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水利水电工程对鱼类的洄游和基因交流产生了一定影响,过鱼设施是一项重要的缓解措施,而鱼类游泳特性和趋向特征等行为学研究是过鱼设施设计的重要依据。本文阐释了鱼类游泳特性和趋向特征的基本概念,分析了鱼类行为研究方法的优缺点及影响因素(水流速度、水流形态、水温等),探讨了鱼类行为研究在过鱼设施应用中存在的4个问题,并提出了相应建议:(1)实际过鱼设施内流场十分复杂,因而需要加强复杂流场条件下鱼类行为学研究;(2)运动训练可能提高鱼类游泳能力,因而可以利用其规律提高鱼类通过过鱼设施的成功率;(3)不同目标鱼类游泳能力有差异,因而需要提出新的设计使单个过鱼设施满足所有目标鱼类的过鱼需求;(4)各研究单位使用着不同的鱼类行为数据处理方法,造成各研究结果之间难以直接用于比较分析,因而亟需政府有关部门和业内人士尽快深入研究并以行业内规范、导则或其他方式将鱼类行为研究数据处理方法标准化。  相似文献   

为便于目标鱼类能够在河流系统中顺利通过大坝等障碍物, 已有大量的人力、物力投入到鱼道等过鱼设施的开发、建设以及修复中。如今, 鱼道科学已逐步发展成为以工程学为中心, 涵盖鱼类行为学、社会经济学和复杂建模(河流网络通道优先选择)等多学科交叉的一门学科。建设高效的鱼道等过鱼设施(延迟洄游时间短, 洄游后负面影响小), 需要适应性的管理和连续的创新。中国过鱼设施建设如火如荼, 但是完善的过鱼设施全过程管理体系亟待建立。文章对1991年至2017年国外鱼道适应性管理体系相关文献(包括开发、建设和管理等方面)进行了综述。其中检索词为“鱼道(Fishway)”、“鱼类通道(Fish passage)”、“鱼(Fish)”和“大坝(Dam)”。研究表明, 国外的过鱼设施逐步由经济种群保护向生物多样性保护发展、上行通道向下行通道发展、单一工程建设向流域整体发展、单一过鱼功能向生境补充发展、单纯工程建设向适应性管理发展。最后, 文章讨论并展望了中国鱼道等过鱼设施的全过程适应性管理体系的发展前景。  相似文献   

为便于目标鱼类能够在河流系统中顺利通过大坝等障碍物,已有大量的人力、物力投入到鱼道等过鱼设施的开发、建设以及修复中。如今,鱼道科学已逐步发展成为以工程学为中心,涵盖鱼类行为学、社会经济学和复杂建模(河流网络通道优先选择)等多学科交叉的一门学科。建设高效的鱼道等过鱼设施(延迟洄游时间短,洄游后负面影响小),需要适应性的管理和连续的创新。中国过鱼设施建设如火如荼,但是完善的过鱼设施全过程管理体系亟待建立。文章对1991年至2017年国外鱼道适应性管理体系相关文献(包括开发、建设和管理等方面)进行了综述。其中检索词为"鱼道(Fishway)"、"鱼类通道(Fish passage)"、"鱼(Fish)"和"大坝(Dam)"。研究表明,国外的过鱼设施逐步由经济种群保护向生物多样性保护发展、上行通道向下行通道发展、单一工程建设向流域整体发展、单一过鱼功能向生境补充发展、单纯工程建设向适应性管理发展。最后,文章讨论并展望了中国鱼道等过鱼设施的全过程适应性管理体系的发展前景。  相似文献   

常涛  刘焕章 《水生生物学报》2020,44(6):1330-1341
如何减轻大坝阻隔对鱼类等水生生物的影响以及制定有效的恢复措施一直是河流生态保护的主要内容。文章通过文献调研、资料收集等方式对美国密西西比河干流大坝建设状况及其对鱼类的影响进行梳理, 总结了当前美国所采取的相关保护措施和效果。统计结果显示, 密西西比河干流共建有梯级闸坝41座, 均分布在干流的上游, 多数大坝坝高不超过15 m, 库容小于0.3 km3。这些弱调蓄能力的低水头坝阻隔了密西西比河鱼类洄游, 但目前仍未修建过鱼设施。相关研究证实, 密西西比河洄游性鱼类可以利用泄水闸门完成上行和下行, 但过鱼效率随着大坝梯级的递增逐级下降, 尤其是鲟类, 仍难以抑制其种群的衰退。受长期蓄水影响, 密西西比河上游鱼类群落产生了空间分化, 但仍保持着较高的物种多样性。1986和2000年, 美国分别实施了上密西西比河生态系统环境管理计划(UMRS-EMP)和上密西西比河生态恢复和维持策略(UMRS-RMS), 采用渔业资源长期监测计划(LTRMP)及9项栖息地修复措施, 从生态系统层面保障了密西西比河鱼类资源的持续稳定。这种系统性修复方式可为我国筑坝河流鱼类资源保护与河流生态修复提供参考和示范。  相似文献   

使用eDNA宏条形码(eDNA metabarcoding)和地笼法检测了北京市3条水系在夏季和秋季两个季节的鱼类多样性, 旨在研究北京市鱼类群落的空间格局特征, 探索适用于北京鱼类生物多样性监测及保护的新方法。结果表明: 在北京市的34个采样点中, 利用eDNA metabarcoding共检测出鱼类55种, 显著高于传统方法所捕获的鱼类种数(35种), 鱼类组成以鲤形目和鲈形目为主。山区河流清水鱼的多样性要显著高于城区河流, 城区河流(北运河水系)群落结构较为单一, 以鲫(Carassius auratus)、麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)、泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)等耐污种为优势种; 山区河流(潮白河水系及大清河水系)以宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)、拉氏鱥(Rhynchocypris lagowskii)、马口鱼(Opsariichthys uncirostris)等为优势种。不同季节影响清水鱼群落结构的环境因子不同, 夏季主要是总溶解固体和电导率, 秋季主要是海拔和温度。清水鱼丰富度与环境因子及人类活动的相关性表明, 清水鱼的丰富度随着总溶解固体及灯光指数增加而显著降低, 且均与海拔、温度等存在显著相关性。本研究证明了eDNA metabarcoding方法用于监测北京市鱼类多样性及其时空分布的可行性。  相似文献   

河流生境是水生生物赖以生存的物理、化学和生物环境的综合体, 是河流生态系统的重要组成部分。河流生境评价有助于掌握河流的生态健康状况, 识别河流退化的原因, 为河流的生态修复提供依据。文章梳理总结了20世纪80年代至2018年文献中报道的全球范围内河流生境评估的方法, 然后根据每种方法的侧重点和目标, 将它们分为预测模型法和多指标综合评估法两种类型, 并比较了它们各自的优势和不足。预测模型法适于长期的生境动态监测, 但该方法需要以自然无干扰的河流为参照, 并且需要大量历史数据, 统一评估不易实现; 多指标综合评估法评估相对快速方便, 但评估过程复杂, 且评价标准不一, 结果有一定的局限性。这些方法的适用范围从中小型的可涉水河流到较大的不可涉水河流, 但适用于大型不可涉水河流的生境评估方法和案例非常有限。通过分类整理, 发现我国河流生境评估方法多是参考国外几种常用的河流评估方法, 种类单一, 而且多是针对个别河流, 并且未对这些河流所在的流域的生境状况进行深入研究, 广适性较差。因此, 文章从以下几个方面对我国河流生境评估体系的发展提出几点建议: (1)确定科学和标准化的评分指标, 因地制宜, 以满足不同河流特征; (2)扩大评估范围, 从流域和景观尺度开展生境监测, 关注全流域的健康状况; (3)扩大时间尺度, 建立模型, 进行长期的动态评估; (4)鼓励政府宏观规划, 促进不同管理部门间的合作, 整合不同地区的河流生境数据并建立国家尺度的河流生境大数据库, 以实现我国河流生态健康的维护和流域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文探讨高黎贡山地区(掸邦-马来亚板块)向北移动并右旋的地史过程,及其造成的环境变迁,研究这地过程对高黎贡山地区系产生的生物效应。板块位移的生物效应表现为使高黎贡山境内的伊洛瓦底江水系和怒江水系成为(1)古北界和东洋界鱼类区系的交汇融合带;(2)北纬26°左右地带的水体为热带亚洲鱼类和西藏高原鱼类交流的界鱼石,南、北成分互不往来;(3)鱼类繁衍后代的天堂,特有成分占本地区鱼类总数的53%;(4)高黎贡山鱼类区系多源,来源于热带也来源于古北界的温带。本文认为  相似文献   

长洲水利枢纽鱼道过鱼种群结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长洲水利枢纽鱼道位于西江干流,目前是我国最大的过鱼通道,其过鱼效果评估不仅是珠江中下游鱼类资源和水生态保护的重要课题,也可为国内鱼道的设计及运行提供基础资料.2011-2014年4-6月利用堵截法对长洲水利枢纽鱼道中的鱼类进行监测,共采样11批次,采集种类累计40种,洄游性种类花鳗鲡、鳗鲡、弓斑东方鲀及四大家鱼(青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙)等均在鱼道中出现.鱼道中优势种为瓦氏黄颡鱼(29.1%)、赤眼鳟(16.8%)、鳖条(14.7%)、银飘鱼(12.0%)、银鮈(10.8%)、鳗鲡(7.3%)及鲮(2.7%)等.通过物种累计曲线拟合,预期随着采样次数的增加,鱼道出现的种类数量可达61种,说明长洲水利枢纽鱼道具较好的过鱼能力.监测数据显示,鱼道中鱼类多样性及均匀度指数低于坝下江段.坝下江段优势种广东鲂、斑鳠在鱼道中没有采集到,这说明鱼道对不同种类的诱导力存在差异.典范对应分析结果表明,坝上水位是影响过鱼效果的关键因素,有必要优化鱼道运行方式以提高鱼道性能.根据目前珠江的鱼类资源现状,建议将四大家鱼(青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙)、广东鲂、赤眼鳟及鲮等列入过鱼目标,并在运行方案上进行调整.  相似文献   

2014年4月—2015年1月,按季度对漓江中下游进行了4次鱼类物种采样调查,通过对22个初选指标的筛选,建立了基于鱼类生物完整性指数(IBI)的河流健康评价体系,最终确定了7个评价指标,即鱼类总物种数、鲤科鱼类占总类数的百分比、亚科鱼类种数、亚科鱼类种数、杂食性鱼类数量百分比、敏感性鱼类占总类数的百分比、耐受性鱼类占总类数的百分比。采用1、3、5赋值法计算各采样点IBI值,并将鱼类完整性划分为6个等级对河流进行评价,具体为:极好(58~60)、较好(48~52)、一般(40~44)、较差(28~34)、极差(12~22)、无鱼(0)。结果显示,漓江中下游以及各分段河流(桂林段、阳朔段、平乐段)的鱼类IBI总分均在40分以上,处于一般或一般以上水平。  相似文献   

梁子湖的团头鲂与三角鲂   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
鲂属(Magalobrama)鱼类在我国分布很广,是一类较大型的经济鱼类,以其肉味腴美而著名。鲂鱼具有三个可贵的优点:(1)主要的食物为水草;(2)可在湖泊等静止水体中产卵繁殖;(3)生长比较迅速。无论是在发展湖泊渔业方面,抑或是在扩大淡水养殖品种方面,鲂鱼将成为主要的对象之一。因而掌握它们的生态习性和活动规律,有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

Worldwide, humans have tremendously altered freshwater ecosystems and arguably, construction of dams has had the greatest effect. Maintaining natural ecological processes and developing mitigation strategies that will maintain species while retaining dam benefits is challenging. In the Columbia River, USA, over the last 30 years more than US$7 billion has been spent on efforts to save historically large runs of salmon. These efforts have included improving passage conditions at dams through construction of efficient fish ladders for adult salmon, effective fish passage facilities for downstream migrating juvenile salmon, voluntarily spilling water to decrease the number of downstream migrants that pass through turbines, modifying dam operations to provide more constant flow and providing additional flow from storage reservoirs to create more natural flow through areas inundated by dams. Construction of hatcheries to offset losses in habitat for wild fish has also occurred. Further, for salmon from the Snake River, the largest tributary to the Columbia River, a large percent of juvenile salmon smolts are collected at upstream dams and transported in barges to the lower river to avoid passage through dams, turbines, and reservoirs. Experiences in the Columbia River suggest that the sum of all of these actions may keep salmon stocks from going extinct, but the technological fixes will not likely provide complete mitigation for altered freshwater ecosystems. Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

Efficacy of a nature-like bypass channel in a Portuguese lowland river   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Throughout Europe in the last decade there has been a steady shift away from more technical fish pass designs to more nature‐like passes, such as nature‐like bypass channels. Upstream fish passage in a nature‐like bypass channel was investigated in a lowland river, the Lima River, for 117 days from March 2000 to May 2002. Fish passage was recorded using an automatic video recording system. Electrofishing samples within the bypass and below the weir were compared with species abundance found on the tape recordings. More than 7500 individuals of eight species passed through the bypass channel. Species composition was dominated by striped mullet (65.3%) and potamodromous species (34.3%), which used the bypass mainly at night. Of the environmental variables considered, bypass discharge explained most of the variation in the number of cyprinids, whereas water temperature was more important for diadromous species. Comparing species composition below the weir using passage recordings provided a useful tool to assess species efficacy of the bypass, although biological requirements should also be taken into account. This study proved the efficacy of the bypass for passage of almost all occurring species and life stages and also for providing suitable habitat for fish fauna, highlighting the use of these facilities for river restoration schemes.  相似文献   

The disruption of river connectivity through the construction of barriers used for hydropower development and water control purposes can severely damage river ecosystems, reduce the quality of fish habitat, and prevent the upstream migration of fishes. Fishways function as a means of passage around barriers for fish migrating both upstream and downstream. In 2009, the CanFishPass project was initiated in a partnership with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Carleton University to create a searchable database containing specific information on fishways in Canada built to enable upstream passage. In this paper we evaluate the information gathered in the CanFishPass database to identify trends concerning fishways and fish passage in Canada, yielding, we believe, the first national-scale trend analysis related to fishways anywhere in the world. Although CanFishPass may not include all fishways in Canada, our analysis identified 211 which are primarily located along the coasts and along major rivers and water bodies such as the Great Lakes. British Columbia has the largest number of fishways in Canada (62) and Prince Edward Island has the fewest (2). The most popular type of fishway is the pool and weir fishway (85), followed by vertical slot (37) and Denil type fishways (23). Fishway construction has proceeded at a steady rate since the 1970’s, although there has been an increase in the number of nature-like fishways since the year 2000. The majority of fishways are installed to pass salmonids in Canada, although some fishways on warmwater systems pass large components of the fish community. Only 9 % of the fishways in Canada have been studied using methods that enable proper evaluation of biological effectiveness. We recommend that evaluations be carried out at new and existing fishways and that these evaluations enable the determination of attraction and passage efficiency. Additionally, we recommend that future fishway projects and evaluations in Canada be advised to submit details of their work to CanFishPass so that knowledge of these fishways is centralized. Similar efforts on a global scale could lead to opportunities to identify patterns in fishway design and biological effectiveness that would ultimately inform decision making and improve connectivity where deemed necessary.  相似文献   

Migratory fish populations are impacted worldwide by river impoundments. Efforts to restore populations will benefit from a clear understanding of survival and migration process over a wide-range of river conditions. We developed a model that estimates travel time and survival of migrating juvenile salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) through the impounded Snake and Columbia rivers in the northwestern United States. The model allows users to examine the effects of river management scenarios, such as manipulations of river flow and spill, on salmonid survival. It has four major components: dam passage and survival, reservoir survival, fish travel time, and hydrological processes. The probability that fish pass through specific routes at a dam and route-specific survival probabilities were based on hydroacoustic, radio telemetry, PIT tag, and acoustic tag data. We related reservoir mortality rate (per day and per km) to river flow, water temperature, and percentage of fish passing through spillways and then fit the relationships to PIT-tag survival data. We related fish migration rate to water velocity, percentage of fish passing through spillways, and date in the season. We applied the model to two threatened “Evolutionarily Significant Units” (as defined under the US Endangered Species Act): Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha Walbaum) and Snake River steelhead (O. mykiss Walbaum). A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that for both species survival through the hydropower system was responsive to water temperature, river flow, and spill proportion. The two species, however, exhibited different patterns in their response. Such information is crucial for managers to effectively restore migratory fish populations in regulated rivers. Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

We sampled 11 sites in the southern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta from 1992–1999, to characterize fish communities and their associations with environmental variables. Riparian habitats were dominated by rock-reinforced levees, and large water diversion facilities greatly influenced local hydrodynamics and water quality. We captured 33 different taxa, only eight of which were native. None of the native species represented more than 0.5% of the total number of individuals collected. The abundance of native species was consistently low but typically peaked during high outflow periods. Fish communities were predominantly structured along environmental gradients of water temperature and river flow. Native species (tule perch, Hysterocarpus traski, & Sacramento sucker, Catostomus occidentalis) were associated with conditions of high river flow and turbidity, while the majority of the non-native species were associated with either warm water temperature or low river flow conditions. The exceptions were the non-native striped bass, Morone saxatilis, and white catfish, Ameiurus catus, which were positively associated with relatively high river flow. Variation in fish community structure was greater among river locations within years than within river locations among years, thus fish communities at each river location were consistently different each year. Differences in fish communities among river locations were correlated with river flow and turbidity. We predict that the fish communities of this region will remain numerically dominated by non-native species if the environmental conditions we observed persist in the future.  相似文献   

There are more than 1,700 small-scale hydro-electric power stations in France today, which can be found on the majority of rivers with migratory species in them. This article gives an overview of the different types of fish facilities in use at these small-scale hydro plants. The relative advantages and drawbacks of each type of fish pass are discussed, with reference to the requirements of migratory species and the site-specific constraints. Emphasis is placed on the problems of attraction and maintenance. The article also mentions the various techniques used to evaluate existing or recently constructed fish passes. Experience in using bypass facilities combined with trashracks for downstream juvenile salmonids and eels are related. The author points out the severe cumulative impact which may occur due to the existence of several small-scale hydro projects on the same river. He presents his view on the priorities for research on fish passage facilities, especially on “fish friendly” small-scale hydropower intakes. Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) ≥95 cm TL were monitored using acoustic and radio telemetry at a large hydroelectric dam (the Dalles Dam) on the Columbia River, during March 2004 through November 2005 to determine timing and routes of passage and to characterize general movements. Transmitters were surgically implanted into 148 fish during the study; 90 were released into the tailrace and 58 into the forebay. We documented 26 passage events by 19 tagged fish: eight upstream via fish ladders and 18 downstream, mostly through open spill gates. During the study 17 fish entered the two ladders one or more times; 11 entered only the east ladder, three entered only the north ladder, and three entered both ladders at sometime. Residence time within the ladders by individual fish was variable, ranging from about 1 min to nearly 6 months (median = 7.7 h). Only six fish successfully ascended the east ladder, one fish twice. We could not unequivocally determine which fish ladder one fish used to pass upstream. Differences in construction between the north and east fish ladders may account for the greater success of the east fish ladder in passing sturgeon upstream. Changes to operations at hydroelectric dams to benefit migrating anadromous salmonids may influence upstream or downstream passage by white sturgeon. Altering patterns and timing of spill discharge, altering fish ladder entrance attraction flows, and the use of lights, sound, and partial barriers to direct other species of fish to preferred passage routes have unknown effects on sturgeon passage. A better understanding of the consequences to the metapopulation of increasing or precluding upstream or downstream passage is needed.  相似文献   

鲢幼鱼通过水流速度障碍的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡运燊  石小涛  陈求稳  黄瑶 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2652-2658
鱼类能否通过水流速度障碍直接影响过鱼设施的过鱼效果。利用计算机技术,综合水力因素、鱼类行为、地理特征及环境因子,展开鱼类通过水流速度障碍的模拟,有助于过鱼设施的优化设计。以国外涵洞式鱼道模拟软件Fish Xing为切入点,结合主要模块和关键因子,对我国特有鱼类鲢幼鱼进行模拟,得到鲢通过不同水流速度障碍的成功率;对比鲢在物理模型中的游泳表现,从模型主要模块和影响鱼类游泳表现的关键因子角度,分析影响鱼类通过水流速度障碍模拟的因素。结果表明,Fish Xing软件不能精确模拟鲢通过水流速度障碍的表现。分析表明,该软件在地理要素、管道特征和水力信息等参数方面具备独特的优势,但对我国鱼类有一定局限性,主要体现在鱼类的生物学信息如鱼类游泳特征等方面存在不足;进行鱼过障碍的模拟需要深入研究目标鱼类的生理特征、游泳能力及其与水力环境因子的响应关系。  相似文献   

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