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【背景】铜绿假单胞菌为革兰氏阴性杆菌,是医院感染的常见条件致病菌之一。广泛存在于细菌中的第二信使分子环鸟苷二磷酸(cyclic-di-guanosine monophosphate,c-di-GMP)对细菌生理生化功能具有重要的调节作用。铜绿假单胞菌PAO1中存在参与c-di-GMP代谢的基因PA2072。【目的】探讨铜绿假单胞菌PAO1中c-di-GMP代谢相关基因PA2072的生物学功能。【方法】运用PCR及分子克隆技术构建PA2072基因及各结构域的自杀载体,运用基因敲除方法获取PA2072基因的3个突变株;利用泳动性(swimming)、蜂群运动(swarming)、蹭行运动(twitching)和生物膜定量实验对细菌进行初步的表型分析,进一步通过刚果红染色法对菌株进行分析。【结果】成功构建PA2072基因敲除突变菌株及回补菌株;生物膜定量结果发现基因PA2072的敲除会影响细菌生物膜的形成,PA2072蛋白的不同结构域对生物膜的合成也起到了重要作用;细菌运动能力检测中发现PA2072相关基因的敲除对细菌运动能力也有一定影响。刚果红平板检测结果显示,与野生型PAO1菌株相比,P...  相似文献   

【目的】探究铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)鸟苷酸环化酶(diguanylate cyclase,DGC)SadC合成的环二鸟苷酸(cyclicdi-GMP,c-di-GMP)信号与PilZ结构域受体间的信号传递关系,分析鉴定出特定PilZ结构域受体的调控功能和机制。【方法】SadC突变株和过表达菌株的构建及泳动能力分析;SadC过表达背景下,PilZ结构域受体突变各菌株的泳动表型分析和筛选;基因敲除和过表达解析筛选出的PilZ结构域受体功能;定点突变和遗传互补检测筛选出的PilZ结构域受体是否参与SadC合成c-di-GMP对泳动能力的调控。【结果】SadC通过影响鞭毛功能而非鞭毛形成抑制铜绿假单胞菌的泳动能力;PilZ结构域受体突变菌株筛选发现PilZ、FlgZ这2个受体参与了SadC介导的泳动能力抑制;功能分析发现ΔpilZ或ΔflgZ的泳动能力相比野生型PA14显著增强,而过表达PilZ或FlgZ则抑制了泳动能力;定点突变和回补实验发现PilZ第10位和FlgZ第140位氨基酸R对其介导SadC负调控泳动能力至关重要,多序列比对分析表明这些位点是其保...  相似文献   

【目的】探讨植物发酵液提取物(plant fermentation extract,PFE)对铜绿假单胞菌生物膜的抑制作用,为临床上铜绿假单胞菌感染相关疾病的治疗提供参考。【方法】通过划线法分离临床标本中的铜绿假单胞菌并进行鉴定,通过报告菌株测定铜绿假单胞菌的毒力因子,采用试管法和激光共聚焦扫描显微镜测定生物膜的形成。【结果】在分离出的16株铜绿假单胞菌中,PFE对PA007菌株的作用效果最好,1%PFE显著降低PA007菌株生物膜、绿脓菌素和N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-HSL(3-oxo-C12-HSL)的产量(P0.05)。同时,也显著降低Las A蛋白酶的活性以及持留菌存活率(P0.05)。荧光定量PCR实验结果表明PFE能显著抑制las I和pqs A基因的表达(P0.05)。【结论】PFE具有抗铜绿假单胞菌感染能力,在临床上铜绿假单胞菌感染疾病的治疗中具有巨大的潜在价值。  相似文献   

【目的】:研究与铜绿假单胞菌运动能力相关的基因。【方法】:以一株临床分离的铜绿假单胞菌PA68做受体菌,应用人工Mu转座技术建立了库容为2000的突变子文库,从中筛选出泳动能力和蹭动能力丧失或减弱的突变子,通过基因克隆、测序,GenBank BLAST比对测序结果,互补基因表达确定与铜绿假单胞菌运动能力相关的基因。【结果】:突变子Y46在丧失了泳动运动能力的同时,蹭动能力也发生了减弱。在Y46突变子中,Mu转座子插入到功能完全未知的基因PA1550中。对极性效应及PA1550所在操纵子的分析表明,Mu转座子对插入点下游的基因的转录并不造成影响。【结论】:PA1550与铜绿假单胞菌的泳动及蹭动能力有关。  相似文献   

细菌中广泛分布的群体感应信号分子autoinducer-2 (AI-2)会影响细菌的生物膜形成及运动性等生理过程,然而该信号对类志贺邻单胞菌相关表型的调控作用及其分子机制尚未有所报道。【目的】揭示AI-2通过影响胞内环二鸟苷单磷酸(c-di-GMP)水平调控类志贺邻单胞菌生物膜形成及运动性的内在机制,为类志贺邻单胞菌感染的防治提供新思路。【方法】首先利用同源重组方法构建luxS基因敲除菌株(ΔluxS),通过软琼脂平板法和结晶紫染色法分别检测其与野生型泳动能力和生物膜形成水平的差异;之后通过序列比对找到AI-2的潜在受体蛋白DosC(SAMEA2665130_2180),利用哈维氏弧菌生物发光实验及等温滴定量热实验(ITC)研究DosC的配体结合结构域(ligand-binding domain,LBD)与AI-2的结合能力;通过体外酶活实验、胞内c-di-GMP定量分析研究AI-2对DosC受体活性的影响;最后参照前述方法构建受体DosC编码基因敲除菌株(ΔdosC)并检测其与野生型相比泳动能力和生物膜形成水平的变化。【结果】AI-2与DosC-LBD显示出高亲和作用力;通过高效液相...  相似文献   

目的探究铜绿假单胞菌生物膜和浮游菌状态下毒力因子的表达差异。方法使用铜绿假单胞菌标准菌株PAO1,分别在生物膜(静置)和浮游菌(摇床)状态下培养,收集上清液,检测总蛋白酶、LasA和LasB弹性蛋白酶、鼠李糖脂、绿脓素、溶血活性;通过荧光定量PCR检测群体感应(quorum sensing, QS)系统相关基因的表达;同时,通过活菌计数检测PAO1在生物膜和浮游菌状态下的生长曲线。结果生物膜状态下,铜绿假单胞菌PAO1的总蛋白酶、LasA、LasB弹性蛋白酶、鼠李糖脂、绿脓素表达均增高(均P0.05),溶血活性增高(P0.05),生物膜和浮游菌状态下细菌生长曲线差异无统计学意义,QS相关基因rhlI、rhlR、rhlA、lasI、lasR、pqsA、pqsR表达增高(均P0.05)。结论铜绿假单胞菌PAO1在生物膜状态下毒力因子表达较浮游菌状态下增高。  相似文献   

【背景】抗菌肽Merecidin可抑制临床菌株铜绿假单胞菌PA03生物被膜。PA4781基因是课题组通过生物信息学分析筛选出的差异表达基因,PA4781作为细菌第二信使分子环二鸟苷酸(cyclic diguanylate,c-di-GMP)的磷酸二酯酶具有降解c-di-GMP的作用,其在抗菌肽Merecidin抑制生物被膜中的作用机制尚不清楚。【目的】研究细菌第二信使分子c-di-GMP的磷酸二酯酶PA4781基因在抗菌肽Merecidin抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜中的作用。【方法】利用单碱基突变技术敲除PA4781基因,Sanger测序方法检测敲除的正确性。采用结晶紫染色法观察PA03菌株、PA4781过表达菌株、PA4781敲除菌株24 h生物被膜生长情况,以及在抗菌肽Merecidin 24、48、72μmol/L作用下各菌株生物被膜的生长情况。采用对羟基联苯溶液显色法检测在抗菌肽Merecidin 48、72μmol/L作用下,PA03菌株、PA4781过表达菌株、PA4781敲除菌株生物被膜藻酸盐的变化情况。【结果】Sanger测序结果显示,用pnCasPABEC系统成功实现了靶点位置的单碱基突变,提前终止了PA4781的转录;结晶紫染色结果显示,培养24h时,在24μmol/L抗菌肽Merecidin作用下PA03菌株、PA4781过表达菌株、PA4781敲除菌株生物被膜形成情况无显著性差异(P0.05),在抗菌肽Merecidin 48、72μmol/L处理下,过表达株与正常株和敲除株有显著性差异(P0.05),生物被膜明显减少,敲除株生物被膜厚度高于PA03组(P0.05)。随着抗菌肽Merecidin浓度升高各组藻酸盐含量下降,其中过表达菌株在抗菌肽Merecidin作用下藻酸盐生成量抑制率最高,可达65%。【结论】抗菌肽Merecidin能够促进细菌第二信使分子磷酸二酯酶PA4781的表达,为抗菌肽Merecidin抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的作用机制可能通过细菌第二信使分子这一信号途径提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

来源于苏云金芽孢杆菌的aiiA基因克隆至Pseudomonas/E. coli穿梭载体并转入铜绿假单胞菌PAO1菌株, Western杂交显示AiiA蛋白在PAO1中正确表达. IPTG诱导9和21 h后分别取样检测两种信号分子的含量, 表达aiiA基因的菌株信号分子被完全降解; 检测重要的毒力因子弹性蛋白酶和绿脓菌素, 表达aiiA基因的菌株中毒力因子的含量明显少于野生型对照和空载体对照; 与运动性相关的丛集运动测定也表明, aiiA基因影响了细菌的丛集运动. 进一步通过液体和固体表面形成生物膜的差异以及对生物膜结构的扫描电子显微镜观察, aiiA基因的表达对铜绿假单胞菌生物膜的形成有重要影响.  相似文献   

【目的】考察茎瘤固氮根瘤菌ORS571中c-di-GMP合成酶AZC-2412的编码基因缺失的突变表型,初步探究其功能机理。【方法】本实验构建基于cre-loxp重组酶系统的根瘤菌基因敲除系统,以及采用三亲接合技术构建突变株。测定野生型和突变株的生长速率、趋化能力、胞外多糖产量、生物膜形成等表型。【结果】突变株与野生型生长速率几乎相同。与野生型相比突变株由于细胞内c-di-GMP水平降低,胞外多糖、生物膜产量等均有所下降。【结论】实验表明,环二鸟苷酸合成酶AZC-2412缺失,使得c-di-GMP水平降低,对胞外多糖生成、细菌的运动能力、生物膜的形成、细胞絮凝、与植物的互作等均有调控作用。  相似文献   

群体感应是细菌根据细胞密度变化调控基因表达的一种调节机制。铜绿假单胞菌中QS系统由lasI和rhlI合成的信号分子3OC12-HSL和C4-HSL以及各自的受体蛋白LasR、RhlR组成,它们以级联方式调控多个基因表达。【目的】研究细菌群体感应(QS)对聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。【方法】利用铜绿假单胞菌PAO1及其QS突变株为材料通过气相色谱、荧光定量PCR在生理和分子水平上研究QS对聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。【结果】QS信号分子合成抑制剂阿奇霉素处理铜绿假单胞菌PAO1和QS突变株导致胞内PHA积累量显著减少;铜绿假单胞菌PAO1中C4-HSL合成酶基因rhlI缺失突变株PAO210胞内PHA积累量与野生型无差别;而3OC12-HSL合成酶基因lasI缺失突变株PAO55、3OC12-HSL受体合成酶基因lasR缺失突变株PAO56以及lasI/lasR双缺失突变株PAO57胞内PHA含量与野生型相比明显减少;lasI和lasR的突变株体内PHA合成酶基因phaC1的表达量显著降低,信号分子3OC12-HSL回补实验使phaC1的表达量可恢复到野生株水平,但只可部分恢复lasI缺失导致的胞内PHA合成。【结论】由此推测,铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统中lasI/lasR系统参与胞内聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。  相似文献   

Flagella-mediated motility is recognized as one of the major factors contributing to virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. During a screening of a mini-Mu transposon mutant library of P. aeruginosa PA68, a mutant partially deficient in swimming and swarming motility was identified in a new locus that encodes a predicted protein of unknown function annotated PA5017 in the P. aeruginosa PAO1 genome sequence. Chemotaxis plate assay indicated that inactivation of the PA5017 gene led to a decreased chemotactic response. Complementation of the PA5017 mutant with the wild-type PA5017 gene restored normal motility and chemotaxis phenotype. A promoter-lacZ reporter activity assay of the cheYZAB operon from chemotaxis gene cluster 1 showed that there was almost a twofold difference in expression levels of the wild-type PA68 and the PA5017 mutant. This suggested that the PA5017 affected expression of the cheYZAB operon negatively. Further study showed that inactivation of the PA5017 gene in PA68 led to increased biofilm formation in a static system and to the formation of a heterogeneous biofilm in a flow-chamber system. These results suggested that PA5017 possibly affected flagellum-dependent motility and in turn biofilm formation via the chemotaxis signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The intracellular signaling molecule, cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP), has been shown to influence bacterial behaviors, including motility and biofilm formation. We report the identification and characterization of PA4367, a gene involved in regulating surface-associated behaviors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The PA4367 gene encodes a protein with an EAL domain, associated with c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase activity, as well as a GGDEF domain, which is associated with a c-di-GMP-synthesizing diguanylate cyclase activity. Deletion of the PA4367 gene results in a severe defect in swarming motility and a hyperbiofilm phenotype; thus, we designate this gene bifA, for biofilm formation. We show that BifA localizes to the inner membrane and, in biochemical studies, that purified BifA protein exhibits phosphodiesterase activity in vitro but no detectable diguanylate cyclase activity. Furthermore, mutational analyses of the conserved EAL and GGDEF residues of BifA suggest that both domains are important for the observed phosphodiesterase activity. Consistent with these data, the ΔbifA mutant exhibits increased cellular pools of c-di-GMP relative to the wild type and increased synthesis of a polysaccharide produced by the pel locus. This increased polysaccharide production is required for the enhanced biofilm formed by the ΔbifA mutant but does not contribute to the observed swarming defect. The ΔbifA mutation also results in decreased flagellar reversals. Based on epistasis studies with the previously described sadB gene, we propose that BifA functions upstream of SadB in the control of biofilm formation and swarming.  相似文献   

【背景】绿针假单胞菌(Pseudomonas chlororaphis) HT66是一株兼具生防安全性和吩嗪-1-甲酰胺(Phenazine-1-Carboxamide,PCN)高产的植物根际促生菌,在生物防治、生态农业及可持续发展农业领域具有广阔的应用前景。非编码RNA (ncRNA) SuhB参与了细胞中多个过程的代谢调控。【目的】探究suhB基因对绿针假单胞菌HT66生防能力的影响。【方法】以同源重组的方法无痕敲除suhB基因构建突变菌株HT66ΔsuhB,利用质粒回补suhB基因构建突变菌株HT66ΔsuhB-pBBR-suhB,研究suhB基因对菌株生长状态、生物膜形成、群集运动及PCN合成的影响。【结果】缺失suhB基因后,菌株HT66生长缓慢,平台期滞后12 h,而且生物量减少为野生型的61.6%;在KMB培养基中单位细胞PCN产量最高达109.5mg/g,为野生株的2.1倍;生物膜形成量明显增加,为野生型的1.8倍;在运动性检测平板上,野生株的运动半径为21 mm,而suhB突变株的运动半径缩减至9.7 mm,群集运动能力明显下降。suhB基因回补突变株上述生物学功能同野生株相似。在突变株HT66ΔsuhB中,pME6015-phzI-lacZ融合质粒表达的LacZ酶活与野生型差异不显著;pME6015-phzR-lacZ融合质粒表达的LacZ酶活显著上升,为野生型的3.1倍;pME6522-phzAp-lacZ融合质粒表达的LacZ酶活为野生型的1.8倍。【结论】绿针假单胞菌HT66中suhB基因参与了菌株生长、生物膜形成、群集运动及PCN合成等多个过程的调控。本研究为该菌株的代谢改造与生防应用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The second messenger cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) plays a critical role in the regulation of motility. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, c-di-GMP inversely controls biofilm formation and surface swarming motility, with high levels of this dinucleotide signal stimulating biofilm formation and repressing swarming. P. aeruginosa encodes two stator complexes, MotAB and MotCD, that participate in the function of its single polar flagellum. Here we show that the repression of swarming motility requires a functional MotAB stator complex. Mutating the motAB genes restores swarming motility to a strain with artificially elevated levels of c-di-GMP as well as stimulates swarming in the wild-type strain, while overexpression of MotA from a plasmid represses swarming motility. Using point mutations in MotA and the FliG rotor protein of the motor supports the conclusion that MotA-FliG interactions are critical for c-di-GMP-mediated swarming inhibition. Finally, we show that high c-di-GMP levels affect the localization of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-MotD fusion, indicating a mechanism whereby this second messenger has an impact on MotCD function. We propose that when c-di-GMP level is high, the MotAB stator can displace MotCD from the motor, thereby affecting motor function. Our data suggest a newly identified means of c-di-GMP-mediated control of surface motility, perhaps conserved among Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, and other organisms that encode two stator systems.  相似文献   

Seeding dispersal is an active detachment exhibit in aging Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Yet, effect factors of this process in the biofilm of clinical isolated mucoid P. aeruginosa strain remain to be better characterized. In our previous work, one mucoid P. earuginosa strain PA17 was isolated from a patient with recurrent pulmonary infection. In this study, confocal scanning laser microscope combined with LIVE/DEAD viability staining revealed that PA17 biofilm exhibited earlier seeding dispersal than non-mucoid PAO1. We further compared the motility and the expression of motility-associated gene during biofilm development between PA17 and PAO1. PA17 was found to be impaired in all three kinds of motility compared to PAO1. Moreover, we investigated the expression of rhamnolipid-associated genes in PA17 and PAO1 biofilm. The expression of these genes was in accordance with the process of seeding dispersal. Our results indicated that rhamnolipid but not motility is associated with the initiation of seeding dispersal of PA17 biofilm.  相似文献   

【目的】构建致病性副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus,Vp)突变体库,分析溶血能力差异突变株表型特征,为深入挖掘和认识tdh的调控机制提供研究基础。【方法】利用双亲本接合法,将Mini-Tn5-Km2片段随机插入致病性Vp (ATCC 33846)基因组,并以含有卡那霉素(Km)和氨苄青霉素(Amp)的TCBS选择性培养基进行突变株(KmRAmpS)筛选;结合PCR方法对突变菌株进行Km基因筛查,构建在不同基因位点随机插入突变的Vp突变体库。以我妻氏血平板筛选溶血表型变化菌株,并对其生长曲线、菌膜形成能力和运动能力进行测定。【结果】采用双亲本接合法,成功建立包含490株Vp突变株的突变体库,并获得5株溶血表型变化稳定的菌株(2株为溶血能力上调,3株为下调)。5株突变株在生长速率、菌膜形成能力及运动能力方面与亲本株有显著性差异。其中,2株溶血能力上调菌株及1株溶血能力下调菌株在运动能力、生长速率和菌膜形成能力方面较亲本株显著降低(P<0.05);另2株溶血能力下调菌株菌膜形成能力较亲本株显著提高(P<0.05)。【结论】Tn5转座子可用于建立Vp突变体库;Vp溶血能力与其表型特征具有相关性;研究所获得的5株溶血表型突变株为进一步探讨Vp tdh的调控机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

The intracellular signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) has been shown to influence surface-associated behaviors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including biofilm formation and swarming motility. Previously, we reported a role for the bifA gene in the inverse regulation of biofilm formation and swarming motility. The bifA gene encodes a c-di-GMP-degrading phosphodiesterase (PDE), and the ΔbifA mutant exhibits increased cellular pools of c-di-GMP, forms hyperbiofilms, and is unable to swarm. In this study, we isolated suppressors of the ΔbifA swarming defect. Strains with mutations in the pilY1 gene, but not in the pilin subunit pilA gene, show robust suppression of the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, as well as its hyperbiofilm phenotype. Despite the ability of the pilY1 mutation to suppress all the c-di-GMP-related phenotypes, the global pools of c-di-GMP are not detectably altered in the ΔbifA ΔpilY1 mutant relative to the ΔbifA single mutant. We also show that enhanced expression of the pilY1 gene inhibits swarming motility, and we identify residues in the putative VWA domain of PilY1 that are important for this phenotype. Furthermore, swarming repression by PilY1 specifically requires the diguanylate cyclase (DGC) SadC, and epistasis analysis indicates that PilY1 functions upstream of SadC. Our data indicate that PilY1 participates in multiple surface behaviors of P. aeruginosa, and we propose that PilY1 may act via regulation of SadC DGC activity but independently of altering global c-di-GMP levels.Pseudomonas aeruginosa forms surface-attached communities known as biofilms, and this microbe is also capable of surface-associated motility, including twitching and swarming. The mechanism by which cells regulate and coordinate these various surface-associated behaviors, or how these microbes transition from one surface behavior to another, has yet to be elucidated. Given that P. aeruginosa is capable of such diverse surface-associated lifestyles, this Gram-negative organism serves as a useful model to address questions regarding the regulation of surface-associated behaviors.Recent studies indicate that biofilm formation and swarming motility by P. aeruginosa are inversely regulated via a common pathway (12, 27, 37). Important factors that influence early biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa strain PA14 include control of flagellar motility and the robust production of the Pel exopolysaccharide (EPS). Swarming occurs when cells move across a hydrated, viscous semisolid surface, and like biofilm formation, flagellar function is important for this surface-associated motility. Additionally, swarming requires production of rhamnolipid surfactant acting as a surface-wetting agent (25, 58). In contrast to biofilm formation, swarming motility is enhanced in strains which are defective for the production of Pel EPS (12).The inverse regulation of biofilm formation and swarming motility is reminiscent of the regulation of sessile and motile behaviors that occurs in a wide range of bacterial species via the intracellular signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) (17, 24, 50, 51, 56). High levels of this signaling molecule promote sessile behaviors and inhibit motility, whereas low levels of c-di-GMP favor motile behaviors (8, 9, 22, 56). Recently, we reported that the BifA phosphodiesterase, which catalyzes the breakdown of c-di-GMP, inversely regulates biofilm formation and swarming motility (27). In addition, Merritt et al. reported that SadC, a diguanylate cyclase (DGC) which synthesizes c-di-GMP, participates with BifA to modulate cellular c-di-GMP levels and thus regulate biofilm formation and swarming motility (37).Consistent with a role for BifA as a c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase, ΔbifA mutants exhibit increased cellular pools of c-di-GMP relative to the wild type (WT) (27). Phenotypically, ΔbifA mutants form hyperbiofilms and are unable to swarm. The hyperbiofilm phenotype of the ΔbifA mutant results largely from increased synthesis of the pel-derived polysaccharide; that is, the ΔbifAΔpel double mutant shows a marked decrease in biofilm formation compared to the ΔbifA mutant (27). Interestingly, elevated Pel polysaccharide production alone is not sufficient to explain the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, as the ΔbifAΔpel double mutant recovers only minimal swarming ability (27). These data indicate that high levels of c-di-GMP inhibit swarming motility in a largely Pel-independent manner.To better understand how elevated c-di-GMP levels in the cell inhibit swarming motility, we exploited the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, and using a genetic screen, we identified suppressors in the ΔbifA background that restored the ability to swarm. Here we report a role for the PilY1 protein in repression of swarming motility in the ΔbifA mutant background. Our data are consistent with a model in which PilY1 functions upstream of the c-di-GMP diguanylate cyclase SadC to regulate swarming motility by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

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