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鱼类通过鱼道内水流速度障碍能力的评估方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石小涛  陈求稳  黄应平  刘德富  庄平 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6967-6972
鱼类通过鱼道内水流速度障碍能力的量化对鱼道设计有重要理论和实际价值,其基础是鱼类游泳能力的测定.首先对鱼类游泳能力的研究方法进行了概述总结,指出了鱼类游泳能力经典测试方法存在测定流场与自然情况相差较大的不足;分析了关键要素如鱼类行为特征、生理耗能规律及水力特性对鱼类通过水流速度障碍能力的影响;提出了分析鱼类游泳行为和能力与特征流场的关系,探讨鱼类通过水流障碍行为规律和生理疲劳恢复特征,通过研究仿自然流态下的鱼类自由游泳行为、水力计算及生理耗能的关系,构建多因素鱼类游泳能力关系式,定量评价鱼类通过鱼道内水流速度障碍的发展方向.  相似文献   

基于Matlab的鱼类游泳动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鱼类游泳动力学分析研究对解决鱼道等工程应用中水力学设计方面的关键问题有着重要的意义,利用计算机技术对鱼类游泳动力学进行分析有助于研究目标鱼类的生理特性、游泳能力及其与水力环境因子的响应关系。基于MATLAB软件对我国特有鱼类鲢幼鱼进行游泳动力学分析,借助鲢幼鱼游泳时的摆尾行为,得到不同水流速度下鲢幼鱼的摆尾频率、摆尾幅度、游泳速度和加速度;对比人工计数和手动跟踪分析方法,从实际操作复杂程度和实验数据准确性的角度,分析各数据采集方法的优劣性。结果表明基于Matlab软件采用跟踪鱼的身体中线的思路能更高效的获取大量的运动参数,比如摆尾频率、摆尾幅度、游泳速度和加速度等指标。文章介绍了一种基于Matlab开发的鱼类游泳动力学分析方法,有助于为以后鱼类游泳动力学研究提供依据。  相似文献   

水利水电工程对鱼类的洄游和基因交流产生了一定影响,过鱼设施是一项重要的缓解措施,而鱼类游泳特性和趋向特征等行为学研究是过鱼设施设计的重要依据。本文阐释了鱼类游泳特性和趋向特征的基本概念,分析了鱼类行为研究方法的优缺点及影响因素(水流速度、水流形态、水温等),探讨了鱼类行为研究在过鱼设施应用中存在的4个问题,并提出了相应建议:(1)实际过鱼设施内流场十分复杂,因而需要加强复杂流场条件下鱼类行为学研究;(2)运动训练可能提高鱼类游泳能力,因而可以利用其规律提高鱼类通过过鱼设施的成功率;(3)不同目标鱼类游泳能力有差异,因而需要提出新的设计使单个过鱼设施满足所有目标鱼类的过鱼需求;(4)各研究单位使用着不同的鱼类行为数据处理方法,造成各研究结果之间难以直接用于比较分析,因而亟需政府有关部门和业内人士尽快深入研究并以行业内规范、导则或其他方式将鱼类行为研究数据处理方法标准化。  相似文献   

利用自制的鱼类游泳能力测定实验装置, 采用递增流速法, 研究了松花江流域的青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)、草鱼( Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)及鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)的突进游泳速度。研究结果表明: 青鱼、草鱼、鲢及鳙的相对突进游泳速度大小排序为鲢>草鱼>青鱼>鳙, 这四种鱼类的绝对突进游泳速度随着体长的增加而呈递增趋势, 而相对突进游泳速度随体长的增大而呈递减趋势。研究结果旨在为鱼类游泳能力及鱼类行为学的研究提供了基础资料, 同时也为过鱼设施的流速设计提供了一定的参考, 并对鱼类资源的保护具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于雅砻江两种裂腹鱼游泳能力的鱼道设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究雅砻江两种裂腹鱼的游泳能力,给过鱼设施设计和鱼类游泳行为学研究提供基础参数,本研究采用递增流速法对长丝裂腹鱼、齐口裂腹鱼的感应流速、临界游泳速度、突进游泳速度进行测试,采用固定流速法对长丝裂腹鱼的耐久游泳速度进行测试。结果表明: 长丝裂腹鱼与齐口裂腹鱼的感应流速随着体长的增加均出现了先增加后平稳的趋势,但最大感应流速均小于0.2 m·s-1;长丝裂腹鱼的临界游泳速度与突进游泳速度分别为(0.81±0.20)和(1.49±0.26) m·s-1,相对临界游泳速度为(4.90±1.73) BL·s-1,相对突进游泳速度为(9.77±1.72) BL·s-1(BL为体长);齐口裂腹鱼的临界游泳速度与突进游泳速度分别为(0.73±0.24)和(1.17±0.39) m·s-1,相对临界游泳速度为(6.88±2.82) BL·s-1,相对突进游泳速度为(11.75±2.77) BL·s-1。耐久测试发现,随着流速增加(0.7~1.5) m·s-1,长丝裂腹鱼持续游泳时间与水流速度呈负相关,疲劳时间(T)与水流速度(V)的关系可以拟合为lgT=-2.52V+5.59,预测鱼道长度(d)与鱼道内可通过的最大平均水流速度(Vfmax)的关系式为Vf max=-0.17lnd+1.74。根据试验结果,当以长丝裂腹鱼和齐口裂腹鱼为主要过鱼对象时,建议鱼道内最小水流速度应大于0.2 m·s-1,进口及竖缝处水流速度为0.73~1.67 m·s-1,休息池主流水流速度为0.2~0.7 m·s-1。  相似文献   

鳙(花鲢)在自然环境中分布于中国南部流域至阿穆尔河,是重要的经济性鱼类,具江湖生殖洄游特性。大坝建设阻碍了其洄游产卵繁殖通道,导致自然环境中其繁殖力的下降,需要有效的过鱼设施帮助鳙通过大坝等水流屏障。为了设计高效的鱼道引导鳙通过,本文通过自制密封的鱼类游泳实验装置,研究了鳙幼鱼游泳能力。测定了5个温度(5、10、15、20和25℃)下鳙幼鱼的临界游泳速度。通过测定不同温度下,疲劳前后血清总蛋白(TP)、血糖(GLU)和甘油三酯(TG)含量,评价疲劳运动引起的生理胁迫。结果表明,在试验温度范围内,随着温度的升高,临界游泳速度显著提高(P0.05)。25℃时临界游泳速度最大,为7.01 BL/s(1.19 m/s)。在疲劳运动后,血清总蛋白、血糖和甘油三酯含量显著升高(P0.05)。水温低于15℃与高于15℃相比,鳙疲劳运动后血清总蛋白、血糖和甘油三酯含量显著升高。以鳙幼鱼为研究对象,研究了非适宜温度环境和疲劳运动胁迫下鱼类的生理反应。以期为鱼类生理学研究和渔业保护管理等领域提供理论依据,为制定有效的鱼道提供数据参考。  相似文献   

为便于目标鱼类能够在河流系统中顺利通过大坝等障碍物, 已有大量的人力、物力投入到鱼道等过鱼设施的开发、建设以及修复中。如今, 鱼道科学已逐步发展成为以工程学为中心, 涵盖鱼类行为学、社会经济学和复杂建模(河流网络通道优先选择)等多学科交叉的一门学科。建设高效的鱼道等过鱼设施(延迟洄游时间短, 洄游后负面影响小), 需要适应性的管理和连续的创新。中国过鱼设施建设如火如荼, 但是完善的过鱼设施全过程管理体系亟待建立。文章对1991年至2017年国外鱼道适应性管理体系相关文献(包括开发、建设和管理等方面)进行了综述。其中检索词为“鱼道(Fishway)”、“鱼类通道(Fish passage)”、“鱼(Fish)”和“大坝(Dam)”。研究表明, 国外的过鱼设施逐步由经济种群保护向生物多样性保护发展、上行通道向下行通道发展、单一工程建设向流域整体发展、单一过鱼功能向生境补充发展、单纯工程建设向适应性管理发展。最后, 文章讨论并展望了中国鱼道等过鱼设施的全过程适应性管理体系的发展前景。  相似文献   

为便于目标鱼类能够在河流系统中顺利通过大坝等障碍物,已有大量的人力、物力投入到鱼道等过鱼设施的开发、建设以及修复中。如今,鱼道科学已逐步发展成为以工程学为中心,涵盖鱼类行为学、社会经济学和复杂建模(河流网络通道优先选择)等多学科交叉的一门学科。建设高效的鱼道等过鱼设施(延迟洄游时间短,洄游后负面影响小),需要适应性的管理和连续的创新。中国过鱼设施建设如火如荼,但是完善的过鱼设施全过程管理体系亟待建立。文章对1991年至2017年国外鱼道适应性管理体系相关文献(包括开发、建设和管理等方面)进行了综述。其中检索词为"鱼道(Fishway)"、"鱼类通道(Fish passage)"、"鱼(Fish)"和"大坝(Dam)"。研究表明,国外的过鱼设施逐步由经济种群保护向生物多样性保护发展、上行通道向下行通道发展、单一工程建设向流域整体发展、单一过鱼功能向生境补充发展、单纯工程建设向适应性管理发展。最后,文章讨论并展望了中国鱼道等过鱼设施的全过程适应性管理体系的发展前景。  相似文献   

修建补水设施是提高鱼道过鱼效果的有效措施之一,不同补水形式如何改变鱼的游泳行为策略从而吸引其进入鱼道进口是国内外关注热点。本研究基于鱼道进口概化模型,以齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)为研究对象,采用进口内部侧面补水、旁道补水和旁道顶部补水3种形式,探究不同流量和补水距离下补水方式对鱼道进口附近处目标鱼上溯行为的影响。结果表明:与没有补水的工况相比,补水距离为1 m的旁道补水和补水距离为0.65 m的旁道顶部补水,鱼类在鱼道进口通过次数显著提升(P0.05)。通过提取目标鱼成功上溯路径上对应的水流速度场和紊动场发现,齐口裂腹鱼上溯偏好流速0.6~0.8m·s~(-1),优先选择低紊动区(0.01 m~2·s~(-2)),且明显逃离高紊动区(0.04 m~2·s~(-2))进行上溯。本研究验证了紊动能和流速是影响鱼类上溯的重要水力因子,为鱼道进口补水设计及其优化提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

捕食胁迫(胁迫时长和胁迫强度)影响鱼类的运动能力,遭遇捕食者时猎物鱼的逃逸策略不尽相同。为考察鱼类运动能力对捕食胁迫的响应,本实验选取乌鳢(Channa argus)和南方大口鲶(Silurus meridionalis)为捕食者,青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)四大家鱼幼鱼为猎物鱼。猎物鱼分别在无捕食(对照)、低捕食(隔网胁迫)和高捕食(直接胁迫)压力下接受捕食胁迫,胁迫时长分0、7和14 d三个水平,随后对比四大家鱼种间运动能力的差异,并考察四大家鱼幼鱼的稳定和非稳定游泳能力在不同捕食胁迫水平(胁迫时长和胁迫强度)下的适应性改变。结果表明:四大家鱼的稳定游泳和非稳定游泳能力之间存在权衡,应对捕食胁迫时以增强快速启动游泳能力为主,临界游泳速度有下降趋势;四大家鱼均表现为“C”型快速启动游泳模式,在快速启动过程中身体旋转主要在第1阶段完成,速度性能在第2阶段达到最大;在捕食压力下,四大家鱼的逃逸策略存...  相似文献   

研究以具有下行洄游需求的鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)幼鱼为实验对象, 分别在2种不同流态加速流(Ⅰ: 22—55 cm/s, Ⅱ: 25—60 cm/s)中进行下行实验, 对实验鱼在2种加速流中的游泳行为(下行率、下行方式及各区域游泳时间)进行定量分析并利用游泳停留时间百分比Ft衡量其偏好水流速度。结果显示: 加速流下鲢、鳙均表现出了直接下行与非直接下行两种行为。其中加速流Ⅰ中鲢、鳙直接下行率分别为35.71%、30.00%, Ⅱ中分别为45.83%、59.09%。非直接下行的鲢在2种加速流中小于30 cm/s流速区域的停留时间显著高于其他区域(P<0.05), 即鲢在实验条件下的偏好水流速度范围为小于30 cm/s; 非直接下行的鳙在加速流Ⅰ中小于30 cm/s及50—55 cm/s流速区域的停留时间显著高于其他区域(P<0.05), Ⅱ中小于30 cm/s流速区域的停留时间显著高于其他区域(P<0.05), 即鳙本实验条件下偏好水流速度范围为小于30 cm/s。将2种加速流流速相同区域合并分析发现鲢、鳙在小于30 cm/s和50—55 cm/s流速区域的停留时间存在显著性差异(P<0.05), 中间及高流速区域无明显性差异(P>0.1)。研究表明: 加速流对鲢、鳙下行游泳行为产生了影响且2种鱼在下行通过方式和偏好流速选择上存在一定的种间差异性。  相似文献   

Water temperature and flow velocity directly affect the fish swimming capacity, and thus, both variables influence the fish passage through river barriers. Nonetheless, their effects are usually disregarded in fishway engineering and management. This study aims to evaluate the volitional swimming capacity of the northern straight-mouth nase (Pseudochondrostoma duriense), considering the possible effects of water temperature, flow velocity and body size. For this, the maximum distance, swim speed and fatigue time (FT) were studied in an outdoor open-channel flume in the Duero River (Burgos, Spain) against three nominal velocities (1.5, 2.5 and 3 m s−1) and temperatures (5.5, 13.5 and 18.5°C), also including the changes between swimming modes (prolonged and sprint). Results showed that a nase of 20.8 cm mean fork length can develop a median swim speed that exceeds 20.7 BL s−1 (4.31 m s−1) during a median time of 3.4 s in sprint mode, or 12.2 BL s−1 (2.55 m s−1) for 23.7 s in prolonged mode under the warmest scenario. During prolonged swimming mode, fish were able to reach further distances in warmer water conditions for all situations, due to a greater swimming speed and FT, whereas during sprint mode, warmer conditions increased the swim speed maintaining the FT. In conclusion, the studied temperature range and flow velocity range influence fish swimming performance, endurance and distance travelled, although with some differences depending on the swimming mode. The provided information goes a step forward in the definition of real fish swimming capacities, and in turn, will contribute to establish clear passage criteria for thermo-velocity barriers, allowing the calculation of the proportion of fish able to pass a barrier under different working scenarios, as well designing of the optimized solutions to improve the fish passage through river barriers.  相似文献   

鲢幼鱼在不同水流速度下的暴发-滑行行为策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水温(18±1)℃的条件下,以全长(11.70±0.57)cm的鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)幼鱼为研究对象,测定其不同流速(16.5、22.0、27.5、33.0、38.5、44.0、49.5和55.0 cm/s)下的持续游泳时间、调头百分比和暴发-滑行运动数据。结果表明,鲢的平均持续游泳时间先随流速的增加而减小,后随流速的增加而增加。当流速33.0 cm/s时,平均持续时间最短为118.6min,其中各组试验鱼的最大可持续游泳时间均可达到200min。调头百分比随流速的增加迅速减小,当流速≥44.0 cm/s时,不再出现调头行为。暴发-滑行游泳的平均暴发时间随流速的增加呈上升趋势(y=0.03x+2.64,R2=0.92,P<0.05)。平均对地暴发距离均在30-45 cm,没有显著性差异(P>0.05),平均绝对暴发距离存在极显著性差异,且随流速的增加而增加(y=4.98x-5.63,R2=0.98,P<0.001)。平均对地暴发速度没有显著性差异(平均对地平均速度和最大速度分别在9-12 cm/s、12-16 cm/s,P>0.05)。平均绝对暴发速度与水流速度之间存在线性正相关关系(平均绝对平均暴发速度:y=0.98x+10.74,R2=1.00,P<0.001;平均绝对最大暴发速度:y=1.02x+13.75,R2=0.99,P<0.001)。研究表明鲢在不同的流速下采取的暴发-滑行行为策略不同。  相似文献   

Barriers (culverts and dams) can impede fish passage and affect the overall habitat connectivity of rivers. However, a challenge lies in how to conceptualize and adequately measure passability at barriers. We hypothesize that estimates of barrier and watershed connectivity are dependent on assumptions about the nature of passability, and how it is measured. Specifically, we compare passability estimates in Terra Nova National Park, Canada for individual barriers for two barrier assessment methods (a rapid assessment and one based on FishXing software), two salmonid species, different fish sizes and swimming speeds, and varying hydrological conditions. Watershed connectivity was calculated using the Dendritic Connectivity Index (DCI). Lastly, we test to see what the impact of the various factors is on the practical goal: prioritizing barriers for restoration. Our results show that barrier passability estimates can vary drastically for some barriers (0–100%). In general, the rapid field-based assessment tended to give more conservative estimates of passability than those based on FishXing. Estimates of watershed connectivity were not as sensitive to the assumptions and methods used (DCI: 40–83). Fish size had the greatest effect on DCI. Importantly, variation in DCI had little impact on the restoration priorities. The same barrier was retained as the top priority >96% of the time. Thus, managers wishing to assess barriers for restoration need to carefully consider how passability is to be measured, but can reduce the impact of these decisions by considering barriers in their watershed context using a connectivity index such as the DCI.  相似文献   

Concern over passage of sturgeon barriers, has focused attention on fishway design that accommodates its swimming performance. In order to evaluate swimming performance, regarding fish ladder type partial barriers, wild adult sturgeons, Acipenser transmontanus; 121–76m fork length, were captured in the San Francisco Bay Estuary and Yolo Bypass toe drain. Hydrodynamic forces and kinematic parameters for swimming performance data were collected in a laboratory flume under three flow conditions through barriers and ramp. The experiments were conducted in a 24.4 m long, 2.1 m wide, and 1.62 m deep aluminum channel. Two geometric configurations of the laboratory model were designed based on channel characteristics that have been identified in natural river systems. At a given swimming speed and fish size, the highest guidance efficiencies of successful white sturgeon passage as a function of flow depth, flow velocity, turbulence intensity, Reynolds number, Froude number and shear velocity observed in the steady flow condition, tested with the horizontal ramp structure, occurred at an approach velocity of 0.33 ms-1. The guidance efficiency of successful sturgeon passage increased both with increasing flow velocity and Froude number, and decreased both with the flow depth and the turbulence intensity. This study also provides evidence that tail beat frequency increases significantly with swimming speed, but tail beat frequency decreases with fish total length. Stride length increases both with swimming speed and fish total length. The importance of unsteady forces is expressed by the reduced frequency both with swimming speed and fish total length. Regression analysis indicates that swimming kinematic variables are explained by the swimming speed, the reduced frequency and the fish total length. The results emphasize the importance of fish ladder type patchiness when a fishway is designed for the passage of sturgeon.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是长江四大家鱼索饵、育肥的重要场所,近年来鄱阳湖出现了枯水季水位严重降低、枯水期延长、湿地面积缩小的现象。为解决鄱阳湖水资源、水文、水生态等问题,建议在鄱阳湖入江水道兴建控制闸水利枢纽。然而,拟建的水利枢纽工程将打破鄱阳湖与长江的天然连通性,可能会对四大鱼类洄游过程产生影响。通过构建二维和三维水动力模型,分析鄱阳湖水利枢纽建设后入江水道与枢纽洄游通道的水动力学特征,结合实验和文献获得的草鱼幼鱼和成鱼游泳能力参数,阐明了枢纽建设对草鱼洄游的影响。结果表明:在设计调度模式下,草鱼幼鱼入湖期间,湖口段适宜通过天数达到83.74%以上,说明湖口及入江水道的水动力条件对洄游的影响较小,同时,枢纽工程处在过鱼高峰期仍能保持较高的过闸效率;草鱼成鱼出湖期间,丰、平水年闸前水动力条件对洄游的影响较小,仅在枯水年闸前流速几乎静止,草鱼适宜出湖天数偏低。在该调度模式下,水利枢纽建设运行后鄱阳湖整体水动力条件能够满足草鱼洄游需求。目前设计的鱼道在高、低水位时期均出现局部流速过大的现象,不满足过鱼条件。从四大家鱼江湖洄游的角度为鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程设计和运行提供科学参考。  相似文献   

为了探讨水流对鱼类趋光性的影响, 利用自制的循环水槽装置, 以草鱼(Ctenpharyngodon idellus)幼鱼为研究对象, 研究其在光照度为300 lx, 不同流速工况(0、0.1和0.2 m/s)下的趋光性行为, 同时设黑暗静水工况为对照组。结果表明: (1) 0.2 m/s的流速可完全激发草鱼幼鱼的趋流性, 使其游泳方向多数与顶流方向呈± 20°。(2)根据草鱼幼鱼在不同流速工况下随光照度衰减在水槽内的分布情况, 计算得其在3种流速工况下的光强期望值分别为: 52.45, 34.62和37.86 lx。(3)当照度为300 lx时, 静水工况下的实验鱼在水槽中呈现“两头高, 中间低”的分布情况, 并未表现出对某一光强范围的偏好行为; 在小于感应值的低流速下, 草鱼幼鱼的分布情况总体趋势与静水工况类似, 但在远离光源处的分布较多, 多呈“逆流后退”行为; 当流速值超过感应流速时, 在趋流性的作用下, 鱼类在尾部的聚集情况明显下降, 同时在水槽中的分布更加均匀, 其原有光环境的作用减弱。研究初步证明了略大于感应值的小流速所引发的草鱼趋流性即可对其光环境响应行为产生影响。  相似文献   

Although the movement of invasive bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and silver carp (H. molitrix) in the Upper Mississippi River system is dependent on their ability to swim through its numerous lock‐and‐dams, the swimming performance of adults of these species is at present unknown. Using a large (2,935‐L) mobile swim tunnel, the swimming performance of adult bighead and adult silver carp was quantified at water velocities that challenged them to exhibit either prolonged and/or burst swimming (76–244 cm/s) with fatigue times of less than 10 min. Simple log‐linear models best described the relative swim speed to fatigue relationships for both species. Under these conditions, the swimming performances of adult bighead and silver carp were similar to several species of adult fishes native to the Mississippi River system, but relatively low (<3 total body lengths per second, TL/s) compared to previously studied juveniles and sub‐adult bigheaded carps (3–15 TL/s). The decline in endurance with water velocity was three times greater in bighead carp (slope = ?2.98) than in silver carp (slope = ?1.01) and the predictive ability of the bighead model was appreciably better than the silver carp model. The differences in adult swimming performance between the two species were coincident with behavioral differences (e.g. breaching in silver carp but not in bighead carp). The swimming performance data of adult bighead and silver carp can now be used to evaluate whether their passage through manmade river structures including the gates of lock‐and‐dams in the Upper Mississippi River might be reduced.  相似文献   

A micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) was used to measure three-dimensional mean velocity and turbulence characteristics in a full-scale culvert with spiral corrugations. The culvert was set up in a test bed constructed to examine juvenile salmon passage success in various culvert types. The test culvert was 12.2 m long and 1.83 m in diameter and set at a 1.14% slope. The corrugations were 2.54 cm deep by 7.62 cm peak to peak with a 5° right-handed pitch. Cross-sectional grids of ADV measurements were taken at discharges of 0.028, 0.043, 0.071, 0.099, 0.113, 0.227, and 0.453 m3/s at nine locations. In the uniform flow region, the centerline velocity profiles were consistent with fully rough turbulent flows and the friction factor was independent of Reynolds number and was very close to theoretical results. Secondary flow induced by the spiral corrugations caused asymmetries in the velocity and turbulence distributions creating a reduced velocity zone (RVZ) on the right side of the culvert as seen looking upstream, which small fish could utilize to aid their upstream passage. Velocity and axial components of turbulence in the RVZ were found to be much less than in mid-channel or on the left of the culvert, and the difference became greater at increased flow rates. In addition, cross-stream and vertical velocity components within the RVZ were small relative to the downstream axial component, while lateral and vertical turbulence intensities were comparable to the axial component. Observations from a concurrent fish passage study showed that more juvenile fish migrate through the right side of the culvert within the RVZ.  相似文献   

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