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用马铃薯人工饲养马铃薯块茎蛾的方法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
桂富荣  李正跃 《昆虫知识》2003,40(2):187-189
介绍一种马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaeaoperculella的室内人工饲养方法。在人工养虫室内用 1 0 %的蜂蜜水喂养成虫 ,用滤纸收集卵块 ,幼虫在薯块上饲养 ,化蛹于牛皮纸卷成的纸筒中 ,饲养结果发现马铃薯块茎蛾完成 1代大约需要 35~ 4 6d ,室内连续饲养块茎蛾 3代 ,卵的孵化率、幼虫化蛹率、成虫羽化率均在 90 %以上。  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾人工饲料及饲养技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了人工继代繁殖甜菜夜蛾饲料配方及饲养方法 ,测定了各虫态发育历期、幼虫死亡率、化蛹率、羽化率、蛹畸形率及不同世代蛹重。采用改进的饲料配方饲养的深圳种群 ,第 2代幼虫死亡率、化蛹率、蛹畸形率、羽化率分别为 7 8% ,97 3 % ,2 7%和 93 8% ,第 2 ,5 ,9,1 2代平均单头蛹重分别为 1 1 9 7± 1 6 1 ,98 3± 1 1 4,94 3± 1 2 6和 82 4± 9 6mg,平均单雌产卵量分别为 1 1 3 7 2± 63 3 ,684 5± 5 3 7,45 6 9± 40 2和 3 91 7± 45 6粒。人工饲养的甜菜夜蛾 ,卵、幼虫、蛹、雌性成虫的发育历期分别为 2 5~3 5 ,1 0~ 1 2 5 ,7~ 8 5和 8~ 1 4天 ,完成一个世代需要 2 1~ 2 5天。  相似文献   

【目的】了解低含水量饲料对黑水虻Hermetia illucens生长发育的影响。【方法】在27℃、RH 80%、光周期14L∶10D的饲养条件下,以含水量70%人工饲料饲养黑水虻为对照,比较饲料含水量降为30%和50%时黑水虻幼虫的存活率、幼虫体重、雌雄成虫体长、羽化率以及不同发育阶段持续时间等生物学参数与对照组的差异。【结果】30%和50%含水量饲料饲养幼虫平均体重与对照幼虫相比显著降低(P<0.05),30%和50%含水量两个处理间体重亦有显著差异(P<0.05)。黑水虻幼虫不能在含水量30%的人工饲料中发育至预蛹,大部分幼虫至13 d时死亡。50%含水量饲料饲养幼虫比对照延迟5 d出现预蛹,滞后14 d结束预蛹,预蛹过程耗时18 d,比对照延长8 d;50%含水量饲料饲养雌雄虫比对照成虫体长显著缩短(P<0.05),雌雄成虫羽化时间亦比对照延后5 d,雌雄成虫羽化历期均为18 d,比对照增加5 d;50%含水量饲料饲养黑水虻自卵孵化至蛹全部羽化为成虫所需时间比对照延长10.67 d,所需时间为55.67 d,而对照仅需45.00 d;但是50%含水量饲料饲养幼虫存活率和成虫羽化率与对照相比差异均不显著(P>0.05)。【结论】含水量低于70%的人工饲料不利于黑水虻的生长发育。  相似文献   

二次正交旋转回归设计在小菜蛾饲料配方筛选中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫美华  庞雄飞 《生态学报》2007,27(7):2935-2941
应用二次正交旋转回归组合设计方法,筛选小菜蛾半合成人工饲料配方,以化蛹率为目标函数建立了二次回归模型,通过统计寻优获得的优化配方为:每100g人工饲料中,麦芽5g、蔗糖3.5g、菜叶粉5g、干酪素3g、螺旋藻0.75g。在温度24~26℃,相对湿度60%~70%,光照周期为13L∶11D的条件下,用该优化配方饲养小菜蛾,幼虫期8.45d,蛹期4.5d,初孵幼虫至成虫羽化的历期平均12.95d,化蛹率74.7%,羽化率94.9%,蛹重5.14mg/头,雌虫平均寿命9.5d,雄虫寿命13.5d,每雌产卵量135.67粒。与发芽菜苗饲养相比,存活率和发育速度无显著差异,蛹重和产卵量显著增加。该饲料价格低廉,配制和应用管理方便,饲养过程中不必更换饲料。  相似文献   

[目的]为了研究马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella(Zeller)幼虫的饲养密度对生殖的影响。[方法]本实验研究并比较了两种幼虫密度(15头/130 g块茎、45头/130 g块茎)的马铃薯块茎蛾成虫按照1:5和1:1比例交配后代的产卵量、畸形卵率、孵化率、化蛹率、羽化率、性比等生物学参数。[结果]高幼虫密度饲养的马铃薯块茎蛾化蛹率、羽化率、存活率、性比均显著较低,而幼虫~蛹的历期显著短于正常幼虫密度的。两种密度成虫按1:5头配对产卵,若雄性亲本为高幼虫密度饲养则卵的孵化率显著较低,若雌性亲本为高幼虫密度饲养则产卵量较低,畸形卵率显著较高。两种密度雌雄虫均为5头进行配对时,正常幼虫密度雌虫其所产卵的畸形率显著较低,产卵量、卵孵化率均显著较高,后代幼虫历期、化蛹率显著较高。而高幼虫密度雌虫其所产卵则受雄虫影响,亲代为高密度雄虫则畸形率较低,孵化率较高。[结论]高幼虫密度饲养的雄、雌虫生殖活力均降低。高幼虫密度雌虫可受高幼虫密度雄虫的诱导提高生殖能力,并影响其后代性比从而调节其种群动态。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一套简便、实用的棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera常规人工饲养技术及饲养流程。1~3龄幼虫用养虫罐群体饲养,4龄至化蛹用24孔养虫盒单头饲养。成虫饲喂10%蜂蜜水,在成虫产卵笼中把卵产在脱脂纱布上。饲养过程中应重点关注成虫所处空间的湿度、卵和蛹表面的消毒,以及饲养器具和材料的消毒和灭菌、饲养环境光周期等技术要点。本文还对人工饲养过程中的一些关键问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

棉铃虫饲养技术与流程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一套简便、实用的棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera常规人工饲养技术及饲养流程。1~3龄幼虫用养虫罐群体饲养,4龄至化蛹用24孔养虫盒单头饲养。成虫饲喂10%蜂蜜水,在成虫产卵笼中把卵产在脱脂纱布上。饲养过程中应重点关注成虫所处空间的湿度、卵和蛹表面的消毒,以及饲养器具和材料的消毒和灭菌、饲养环境光周期等技术要点。本文还对人工饲养过程中的一些关键问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

【目的】为明确短时高温对绿豆象Callosobruchus chinensis (L.)各虫态及其后虫态生长发育与繁殖能力的影响。【方法】以27℃饲养的绿豆象为对照,在30、33、36、39、42和45℃条件下分别对绿豆象卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫进行3 h的短时高温处理。【结果】短时高温对绿豆象卵的孵化率、幼虫的化蛹率和蛹的羽化率均有显著影响,但对卵和幼虫的后续发育影响不显著;幼虫耐高温的能力最强,经短时高温处理后化蛹率均在90%以上;蛹经45℃短时高温处理后虽表现出较高的羽化率,但羽化后成虫的寿命和产卵量均显著降低。卵期、幼虫期和成虫期绿豆象对短时高温的耐受性均有性别差异,其中,卵期和蛹期雄虫耐热性强于雌虫,成虫期雌虫强于雄虫。短时高温处理对绿豆象成虫的繁殖能力影响显著,经45℃处理后成虫的产卵量为32.30粒/头,显著低于对照。【结论】39℃以上的短时高温对绿豆象处理虫态及雌雄性别比有明显的影响,对其后虫态发育的影响仅见高温处理蛹后导致成虫繁殖能力下降。  相似文献   

空心莲子草叶甲室内大量繁殖研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了大量繁殖供环境释放的空心莲子草叶甲Agasicles hygrophila以实现空心莲子草区域减灾, 我们探索出室内大量饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的方法与流程, 包括用叶片法或苗水培法孵化卵粒、用盒养法饲养各龄幼虫与成虫并供成虫产卵、用栽培活苗笼养法化蛹羽化。在室内成虫终日均能取食、交配、产卵, 产卵前期约4~5 d, 产卵高峰期在羽化后第7~24 天, 每雌平均产卵21.08块, 约570粒。盒养法叶片平均可着卵4.28块, 叶背与叶面着卵量相近; 笼养法叶片平均着卵为1.46块, 卵主要产于叶背。盒养法与笼养法得到的卵孵化率分别为94.02%与92.50%。空心莲子草叶甲除化蛹需在栽培活苗上完成外, 各龄幼虫与成虫均可用离体新鲜苗盒养法密集饲养。初孵1龄幼虫转株(叶)期、3龄老熟幼虫转化蛹苗期是室内大量饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的关键时期, 高密度成功饲养与繁殖空心莲子草叶甲的最适化蛹接虫量是每株8头, 产卵期雌虫的最适密度是每株5头。  相似文献   

通过从棉田和玉米田采回的第 4代老熟幼虫的化蛹率和羽化率观察 ,发现棉田和玉米田的老熟幼虫化蛹率分别为 65%~ 83 0 5%和 55%~ 80 % ,其化蛹后的羽化率分别为 1 0 %~ 87%和 1 3 %~77% ,而且 2种寄主作物间无显著差异。由此进一步分析了棉田和玉米田老熟幼虫的有效越冬虫率和有效越冬虫量 ,作者认为 8月 3 1日至 9月 1 0日是棉铃虫老熟幼虫有效越冬虫量的主要来源期 ,且棉田显著高于玉米田 ,构成了第 2年棉铃虫种群发生基础。  相似文献   

We studied ovipositional synergists and artificial diets for rearing Trichogramma australicum. Artificial "diet A" included 40% haemolymph of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) final instar larvae, 30% of a 10% malt solution in deionised water, 20% chicken egg yolk and 10% Neisenheimer's salt solution with 76 units Penicillin and 76 units Streptomycin/ml diet. Artificial "diet B" was identical except Grace's insect medium® replaced Neisenheimer's salt solution. the number of T. australicum larvae in artificial eggs filled with diet A and diet B was not significantly different (P > 0.05). Significantly fewer (P < 0.05) larvae developed to pupae and adults in artificial eggs filled with diet A. Quantity and quality of artificial diet affected the mortality of T. australicum larvae reared in vitro. Ovipositional synergists included 10% gelatine solution, 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution or 1% agar solution in deionised water. Synergist test-solutions were individually smeared on the external surface of artificial eggs (hemispherical depressions in plastic membrane). Eggs laid and number of T. australicum larvae produced were significantly higher in artificial eggs smeared with gelatine than artificial eggs smeared with polyvinyl alcohol, agar or non-smeared (control) eggs.  相似文献   

Methods for large-scale rearing and handling of the tortricid,Bactra verutana Zeller, were developed for early-season augmentation of this insect to biologically control purple nutsedge,Cyperus rotundus L., and yellow nutsedge,C. esculentus L. A modified soybean flour-wheat germ larval diet, originally developed for the sugarcane borer,Diatraea saccharalis (L.), yielded pupae equal in weight to pupae from larvae reared on the standardBactra casein-wheat germ diet in an earlier test. An oviposition cage, constructed of 3.1-mm mesh hardware cloth in the form of a cylinder 17 cm high and 15 cm in diameter and wrapped with sheets of clear polyethylene, provided the rough-textured surface necessary for maximum oviposition. Although crowded, each female laid an average of 257 eggs, all on the polyethylene wrappers, which equaled or exceeded average producion in smooth-surfaced cages (168–204 / ♀). The sheets of eggs were placed in Erlenmeyer flasks from which the newly-hatched larvae were removed from the flasks by swirling 200 ml corn cob grits around in each flask. This procedure killed or injured 10 % of the larvae. With this techique an average 90, 500 living larvae were produced per day for field release over an 87-day period. When 22.5-ml cups of diet containing pupae were dumped in piles in screen cages or when the diet with pupae was removed from each cup and placed in a pile in the cages, only 40 % of the moths were recovered. The recovery rate was 75 % from cups nested in crossstacked 36-cell trays placed in cages. Collecting the moths for field release by aspirating 200 of them into 2-liter flasks had no effect on fecundity. With this method an average 2,675 adults were produced per day for field release over a 95-day period.  相似文献   

We tested artificial diets for rearing the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima, a serious invasive pest of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in Southeast Asia. We examined three artificial diets that were identical except for their agar content. The survival rate from hatching to adult emergence was 26.0% when beetles were reared on a ‘soft diet’ (20 g/l agar), 16.0% on a ‘hard diet’ (40 g/l agar), and 41.0% on a ‘mixed diet’, in which the hard diet was used for the first instar and the soft diet for later instars. Females raised as larvae on the mixed diet and then as adults on the soft diet laid few eggs, which did not hatch. However, females reared on the mixed diet as larvae and then on fresh leaves as adults consistently laid eggs that hatched. We then examined the suitability of B. longissima larvae reared on the mixed diet as hosts for the larval parasitoid Asecodes hispinarum, a specialist parasitoid of this beetle. Of the oviposited hosts, 75.0% became mummified and 41.7% produced adult wasps. These results indicate that the mixed diet may be useful for rearing B. longissima larvae as hosts for the rearing of A. hispinarum.  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同交配时长对广聚萤叶甲雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率的影响。【方法】在室内条件下,对不同交配时长下广聚萤叶甲的雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率进行观察:(1)选取羽化第3d的广聚萤叶甲雌雄虫随机配对,观察24 h,记录交配情况和时长;(2)在交配开始1、5、15、30、60 min时,强行分开雌雄成虫,然后将不同交配时长的雌虫进行单独饲养,以正常交配一次的雌虫作为对照,每个处理选取23组;(3)将15~30 cm健壮豚草小苗插入注满水的塑料小瓶内,将配对的一组雌雄成虫和豚草小苗放入养虫盒中饲养,每天更换带卵的小苗并记录叶片上的产卵量;(4)将上述带卵的小苗至于适宜条件下培养,记录5~7 d内卵块孵化的情况。【结果】广聚萤叶甲正常交配一次的对照组的产卵水平显著高于各处理组,单雌产卵为889粒,交配时间15 min以下各组雌虫的产卵量明显低于交配30 min以上的各组雌虫。同时交配时长5 min以下雌虫产的卵基本不能孵化,而交配时间达到30 min以上的各组卵块的孵化率明显提高。【结论】雄虫转移雌虫受精所需精子量需要耗费的时间为30 min左右,且雄虫有延长交配时间的趋性。该结果为研究广聚萤叶甲的生态特性以及优化种群繁殖提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Advances in techniques for rearing insects on artificial diets are fundamental to solving issues of basic and applied entomology. In this study, we evaluated the development of Spodoptera albula (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on three artificial diets used for other species of Lepidoptera, at three larval densities, and two densities of adult couples housed in oviposition cages of two sizes, with the aim of optimizing methodology for rearing S. albula in the laboratory. Biological parameters were recorded from S. albula, and a fitness index was calculated based on the larval survival and duration and weight of pupae. The total and daily oviposition was recorded using 5 or 10 adult couples of S. albula housed in two cage sizes. Concentrations of total nitrogen and protein in the tested diets were determined. Development of S. albula was completed in all artificial diets; however, the diet used for rearing Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) larvae was the most suitable for S. albula, yielding intermediate development time and higher survival relative to the other diets. Individualization of larvae favored S. albula development by producing overall greater weights of larvae and pupae, higher survival rates, and longer adult longevity. Cage size and number of couples per cage did not influence S. albula fecundity in the experiment conditions. Spodoptera albula can be satisfactorily reared on the artificial diet used for A. gemmatalis, using one larva per tube, and either density of adults at any cage size. Additional amendments are needed in the rearing methodology to achieve optimal conditions for larval development to adulthood.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to elucidate the impact of an undescribed Nosema sp. on the southwestern corn borer (SWCB; Diatraea grandiosella Dyar). The Nosema sp. (isolate 506) included in the study was isolated from an overwintering SWCB larva in Mississippi. It was highly infectious per os, with a median infective dose of 2.0 x 10(3) spores per larva. Even at the highest dosage tested (10(7) spores per larva), minimal mortality (< or = 3%) was observed in infected larvae, pupae, and adults reared in the laboratory on an artificial diet. However, infected pupae (0- and 7-d-old) were smaller, and the time to adult eclosion from pupation was slightly increased. Furthermore, the number of eggs produced by infected SWCB female moths substantially decreased (32%), and this effect was most pronounced on day 2, when the greatest number of eggs were oviposited by infected and noninfected moths. For eggs produced by infected females mated with infected males, hatch was slightly decreased by 16 and 15% for eggs laid on days 2 and 3, respectively. In addition, egg hatch was reduced in eggs oviposited by noninfected females mated with infected males on day 3. A low prevalence of infection (< 6%) was observed in the F1 generation originating from infected females mating with noninfected males, from noninfected females mating with infected males, and from infected females mating with infected males. Nosema 506 spores were observed in the proximity of reproductive tissues of infected female and male moths. Spores also were detected on the chorion surface and within eggs laid by infected females. Furthermore, 1-11% of larvae hatching from surface-sterilized eggs were infected by Nosema 506 indicating a transovarial mechanism of transmission.  相似文献   

利用大豆粉、玉米粉、麦胚和鲜茭白等成分配制了大螟Sesamia inferens(Walker)的半合成人工饲料,利用该饲料配方,发展了大螟的长期、继代饲养技术,即初孵-2日龄幼虫在茭白上饲养,3日龄-化蛹在人工饲料上饲养。利用该方法连续饲养大螟3代,幼虫的发育历期、蛹重、幼虫存活率、化蛹率、羽化率、卵孵化率和单雌产卵量等生活史参数与在天然饲料茭白上饲养的大螟相比,二者没有任何显著差异。而且利用该方法饲养,成本低、省工省力,能显著减少病原菌的感染。这说明该饲养技术适于大螟种群的长期、继代饲养。  相似文献   

Developmental rate and survivorship of small hive beetle, Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), life stages were measured across different temperatures (21, 25, 28, 32 and 35 degrees C) and diets, which included natural and artificial pollen, honey, and bee pupae. Temperature affected hatch success, time to hatching, and larval growth. Eggs hatched in 61 h at 21 degrees C but in < 22 h at 35 degrees C. Larvae achieved peak weight in < 8 d at 35 degrees C but needed 17 d at 21 degrees C. Diet had comparatively little effect on larval survivorship or maximum weight, although larvae fed only bee pupae had lower survivorship. Access to soil influenced pupation success. Duration of the life stage spent in the soil, during which pupation occurs, was also affected by temperature: adults emerged after 32.7 d at 21 degrees C but after only 14.8 d at 35 degrees C, albeit with high mortality. Minimum temperature for development was estimated at 13.5 degrees C for eggs, and 10.0 degrees C for larvae and pupae. Temperature influenced adult longevity and oviposition: on a honey and pollen diet average adult lifespan was 92.8 d at 24 degrees C but only 11.6 d at 35 degrees C. Beetles lived longer at 28 degrees C or lower but produced the most eggs per female, regardless of diet, at 32 degrees C. Beetle density influenced fecundity: beetles kept at three pairs per vial laid 6.7 times more eggs per female than those kept as single pairs. Overall, beetles fared best at 28-32 degrees C with mortality of all stages highest at 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a major pest of maize and sorghum in many countries of tropical Africa. Hitherto, research on this important pest has been hampered by the occurrence of a six-month long diapause in the last larval stage and the lack of an artificial diet for rearing the insect in the laboratory. Incorporating 4 to 8-week-old sorghum powder in a nutritionally adequate diet and rearing larvae individually in vials at ambient laboratory conditions (25–30°C, 50–80% r.h., and L12: D12) have made it possible to rear 15 successive non-diapausing generations ofB. fusca capable of producing between 35 to 40 healthy pupae/litre of diet and upto 70% pupation without loss of vigour or reproductive capacity. Five to six generations were completed per year and the overall mean developmental period (egg-egg) was 68 days (egg 6, larval 45, pre-pupal 1, pupal 14 and pre-oviposition 2 days). Larval period lasted 70 days in the first generation compared to 32.3 days in the fifteenth generation. Average fecundity increased from 158.0 to 394.6 eggs per female with a concomitant increase of egg hatch from 44.8 to 79.6% in the first and fifteenth generation, respectively.  相似文献   

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