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以甜菜无融合生殖单体附加系M14(Betavulgaris,2n=18+1)为实验材料,利用电子显微镜技术对成熟胚囊及其超微结构进行研究。结果表明:M14成熟胚囊包括1个卵细胞、2个退化的助细胞、1个具有次生核的中央细胞和3-6个反足细胞。其卵细胞具有3种不同的形态:(1)极性正常的卵细胞,细胞核位于合点端,细胞质含有大量核糖体、线粒体、内质网等细胞器;(2)细胞核位于细胞中央;(3)细胞核位于珠孔端,且后2种形态细胞器的种类与数量少。大多数胚囊中的2个助细胞在开花前已退化。中央细胞的次生核位于反足细胞附近;未经受精自发分裂前的卵细胞与中央细胞的细胞核大、核仁明显,细胞器的种类与数量多,呈现旺盛代谢活动特征,成为二倍体孢子无融合生殖过程中,卵细胞与次生核自发分裂的细胞学标志。  相似文献   

水稻胚囊超微结构的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
水稻(Oryza sativa L.)胚囊成熟时,卵细胞的合点端无细胞壁,核居细胞中部,细胞器集中在核周围,液泡分散于细胞周边区域。助细胞珠孔端有丝状器,合点端无壁,核位于细胞中部贴壁处,细胞器主要分布在珠孔端,液泡主要分布在合点端。开花前不久,一个助细胞退化。中央细胞为大液泡所占,两个极核靠近卵器而部分融合,细胞器集中在极核周围和靠近卵器处,与珠心相接的胚囊壁上有发达的内突。反足细胞多个形成群体,其增殖主要依靠无丝分裂与壁的自由生长,反足细胞含丰富活跃的细胞器,与珠心相接的壁上有发达的内突。开花后6小时双受精已完成,合子和两个助细胞合点端均形成完整壁。合子中开始形成多聚核糖体、液泡减小。退化助细胞含花粉管释放的物质,其合点端迴抱合子。极核已分裂成数个胚乳游离核,中央细胞中细胞器呈活化状态。反足细胞仍在继续增殖。讨论了卵细胞的极性、助细胞的退化、卵器与中央细胞间界壁的变化、反足细胞的分裂特点等问题。  相似文献   

竹节参雌配子体发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了竹节参(Panax japonicus C.A.Mey)雌配子体(胚囊)的发育过程。竹节参大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生线形排列的大孢子四分体。胚囊发育属蓼型,由合点端大孢子发育而成。游离核胚囊时期,胚囊珠孔端的细胞器种类和数量都较胚囊合点端多;胚囊合点端相邻的珠被细胞中有含淀粉粒的小质体,与胚囊珠孔端相邻的退化中的非功能大孢子中则有含淀粉粒的大质体和大类脂体。成熟胚囊中,反足细胞较早退化;极核融合成次生核;卵细胞高度液泡化,细胞器数量较少;助细胞则有丰富的细胞器和发达的丝状器。PAS反应表明,受精前的成熟胚囊中积累淀粉粒。次生核受精后,很快分裂产生胚乳游离核,到几十至数百个核时形成胚乳细胞。卵细胞受精后则要经过较长的休眠期。  相似文献   

小麦受精过程中酸性磷酸酶的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小麦(Triticum aestivum )受精前成熟胚囊,除胚囊中央细胞的合点端细胞质中有酸性磷酸酶外,其余部位均未发现酸性磷酸酶。受精时期,以下部位存在酸性磷酸酶活性:卵细胞的细胞核内一部分染色质和细胞质中大部分线粒体;精、卵核融合时两核的核周腔内;退化助细胞合点端细胞质和一些液泡内;进入雌性细胞中的两个精核;胚囊各成员细胞的细胞壁及胚囊周围珠心细胞的细胞壁。二细胞原胚中未见有酸性磷酸酶。早期胚乳游离核染色质上有酸性磷酸酶。小麦受精过程酸性磷酸酶的分布特点可能与卵细胞生理状态的变化和细胞质中线粒体的改组、助细胞的退化、精核的生理状态以及精核与卵核的核膜融合等有关。  相似文献   

甜菜单体附加系M14无融合生殖的细胞胚胎学研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用常规研究方法,对甜菜单体附加系M 14品系(B eta vu lg aris L.,VV 1C、2n=18 1)的生殖方式进行细胞学与胚胎学研究.结果表明:(1)甜菜单体附加系M 14的4代细胞学检查表明:染色体组分别为VV 1C、2n=18 1;VV 0、2n=18 0;VV 2C、2n=18 2;VVV 0、2n=27 0;VVV 1C、2n=27 1;VVV 2C、2n=27 2等,其中VV 1C、2n=18 1的植株传递率平均为96.7%,表现为稳定传递,具有二倍体孢子无融合生殖特性;其余各种分离植株的传递率总计为3.25%,有性生殖发生率较低.(2)胚胎学研究表明,二倍体孢子无融合生殖的胚珠中,珠孔处看不到花粉管,胚囊没有发生受精作用.2个助细胞提前退化,半数卵细胞的极性与正常卵细胞相反;卵与次生核不经受精而自发分裂,卵细胞自发分裂产生无性胚,次生核自发分裂产生核型胚乳,而且次生核自发分裂早于卵细胞分裂;有性生殖胚珠中,珠孔处可见多条花粉管,胚囊里见到精卵融合的图像.表明甜菜单体附加系M 14是以二倍体孢子无融合生殖为主要繁殖方式,有性生殖为次要敏殖方式的兼性无融合生殖体.  相似文献   

天竺葵雌性生殖单位的超微结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用透射电镜研究了临近受精时天竺葵(Pelargonium hortorum Bailey)胚囊中的卵细胞、助细胞和中央细胞的结构。证明了卵细胞与助细胞以及助细胞与助细胞之间从合点端至珠孔端有很大的面积以质膜分界,仅珠孔端少部分以壁分隔。卵细胞与中央细胞之间同样缺乏细胞壁。在卵细胞的合点端,两质膜不同程度地分离形成宽窄相间的间隙。在间隙的絮状基质中存在小泡,这些小泡的产生似与卵和中央细胞中周质内质网的活动有关。推测小泡为多糖性质,可能为合子新壁的建造提供物质。卵细胞质中含巨大线粒体,质体和内质网也较丰富。基于超微结构的特征,可认为卵细胞具高度的生理合成活动的潜能。中央细胞极核位于珠孔端与卵器细胞毗邻,有利于在双受精作用中同时发生精细胞与卵细胞和精细胞与中央细胞核的融合。中央细胞的侧壁在珠孔端形成内突,具传递细胞的特点,表明这是雌配子体向孢子体摄取营养的重要部位。助细胞的细胞质含丰富的细胞器,这与多数植物中的相似,但具几个明显的特征,即核中存在微核仁,内质网形成圆球体或脂体,线粒体富集在丝状器的附近。传粉后花粉管进入胚囊之前,两个助细胞中一个退化。  相似文献   

龙须草无融合生殖的胚胎学证据   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用石蜡切片技术对龙须草(Eulaliopsisbinata(Rotz)C.E.Hubb)进行了系统的胚胎学研究,证明龙须草为禾本科植物中一种新的无融合生殖材料。龙须草无融合生殖方式为无孢子生殖,在胚珠发育早期,多个珠心细胞特化为无孢子生殖原始细胞,由原始细胞发育为单核胚囊,经两次有丝分裂形成4核胚囊,进一步分化形成两种类型的成熟胚囊:(1)具1个卵细胞,1个助细胞和2个极核,占观察总数的67.6%;(2)具1个卵细胞,2个助细胞和1个极核,占观察总数的32.4%。胚囊发育属大黍型。多个无孢子生殖原始细胞可以同时发育,最后形成2个或多个胚囊,其比例为17.7%。胚珠内没有有性胚囊的发育。胚的发生有两种类型:(1)早发生胚(74%),开花前1~2d,极核未分裂前卵细胞分裂形成胚;(2)迟发生胚(26%),开花后2~3d,极核分裂形成多个胚乳游离核后,卵细胞启动分裂形成胚。存在多胚现象,多胚来自不同胚囊内卵细胞的孤雌生殖,多胚发生率为13%。胚乳由极核不经受精自发分裂产生。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片技术对龙须草(Eulaliopsis binata(Rotz)C.E.Hubb)进行了系统的胚胎学研究,证明龙须草为禾本科植物中一种新的无融合生殖材料.龙须草无融合生殖方式为无孢子生殖,在胚珠发育早期,多个珠心细胞特化为无孢子生殖原始细胞,由原始细胞发育为单核胚囊,经两次有丝分裂形成4核胚囊,进一步分化形成两种类型的成熟胚囊:(1)具1个卵细胞,1个助细胞和2个极核,占观察总数的67.6%;(2)具1个卵细胞,2个助细胞和1个极核,占观察总数的32.4%.胚囊发育属大黍型.多个无孢子生殖原始细胞可以同时发育,最后形成2个或多个胚囊,其比例为17.7%.胚珠内没有有性胚囊的发育.胚的发生有两种类型:(1)早发生胚(74%),开花前1~2 d,极核未分裂前卵细胞分裂形成胚;(2)迟发生胚(26%),开花后2~3 d,极核分裂形成多个胚乳游离核后,卵细胞启动分裂形成胚.存在多胚现象,多胚来自不同胚囊内卵细胞的孤雌生殖,多胚发生率为13%.胚乳由极核不经受精自发分裂产生.  相似文献   

非洲狼尾草无融合生殖胚胎学研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
报道非洲狼尾草(PennisetumsquamulatumFresen)的胚囊形成、胚胎发生与发育过程。非洲狼尾草的孢原细胞直接发育成大孢子母细胞,并由它分裂产生三分体。从大孢子母细胞发育至三分体的不同阶段,均会出现败育。性细胞退化期间,其周围的珠心组织中,常出现一至多个体积较大的无孢子生殖原始细胞。通常只有靠近珠孔端的1个无孢子生殖原始细胞体积进一步增大,并出现大液泡,发育成无孢子生殖单核胚囊。随后,其核经连续两次有丝分裂,形成无孢子生殖四核胚囊,胚囊内的4个核常聚积在珠孔端,4个核进一步分化形成1个卵细胞、1个助细胞和具两个极核的中央细胞,没有反足细胞。胚囊发育属于大黍型。其它的无孢子生殖原始细胞能发育到单核或二核胚囊阶段,而后核解体导致胚囊败育。胚的发生有两种类型:(1)早发生胚。大多数胚囊在开花前一、二天,次生核未分裂,卵细胞不经受精,自发分裂形成胚。(2)迟发生胚。少数胚囊的卵细胞不经过受精,但需要在开花后三、四天次生核分裂为多个胚乳核时才开始分裂。无论是早发生胚或迟发生胚,卵细胞在分裂前具有极性,珠孔端有大液泡,细胞质稀薄,合点端细胞质较浓。胚的发育经历球形胚、梨形胚和胚分化阶段。  相似文献   

本研究对萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)的成熟胚囊,胚和胚乳的早期发育过程作了亚显微结构观察:(1)萝卜胚囊由7个细胞组成,成熟时反足细胞消失;(2)卵细胞表现明显的极性,其合点端不具完整的细胞壁,它是电子致密物质在卵细胞和中央细胞两者质膜之间沉积所形成的一种非连续结构。(3)助细胞的明显特点是具丝状器,细胞器丰富,内质网发达,(4)中央细胞具大液泡,它的两个极核位于靠近卵器的一侧,细胞壁也有类似助细胞丝状器的结构。(5)授粉后4-5天,萝卜合子开始第一次分裂,胚胎发育遵循柳叶菜型模式。(6)萝卜初生胚乳核比合子早约2天分裂,属核型胚乳,在胚囊的合点端和珠孔端,曾出现胚乳的结节状聚集,授粉后第16天左右,从珠孔区胚乳开始了细胞壁自由生长和形成胚乳细胞的过程。  相似文献   

Studies of ultrastructure and ATPase localization of the mature embryo sac in Vicia faba L. show that the egg cell has no cell wall at thechalazal end, it has a chalazally located nucleus and a large micropylar vacuole. There are many nuclear pores in the nuclear membrane. The cytoplasm is restricted around the nucleus. Dictyosome and mitochondria are few. There are some starch grains and lipid grains in the egg cytoplasm. There are no obvious differences between two synergids. No cell wall is seen at the chalazal end either, but there are some vesicles which project to vacuole of the central cell and fuse with its vacuolar membrane. Plasmodesmata connections occur within the synergid wall where it is adjacent to the central cell. The synergid has a micropylarly located nucleus and a chalazal vacuole, the nucleus is irregularly shaped. The synergid cytoplasm is rich in organelles. The filiform aparatus is of relatively heterogeneous structure. The central cell is occupied by a large vacuole and its cytoplasm is confined to a thin layer along the empryo sac wall, but is rich in various organelles, starch grains and lipid bodies. Nucleolar vacuoles are often present two polar nuclei. The nuclear membranes of two polar nuclei have partly fused. ATPase reactive product was located obviously at the endoplasmic reticulum in cytoplasm of the egg cell and central cell. The embryo sac wall consists of different density of osmiophilic layer. There are some wall ingrowths in chalazal region of the embryo sac. The long-shaped and cuneate cells of chalazal region are peculiar. Special tracks of ATPase reactive products are visible at their intercellular space which may be related to transportation of nutrients.  相似文献   

在野外居群调查的启示下,本文以组件观点对柳叶野豌豆复合种和歪头菜幼苗亚单位的时序变化与开花关系进行了分析。结果发现在柳叶野豌豆复合种栽培居群中存在打破物种间形体结构特征的个体,即在复叶由一对小叶组成的植株就已开花而进入生殖时期。另外,在歪头菜的野生居群中发现由三或四枚小叶组成复叶的个体,因此,我们推测这种形体结构的变化可能暗示着柳叶野豌豆复合种和歪头菜有着共同的祖先。  相似文献   

The structural and histochemical changes of the egg apparatus in the polyembryonic rice (Oryza sativa L.), ApⅢ with the highest frequence of additional embryos among the polyembryonic rice investigated, before and after fertilization were studied and compared with those of normal and other polyembryonic rices in a similar developmental period. A total of 2 932 ovules were observed and each of them contained only asingle embryo sac with a set of egg apparatus. Among 1 655 embryo sacs, there were 1 643 embryo sacs (99.27%) with one normal egg apparatus in each embryo sac, and only 12 embryo sacs (0.73%) from the remainder with 4 celled egg apparatus, i.e. two eggs and two synergids. Neither the numerous poly egg apparatus and egg like cells, nor the double set of embryo sacs each containing one egg apparatus and other abnormal egg apparatus in single ovary, which were reported by earlier investigators to have high frequency of embryo production in SB 1 and ApⅣ, were observed. The egg cell was located at the subterminal site of the micropylar end of embryo sac. The cytoplasm of egg cell was rich in protein materials and poly saccharide grains, which did not disappear until the division of zygote. The prominent nucleus was closely surrounded by protein and polysaccharide grains, which did not disappear until the division of zygote. No cytological difference was found between egg cells from the normal and abnormal egg apparatus. The two synergids were fully developed and situated at the upper most part of the micropylar end of the mature embryo sac. In most embryo sacs, the synergids were flask shaped with longer necks, and a widened cap shaped top, in close contact with the micropyle. The synergids had a well developed filiform apparatus. The characteristic appearance of the filiform apparatus as well as the cap neck region of synergids before and after pollen tube penetration were easily distinguishable from the egg cell. The structure, the stainability with Coomassie Brilliant Blue and PAS reaction, the process of accumulation, distribution and disapperance of the cytoplasmic protein materials and polysaccharide grains of the two synergids, the persistent and rarely the receptive synergids before and after pollen tube penetration, were closely similar to those of egg cell of the same developmental stage. In comparison with normal and other polyembryonic rice reported, the size of nucleus and nucleolus and their stainability also strongly resembled those of egg cell. Based on the results observed, the main conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) the additional embryos very frequently developed in the young and mature seed of polyembryonic rice ApⅢ were produced by one or two synergids of normal egg apparatus, rarely by 4 celled egg apparatus; (2) during fertilization, the synergids, in addition to the natural specific function of introducing pollen tube and transferring sperms to egg cell and central cell, could be closely associated with the potentiality to breed one or two additional embryos; and (3) as compared with that of normal or other polyembryonic rice it is firstly disclosed that in a few embryo sacs of ApⅢ, the cytoplasmic and nuclear structure, the active anabolism and catabolism of protein and polysaccharide materials and the delayed disorganization at the mid basal region of the receptive and persistent synergid still remained unchanged before the division of zygote. Such salient features could be the predisposition for the origin of additional embryos in ApⅢ.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the embryo sac lacking antipodals in prefertilization stages in Arabidopsis thaliana has been examined 2 hr before and 5 hr after manual cross pollination. The cytoplasm of both synergids before fertilization is rich in ribosomes, mitochondria, and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and also contains several microbodies and spherosomes. The filiform apparatus includes electron-dense material and a fibrous part. Many cortical microtubules appear in the filiform apparatus area. One of the two synergids degenerates before fertilization. The synergids, the egg cell, and central cell have a rich cytoskeleton of microtubules; only the synergids appear to contain microfilaments. At the chalazal end, the antipodals are initially present but degenerate by the time of pollination in most embryo sacs in the starchless line studied. The embryo sac is completely surrounded by a wall containing an electron-dense layer, separating it from the nucellus, including the chalazal end. When the antipodals have degenerated, the electron-dense layer disappears at the chalazal end only, and the wall between the central cell and the nucellus is homogeneous. Between the central cell and nucellar cells no plasmodesmata are found. The membranes of both antipodal cells at the chalazal end of the embryo sac appear sinuous, like those of transfer cells. The central cell has plastids preferentially distributed around the nucleus, but the other organelles are randomly distributed. The central cell in the embryo sac and the adjacent chalazal nucellar cells show a transfer-cell function in the embryo sac after the antipodals degenerate.  相似文献   

Fertilization in maize indeterminate gametophyte1 mutant   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Guo F  Huang BQ  Han Y  Zee SY 《Protoplasma》2004,223(2-4):111-120
Summary. Mature embryo sacs of the maize mutant indeterminate gametophyte1 displayed different cellular patterns compared to those of the wild type. About 40% of the ig1 embryo sacs contained three or more synergids and two or more egg cells at the micropylar end. During fertilization in embryo sacs with two synergids, both of them frequently degenerated and were penetrated by two pollen tubes. 75% of the embryo sacs containing three or more synergid cells were penetrated by two or more pollen tubes, although most of them had only one degenerated synergid. Multiple fusions between the sperm cells and eggs frequently occurred in the same embryo sac, which subsequently generated multiple embryos. There were two or more central cells in about 33% of ig1 embryo sacs. The largest central cell was usually adjacent to the egg apparatus and contained two unfused polar nuclei, while those extra central cells located at the chalazal end usually had a single nucleus. Fertilization occurred only between the male gamete and the largest binucleate central cell. The extra central cells eventually degenerated after fertilization.Present address: GI Basic Research Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A.Correspondence and reprints: State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Biological Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, Peoples Republic of China.  相似文献   

Ultrastructures of the mature embryo sac of Calystegia hederacea Wall. and its changes after fertilization are described. The positional organization of the egg cell, the two synergids and the central cell, as well as their interrelationships were studied. Some regions of the cell boundaries between the egg cell and the central cell, as well as between the egg cell and the synergids were devoid of typical cell wall before fertilization, displayed a feature quite similar to the characteristic absence of the cell wall in the fertilization target zone occurred in most angiosperms. Besides the genera ultrastructural characteristics of the egg apparatus and the central cell, there were several unusual aspects in C. hederacea, such as the egg nucleus located above the large vacuole near the chalazal end of the cell, many polyribosomes in the cytoplasm of the egg cell and wall ingrowths on both sides of the hooks of the central cell. All these unusual characteristics seemed to be closely associated with the short duration of the fertilization and the absence of antipodal cells in the mature embryo sac. It is concluded that the female germ unit of C. hecleracea is considered to be a topographical and physiological unit to realize their functions for successful double fertilization.  相似文献   

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