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枸杞胚性细胞分化的超微结构和ATP酶的细胞化学定位研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
枸杞的胚性细胞多由愈伤组织表层的薄壁细胞分化而来,与愈伤组织中未分化的细胞相比,胚性细胞呈卵圆形,细胞核大,核仁明显,细胞质浓厚并含有丰富的细胞器,细胞壁较薄,细胞间有胞间连丝相通;胚性细胞发育到晚期细胞壁加厚,胞间连丝逐渐消失,细胞核向一端偏移,有大液泡形成;胚性细胞的第一次分裂多为均等分裂,形成二细胞原胚,继续分裂形成多细胞原胚;组成多细胞原胚胚体的细胞核大,核形状不规则,细胞质浓厚,细胞器丰富,在质体中出现淀粉的积累。在胚性细胞发育的早期,ATP酶活性主要位于质膜上,随后在液泡内和细胞核中都出现ATP酶活性的分布;随着胚性细胞壁的加厚,细胞壁加厚处和细胞间隙中也出现ATP酶活性反应;当多细胞原胚形成后,ATP酶活性反应主要定位于液泡膜上。由此分析了结构特征、ATP酶活性定位变化与胚性细胞分化的关系。  相似文献   

小麦体细胞胚发生的超微结构研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)幼胚培养中体细胞胚发生过程的超微结构变化进行了研究,结果如下:(1)原体细胞中大液泡消失,存在大量小液泡,细胞质的电子密度加强,核大,核仁明显,出现多核仁;(2)细胞器数量和种类,如质体、核糖体和线粒体增加;(3)细胞壁加厚,胞间连丝逐渐消失,细胞器数量丰富,胚性细胞中积累淀粉;(4)细胞壁加厚的胚性细胞中存在核仁液泡、自体吞噬泡和分泌泡;(5)多细胞原胚、球形胚和梨形胚被一层外壁包围,但胚体内细胞间广泛存在胞间连丝;(6)成熟胚生长点部位的细胞内质体中出现膜系结构,已向叶绿体转变,类囊体已形成  相似文献   

应用电子显微镜对鹤顶兰(Phaius tankervilliae(Aiton)Bl.)珠心细胞进行了观察,结果发现,珠心细胞程序死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)过程中伴随着液泡破裂、染色质凝聚、细胞质解体等明显特征。在鹤顶兰功能大孢子形成之前,大孢子母细胞的侧细胞壁存在明显的内突。随着胚囊体积的逐渐增大,衰退珠心细胞残留的细胞壁叠合在一起,从而使胚囊壁不断加厚。胚囊成熟前,合点端珠心细胞与胚囊之间有胞间连丝相连。合点端珠心细胞的细胞质状态,特别是液泡形态与大孢子母细胞、功能大孢子、成熟胚囊时期的细胞状态高度相似。结果表明,衰退的珠心细胞不仅为胚囊的扩大提供空间,同时也为胚囊的发育提供营养,合点端珠心细胞对胚囊发育内环境的稳定性起着重要的屏障作用。  相似文献   

杂交鹅掌楸体胚发生过程中ATP酶活性的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用透射式电镜,通过胚性细胞的超微切片观察,对杂交鹅掌楸体细胞胚胎发生和发育过程中ATP酶活性进行了超微细胞化学定位.结果表明,非胚性细胞的质膜、液泡膜等膜系统当中存在ATP酶活性,质体、核膜、细胞壁以及细胞间隙上有少许沉积;早期胚性细胞ATP酶反应产物主要沉积于质膜、液泡膜上、淀粉粒、细胞壁加厚处;胚性细胞后期ATP酶活性从质膜逐渐转移入细胞内,细胞质、壁旁体、胞间连丝、细胞膜与细胞间隙、细胞核等处均有ATP酶活性反应.随着胚性细胞的发育及分裂,包裹细胞的厚壁、细胞核、核仁与染色质等处也出现ATP酶活性反应沉淀物.说明杂交鹅掌楸体细胞胚胎发生及发育过程中存在丰富的能量代谢.  相似文献   

小麦珠心细胞的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道衰退前的珠心细胞在发育过程中的超微结构变化。大多数珠心表皮细胞和离胚囊较远的珠心细胞有较大的核质比,细胞质中游离核糖蛋白体的密度较大;线粒体和质体数量较多,形态上也有较大变化;有具活跃分泌功能的高尔基体和少量或长或短的粗糙内质网槽库;细胞中有或多或少的小液泡,其中常常含有被消化的细胞质碎片;细胞壁上有很多纹孔和胞间联丝与邻近细胞相通。在离胚囊稍近的珠心细胞中,粗糙内质网迅速增生,出现平行内质网槽库和同心内质网环,后者在一定条件下有可能成为一种自噬结构。同心内质网环包围的细胞质被消化后往往形成小液泡。通过新液泡的形成,原有液泡的扩大和合并,珠心细胞形成大的中央液泡。这时,珠心细胞呈现薄壁组织细胞的典型特征。此后,胚囊进一步扩展??引起这些珠心细胞衰退和死亡。  相似文献   

本文以我们的研究结果为基础,并结合国内外近几年有关研究报道,对植物体细胞胚发生中的超微结构和ATP酶活性时空分布动态及内源激素的变化和作用进行专题评述。⑴ 超微结构的变化:当植物体细胞一旦转化为胚性细胞后,各种细胞器相继增加,不仅丰富而且活跃,特别是线粒体内嵴发达,有的正处于分裂状态;核糖体聚集成多聚核糖体;质体中含大量淀粉粒,接着出现高尔基体等。早期胚性细胞与周围细胞还存在胞间连丝,随着胚性细胞壁的加厚,胞间连丝也随之消失。⑵ ATP酶时空分布动态:早期的胚性细胞中ATP酶反应产物主要沉积于质膜和液泡膜上,后期ATP酶活性转入细胞内,液泡和细胞核中,而且在胚性细胞壁加厚处有活跃的ATP酶活性反应,并证明ATP酶活性是在胚性细胞发生过程中形成的。⑶ 内源激素的变化与作用:在体细胞胚诱导过程中内源激素起着关键性作用,内源生长素含量的提高为胚性细胞的诱导奠定了基础,细胞分裂素含量的增加可促进胚性细胞的分裂和增殖,ABA不仅提高了体细胞胚的诱导频率,而且促进了体细胞胚的正常发育。  相似文献   

本文以我们的研究结果为基础,并结合国内外近几年有关研究报道,对植物体细胞胚发生中的超策结构和ATP酶活性时空分布动脉及内源激素的变化和作用进行专题评述。(1)超微结构的变化:当植物体细胞一量转化为胚性细胞后,各种细胞器相继增加,不仅丰富而且活跃,特别是线粒体内发达,有的正处于分裂状态;核糖体聚集成多聚核糖体;质体中含大量淀粉粒,接着出现高尔基体等。早期胚性细胞与周围细胞还存在胞间连丝,随着胚性细胞壁的加厚,胞间连丝也随之消失。(2)ATP酶时空分布动态:早期的胚性细胞中ATP酶反应产物主要沉积于质和液泡上,后期ATP酶活性转入细胞内,液泡和细胞核中,而且在胚性细胞壁加厚处有活跃的A5P酶活性反应,并证明ATP酶活性是在胚性细胞发生过程中形成的。(3)内源激素的变化与作用:在体细胞胚诱导过程中内源激素起着关键性作用,内源生长素含量的提高为胚性细胞的诱导奠定了基础,细胞分裂素含量的增加可促进胚性细胞的分裂和增殖,ABA不仅提高了体细胞胚的诱导频率,而且促进了体细胞胚的正常发育。  相似文献   

银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)贮粉室的发生涉及位于珠孔端的珠心细胞的程序性死亡(PCD).本研究观察了贮粉室发生过程中发生PCD的珠心细胞的形态学变化.这些珠心细胞在PCD过程中形态变化显著,细胞组分有序地降解,液泡在此起关键作用.在液泡化过程中,细胞质基质和一些细胞器被液泡所吞噬,此时的细胞器结构完整.当液泡膜破裂、细胞质基质消失之后,细胞器才逐步解体.最终,这些珠心细胞仅具有残留的细胞壁.随着胚珠的生长,细胞壁也被破坏.在整个PCD过程中,内膜系统发生明显改变:细胞质膜出泡,产生多泡体;形成多环膜结构;出现由膜包围的小体,其中含有细胞质基质和一些细胞器;液泡膜破裂;细胞器解体;细胞中出现大量的小膜泡.珠孔端的珠心表皮开裂形成贮粉室的开口有两种方式:一种为专一细胞的自溶,而另一种是在两个邻接细胞的中胶层处分离,没有发生细胞的自溶破裂.贮粉室开口位置的特定表皮细胞在开裂发生前就死亡,从而提前标示出表皮开裂的发生位置.这些细胞形态的变化反映出银杏珠心细胞的死亡是受发育调控的PCD过程.  相似文献   

王秀玲  高新起 《广西植物》2002,22(3):242-245
西瓜胚乳细胞衰退过程中 ,质膜、液泡膜突起、形成体积较大的囊泡 ,内质网断裂形成体积较小的囊泡 ;细胞质和细胞核降解形成电子致密的碎片沿细胞壁分布 ;细胞壁在衰退过程逐渐变薄 ,由于部分区域分解而使整个壁呈波浪型 ,细胞降解后的物质可直接穿越薄壁处或通过宽约 5 0 nm的胞间连丝向近胚端的胚乳细胞转移。胚乳与珠心组织分界壁 -胚囊壁上有发达的壁内突 ,有利于珠心组织内的物质向胚乳内转运 ;胚乳发育早期与胚共有的壁上内外两侧均有胼胝质沉积 ,壁上无外连丝型的胞间连丝存在 ,胚乳发育后期共有壁上的胼胝质消失 ,胚乳细胞降解物可穿越共有壁进入胚细胞内。实验结果表明西瓜胚乳在发育后期对胚的发育具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

非洲狼尾草无融合生殖胚胎学研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
报道非洲狼尾草(PennisetumsquamulatumFresen)的胚囊形成、胚胎发生与发育过程。非洲狼尾草的孢原细胞直接发育成大孢子母细胞,并由它分裂产生三分体。从大孢子母细胞发育至三分体的不同阶段,均会出现败育。性细胞退化期间,其周围的珠心组织中,常出现一至多个体积较大的无孢子生殖原始细胞。通常只有靠近珠孔端的1个无孢子生殖原始细胞体积进一步增大,并出现大液泡,发育成无孢子生殖单核胚囊。随后,其核经连续两次有丝分裂,形成无孢子生殖四核胚囊,胚囊内的4个核常聚积在珠孔端,4个核进一步分化形成1个卵细胞、1个助细胞和具两个极核的中央细胞,没有反足细胞。胚囊发育属于大黍型。其它的无孢子生殖原始细胞能发育到单核或二核胚囊阶段,而后核解体导致胚囊败育。胚的发生有两种类型:(1)早发生胚。大多数胚囊在开花前一、二天,次生核未分裂,卵细胞不经受精,自发分裂形成胚。(2)迟发生胚。少数胚囊的卵细胞不经过受精,但需要在开花后三、四天次生核分裂为多个胚乳核时才开始分裂。无论是早发生胚或迟发生胚,卵细胞在分裂前具有极性,珠孔端有大液泡,细胞质稀薄,合点端细胞质较浓。胚的发育经历球形胚、梨形胚和胚分化阶段。  相似文献   

Studies of ultrastructure and ATPase localization of the mature embryo sac in Vicia faba L. show that the egg cell has no cell wall at thechalazal end, it has a chalazally located nucleus and a large micropylar vacuole. There are many nuclear pores in the nuclear membrane. The cytoplasm is restricted around the nucleus. Dictyosome and mitochondria are few. There are some starch grains and lipid grains in the egg cytoplasm. There are no obvious differences between two synergids. No cell wall is seen at the chalazal end either, but there are some vesicles which project to vacuole of the central cell and fuse with its vacuolar membrane. Plasmodesmata connections occur within the synergid wall where it is adjacent to the central cell. The synergid has a micropylarly located nucleus and a chalazal vacuole, the nucleus is irregularly shaped. The synergid cytoplasm is rich in organelles. The filiform aparatus is of relatively heterogeneous structure. The central cell is occupied by a large vacuole and its cytoplasm is confined to a thin layer along the empryo sac wall, but is rich in various organelles, starch grains and lipid bodies. Nucleolar vacuoles are often present two polar nuclei. The nuclear membranes of two polar nuclei have partly fused. ATPase reactive product was located obviously at the endoplasmic reticulum in cytoplasm of the egg cell and central cell. The embryo sac wall consists of different density of osmiophilic layer. There are some wall ingrowths in chalazal region of the embryo sac. The long-shaped and cuneate cells of chalazal region are peculiar. Special tracks of ATPase reactive products are visible at their intercellular space which may be related to transportation of nutrients.  相似文献   

The nucellar ultrastructure of apomictic Panicum maximum was analyzed during the meiocytic stage and during aposporous embryo sac formation. At pachytene the megameiocyte shows a random cell organelle distribution and sometimes only an incomplete micropylar callose wall. The chalazal nucellar cells are meristematic until the tetrad stage. They can turn into initial cells of aposporous embryo sacs. The aposporous initials can be recognized by their increased cell size, large nucleus, and the presence of many vesicles. The cell wall is thin with few plasmodesmata. If only a sexual embryo sac is formed, the nucellar cells retain their meristematic character. The aposporous initial cell is somewhat comparable to a vacuolated functional megaspore. It shows large vacuoles around the central nucleus and is surrounded by a thick cell wall without plasmodesmata. In the mature aposporous embryo sac the structure of the cells of the egg apparatus is similar to each other. In the chalazal part of the egg apparatus the cell walls are thin and do not hamper the transfer of sperm cells. Structural and functional aspects of nucellar cell differentiation and aposporous and sexual embryo sac development are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the embryo sac lacking antipodals in prefertilization stages in Arabidopsis thaliana has been examined 2 hr before and 5 hr after manual cross pollination. The cytoplasm of both synergids before fertilization is rich in ribosomes, mitochondria, and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and also contains several microbodies and spherosomes. The filiform apparatus includes electron-dense material and a fibrous part. Many cortical microtubules appear in the filiform apparatus area. One of the two synergids degenerates before fertilization. The synergids, the egg cell, and central cell have a rich cytoskeleton of microtubules; only the synergids appear to contain microfilaments. At the chalazal end, the antipodals are initially present but degenerate by the time of pollination in most embryo sacs in the starchless line studied. The embryo sac is completely surrounded by a wall containing an electron-dense layer, separating it from the nucellus, including the chalazal end. When the antipodals have degenerated, the electron-dense layer disappears at the chalazal end only, and the wall between the central cell and the nucellus is homogeneous. Between the central cell and nucellar cells no plasmodesmata are found. The membranes of both antipodal cells at the chalazal end of the embryo sac appear sinuous, like those of transfer cells. The central cell has plastids preferentially distributed around the nucleus, but the other organelles are randomly distributed. The central cell in the embryo sac and the adjacent chalazal nucellar cells show a transfer-cell function in the embryo sac after the antipodals degenerate.  相似文献   

花椒球心胚及胚乳的发生和发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对花椒珠心胚及胚乳的发生和发育过程进行了详细的细胞学及细胞学研究。主要研究结果如下;珠心胚发生前,有性胚囊发育过程中从大孢子发生到胚囊形成的各个阶段均可发生退化,退化频率50%,未退化的胚囊发育成熟,成熟胚囊仅含卵器和两个极核。卵器最终退化,极核不经受精自发形成胚肥。当胚乳游离核达到15或32个时,最早的珠心胚原始细胞由靠近胚囊球孔端的珠心细胞分化形成。随着子房生长,多个原始细胞持续不断地从珠孔端  相似文献   

以甜菜无融合生殖单体附加系M14(Betavulgaris,2n=18+1)为实验材料,利用电子显微镜技术对成熟胚囊及其超微结构进行研究。结果表明:M14成熟胚囊包括1个卵细胞、2个退化的助细胞、1个具有次生核的中央细胞和3-6个反足细胞。其卵细胞具有3种不同的形态:(1)极性正常的卵细胞,细胞核位于合点端,细胞质含有大量核糖体、线粒体、内质网等细胞器;(2)细胞核位于细胞中央;(3)细胞核位于珠孔端,且后2种形态细胞器的种类与数量少。大多数胚囊中的2个助细胞在开花前已退化。中央细胞的次生核位于反足细胞附近;未经受精自发分裂前的卵细胞与中央细胞的细胞核大、核仁明显,细胞器的种类与数量多,呈现旺盛代谢活动特征,成为二倍体孢子无融合生殖过程中,卵细胞与次生核自发分裂的细胞学标志。  相似文献   

以甜菜无融合生殖单体附加系M14(Beta vulgaris, 2n=18+1)为实验材料, 利用电子显微镜技术对成熟胚囊及其超微结构进行研究。结果表明: M14成熟胚囊包括1个卵细胞、2个退化的助细胞、1个具有次生核的中央细胞和3-6个反足细胞。其卵细胞具有3种不同的形态: (1)极性正常的卵细胞, 细胞核位于合点端, 细胞质含有大量核糖体、线粒体、内质网等细胞器; (2)细胞核位于细胞中央; (3)细胞核位于珠孔端, 且后2种形态细胞器的种类与数量少。大多数胚囊中的2个助细胞在开花前已退化。中央细胞的次生核位于反足细胞附近; 未经受精自发分裂前的卵细胞与中央细胞的细胞核大、核仁明显, 细胞器的种类与数量多, 呈现旺盛代谢活动特征, 成为二倍体孢子无融合生殖过程中, 卵细胞与次生核自发分裂的细胞学标志。  相似文献   

A comparative study on the cytochemical localization of adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity reaction in the cells of the apical meristem zone, elongation zone and root hair zone of tomato roots was carried out by electron microscopic observations of lead phosphate precipitation. The following experimental results have been obtained: In the meristematic cells of tomato roots, the heavy lead phosphate deposits indicating a very high activity of ATPase were localized at plasmalemma, plasmodesmata, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, nucleoli and chromatin (Figs. 1—2). The reaction products of ATPase activity were also observed at some sites of ground cytoplasm and cell wall, but they were not found in little vacuoles and on tonoplast. In the cells of elongation zone, the ATPase activity at plasmalemma and plasmodesmata was as high as that in the meristematic cells of root tip, while the ATPase activity at nucleoli, chromatin, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies was markedly lowered. On the other hand, the high ATPase activity was produced on the tonoplast of the developing and enlarging vacuoles (Fig. 3). In the cells of root hair zone, the high ATPase activity was shown at plasmalemma, tonoplast and intercellular spaces, but the ATPase activity at nucleoli, chromatin and endoplasmic reticulum was wholly inactivated. (Figs. 4—7). The above results indicate that the ATPase activity with membranes and organelles is altered when the functions of cells and organelles change. Therefore, it is evident that the ATPase activity may be closely related to many physiological functions.  相似文献   

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