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应用植物生长延缓剂粉锈宁于菜心离你快速繁殖,试验结果表明,低浓度(1—5μmol/L)的粉锈宁可以明显提高菜心茎尖继代培养时芽的繁殖系数.同时发现低浓度粉锈宁可降低试管苗的玻璃化程度,促进叶片数增加,改善试管苗生长状况,有利于壮苗培育.适当提高粉锈宁浓度还具有促进试管苗生根的作用.粉锈宁可作为一种优良的植物生长调节剂用于菜心离体快速繁殖。  相似文献   

菊花离体快速繁殖的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐巍 《生物技术》1993,3(2):18-21
用MS基本培养基附加植物生长调节剂,进行了菊花离体快速繁殖试验。以幼叶为外植体在附加不同生长素的培寿基上诱导愈伤组织后进行分化培养。结果表明,2.OppmNAA上的愈伤组织诱导率最高,0.5ppmBA上的不定芽分化率最高。用不同浓度NAA与BA的组合进行分化试验,其方差分析结果说明0.1ppmNAA+0.5ppmBA是分化培养的最佳激素组合。无根苗在MS无激素培寿基上诱导生根,28天后移栽成活率达到85%。  相似文献   

从皱叶肾蕨卷曲叶尖的离体培养中所诱导的绿色球状物(GGB)为中间继代物,建立了组培快速繁殖方法,并发现,在一定量 NAA配合下,BA有利于GGB的诱导,2iP促进丛生苗的再生,IBA可能对丛生苗上匍匐茎的诱导有促进作用。  相似文献   

本文报道了在普通塑判温室内进行试管苗移栽的试验结果,提出了用离体培养法结合常规栽培技术,及季节特点大规模无性繁殖草莓苗的生产程序。试管苗出现复叶(成年叶)是适合移栽的形态指标;硅石是试管苗良好的移栽基质。简要报道了试管苗的田间表现。  相似文献   

香蕉小茎尖培养和快速繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚军  刘春惠  林荣   《广西植物》1991,11(2):181-185
本文报道14个香蕉品种或品系进行小茎尖离体培养繁殖无病苗。小茎尖培养在改良MS培养基中,附加BA2.0—5.0mg/l,试验结果显示,BA明显促进芽的形成和增殖,随着BA浓度的增高,形成的芽苗数也随着增多。各品种均能诱导丛生芽,但品种间的繁殖率有很大差异。低浓度的Kt或BA有利于诱导生根。培养的试管苗经检验为无病苗。  相似文献   

940099形成甘薯不定苗植株的有益效离体再生方法〔会,英〕/prakash,C.S.…了Hortscience一1993,25(4)。一262仁译自DBA,1993,12(16),93-09290〕 筛选出27种甘薯基因型,经鉴别其中5种具有高繁殖性(315546一s、PI531i43、HIDry、Roj-oblanco和Beauregard)。将来自离体苗顶部的具完整叶柄的叶外植体置于补加0.2现/12,4一D的MS培养基上培养3夭,然后转到含。.Zmg/1玉米素核昔的培养基上,30天内高频增殖形成苗(60一80%)外植体。此外,用o.Zmg/1 thidiazuron取代玉米素核昔,可由叶柄(0.5一Icm)外植体增殖出苗。’叶柄外植体能有效(8。~90%)…  相似文献   

邹琦丽  姚军  林荣   《广西植物》1993,13(2):144-145+198
报道6个香蕉品种的小茎尖离体繁殖无病苗中芽产生的细胞学观察。小茎尖在改良MS附加BA 3.0 mg/l的培养基上培养,5天后可以看见外植体基部膨大,10天后叶原基伸长、转绿,20天后长出叶子形成苗。20—30天左右,所形成苗的两侧表皮下的薄壁细胞转化为分生细胞,形成芽原基,继续分化形成芽,一般芽数为2—3个。  相似文献   

高等植物细胞突变体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
引言植物细胞和组织培养研究的是人工控制的、无菌的条件下培养植物的离体部分,它的培养和繁殖,及其有关的生物学问题。利用植物组织培养材料遗传的保守性,有;种质库、无性系快速繁殖(试管苗)和生产有用化合物等方面的研究与应用。利用其遗传的变异性,则  相似文献   

离体条件下沙枣的形态解剖学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在离体培养条件下,沙枣(Eiaeagnus angustifolia L.)苗分正常苗和异常苗两种类型。正常苗的株型、叶的形状和颜色与自然条件下的实生苗完全相同,所不同的是试管正常苗的叶肉中无栅栏组织,整个叶肉组织全被具叶绿体的同形薄壁细胞所充塞,无典型的表皮细胞和主脉不发达。显然在离体培养条件下,沙枣已丧失其旱性结构特征,异常苗变化更大。株型呈莲座状,园棒状等多种形态。其解剖学结构基本上不保持模式叶的形态特征。叶肉不分化,细胞不含叶绿体。茎的解剖学结构也有类似现象,主要表现在输导组织发育不良。  相似文献   

本试验对条叶龙胆(Gentiana manshurica)离体根生长的培养基种类、光、通气进行了试验,并在此基础上用正交试验法对影响离体根生长的7个主要成分进行了试验。找出了适合条叶龙胆离体根生长和鲜重增加的培养基是white+CH 50 mg/L, IBA 0.1 mg/L, 基本培养中相应的VB1改为0.5 mg/L,蔗糖30 g/L,pH4。  相似文献   

大花金挖耳愈伤组织诱导与增殖   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以大花金挖耳无菌苗的子叶、下胚轴和根为外植体,进行愈伤组织诱导与增殖研究。结果表明:大花金挖耳无菌苗的根是诱导愈伤组织的理想外植体;其愈伤组织诱导的最适培养基为:B5 3.0mg/L NAA 0.2mg/L6-BA,诱导率可达100%;愈伤组织的增殖在45g/L的蔗糖、pH5.7、光照12h/d培养条件下可延迟愈伤组织褐化出现的时间,并维持其良好的组织结构,愈伤组织的最适继代周期为30~40d。  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) in the synovial fluids and serum of patients with arthritis have been implicated in the joint tissue destruction associated with these conditions, however studies conducted to date on the role and effects of IL-6 in the process of cartilage proteoglycan (aggrecan) catabolism are disparate. In the present study, bovine articular cartilage explants were maintained in a model organ culture system in the presence or absence of IL-1alpha or TNF-alpha, and under co-stimulation with or without IL-6 and/or sIL-6R. After measuring proteoglycan loss from the explants, the proteolytic activity and expression profiles of aggrecanase(s) was assessed for each culture condition. Stimulation of cartilage explants with IL-6 and/or sIL-6R potentiated aggrecan catabolism and release above that seen in the presence of IL-1alpha or TNF-alpha alone. This catabolism was associated with aggrecanase (but not MMP) activity, with correlative mRNA expression for aggrecanase-2.  相似文献   

滇东南大围山地区远志科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉茎远志 新种 图 1PolygalacarnosicaulisW .H .Chen&Y .M .Shui,sp .nov .Fig .1(Sect .PseudoseneiocardiumAdema)SpeciesP laceiCraibetP isocarpaeChodataffinis ,sedcaulecarnoso ,4 - 6mmdiam ,seminumtestislaevibus ,punctatisnonverrucatisdiffert.Herbaannua ,10 - 30cmalta .Radixlignosa .Cau…  相似文献   

中国梁王茶属植物纪要   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在有关模式和产地标本研究的基础上 ,依据Wen&Frodin对该属植物的处理方式 ,对中国梁王茶属MetapanaxFrodinexJ .Wen&Frodin (=NothopanaxMiq .)植物的原有两个变种贡山梁王茶 (Nothopanaxdavidii (Franch .)HarmsexDielsvar.gongshangensisShang)、尾叶梁王茶 (Nothopanaxdelavayi (Franch .)HarmsexDielsvar.longicaudatusFeng)进行了分类学修订。结果将Nothopanaxdavidii (Franch .)HarmsexDielsvar .gongshangensisShang归入异叶梁王茶Metapanaxdavidii (Franch .)FrodinexJ .Wen&Frodin (=Nothopanaxdavidii (Franch .)HarmsexDiels)做为该种的新异名 ;并将尾叶梁王茶Nothopanaxdelavayi (Franch .)HarmsexDielsvar .longicaudatusFeng移入Metapanax属下 ,命名为Metapanaxdelavayi (Franch .)FrodinexJ .Wen&Frodinvar .longicaudatus (Feng)R .Li&H .Li;此外 ,对国内有关专著中梁王茶属植物的学名作了相应的订正。  相似文献   

悬钩子属部分类群的分类订正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李维林  贺善安 《植物研究》2001,21(3):346-349
根据野外调查和查阅标本的结果, 对悬钩子属部分类群做了修订。将红毛悬钩子(R.pinfaensis Lévl.et Vant.)并入椭圆悬钩子(R.ellipticus Smith), 栽秧泡(R.ellipticus Smithvar.obcordatus (Franch.)Focke)提升为种(R.obcordatus (Franch.)Focke);棱枝细瘦悬钩子(R.macilentus Camb.var.angulatus Delav.)并入细瘦悬钩子(R.macilentus Camb.);毛叶插田泡(R.coreanus Miq.var.tomentosus Card.)并入插田泡(R.coreanus Miq.);狭叶绢毛悬钩子(R.lineatus Reinw.var.angustifolius Hook.)并入绢毛悬钩子(R.lineatus Reinw.)。对针刺悬钩子(R.pungens Camb.)及其各变种做了订正。  相似文献   

Embryo induction and regeneration from suspension culture of two Medicago truncatula cvs. (cv. R 108 1 and cv. Jemalong) have been studied. The influence of osmotic pre-treatment (1 M solution of sucrose for 48 h and 72 h) of roots as an initial explant, on embryogenic efficiency of the suspension culture was assessed. In comparison to the control, the level of abscisic acid (ABA) increased significantly after osmotic stress. The increased ABA level did not correlate with the induction of embryogenesis neither with the improved embryogenic potential of cv. R 108 1. The shortest regeneration period and the highest percent of conversion to plants were found in cv. R 108 1 after 72-h pre-treatment of roots. The efficiency of somatic embryo conversion was less after 48-h pre-treatment and much less for the untreated control. Osmotic stress did not positively affect the process of embryogenesis from root explants of cv. Jemalong, confirming its cultivar dependence. A single cell suspension fraction was produced in both Medicago trunacatula cvs. during the somatic embryo maturation stage. A higher embryogenic potential than the initial suspension culture was established only for the cell suspension originating from 72-h pre-treated roots of cv. R 108 1. The data confirms that the process of somatic embryo induction and embryo conversion from root explants of cv. R 108 1 could be promoted by osmotic stress pre-treatment.  相似文献   

The natural hybridization that occurs between two sympatric species of Rhododendron subgenus Hymenanthes in Yunnan, China, was investigated. In field observations, it was noted that the putative hybrids between R. delavayi Franch. and R. cyanocarpum (Franch.) Franch. ex W.W. Sm. had intermediate morphologies. On the basis of morphology, chloroplast DNA (trnL-rpl32) and nuclear DNA (waxy), hybrids and parental species were identified. Hybridization occurred in both directions, but was asymmetrical, with R. delavayi as the major maternal parent. Reciprocal hand pollination treatments showed that either species, as pollen donor or pollen receiver, could produce fruits. It was noted that fruit set varied among treatments. The same pollinators (bumblebees) were shared in both parental species. From these results, we conclude that individuals with intermediate morphologies are indeed of hybrid origin from natural hybridization between R. cyanocarpum and R. delavayi. Furthermore, we presume the hybridization at the study site could have been initiated by habitat disturbance in the 1950s, and we may hence witness the early stages of hybrid swarm formation.  相似文献   



In order to determine whether human prostate can be productively infected by HIV-1 strains with different tropism, and thus represent a potential source of HIV in semen, an organotypic culture of prostate from men undergoing prostatic adenomectomy for benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) was developed. The presence of potential HIV target cells in prostate tissues was investigated using immunohistochemistry. The infection of prostate explants following exposures with HIV-1 R5, R5X4 and X4 strains was analyzed through the measure of RT activity in culture supernatants, the quantification of HIV DNA in the explants and the detection of HIV RNA+ cells in situ.


The overall prostate characteristics were retained for 21/2 weeks in culture. Numerous potential HIV-1 target cells were detected in the prostate stroma. Whilst HIV-1 R5SF162 strain consistently productively infected prostatic T lymphocytes and macrophages, the prototypic X4IIIB strain and a primary R5X4 strain showed less efficient replication in this organ.


The BPH prostate is a site of HIV-1 R5 replication that could contribute virus to semen. A limited spreading of HIV-1 X4 and R5X4 in this organ could participate to the preferential sexual transmission of HIV-1 R5 strains.  相似文献   

Authors report here the establishment of an efficient transformation system for Gynosternrna pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino using Agrobacteriurn rhizogenes R1600. Hairy roots appeared on leaf explants 10 days after inoculation with the bacteria . Frequency of the explants transformed by R1600 was up to 94%. Transformation was confirmed by Southern analysis. Biomass of hairy root cultures suspended in hormone-free MS medium increased 9 times after 20 days of incubation. There was no callus formation on the hairy roots during suspension culture. Saponin content in the hairy root cultures was about 2 times as much as in the natural roots, saponins of the hairy root cultures were also released into growth medium as well.  相似文献   

以东亚砂藓(Racomitrium japonicum)配子体为外植体,比较了不同消毒液对消毒效果的影响,对接种消毒外植体的培养基进行了尝试性筛选,并研究了蔗糖浓度对东亚砂藓配子体生长的影响。结果显示,将东亚砂藓配子体用2%洗洁精溶液浸泡数分钟后,再用0.02%的升汞处理45-60S的消毒效果最佳;有机培养基是无菌外植体接种的最佳培养基;3%的蔗糖更有利于无菌外植体产生的原丝体团和幼嫩配子体的生长。  相似文献   

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