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生长激素受体的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生长激素(GH)在促进动物生长、发育等代谢过程中起着重要作用,GH发挥生理作用的第一步是与靶细胞膜表面的生长激素受体(CHR)结合。现已基本阐明了CHR的结构及由CHR介导的信号转导途径,对GHR基因表达调节的机制也有了一定的了解。GHR是由约620个氨基酸组成的单链跨膜糖蛋白,其胞外区、跨膜区及胞区内分别由约245、25及350个氨基酸组成。由GHR介导的信号转导途径主要有:①酪氨酸激酶系统;②蛋白激酶C途径;③胰岛素受体底物途径。营养状况及GH等内分泌因子对GHR的表达也有调节作用。  相似文献   

由脑垂体合成并分泌的生长激素(GH)不仅控制机体生长发育,还在许多代谢疾病中起关键调控作用。GH的生物学功能通过与其表面受体(GHR)结合而启动,基于分子生物学技术构建各种GHR敲除小鼠模型成为揭示GH调控机制的基础。利用Cre-LoxP重组酶系统,迄今已在小鼠全身或组织特异性(如肝,骨骼肌,脂肪,巨噬细胞和胰岛β细胞等)敲除ghr基因,并从中探索GH/GHR信号转导及其与其他信号通路的相互作用。本文综述并讨论了这些ghr基因敲除小鼠模型的表型特征和应用,从不同方面介绍了GH/GHR相关信号通路研究现状。  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)雌雄鱼生长差异明显,为了探讨其原因,本文采用RT-PCR方法克隆了尼罗罗非鱼生长激素(Growthhormone,GH)及其受体(Growth hormone receptor,GHR)的cDNA序列,并应用半定量RT-PCR方法比较了雌、雄尼罗罗非鱼垂体GHmRNA、肝脏GHRmRNA、肌肉GHRmRNA的表达差异。序列分析表明:GH开放阅读框为615bp,共编码204个氨基酸;GHR开放阅读框为1908bp,共编码635个氨基酸。以RT-PCR方法研究了GH、GHR在各组织的分布情况,结果表明:GH仅在垂体中检测到有表达,而GHR在所检测的18种组织中均有表达,其中以肝脏、肌肉、性腺、下丘脑、胸腺表达量较高。以半定量RT-PCR方法进一步比较了雌、雄尼罗罗非鱼垂体GHmRNA、肝脏GHRmRNA、肌肉GHRmRNA的表达量,结果表明:雄鱼垂体GHmRNA和肝脏GHRmRNA的表达量均显著高于雌鱼,肌肉GHRmRNA的表达量则无显著差异,推测垂体GHmRNA和肝脏GHRmRNA表达的雌雄差异是尼罗罗非鱼雌雄生长差异的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

16头长白×大约克去势公猪, 随机分成试验组和对照组, 每天注射重组猪生长激素(rpGH, 每头每天4 mg) 或生理盐水, 28 d后采样. 用RIA法测定血清中胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-Ⅰ)和瘦蛋白含量, 用反转录多聚酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法, 以18S rRNA作内标, 定量分析肝脏、肌肉生长激素受体 (GHR) 和IGF-ⅠmRNA的相对丰度.结果显示: (ⅰ) 试验组平均日增重提高26.1% ( P <0.05); (ⅱ)血清IGF-Ⅰ水平提高70.94% (P<0.01), 血清瘦蛋白降低34.80%(P<0.01); (ⅲ) 肝脏GHR mRNA增加24.45% (P < 0.05), IGF-ⅠmRNA增加45.30% (P<0.01), 背最长肌GHR和IGF-Ⅰ mRNA表达无明显变化. 结果表明, 重组猪生长激素能明显提高生长猪生长性能. 上调肝脏GHR, 促进肝脏产生IGF-Ⅰ, 而对肌肉GHR和IGF-I基因表达无影响, 提示重组GH对基因表达的影响有组织特异性.  相似文献   

在通过大规模 ESTS技术对垂体基因表达谱的研究中 ,从垂体组织产生了 72 2 2个 ESTS,有385个 ESTs是代表生长激素 (GH)基因的 ,其中 1个为中间缺失 1 38bp的 GH异形体基因 ,并经巢式 RT- PCR及测序证实 ;该基因编码 1 71个氨基酸的前肽 ,去除信号肽后 ,其成熟肽由 1 45个氨基酸组成 ;经生物信息学处理 ,其分子量大小约 1 7k D;与正常生长激素分子内有 2个 GH受体结合位点不同 ,该新的 GH异形体分子内仅有一个生长激素受体的结合位点 .研究结果揭示 :正常垂体内存在着新的 GH异形体基因 ,该基因可能编码外周血中 1 6k D的生长激素 ;其功能可能为 2 2k D GH的生理拮挤剂 .  相似文献   

GH和IGF-1可作用于垂体或/和下丘脑负反馈性地调节垂体GH的分泌,而这种负反馈作用必须通过下丘脑或垂体的GHR和IGF-1R来实现.为研究猪垂体GH分泌负反馈调节的发育性变化和品种特点,分别在0、3、20、30、90、120和180日龄随机选取纯种雄性二花脸猪和大白猪各4头,屠宰并取下丘脑及垂体,用相对定量RT-PCR分析下丘脑和垂体GHR和IGF-1R mRNA水平.结果表明下丘脑GHR mRNA表达呈明显的时序性变化,在0到120日龄期间呈逐渐上升趋势,180日龄时显著下降(P<0.05),提示在快速生长期,GH负反馈调控机制逐渐加强.下丘脑GHR mRNA表达还表现明显的品种间差异,在0到180日龄期间大白猪均显著高于二花脸猪(P<0.05);而垂体GHR mRNA表达相对稳定,品种和年龄间差异不显著,提示GH的负反馈作用位点可能主要在下丘脑.IGF-1R与GHR的表达发育模式不同.下丘脑IGF-IR mRNA的表达相对稳定,无显著的年龄、品种间差异;而在垂体,大白猪和二花脸猪IGF-1R mRNA水平在出生时均较高,随后显著下降(P<0.05),20日龄后逐渐上升至90日龄的较高水平,随后再次下降.大白猪垂体IGF-1 mRNA表达在30日龄和90日龄时显著高于二花脸猪(P<0.05),而180日龄时二花脸猪垂体IGF-1R mRNA水平却显著高于大白猪(P<0.05).结果提示,IGF-1长环负反馈作用位点可能不在下丘脑,而主要在垂体.  相似文献   

生长激素受体(growth hormone receptor,GHR)是细胞因子/造血因子受体超级家族的一员。它通过二聚体的形式和生长激素(growth hormone,GH)相结合,然后诱发Janus激酶2(Janus kinase 2,JAK2)等细胞因子酪氨酸磷酸化并通过4条不同的途径将信号传入细胞内从而产生一系列的生理效应。现在了解GHR的结构特征、组织分布的基础上,对其介导的信号转导途径作进一步的阐明。  相似文献   

GHR信号通路在动物出生后的生长中扮演着重要角色。实验利用斑马鱼模型研究了GHR信号相关基因在成体组织、胚胎发育以及幼体期的表达情况,这些基因包括gh、ghra、ghrb、jak2a、jak2b、stat5.1、stat5.2、igf1、c-fos、socs1和socs2。值得关注的是,上述的大部分基因都存在母源性表达,且它们的合子表达均起始在体节早期之前。这说明在有功能性的脑垂体形成之前和完善的循环系统建立之前,GH及GH信号相关因子就已经存在于早期胚胎中,因此GH很可能是控制胚胎发育的一系列自分泌/旁分泌生长因子中的一员。同时,我们发现成体组织的socs表达水平与GH信号靶基因igf1和c-fos的表达呈某种程度的负相关。我们利用实时定量PCR技术和荧光素酶分析技术,通过注射GH和GHR表达载体,在斑马鱼胚胎中分析了它们促进GH信号靶基因c-fos和igf1转录活性以及GH应激启动子spi2.1活性的能力。由此,研究利用斑马鱼胚胎建立一个体内研究模型来评估发育过程中的GH信号激活(GHSA)。在受精后1天(dpf)和3dpf斑马鱼胚胎中,单独过表达gh或ghr均可以显著刺激GHSA,这表明在1dpf的斑马鱼胚胎中即存在功能性的GH和GHR蛋白表达,而这一时期是在功能性垂体的形成之前的。gh以及ghr的协同过表达则可以显著放大gh或ghr单独过表达的GHSA效果。  相似文献   

为研究生长激素对中华鲟生长的调控机制,克隆了中华鲟生长激素受体cDNA.csGHRcDNA的可读框编码了611个氨基酸残基的跨膜蛋白质,含有GHR的所有特征结构域.序列对比发现其他种属GHR中高度保守的氨基酸残基在csGHR中发生了替换.我们利用CHO细胞分析了csGHR的生物功能和csGHR分子中高度保守性氨基酸残基替换的生物意义.csGHR稳定表达细胞中共转染的受丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂2.1(Spi1.2)启动子驱动的荧光素酶报告基因受海鲤生长激素(seabream GH,sbGH)诱导表达,并且sbGH诱导稳定表达细胞显著增殖.csGHR稳定表达细胞培养液中检测到中华鲟生长激素结合蛋白质,并且csGHBP的生成需要金属蛋白酶活性的参与.csGHR配体结合域的Asp突变为Glu显著提高csGHR介导的上述生物活性,而Asp突变为Ala则明显降低csGHR的生物活性.这些结果表明,克隆的csGHR具有完全生物功能,并且csGHBP可能通过csGHR蛋白酶解而生成.这些发现将有助于全面了解中华鲟生长调控机制.  相似文献   

大熊猫生长激素受体(GHR) cDNA 的克隆与序列分析   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
根据已报道的若干物种GHR 基因cDNA 序列设计引物, 利用RT- PCR 技术首次从大熊猫肝脏组织总RNA中扩增出GHR 基因编码区全长cDNA 序列, 克隆于pGEM®-T 载体后进行测序和序列分析。结果表明,大熊猫GHR 的ORF为1 917 bp , 编码638 个氨基酸的前体蛋白, 由18 个氨基酸的信号肽和620 个氨基酸的成熟肽组成,与人、狗、猪GHR 结构相似, 大熊猫GHR 成熟肽由246 个氨基酸的胞外区、24 个氨基酸的跨膜区和350 个氨基酸的胞内区组成, 并具GHR 的特征性结构。序列相似性比较显示, 大熊猫GHR 与哺乳类GHR 具有69 %~93 %的高序列相似性, 与爬行类和鸟类的序列相似性也达到60 % , 而与鱼类的序列相似性较低, 仅为30 %左右。与其它哺乳动物GHR 相比, 大熊猫GHR 在氨基酸序列上也存在明显的特异性。  相似文献   

Melanoma is the most aggressive skin cancer. Its aggressiveness is most commonly attributed to ERK pathway mutations leading to constitutive signaling. Though initial tumor regression results from targeting this pathway, resistance often emerges. Interestingly, interrogation of the NCI-60 database indicates high growth hormone receptor (GHR) expression in melanoma cell lines. To further characterize melanoma, we tested responsiveness to human growth hormone (GH). GH treatment resulted in GHR signaling and increased invasion and migration, which was inhibited by a GHR monoclonal antibody (mAb) antagonist in WM35, SK-MEL 5, SK-MEL 28 and SK-MEL 119 cell lines. We also detected GH in the conditioned medium (CM) of human melanoma cell lines. GHR, JAK2 and STAT5 were basally phosphorylated in these cell lines, consistent with autocrine/paracrine GH production. Together, our results suggest that melanomas are enriched in GHR and produce GH that acts in an autocrine/paracrine manner. We suggest that GHR may constitute a therapeutic target in melanoma.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) plays an important role in regulation of animal growth, metabolism and lactation[1]. Numerous studies have shown that exogenous somatotropin (ST) can increase average daily weight gain, improve feed efficiency, stimulate protein deposition and muscle growth and decrease lipid accretion rate[1]. The original somatomedin hypothesis suggested that the effect of GH on postnatal growth was mediated by insulin-like growth hormone factor 1 (IGF-I) which was thought to be deriv…  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) plays important roles in a vast array of physiological processes, including growth, metabolism, and reproduction. In this study, cDNAs for two unique growth hormone receptor variants were cloned and sequenced from rainbow trout. The two cDNAs, one consisting of 2920 bp and the other of 2820 bp, share 87.2% identity in nucleotide sequence and 85.5% identity in deduced amino acid sequence and presumably arose through gene duplication. The cDNAs encode for putative 593- and 594-amino acid growth hormone receptors (designated GHR1 and GHR2, respectively), each containing a single transmembrane domain and other motifs characteristic of the receptor family. Both GHR1 and GHR2 mRNAs were present in all tissues examined. Trout GHR mRNAs are differentially expressed, both in terms of abundance among tissues and in terms of abundance within selected tissues. GHR1 was more abundant than GHR2 in the brain, whereas GHR2 was more abundant than GHR1 in pancreas and spleen. These findings expand our understanding of the evolution of the GH receptor family and suggest that independent mechanisms serve to regulate the tissue-specific expression of GHR mRNAs.  相似文献   

Sixteen Large White × Landrace castrated male pigs were allotted into treatment and control group. The treatment group was injected intramuscularly with recombinant porcine growth hormone (rpGH, 4 mg d−1) and the control group with vehicle for 28 days. Animals were slaughtered 4 h after final injection for liver, longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle and blood sampling. Serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) and leptin were determined by RIA. The total RNA was extracted from tissues to measure the abundance of growth hormone receptor (GHR), IGF-I mRNA by RT-PCR with 18S rRNA internal standard. Results showed that rpGH enhanced the average daily weight gain by 26.1% (P < 0.05), the serum IGF-I concentration by 70.94% (P < 0.01), decreased serum leptin by 34.8% (P < 0.01). The relative abundance of GHR and IGF-I mRNA in liver were increased by 24.45% (P < 0.05) and 45.30% (P < 0.01), respectively, but no difference of GHR (P > 0.05) and IGF-I mRNA (P > 0.05) in LD between GH treated and control group was found. These results suggest that rpGH can up-regulate hepatic GHR and IGF-I gene expression and improve animal growth. However the effect of rpGH on GHR and IGF-I gene expression are tissue-specific.  相似文献   

Release of soluble growth hormone binding protein (GHBP) corresponding to the extracellular domain of the GH receptor (GHR) occurs via distinct mechanisms depending on species. In human, proteolysis of full length GHR results in liberation of GHBP into the extracellular medium. A putative protease responsive for GHR cleavage has been identified, however, the residues involved are still unknown. In this study, using the mutational approach to the extracellular domain of the human GHR, we demonstrated that deletion of three residues located close to the transmembrane domain abolishes constitutive GHBP shedding without change in cellular GH binding. Deletion also significantly decreased the phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-induced release of GHBP and the accumulation of membrane-anchored remnant proteins. Taken together, these results suggest that integrity of the juxtamembrane region of GHR is necessary for its biochemical cleavage and that a common mechanism is involved in constitutive and PMA-induced shedding.  相似文献   

Chromosome mapping of the growth hormone receptor gene in man and mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pituitary growth hormone (GH) is essential for normal growth and development in animals and GH deficiency leads to dwarfism. This hormone acts via specific high-affinity cell surface receptors found in liver and other tissues. The recent cloning and sequencing of cDNAs encoding human and rabbit GH receptors (GHR) has demonstrated that this receptor is unrelated to any previously described cell membrane receptor or growth factor receptor. We have used the cloned human GHR cDNA to map the GHR locus to the proximal short arm of human chromosome 5, region p13.1----p12, and to mouse chromosome 15 by Southern blot analysis and in situ hybridization. While human chromosome 5 carries several genes for hormone and growth factor receptors, GHR is the only growth-related gene so far mapped to the short arm. Inasmuch as GHR is the first gene with apparently homologous loci on human chromosome 5 and mouse chromosome 15, it identifies a new homologous conserved region. In humans, deficiency of GH receptor activity probably causes Laron-type dwarfism, an autosomal recessive disorder prevalent in Oriental Jews. In mice, the autosomal recessive mutation miniature (mn) is characterized by severe growth failure and early death and has been mapped to chromosome 15. Our assignment of Ghr to mouse chromosome 15 suggests this as a candidate gene for the mn mutation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interaction between GH (growth hormone) and GHR (GH receptor). We previously demonstrated that a truncated GHR that possesses a transmembrane domain but no cytoplasmic domain blocks receptor signalling. Based on this observation we investigated the impact of tethering the receptor''s extracellular domain to the cell surface using a native lipid GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) anchor. We also investigated the effect of tethering GH, the ligand itself, to the cell surface and demonstrated that tethering either the ecGHR (extracellular domain of GHR) or the ligand itself to the cell membrane via a GPI anchor greatly attenuates signalling. To elucidate the mechanism for this antagonist activity, we used confocal microscopy to examine the fluorescently modified ligand and receptor. GH–GPI was expressed on the cell surface and formed inactive receptor complexes that failed to internalize and blocked receptor activation. In conclusion, contrary to expectation, tethering an agonist to the cell surface can generate an inactive hormone receptor complex that fails to internalize.  相似文献   

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