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江西沟2号遗址(JXG2)发现于2004年,2012年围绕地层测年及环境研究开展了小面积试掘。本文通过对2012年出土的659件石制品进行的观察和初步研究,并结合其他出土遗物及考古年代学研究的基本结论,对遗址所反映的史前人类行为的变化及其与环境的关系作了初步报告。根据出土文化遗物(主要指石制品和陶片)的差异,遗址可以分为上下两个文化层,上文化层为10~80cm,包含陶片和细石器为主的石制品;下文化层为距地表80cm以下的堆积,该层仅包含石制品,其中除以燧石为原料的细石器产品,同时出土石英砸击产品。光释光和AMS14C年代测定结果表明古人类在该遗址活动的时间主要集中在全新世中期,遗址石制品原料和技术变化的研究初步揭示了该时段区域内史前人类的行为变化和生活方式的转变。  相似文献   

马圈沟遗址是东北亚地区年代最古老的旧石器时代遗址之一,出土了大量石制品及动物化石,现已发现并确认距今1.76~1.26 Ma之间的17个不同阶段的文化层,为探讨早更新世东北亚地区最早人类的扩散与生存适应方式提供了关键材料。本文以距今1.66 Ma的马圈沟遗址第3文化层2001~2003年出土的大、中型哺乳动物长骨为研究材料,开展骨骼破碎方式的分析。研究表明,这批长骨化石以残段及残片为主,通过对它们的断口形态和质地,特别是破裂断口的角度进行测量、统计以及分析,发现大多数长骨是在新鲜状况下破裂的,而古人类很可能是敲碎骨骼和取食骨髓的主体;食肉类动物也造成了一些骨骼的破裂,但应该发生在古人类的行为之后。本文是首次对中国北方早更新世遗址出土动物骨骼的破碎方式进行的系统分析,为讨论早更新世古人类与食肉类的互动关系提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)和野驴(Equus hemionus)是许家窑遗址动物群中的优势属种。本文基于对这两种动物牙齿材料的测量与分析,确定了遗址中马科动物的死亡年龄,并对上、下文化层的死亡年龄分布进行了研究,以期探知古人类获取肉食资源的方式与特点。通过与马科动物在自然生存状态下以及死于不同原因(如疾病或营养衰竭、食肉动物猎杀、现代人类狩猎等)的年龄结构对比,结果表明:古人类在许家窑文化早期(下文化层)可能通过捡拾自然死亡的动物尸体、与食肉类动物抢夺猎物、主动狩猎等多种方式获取马科动物,而在许家窑文化晚期(上文化层)可能以主动狩猎作为获取马科动物的主要方式。此外,古人类在遗址的早期就可能已经具有捕获整个马科动物居群中任意年龄个体的能力,并能做出最优化判断,有选择地去捕猎脂肪和肉量较高的壮年动物群体。  相似文献   

内蒙古金斯太洞穴遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000—2001年间,金斯太洞穴遗址先后经历了两次发掘,面积约80m2, 发掘出土石制品4000余件和大量动物化石。洞穴地层堆积厚达6m以上, 可划分为8层。第3层以下为旧石器时代文化堆积,可分为上、中、下三个文化层。遗址经过14C测年, 旧石器层位年代为距今3.6万年至1.8万左右, 处于旧石器时代中晚期过渡至晚期之末。通过对石、骨制品和部分动物化石的分析可知, 这是一处以旧石器遗存为主,兼有全新世遗存的洞穴遗址。遗址石器工业整体上属于小石器工业, 中文化层阶段出现了勒瓦娄哇技术, 上文化层阶段出现了细石叶工业,并占主体地位, 与小石器工业并行发展。该遗址的发掘为探索北方主工业的分布范围和文化内涵提供了新的材料, 对于探讨旧石器时代的文化交流以及细石叶工业的产生具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

湖北郧西白龙洞古人类遗址初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
湖北省郧西县白龙洞遗址经过两次正式发掘,出土了古人类牙齿化石、石制品、骨制品等文化遗物和大量动物化石,是一处重要的古人类遗址.2007年4-5月,作者在该遗址周围进行了地质、地貌调查,并对以往发掘出土的部分动物化石和文化遗物进行了整理.同年9月,作者在白龙洞进行探察和小规模试掘,出土大量动物化石和少量石制品、骨制品等文化遗物.同时还发现可疑燃烧痕迹、动物骨骼表面痕迹以及特殊的动物化石埋藏现象等古人类活动证据.白龙洞发育于上新世沙坪组砾岩、泥晶灰岩和泥灰岩地层中,近水平状节理和裂隙为洞穴发育提供前提条件,垂直渗流为溶蚀的主要方式.白龙洞遗址属原地埋藏,动物群的组合显示中更新世早期的面貌,石英岩岩脉原料可能是导致石器工业组合显示北方石器工业面貌的原因.对遗址分布及埋藏现象的初步分析显示,白龙洞为一处多功能的古人类活动遗址.  相似文献   

牛亚科动物在中国第四纪古人类遗址中十分常见,但其分类和鉴定仍存在诸多问题。南方洞穴动物群经常仅有单个牙齿保存,所以南方更新世洞穴遗址中牛亚科动物化石鉴别问题更为突出。湖北郧西白龙洞古人类遗址出土的大型牛亚科动物化石,不仅有大量单个牙齿,还有残破颅骨、角心、下颌骨及头后骨骼。白龙洞的牛亚科动物角心粗短、横截面呈背腹略扁的椭圆形;额骨上的角间隆突发育且呈拱形;顶骨从颅顶退出;枕面较圆且高;角后颅骨收缩强烈使得枕骨上部变窄,颞窝明显凹进;下颌角大于90°,下颌支向后倾斜;下颌p2的结构复杂程度介于水牛Bubalus和黄牛Bos(Bos)taurus之间。依据上述特征,可将白龙洞的大型牛亚科动物化石归入大额牛Bos(Bibos)gaurus。白龙洞是我国出土大额牛化石最为丰富的古人类遗址,为区分南方洞穴出土的牛亚科动物化石提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

老鸦洞遗址是贵州省毕节市七星关区一处旧石器时代晚期遗址,该遗址上世纪80年代被发现并发掘,出土大量石制品及动物碎骨。为进一步研究该遗址,明确遗址文化及年代性质,2013年7月至8月,发掘队对该遗址进行了再次系统发掘,出土包括石制品、骨制品、古人类牙齿化石、动物化石、植物果核、碳屑在内的标本两千余件,其中,石制品在制作技术上显示了典型的小石片石器传统特征。另有未统计碎骨上万件。碳十四测年结果表明,这些出土物及遗迹记录了旧石器时代晚期距今37000-20000年,以及距今14000年古人类在老鸦洞内生存的历史,是毕节地区旧石器时代晚期最初阶段古人类生存栖息的证据。多个石制品及碳屑、灰烬富集的层位表明了古人类对该洞穴的长时间反复利用,以及末次冰期最盛期期间人类活动的消退现象。  相似文献   

山西和顺当城旧石器时代洞穴遗址群初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴志清  孙炳亮 《人类学学报》1989,8(1):38-48,,T001,
山西和顺当城旧石器时代洞穴遗址群出土了三千余件石制品,23种哺乳动物化石,两块人类顶骨。根据动物化石及^14C同位素年代测定;时代为晚更新世或旧石器时代晚期,该遗址群的发现,对于研究华北地区古人类及各旧石器文化间的关系,提供了新材料。  相似文献   

水洞沟第2地点是水洞沟遗址群的重要遗址之一, 自2003年来共进行了4次发掘, 揭露面积约100m2, 发现7个文化层, 包含用火遗迹、石制品、动物化石、串珠装饰品和磨制骨针等。本文观察和研究的石制品1万余件, 总体上显示中国北方石片石器工业的技术特征, 但最下部第7文化层出土1件具有水洞沟第1地点特征的石叶石核。动物化石比较破碎, 集中分布于火塘内部或周围, 反映了古人类围绕火塘进行肉类资源利用的行为。综合水洞沟第2地点的AMS14C及光释光测年数据,该地点主要文化层年龄集中在距今41ka-20ka BP之间。  相似文献   

宁夏鸽子山遗址第10地点(QG10)位于青铜峡市西北约20km的贺兰山南麓。2014-2017年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所与宁夏文物考古研究所联合组队对该遗址进行了发掘,出土大量动物化石、近万件石制品以及装饰品、骨制品、结构性火塘等。本项研究基于遗址第4层出土动物化石的埋藏学初步观察认为:晚更新世末期的古人类是遗址中动物骨骼的富集者和改造者;QG10的狩猎-采集人群采取狩猎而非主动食腐的方式获取了遗址附近的大中型食草类动物,并将其完整搬运至遗址内进行后续的肢解、食肉与敲骨取髓等营养性处理过程。相对于上述动物种类而言,遗址内的小型动物则是在其营养物质之外,古人类还利用了它们的骨骼材料以制作器型规整的骨角类工具。  相似文献   

Chimpanzee hunting provides information on prey characteristics and constraints acting on a large-bodied primate lacking a hunting technology, and has important implications for modeling hunting by fossil hominids. Analysis of the remains of five red colobus monkeys captured and consumed by Gombe chimpanzees in a single hunting bout provides one of the first opportunities to investigate the characteristics of prey bones surviving chimpanzee consumption. Four of the five individuals (an older infant, two juveniles and one subadult) were preserved in the bone assemblage; a neonate was entirely consumed. Cranial and mandibular fragments had the highest survivorships, followed by the scapulae and long bones. Post-cranial axial elements had the lowest survivorships. A high percentage (80%) of the long bones and ribs surviving consumption were damaged, most commonly through crenulation and step fracturing of bone ends. One of two partially reconstructed crania preserves a canine puncture through its left parietal. Proposed characteristics of faunal assemblages formed through chimpanzee-like hunting include small modal prey size, limited taxonomic diversity, a high proportion of immature individuals and a high frequency of skull bones. These characteristics would not uniquely identify hunting by fossil primates in the geological record, necessitating a contextual approach to diagnose hunting by hominids not forming an archeological record.Hominid utilization of vertebrate tissue is first unambiguously documented at 2.5 m.y.a. Rather than representing a strict "scavenging phase" in the evolution of hominid-prey interactions, Oldowan hominid carnivory may represent the overlay of large mammal scavenging on a tradition of small mammal hunting having a low archeological visibility.  相似文献   

There are many types of evidence that provide information about methods for obtaining animal nutrients. Several researchers suggest that the main element to be considered is the skeletal representation of the different species identified in the faunal assemblage. This element must be associated to the animals’ age at death and the localisation of processing marks of the carcasses (both those of anthropic origin and those produced by carnivores). Occasionally, these marks coincide on the same point of the bone, giving cause for overlapping marks. These marks can be considered an aid more to identify the anthropic manner for obtaining animal recourses. However, these cases are very unusual at archaeological sites, and it is not always easy to identify which of the two predators has obtained the prey first. Through the experimental process presented in this article, we have observed diagnostic elements on overlapping marks that show the action sequence of the predators (hominids and carnivores) on carcasses. These experimental criteria were applied to different archaeological sites of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula: Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain) and level TD10-1 and TD6-2 of Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Burgos). In these assemblages, we were able to distinguish hunting and scavenging events through overlapping marks, providing a new element to the general interpretation of these sites.  相似文献   

高瑶  王华  郎剑锋 《人类学学报》2023,42(2):238-247
小高遗址是山东地区近年来发现的一处全新世早期遗址,出土有大量的獐骨骼。本文主要从年龄结构、季节性特征及骨骼单元分布频率等角度对獐的骨骼进行研究。年龄结构的研究结果显示,人类的狩猎对象以7-24个月的青年和中年的个体为主;且越到晚期,未成年个体所占比例越高,这表明大多数獐是在接近或达到最大体重后成为人类的狩猎对象,且人类狩猎活动对獐的种群结构造成了一定影响。季节性研究结果显示,人类对獐的狩猎活动多发生在食物资源比较短缺的冬季及春季。骨骼单元分布频率和骨骼破裂程度研究表明,小高遗址可能还存在对骨髓的充分开发与利用。结合獐的生物学特征,我们认为,小高先民对獐的利用模式符合全新世早期动物资源广谱性和强化利用的特征,也表明人与动物之间存在着密切的互动关系。  相似文献   

We present a taphonomic study of bones that have passed though the digestive tracts of free-ranging chimpanzees from the Kibale Forest in Uganda. The bone assemblage can be characterized as having a very low species diversity; low number of identifiable specimens (NISP) per scat; bones extremely broken up (very small size range); skeletal part frequencies similar in some ways to those resulting from carnivore partial digestion; and sometimes articulated specimens. Modifications to the bones include corrosion, tiny tooth scores and pits, cracking, and fraying of bone edges. Together, these characteristics suggest that hominoid bone digestion may be recognizable, despite some similarities with leopard-, canid-, and eagle-modified bone. Chimpanzees are well-documented hunters of medium-sized vertebrates such as monkeys. This is significant in the study of human evolution if, as it seems, the last common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans was chimpanzee-like. It suggests there was a pre-stone-tool-using hunting phase in human evolution, perhaps by australopiths or the last common ancestor. Taphonomically, pre-stone tool meat eating has been very difficult to detect in the fossil record. However, if chimpanzees leave a recognizable taphonomic signature on the bones of their prey, we will be able to look for analogous signatures in fossil bones associated with fossil hominoids and hominids.  相似文献   

Scavenging or Hunting in Early Hominids: Theoretical Framework and Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence from Bed I, Olduvai, supports the hypothesis that scavenging, not hunting, was the major meat-procurement strategy of hominids between 2 and 1.7 million years ago. Data used to evaluate the hunting and scavenging hypotheses are derived from studying cut marks on Bed I bovids, comparing adaptations necessary for scavenging with those of early hominids, and a pa-leoecological reconstruction of Bed I carcass biotnass, carnivore guild, and hominidforaging area.  相似文献   

The meat-eating behavior of Plio-Pleistocene hominids, responsible for the bone accumulations at the earliest archaeological sites, is still a hotly-debated issue in paleoanthropology. In particular, meat-eating and bone marrow consumption are often presented as either complementary or opposing strategies of carcass exploitation. The presence of cut marks on fossil archeofauna is a potential source of information that has not been consistently used as evidence of carcass consumption by hominids. Some authors interpret cut marks as the result of hominids manipulating meat-bearing bones, while others argue that they can also be the result of hominids extracting marginal scraps of carcass flesh that have survived carnivores’ initial consumption. In this study, a referential framework concerning the interpretation of cut marks is presented, based on a set of experiments conducted by the author. It is suggested, according to these experiments and data drawn from the FLK “Zinj” site, that hominids processed meat-bearing bones (on which flesh was abundant) rather than defleshed carcasses from felid kills.  相似文献   

The Middle Palaeolithic site Salzgitter Lebenstedt (northern Germany), excavated in 1952, is well known because of its well-preserved faunal remains, dominated by adult reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). The archaeological assemblage accumulated in an arctic setting in an earlier part of the last (Weichsel) glacial (OIS5-3). The site is remarkable because of the presence of unique Middle Palaeolithic bone tools and the occurrence of the northernmost Neanderthal remains, but this paper focuses on an analysis of its reindeer assemblage. The results indicate autumn hunting of reindeer by Middle Palaeolithic hominids. After the hunt, carcasses were butchered and in subsequent marrow processing of the bones a selection against young and sub-adult animals occurred. Adults were clearly preferred, and from their bones, again, poorer marrow bones were neglected. This focus on primeness of resources has been documented in other domains of Neanderthal behaviour, but Salzgitter Lebenstedt is the best example yet known in terms of systematic and routinized processing of game. The Salzgitter Lebenstedt assemblage displays some remarkable similarities to the Late Glacial reindeer assemblages from the Ahrensburg tunnel valley sites. The subsequent review of the evidence on subsistence strategies from earlier periods of the European Palaeolithic shows that hunting of large mammals may have been a part of the behavioural repertoire of the Middle Pleistocene occupants of Europe from the earliest occupation onwards. At the same time, it is suggested that these early hunting strategies were incorporated in ways of moving through landscapes ("settlement systems") which were different from what we know from the middle parts of the Upper Palaeolithic onwards.  相似文献   

Traditional interpretations of hominid carcass acquisition strategies revolve around the debate over whether early hominids hunted or scavenged. A popular version of the scavenging scenario is the carnivore-hominid-carnivore hypothesis, which argues that hominids acquired animal resources primarily through passive opportunistic scavenging from felid-defleshed carcasses. Its main empirical support comes from the analysis of tooth mark frequency and distribution at the FLK Zinj site reported by Blumenschine (Blumenschine, 1995, J. Hum. Evol. 29, 21-51), in which it was shown that long bone mid-shafts exhibited a high frequency of tooth marks, only explainable if felids had preceded hominids in carcass defleshing. The present work shows that previous estimates of tooth marks on the FLK Zinj assemblage were artificially high, since natural biochemical marks were mistaken for tooth marks. Revised estimates are similar to those obtained in experiments in which hyenas intervene after humans in bone modification. Furthermore, analyses of percussion marks, notches, and breakage patterns provide data which are best interpreted as the results of hominid activity (hammerstone percussion and marrow extraction), based on experimentally-derived referential frameworks. These multiple lines of evidence support previous analyses of cut marks and their anatomical distribution; all indicate that hominids had early access to fleshed carcasses that were transported, processed, and accumulated at the FLK Zinj site.  相似文献   

Middle Stone Age (MSA) and Middle Paleolithic (MP) faunal assemblages have gained widespread attention due to their relevance to the debate over the modernity of hominid behavior during the MSA/MP. A recent critique of the scavenging argument for MSA/MP behavior drew on a summary presentation of the skeletal abundance and surface modification data from Die Kelders Cave 1 Layer 10 (Marean, 1998). This paper provides a more complete presentation of those data, adds the smaller Layer 11 sample, and provides a detailed analysis of the taphonomic history of both samples.Bone fragment density is higher in Layer 10 than in Layer 11. Bone densities vary horizontally as well, with Layer 10 showing greater deposition in the exposed areas of the cave. An analysis of long bone breakage patterns indicates that non-nutritive breakage on the Layers 10 and 11 samples was present but not intense. Size 1 mammals were predominantly accumulated by owls and/or other large raptors, not hominids, in Layer 10. Hominids were the predominant accumulator of Sizes 2-4 mammals in Layers 10 and 11 as indicated by the frequency of hammer-stone percussion marks and carnivore toothmarks. After discard by hominids, a significant portion of these remains were discovered and scavenged by carnivores. Overall, the larger mammal fauna of Layer 10 is dominated by Sizes 3 and 4 bovids, mostly young and adult eland, and thus hominids were focusing on the high-ranked prey items. Shaft portions of long bones, the portions with the most flesh, have the highest frequencies of cutmarks. A comparison of the Layers 10 and 11 cutmark frequencies to Selvaggio's (1998) scavenging model shows that the frequencies are significantly outside the range of variation documented in Selavaggio's scavenging sample.  相似文献   

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