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林地覆盖经营雷竹林叶片养分特征及其与土壤养分的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了短期覆盖经营(覆盖1 a)、休养式覆盖经营(覆盖3 a 后休养3 a)、长期覆盖经营(覆盖6 a)和不覆盖雷竹林(CK)2年生立竹叶片养分含量、化学计量比和再吸收率及其与土壤养分的关系。结果表明:(1)短期和休养式覆盖经营促使雷竹叶片养分含量和再吸收率总体上提高,而长期覆盖经营对雷竹叶片 P 含量和N、K 再吸收率会产生较为明显的影响,叶片 P 含量、N 再吸收率显著升高,K 再吸收率降低;(2)短期和休养式覆盖经营对雷竹林土壤、叶片养分化学计量比影响不明显,但长期覆盖经营使雷竹林土壤、叶片 N∶P、K∶P 显著降低;(3)短期覆盖经营能增强雷竹林土壤养分与叶片的养分含量、化学计量比和养分再吸收率的相关性,但随覆盖经营年限的延长,相关性总体上呈减弱趋势;(4)土壤养分含量及其平衡关系对林地覆盖经营雷竹林叶片养分特征影响明显;(5)长期覆盖经营雷竹林土壤、叶片养分间相关性明显减弱,竹子吸收利用养分的能力下降,生产中应实行雷竹林休养式覆盖经营方式。研究结果为林地覆盖经营雷竹林的可持续发展提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

林地覆盖措施可明显促进雷竹笋芽提早萌发,显著提高竹林经济效益,但长期连年覆盖会导致雷竹林退化为雷竹林。对不同覆盖年限(1、3、6 a)雷竹林和不覆盖雷竹林土壤C、N、P含量和化学计量比及相关性进行了研究。结果表明:不同覆盖年限雷竹林和不覆盖雷竹林土壤C、N、P含量均随土壤深度的增加而极显著降低。不同土层土壤C、N、P含量不同覆盖年限雷竹林极显著地高于不覆盖雷竹林。随覆盖年限的延长,雷竹林0~20 cm土壤C、N含量极显著提高。覆盖1 、3 a雷竹林和不覆盖雷竹林0~50 cm土壤P含量和20~50 cm土壤C、N含量差异均不显著,均显著地低于覆盖6 a雷竹林土壤。不同覆盖年限雷竹林各土层土壤C:N差异不显著,而C:P、N:P随覆盖年限的延长呈升高趋势。随覆盖年限的延长,土壤C、N、P间正相关关系减弱,C与N、P协同变化速率降低。研究表明:雷竹鞭根系统主要分布区0~20 cm土壤养分过量积累及引起的土壤养分失衡是林地覆盖雷竹林退化的主要原因。应实行轮闲覆盖和测土配方平衡施肥,并在雷竹自然出笋开始时(3月上旬)及时撤除有机覆盖物。为雷竹林可持续经营提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为揭示冬季地表有机材料覆盖促进竹笋早出的林地覆盖经营措施对雷竹叶片营养质量的影响,并基于叶片的食叶害虫适口性分析林地覆盖经营对雷竹林食叶害虫发生与成灾的影响,探讨了休养式覆盖经营(覆盖3年休养3年)、长期覆盖经营(连续覆盖6年)和不覆盖雷竹林(CK)1~3年生立竹叶片C、N、P、可溶性糖、蔗糖、淀粉、纤维素、木质素、单宁、草酸和酚酸等含量的差异。结果表明:与不覆盖雷竹林相比,休养式林地覆盖经营雷竹林1~3年生立竹叶片C含量变化不明显,淀粉、纤维素、酚酸含量均显著降低。除上述指标外2、3年生立竹叶片其他指标均显著升高,1年生立竹叶片木质素、草酸含量显著升高;长期覆盖经营雷竹林1、2年生立竹叶片酚酸含量无显著变化,P、草酸、木质素含量显著升高,其他指标均显著降低;3年生立竹叶片P、蔗糖、木质素、草酸、酚酸含量显著升高,其他指标均显著降低;长期林地覆盖经营对雷竹叶片C、N、P养分平衡也产生了明显影响。林地覆盖经营对雷竹叶片的营养质量和食叶害虫适口性产生了较为明显的影响,其中,休养式覆盖经营雷竹林叶片营养质量和防御物质含量提高,叶片的食叶害虫适口性降低,抵御食叶害虫为害能力增强,而长期覆盖经营雷竹林相反,可能更易诱发食叶害虫的发生与成灾。  相似文献   

地表连年覆盖雷竹林叶片养分利用特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对连续覆盖雷竹林换叶期林地土壤和叶片养分利用效率、养分再吸收效率进行了研究,旨在阐明地表连年覆盖栽培对雷竹林养分利用特征的影响.结果表明:连续覆盖3年雷竹林土壤N养分有效性、N素利用效率以及再吸收效率均显著性提高,雷竹林表现出较高的保存N养分的能力;土壤P元素有效性水平显著升高,而叶片P养分的利用效率显著降低,反映出叶片对土壤高P含量的适应策略,N、P养分利用效率之间存在显著的负相关关系(P<0.05);土壤K元素的有效性水平显著降低,竹林通过提高自身的K再吸收效率来维持养分的正常循环,再吸收效率高达95.8%;不同覆盖年限雷竹林Nm/Pm均<14,连续覆盖3年雷竹林Nm/Pm比值极显著下降,经推断是此时雷竹林对土壤有效P高吸收的结果.成熟叶片的Nm/Pm与N、P的再吸收效率均无显著相关性,Nm/Pm并不能很好地反映叶片在凋落前的养分再分配格局.  相似文献   

为了解不同覆盖栽培年限雷竹林凋落物养分及其化学计量特征,分析了换叶期雷竹林凋落物的凋落量,C、N、P、K养分含量,养分季节归还量以及养分元素生态化学计量比值在不同覆盖年限之间的差异。结果表明:(1)雷竹林在连续覆盖3a后,叶凋落量极显著性提高(P<0.01),在总凋落量中比例增加,但枝凋落量变化不明显。(2)连续3a覆盖对雷竹林凋落物中的养分含量影响极显著(P<0.01),C、N养分含量极显著降低,P含量极显著升高,而K养分含量在覆盖2a时就出现了显著增加的变化响应;林地凋落物的养分归还量同时还受凋落量的影响,其伴随覆盖年限增长的变化趋势与养分含量并不一致。(3)覆盖2a内的雷竹林地凋落物表现出稳定的高N∶P以及低P含量,表明凋落物分解速率较低;连续覆盖3a的林地凋落物P含量极显著升高,N∶P极显著下降(P<0.01),表明此时凋落物分解速率加快。(4)线性回归分析表明,凋落物中K元素随覆盖年限增长而消耗的规律与N、P元素无显著相关关系。  相似文献   

为揭示雷竹生理生态对林地覆盖经营的响应与适应机制,测定了不同覆盖经营年限(CK、1、3和6年)雷竹林1~3年生立竹叶片可溶性糖、淀粉、氮(N)和磷(P)含量,分析了覆盖经营对雷竹林叶片非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)与N、P含量及其化学计量关系的影响.结果表明: 覆盖经营1年雷竹林叶片NSC及可溶性糖含量较CK显著升高,N/P显著降低,N限制作用增强;覆盖经营3年雷竹林叶片可溶性糖含量较CK显著降低,淀粉含量显著升高,而NSC含量变化不明显,单位质量N、P的NSC含量最高;覆盖经营6年雷竹林叶片NSC、可溶性糖含量较CK显著降低,淀粉含量和N/P显著升高,P限制作用增强.短期覆盖(≤3年)经营雷竹林叶片NSC含量与N、P含量呈显著正相关,与N/P呈显著负相关;长期覆盖(6年)经营雷竹林叶片淀粉含量与N、P含量呈显著负相关,与N/P呈显著正相关.研究表明,短期覆盖(≤3年)经营雷竹林叶片N/P的降低可促使叶片淀粉分解和可溶性糖积累,明显增强雷竹生长活性,而长期覆盖(6年)经营雷竹林叶片N/P升高则促进叶片淀粉积累,雷竹生长由N限制转变为P限制,立竹生长活性明显降低,引起雷竹林退化.因此建议雷竹林连续覆盖经营不宜超过3年.   相似文献   

在天全县的退耕还林地中,对三倍体毛白杨细根与黑麦草草根的分解及其N、P、K、Ca和Mg养分动态进行了研究.结果表明,细根直径0~1、1~2和0~2 mm及草根的分解速率与时间呈负指数关系,第1年干重损失率分别为76.17%、69.80%、73.44%和79.3%,分解0%所需的时间分别为217、266、24和172 d.细根分解过程中,N和Ca浓度增加,而P、K、Mg浓度下降;草根分解过程中,其养分元素的浓度变化整体上没有规律.细根分解过程中P、K和Mg的养分残留率与其干重残留率的变化趋势相似,分解前期下降较快,随后下降比较平缓,N和Ca的养分残留率下降则比较平缓,并且养分的分解速率均以P最快,其次是K和Mg,而N和Ca最慢;草根分解过程中N、P、K、Ca和Mg的养分残留率初期下降比较快,随后趋于平缓,并且元素分解速率呈不规则变化,其中Ca分解速率最慢,其它元素的分解速率相近.  相似文献   

雷竹林土壤和叶片N、P化学计量特征对林地覆盖的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭子武  陈双林  杨清平  李迎春 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6361-6368
为摸清林地覆盖集约经营对雷竹林土壤和叶片氮(Nitrogen,N)、磷(Phosphorus,P)化学计量特征的影响,揭示雷竹林退化机理,为退化雷竹林恢复提供理论依据,对不同林地覆盖年限(CK,3 a和6 a)雷竹林土壤和立竹叶片的N、P含量和N∶P变化规律进行了分析。结果表明:不同林地覆盖年限雷竹林土壤N、P含量均随土层深度的增大而降低,随着林地覆盖年限的增加,各土层土壤N、P含量均提高。林地覆盖雷竹林0—20 cm土层土壤N、P累积现象明显,N∶P显著提高;林地覆盖雷竹林不同年龄立竹叶片N、P含量均较不覆盖雷竹林有显著或极显著降低,叶片N∶P随林地覆盖年限的增加总体上呈显著升高趋势;立竹叶片N∶P与土壤P含量极显著正相关,与立竹叶片P含量和土壤N∶P极显著负相关,而与土壤和立竹叶片N含量相关性不显著。随林地覆盖年限的增加,雷竹林土壤和立竹叶片N、P间相关性均减弱;研究表明林地覆盖会明显改变雷竹林土壤和立竹叶片的N、P化学计量特征,引起N、P养分失衡,P素对雷竹林生长的限制性作用增强,会导致雷竹林退化。  相似文献   

为了探讨不同覆盖年限下雷竹(Phyllostachys praecox)细根碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征,明确雷竹细根养分动态对覆盖经营措施的响应,为实现雷竹笋用林地养分平衡和高效经济效益提供理论依据。该研究以雅安市雨城区草坝镇已开展连续4年覆盖(LM)、连续2年覆盖(SM)、不覆盖(CK)3种不同覆盖年限下的笋用雷竹林为研究对象,覆盖材料为谷壳(上层保温层)和稻草(下层增温层),在每个标准地内"S"形布设采样点并使用根系取样器对0~30 cm土层细根于各季节取样,分析计算不同覆盖年限下雷竹细根C、N、P的化学计量特征。结果显示:(1)覆盖年限和季节均能显著影响雷竹细根C、N、P含量及其化学计量比,与季节相比覆盖年限是影响雷竹细根C、N、P含量及其化学计量比的更关键因素。(2)SM能增高细根养分含量,而LM会降低细根养分含量,覆盖影响细根C、N养分含量的季节变化规律,而不影响P的季节变化规律。(3)3种处理的C/N、C/P、N/P均分别具有相同的季节变化规律,SM降低雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/N,而LM增加雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/N,SM和LM均能降低雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/P和N/P,LM较SM各季节和年平均C/P增大,但两者各季节N/P差异均不显著(P 0.05)。(4)相关性分析显示,覆盖年限增长会使雷竹细根C、N、P及其化学计量比之间形成更为复杂的显著相关关系。研究表明,长期连续覆盖会降低雷竹细根C、N、P含量,同时造成细根养分失衡,雷竹林的覆盖经营需降低连续覆盖时间,采取短期覆盖经营措施,给细根休养恢复的时间,从而达到雷竹笋用林可持续经营目的。  相似文献   

杨树落叶时N、P的迁移主要发生在叶和干枝根之间,落叶时叶中2/3的N和1/2的P可迁移至干枝根的皮层和木材之中。皮层和木材中的K在落叶时可能部分向体外排出,叶中的K贮量则几乎保持不变。落叶前后杨树体内N的总循环率可高达62—67%,且以内循环为主;P的总循环率为31—36%,内外循环各占一半,K、Ca、Mg、Si的总循环率均为50%左右,几乎全部为外循环。  相似文献   

Nutrient cycling within three Pinus sylvestris stands was studied in eastern Finland. The aim of the study was to determine annual fluxes and distribution of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, B, and Al in the research stands. Special emphasis was put on determining the importance of different fluxes, especially the internal cycle within the trees in satisfying the tree nutrient requirements for biomass production. The following nutrient fluxes were included, input; free precipitation and throughfall, output; percolation through soil profile, biological cycle; nutrient uptake from soil, retranslocation within trees, return to soil in litterfall, release by litter decomposition. The distribution of nutrients was determined in above- and belowground tree compartments, in ground and field vegetation, and in soil.The nitrogen use efficiencies were 181, 211 and 191 g of tree aboveground dry matter produced per g of N supplied by uptake and retranslocation in the sapling, pole stage and mature stands, respectively. Field vegetation was more efficient in nitrogen use than trees. Stand belowground/aboveground and fine root/coarse root biomass ratios decreased with tree age. With only slightly higher fine root biomass, almost three times more nitrogen had to be taken-up from soil for biomass production in the mature stand than in the sapling stand.The annual input-output balances of most nutrients were positive; throughfall contained more nutrients than was lost in mineral soil leachate. The sulphate flux contributed to the leaching of cations, especially magnesium, from soil in the mature stand.Retranslocation supplied 17–42% of the annual N, P and K requirements for tree aboveground biomass production. Precipitation and throughfall were important in transferring K and Mg, and also N in the sapling stand. Litterfall was an important pathway for N, Ca, Mg and micro nutrients, especially in the oldest stands.  相似文献   

川滇高山栎灌丛萌生过程中的营养元素供应动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
萌生更新是森林更新的重要方式, 是硬叶栎林受到干扰后植被恢复的主要机制。以位于青藏高原东南缘的川西折多山东坡川滇高山栎(Quercus aquifoliodes)灌丛为研究对象, 调查分析了砍伐后灌丛萌生过程中基株根系和萌株生物量动态、营养元素含量, 以及基株根系和土壤对萌株生长过程中的营养元素供应动态。结果表明, 川滇高山栎灌丛平均地上和地下生物量分别为(11.25 ± 0.92) t·hm-2和(34.85 ± 2.02) t·hm-2, 具有较大的根冠比(3.10:1); 萌生过程中, 萌株生物量呈线性增加趋势, 以灌丛活细根生物量变化为最大, 其次是活中根和活粗根, 树桩和根蔸生物量变化最小; 萌生过程中, 灌丛细根和中根N、P含量表现为先增加、后降低的变化趋势, 萌生初期树桩、粗根和根蔸中N和K的含量明显下降, 根蔸中Ca含量略有下降, 而P没有明显下降, 根系Mg含量变化幅度较大, 灌丛地下根系储存了较多的营养元素; 土壤、树桩、粗根和根蔸是川滇高山栎灌丛砍伐后0-120天萌生生长的主要营养来源, 砍伐后60天, 萌株生长所需的营养除K元素主要来源于根系外, 其余营养元素主要来源于土壤; 在砍伐后60-120天, 基株根系对萌株生长所需的N、K和Ca贡献较大, 而对P和Mg的贡献较小; 在砍伐后120-180天, 根系除K元素对萌生生长还保持较大的贡献外, 对其余营养元素的贡献均较小。高山栎林管理要注重加强地下根系的保护。  相似文献   

2005年1月到2005年11月对福建省惠安县赤湖林场不同林龄木麻黄人工林细根养分和能量的季节动态进行了观测,结果表明:(1)6种元素的含量在不同林龄木麻黄细根中都具有明显的季节变化。各林龄细根的N含量一般在冬夏季节较高,且死细根的N浓度高于相同林龄的活细根,除12林龄活细根P浓度在7月份有最大值外,其他各林龄活、死细根在一年中呈波动性下降,K含量在冬季较高,而在其他季节变化幅度不大,除5林龄活细根和18林龄死细根在3月份和7月份有两个峰值外,其他林龄细根Ca含量随季节变化较小,Mg含量随季节变化总体呈下降趋势,而在11月份上升;各林龄C则呈波浪形变化;(2)随着林龄的增大,细根N、P、Mg含量的变化模式相似,都呈先增加,后降低,再增加的趋势,K和Ca含量变化趋势相似,但变动幅度存在差别,C则呈波浪形变化;(3)随着季节的变化,灰分、干重热值和去灰分热值呈"V"形变动,一年中都存在两个峰值,分别在3月份和7月份或9月份;(4)灰分、干重热值和去灰分热值随林龄的增大表现为波浪形增加。由此可见,不同森林类型的细根养分和能量动态具有季节和林龄的特殊性,在进行整个地区森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动研究时,应考虑不同森林类型的特性。  相似文献   

The concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and chlorine (Cl) were followed monthly in pre-senescence leaves and post-abscission leaves of Kandelia candel (L.) Druce at the Jiulongjiang estuary, and Fujian, China. The element retranslocation efficiency (RE) was studied during leaf senescence. The element RE's evaluated using different methods were compared and a new method was put forward to evaluate element RE during leaf senescence in evergreen trees without concentrated leaf fall. The results showed that during leaf senescence, 77.22% N, 57.53% P, and 44.51% K were translocated out of senescing leaves. Translocation of nutrients out of senescing leaves back into shoots was an important nutnent-conservation mechanism for N and P, was less important for K, and did not occur for Ca, Mg, Na, or Cl. One of the reasons for the high primary productivity of mangroves in nutrient poor sites (especially with low N) is the high nutrient use efficiency.  相似文献   

Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest, the dominant community in Ziwuling Mountain lying in the hilly loess region, was studied for its nutrient distributions and bio-cycle characteristics in both natural and artificial forms. The results showed that the changes in the nutrient contents for different components in the same Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest stood in the order of needles > branches > bark > roots > bole. The aboveground nutrient elements in needles, branches, bark bole and litterfalls stood in the order of Ca > N > K > Mg > P, but the nutrients stored in the soil stood in the order of Ca > K > Mg > N > P. The accumulated amounts of nutrients increased first and then decreased with the increased age of the forest. The nutrient amounts reached their maximum when the stand was 30 years old, and decreased greatly when it was 50 years old. The 30-year-old artificial Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest had the highest annual accumulated amount of nutrients, and different stands stood in the order of II > III > IV > I. Comparatively, annual accumulated nutrients in different components stood in the order of needles > branches > roots > bark > bole. It was also suggested that the amounts of nutrients annually taken in from and retained in the natural Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest were significantly higher than those in artificial forests. The coefficients of nutrient use in various Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. stands stood in the order of Ca > Mg > N > K > P, but the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of the same element decreased with increased age of the forest. There were no differences in the utilization coefficient and the turnover period of nutrients in both natural and artificial matured Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forests.  相似文献   

Mayor  X.  Rodá  F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):209-217
Correlations between primary production and patterns of nutrient use and nutrient availability were investigated in 18 plots in closed holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) stands in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain), searching for evidence of nutrient limitation on primary production. The plots spanned a range of altitudes and slope aspects within a catchment. Nutrients considered were nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) in plant samples, and the above plus calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) in the soil. Primary production was found by summing the annual aboveground biomass increment to the annual litterfall. Across plots, primary production was correlated with the annual return of nutrients in litterfall, but this relationship probably arose from the common effects of the amount of litterfall on both primary production and nutrient return, and not from any nutrient limitation. Primary production was not significantly correlated with nutrient concentrations in mature leaves nor leaf litterfall, nor with absolute or relative foliar retranslocation of nutrients before leaf abscission, nor with the concentration and content (kg/ha) of total N, extractable P, and exchangeable K, Mg, Ca and Na in the upper mineral soil. We conclude that there is no correlational evidence that primary production is nutrient limited in this holm oak forest.  相似文献   

Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest, the dominant community in Ziwuling Mountain lying in the hilly loess region, was studied for its nutrient distributions and bio-cycle characteristics in both natural and artificial forms. The results showed that the changes in the nutrient contents for different components in the same Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest stood in the order of needles > branches > bark > roots > bole. The aboveground nutrient elements in needles, branches, bark bole and litterfalls stood in the order of Ca > N > K > Mg > P, but the nutrients stored in the soil stood in the order of Ca > K > Mg > N > P. The accumulated amounts of nutrients increased first and then decreased with the increased age of the forest. The nutrient amounts reached their maximum when the stand was 30 years old, and decreased greatly when it was 50 years old. The 30-year-old artificial Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest had the highest annual accumulated amount of nutrients, and different stands stood in the order of II > III > IV > I. Comparatively, annual accumulated nutrients in different components stood in the order of needles > branches > roots > bark > bole. It was also suggested that the amounts of nutrients annually taken in from and retained in the natural Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest were significantly higher than those in artificial forests. The coefficients of nutrient use in various Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. stands stood in the order of Ca > Mg > N > K > P, but the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of the same element decreased with increased age of the forest. There were no differences in the utilization coefficient and the turnover period of nutrients in both natural and artificial matured Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forests.  相似文献   

Xylem sap composition of spruce is influenced by several factors, such as the sampled organ, the sampling period, the availability of soil nutrients, and the soil water potential. Based on literature data and ongoing investigations carried out with adult trees, we present an overview on the main factors influencing xylem sap concentrations of Norway spruce. Direct measurements of nutrient fluxes in the xylem sap are then used to suggest a general scheme of mineral element cycling within adult trees. In Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), nutrient concentration in the xylem sap was higher in twigs and fine roots compared to the bottom of the trunk, the highest concentrations beeing observed in spring during the shoot elongation. Xylem sap concentrations were higher in spruce growing at nutrient rich sites than at poor sites. The combination of twig and trunk xylem sap analysis, together with xylem flow measurements in the trunk during the course of a vegetation period allowed the quantification of mineral fluxes via xylem sap flow in the trunk and twigs. These results were compared to gross mineral uptake measurements at the same site. Ca flux in the trunk xylem sap was lower than the gross uptake of Ca. Mg flux in trunk sap was approximately equivalent to Mg gross uptake whereas P and K fluxes in trunk sap were much higher than the gross uptake. Fluxes of Ca, Mg, K and P in the twig sap were much higher than that in trunk sap. Data suggest that internal cycling is responsible for a large part of the nutrient fluxes in the xylem sap of the crown. Xylem sap composition thus appears to be a tool which can complement other sources of information on mineral uptake and cycling in adult spruce  相似文献   

Knowledge of nutrient storage and partitioning in forests is imperative for ecosystem models and ecological theory. Whether the nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) stored in forest biomass and their partitioning patterns vary systematically across climatic gradients remains unknown. Here, we explored the global‐scale patterns of nutrient density and partitioning using a newly compiled dataset including 372 forest stands. We found that temperature and precipitation were key factors driving the nutrients stored in living biomass of forests at global scale. The N, K, and Mg stored in living biomass tended to be greater in increasingly warm climates. The mean biomass N density was 577.0, 530.4, 513.2, and 336.7 kg/ha for tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal forests, respectively. Around 76% of the variation in biomass N density could be accounted by the empirical model combining biomass density, phylogeny (i.e., angiosperm, gymnosperm), and the interaction of mean annual temperature and precipitation. Climate, stand age, and biomass density significantly affected nutrients partitioning at forest community level. The fractional distribution of nutrients to roots decreased significantly with temperature, suggesting that forests in cold climates allocate greater nutrients to roots. Gymnosperm forests tended to allocate more nutrients to leaves as compared with angiosperm forests, whereas the angiosperm forests distributed more nutrients in stems. The nutrient‐based Root:Shoot ratios (R:S), averaged 0.30 for R:SN, 0.36 for R:SP, 0.32 for R:SK, 0.27 for R:SCa, and 0.35 for R:SMg, respectively. The scaling exponents of the relationships describing root nutrients as a function of shoot nutrients were more than 1.0, suggesting that as nutrient allocated to shoot increases, nutrient allocated to roots increases faster than linearly with nutrient in shoot. Soil type significantly affected the total N, P, K, Ca, and Mg stored in living biomass of forests, and the Acrisols group displayed the lowest P, K, Ca, and Mg.  相似文献   

为揭示河竹的耐水湿机制,为河竹在水湿地和江河湖库消落带植被恢复中应用提供理论依据,以河竹盆栽苗为试材,测定了淹水和人工喷灌供水处理3、6、12个月的河竹一年生竹鞭的根系生物量和主要养分元素含量,分析了河竹鞭根养分含量、化学计量比和养分积累量在淹水环境下的动态变化规律。结果表明:淹水3个月使河竹鞭根N、P、K含量显著降低,但对C、Ca、Fe、Mg等养分含量和C/P、N/P、N/K影响不明显,随着淹水时间的进一步延长,河竹鞭根养分含量、化学计量比和积累量发生明显变化,C、N、P、Ca含量和C/K、N/K、P/K降低,K、Fe、Mg含量和C/N、C/P、N/P升高;淹水6个月前对河竹鞭根养分积累总体上有明显抑制作用,但淹水12个月会使鞭根养分积累量显著升高,这主要源于根系生物量显著提高的贡献。研究表明,淹水3个月时,维持较高的养分内稳性是河竹应对胁迫环境的响应策略,随后通过土中根和水中根的大量生长来维持较高的养分吸收和积累能力,并进行养分化学计量比的适应性调节来适应胁迫环境。分析认为,河竹在长期淹水环境中能够维持生存,可以用于水湿地和江河湖库消落带植被恢复,也是净化富营养水体研究与应用的竹子材料。  相似文献   

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