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目的将前期在大肠埃希杆菌中获得表达的A型人呼吸道合胞病毒兰州分离株截短的F1重组蛋白进行纯化和复性,为后期动物免疫制备抗原。方法 37℃诱导重组菌体p ET-42b-F1J/Rossata,诱导完毕后离心收集菌体,高压破碎菌体并收集包涵体后用不同浓度的Triton X-100(细胞裂解液)洗涤包涵体3次。洗涤的包涵体用8 mol/L尿素进行溶解并用镍离子亲和层析方法进行初步纯化,用阳离子交换层析方法对初步纯化蛋白进行最终的纯化。亲和层析纯化蛋白用3种不同的复性液进行了稀释复性。结果 37℃诱导5 000 m L重组菌p ET-42b-F1J/Rossata共收获37 g湿菌体,经过不同浓度Triton X-100洗涤包涵体后纯度可达75%。包涵体用8 mol/L尿素溶解后经镍离子亲和层析纯化纯度约为40%,再用阳离子交换层析介质SP HP进一步纯化样品后纯度可达90%。纯化蛋白以3种不同的复性液都能得到复性,其中复性液3的复性效果相对较好。结论实验中探索了人呼吸道合胞病毒截短F1重组蛋白包涵体的纯化方法及步骤,为后期的蛋白制备及动物免疫奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用8 mol/L尿素溶液对表达在大肠杆菌包涵体中的GST-TRAF6融合蛋白进行变性,通过逐级稀释复性的方法对尿素溶解后的GST-TRAF6融合蛋白进行复性,将复性后的GST-TRAF6融合蛋白进一步利用谷胱甘肽琼脂糖树脂亲和层析的方法进行分离纯化,将分离纯化后的蛋白通过Western blot方法进行验证,最后利用体外泛素化反应检测经包涵体变性、复性和纯化后的GST-TRAF6融合蛋白的生物学活性。经过包涵体变性、梯度稀释复性和谷胱甘肽琼脂糖树脂亲和层析3个步骤后纯化得到纯度达90%以上、浓度为396 ng/μL的蛋白质溶液。利用GST蛋白作为对照,经Western blot验证表明,纯化得到的蛋白确为GSTTRAF6融合蛋白。进一步利用体外泛素化反应分析其泛素连接酶活性发现,17 ng/μL浓度的GST-TRAF6融合蛋白能够以泛素分子作为底物在5 min内快速催化自由泛素链的生成。结果表明,表达在大肠杆菌包涵体中的GST-TRAF6融合蛋白经尿素变性溶解后能够成功复性并分离纯化,在溶解性改变的同时恢复了其泛素连接酶活性。为从大肠杆菌包涵体中大规模分离纯化蛋白质提供了一种新的复性方法。  相似文献   

利用大肠杆菌表达重组人转化生长因子β3(humantransformgrowthfactor,hTGFβ3),目的蛋白以包涵体形式表达。用8mol/L尿素溶解的包涵体蛋白,经CMSepharoselFastFlow柱和SphacrylS100分子筛可获得纯度达90%以上的rhTGF-β3单体。将单体蛋白加到复性缓冲液(1mol/LNaCl,0.5mol/LLArg,0.5mmol/LGSSG,30mmol/LCHAPS,20%(v/v)DMSO)进行复性后,再经DEAESepharoselFastFlow柱和SphacrylS100分子筛可分离得到纯度达94%的二聚体rhTGFβ3,纯化后的产量为720mg/L,纯化总回收率为47%。MTT法测活表明,该重组蛋白具刺激成纤维细胞Balb/c3T3生长的作用。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌高密度发酵表达肠激酶轻链融合蛋白DsbA-rEKL,主要以包涵体形式存在。包涵体经4mol/L尿素和0.5%TritonX-100洗涤,以6mol/L盐酸胍、100mmol/LDTT溶解,在胱氨酸存在下,以脉冲加样方式复性。融合蛋白复性在6mmol/L胱氨酸存在下、脉冲加量0.03mg/mL和复性终蛋白浓度0.3mg/mL为最佳复性方案。复性的融合蛋白加2mmol/LCaCL2后快速自切。经IDA-Sepharose及Q-Sepharose纯化,rEKL纯度可达95%以上,可高效酶切重组瑞特普酶融合蛋白Trx-rPA。实现了大规模生产rEKL,每升发酵液经复性及纯化后,可得rEKL60mg/L以上,使以融合蛋白表达rPA等药用蛋白成为现实。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌高密度发酵表达肠激酶轻链融合蛋白DsbA-rEKL,主要以包涵体形式存在。包涵体经4mol/L尿素和 0.5% Triton X100洗涤,以6mol/L盐酸胍、100mmol/L DTT溶解,在胱氨酸存在下,以脉冲加样方式复性。融合蛋白复性在6mmol/L胱氨酸存在下、脉冲加量0.03mg/mL和复性终蛋白浓度0.3mg/mL为最佳复性方案。 复性的融合蛋白加2mmol/L CaCL2后快速自切。经IDASepharose及Qsepharose 纯化,rEKL纯度可达95%以上,可高效酶切重组瑞特普酶融合蛋白Trx-rPA。实现了大规模生产rEKL,每升发酵液经复性及纯化后,可得rEKL 60mg/L以上,使以融合蛋白表达rPA等药用蛋白成为现实。  相似文献   

病原诱导的小麦ERF转录因子TaERF1b的原核表达及纯化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了得到纯化的TaERFlb活性蛋白,将TaERFlb基因含有AP2/ERF结构域的片段插入原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1的多克隆位点中,构建GST-TaERFlb融合蛋白表达载体,并转化到犬肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中。0.1mmol/L1PTG即能诱导融合蛋白表达,37℃诱导4h或30℃诱导8h,融合蛋白均以包涵体的形式表达,16℃诱导12h,融合蛋白不表达。包涵体经溶解及稀释复性后,过GST亲和层析柱,获得纯化的融合蛋白,考马斯亮蓝法测得纯化蛋白的浓度约为0.5ug/ul,凝胶阻滞实验表明包涵体复性成功.所得蛋白具有生物活性:  相似文献   

重组N-乙酰鸟氨酸脱乙酰基酶的表达、纯化和复性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道重组N-乙酰鸟氨酸脱乙酰基酶(NAOase)的研究进展。重组NAOase由大肠杆菌argE基因编码,在重组菌BL21(DE3)-pET22b-argE中的表达量为32.5%,大多以无活性的包涵体存在。低温诱导可增大有活性的可溶表达部分的比例。可溶性NAOase经Ni-NTA凝胶亲和纯化后得到SDS-PAGE电泳纯的酶,比酶活为1193.2u/mg蛋白。诱导条件影响整菌蛋白的成分及比例。37℃诱导生成的包涵体经尿素梯度洗涤后纯度较22℃高。低的蛋白浓度和合适的氧化还原体系是影响复性的关键因素。稀释法和透析法皆可使包涵体部分复性。在合适的条件下以稀释法复性时,约有17.78%包涵体可顺利复活。包涵体经尿素洗涤、溶解、Ni-NTA凝胶柱亲和纯化后,获得了高纯度的NAOase。  相似文献   

利用RT-PCR技术从变态反应疾病患者外周血淋巴细胞中克隆出人Cε3-Cε4基因,将其克隆至原核表达载体pET-17b中,转化大肠杆菌并进行诱导表达,SDS-PAGE后Cε3-Cε4蛋白表达量占细菌总蛋白的30.7%.菌体经裂解、2 mol/L尿素洗涤后,绝大部分杂蛋白被去除,目的蛋白纯度达85.5%.用8 mol/L尿素溶解包涵体,经Ni-NTA柱对变性状态下的目的蛋白进行纯化,并利用降低尿素梯度的方法对纯化的蛋白进行复性,最终目的蛋白纯度为95.3%.Western blotting方法对Cε3-Cε4蛋白进行鉴定,为该蛋白的进一步相关研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

目的:通过优化人表皮生长因子(hEGF)基因序列,利用大肠杆菌大量表达重组hEGF(rhEGF)包涵体,经过包涵体纯化复性获得高活性的rhEGF。方法:采用全基因合成优化后的序列,克隆至pET-30a表达载体中,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),经IPTG诱导表达,将rhEGF包涵体用尿素溶解后过Ni柱纯化并稀释复性,根据药典对得到的rhEGF进行纯度及活性测定。结果:构建了rhEGF的表达载体pET-30a-rhEGF,表达出的蛋白主要存在于包涵体中,相对分子质量为6.5×10~3,包涵体经过纯化复性后获得的rhEGF纯度可达92.8%,生物活性约4.94×10~7IU/mg。结论:得到了具有较高活性的rhEGF。  相似文献   

旨在建立并优化融合蛋白Trx-IFN-CSP的复性工艺。对重组融合Trx-IFN-CSP进行体外复性研究,考查p H、温度、蛋白浓度、氧化还原体系及辅助复性小分子等复性条件对融合蛋白重折叠的影响。结果显示,适合Trx-IFN-CSP复性的方法为,反复冻融联合超声破菌获得包涵体;用含有1%Triton X-100、2 mol/L尿素、2%DOC洗涤液初步纯化包涵体;再用6 mol/L盐酸胍溶解液变性包涵体;脉冲加样稀释变性液后4℃条件下梯度透析复性,使用L-Arg辅助复性。经肠激酶切去Trx标签后,每升发酵液最终获得110-130 mg肝靶向干扰素,每批蛋白纯度都在95%以上,比活性在1.9-2.4×108 U/mg之间,制备工艺稳定。  相似文献   

对重组人粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(rhGM-CSF)高效表达克隆pZW.GM的表达产物进行了纯化,并对纯化的GM-CSF进行了N端氨基酸序列分析。人GM-CSF基因表达产物在大肠杆菌中以不溶性包涵体形式存在,经过超声破菌、包涵体抽提、凝胶过滤层析、复性、离子交换一系列化步骤,终产物纯度达99%,按蛋白总量计算回收率达10%,比活性达1×10^7u/mg蛋白质。通过测定纯化人GM-CSF的N端1  相似文献   

Fd:NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) is one of the key enzymes in photosynthetic electron transport. The gene petH encoding FNR of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 was cloned into the expressing vector pET-3 d' and overexpressed in E. coli. The amount of recombinant FNR (rFNR) was over 50% of the total cellular proteins. There were two forms of FNR activity, one is soluble and the other one was in the form of inclusion bodies. The soluble rFNR was purified through ion exchange chromatography and gel chromatography. The rFNR in the form of inclusion bodies was first solubilized with 6.7 mol/L urea, and then refolded into the active form in the presence of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Further purification was performed by ion exchange chromatography. The rFNR pmified from either form of the expressed product had the maximum absorption spectrum as that of the natural FNR from cyanobacteria, whose maximum absorption was at 273, 385 and 456 ran respectively. N-tenninal sequencing showed that rFNR was indeed a product of petH gene expression, rFNR could catalyze the electron transport from P700 to NADP+ in the presence of ferredoxin. The optimal pH for diaphorase activity of rFNR was 8.0 and the optimal temperature was 30 ℃.  相似文献   

huGM-CSF(9-127)-IL-6(29-184)融合蛋白的复性及纯化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Q Sepharose H.P.离子交换柱层析在8mol/L尿素变性条件下对huGM-CSF(9-127)-IL-6(29-184)融合蛋白进行初步纯化,然后再利用Sephacryl S-200分子筛柱层析复性及纯化后获得目的蛋白,其纯度达到95%以上。该纯化方案成功地解决了稀释复性或透析复性产物在进行Q Sepharose H.P.离子交换柱层析时目的蛋白不稳定而沉积于柱上的问题,获得了较好的复性效果,复性率达到80%以上。使用该纯化方案,1天内便可基本完成重组蛋白的复性及纯化过程,而且也便于扩大。  相似文献   

This report presents purification and characterization of the extracellular domain of rat Fas protein, called FIP (FasL interfering protein), expressed as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli. FIP was extracted from the inclusion bodies, solubilized with 8 M urea, purified by a single-step immobilized metal ion (Ni(2+)) affinity chromatography and refolded. SDS/PAGE and mass spectrometry analysis of the purified protein verified its purity. Fluorescence spectrum analysis showed that the refolding procedure caused structural changes which presumably might have led to oligomerization. The purified FIP has biological activities: it binds specifically soluble Fas ligand and protects human Jurkat lymphocytes against FasL-dependent apoptosis. This efficient procedure of FIP expression in E. coli and renaturation may be useful for production of therapeutically important proteins.  相似文献   

Recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) was expressed in Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies. Using fed-batch fermentation process, around 670 mg/L of r-hGH was produced at a cell OD600 of 35. Cell lysis followed by detergent washing resulted in semi-purified inclusion bodies with more than 80% purity. Purified inclusion bodies were homogenous in preparation having an average size of 0.6 μm. Inclusion bodies were solubilized at pH 12 in presence of 2 M urea and refolded by pulsatile dilution. Refolded protein was purified with DEAE-anion exchange chromatography using both radial and axial flow column (50 ml bed volume each). Higher buffer flow rate (30 ml/min) in radial flow column helped in reducing the batch processing time for purification of refolded r-hGH. Radial column based purification resulted in high throughput recovery of diluted refolded r-hGH in comparison to axial column. More than 40% of inclusion body protein could be refolded into bioactive form using the above method in a single batch. Purified r-hGH was analyzed by mass spectroscopy and found to be bioactive by Nb2 cell line proliferation assay. Inclusion body enrichment, mild solubilization, pulsatile refolding and radial flow chromatography worked co-operatively to improve the overall recovery of bioactive protein from inclusion bodies.  相似文献   

Protein folding liquid chromatography (PFLC) is a powerful tool for simultaneous refolding and purification of recombinant proteins in inclusion bodies. Urea gradient size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a recently developed protein refolding method based on the SEC refolding principle. In the presented work, recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) expressed in Escheriachia coli (E. coli) in the form of inclusion bodies was refolded with high yields by this method. Denatured/reduced rhG-CSF in 8.0 mol.L(-1) urea was directly injected into a Superdex 75 column, and with the running of the linear urea concentration program, urea concentration in the mobile phase and around the denatured rhG-CSF molecules was decreased linearly, and the denatured rhG-CSF was gradually refolded into its native state. Aggregates were greatly suppressed and rhG-CSF was also partially purified during the refolding process. Effects of the length and the final urea concentration of the urea gradient on the refolding yield of rhG-CSF by using urea gradient SEC were investigated respectively. Compared with dilution refolding and normal SEC with a fixed urea concentration in the mobile phase, urea gradient SEC was more efficient for rhG-CSF refolding--in terms of specific bioactivity and mass recovery, the denatured rhG-CSF could be refolded at a larger loading volume, and the aggregates could be suppressed more efficiently. When 500 microL of solubilized and denatured rhG-CSF in 8.0 mol.L(-1) urea solution with a total protein concentration of 2.3 mg.mL(-1) was loaded onto the SEC column, rhG-CSF with a specific bioactivity of 1.0 x 10(8) IU.mg(-1) was obtained, and the mass recovery was 46.1%.  相似文献   

旨在制备特异性SUA41多克隆抗体,为深入研究其在植物生长发育中的功能提供有力的分子生物学和生物化学的工具。PCR扩增拟南芥SUA41基因中编码280个氨基酸(401-680位氨基酸)的特异片段,经过GATEWAY的DNA重组技术构建了原核表达载体pDEST17-SUA41,用热休克法转化到E.coliBL21(DE3)star感受态细胞,以异丙基β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导表达出6×His-SUA41融合蛋白,用8 mol/L尿素缓冲液溶解包涵体并且经过水逐级去除尿素获得提纯的融合蛋白,并利用Western blotting鉴定确认。融合蛋白经Ni金属螯合柱亲和层析得以纯化,用SDS-PAGE进一步纯化。纯化的融合蛋白经过SDS-PAGE后切胶回收,免疫小白兔,制备多抗血清,然后用Western blotting进行检测,鉴定血清特异性和效价。结果显示,融合蛋白6×His-SUA41免疫兔,产生特异性的SUA41兔抗血清,可以检测到细菌和拟南芥组织中SUA41蛋白。用水提纯变性剂尿素溶解的包涵体蛋白具有可行性。制备的特异性SUA41兔抗血清效价高,能够有效地识别大肠杆菌表达的和拟南芥的SUA41蛋白。在有合适的对照情况下,该兔抗血清可以用于分析植物中SUA41蛋白的功能。  相似文献   

功率超声方法对蛋白质包涵体的解聚   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用低频功率超声波辐照方法,实现了在低浓度变性剂(4mol/L尿素)中对大肠杆菌体系表达产物缩短的人巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(hM-CSF)包涵体的解聚,以期改进普遍采用的强烈变性剂(8mol/L尿素)溶解包涵体方法,超声处理后的SDS-PAGE在分子量17000上显示了与8mol/L尿素溶解结果相同的条带.表现出功率超声方法在基因工程包涵体解聚中的应用前景.  相似文献   

重组人肝细胞生成素的纯化及活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人肝细胞生成素 ( human hepatopoietin,h HPO)是一种新型肝再生调控因子 .在大肠杆菌中表达的的重组 h HPO( rh HPO)是以包涵体的形式存在的 ,其表达量为菌体总蛋白的 2 0 % .包涵体经各种溶液洗涤后 ,用 8mol/L尿素裂解 ,裂解上清经凝胶过滤、复性和离子交换柱层析得到电泳纯的 rh HPO,经还原型 SDS- PAGE测定其分子量为 1 5k D.纯化 rh HPO的 N端氨基酸序列与其c DNA推导序列完全一致 ;纯化产物的氨基酸组成分析结果亦与 rh HPO氨基酸组成的理论值吻合 .生物学活性研究表明 ,rh HPO在体外具有刺激原代培养肝细胞增殖作用  相似文献   

The high level expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli often leads to the formation of inclusion bodies that contain most of the expressed protein held together by non-covalent forces. The inclusion bodies are usually solubilized using strong denaturing agents like urea and guanidium hydrochloride. In this study recombinant Omp28 (rOmp28) protein of Brucella melitensis was expressed in two different vector systems and further efficient purification of the protein was done by modification in buffers to improve the yield and purity. Different concentrations of Triton X-100 and β-mercaptoethanol were optimized for the solubilization of inclusion bodies. The lysis buffer with 8M urea alone was not sufficient to solubilize the inclusion bodies. It was found that the use of 1% Triton X-100 and 20mM β-mercaptoethanol in lysis and wash buffers used at different purification steps under denaturing conditions increased the yield of purified rOmp28 protein. The final yield of purified protein obtained with modified purification protocol under denaturing conditions was 151 and 90mg/l of the culture or 11.8 and 9.37mg/g of wet weight of cells in pQE30UA and pET28a(+) vector respectively. Thus modified purification protocol yielded more than threefold increase of protein in pQE30UA as compared with purification by conventional methods.  相似文献   

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