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以四川省雅安莲花山为研究区,采用典型样地法分别调查轻度、中度和重度人为干扰对青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)次生林不同林分层次的物种组成、群落结构和物种多样性的影响。采用物种丰富度指数(S)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(H′)和均匀度指数(Jsw)来综合分析群落的物种多样性水平。结果表明:(1)在总面积为3 600m2的9个样地中,共记录到维管束植物161种,隶属于83科134属,以禾本科(Gramineae)、樟科(Lauraceae)、壳斗科(Fagaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)等植物为主。(2)不同强度人为干扰下青冈次生林的群落结构不同,受轻度和中度干扰的群落乔木层处于小径级(胸径8cm以下)、低高度级(高度3~7m)的幼苗较多,林分具有潜在的天然更新能力,受重度干扰下群落乔木小径级、低高度级个体数少,群落结构不稳定,林分生产力低。(3)不同强度人为干扰下青冈次生林群落重要值差异显著,轻、中、重干扰下乔木层优势种数量差别不明显,物种组成单一;灌木层重度干扰下小果润楠(Machilus microcarpa)占据绝对优势地位;草本层优势种在中度干扰下数量最多。(4)随着人为干扰强度的增加,青冈次生林群落的S、H、H′和Jsw降低,群落物种多样性整体呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

以雅安市雨城区段青衣江河岸带的草本植被为研究对象,采用典型样地法选取沿岸受3种不同强度人为干扰的样地(轻度干扰的河滩地、中度干扰的割草地和重度干扰的弃耕地),探究不同人为干扰强度对青衣江沿岸的草本植物群落物种多样性和生态位的影响。结果表明:在3种类型的样地中共观测到64个物种,隶属于26科53属,物种数随着干扰强度的增加而降低;分析重要值发现,不同干扰强度下群落的主体均为菊科(Compositae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)和豆科(Leguminosae)的种类,各物种重要值的差异不大,优势种不明显,种间竞争激烈;受不同干扰强度群落的生境存在差异,轻度干扰、中度干扰和重度干扰群落的生态位重叠值在0.5以上的物种数比率分别为95.0%、85.4%、74.2%,受不同强度干扰群落之间的物种相似程度不同,轻度干扰与中度干扰、中度干扰与重度干扰、轻度干扰与重度干扰的群落相似性系数分别为0.733、0.719、0.625;受不同强度人为干扰的群落中物种丰富度指数D值和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H值的大小排序为轻度干扰中度干扰重度干扰,但Simpson指数H'值和Pielou均匀度指数Jsw值在样地之间的差异不显著。  相似文献   

为探讨人为干扰对川西碧峰峡山矾(Symplocos sumuntia)次生林群落结构和物种多样性的影响,对其群落结构、物种组成和物种多样性特征进行了研究。结果表明,在总面积为7200 m~2的12块样地中共记录到维管束植物151种,隶属于58科98属,以樟科(Lauraceae)、山矾科(Symplocaceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)等为主。单因素方差分析表明,不同强度人为干扰对山矾次生林群落径级、高度级结构影响的差异不显著(P0.05),群落乔木层径级为单峰型结构,高度级结构分布呈倒“J”型,群落天然更新能力强。受不同人为强度干扰的山矾次生林群落各层次物种组成和优势种数量不同,乔木层优势种数量差异显著,且轻度干扰中度干扰重度干扰;灌木层和草本层中,中度干扰的优势种数量最多,轻度干扰次之,重度干扰的最少。总体上看,人为干扰对山矾次生林群落乔木层、草本层物种多样性水平具有负面影响,群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(H′)、物种丰富度指数(S)和均匀度指数(J_(sw))随人为干扰强度的增加而降低,物种多样性水平呈下降趋势;中度干扰下灌木层的物种多样性有增加的趋势。总体上物种多样性指数表现出灌木层乔木层草本层的规律。  相似文献   

为探究人为干扰对栲树群落的影响,采用典型样地法研究不同程度人为干扰对碧峰峡栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)次生林群落的物种多样性和土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明,碧峰峡栲树群落共有维管植物148种,隶属60科106属。乔木层和草本层物种多样性指数随干扰强度的加强先增加后减小,灌木层物种多样性水平最高。乔木层优势种以栲树、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)等为主,灌木层物种丰富,优势种较多,草本层优势种数量为中度干扰轻度干扰重度干扰。土壤有机碳、钾含量和含水量与群落物种多样性水平显著相关(P0.05)。中度干扰在一定程度上能够促进碧峰峡栲树群落物种多样性并改善土壤性质,土壤有机碳、钾含量和含水量对物种多样性有显著影响。  相似文献   

人为干扰是影响退化系统系统恢复的决定性因素。本研究以碧峰峡山矾3种不同强度干扰下(轻度、中度、重度)的次生林为对象,分析各干扰群落物种组成、植物多样性水平(丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon指数、Pielou均匀度指数)和土壤生态因子差异及其相关关系。结果表明:在调查区共记录到维管植物132种,隶属56科99属,不同强度干扰群落物种数及物种组成存在差异,随干扰强度增加,乔木和草本层物种数减少,灌木层物种数先增加后减少;各干扰群落乔木层多样性水平差异极显著(P0.01),随干扰强度增加乔木层多样性水平持续下降;灌木和草本层多样性水平均无显著差异,且多样性水平均为中度干扰下最高,表明乔木层受干扰影响大,中度人为干扰能增加林下群落物种多样性,但不利于乔木多样性水平的提升;方差分析显示,土壤含水量、有机质和速效钾含量受人为干扰影响显著(P0.05),除土壤全磷、pH、容重外,其余土壤理化指标(全氮、全钾、有效磷、速效钾、有机质和含水量)均为中度干扰下最大,说明中度干扰在一定程度上能改善土壤理化性质;土壤环境因子与植物多样性存在一定的相关性,土壤速效钾、有机质、有效磷与群落多样性关系最显著;中度人为干扰能增加林下群落物种多样性水平,改善土壤理化性质,对山矾次生林群落构建与森林群落生态恢复而言属于增益性干扰。  相似文献   

孙玉真  王志泰  包玉  魏文飞  杨兴艺 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4632-4650
快速城市化发展对城市内植被和生物多样性产生了显著的影响,研究植物群落特征对人为干扰的响应规律可为城市残余生境生态恢复、生物多样性保护及植被的合理开发利用提供科学依据。以典型的喀斯特多山城市贵阳市为研究区域,城市遗存山体为研究对象,基于遥感解译与群落生态学调查和分析等方法,探讨了不同人为干扰方式及强度对城市遗存山体植被特征、群落物种组成和多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)中度人为干扰强度下城市遗存山体植被覆盖度(FVC)和植被净初级生产力(NPP)数值最高;复垦干扰下FVC和NPP值相一致且为最高,中小型公园化利用山体FVC和NPP值完全不一致且NPP最低。(2)不同人为干扰强度和方式下城市遗存山体间的平均物种数和生活型构成均存在显著性差异。整体上城市遗存山体的平均物种数在不同干扰强度下表现为轻度人为干扰 > 中度人为干扰 > 重度人为干扰;不同干扰方式下的平均物种数呈现为人为踩踏 > 构筑物 > 工程建设 > 公园化利用 > 复垦 > 工程开挖的趋势;重度干扰下城市遗存山体的落叶乔木、灌木占比最高,中度干扰下常绿灌木和多年生草本为主。(3)不同干扰强度下城市遗存山体植物群落垂直结构各层次物种多样性指数均偏低且存在显著性差异,乔木层、灌木层Shannon-Wiener (H'')、Simpson (D)、Margelf (R)指数在中度干扰强度最大,而在草本层均最小;均匀度Pielou (Jh)指数在乔木层和草本层中表现为轻度人为干扰 > 中度人为干扰 > 重度人为干扰,而在灌木层完全相反。(4)乔木层4种多样性指数在不同干扰方式下的差异较大;灌木层和草本层的多样性指数在人为踩踏和构筑物建设干扰方式下显著高于其它干扰方式,工程开挖为主的干扰方式下灌木层和草本层多样性各指数均偏低且存在显著性差异。总体而言,轻中度人为干扰对城市遗存山体植物群落物种组成和多样性的影响不突出,且中度干扰对植物群落物种多样性具有一定的促进作用,但重度干扰对城市遗存山体植物群落特征存在明显的负面影响。  相似文献   

物种多样性是群落功能复杂性和稳定性的重要量度指标,海拔高度是影响物种多样性的重要因素。该实验采用典型样地法,在800~900m(低海拔)和1 100~1 200m(高海拔)2个海拔高度分别取4个20m×20m的样地,对江油地区的杉木人工林群落结构和物种多样性进行研究,采用物种丰富度指数(D)、Shannon-Wienner多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(H′)和均匀度指数(Jsw)来综合衡量不同海拔杉木人工林群落的物种多样性。结果表明:(1)组成江油杉木人工林的物种共计205种,分属66科177属;低海拔地区乔木7种,灌木54种,草本47种;高海拔地区乔木10种,灌木60种,草本41种。(2)低海拔和高海拔的木本植物组成无明显差异,草本层的物种组成有明显差异。(3)群落各层次的物种多样性指数在低海拔和高海拔都表现为:灌木层草本层乔木层,乔木层的各项指数最低;物种多样性指数随海拔升高在特定区间内表现出一定规律性,D、H和Jsw值总体上呈高海拔低海拔,H′则相反,表明高海拔杉木人工林物种多样性和物种在群落中分布的均匀度都有增加的趋势,这与高海拔受人为干扰较轻以及环境因子的变化等密切相关。  相似文献   

郝建锋  李艳  齐锦秋  裴曾莉  黄雨佳  蒋倩  陈亚 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7678-7688
为进一步了解人为干扰对碧峰峡生态旅游区的生态环境及不同种群利用资源、占据生态空间的能力的影响,并为该区植物资源、大熊猫栖息地的保护及旅游可持续措施的制定提供依据,调查了人为干扰下碧峰峡栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)次生林物种多样性及其优势种群生态位的组成情况。结果表明:7200m2的样方中共记录到156个植物种,隶属于70科114属,其中乔木16科23属33种,灌木39科67属95种,草本38科42属47种;乔木层总体物种多样性水平在中度干扰下最低,在轻度及重度干扰下差异不大。灌木层总体物种多样性水平在中度干扰下最高,在轻度干扰下最低。而草本层物种多样性随着干扰强度的加深有明显降低趋势;随着人为干扰强度的增加,乔木层中优势种栲树的生态位宽度均为最大,与其他树种生态位重叠值在中度干扰下有所降低,枹栎(Quercus serrata)的生态位宽度会变小,山茶科(Theaceae)植物的生态位变宽,同时其生态位重叠值增大;在灌木层中,重度干扰下,菝葜(Smilax china)生态位宽度减小,栲树幼苗的生态适应范围也骤减,其他大多数物种在中度干扰下,生态位宽度最低;在草本层中,蕨类植物及皱叶狗尾草(Setaria plicata)在重度干扰下生态位宽度及重叠值均增高,其适应范围变广,种间竞争加剧。综合分析表明,群落各层次物种多样性水平对人为干扰的响应各不相同,其中人为干扰对灌木及草本层物种多样性影响最大。同时人为干扰会改变群落物种组成及种间原有的关系,特别是中度干扰会使群落间优势种地位增强,种间竞争关系加剧,导致其原有生境被破坏,不利于群落发展。因此强化景区保护及合理经营迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

对不同程度人为干扰条件下(地区建设)香港大屿山林木群落结构(胸围大于0.3m)进行比较研究。结果显示,随干扰强度梯度的增加林木群落的物种多样性减少,即自然生长植被中的林木群落(山坡)多样性 > 轻度人为干扰的林木群落(昂坪)多样性 > 重度人为干扰的林木群落(东涌)多样性。物种组成和优势度等群落结构因子也因人为干扰程度的不同而有所不同。人类活动有意识地给林木群落引进了外来物种成分,并由这些物种组成新的群落,这些外来树种所带来的影响应该从多方面进行考虑研究。  相似文献   

基于对碧峰峡山矾(Symplocos sumuntia)次生林中乔木层、灌木层、草本层总计288个样方的调查,采用Levins、Hurlber生态位宽度指数、Pianka生态位重叠指数及Sφrensen相似性系数对山矾次生林不同强度人为干扰下各层次主要植物种的生态位特征及群落物种相似度进行定量分析,以揭示碧峰峡山矾次生林不同干扰程度下,各层次主要种群对生境资源的利用情况以及相对地位的变化,明确物种的生态适应性,为生态系统稳定性研究提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)山矾在不同强度人为干扰下均占据较宽生态位,适应环境和利用资源的能力较强,是次生林群落的建群种;随干扰强度增加,乔木层中山茶科(Theaceae)植物生态位宽度增大,青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)生态位宽度呈先增大后减小的趋势;灌木层中杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)在重度干扰下生态位宽度减小,光枝楠(Phoebe neuranthoides)生态位宽度则增加,其他大多数植物在中度干扰下生态位宽度最小;草本层中红盖鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris erythrosora)在重度干扰下生态位变宽,其适应范围扩大。(2)乔木层中山矾和冬青(Ilex chinensis)生态位重叠值在重度干扰下增大;灌木层中高粱泡(Rubus lambertianus)和老鼠矢(Symplocos stellaris)与其他物种的生态位重叠值仅在中度干扰下出现;草本层中,随干扰强度增加,书带蕨(Vittaria flexuosa)生态位重叠值消失,红盖鳞毛蕨生态位重叠值出现并且较高;群落各层次主要树种整体生态位重叠均值在中度干扰下降至最低。(3)乔木层和草本层中不同强度干扰层次两两之间相似性系数均大于0.8;灌木层中重度干扰-中度干扰、中度干扰-轻度干扰、重度干扰-轻度干扰之间相似性系数分别为0.636、0.746、0.608。研究表明,不同强度人为干扰下,山矾次生林中因资源利用而产生的种间竞争均较激烈,群落分布格局和演替方向受到影响,森林群落不稳定。  相似文献   

Blood samples from camels, sheep, goats and cattle from six Regions in Saudi Arabia were examined for blood parasites. Asir Region camels were disinfected while those of the Eastern, Jazan, Northern Frontiers, Riyadh and Tabouk Regions were infected with Trypanosoma evansi (5–40%), those of Riyadh and the Eastern Regions were infected with Dipetalonema evansi (1–6%) and those of the Eastern, Jazan and Riyadh Regions were infected with Eperythrozoon species (8–20%). Sheep and goats of all tested regions were infected with Theilaria hirci (4–20% and 6–14%, respectively), Theilaria ovis (5–19% and 6–24%, respectively) and Eperthrozoon ovis (2–9% and 2–8%, respectively). Sheep of the Eastern and Northern Frontiers Regions were also infected with Anaplasma ovis (2%) and also those of the Eastern Region were infected with Babesia motasi (4%) as well. Cattle of Asir and Eastern Regions were infected with Anaplasma marginale (1–3.4%) and those of the Eastern, Jazan and Riyadh Regions were infected with Theileria annulata (11.3–25%) and Eperthrozoon wenyoni (1–4%). Moreover, Jazan cattle were infected with Babesia bigemina (6%) and a benign Theileria species (27%). Some of these parasites are recorded in new localities indicating that they are spreading in the country. Also, this is the first report in Saudi Arabia of D. evansi in camels, A. ovis and B. motasi in sheep and A. marginale and B. bigemina in cattle. These parasites may be introduced into the country with infected livestock infested with the vectors of these parasites. The suspected vectors of the detected parasites in Saudi Arabia is discussed. Follow up surveys of blood parasites are recommended to assess their distribution and infection rates in the livestock of all Regions of Saudi Arabia, to make plans for control measures against their vectors.  相似文献   

The primary source of plant parasitic nematodes in irrigation waterways in the Columbia Basin Project of eastern Washington is irrigation runoff returned into the irrigation system. This has contributed to the rapid spread of plant parasitic nematodes observed during eight years of study.  相似文献   

Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) disease of cacao (Theobroma cacao) in Southeast Asia and Melanesia is caused by a basidiomycete (Ceratobasidiales) fungus Oncobasidium theobromae (syn. =Thanatephorus theobromae). The most characteristic symptoms of the disease are green-spotted leaf chlorosis or, commonly since about 2004, necrotic blotches, followed by senescence of leaves beginning on the second or third flush behind the shoot apex, and blackening of infected xylem in the vascular traces at the leaf scars resulting from the abscission of infected leaves. Eventually the shoot apex is killed and infected branches die. In susceptible cacao the fungus may grow through the xylem down into the main stem and kill a mature cacao tree. Infections in the stem of young plants prior to the formation of the first 3-4 lateral branches usually kill the plant. Basidiospores released from corticioid basidiomata developed on leaf scars or along cracks in the main vein of infected leaves infect young leaves. The pathogen commonly infects cacao but there are rare reports from avocado. As both crops are introduced to the region, the pathogen is suspected to occur asymptomatically in native vegetation. The pathogen is readily isolated but cultures cannot be maintained. In this study, DNA was extracted from pure cultures of O. theobromae obtained from infected cacao plants sampled from Indonesia. The internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), consisting of ITS1, 5.8S ribosomal RNA and ITS2, and a portion of nuclear large subunit (LSU) were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences placed O. theobromae sister to Ceratobasidium anastomosis groups AG-A, AG-Bo, and AG-K with high posterior probability. Therefore the new combination Ceratobasidium theobromae is proposed. A PCR-based protocol was developed to detect and identify C. theobromae in plant tissue of cacao enabling early detection of the pathogen in plants. A second species of Ceratobasidium, Ceratobasidium ramicola, identified through ITS sequence analysis, was isolated from VSD-affected cacao plants in Java, and is widespread in diseased cacao collected from Indonesia.  相似文献   

The egg morphology of minute intestinal flukes (MIF) that can occur as human infections in the Republic of Korea, i.e., Metagonimus yokogawai, M. miyatai, M. takahashii, Heterophyes nocens, Heterophyopsis continua, Stellantchasmus falcatus, Stictodora fuscata, Pygidiopsis summa, and Gymnophalloides seoi, was studied in comparison with Clonorchis sinensis. The adult worms were obtained from residents of endemic areas, and their intrauterine eggs were studied and measured using light microscopy; the length, width, length-width ratio (LWR), and Faust-Meleney index (FMI). Several specimens were processed for scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and before gold-coating, the uterine portion of each fluke was etched with a sharp pin in order to expose the eggs. The MIF eggs were ovoid, pyriform, or elliptical with a size range of 21-35×12-21 μm. S. fuscata eggs revealed the highest FMI (largest in the area) and lowest LWR, whereas P. summa eggs showed the lowest FMI and medium LWR. SEM revealed that G. seoi and S. fuscata had remarkably clean shell surface lacking the muskmelon-like structure which is prominent in C. sinensis eggs. In Metagonimus spp., H. continua, H. nocens, and S. falcatus eggs, minute surface ridges were recognizable though less prominent compared with C. sinensis. On the surface of P. summa eggs, thread-like curly structures were characteristically seen. The results revealed that important differential keys for MIF eggs include the length, width, area (FMI), shape of the eggs, and the extent of the muskmelon-like structure or ridges on their shell surface and operculum.  相似文献   

Criconemoides xenoplax and Meloidogyne incognita were the nematode species most frequently associated with peach in North Carolina. Other nematodes often found in high numbers on that crop were Pratylenehus vulnus, Helicotylenchus spp., Trichodorus christiei, Xiphinema amerieanum and Tylenchorhynchus claytoni. P. vulnus and P. penetrans reproduced well on rootstocks of 21 peach cultivars tested in the greenhouse. P. zeae, P. brachyurus, P. coffeae and P. scribneri decreased or increased only slightly in most instances. C. xenoplax increased as much as 330-fold and reproduced on all cultivars tested. In a field experiment with six peach cultivars and moderate numbers of P. brachyurus, P. vulnus, C. xenoplax, and M. incognita, only M. incognita caused significant stunting in 30 months. This nematode increased only on root-knot susceptible cultivars, whereas the other nematodes followed the same patterns observed in the greenhouse. In a second field experiment, seedlings were stunted significantly by high numbers of C. xenoplax during an 18-month period.  相似文献   

Over the last 50 yrs seven non-native ascidians have settled in The Netherlands, concentrated in the two periods 1974-1977 and 1991-2004 (i.e., Styela clava, Aplidium glabrum, Diplosoma listerianum, Didemnum sp., Botrylloides violaceus, Molgula complanata and Perophora japonica). The year of the introduction of B. violaceus remains a matter of dispute because many of the Botrylloides specimens that are recorded in western Europe, have been identified as the closely resembling species B. leachi. Only Didemnum sp. has become a true invasive species and has become a threat to native ecosystems, especially in the province of Zeeland, by its ability to overgrow virtually all hard substrata present. This includes rocks, stones, sand, algae and almost all sessile marine animals. The sudden population expansion of the didemnid from 1996 onward, coincided with the cold winter of 1995-1996, which caused decreased population sizes of many marine animals. The resulting increase in the availability of suitable substrates for settlement and the strong decrease of grazing sea urchins, may have triggered the population expansion. Studying its population dynamics, the optimal growing temperature for Didemnum sp. appears to be 14-18 °C. Virtually all colonies die when the water temperature gets colder than 5 °C. Colonies growing on live marine animals seem to be more resistant to the cold, than those growing on rocks, stones and plants. Two potential predators of the didemnid have also been recorded in Dutch waters: the gastropods Trivia arctica and Lamellaria sp.  相似文献   

Transmission of the entomopathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis to the nettle aphid Microlophium carnosum was assessed in the presence of arthropods that co-exist with the fungus within the habitat but do not compete for aphid hosts. The presence of a parasitoid significantly enhanced transmission, and transmission rates were similar for both enemy and non-enemy parasitoids. Although herbivory of nettle leaves by Peacock butterfly (Inchis io) caterpillars indirectly reduced the number of M. carnosum by >30% due to a reduction in leaf area for feeding, the addition of I. io significantly increased transmission of P. neoaphidis in the remaining aphids. It is likely that enhanced transmission in the presence of A. rhopalosiphii and I. io is due to disturbance and subsequent movement of the aphid, resulting in contact with conidia deposited on the leaf surface. The presence and impact of co-occurring arthropods should be taken into consideration when assessing the transmission of fungal entomopathogens.  相似文献   

Freshwater snails of the family Lymnaeidae play an important role in the transmission of fascioliasis worldwide. In Vietnam, 2 common lymnaeid species, Lymnaea swinhoei and Lymnaea viridis, can be recognized on the basis of morphology, and a third species, Lymnaea sp., is known to exist. Recent studies have raised controversy about their role in transmission of Fasciola spp. because of confusion in identification of the snail hosts. The aim of this study is, therefore, to clarify the identities of lymnaeid snails in Vietnam by a combination of morphological and molecular approaches. The molecular analyses using the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA clearly showed that lymnaeids in Vietnam include 3 species, Austropeplea viridis (morphologically identified as L. viridis), Radix auricularia (morphologically identified as L. swinhoei) and Radix rubiginosa (morphologically identified as Lymnaea sp.). R. rubiginosa is a new record for Vietnam. Among them, only A. viridis was found to be infected with Fasciola spp. These results provide a new insight into lymnaeid snails in Vietnam. Identification of lymnaeid snails in Vietnam and their role in the liver fluke transmission should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Cao L  Ding X  Yu W  Yang X  Shen S  Yu L 《FEBS letters》2007,581(28):5526-5532
Septins, a conserved family of cytoskeletal GTP-binding proteins, were presented in diverse eukaryotes. Here, a comprehensive phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis for septin proteins in metazoan was carried out. First, we demonstrated that all septin proteins in metazoan could be clustered into four subgroups, and the representative homologue of every subgroup was presented in the non-vertebrate chordate Ciona intestinalis, indicating that the emergence of the four septin subgroups should have occurred prior to divergence of vertebrates and invertebrates, and the expansion of the septin gene number in vertebrates was mainly by the duplication of pre-existing genes rather than by the appearance of new septin subgroup. Second, the direct orthologues of most human septins existed in zebrafish, which suggested that human septin gene repertoire was mainly formed by as far as before the split between fishes and land vertebrates. Third, we found that the evolutionary rate within septin family in mammalian lineage varies significantly, human SEPT1, SEPT 10, SEPT 12, and SEPT 14 displayed a relative elevated evolutionary rate compared with other septin members. Our data will provide new insights for the further function study of this protein family.  相似文献   

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