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采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术和DNA体外重组方法,克隆出579bp的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)NS4b基因片段,插入到原核高效表达载体pET-28a中,构建重组质粒pET/NS4b,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株,经IPTG诱导培养后,获得了目的蛋白的高效表达。SDS-PAGE分析显示在30kD处有一条表达的目的蛋白区带。通过固定化金属配体亲和层析(IMAC)纯化目的的蛋白,ELESA检测结果表  相似文献   

抗丙肝病毒NS5蛋白单克隆抗体的研制及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用基因重组的丙肝病毒 NS5蛋白免疫Bal b/c /小鼠,制备免疫脾B淋巴细胞,与小鼠骨髓瘤Sp2/0细胞系融合,筛选获得了1株能分泌抗 NS5蛋白单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,该株单克隆抗体为 IgG1。ELISA及 Western Blot证实该株单抗对 NS5蛋白有较好的特异性。  相似文献   

本研究采用免疫组织细胞化学ABC法对62例大肠癌区、癌移行区及癌旁区组织内P53和PCNA蛋白进行检测。结果表明,P53蛋白在大肠癌区阳性率占61.3%(38/62)、PCNA蛋白阳性率占71.0%(44/62)、阳性结果均位于癌细胞核内,P53蛋白阳性的癌细胞,少部分为核浆型。P53及PCNA蛋白联合表达与大肠癌发生及发展相关密切,并互相协同致癌,对大肠癌分化程度和Dukes分期影响较大,为大肠癌病变研究提供了分子生物学信息,对手术切除缘范围和评估大肠癌转移和预后有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

p53突变蛋白在胃癌组织中的表达及免疫电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者应用抗p53单克隆抗体Pab1801(Ab2美国癌基因公司产品)对38例手术切除的胃癌组织及癌旁胃粘膜的冰冻切片标本进行p53突变蛋白表达的检测,并进一步用胶体全免疫电镜技术对p53突变蛋白的分布特征进行观察。结果:38例胃癌组织中,24例有p53突变蛋白高表达,阳性率63.2%。在对应的癌旁胃粘膜中10例为p53的弱表达,正常组织无表达。伴有淋巴结转移的23例胃癌标本中,18例p53高表达(78.3%)。免疫电镜结果表现,p53蛋白主要分布于核内染色质中,胞浆中有散在的阳性区,但以核膜周边为主,紧靠核膜。本研究结果提承胃癌的发生及其肿瘤的生物学行为与抑癌基因p53的突变密切相关,p53突变蛋白可能是通过对DNA复制的影响而参与肿瘤的形成。  相似文献   

人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞系凋亡过程中bcl-2基因的结合蛋白   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 M C F 7 是 p53 为野生型的人乳腺癌细胞系.为探讨该细胞系凋亡过程中 bcl 2 基因的下调机制,以 5 氟尿嘧啶(5 Fu)诱导凋亡,用 P C R 技术扩增出人 bcl 2(hbcl 2)基因调控区长度为 558bp 的片段,经亚克隆后的序列分析证实其准确性.用此 P C R 产物作为探针与 5 Fu 刺激 12 h 后的 M C F 7 核内蛋白质粗提物进行 Southw estern 印迹及凝胶阻滞( E M S A)分析.以未用 5 Fu 刺激者为对照.结果显示,细胞核内一分子量为 53 k D 的结合蛋白与 bcl 2 调控区的结合信号明显增强,而一种20 k D 的 D N A 结合蛋白与该区的结合信号明显减弱.这些结果提示p53 蛋白有可能是bcl 2 的负转录因子,20 k D 的 D N A 结合蛋白有可能是bcl 2 的正转录因子.  相似文献   

甲状腺肿瘤p53mRNA及p53蛋白表达的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用原位杂交法、免疫组织化学方法分别检测了甲状腺癌p53mRNA、p53蛋白的表达,结果显示:20例甲状腺癌p53mRNA、p53蛋白均呈阳性反应,8例甲状腺瘤仅1例呈弱阳性反应,8例Graves病全部呈阴性反应。细胞质和细胞核mRNA、p53蛋白灰度检测发现,甲状腺瘤细胞质、核p53mRNA灰度值和p53蛋白灰度值均明显高于Graves病,而甲状腺癌其细胞质、核p53mRNA灰度值和p53蛋白灰度值又明显高于良性甲状腺瘤,提示甲状腺癌p53mRNA和p53蛋白的高表达可能与甲状腺肿瘤细胞分化程度有关  相似文献   

利用免疫组织化学技术,对64例甲状腺癌进行了bcl-2蛋白表达的检测,同时进行p53蛋白的对照检测。结果显示,甲状腺癌中bcl-2蛋白阳性表达率为81.3%(52/64),但未分化癌无阳性表达。p53蛋白在甲状腺癌的阳性表达率为20.3%(13/64),而未分化癌全部为阳性表达。两种抗体在甲状腺癌的阳性表达率有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结果提示bcl-2蛋白在甲状腺癌的表达与肿瘤细胞的分化程度有关,并与p53蛋白呈反比关系,bcl-2与p53蛋白表达的不同分布可作为判断甲状腺癌预后的一个重要参考指标  相似文献   

p53最早发现于SV40转化的细胞系,后来几乎在所有不同类型的细胞内均检测到这种蛋白质,野生型P58是一种有效的肿瘤抑制因子,但突变体p52可与ras-肿瘤基因协同转化体外的腺代细胞,而且在肿瘤发生时常伴随有p53基因的突变。乳腺癌内,p53基因的突变率为40%,并可见到某些肿瘤基因参与癌症的形成过程,暗示p53基因结构和功能的改变可能与这些基因的重排和扩增有关。本实验选择4种不同年龄的172~(Arg-Leu)突变型p53转基因小鼠为受试动物,将同系动物的垂体腺植入小鼠的肾脏后,再以致癌剂DMBA处理,以使动物乳腺内的p53基因表达和诱导小鼠乳腺癌形成。从乳腺癌小鼠分别摘取乳腺组织,提取DNA和RNA,以H-ras、PCNA、CylinD1、p53基因的DNA片段作为特异性核酸探针,进行SouthermBlotting和NorthernBlotting分析,以检测在突变体P53表达的情况下,PCNA、H-ras、CyinD1等基因在体内的变化规律。实验发现,在4组不同的受试动物中,其乳腺癌细胞的PCNA和H-ras两种基因发生了基因重排,特征是其DNA标本中分别出现了一条很强的额外杂交带,但对照动物乳腺该类  相似文献   

本文应用LSAB免疫组织化学方法及AgNOR技术对73例甲状腺良、恶性病变PC-NA、P53蛋白及AgNOR进行了检测并对其相关性进行了研究。结果显示①PCNA表达在良、恶性病变中有显著差异(P<0.01);②AgNOR颗粒均数及其形态在良、恶性病变中有较显著差异;③PCNA表达与AgNOR计数呈显著正相关性(P<0.01);④P53蛋白在良、恶性病变中的表达均呈阴性,只是在淋巴结转移灶内呈阳性表达。根据研究我们认为检测甲状腺良、恶性病变中PCNA及AgNOR颗粒对甲状腺良、恶性病变的鉴别、预后及对临床治疗均有意义  相似文献   

转录协同激活因子 p30 0与许多转录因子相互作用参与多种生命活动如 :细胞分化、维持内环境稳态、调节生长等。而近年来研究表明增殖细胞核抗原 (PCNA)与DNA聚合酶结合参与DNA修复合成的许多步骤。但 p30 0是否通过与PCNA相互作用参与DNA的修复合成尚不清楚。瑞士苏黎士大学的Hasan等利用免疫沉淀法、Western印迹杂交、氚胸腺嘧啶标记与流式细胞术等技术对 p30 0与PCNA的相互作用以及在DNA修复合成中的作用进行研究 ,发现二者在细胞核的颗粒结构中形成一复合体 ,该复合体不依赖细胞周期S期 ,在体外…  相似文献   

Polyclonal antiserum and monoclonal antibodies raised against the sodium channel from rat skeletal muscle sarcolemma have been immobilized on Sepharose and used to immunoaffinity purify this channel directly from skeletal muscle without the intervening purification of surface membranes. These antibodies isolate a approximately 260-kDa protein from whole muscle, although each purifies predominantly a 150-kDa component when isolated sarcolemmal membranes are used as starting material. A 45-kDa band is also found in the material purified from sarcolemma but not that obtained from whole muscle. In addition, these immunoaffinity columns isolate a 38-kDa band from both whole muscle and sarcolemma that copurifies with the 260-kDa protein. In some preparations this component appears as two closely spaced bands of 37 and 39 kDa. These small subunits coelute with the 260-kDa subunit when thiocyanate gradients are used to displace protein bound to the immunoaffinity columns and behave as integral components of the sodium channel. Estimates of stoichiometry were made for the large and small subunits of the muscle channel protein. After correction for labeling efficiency, values consistent with a ratio of one 260-kDa subunit to one 38-kDa subunit were obtained. We conclude that the rat skeletal muscle sodium channel contains a large alpha subunit of approximately 260 kDa that is sensitive to proteolytic nicking during the isolation of sarcolemmal membranes. In addition, at least one 38-kDa beta subunit is associated with each alpha subunit in the native channel.  相似文献   

美洲大蠊主要变应原蛋白的质谱鉴定与分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了建立美洲大蠊Periplaneta americana变应原蛋白的质谱鉴定方法,我们将美洲大蠊粗浸液通过DEAE-52离子交换层析、Sephacryl S-200凝胶过滤层析等分离步骤得到纯化的74 kD蛋白,对纯化前后的该74 kD蛋白分别进行SDS-PAGE及凝胶内胰酶酶切,再经液相色谱-电喷雾-串联质谱(HPLC-ESI-MS/MS)在线联机分析,所得质谱数据进入网站(http://www.matrixscience.com)进行Mascot检索比对。通过对两者质谱鉴定结果的比较来评估美洲大蠊天然主要变应原蛋白的纯化效果。结果表明,纯化蛋白经HPLC-ESI-MS/MS鉴定是美洲大蠊主要变应原蛋白;离子交换层析等纯化步骤可以去除同一分子量的杂蛋白(如卵黄原蛋白),从而获得较好的鉴定结果。我们首次成功地运用质谱建立起变应原蛋白的新鉴定方法。  相似文献   

本文报道用抗PAI-1单克隆抗体(McAb)亲和层析建立了纯化PAI-1的简便方法。经免疫亲和层析,SephacrylS200凝胶过滤,从HepG2细胞培液中分离到糖基化和非糖基化两种形式的PAI-1,回收率为84%,PAI-1比活性6.1×104IU/mg。糖基化PAI-1分子量为50kD,比活性5.8×104IU/mg。非糖基化PAI-1分子量43kD,占总PAI-130%,仍具有PAI-1活性。用ConA-Sepharose亲和层析进一步纯化得到SDS-PAGE纯的糖基化PAI-1。  相似文献   

Three hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies to bovine brain choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) have been established by fusion of the spleen cells from a mouse immunized with purified enzyme with myeloma NS-1 cells. All three clones produced IgGl antibodies that reacted with enzyme protein denatured with sodium dodecyl sulfate. By using one of the monoclonal antibodies, a rapid and efficient immunoaffinity purification procedure of bovine ChAT has been established. Immunoblot analysis and immunoaffinity purification indicated that bovine ChAT is a single 68-kilodalton protein. The monoclonal antibodies will offer us a good tool to isolate the cDNA clones encoding ChAT.  相似文献   

Nicotinic cholinergic receptor proteins purified from rat brain by immunoaffinity chromatography were characterized using the anti-S3 polyclonal antibody vs. the anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody 422F11 (generated against an antibody to nicotine). Anti-S3 IgG was purified to homogeneity; anti-S3-Sepharose 4B and 422F11-Sepharose 4B each depleted 3H-nicotine binding sites from brain. Nicotinic receptors isolated from both immunoaffinity columns showed major bands (silver-stained) at 55K and 70K. Using anti-S3 serum as probe, Western blots of nicotinic receptors isolated by the two immunoaffinity gels also showed major bands at 55 and 70K. However, Western blots of fresh brain extracts revealed a major band at 80K and minor bands at 55K and 70K. These results show similar nicotinic cholinergic receptor proteins isolated by the anti-S3 and 422F11 anti-idiotypic antibodies; 80K was dominant only when fresh brain extract was subjected to Western blotting without prior immunoaffinity purification.  相似文献   

This report describes the purification of placental protein 5, PP5, from the human placenta by two affinity chromatography steps, the first with Heparin-Sepharose and the second with Sepharose-linked monoclonal anti-PP5 antibody. The final purification is achieved by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. In SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing or nonreducing conditions, PP5 purified in this study migrates as one major band at 36 kD. The previously purified PP5 is more heterogeneous: under nonreducing conditions it migrates at 30 kD and, after reduction, it gives three bands at 16.8 kD, 18.3 kD, and 19.0 kD. In Western blot analysis, both purified proteins react with polyclonal and monoclonal anti-PP5 antibodies. Three N-terminal amino acid sequences are obtained for the previously purified PP5, whereas the N-terminal of PP5 purified in this study is blocked. These results suggest that PP5 previously purified in the absence of protease inhibitors, does not represent the native form of PP5. Computer comparison of the obtained amino acid sequences revealed no significant homology to known protein sequences.  相似文献   

Five monoclonal antibodies against arylamine acetyltransferase (EC from the chicken liver were established by immunizing a mouse with a partially purified enzyme preparation. None of the antibodies cross-reacted with arylamine N-acetyltransferase from the livers of cow, rabbit, and rat, nor with arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase from the chicken pineal gland, indicating a high specificity of the antibodies. By using the antibodies, two immunoaffinity purification procedures were elaborated: A partially purified enzyme preparation was incubated with the monoclonal antibody, and the resulting enzyme-IgG complex was separated by a protein A-Sepharose column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a single protein band with a molecular mass of 34 kDa in addition to the heavy and light chains of IgG. Secondly, an immunoaffinity column was prepared by immobilizing a monoclonal antibody to Sepharose 4B. After a partially purified enzyme preparation was absorbed on the column, N-acetyltransferase activity was eluted with 1 M NaCl and 1 M urea. The eluted sample contained a single 34-kDa protein. The purified enzyme preferred arylamines to arylalkylamines as substrates, indicating that it was arylamine N-acetyltransferase. The purified protein was subjected to digestion by lysylendopeptidase and separated by high performance liquid chromatography. Partial amino acid sequences of three peptides were determined by a gas-phase sequence analyzer.  相似文献   

Cellular retinol-binding protein and retinoic acid-binding protein, the possible mediators of the action of retinoids in epithelial differentiation and control of tumorigenesis, have been reproducibly purified from mouse colon tumor 26, and some of their properties were studied. The main steps of purification involved acid-precipitation, DEAE-Sephadex, CM-cellulose and Sephadex G-100 chromatography. About 2 mg of the binding proteins were isolated from 60 g tumor. The purified preparations showed only two protein bands on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two binding proteins were partially resolved by sedimentation equilibrium technique; but was completely separable by preparative electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The retinol- and retinoic acid-binding proteins are presumably monomers with molecular weights of 15,500 and 14,600, respectively, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. On gel filtration however, both the binding proteins retarded to the same molecular size of 17,800. On preparative columns, both the proteins expressed the same isoelectric pH, 4.5. Both proteins of the tumor possessed functional thiol groups. The mercurial inhibition of the binding capacity of the proteins for their ligands was reversible upon treatment with thiol compounds.  相似文献   

Cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR), a paraneoplastic syndrome, is characterized by the degeneration of retinal photoreceptors under conditions where the tumor and its metastases have not invaded the eye. The retinopathy often is apparent before the diagnosis of cancer and may be associated with autoantibodies that react with specific sites in the retina. We have examined the sera from patients with CAR to further characterize the retinal antigen. Western blot analysis of human retinal proteins reveals a prominent band at 26 kD that is labeled by the CAR antisera. Antibodies to the 26-kD protein were affinity-purified from complex CAR antisera and used for EM-immunocytochemical localization of the protein to the nuclei, inner and outer segments of both rod and cone cells. Other antibodies obtained from the CAR sera did not label photoreceptors. Using the affinity-purified antibodies for detection, the 26-kD protein, designated p26, was purified to homogeneity from the outer segments of bovine rod photoreceptor cells by Phenyl-Sepharose and ion exchange chromatography. Partial amino acid sequence of p26 was determined by gas phase Edman degradation and revealed extensive homology with a cone-specific protein, visinin. Based upon structural relatedness, both the p26 rod protein and visinin are members of the calmodulin family and contain calcium binding domains of the E-F hand structure.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have been raised against canine phospholamban purified by sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Four of twenty-four antibodies were purified to close to homogeneity from mouse ascites. All four antibodies could react with isolated bovine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) to result in the stimulation of ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump activity and blocking of phospholamban phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Relative efficiencies of antibodies in Ca2+ pump stimulation and on phospholamban phosphorylation were not correlated. An immunoabsorbent prepared by conjugating antibody Al to Affi-Gel 10 was used for the purification of phospholamban. Isolated bovine cardiac SR was solubilized in a buffer containing deoxycholate and the soluble fraction was applied to the immunoaffinity column. After washing the column with a series of detergent-containing buffer solutions, the column-bound protein which contained essentially pure phospholamban was eluted by a buffer containing 2.8 M MgCl2. The phospholamban recovery from the immunoaffinity column was close to 100%; the overall yield of purification from SR vesicles was about 70%. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that purified phospholamban consisted of a 25 and 5 kilodalton (kDa) protein species. Upon brief boiling (20 s) of the sample in SDS-PAGE sample buffer, five molecular species ranging from 5 to 25 kDa could be detected by immunotransblotting following SDS-PAGE. This observation supports the notion that phospholamban is composed of five 5-kDa polypeptides. The pure phospholamban could be phosphorylated maximally by cAMP-dependent protein kinase to 1-1.5 mol phosphate/mol phospholamban (25,000 g). This stoichiometry of phosphorylation could be increased to about 5 upon addition of the immunoaffinity column flow through fraction.  相似文献   

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