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禽流感病毒(Avian influenza virus,AIV)不仅严重危害禽类,而且对人类生命健康造成严重威胁。鸽作为留鸟,具有作为AIV从野生鸟类传播至人类中间宿主的潜能。鸽对AIV的易感性以及在病毒传播中的作用却存在争议。通过分析AIV自然感染、人工感染鸽的流行病学以及实验研究数据,同时回顾了禽流感病毒感染鸽的机制,发现随着病毒的进化和时间的推移,鸽群AIV的感染率也在递增;尤其随着近年具有双受体结合特性的高致病性禽流感病毒(highly pathogenic avian influenza virus,HPAIV)clade2.3.4.4分支H5Nx毒株的出现,其感染鸽后排毒量上升以及鸽体间直接接触传播能力增强。为了有效防控AIV的跨种间传播,有必要加强对鸽感染AIV的流行病学监测和传播特性的研究,特别需要密切关注具双受体结合特性的H5Nx和H7N9 HPAIV对鸽易感性的发展趋势。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾是世界重大入侵性害虫,我国于2019年初发现草地贪夜蛾大面积危害西南地区玉米、高粱、甘蔗等多种作物,随后迅速扩散至主要玉米产区,严重威胁和影响我国粮食安全。国内研究人员已开展了大量关于草地贪夜蛾监测预警与防控技术的研究,在其种群发生规律监测、迁飞路径研判、化学防治、生物防治、物理防治等方面取得了系列进展,基本明确了草地贪夜蛾在我国西南、江南江淮、北方各地区的发生与危害规律,建立了一套草地贪夜蛾综合防控技术体系,有效阻断了其大面积扩散危害。本文综述了2019—2022年间国内草地贪夜蛾防控技术的研究进展,以期为开发草地贪夜蛾综合防控技术提供参考。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒是严重危害野生动物驯养繁殖产业的重要病毒性传染病之一,具有感染高、发病急、病程短和死亡率高等特点,且随着病毒的不断变异,其宿主范围不断扩大,除感染狐狸、犬、狼等犬科动物外,还能感染猫、豹、熊、虎和果子狸等其它多种动物,对我国的野生动物保护、驯养繁殖和疫源疫病监测工作的影响越来越大。本文对犬细小病毒的诊断及其防制进行了概述,以期为野生动物感染犬细小病毒的防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

近年来, 新型冠状病毒、SARS病毒和鼠疫等新发和再发性动物源疫病多是由兽类及其媒介携带的病原生物直接或间接感染而引发的, 不仅对人类健康和生态系统平衡造成了重大威胁, 而且威胁全球公共卫生安全、粮食安全和生物安全。结合我国重要陆生兽类疫源疫病发生的新情况和新特点, 本文重点总结了我国以陆生野生及非野生兽类(家畜为主)为重点的24种重要人兽共患病的监管情况, 并对这些疫源疫病的监管空缺进行了分析。由于病原生物的种类多及其感染传播方式多样, 我国人间和动物间疫情呈现多发态势, 新发和再发疫病防控面临严峻挑战。从目前情况来看, 我国重要野生动物疫源疫病呈现为多部门、多层监管的局面。全球化贸易剧增、非法猎杀、非法交易、违法违规养殖、滥食野生动物陋习、检疫环节失察等导致了当前我国野生动物疫源疫病的传染源头和传播链错综复杂, 加剧了人类与野生动物所携带的病原接触、感染和传播的风险。极端气候或灾害事件频发以及对新发再发传染病的认知不足导致难以从源头做好疫病防控。针对上述问题, 本文提出了从源头加强基础研究和全链条监管来积极防范陆生野生动物疫病疫情的对策和建议。  相似文献   

自然保护区生态旅游对野生动物的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
马建章  程鲲 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2818-2818~2827
目前中国的很多自然保护区开展了生态旅游,但这类活动对野生动物的影响研究却十分薄弱,因此十分有必要在介绍欧美、澳洲学者的研究进展基础上,针对我国的研究现状,提出该领域的研究方向、监测和管理策略.自然保护区的生态旅游活动主要有野生动物观赏、徒步行走、摄影、野外宿营、山地车或雪地车、电动或机动艇游湖、溪涧漂流、环境教育、社区访问等,旅游活动类型、范围、强度、时空分布等是影响对野生动物干扰大小的主要因素.生态旅游对野生动物的影响包括直接影响(个体的行为反应和生理指标改变、繁殖力降低、种群分布和物种组成的改变等)和间接影响(生境破坏、外来种散布和环境污染等).国外生态旅游对鸟类的影响研究较多,主要集中鸟类的惊飞反应、取食、能量消耗、繁殖等方面;对兽类影响的研究主要集中在行为、生理指标改变、种群数量等方面.我国未来的研究应注重收集基础性研究数据和深入探讨一些理论与应用问题,要运用多种技术手段对自然保护区野生动物的行为、生理、种群动态、物种多样性、生境质量、游客的时空分布、态度和行为等进行长期监测,而后将其结果应用到野生动物、生境以及游客的管理决策中去.另外,研究中应重视自然科学和社会科学的多学科交叉融合.  相似文献   

探讨我国森林野生动物红外相机监测规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野生动物多样性是生物多样性监测与保护管理评价的关键指标, 因此对野生动物进行长期监测是中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)等大尺度生物多样性监测研究计划的一个重要组成部分。2011年以来, CForBio网络陆续在多个森林动态监测样地开展以红外相机来监测野生动物多样性。随着我国野生动物红外相机监测网络的初步形成, 亟待建立和执行基于红外相机技术的统一监测规范。基于3年来在我国森林动态监测样地红外相机监测的进展情况, 以及热带生态评价与监测网络针对陆生脊椎动物(兽类和鸟类)所提出的红外相机监测规范, 本文从监测规范和监测注意事项等方面探讨了我国森林野生动物红外相机监测的现状和未来。  相似文献   

野生动物狩猎、贸易和狩猎持续性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
李义明 《生物多样性》2001,9(4):414-421
过度狩猎和过度贸易是当前生物多样性保护面临的重大挑战。虎骨和犀牛角贸易、东南亚一带的活野生动物非法狩猎和贸易、俄国远东地区及中俄边境野生动物产品非法贸易、热带地区的野生动物狩猎和丛林肉食贸易以及喜马拉雅区域的野生动物非法贸易正严重威胁着全球的野生动物资源。提倡狩猎持续性是解决过度贸易和过度捕杀的途径之一。 在众多的狩猎持续性模型中,“狩猎动物避难所模型”和“空间控制模型”提倡在狩猎区建保护区,有广泛的应用前景。了解偷猎动态和特征及其对濒危动物种群的影响,协调传统医药和野生动物保护间的关系,控制边境地区的野生动物非法狩猎和贸易,以及在保护实践中运用狩猎持续性模型是未来保护关注的焦点。野生动物非法狩猎和非法贸易严重威胁着我国的生物多样性保护和持续利用,但相关的研究却比较少。建议建立野生动物捕杀和贸易的监测机构,加强相关的立法、执法和保护区管理,开展野生动物捕杀和贸易研究。  相似文献   

通过介绍犬瘟热流行病学特点,结合犬瘟热病毒在灵长类动物的感染情况,对犬瘟热的危害及公共卫生意义进行了分析。指出犬瘟热病毒存在大范围流行风险从而对进出口猴场形成新的威胁,并根据工作实际提出了疫病疫情预防控制和检验检疫监督管理的着重点。  相似文献   

疥螨病是一种呈世界性分布的传染性外寄生虫病,暴发流行时可引起野生哺乳动物的大量死亡,导致种群数量急剧下降,严重时甚至可能威胁到整个种群的生存。了解并分析野生哺乳动物疥螨病的发病规律、传播与增殖的影响因素、监测与防控等一般手段,既为未来科研工作者对该病的深入研究,为我国野生哺乳动物疥螨病的监测和防控提供科学依据,也为促进我国野生哺乳动物保护工作的逐渐完善,保护我国野生哺乳动物的生物多样性奠定基础。  相似文献   

禽流感病毒是人类致病性病毒,其变异性强、传播速度快、病亡率高,严重威胁了人民健康和国民经济。目前全球对禽流感疫情防控的前提和关键是早发现、早隔离、早诊断、早控制。因此研发敏感、快速、特异、能进行高通量样品检测的禽流感病毒检测技术,使人类能在更短时间内监测、检测禽流感病毒的病原感染情况,对禽流感的防控具有重要意义。本文对禽流感病毒快速检测技术研究进展进行简要介绍。  相似文献   

Transmission of pathogens from domestic animals to wildlife populations (spill-over) has precipitated local wildlife extinctions in multiple geographic locations. Identifying such events before they cause population declines requires differentiating spillover from endemic disease, a challenge complicated by a lack of baseline data from wildlife populations that are isolated from domestic animals. We tested sera collected from 12 ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) native to Barro Colorado Island, Panama, which is free of domestic animals, for antibodies to feline herpes virus, feline calicivirus, feline corona virus, feline panleukopenia virus, canine distemper virus, and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), typically a species-specific infection. Samples also were tested for feline leukemia virus antigens. Positive tests results were only observed for FIV; 50% of the ocelots were positive. We hypothesize that isolation of this population has prevented introduction of pathogens typically attributed to contact with domestic animals. The high density of ocelots on Barro Colorado Island may contribute to a high prevalence of FIV infection, as would be expected with increased contact rates among conspecifics in a geographically restricted population.  相似文献   

Animal host–microbe interactions are a relevant concern for wildlife conservation, particularly regarding generalist pathogens, where domestic host species can play a role in the transmission of infectious agents, such as viruses, to wild animals. Knowledge on viral circulation in wild host species is still scarce and can be improved by the recent advent of modern molecular approaches. We aimed to characterize the fecal virome and identify viruses of potential conservation relevance of diarrheic free‐ranging wolves and sympatric domestic dogs from Central Portugal, where a small and threatened wolf population persists in a highly anthropogenically modified landscape. Using viral metagenomics, we screened diarrheic stools collected from wolves (n = 8), feral dogs (n = 4), and pet dogs (n = 6), all collected within wolf range. We detected novel highly divergent viruses as well as known viral pathogens with established effects on population dynamics, including canine distemper virus, a novel bocavirus, and canine minute virus. Furthermore, we performed a 4‐year survey for the six wolf packs comprising this endangered wolf population, screening 93 fecal samples from 36 genetically identified wolves for canine distemper virus and the novel bocavirus, previously identified using our metagenomics approach. Our novel approach using metagenomics for viral screening in noninvasive samples of wolves and dogs has profound implications on the knowledge of both virology and wildlife diseases, establishing a complementary tool to traditional screening methods for the conservation of threatened species.  相似文献   

Zoonoses from wildlife threaten global public health. Hendra virus is one of several zoonotic viral diseases that have recently emerged from Pteropus species fruit-bats (flying-foxes). Most hypotheses regarding persistence of Hendra virus within flying-fox populations emphasize horizontal transmission within local populations (colonies) via urine and other secretions, and transmission among colonies via migration. As an alternative hypothesis, we explore the role of recrudescence in persistence of Hendra virus in flying-fox populations via computer simulation using a model that integrates published information on the ecology of flying-foxes, and the ecology and epidemiology of Hendra virus. Simulated infection patterns agree with infection patterns observed in the field and suggest that Hendra virus could be maintained in an isolated flying-fox population indefinitely via periodic recrudescence in a manner indistinguishable from maintenance via periodic immigration of infected individuals. Further, post-recrudescence pulses of infectious flying-foxes provide a plausible basis for the observed seasonal clustering of equine cases. Correct understanding of the infection dynamics of Hendra virus in flying-foxes is fundamental to effectively managing risk of infection in horses and humans. Given the lack of clear empirical evidence on how the virus is maintained within populations, the role of recrudescence merits increased attention.  相似文献   

Fifty-six red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 18 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and 13 coyotes (Canis latrans) obtained by the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department during an investigation of suspected illegal wildlife translocation were examined for diseases and parasites. Red foxes and coyotes were confiscated from an animal dealer based in Ohio (USA), and gray foxes were purchased from an animal dealer in Indiana (USA). Emphasis was placed on detection of pathogens representing potential health risks to native wildlife, domestic animals, or humans. All animals were negative for rabies; however, 15 gray foxes were incubating canine distemper at necropsy. Serologic tests disclosed antibodies to canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, canine coronavirus, canine herpesvirus, and canine parainfluenza virus in one or more host species. Twenty-three species of parasites (two protozoans, three trematodes, four cestodes, eleven nematodes, and three arthropods) were found, including species with substantial pathogenic capabilities. Echinococcus multilocularis, a recognized human pathogen not enzootic in the southeastern United States, was found in red foxes. Based on this information, we conclude that the increasingly common practice of wild canid translocation for stocking fox-chasing enclosures poses potential health risks to indigenous wildlife, domestic animals, and humans and, therefore, is biologically hazardous.  相似文献   



Infectious diseases have contributed to the decline and local extinction of several wildlife species, including African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). Mitigating such disease threats is challenging, partly because uncertainty about disease dynamics makes it difficult to identify the best management approaches. Serious impacts on susceptible populations most frequently occur when generalist pathogens are maintained within populations of abundant (often domestic) “reservoir” hosts, and spill over into less abundant host species. If this is the case, disease control directed at the reservoir host might be most appropriate. However, pathogen transmission within threatened host populations may also be important, and may not be controllable by managing another host species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated interspecific and intraspecific transmission routes, by comparing African wild dogs'' exposure to six canine pathogens with behavioural measures of their opportunities for contact with domestic dogs and with other wild dogs. Domestic dog contact was associated with exposure to canine parvovirus, Ehrlichia canis, Neospora caninum and perhaps rabies virus, but not with exposure to canine distemper virus or canine coronavirus. Contact with other wild dogs appeared not to increase the risk of exposure to any of the pathogens.


These findings, combined with other data, suggest that management directed at domestic dogs might help to protect wild dog populations from rabies virus, but not from canine distemper virus. However, further analyses are needed to determine the management approaches – including no intervention – which are most appropriate for each pathogen.  相似文献   

目的了解病料中犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的变异情况,为犬瘟热的预防与治疗提供理论依据。方法采用RT-PCR方法对犬病料中CDV的血凝素蛋白(H)、融合蛋白(F)和核衣壳蛋白(N)基因进行扩增,将扩增产物克隆到pGEM-T-easy载体中测序,并进行序列分析。结果测定一株CDV的H、F和N基因大小分别为1863 bp、1653 bp和2235 bp。同源性分析表明,未发现碱基的插入和缺失。该病毒的H、F和N基因分别与国内强毒株BJ080127株的H基因、GN株的F基因和HL株的N基因亲缘关系最近,氨基酸同源性分别为97.3%、97.7%和99.3%。与国外标准野毒株A75-17在核苷酸水平上同源性依次为94.4%、93.8%和97.2%,与疫苗株CDV3在核苷酸水平上同源性分别为88.5%、88.8%和93.9%。系统进化树表明该病毒与国内强毒株在同一谱系。糖基化分析显示,该病毒在F基因3~5位氨基酸处多出1个糖基化位点。结论本研究从犬病料中成功克隆了犬瘟热病毒血凝素蛋白、融合蛋白和核衣壳蛋白,在F基因中新增了一个糖基化位点,为犬瘟热的遗传变异和流行学研究提供了分子生物学依据。  相似文献   

Morbillivirus ecology in polar bears (Ursus maritimus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) morbillivirus infection was initially reported by Follmann and co-workers in 1996, based upon serologic results using canine distemper virus (CDV). The impetus for the evaluation of polar bear populations for morbillivirus infections was prompted by epidemics of canine distemper-like disease in seal populations in the north Atlantic regions of Greenland, Europe, and Russia. Since marine morbilliviruses have been further characterized into three major species, phocine distemper virus (PDV), dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) and porpoise morbillivirus (PMV), it was of value to determine the origin of the polar bear infection. One hundred serum samples were selected from a group of sera collected from regions of Alaska and Russia and tested by differential serum neutralization assay against the three major marine morbilliviruses and CDV, to determine the predominant virus infecting the polar bear. Polar bears had higher serum antibody titers to CDV than they did to PDV, DMV, and PMV. These data suggest that polar bears are being infected with a morbillivirus of terrestrial origin. Furthermore, based on the high serum antibody prevalence in the population, the virus may be indigenous to the polar bear and not necessarily the result of interspecies transmission from other arctic mammals susceptible to CDV and/or marine morbilliviruses. Accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   

Serengeti lions frequently experience viral outbreaks. In 1994, one-third of Serengeti lions died from canine distemper virus (CDV). Based on the limited epidemiological data available from this period, it has been unclear whether the 1994 outbreak was propagated by lion-to-lion transmission alone or involved multiple introductions from other sympatric carnivore species. More broadly, we do not know whether contacts between lions allow any pathogen with a relatively short infectious period to percolate through the population (i.e. reach epidemic proportions). We built one of the most realistic contact network models for a wildlife population to date, based on detailed behavioural and movement data from a long-term lion study population. The model allowed us to identify previously unrecognized biases in the sparse data from the 1994 outbreak and develop methods for judiciously inferring disease dynamics from typical wildlife samples. Our analysis of the model in light of the 1994 outbreak data strongly suggest that, although lions are sufficiently well connected to sustain epidemics of CDV-like diseases, the 1994 epidemic was fuelled by multiple spillovers from other carnivore species, such as jackals and hyenas.  相似文献   

Sera from 57 wolves (Canis lupus) in three areas of Alaska were evaluated for evidence of previous exposure to infectious canine hepatitis virus (ICHV) and canine distemper virus (CDV). Fifty-four sera (94.7%) were positive for ICHV exposure and four (7%) were positive for CDV exposure. All four CDV-reacting wolves also had titres to ICHV. The relatively common occurrence of ICHV exposure may be due to the greater resistance of ICHV to chemical and physical agents and its transmissibility via the urine of infected animals. The ICHV titres observed could indicate enzootic pathogenic ICHV, or exposure to the mildly pathogenic vaccine strain of CAV-1 through contact with the urine of domestic dogs. If CAV-1 is the original source of exposure, the titres could represent an ICHV-protected wolf population.  相似文献   

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