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Black spot disease, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Alternaria tenuissima (Fr.) Wiltsh (A. tenuissima), is considered a highly destructive disease of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.). A set of 17 accessions of commercial chrysanthemum cultivars were evaluated for resistance to A. tenuissima by seedling artificial inoculation. It was found that the reaction of the accessions to artificial inoculation ranged from resistant to highly susceptible. Five varieties of chrysanthemum (‘Zhongshan Taogui’, ‘Jinba’, ‘Zhongshan Jinguan’, ‘Jinling Wanhuang’ and ‘Jinling Yangguang’) were resistant; two varieties of chrysanthemum (‘Zhongshan Xinggui’ and ‘Zhongshan Jinkui’) were moderately resistant; and others were susceptible to various degrees, four varieties of chrysanthemum (‘Zhongshan Zihe’, ‘Zhongshan Jiuhong’, ‘Zaoyihong’ and ‘Jinling Jiaohuang’) were highly susceptible, especially. Some leaf morphological features of two resistant and two highly susceptible cultivars were further researched. Trichome density, length, height, gland size and stomata density were found to be associated with plant passive resistance. Resistant varieties that were identified in present study will be promising germplasm for exploitation of breeding programmes aimed at developing A. tenuissima-resistant cultivars and increasing genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Barley grain is a valuable source of β-glucan, which is an important component of dietary fiber with significant human health benefits. Although the genetic basis of β-glucan biosynthesis has been widely studied, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) is still required for a scan of the candidate genes related to the complex quantitative trait based on the high-quality barley reference genome. In this study, a GWAS was conducted using a population composed of 87 barley landraces (39 hulled and 48 hulless, β-glucan from 2.07% to 6.56%) with 191,098 nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers to cover the chromosomes with the highest density. The population was divided into four sub-populations (POP1~POP4), and the β-glucan content in POP2 was significantly higher than that in other groups, in which most of the hulless barley landraces are from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. Among seven SNP markers identified by GWAS, two (SNP2 and SNP3) of them showed positive correlation to β-glucan trait and the remaining five (SNP1, SNP4, SNP5, SNP6 and SNP7) showed the negative relationship. Two candidate genes linked to SNP7, HORVU7Hr1G000320 and HORVU7Hr1G000040, belong to the nucleotide triphosphate hydrolase superfamily which is probable to affect the activities of β-glucan synthase. Another candidate gene associated with SNP1, HORVU1Hr1G000010, is possibly involved in sugar response. In conclusion, our results provide new insights into the genetic basis of β-glucan accumulation in barley grains, and the discovery of new SNP markers distributed in each chromosome and the associated candidate genes will be valuable for the breeding of functional barley varieties with high β-glucan.  相似文献   

Peach was domesticated in China more than four millennia ago and from there it spread world-wide. Since the middle of the last century, peach breeding programs have been very dynamic generating hundreds of new commercial varieties, however, in most cases such varieties derive from a limited collection of parental lines (founders). This is one reason for the observed low levels of variability of the commercial gene pool, implying that knowledge of the extent and distribution of genetic variability in peach is critical to allow the choice of adequate parents to confer enhanced productivity, adaptation and quality to improved varieties. With this aim we genotyped 1,580 peach accessions (including a few closely related Prunus species) maintained and phenotyped in five germplasm collections (four European and one Chinese) with the International Peach SNP Consortium 9K SNP peach array. The study of population structure revealed the subdivision of the panel in three main populations, one mainly made up of Occidental varieties from breeding programs (POP1OCB), one of Occidental landraces (POP2OCT) and the third of Oriental accessions (POP3OR). Analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) identified differential patterns of genome-wide LD blocks in each of the populations. Phenotypic data for seven monogenic traits were integrated in a genome-wide association study (GWAS). The significantly associated SNPs were always in the regions predicted by linkage analysis, forming haplotypes of markers. These diagnostic haplotypes could be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in modern breeding programs.  相似文献   

苦楝在我国分布广泛,具有丰富的遗传变异性。为进一步做好苦楝种源筛选和良种选育工作,该文对不同产地苦楝实生苗生长性状和各阶段的生长特点进行了比较分析,初步揭示了苦楝苗期生长规律。以15个产地的1年生实生苗为试材,对苗高、地径、复叶生长及生物量积累等生长性状进行了观测分析,并用Logistics方程对生长节律进行了拟合。结果表明:(1)不同产地苦楝苗高、地径生长差异均达显著水平,根生物量、茎生物量及复叶相关性状差异均达极显著性水平;(2)苗高和地径生长均呈现慢-快-慢的S型生长规律,且均存在2次生长高峰,与苗高生长高峰出现时间相比,地径生长高峰出现时间较晚;(3)Logistic拟合方程的R2为0.976~0.994,均达到极显著相关水平,说明可用Logistic方程拟合苦楝的生长节律;(4)总体上地径速生期较苗高速生期长20~30 d,北方产地苗高和地径进入速生期和结束速生期的时间均早于南方产地,速生期苗高和地径累积生长量均超过总生长量的60%;(5)各生长指标均与纬度负相关,苗高、生物量及复叶面积与经度正相关,其他指标与经度负相关。综上结果表明,苦楝为全期生长型树种,各生长性状在产地间达显著差异水平,生长受纬度和经度双重控制,以纬度控制为主。  相似文献   

格木是我国热带和南亚热带地区主要的珍稀濒危树种之一,具有重要的经济和生态价值。本文应用从格木主要天然分布区收集的6个群体的种子进行育苗试验,揭示格木天然群体子代芽苗和幼苗生长变异状况及其与种子性状、亲本环境因子间的相关性。结果表明,格木天然群体子代芽苗和幼苗表型性状在群体间和群体内均存在丰富的变异,苗高的变异高于地径,苗期选择以高生长为主。格木苗期生长与种子的大小、千粒重相关显著,胚根长度与经度、地径与年均气温、高径比与海拔均存在显著的相关性(p<0.05)。研究结果为深入开展格木良种选育奠定了基础,亦将有助于其天然资源的保护经营和人工种植业的发展。  相似文献   

To select elite materials, the growth traits of 32 Betula platyphylla clones at three separated northern sites in Northeast China were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences among all variation sources in the different investigated traits (P <0.01). Except for the carbon contents, all the coefficients of phenotypic variation of the other investigated traits were higher than 10%. The repeatability of different traits ranged from 0.760 to 0.998. Correlation analysis showed that tree height were significantly correlated with diameter at breast height, but neither was significantly correlated with leaf traits nor element contents. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis showed that genotype, environment and genotype × environment interactions were significantly different in diameter at breast height, which indicated that environment had a significant effect on genotype. Comprehensive assessment results showed that three clones with high and stable diameters at breast height were selected, and the genetic gains of diameter at breast height on sites Maoershan, Qingan, and Yongji were 21.24%, 20.58%, and 38.65%, respectively. The results could provide a theoretical basis for elite clone selection in B. platyphylla and other broad leaved species.  相似文献   

Juglans mandshurica is an economically and ecologically valuable species that is used for various construction purposes, making luxurious furniture, as food and sources of medicinal substances and landscaping because of its excellent wood, edible fruits and rich in various types of chemical compounds. In the past few decades, several genetic improvements of J. mandshurica were made, with a focus on the selection of improved varieties and on breeding technology. Many elite provenances and families were selected based on growth traits or wood properties. In recent years, with the increasing demand for high-quality seedlings in Chinese forestry production, the breeding goals of genetic improvement for J. mandshurica were redefined to include other traits, such as fruit yield and contents of medicinal component. However, the improvement processes were still slow due to the long breeding cycle and the limited use of advanced breeding technologies, resulting in the selection of fewer improved varieties. In this review, we summarized the research progresses on genetic improvements of J. mandshurica and other related works, and discussed research gaps and suggested future directions for genetic improvement of the species. The review provides valuable insight for the selection of improved varieties and production of excellent germplasms.  相似文献   

松花菜是目前我国花椰菜消费的主要类型。根肿病和黑斑病是直接影响松花菜产量及品质的重要病害。选育商品性好、高抗多抗品种是松花菜的主要育种目标之一。本研究首次建立了松花菜种质资源花球性状评价体系,从花球紧实度、球形、球面光滑度、球面颜色、球面蕾粒大小、二级侧枝长度、花梗颜色、球面长毛情况8个方面对66份松花菜自交系进行评价,并对不同性状赋值以便统计、比较。利用上述体系共筛选出11份花球性状优良的材料。采用苗期人工接种技术分别对松花菜根肿病和黑斑病抗性进行鉴定评价,结果显示无免疫根肿病材料,有2份高抗材料,9份抗病,16份中抗;无免疫和高抗黑斑病材料,有4份抗病材料,10份中抗。另外,兼抗两种病害的材料较少,其中GY-40对两种病害均表现抗病,GY-21对根肿病表现抗病,对黑斑病表现中抗,GY-39对两种病害均表现中抗。值得一提的是,GY-40性状优良且同时对根肿病和黑斑病具有较高抗性,是选育商品性好、抗病性强松花菜品种的理想亲本。本研究结果为评价松花菜种质资源花球相关性状提供了参考,对于规范资源的收集、整理和保存具有重要意义,同时为开展抗根肿病和黑斑病松花菜品种选育提供了优异材料。  相似文献   

Plant height and maturity are two critical traits in sorghum breeding. To develop molecular tools and to identify genes underlying the traits for molecular breeding, we developed 14,739 SNP markers used to genotype the complete sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] mini core collection. The collection was evaluated in four rainy and three post-rainy season environments for plant height and maturity. Association analysis identified six marker loci linked to height and ten to maturity in at least two environments with at least two SNPs in each locus. Of these, 14 were in close proximity to previously mapped height/maturity QTL in sorghum. Candidate genes for maturity or plant height close to the marker loci include a sugar transporter (SbSUC9), an auxin response factor (SbARF3), an FLC and FT regulator (SbMED12), and a photoperiod response gene (SbPPR1) for maturity and peroxidase 53, and an auxin transporter (SbLAX4) for plant height. Linkage disequilibrium analysis showed that SbPPR1 and SbARF3 were in regions with reduced sequence variation among early-maturing accessions, suggestive of past purifying selection. We also found a linkage disequilibrium block that existed only among the accessions with short plant height in rainy season environments. The block contains a gene homologous to the Arabidopsis flowering time gene, LUMINIDEPENDENS (LD). Functional LD promotes early maturity while mutation delays maturity, affecting plant height. Previous studies also found reduced sequence variations within this gene. These newly-mapped SNP markers will facilitate further efforts to identify plant height or maturity genes in sorghum.  相似文献   

An eggplant (Solanum melongena) association panel of 191 accessions, comprising a mixture of breeding lines, old varieties and landrace selections was SNP genotyped and phenotyped for key breeding fruit and plant traits at two locations over two seasons. A genome-wide association (GWA) analysis was performed using the mixed linear model, which takes into account both a kinship matrix and the sub-population membership of the accessions. Overall, 194 phenotype/genotype associations were uncovered, relating to 30 of the 33 measured traits. These associations involved 79 SNP loci mapping to 39 distinct chromosomal regions distributed over all 12 eggplant chromosomes. A comparison of the map positions of these SNPs with those of loci derived from conventional linkage mapping showed that GWA analysis both validated many of the known controlling loci and detected a large number of new marker/trait associations. Exploiting established syntenic relationships between eggplant chromosomes and those of tomato and pepper recognized orthologous regions in ten eggplant chromosomes harbouring genes influencing breeders’ traits.  相似文献   

施肥对香樟幼苗生长及养分分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施肥是苗木培育的重要方式,香樟是乡土珍稀阔叶树种,苗木培育对乡土珍稀树种的保护、繁育、推广具有极其重要的作用,施肥对苗木的生长和发育具有重要的影响。因此,为了探讨香樟幼苗生长及植物体内养分分配对施肥的响应,该研究采用正交设计,设置了氮、磷、钾3因素3水平(N、P:0、3、6 g·株-1;K:0、2、4g·株-1),对盆栽香樟幼苗进行指数施肥。结果表明:(1)氮肥对香樟幼苗苗高、地径、生物量的影响最为显著,磷肥和钾肥的影响则较小;(2)氮素在香樟幼苗叶、茎、根中的分布状况主要受氮肥的影响,磷素在香樟幼苗叶、茎、根中的分布状况主要受氮肥和磷肥的影响,钾素在香樟幼苗叶、茎、根中的分布状况主要受钾肥的影响;(3)香樟幼苗的苗高生长与叶片氮含量、叶片磷含量呈显著正相关(P0.05),地径生长与茎氮含量呈显著正相关(P0.05),叶生物量与叶片氮含量、叶片磷含量呈显著正相关(P0.05),茎生物量与叶片磷含量呈显著正相关(P0.05);(4)综合分析得出,对香樟幼苗苗高、地径生长,以及枝叶生物量积累最具促进作用的施肥水平为氮肥(6 g·株-1)、磷肥(6 g·株-1)、钾肥(4 g·株-1)。  相似文献   

Information on the genetic diversity of wild rice species in Sri Lanka is relatively meagre, though it plays a key role in crop improvement programs of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). The present study was carried out to identify the morphological variation pattern of the wild populations of O. nivara in Sri Lanka. Seven populations (P1 to P7) collected from different agro-ecological regions were characterized in a common garden based on nine morphological traits. The findings revealed a high level of phenotypic variation between populations when compared to within a population. The most variable traits were the flag leaf panicle neck length (FLPNL) and flag leaf angle (FLA), whereas the least variable trait was the flag leaf length (FLL). Box plots clearly illustrated the large differentiation of phenotypic traits in the entire distribution of wild rice populations. The cumulative values of the two principal components, i.e., FLPNL and FLA, explained 58.7% of the total variance. Populations from similar natural habitats clustered together. The P7 was adapted to intercept more sunlight by increasing flag leaf width (FLW) and FLA to compete with weeds and other shrubs. P2 and P5 were the most closely related populations representing approximately similar ecological conditions of the dry zone. The P3 population from the intermediate zone showed a vigorous plant growth with the highest plant height, culm girth and awn length (P < 0.05). Knowledge of such morphological diversity would facilitate designing conservation strategies and basic information for the proper utilization of wild resources in rice genetic improvement.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were evaluated for growth and cone characteristics (tree height, diameter at breast height, volume, cone number, thousand seeds weight and single cone seeds weight) on 86 half-sib families of Pinus koraiensis aged 31 years. Analyses of variance revealed significant differences (p < 0.001) in all growth and cone traits among families while no significant differences were detected among blocks and the interaction between blocks and families. The average family values for growth traits were 17.22 m, 8.67 cm and 0.43 m3 for tree height, diameter at breast height and volume, respectively. The average cone number, thousand seeds weight and single cone seeds weight were 17.57, 748.91 g and 77.25 g, respectively. Genotypic additive variance and phenotypic variances ranged from 0.00009 to 3.820 and from 0.0005 to 23.066, while genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation ranged from 2.693% to 37.196% and 4.963% to 60.595%, respectively. Heritability at the individual and family level ranged from 0.152 to 0.215 and 0.611 to 0.862, respectively. Growth traits were significantly positively correlated with each other, but cone traits showed a weak correlation with growth traits. Based on 10% selection rate, nine families each were selected as elite materials in terms of high performance in volume and cone numbers, with 22.16% and 43.82% genetic gain in volume and cone number, respectively. These results provide beneficial information to select excellent families and establish orchards of P. koraiensis from improved seeds.  相似文献   

The advances in genotyping technology provide an opportunity to use genomic tools in crop breeding. As compared to field selections performed in conventional breeding programmes, genomics‐based genotype screen can potentially reduce number of breeding cycles and more precisely integrate target genes for particular traits into an ideal genetic background. We developed a whole‐genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, RICE6K, based on Infinium technology, using representative SNPs selected from more than four million SNPs identified from resequencing data of more than 500 rice landraces. RICE6K contains 5102 SNP and insertion–deletion (InDel) markers, about 4500 of which were of high quality in the tested rice lines producing highly repeatable results. Forty‐five functional markers that are located inside 28 characterized genes of important traits can be detected using RICE6K. The SNP markers are evenly distributed on the 12 chromosomes of rice with the average density of 12 SNPs per 1 Mb and can provide information for polymorphisms between indica and japonica subspecies as well as varieties within indica and japonica groups. Application tests of RICE6K showed that the array is suitable for rice germplasm fingerprinting, genotyping bulked segregating pools, seed authenticity check and genetic background selection. These results suggest that RICE6K provides an efficient and reliable genotyping tool for rice genomic breeding.  相似文献   

Coffee species such as Coffea canephora P. (Robusta) and C. arabica L. (Arabica) are important cash crops in tropical regions around the world. C. arabica is an allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 44) originating from a hybridization event of the two diploid species C. canephora and C. eugenioides (2n = 2x = 22). Interestingly, these progenitor species harbour a greater level of genetic variability and are an important source of genes to broaden the narrow Arabica genetic base. Here, we describe the development, evaluation and use of a single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array for coffee trees. A total of 8580 unique and informative SNPs were selected from C. canephora and C. arabica sequencing data, with 40% of the SNP located in annotated genes. In particular, this array contains 227 markers associated to 149 genes and traits of agronomic importance. Among these, 7065 SNPs (~82.3%) were scorable and evenly distributed over the genome with a mean distance of 54.4 Kb between markers. With this array, we improved the Robusta high‐density genetic map by adding 1307 SNP markers, whereas 945 SNPs were found segregating in the Arabica mapping progeny. A panel of C. canephora accessions was successfully discriminated and over 70% of the SNP markers were transferable across the three species. Furthermore, the canephora‐derived subgenome of C. arabica was shown to be more closely related to C. canephora accessions from northern Uganda than to other current populations. These validated SNP markers and high‐density genetic maps will be useful to molecular genetics and for innovative approaches in coffee breeding.  相似文献   



Spring wheat is the largest agricultural crop grown in Kazakhstan with an annual sowing area of 12 million hectares in 2016. Annually, the country harvests around 15 million tons of high quality grain. Despite environmental stress factors it is predicted that the use of new technologies may lead to increases in productivity from current levels of 1.5 to up to 3 tons per hectare. One way of improving wheat productivity is by the application of new genomic oriented approaches in plant breeding projects. Genome wide association studies (GWAS) are emerging as powerful tools for the understanding of the inheritance of complex traits via utilization of high throughput genotyping technologies and phenotypic assessments of plant collections. In this study, phenotyping and genotyping data on 194 spring wheat accessions from Kazakhstan, Russia, Europe, and CIMMYT were assessed for the identification of marker-trait associations (MTA) of agronomic traits by using GWAS.


Field trials in Northern, Central and Southern regions of Kazakhstan using 194 spring wheat accessions revealed strong correlations of yield with booting date, plant height, biomass, number of spikes per plant, and number of kernels per spike. The accessions from Europe and CIMMYT showed high breeding potential for Southern and Central regions of the country in comparison with the performance of the local varieties. The GGE biplot method, using average yield per plant, suggested a clear separation of accessions into their three breeding origins in relationship to the three environments in which they were evaluated. The genetic variation in the three groups of accessions was further studied using 3245 polymorphic SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers. The application of Principal Coordinate analysis clearly grouped the 194 accessions into three clades according to their breeding origins. GWAS on data from nine field trials allowed the identification of 114 MTAs for 12 different agronomic traits.


Field evaluation of foreign germplasm revealed its poor yield performance in Northern Kazakhstan, which is the main wheat growing region in the country. However, it was found that EU and CIMMYT germplasm has high breeding potential to improve yield performance in Central and Southern regions. The use of Principal Coordinate analysis clearly separated the panel into three distinct groups according to their breeding origin. GWAS based on use of the TASSEL 5.0 package allowed the identification of 114 MTAs for twelve agronomic traits. The study identifies a network of key genes for improvement of yield productivity in wheat growing regions of Kazakhstan.

Phytochemicals such as phenolics and flavonoids in rice grain are antioxidants that are associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes and some cancers. Understanding the genetic basis of these traits is necessary for the improvement of nutritional quality by breeding. Association mapping based on linkage disequilibrium has emerged as a powerful strategy for identifying genes or quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying complex traits in plants. In this study, genome-wide association mapping using models controlling both population structure (Q) and relative kinship (K) were performed to identify the marker loci/QTLs underlying the naturally occurring variations of grain color and nutritional quality traits in 416 rice germplasm accessions including red and black rice. A total of 41 marker loci were identified for all the traits, and it was confirmed that Ra (i.e., Prp-b for purple pericarp) and Rc (brown pericarp and seed coat) genes were main-effect loci for rice grain color and nutritional quality traits. RM228, RM339, fgr (fragrance gene) and RM316 were important markers associated with most of the traits. Association mapping for the traits of the 361 white or non-pigmented rice accessions (i.e., excluding the red and black rice) revealed a total of 11 markers for four color parameters, and one marker (RM346) for phenolic content. Among them, Wx gene locus was identified for the color parameters of lightness (L*), redness (a*) and hue angle (H o). Our study suggested that the markers identified in this study can feasibly be used to improve nutritional quality or health benefit properties of rice by marker-assisted selection if the co-segregations of the marker–trait associations are validated in segregating populations.  相似文献   

Although root architecture has been shown to play an important role in crop performance, particularly under drought conditions, no information is available on the genetic control of root traits in durum wheat, a crop largely grown in rainfed areas with low rainfall. In our study, a panel of 57 elite durum wheat accessions were evaluated under controlled conditions for root and shoot traits at the seedling stage. Significant genetic variability was detected for all the root and shoot traits that were investigated. Correlation analysis suggested that root and shoot features were only partially controlled by common sets of genes. The high linkage disequilibrium (up to 5 cM) present in the germplasm collection herein considered allowed us to use simple sequence repeat‐based association mapping to identify chromosome regions with significant effects on the investigated traits. In total, 15 chromosome regions showed significant effects on one or more root architectural features. A number of these regions also influenced shoot traits and, in some cases, plant height measured in field conditions. Major effects were detected on chromosome arms 2AL (at Xgwm294), 7AL (at Xcfa2257 and Xgwm332) and 7BL (at Xgwm577 and Xcfa2040). The accessions with the most remarkable differences in root features will provide a valuable opportunity to assemble durum wheat mapping populations well suited for ascertaining the effects of root architecture on water use efficiency and grain yield.  相似文献   

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