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人胚胎肝上皮样细胞的体外培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用胶原酶直接消化人胚肝组织小块,可以简便、快速地获得大量活率较高和较纯的肝上皮样细胞。在低钙、低血清浓度加有多种因素的培养液中,胚肝上皮样细胞可以体外培养一月以上。原代培养的胚肝上皮样细胞一次传代后,仍可保持一定的生长能力。表皮生长因子、霍乱毒素、转铁蛋白及肝细胞生长因子等均对培养的胚肝上皮样细胞具有一定的生长刺激作用。本文还用r-GT染色、AFP和白蛋白测定,以及~3H-TdR掺入等指标观察了培养过程中胚肝上皮样细胞的生长、增殖和生物学功能。人胚肝上皮样细胞的较长期体外培养,可望成为研究肝细胞生长、分化及癌变的一个有用的实验模型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大鼠脂肪间充质干细胞(Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells,ADMSCs)在体内向肝细胞样细胞转化的可能性.方法:将从4周龄雄性SD大鼠腹股沟分离得到的原代脂肪间充质干细胞传至第3代,用5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶核苷(BrdU)在体外标记后,通过门静脉注射的方法移植入由四氯化碳造成慢性肝损伤的雄鼠体内.移植术后2周处死受体雄鼠,取其肝组织.通过免疫荧光双染色的方法观察BrdU标记细胞的存在和白蛋白的表达,以确定所注入的脂肪间充质干细胞在受鼠体内向肝细胞样细胞转化的情况.结果:在经门静脉注射法进行移植的实验组SD大鼠的肝组织内检测到同时表达BrdU和白蛋白的细胞.讨论:本研究证明了脂肪间充质干细胞在体内有向肝细胞样细胞转化的可能.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大鼠脂肪间充质干细胞(ADMSCs)是否可以在体外被诱导向肝细胞方向分化。方法:从大鼠脂肪组织中分离出干细胞,行体外扩增、传代;用免疫荧光染色法检测其表面标志,用成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF-4)和肝细胞生长因子(HGF)诱导其向肝细胞分化;倒置显微镜观察细胞形态变化,诱导后14天和21天分别用免疫荧光检测法检测肝细胞标志物白蛋白的表达,每次换液时留取培养上清用尿素氮测试盒检测尿素氮含量。结果:免疫荧光检测显示从脂肪组织所获取的细胞表面标志CD29阳性,而CD31和CD145均为阴性;诱导14天后可逐渐观察到肝细胞样形态改变;免疫荧光检测到白蛋白表达;尿素氮检测显示诱导组尿素氮含量随时间延长而逐渐升高。结论:从大鼠脂肪组织中获取的脂肪间充质干细胞能在体外被诱导分化成形态、表型及功能与肝细胞相似的细胞。  相似文献   

目的:观察三维受控组装系统下,胚胎肝细胞在三维立体结构的体外生长状态,探讨胚胎肝细胞在肝组织工程中应用的可行性。方法:用清华大学机械工程系研制的"三维受控组装系统",将第15 d小鼠胚胎肝细胞作为肝组织工程的种子细胞,与以明胶为主的复合材料混合,构建成复杂三维立体结构,观察其体外生长发育状态。对体外培养1周及4周的三维类肝组织标本进行苏木精-伊红(HE)染色,免疫组织化学方法检测甲胎蛋白(AFP)及白蛋白(ALB)的表达,并对体外培养4周的三维类肝组织用PAS显色法检测肝糖原表达。结果:HE染色结果显示体外培养的胚胎肝细胞在三维支架材料中,可形成含有类血管和肝组织样结构;体外培养1周的类肝组织AFP表达呈阳性,体外培养4周的三维类肝组织ALB表达呈阳性,PAS显色亦呈阳性。结论:在三维受控组装系统的构建下,呈立体状生长的胚胎肝细胞,可逐渐形成肝组织样结构,并显示一定的肝脏功能。  相似文献   

肝细胞生长因子的生物学功能与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝细胞生长因子 (hepatocytegrowthfactor,HGF)又称扩散因子 (Scatterfacator,SF) ,最初是从血浆和血小板中纯化获得并认为是一种刺激肝细胞生长增生的有丝分裂原 ,对肝切除或化学损伤后的肝再生起重要作用[1] 。 1984年 ,Nakamura等从部分肝切除的大鼠血清中分离到一种能刺激原代培养的肝细胞生长和合成的肝源性因子 ,并首次将它命名为肝细胞生长因子[2 ] 。自从HGF的发现至今 ,国内外对其作了许多研究 ,对它的来源、结构、功能乃至基因序列都已有了较为全面、透彻的了解。目前已知H…  相似文献   

目的探讨PDMSCs向肝细胞增殖和分化的体外培养条件及方法。方法孕20 d的大鼠无菌条件下取胎盘,经胶原酶消化、密度离心、贴壁筛选法分离培养胎盘源间充质干细胞,并对其表面抗原进行鉴定。在体外培养体系中加入胎肝滤液,模拟体内肝脏微环境,诱导PDMSCs向肝细胞定向分化,以免疫细胞化学检测干细胞标志物;PAS检测糖原表达。结果在体外培养条件下,PDMSCs贴壁生长为成纤维样细胞,CD44表面标志物检测阳性;PDMSCs经胎肝滤液诱导14d时细胞呈现圆形、卵圆形的特征性改变,AFP、CK19表达阳性。结论胎肝滤液能够诱导PDMSCs定向分化为肝细胞样细胞。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨SD大鼠乳鼠皮层神经元细胞原代培养方法,并鉴定其培养效果,以期建立一种生物学功能良好的体外细胞实验模型。方法:取出生24 h的SD大鼠乳鼠,分离出大脑皮层,在胰酶消化之前先进行离心,然后将胰酶消化后多次离心得到的细胞悬液接种于L-多聚赖氨酸包被的培养皿和共聚焦皿中,以加B27的Neurobasal-A培养基进行神经元细胞的原代培养,倒置显微镜下观察培养细胞的生长状态;通过免疫荧光组化的方法采用神经元标记物MAP-2进行神经元纯度的鉴定;在导入Fluo4-AM的原代神经元细胞,观察电刺激后胞内钙离子信号的变化,以验证神经元细胞的生理状态。结果:采用此方法培养的神经元细胞紧密贴壁、分散均匀、状态良好,神经元细胞周围突起相互连接形成网络;经MAP-2免疫荧光组化技术鉴定神经元的纯度达到95%以上;胞内钙离子信号的变化提示所培养的神经元具有良好的生物学功能。结论:该方法能获得纯度较高并且生物学功能良好的原代培养的SD大鼠乳鼠皮层神经元细胞。  相似文献   

目的 探讨大鼠骨髓基质干细胞的提取、分离培养和体外扩增的最佳条件,研究其在体外培养中定向诱导分化为神经元样细胞的可能。方法 通过密度梯度离心和贴壁培养法从成年大鼠骨髓中分离骨髓基质干细胞,进行培养扩增,观察其生长特性;用2-巯基乙醇(β-mercaptoethanol,β-ME)对传代细胞诱导分化,并通过免疫细胞化学染色鉴定分化细胞的类型。结果 原代培养时形成由基质干细胞组成的细胞集落,细胞集落14d时接近融合,传代后,细胞体积变大,约5~7d传代一次。β-ME诱导后,70%以上的细胞在形态上呈神经元样,免疫细胞化学染色呈NSE阳性,GFAP阴性,说明诱导分化的细胞为神经元,而不是星形胶质细胞。结论 骨髓基质干细胞在体外培养条件下生长良好,并可连续传代;在β-ME作用下可被诱导分化为神经元样细胞。  相似文献   

将哮喘病理血清与在体外培养的大鼠肺内皮细胞共同孵育,分别用离心法和显微操纵技术对细胞黏附进行体外研究。离心结果显示,病理血清刺激下的内皮细胞比正常情况更易与白细胞发生黏附。离心力高到一定程度可以解离部分黏附。从进一步的细胞显微操纵实验看病理血清刺激内皮细胞的功能状态,影响内皮细胞与白细胞发生黏附  相似文献   

目的:探讨体外诱导兔骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)分化为角膜基质细胞的可行性,并观察纤维蛋白胶(FG)作为细胞支架材料的效果。方法:密度梯度法获得BMSCs,体外诱导实验将细胞分为三组:对照组用普通培养皿、BMSCs培养条件并不加角膜基质细胞共培养的条件下培养;非FG共培养组使用普通培养皿并与角膜基质细胞共培养诱导BMSCs分化;FG共培养组使用铺有FG的培养皿并与角膜基质细胞共培养诱导BMSCs分化。培养1w及2w后用WestenBlot法检测三组细胞Keratocan的表达,在相差显微镜下进行形态学观察。结果:原代培养的BMSCs表现出成体干细胞潜能,CD29染色阳性,符合骨髓基质干细胞的特征。诱导培养2周后对照组BMSCs融合成单层、呈条索状生长;非FG共培养组部分细胞体积变小、多突起,局部呈梭形生长;FG共培养组细胞生长状态良好,部分细胞呈梭形或纺锤形,与FG生物相容性好。Westen检测结果:BMSCs细胞在纤维蛋白胶或普通培养皿上特定培养条件下均能诱导表达角膜基质细胞的特异性蛋白Keratocan。结论:骨髓间充质干细胞在条件培养基下可分化为角膜基质细胞,有望作为治疗角膜疾病及角膜组织工程的备选材料,纤维蛋白胶组织相容性好,可为组织工程提供移植细胞片。  相似文献   

Summary The pathogenesis of the intra-articular, arthritic-inflammatory reaction caused byMycoplasma arthritidis in susceptible rats and mice is poorly understood. To investigate this problem, synovial cells from normal Sprague-Dawley rats were cultured and studied in vitro. These cells continued to produce hyaluronic acid as measured by viscosity and chemical assays. Normal synovial cells were treated with rabbit serum specimens taken before and after immunization withM. arthritidis. Cytotoxicity assays indicated that the cells were killed in the presence of rabbit anti-M. arthritidis serum but not with preimmunization serum specimens. The anti-M. arthritidis serum was not cytotoxic to monolayer cultures of HEp-2, Vero, or L-cells. Antiserum produced in response toM. fermentans, M. hominis, andM. pulmonis did not produce a cytotoxic effect on the cultured synovial cells. From immunofluorescence studies it was demonstrated that the interactions occurred between the rabbit anti-M. arthritidis serum and synovial cell surface antigens. Extreme precautions were taken to prevent mycoplasmal contamination of rats and the synovial cells in culture. These observations would appear to support previous reports implicating mycoplasmas as biological triggering mechanisms of autoimmune reactions. This research was supported in part by funds from the National Science Foundation, Grant DPP72-05787, and the U.S. Veterans Administration.  相似文献   

In 3- to 5-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats infected with the hepatic metacestode, Taenia taeniaeformis, the serum testosterone level was significantly lower than in comparable uninfected controls. By transmission electron microscopy, testicular Leydig cells of infected rats had less smooth endoplasmic reticulum than control Leydig cells. Cultured metacestodes isolated from the hepatic cysts secreted or excreted substances into the incubation medium. The effect of the excretory-secretory product on testosterone concentration in the sera and testes of 15-day-old rats was examined. Subcutaneous injection of 50-200 micrograms of excretory-secretory product/0.1 ml saline/rat for 2 days significantly reduced human chorionic gonadotropin-stimulated serum and testicular testosterone concentrations. Furthermore, the effect of the excretory-secretory product on isolated rat Leydig cell testosterone production was examined. Rat Leydig cells produced testosterone in vitro and, in the presence of 50 IU human chorionic gonadotropin/ml incubation medium, they responded with approximately 100% increase in testosterone production. Addition of 2-10 micrograms excretory-secretory product protein/ml of culture medium significantly reduced the testosterone production by rat Leydig cells in vitro. These results indicate that excretory-secretory product of cultured T. taeniaeformis metacestodes has a direct inhibitory effect on Leydig cell testosterone production under stimulation with human chorionic gonadotropin.  相似文献   

Osteoblasts from calvaria of 18-day-old fetal Sprague-Dawley rats were isolated using a dissecting procedure followed by collagenase digestion. Freshly isolated or previously frozen cells were cultured for up to 4 weeks in a Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 50 micrograms/ml ascorbic acid, with or without 10 mM beta-glycerophosphate. Most of the cells were alkaline phosphatase positive throughout the culture period and expressed a type-I collagen as assessed by immunofluorescence. Cells cultured in the presence of beta-glycerophosphate formed a matrix with type-I collagen in 7 days. The matrix underwent mineralization in less than 2 weeks. In the absence of beta-glycerophosphate, only the formation of a nonmineralized matrix was observed. Electron-microscopic examination revealed osteoblasts embedded in a dense network of collagen fibers, with a well-defined mineralization process in association with matrix vesicles. Scanning electron-microscopy showed that the matrix composed of layers of irregularly shaped spread cells with smooth surfaces trapped in a fiber matrix. No mineralization process was observed when rat skin fibroblasts were cultured under similar conditions. These data demonstrate the ability of enzymatically isolated osteoblasts cultured in the presence of beta-glycerophosphate to form bone in vitro, and that this process is similar to bone formation in vivo.  相似文献   

Rat-liver cells can be used to reveal "in vivo" clastogenic activity of indirect mutagens, provided that they are stimulated to divide by partial hepatectomy. In order to characterize the rat-liver metabolic capacity in such experimental conditions, several biochemical parameters were measured during the first 54-66 h of liver regeneration in Sprague-Dawley male rats, subjected to a partial hepatectomy. The levels of cytochrome P-450, the activities of styrene monooxygenase, epoxide hydrolase and glutathione-S-epoxide transferase were chosen as markers. All the enzymatic activities and the level of cytochrome P-450 decreased during the first 12 h after the hepatectomy to about 50% of the activities of the sham-operated rats considered as controls. Subsequent recovery of the metabolic capacity was not observed. DNA synthesis and the mitotic index were measured to find the most suitable time for metaphase analysis. DNA synthesis and the number of metaphases were maximal at, respectively, 22-25 and 28-31 h after partial removal of the liver. The sensitivity to clastogenic damage induced by "in vivo" treatment with cyclophosphamide (CPA) was assayed in regenerating liver cells by chromosome-aberration analysis. Different doses, ranging from 5 to 30 mg/kg b.w., were given i.p. to the rats 17 h before or 7 h after partial hepatectomy. Liver cells were collected 31 h after surgery. Clastogenic damage was greater when the drug was administered to the animals after the hepatectomy (24 h of exposure) than before (48 h of exposure). The sensitivity to CPA-induced damage was compared with a bone marrow cell test carried out on non-hepatectomized rats treated in the same way. The results indicated that in these conditions regenerating liver cells are more sensitive than bone marrow cells to the induction of chromosome aberrations by CPA.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cells (MSCs) have the capability of differentiating into mesenchymal and non-mesenchymal lineages. In this study, MSCs isolated from adult Sprague-Dawley rats were cultured to proliferation, followed by in vitro induction under specific conditions. The results demonstrated that MSCs were transdifferentiated into cells with the Schwann cell (SC) phenotypes according to their morphology and immunoreactivities to SC surface markers including S-100, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (p75). Consequently, rat adult MSCs can be induced in vitro to differentiate into SC-like cells, thus developing an abundant and accessible SC reservoir to meet the requirements of constructing tissue engineered nerve grafts for peripheral nerve repair.  相似文献   

Changes in prolactin cells caused by partial hepatectomy in the rat.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
N Hirano  M Shiino 《Acta anatomica》1991,141(2):170-173
In order to study ultrastructure alterations in prolactin (PRL)-secreting cells, PRL cells of the anterior pituitary glands of partially hepatectomized female rats were observed by the protein A-gold procedure with the electron microscope. Simultaneously, their serum PRL and estradiol (E2) levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. After about 70% hepatectomy PRL cells were remarkably changed, that is active granule extrusion, prominent Golgi vesicles and a hypertrophic rough endoplasmic reticulum were observed. These changes were most remarkable on day 3 after the operation. Significant increases in serum PRL and E2 were also seen following partial hepatectomy. It may be assumed that the morphological changes in PRL cells and the elevation of serum PRL were probably due to surgical stress and to the diminution of E2 receptors in the liver after partial hepatectomy in the rat.  相似文献   

目的:观察在大鼠左肝外叶切除+定容失血性休克模型制作过程中微量失血对最终大鼠生存率的影响。方法:45只SD大鼠按不同的放血比例分为三组,以Wigger改良法建立左肝外叶切除+定容失血性休克模型,严格标化放血前的各项手术操作和观测指标,比较三组大鼠最终生存率的差异。结果:在分别按2.4ml/100g(A组)、2.5ml/100g(B组)、2.6ml/100g(C组)比例定容失血的大鼠模型中,各组大鼠生存率分别为:A组66.67%,B组42.86%,C组7.69%,A、B两组与C组大鼠的生存率相比较存在明显差异(P<0.05)。结论:即使是0.1ml/100g的微量失血对于该模型大鼠的生存率也是有显著影响的,这一点在大鼠的定容失血性休克模型实验中是不应被忽视的。  相似文献   

The distribution of salicylate to embryonal compartments for in situ and in vitro rat embryos under equivalent exposure conditions, and salicylate disposition in the in vivo mid-gestation embryo and late gestation fetus, were compared. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley CD rats were exposed to steady-state blood levels of salicylate by infusing 14C-salicylic acid iv for a 24 hour period from gestation day 11.5 to 12.5. Cultured Sprague-Dawley rat embryos (in medium consisting of 100% male rat serum) were exposed to the steady-state 14C-salicylate concentration achieved in maternal serum in vivo for the same 24 hour developmental period. At the end of the exposure period radioactivity in visceral yolk sac, extra-embryonic fluid and embryos, and in maternal tissues, was measured. The distribution of salicylate to embryonal tissues was statistically comparable in vivo and in vitro, although the embryos in vitro accumulated slightly (but not significantly) less of the chemical. There was considerable binding of salicylate by maternal serum and culture medium proteins: less than 20% of the chemical was free at the 40 micrograms/ml concentration used in this experiment. Consequently, the salicylate concentration in embryonal compartments appeared to be quite low when compared to the surrounding serum/medium, but was actually equal to or greater than the concentration of unbound salicylate in serum or culture medium. The proportion of free salicylate in serum increased at concentrations higher than 40 micrograms/ml, resulting in somewhat higher concentrations of salicylate in in vitro embryos and extraembryonic fluid (as compared to medium) when cultured in the presence of 200 or 400 micrograms/ml salicylate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:观察垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活肽(PACAP)mRNA在大鼠妊娠黄体中的表达及调节。方法:①于妊娠不同时期收集大鼠卵巢。用RT-PCR和原位杂交方法,观察妊娠过程卵巢PACAP mRNA表达的动态变化;②未成年雌性大鼠颈部皮下注射50IU孕马血清促性腺激素,48h后注射25IU人绒毛膜促性腺激素,第6天收集培养黄体细胞。用放免法测定给予不同处理后,培养液中孕酮的含量;用RT-PCR方法检测各组PACAP mRNA表达水平。结果:从妊娠11d起,PACAP mRNA表达逐渐增强,在妊娠19d达高峰;与对照组相比,血小板活化因子(PAF)、福司考林(forskolin)、佛波酯(PMA)均使培养黄体细胞孕酮分泌量及PACAP mRNA表达显著增高(P0.05)。结论:PACAP与中、晚期妊娠的维持密切相关;PAF可促进培养黄体细胞PACAP mRNA的表达,蛋白激酶C(PKC)和蛋白激酶A(PKA)途径都有可能参与了此过程。  相似文献   

A study was performed to investigate possible interactions by magnetic fields (MF) with the processes of initiation and promotion of chemically induced preneoplastic lesions in rat liver. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to a 70% partial hepatectomy followed after 24 h by i.p. injection of diethylnitrosamine (DENA) as a tumour initiator. Starting one week after the DENA-treatment phenobarbital (PB) was given to promote growth of enzymatically altered foci of liver cells. MF was applied immediately after the partial hepatectomy and continued until sacrifice after 12 weeks of PB exposure. Homogenous horizontal AC magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz and flux densities of 0.5 μT or 0.5 mT were used. The rats coexposed with MF and DENA plus PB did not gain weight as much as the rats exposed to the chemical agents only. The MF-exposure also resulted in a slight reduction in size and numbers of the focal lesions. The results suggest an interaction of MF with the processes of chemical carcinogenesis either as a result of stress or depending on effects on the proliferation of preneoplastic cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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