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城市公园植被特征对陆生鸟类集团的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨刚  许洁  王勇  丁由中  袁晓  裴恩乐  马波  王小明  王正寰 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4824-4835
城市公共绿地是城市生态系统中重要的鸟类栖息地,其植被特征对鸟类集团存在显著影响。在通过分析植被特征对陆生鸟类集团的作用,从而为公园合理配置植被来提高其作为野生动物栖息地的生态服务功能提供理论基础。2009年10月至2011年10月,采用样线法对上海滨江森林公园进行鸟类调查,利用主成分分析划分鸟类集团,用高度定义植被层次,用卡方检验分析鸟类行为在植被层次上的差异。结果表明,滨江森林公园陆生鸟类群落在乔木层的栖息行为和运动行为频次显著多于其在灌木层和地被层的行为频次,在地被层的取食行为频次显著多于其在乔木层和灌木层的行为频次。陆生鸟类可划分为8个鸟类集团,鸟类集团之间存在栖息、运动和取食空间生态位的重叠。食虫拾取集团、杂食拾取集团、食肉飞取集团和植食拾取集团在栖息、运动和取食空间生态位上均存在较高的重叠度,其通过食性分离各自空间生态位。食虫探取集团和食虫飞取集团互为栖息空间生态位重叠度最高集团,其通过取食方式的不同来实现生态位的分离。根据公园植被特征对鸟类集团的影响结果对上海市公园绿地植被配置提出了建议。  相似文献   

城市公共绿地常见木本植物组成对鸟类群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城市化背景下, 城市公共绿地已经成为重要的鸟类栖息地, 其中的木本植物群落构成对鸟类群落结构有显著影响, 研究木本植物配置与鸟类多样性的关系对提升城市公共绿地作为鸟类栖息地的生态服务功能有重要的理论和应用价值。我们于2009–2010年间在上海市滨江森林公园就木本植物和鸟类群落的相互关系展开研究。样线法结合样点调查共记录到鸟类10目25科64种5,368只(次), 鸟类多度全年变化显著, 峰值分别出现在4月和11月。丰富度全年也呈现双峰型变化, 峰值出现在4月和12月。全年鸟类多样性(Simpson指数)差异显著, 10月最高, 8月最低。样方调查共记录到77种木本植物, 其中有14种(乔木9种、灌木5种)出现率超过5个样方, 定义为常见种, 其果期主要集中在9月到翌年2月, 其上常见林业致病害虫的发生盛期集中在5–11月。主成分分析显示, 常见木本植物上观察到的鸟类可划分为8个鸟类集团, Spearman秩相关检验显示秋冬季常见木本植物果期与植食性、肉食性、食虫性、杂食性等多个鸟类集团的多度均呈显著正相关。说明在秋冬季鸟类迁徙高峰期不同鸟类集团均能获得丰富的食物资源。就常见木本植物对鸟类群落的重要值进行排序, 结果显示, 大叶杨(Populus lasiocarpa)、枫杨(Pterocarya stenoptera)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)等乔木对鸟类重要值较高, 而灌木层对鸟类的重要性整体偏低, 说明滨江森林公园的灌木层作为鸟类栖息地的功能建设尚需加强。根据以上研究结果, 我们提出了提高上海城市公园鸟类多样性的植被配置建议。  相似文献   

滨海城市公园植物物种多样性比较——以海口市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市公园是城市绿地的重要组成部分,是城市植物多样性体现的代表区域。本研究采用典型样方法对选定的海口市10个主要公园的420个样方植物多样性现状进行了调查,并根据距离海岸线的远近将公园分为离海公园和滨海公园两大类,从植物种类组成以及物种α与β多样性指数等方面作了比较分析。结果表明:海口市公园共有维管束植物320种,隶属于88科244属,植物种类丰富,但各公园植物分布相差较大,其中离海公园以栽培种居多,滨海公园以野生种和外来种居多;离海公园的植物群落α多样性高于滨海公园,其中草本层和灌木层物种α多样性滨海公园高于离海公园,乔木层则反之;两类公园之间乔木层和灌木层的β多样性指数相似性最低,草本层相似性较高。研究认为,生境差异性和人为干扰是产生城市植物多样性差异的重要因素。  相似文献   

刘旭  张文慧  李咏红  高鹏杰  李黎  王彤 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4404-4411
北京地区处于全球候鸟东亚-澳大利西亚的迁徙路线上,是候鸟重要的迁徙路线,近些年,随着人为活动的影响,该区生境破碎化问题愈发突出,直接威胁着本地鸟种和过境迁徙鸟类的生存。为达到保护鸟类多样性的目的,需开展相应的栖息地恢复工作。不同生态类群的鸟类对栖息地有着不同的要求,相同鸟种在不同空间、季节和生活期对栖息地的选择也有着不同的特点。因而,鸟类栖息地恢复应针对目标鸟种根据其繁殖特点、巢位空间分布、食性特点、活动空间特点等进行规划营造。以北京房山琉璃河湿地公园为例,针对项目所在区域的鸟类分布特征,确定目标恢复鸟种,结合项目区现场条件,围绕目标鸟种对于栖息地水系、植被等方面的需求,从岸线重塑、水深设计、植物配置、生态鸟岛等方面规划设计鸟类栖息地修复措施。  相似文献   

广州公园植物群落物种组成及多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对广州城区10 个公园中92 块样地进行调查, 旨在探讨不同公园中植物群落物种构成及其多样性。调查显示: 样地植物种类较为丰富, 共出现维管植物275 种, 以被子植物为主; 样地中乔木共计143 种; 在乔木层中, 有6个树种出现频度超过50%, 8 种灌木频度超过50%, 12 种草本植物频度超过50%; 而不同公园间草本层植物多样性差异较小, 但是, 越秀公园、雕塑公园和天河公园等面积较大的公园乔木多样性较低; 与乔木层相比, 灌木层植物多样性普遍偏低在乔木层。因此需要进一步加强景观植被中灌木植物的配置, 进而提升城市公园森林美景。  相似文献   

李明娟  赵娟娟  江南  潘妮  张曼琳  束承继 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8732-8745
城市公园植物群落为城市生态系统提供重要的生态服务。对深圳最具代表性的6个近海城市公园进行实地调查,同时结合高分辨率的遥感图像,分析其植物群落结构特征及其与公园内部景观格局的相关关系。结果表明:(1)共调查到近海公园植物108科310属471种,其中乡土植物82科169属231种。草本植物中乡土植物比例较高,而木本中乡土植物占比较低。(2)TS-4和H-1分别是近海公园最常见的乔灌群落类型和草本群落类型,其样地量分别占总量的39%和26%。常见群落的指示种多数具有热带性质并占据主体地位。(3)公园中灌木植物种数低于乔木和草本植物,但群落稳定性较高。(4)半自然型和人工型近海公园各类植物的相似性,以灌木层植物最低。(5)公园整体景观格局中,斑块密度与林地面积比、林地最大斑块面积比呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。(6)各层植物多样性也受到景观格局显著影响:草本层植物多样性与草地、林地的斑块形状复杂程度分别呈显著负相关(P<0.05);灌木层植物多样性与林地、水体的景观破碎度呈显著负相关(P<0.05);乔木层植物多样性与草地最大斑块指数呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。公园景观破碎度的增大可能会导致植被景观面积减少。建议在公园植物造景初期就要重视对灌木的运用,尤其是一些生态本底比较脆弱的公园,以提高植物群落的稳定性和低维护性。同时应尽可能保留大面积的核心植被生态斑块,更好地发挥其生态功能。研究结果可为城市公园的规划设计、植物群落的优化配置与城市生物多样性保护提供依据。  相似文献   

奥林匹克森林公园是目前北京市最大的城市公园,自建成以来,奥林匹克森林公园的植物种类组成与来源尚无报道。论文在实地调查数据的基础上,对北京市奥林匹克森林公园的植物组成与分布进行了研究,调查发现园内共有维管束植物295种,隶属于75科,203属,其中乔木种60种,灌木种57种,草本植物170种,藤本8种。按照植物种的自然分布情况统计,发现在园内295种维管束植物中,有北京地区乡土种179种,外来种116种,其中包括外来入侵种4种。按照植物种的来源统计,发现有人工栽种种183种,野生种112种。通过比较分析:发现公园内栽培的本地灌木种占全部栽培灌木种数比例(50.00%)高于整个北京市建成区的比例(27.00%);公园内物种多是国内引进。最后提出了丰富园内野生灌木植物种类;保持乡土种利用;减少对外来种使用等的建议。  相似文献   

吕硕  王美仙  李擘  董丽 《生物信息学》2019,26(8):106-110
城市公园绿地是城市园林绿地系统的主体,是集中体现城市植物多样性的场所,研究其植物多样性可为城市生物多样性保护提供基础。以山西太原市 17 个综合公园为研究对象,从植物应用的重要值、 Margalef 丰富度、Shannon-Wiener 多样性和 Pielou 均匀度分析其植物多样性,为太原市公园植物多样性保护及公园绿地建设提供参考。研究表明太原市综合公园的植物种类有 78 科 164 属 285 种。植物应用重要值排名前五的种类为大叶黄杨 > 紫叶小檗 > 圆柏 > 国槐 > 金叶女贞。植物丰富度指数为 26.42,乔木层 > 草本层 > 灌木层;多样性指数为 3.13,乔木层 >灌木层;均匀度指数为 0.60,乔木层 >灌木层。木本植物多样性总体评价较高的公园为汾河公园、玉门河公园和晋祠公园;较低的为映山湖公园、长风商务区大平台景观绿化、南海子公园。  相似文献   

植物作为自然界生态系统的重要组成部分,其多样性的保护与发展是人类可持续发展的物质基础之一,对维护生态环境的平衡与稳定具有重要意义,也是当今中国生态园林城市建设的重要内容。以上海滨江森林公园一期工程为例,通过总结建设过程中自然生境的恢复与重建、现状植物保护和开发的经验,探索郊野公园设计建造中植物多样性保护的有效措施,为今后城市郊野公园的建设和原有绿地的绿化改造等提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

2006年6月—2007年5月年对位于巴基斯坦自由克什米尔省穆扎法拉巴德市帕蒂卡(Pattika)休闲公园(EW:73°34′,纬度:NS:34°27′)内的栖息鸟类进行了调查,共有73种,分属10目35科。其中雀型目占73.55%,非雀型目占45%。其分布的多寡随该地区的季节而变化。大量物种出现在迁移繁殖的雨季。该公园处于人口密集之郊外,其间家畜的放养、灌木的砍伐及生境的干扰等人为因素都会对鸟类的分布和数量造成影响。  相似文献   

Changes in land use strongly influence habitat attributes (e.g., herbaceous ground cover and tree richness) and can consequently affect ecological functions. Most studies have focused on the response of these ecological functions to land‐use changes within only a single vegetation type. These studies have often focused solely on agricultural conversion of forests, making it nearly impossible to draw general conclusions across other vegetation types or with other land‐use changes (e.g., afforestation). We examined the consequences of agricultural conversion for seed removal by ants in native grassland, savanna, and savanna‐forest habitats that had been transformed to planted pastures (Brachiaria decumbens) and tree plantations (Eucalyptus spp.) and explored if changes in seed removal were correlated with differences in habitat attributes between habitat types. We found that land‐use changes affected seed removal across the tree cover gradient and that the magnitude of impact was influenced by similarity in habitat attributes between native and converted habitats, being greater where there was afforestation (Eucalyptus spp in grassland and savanna). Herbaceous ground cover, soil hardness, and tree richness were the most important habitat attributes that correlated with differences in seed removal. Our results reveal that the magnitude of impact of land‐use changes on seed removal varies depending on native vegetation type and is associated with the type of habitat attribute change. Our findings have implications for biodiversity in tropical grassy systems: afforestation can have a greater detrimental impact on ecological function than tree loss.  相似文献   

Broad-scale modification of natural ecosystems associated with urbanisation often leads to localised extinctions and reduced species richness. Despite this, habitats within the urban matrix are still capable of supporting biodiversity to varying degrees. As species have different responses to anthropogenic habitat modification, the species composition of urban areas can depend greatly on the habitat characteristics of the local and surrounding areas. The aim of this study was to compare the community composition of spiders in private gardens, urban parks, patches of remnant vegetation and continuous bushland sites, so as to identify habitat variables associated with variation in spider populations along and within the urban gradient and matrix. Overall spider abundances and richness were highest in remnant vegetation patches and were associated with increased vegetation cover at microhabitat and landscape-scales. While gardens were not as diverse as remnant patches, they did support a surprisingly high diversity of spiders. We also found that species composition differed significantly between gardens and other urban green spaces. Higher richness within gardens was also associated with greater vegetation cover, indicating the importance of private management decisions on local biodiversity. Differences in community composition between land-use types were driven by a small number of urban-tolerant species, and spider guilds showed different responses to habitat traits such as vegetation cover and human population densities. This study demonstrates that urban land-uses support unique spider communities and that maintaining vegetation cover within the urban matrix is essential in order to support diverse spider communities in cities.  相似文献   

上海城市绿地冬季鸟类群落特征与生境的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2005年11月至2006年2月对上海市区绿地鸟类进行了调查,共记录到鸟类34种,隶属5目16科。研究发现冬季鸟类群落结构相对稳定,优势种为麻雀(Passer montanus)和白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)。冬季鸟类群落多样性受多种因素的影响,其中绿地面积、乔木盖度和栖息地类型多样性是影响鸟类多样性的关键因子。聚类结果表明,面积大、生境类型丰富及人为干扰相对较少的绿地,鸟类多样性高。因此提出如下建议:(1)增加城市中植物种类,特别是乡土物种,适当提高冬季常绿乔木以及乔、灌、草的比例;(2)在绿地中尽可能多地保留自然生境;(3)在城市绿地中适当开辟湿地生境,以吸引水鸟栖息。  相似文献   

城市公园绿地作为城市生态系统的重要自然组成部分,是鸟类及其他动物的重要生境和载体.快速城市化导致城市公园绿地空间格局剧烈变化,公园绿地因在城市中呈斑块状分布而具有许多岛屿栖息地的特性,对鸟类群落产生了明显的影响.为了摸清娄底市城区的鸟类群落组成及物种多样性,为制定鸟类保护措施提供依据, 2010年11月至 2012年1月采用样带和样方法对城区内7个公园绿地中鸟类物种的分布及其生境进行调查,共记录到鸟类56种,隶属于11目27科.其中留鸟为32种,占57.2%;夏候鸟、冬候鸟各12种,分别占21.4%.东洋界27种,占48.2%;古北界14种,占25.0%;广布种15种,占26.8%.国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类7种,占物种总数的12.5%.娄底市城区公园绿地鸟类群落物种Shannon指数、Pielou指数、G-F指数分别为1.49、0.85、0.62.珠山公园的物种数(42)、Shannon指数(1.41)、G指数(3.46)、F指数(6.12)、G-F指数(0.43)均最高,而月琴山公园的Pielou指数最高(0.92).对娄底市绿地鸟类资源较为贫乏的主要原因进行了分析,并提出了合理的保护建议.  相似文献   

Large tracts of natural habitat are being replaced by agriculture and urban sprawl in Mediterranean regions worldwide. We have limited knowledge about the effects of human activities on native species in these landscapes and which, if any, management practices might enhance the conservation of native biodiversity within them. Through a citizen volunteer bird-monitoring project, we compared bird abundance and species richness in northern Californian riparian zones surrounded by vineyards, urban areas, and natural areas. We assessed both local and landscape-level variables that may enhance native bird diversity in each land use type. We also demonstrate a new statistical approach, generalized estimating equations, to analyze highly variable data, such as that collected by volunteers. Avian abundance was highly correlated with both landscape context and local habitat variables, while avian richness was correlated with local habitat variables, specifically shrub richness, and percent of tree cover. In particular, shrub species richness has a strong positive correlation with riparian-preferring bird species. This suggests that active local management of riparian zones in human-dominated landscapes can increase our ability to retain native bird species in these areas.  相似文献   

Land use intensification drives biodiversity loss worldwide. In heterogeneous landscape mosaics, both overall forest area and anthropogenic matrix structure induce changes in biological communities in primary habitat remnants. However, community changes via cross‐habitat spillover processes along forest–matrix interfaces remain poorly understood. Moreover, information on how landscape attributes affect spillover processes across habitat boundaries are embryonic. Here, we quantify avian α‐ and β‐diversity (as proxies of spillover rates) across two dominant types of forest–matrix interfaces (forest–pasture and forest–eucalyptus plantation) within the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot in southeast Brazil. We also assess the effects of anthropogenic matrix type and landscape attributes (forest cover, edge density and land‐use diversity) on bird taxonomic and functional β‐diversity across forest–matrix boundaries. Alpha taxonomic richness was higher in forest edges than within both matrix types, but between matrix types, it was higher in pastures than in eucalyptus plantations. Although significantly higher in forests edges than in the adjacent eucalyptus, bird functional richness did not differ between forest edges and adjacent pastures. Community changes (β‐diversity) related to species and functional replacements (turnover component) were higher across forest–pasture boundaries, whereas changes related to species and functional loss (nested component) were higher across forest–eucalyptus boundaries. Forest edges adjacent to eucalyptus had significant higher species and functional replacements than forest edges adjacent to pastures. Forest cover negatively influenced functional β‐diversity across both forest–pasture and forest–eucalyptus interfaces. We show the importance of matrix type and the structure of surrounding landscapes (mainly forest cover) on rates of bird assemblage spillover across forest‐matrix boundaries, which has profound implications to biological fluxes, ecosystem functioning and land‐use management in human‐modified landscapes.  相似文献   

Wild pollinators are becoming more valuable to global agriculture as the commercial honeybee industry is increasingly affected by disease and other stressors. Perennial tree crops are particularly reliant on insect pollination, and are often pollen limited. Research on how different tree crop production systems influence the richness and abundance of wild pollinators is, however, limited. We investigated, for the first time, the richness and abundance of potential wild pollinators in commercial temperate almond orchards in Australia, and compared them to potential pollinator communities in proximate native vegetation. We quantified ground cover variables at each site and assessed the value of ground cover on the richness and abundance of potential wild pollinators in commercial almond systems focussing on three common taxa: bees, wasps and flies. More insects were caught in orchards with living ground cover than in native vegetation or orchards without ground cover, although overall species richness was highest in native vegetation. Percent ground cover was positively associated with wasp richness and abundance, and native bee richness, but flies showed no association with ground cover. The strongest positive relationship was between native bee abundance and the richness of ground cover plants. Our results suggest that maintaining living ground cover within commercial almond orchards could provide habitat and resources for potential wild pollinators, particularly native bees. These insects have the potential to provide a valuable ecosystem service to pollinator-dependent crops such as almond.  相似文献   

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