲动对丘脑腹后外侧核单位电活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验在筒箭毒制动和人工呼吸维持下的清醒家兔上进行.用玻璃微电极在丘脑腹后外侧核(VPL)记录正中神经和腓神经刺激所引起的单位反应。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ类纤维的传入冲动能特异地分别激活VPL内不同的神经元;这四类纤维的传入冲动能非特异地激活另一些神经元—R神经元。能被Ⅱ类纤维激活的14个βγ神经元和R神经元的活动不受对侧同名神经Ⅱ和Ⅳ类纤维条件刺激的影响;但对侧同名神经Ⅱ和Ⅳ类纤维的条件刺激对那些能被Ⅳ类纤维激活的C神经元和R神经元的活动有显著的抑制作用,使其长潜伏期的第二串放电的频率和时程减低。  相似文献   

刺激隐神经C类纤维诱发体感皮层电反应(平均诱发电位)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当猫的隐神经A类纤维单独兴奋时,可引起同侧脊髓背表面电位 A-SSP(潜伏期 2.6±0.4ms)和对侧体感皮层诱发电位 A-CEP。A-CEP由早成分(潜伏期 9.6±1 1ms)和晚成分(203.0±10.gms)组成。当 C类纤维选择性传入时,出现特异的 C-CEP(潜伏期 134.4±25.9ms)和C-SSP(115.8±15.6ms)。C-CEP的幅值较A-CEP 小,并随C类纤维传入的数量而改变。C-CEP的最大幅值位于后乙状回一定部位,多为负或正-负电位,在皮层深层其相位倒转。与A-CEP相比,C-CEP的中枢延搁时间较长,跟随频率较低,对镇痛药较敏感。表明C-CEP不同于A-CEP,它是由C类传入所引起的,是在体感皮层内产生的。当A类和C类纤维同时传入时,只有A-CEP和A-SSP出现,而不出现C-CEP和C-SSP。在阻断电流逐渐增强过程中,C-CEP较C-SSP后出现;而在撤销阻断过程中,则C-CEP较C-SSP先消失。提示C类传入在中枢可能被A类传入所抑制,这种抑制可以发生在脊髓和脊上水平,后者可能更强。  相似文献   

大鼠 C 类传入纤维诱发的脊髓背表面电位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验共用大鼠66只,以激活 C 类纤维的强度刺激腓肠神经,在脊髓背表面除记录到 A 类纤维诱发的 N_1、N_2和 P_1波外,还见一长潜伏期正波。该波与 P_1波方向一致,波形类似,故称之为 P_2波。P_2波潜伏期为133.3±13.7ms, 时程为83.3±21.9ms,幅度为154.8±92.8μV.P_2波的刺激阈值(33.7±11.8T)与复合动作电位 C 波的阈值(33.1±11.8T)相同或略高,当刺激强度达87.1±15.4T 时,两者幅度同时达最大值。P_2波的潜伏期与 C 类传入抵达脊髓的时间(125.6±13.4ms)非常接近,缩短外周传导距离所致 P_2波潜伏期的缩短(39.8±5.7ms)与 C 类传入经过缩短段所需时间(38.8±5.7ms)基本一致。用直流电阻断 A 类传入仅保留 C波时,N_1、N_2、P_1波消失而 P_2波仍存在,加大阻断电流使 C 波消失时,P_2波随之消失。以上结果表明 P_2波是 C 类传入诱发的脊髓电位。脊髓横断后 P_2波并不消失,P_2波在脊髓背表面的纵向分布与 P_1波基本平行,注射印防己碱后 P_2波与 P_1波都有减小,说明 P_2波的性质与 P_1波类似,可能是 C 类传入主要经脊髓环路诱发的初级传入末梢去极化,或许可作为突触前抑制指标。  相似文献   

C类纤维传入诱发体感皮层电反应的脊髓上传通路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翁汉荣  陈培熹 《生理学报》1988,40(4):374-378
实验用猫,在氯醛糖和三碘季铵酚处理下进行。以强电脉冲刺激腓浅神经,结合极化电流阻滞A类纤维的传入后,选择性引起C类纤维传入时,在对侧大脑皮层体感Ⅰ区记录到特异的C类纤维皮层诱发电位(G-CEP)。观察到损毁脊髓胸11节段对侧腹外侧索后,C-CEP的幅值明显衰减;损毁同侧背索后,G-CEP的幅值也明显衰减;保留同侧背索,损毁脊髓其他部份后,C-CEP仍出现,但幅值变小;同时损毁上述两索后,C-CEP完全消失。提示C类纤维传入诱发C-CEP的脊髓上传通路位于同侧背索和对侧腹外侧索。  相似文献   

刺激左侧内脏大神经,同时记录肋间神经反射放电(VSR)及脊髓灰质单位电活动。由于 VSR 的阈值相当于内脏神经中 A-delta 纤维的阈值,故以诱发放电阈值等于或略高于 VSR的阈值的单位为 A-delta 单位。阈值等于或高于 VSR 中 C 突起的阈值的单位为 C-单位。我们所观察到的90个 A-delta 单位广泛分布在 Rexed 第Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ层,这和Pomeranz 等报道脊髓灰质中对内脏神经的 A-delta 纤维传入起反应的神经元仅分布在第Ⅴ层有所不同。我们记录到的30个 C 单位分布在第Ⅰ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅶ等层。在64个单位中有62个可观察到内脏大神经和肋间神经传入的会聚。在本工作中,我们还观察到自发放电受刺激内脏大神经抑制的单位。有许多单位的诱发放电出现在 VSR 时程以外,显然不可能参与 VSR 的反射弧。  相似文献   

1.在氯醛糖麻醉的猫上,观察了电刺激中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)和中缝大核(NRM)对脊髓腰段背角神经元传入活动的影响。2.按照对刺激的反应型式,在背角记录到非伤害性低阈值传入、广动力范围、伤害性热敏以及高阈值传入诱发的自发放电抑制等四类神经元。3.刺激 PAG和 NRM对记录到的多数背角神经元皮肤传入反应有明显抑制效应,而对自发放电抑制性神经元产生去抑制。4.比较刺激两脑区的抑制效应:NRM 作用较PAG 强;PAG 活动对背角伤害性反应抑制的选择性较 NRM强;阿片肽拮抗剂-纳洛酮拮抗NRM刺激的抑制。5.这些结果提示PAG和NRM对脊髓的下行抑制,可能有一部分是通过不同神经机制实现的。  相似文献   

电刺激猫大脑皮层体感Ⅱ区(SⅡ)对隐神经C类纤维传入引起的体感Ⅰ区(SⅠ)诱发电位(C—CEP)有抑制和易化作用。在SⅠ区局部用阿托品能部分地阻断电刺激SⅡ区对C—CEP的抑制作用,但对易化作用的影响不明显;而用六烃季铵(C_6)能阻断易化作用,但对抑制作用的影响却不明显。在SⅠ区局部应用0.01%乙酰胆碱(ACh)对C—CEP有易化作用,用0.1%ACh则有抑制作用。结果提示,ACh可能参与SⅡ区对SⅠ区C—CEP的影响,通过SⅠ区的胆碱能M受体起抑制作用,通过N受体起易化作用。  相似文献   

吴杰  陈培熹 《生理学报》1992,44(4):340-346
Simple spike of cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC-SS) was recorded with microelectrode. In the NCCVF (normalized cross-covariance function) histogram, spontaneous PC-SS does not show obvious peak. When the saphenous nerve is stimulated at lower intensities, which elicits the A-fiber input only, the discharge response (A-CED) consists of an early component with a latency of 16.7 +/- 0.9 ms and a late component with a latency of 270.8 +/- 12.8 ms. After A-fibers are blocked selectively by polarizing current, the stimulation at a suprathreshold strength for C-fiber evokes a characteristic response (C-CED) with a latency of 142.4 +/- 4.3 ms. However, the C-CED can not be evoked by the inputs of A- and C-fiber simultaneously. In NPSDF histogram, the spontaneous activities of PC-SS can be divided into two groups, the high and the low peak group. The high peak group (n = 15) has a peak energy value of 15.7 +/- 4.7 x 10(-3) and peak frequency of 4.07 +/- 1.69 Hz. A-fiber input causes an increase of the peak value, while C-fiber input causes a decrease. The low peak group (n = 16) has a peak energy value 8.4 +/- 1.4 x 10(-3) and peak frequency of 3.67 +/- 2.90 Hz. Both A-fiber and C-fiber inputs cause an increase of the peak value, but the effect of A-fiber input was more prominent. The results show that the pure C-fiber input can reach the cerebellar PC and elicit characteristic simple spike response.  相似文献   

佟振清  陈水村 《生理学报》1988,40(6):586-591
实验记录大鼠丘脑束旁核躯体-内脏会聚(PfSV)神经元伤害性放电。观察刺激尾核(Cd)对 PfSV 神经元放电的影响。(1)Cd 对刺激内脏大神经诱发 PfSV 神经元伤害性放电有抑制作用(n=19)。(2)Cd 对刺激腓浅神经和内脏大神经诱发同一 PfSV 神经元伤害性放电均有抑制作用(n=11)。结果提示,躯体和内脏痛觉信息可会聚到丘脑束旁核同一神经元,Cd 可能不仅能抑制躯体痛也能抑制内脏痛。  相似文献   

Tonic activity of neurons of the rabbit superior cervical ganglion was studied by intracellular recording. This activity was compared with responses of these same neurons to single stimulation of preganglionic fibers. Neurons of the ganglion were found to have two synaptic inputs — principal and accessory. The principal input consists of one preganglionic fiber, the discharge in which evokes an action potential in the neuron with a high safety factor. The accessory input consists of two or more converging fibers, and the neuron discharges only as a result of summation of EPSPs evoked by activation of these fibers.  相似文献   

用伤害性刺激猫的腓浅神经(PN)诱发体感皮层Ⅰ区(SⅠ)单位放电(ED),以放电阵列图和标准化互协方差函数进行定量分析。结果显示,用25V刺激时引起A类和C类纤维传入,在SⅠ记录到潜伏期为14.8±5.0ms的早期ED(E),与用3V弱刺激PN时只引起单纯A类纤维传入引起的放电反应比较,潜伏期无显著区别。用极化电流阻断A类纤维传入后,单纯C类传入只引起潜伏期为222.6±28.7ms的晚期ED(L)或129.24±23ms的中期ED(M),M、L可相互抑制,也可被A类纤维传入所抑制。静脉注射镇痛剂吗啡后,M和L显著减少,E变化不显著。提示C类纤维传入可能分两类分别到达SⅠ区引起两种不同潜伏期的诱发放电,均与疼痛关系密切,都可作为慢痛反应的指标。  相似文献   

To determine the organization of presympathetic vasomotor drive by phenotypic populations of rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) neurons, we examined the somatosympathetic reflex (SSR) evoked in four sympathetic nerves together with selective lesions of RVLM presympathetic neurons. Urethane-anesthetized (1.3 g/kg ip), paralyzed, vagotomized and artificially ventilated Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 41) were used. First, we determined the afferent inputs activated by sciatic nerve (SN) stimulation at graded stimulus intensities (50 sweeps at 0.5-1 Hz, 1-80 V). Second, we recorded sympathetic nerve responses (cervical, renal, splanchnic, and lumbar) to intensities of SN stimulation that activated A-fiber afferents (low) or both A- and C-fiber afferents (high). Third, with low-intensity SN stimulation, we examined the cervical SSR following RVLM microinjection of somatostatin, and we determined the splanchnic SSR in rats in which presympathetic C1 neurons were lesioned following intraspinal injections of anti-dopamine-β-hydroxylase-saporin (anti-DβH-SAP). Low-intensity SN stimulation activated A-fiber afferents and evoked biphasic responses in the renal, splanchnic, and lumbar nerves and a single peak in the cervical nerve. Depletion of presympathetic C1 neurons (59 ± 4% tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity profiles lesioned) eliminated peak 2 of the splanchnic SSR and attenuated peak 1, suggesting that only RVLM neurons with fast axonal conduction were spared. RVLM injections of somatostatin abolished the single early peak of cervical SSR confirming that RVLM neurons with fast axonal conduction were inhibited by somatostatin. It is concluded that unmyelinated RVLM presympathetic neurons, presumed to be all C1, innervate splanchnic, renal, and lumbar but not cervical sympathetic outflows, whereas myelinated C1 and non-C1 RVLM neurons innervate all sympathetic outflows examined. These findings suggest that multiple levels of neural control of vasomotor tone exist; myelinated populations may set baseline tone, while unmyelinated neurons may be recruited to provide actions at specific vascular beds in response to distinct stressors.  相似文献   

大鼠下丘脑室旁核神经元对电刺激迷走神经的反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用玻璃微电极记录了93只大鼠的1059个PVH单位的电活动,观察了电刺激颈部迷走神经对PVH单位自发放电的效应和所引起的PVH单位的诱发反应。电刺激迷走神经分别使46个及10个PVH单位呈诱发兴奋和抑制反应。给予迷走神经以不同强度的刺激时,发现PVH神经元对激活A和C两类纤维的强刺激反应,而对仅激活A类纤维的弱刺激则不反应。PVH单位对电刺激坐骨神经或迷走神经的反应有以下几种:对迷走神经和坐骨神经刺激均作出兴奋或抑制反应;仅对迷走刺激作出兴奋或兴奋-抑制反应,而对坐骨神经刺激不反应;对坐骨神经刺激作出兴奋反应,而对迷走神经刺激不反应。讨论了迷走神经到室旁核的中枢传导特点以及内脏传入和躯体传入信息在PVH单位会聚的可能意义。  相似文献   

Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) neurons in the spinal cord receive inputs from the contralateral side that, under normal conditions, are ineffective in generating an active response. These inputs are effective when the target WDRs change their excitability conditions. To further reveal the mechanisms supporting this effectiveness shift, we investigated the weight of the excitation of the contralateral neurons on the target WDR responses. In the circuit of presynaptic (sending) and postsynaptic (receiving) neurons in crossed spinal connections the fibres that form the presynaptic neurons impinge on postsynaptic neurons can be considered the final relay of this contralateral pathway. The enhancement of the presynaptic neuron excitability may thus modify the efficacy of the contralateral input. Pairs of neurons each on a side of the spinal cord, at the L5–L6 lumbar level were simultaneously recorded in intact, anaesthetized, paralysed rats. The excitatory aminoacid NMDA and strychnine, the antagonist of the inhibitory aminoacid glycine, were iontophoretically administrated to presynaptic neurons to increase their excitability. Before and during the drug administration, spontaneous and noxious-evoked activities of the neurons were analysed. During the iontophoresis of the two substances we found that noxious stimuli applied to the receptive field of presynaptic neurons activated up to 50% of the previously unresponsive postsynaptic neurons on the opposite side. Furthermore, the neurons on both sides of the spinal cord showed significantly increased spontaneous activity and amplified responses to ipsilateral noxious stimulation. These findings indicate that the contralateral input participates in the circuit dynamics of spinal nociceptive transmission, by modulating the excitability of the postsynaptic neurons. A possible functional role of such a nociceptive transmission circuit in neuronal sensitization following unilateral nerve injury is hypothesized.  相似文献   

冯鉴强  陈培熹 《生理学报》1990,42(2):129-134
电刺激猫大脑皮层前外侧回联合区(ALA)能使隐神经 C 类纤维传入引起的体感皮层(S(?)区)诱发电位(C-CEP)的幅值明显变小,并有后作用,表明 ALA 对 C-CEP 有抑制作用;切断ALA 与 SI 区之间的皮层内纤维联系后,ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用明显减弱,抑制时程缩短;侧脑室微量注射阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮后,电刺激 ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用明显减弱,表明 ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用的作用途径之—可能是通过 ALA 与 SI 区之间的皮层内神经径路;可能与内源性阿片样物质的释放有关。提示大脑皮层联合区可能对体感皮层 C-CEP 有调制作用。  相似文献   

在大鼠用玻璃微电极细胞外记录的方法,观察了刺激皮层体感Ⅰ区(SI区)和大脑脚(CP)对皮肤强电刺激诱发的脊髓背角广动力范围(WDR)神经元长潜伏期反应(C-反应)的影响。结果表明刺激SI区对背角WDR神经元C-反应的影响以抑制为主,刺激CP的作用与刺激SI区的作用相似,但刺激CP更为有效。抑制作用的持续时间在不同神经元差别很大,短者在刺激停止后仅持续400ms,长者可达10min以上。静注纳洛酮对抑制作用无明显影响,静注二甲麦角新碱在部分神经元可使抑制作用明显减弱或完全消失,提示5-HT部分参与皮层下行抑制作用的实现,而内鸦片肽则否。  相似文献   

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