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小麦种质对茎基腐病抗性评价及优异种质筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦茎基腐病是由镰孢菌侵染引起的一种世界性土传病害,近年来已严重威胁到我国小麦的安全生产。为筛选具有茎基腐病抗性的小麦种质资源,本研究采用孢子悬浮液浸种法,分别以国外抗病材料Sunco和中国品种陕253为抗病和感病对照,对670份我国小麦品种(系)进行了茎基腐病温室苗期抗性鉴定。结果发现,我国供试品种(系)感病材料(病情指数>30)所占比例达到84%,且包含多个近年来小麦生产中的主推品种,表明我国小麦品种总体抗性水平低是导致茎基腐病近年来发病频率与程度不断增加的重要原因之一。经多轮筛选,发掘获得15份抗病表现稳定、抗性水平与抗病对照Sunco相仿的材料。15份材料平均病情指数在10.9~19.4之间,其株高、抽穗期等农艺性状表现出较为丰富的变异,为我国小麦抗茎基腐病品种选育和抗性遗传研究提供了种质资源。  相似文献   

为拓宽小麦茎腐病(又称茎基腐病)抗源种类,筛选抗茎腐病小麦新种质,对43份转TaPIMP1、AtNPR1和Gastrodianin基因小麦纯合株系,进行目的基因表达分析,以及茎腐病、纹枯病和赤霉病抗性鉴定。结果表明,转基因株系的目的基因均能正常表达;转基因株系间茎腐病抗性差异明显,24份转基因株系茎腐病抗性,比受体对照扬麦12显著提高;转基因株系茎腐病抗性与纹枯病抗性相关性显著,与赤霉病相关性不显著。结合农艺性状鉴定,筛选出5份抗茎腐病转基因株系,其中2份兼抗纹枯病和赤霉病,1份兼抗纹枯病,可作为长江中下游麦区茎腐病备用抗源。  相似文献   

为了发掘我国小麦种质资源中具有禾谷镰孢菌茎基腐病(crown rot)抗性的材料,采用禾谷镰孢菌苗期接种试验的方法,研究了82份小麦种质对禾谷镰孢菌茎基腐病的抗性.结果表明,在鉴定的材料中没有发现高抗材料;中抗材料13份,占总数的15.8%,包括CI12633、红蚰子、FHB143、Tiszataj和紫秆子等;大多数材料为感病材料.值得注意的是不同小麦材料对禾谷镰孢菌赤霉病和茎基腐病具有不同的抗性水平,两种病害没有正相关性,暗示小麦茎基腐病和赤霉病的抗性机制可能不同,因此,需要广泛挖掘具有茎基腐病抗性的小麦资源.  相似文献   

在2003-2005年间,对604份玉米种质进行了抗弯孢菌叶斑病和玉米螟鉴定,筛选出抗弯孢菌叶斑病的材料93份,抗玉米螟材料22份。2006-2009年间,对836份玉米种质进行了抗大斑病、茎腐病、穗腐病和瘤黑粉病的鉴定与评价,筛选出一批高抗和多抗的资源。在836份资源中,对大斑病1、2和N号3个生理小种具有抗性的材料均为50%左右;抗茎腐病材料为41.3%,高抗和抗性种质分别为264和81份;穗腐病高抗和抗性种质分别为5和171份,占比为21.1%;瘤黑粉病高抗和抗性种质各261和14份,占总鉴定材料的32.9%。上述结果表明抗大斑病、茎腐病和瘤黑粉病的种质资源较为丰富。通过对抗性结果进行对比分析,发现不同生态区玉米种质的抗性强弱以及抗性多样性存在明显差异,黑龙江和内蒙的种质对病虫害的抗性强弱及多样性程度明显高于四川种质。此外,玉米自交系对病虫害的抗性强弱以及多抗性程度高于农家种。  相似文献   

玉米种质资源对六种重要病虫害的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在2003-2005年间,对604份玉米种质进行了抗弯孢菌叶斑病和玉米螟鉴定,筛选出抗弯孢菌叶斑病的材料93份,抗玉米螟材料22份。2006-2009年间,对836份玉米种质进行了抗大斑病、茎腐病、穗腐病和瘤黑粉病的鉴定与评价,筛选出一批高抗和多抗的资源。在836份资源中,对大斑病1、2和N号3个生理小种具有抗性的材料均为50%左右;抗茎腐病材料为41.3%,高抗和抗性种质分别为264和81份;穗腐病高抗和抗性种质分别为5和171份,占比为21.1%;瘤黑粉病高抗和抗性种质各261和14份,占总鉴定材料的32.9%。上述结果表明抗大斑病、茎腐病和瘤黑粉病的种质资源较为丰富。通过对抗性结果进行对比分析,发现不同生态区玉米种质的抗性强弱以及抗性多样性存在明显差异,黑龙江和内蒙古的种质对病虫害的抗性强弱及多样性程度明显高于四川种质。此外,玉米自交系对病虫害的抗性强弱以及多抗性程度高于农家种。  相似文献   

玉米种质和新品种对腐霉茎腐病和镰孢穗腐病的抗性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
玉米是我国最重要的农作物之一,腐霉茎腐病和镰孢穗腐病是玉米生产上的重要病害。2006-2012年期间,对1647份玉米种质进行了抗肿囊腐霉茎腐病和拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病鉴定,筛选出高抗茎腐病和穗腐病的种质分别为564份和27份,占鉴定总材料的34.2%和1.6%,抗性材料分别为209份和352份,占比为12.7%和21.4%,表明高抗肿囊腐霉茎腐病的资源较为丰富,高抗镰孢穗腐病的种质相对匮乏。其中,13份种质对2种病害均表现高抗,207份种质对2种病害均表现抗性或对其中一种表现高抗而另一种表现抗性。自交系中对肿囊腐霉茎腐病和拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病表现抗性以上(含HR和R)的种质分别占总鉴定种质的56.5%和23.6%,在农家种中分别为21.2%和21.4%,表明玉米自交系中的抗性资源较农家种丰富。2009-2013年期间参加国家玉米区试的品种中,对腐霉茎腐病表现高抗、抗性、中抗、感病和高感的品种分别占11.5%、11.9%、40.1%、17.6%和18.9%。2009-2011年间,中抗以上的育成品种所占比例呈现明显上升趋势,但2012-2013年间,中抗以上的品种所占比例呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

小麦赤霉病是由禾谷镰刀菌引起的世界性重要病害,发掘优异的抗性种质资源、培育抗病品种是持续防治赤霉病最经济且环境友好的措施。为发掘新的赤霉病抗源,本研究于2017—2021年在弥雾保湿大棚中,采用单花滴注法对642份小麦种质资源的赤霉病抗扩展性进行鉴定,同时利用已知抗赤霉病基因/位点Fhb1~Fhb7的分子标记对筛选出的抗性种质基因型进行分析。结果表明,不同年份间赤霉病病小穗率的相关性均达到极显著水平。筛选到3年及以上赤霉病抗性优于扬麦158的种质81份,主要来自长江中下游麦区,其中33份种质连续4年抗性优于扬麦158;筛选到3年及以上抗性与苏麦3号相当的种质9份,分别为望水白、Grandin、浩麦1号、剑子麦、魁小麦、农林26、软秆洋麦、苏麦2号和武农6号,其中剑子麦、软秆洋麦、苏麦2号和Grandin连续4年抗性与苏麦3号相当。对抗性种质携带的抗赤霉病基因/位点进行分析发现,浩麦1号、冀师7225-28、南农13Y110、石优17和武农6号不携带任何已知抗赤霉病基因/QTL,为小麦抗赤霉病研究和品种培育提供了新的种质资源和理论依据。  相似文献   

玉米感染禾谷镰刀菌后PAL、POD活性和同工酶谱的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了明确苯丙氨酸解氨酶活和过氧化物酶活与玉米对镰刀菌茎腐病的抗性关系,探讨玉米对镰刀菌茎腐病的抗病机制及其在玉米抗病性鉴定中的利用,用禾谷镰刀菌孢子悬浮液对抗病品种陕单931和感病品种西农11号在抽雄初期进行接种,并于接种后测定茎秆髓部组织内的PAL,POD活性变化以及POD同工酶谱的变化。结果表明,玉米植株受镰刀菌侵染后,抗病品种的PAL酶活上升快,活性强,且形成两个活性高峰,高活性时间持续长;感病品种PAL酶活上升慢,活性相对较弱,且只形成一个峰,高活性持续时间短。抗病品种POD酶活峰值高,感病品种峰值低;抗病品种高酶活持续的时间长,感病品种高酶活持续的短。POD同工酶谱研究表明,抗、感品种POD同工酶带都有增多。抗病品种增5条,感病品种新增2条。PAL活性变化、POD活性变化及同工酶谱酶活变化与其对茎腐病的抗性有密切的关系,可作为抗病育种的生理生化指标。  相似文献   

黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)中Yr26基因的SSR检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用与Yr26紧密连锁的SSR标记Xgwm11和Xgwm18结合田间抗性鉴定,对239份黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)进行检测,以明确Yr26基因在黄淮麦区小麦品种资源中的分布.结果表明:共有35份品种(系)含有与Yr26紧密连锁的SSR标记Xgwm18或Xgwm11的特征带,占检测样本的14.6%.在这35份材料中,31份田间抗性鉴定表现免疫至中抗,4份表现中感.分子标记检测与田间抗病性检测吻合度较好,该标记可以用于Yr26基因的分子标记辅助选择.综合分子标记和田间鉴定,31份小麦(系)含有Yr26基因,占102份抗病材料的30.39%.  相似文献   

腐霉茎腐病(Pythium stalk rot)是玉米生产上的重要病害。本研究利用14个与8个抗玉米茎腐病基因连锁的分子标记对196份抗腐霉茎腐病玉米种质进行抗病标记基因型鉴定,并采用42对多态性SSR标记对54份抗病自交系进行遗传多样性分析,以期阐明玉米抗腐霉茎腐病种质的标记基因型和遗传背景,并为资源的有效利用、新基因的挖掘和杂种优势模式确定提供参考信息。14个与抗病基因连锁的分子标记将196份抗性种质鉴定为128种标记基因型,表明存在多样的抗性基因组合方式。191份种质获得与齐319、X178或1145中一个或多个的相同的扩增,表明97.45%种质可能含有与3个抗玉米茎腐病材料相同的抗病基因;粤61、郑653、赤L136、白53和18--14共5份种质均未扩增出与齐319、X178和1145相同的标记基因型,可能携带其他抗茎腐病基因;遗传背景相近的抗性种质分属不同的标记基因型,表明抗病种质携带的抗病基因可能在育种选择中发生了分离。42对多态性SSR引物在54份抗病材料中共检测出119个等位基因(Na),多态位点百分率(PPB)为99.17%,平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.7070,平均Nei′s基因多样性(H)为0.3999,平均Shannon′s信息指数(I)为0.5844,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.5527,变幅为0.2061~0.7844;通过UPGMA聚类分析,54份抗病材料被划分为2个类群,共6个亚群中,分别是旅大红骨亚群、BSSS亚群、塘四平头亚群、PA亚群、PB亚群、Lan亚群,表现出较高的遗传多样性。结果表明,我国6个杂种优势群中均含有较为丰富的抗腐霉茎腐病种质资源,其中PA亚群包含的抗病种质最多。  相似文献   

Identification of Fusarium species by traditional methods requires specific skill and experience and there is an increased interest for new molecular methods for identification and quantification of Fusarium from food and feed samples. Real-time PCR with probe technology (Taqman) can be used for the identification and quantification of several species of Fusarium from cereal grain samples. There are several critical steps that need to be considered when establishing a real-time PCR-based method for DNA quantification, including extraction of DNA from the samples. In this study, several DNA extraction methods were evaluated, including the DNeasy Plant Mini Spin Columns (Qiagen), the Bio robot EZ1 (Qiagen) with the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen), and the Fast-DNA Spin Kit for Soil (Qbiogene). Parameters such as DNA quality and stability, PCR inhibitors, and PCR efficiency were investigated. Our results showed that all methods gave good PCR efficiency (above 90%) and DNA stability whereas the DNeasy Plant Mini Spin Columns in combination with sonication gave the best results with respect to Fusarium DNA yield. The modified DNeasy Plant Mini Spin protocol was used to analyse 31 wheat samples for the presence of F. graminearum and F. culmorum. The DNA level of F. graminearum could be correlated to the level of DON (r(2) = 0.9) and ZEN (r(2) = 0.6) whereas no correlation was found between F. culmorum and DON/ZEA. This shows that F. graminearum and not F. culmorum, was the main producer of DON in Swedish wheat during 2006.  相似文献   

The fungus Cochliobolus sativus is the main pathogen of common root rot, a serious soil-borne disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The fungus Fusarium graminearum is the primary pathogen of Fusarium head blight, a devastating disease of wheat worldwide. In this study, the wheat lipid transfer protein gene, TaLTP5, was cloned and evaluated for its ability to suppress disease development in transgenic wheat. TaLTP5 expression was induced after C. sativus infection. The TaLTP5 expression vector, pA25-TaLTP5, was constructed and bombarded into Chinese wheat variety Yangmai 18. Six TaLTP5 transgenic wheat lines were established and characterized. PCR and Southern blot analyses indicated that the introduced TaLTP5 gene was integrated into the genomes of six transgenic wheat lines by distinct patterns, and heritable. RT-PCR and real-time quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the TaLTP5 gene was over-expressed in the transgenic wheat lines compared to segregants lacking the transgene and wild-type wheat plants. Following challenge with C. sativus or F. graminearum, all six transgenic lines overexpressing TaLTP5 exhibited significantly enhanced resistance to both common root rot and Fusarium head blight compared to the untransformed wheat Yangmai 18.  相似文献   

A genetic basis of resistance of winter wheat to Fusarium graminearum causing Fusarium head blight was defined as a result of F1, F2, BC1 hybrid analysis in the crosses of some lines and varieties with highly susceptible variety Odesskaya polukarlikovaya. It was found out that resistance to Fusarium graminearum inherited regardless of resistance to rust, mildew and Septoria.  相似文献   

Crown rot and head blight of wheat are caused by the same Fusarium species. To better understand their biology, this study has compared 30 isolates of the three dominant species using 13 pathogenic and saprophytic fitness measures including aggressiveness for the two diseases, saprophytic growth and fecundity and deoxynivalenol (DON) production from saprophytic colonization of grain and straw. Pathogenic fitness was generally linked to DON production in infected tissue. The superior crown rot fitness of Fusarium pseudograminearum was linked to high DON production in the stem base tissue, while Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium graminearum had superior head blight fitness with high DON production in grains. Within each species, some isolates had similar aggressiveness for both diseases but differed in DON production in infected tissue to indicate that more than one mechanism controlled aggressiveness. All three species produced more DON when infecting living host tissue compared with saprophytic colonization of grain or straw, but there were significant links between these saprophytic fitness components and aggressiveness. As necrotrophic pathogens spend a part of their life cycle on dead organic matter, saprophytic fitness is an important component of their overall fitness. Any management strategy must target weaknesses in both pathogenic fitness and saprophytic fitness.  相似文献   

抗赤霉病小麦品种苏麦3号、繁9能转化镰刀菌毒素脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)成产物X,而感病小麦品种宁麦6号、徐州21无转化能力。产物X对小麦黄化芽鞘的伸长生长无抑制作用,而对禾谷镰刀菌分生孢子的萌发有明显抑制。说明抗性小麦品种对赤霉病菌毒素的脱毒是小麦重要的抗赤霉病机制。  相似文献   

On smallholder farms in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal, fungi of the Fusarium graminearum clade cause Gibberella ear rot of maize and contamination with the 8-ketotrichothecenes nivalenol and deoxynivalenol. Previous DNA marker analyses of the F.?graminearum clade from maize in Nepal found a high level of genetic diversity but were limited in detail or scope. The present study incorporated a collection of 251 field strains from a wide geographic distribution in Nepal and utilized sequencing of the MAT1-1-3 gene of the mating type locus to determine the number and frequency of lineages and species of the F. graminearum clade. The frequency of nivalenol and deoxynivalenol chemotypes was determined by chemical analysis and by TRI13 deletion-marker analysis. We found that Gibberella ear rot of maize in Nepal is associated with a complex of species of the F. graminearum clade - mainly Fusarium asiaticum and Fusarium meridionale, but also Fusarium boothii and a putative new lineage, which we have designated the 'Nepal lineage'. Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto, which dominates in maize elsewhere in Asia and worldwide, was not detected in Nepal. Although nivalenol production has been associated experimentally with lower virulence in maize ear rot and wheat head blight, this collection of the F. graminearum clade from maize in Nepal is dominated (4:1) by nivalenol producers, suggesting that traits other than crop plant pathogenesis affect population structure in this complex agroecosystem.  相似文献   

本实验以抗、感基因型不同的6个小麦品种(系)为材料,系统研究了不同浓度的禾谷镰刀菌粗毒素胁迫处理下小麦品种(系)细胞膜透性随处理时间变化的特性.结果表明:抗、感小麦品种(系)细胞膜对外界毒素胁迫表现出敏感特性,且抗性品种(系)细胞膜对毒素的敏感性小于感病品种(系).在毒素胁迫处理72h内,随毒素处理浓度的增大和胁迫处理时间的延长,细胞膜透性增大,抗病小麦品种(系)的膜透性增量明显小于感病品种(系).胁迫处理72h抗、感小麦品种(系)的膜透性增量达到峰值,抗病品种(系)膜透性增量显著小于感病品种(系),胁迫处理72h后抗、感小麦品种(系)的膜透性增量均降低.可利用禾谷镰刀菌粗毒素胁迫处理72h的细胞膜透性增量评价小麦品种间抗病性的差异,进行抗病性鉴定.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are regions of DNA containing tandem repeats of a core 2-6 bp nucleotide sequence. To test the hypothesis that microsatellite mutation can be directed by exposure to specific external cues, control and treatment groups of resistant and susceptible wheat varieties were grown under controlled conditions and genotyped at a number of microsatellite loci that map to chromosomes known to contain Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance/susceptibility loci. Genotyping was undertaken both prior to and following exposure to Fusarium graminearum, the FHB pathogen. Within a month of inoculation of inflorescences, 58% of experimental plants, and no control plants, had acquired a novel allele at the locus Xgwm112.1. This allele was detected only in head blight affected tissue. Uninoculated control plants, and leaf samples from inoculated plants, showed no mutation. Cloning and sequencing of PCR products indicates that the new allele was generated by contraction of the (CT)(n) repeat motif. Observation of the same deletion-based mutation in all varieties, its absence in control plants not exposed to the head blight pathogen, and the detection of no similar mutational events in a control panel of loci not expected to show mutation, indicates that this example of microsatellite mutation is induced and/or caused by FHB infection.  相似文献   

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