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基于氨基酸组成分布的蛋白质同源寡聚体分类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于一种新的特征提取方法——氨基酸组成分布,使用支持向量机作为成员分类器,采用“一对一”的多类分类策略,从蛋白质一级序列对四类同源寡聚体进行分类研究。结果表明,在10-CV检验下,基于氨基酸组成分布,其总分类精度和精度指数分别达到了86.22%和67.12%,比基于氨基酸组成成分的传统特征提取方法分别提高了5.74和10.03个百分点,比二肽组成成分特征提取方法分别提高了3.12和5.63个百分点,说明氨基酸组成分布对于蛋白质同源寡聚体分类是一种非常有效的特征提取方法;将氨基酸组成分布和蛋白质序列长度特征组合,其总分类精度和精度指数分别达到了86.35%和67.23%,说明蛋白质序列长度特征含有一定的空间结构信息。  相似文献   

蛋白质的亚细胞定位与蛋白质的功能密切相关,其定位预测有助于人们了解蛋白质功能.文章提出一种分段伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法,采用支持向量机算法对Chou构建的两个蛋白质亚细胞定位数据集(C2129,CS2423)进行了分类研究,并采用总分类精度Q3、内容平衡精度指数Q9等参数评估预测分类系统性能.预测结果表明,基于分段伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法的预测性能,优于基于完整蛋白质序列的伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法.例如,基于分段矩描述子伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法,数据集C2129的Q3和Q9分别为84.7%和60.8%,比基于完整蛋白质序列的矩描述子伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法分别提高1.8和2.2个百分点,且Q3比现有Xiao等人的方法提高了9.1个百分点.基于分段伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法构成的特征向量不仅包含残基之间的位置信息,而且还包含蛋白质子序列之问的耦合信息,另外蛋白质分段子序列可能和蛋白质的功能域有一定的联系,从而使这一方法能够有效地预测蛋白质亚细胞定位.  相似文献   

集成改进KNN算法预测蛋白质亚细胞定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于Adaboost算法对多个相似性比对K最近邻(K-nearest neighbor,KNN)分类器集成实现蛋白质的亚细胞定位预测。相似性比对KNN算法分别以氨基酸组成、二肽、伪氨基酸组成为蛋白序列特征,在KNN的决策阶段使用Blast比对决定蛋白质的亚细胞定位。在Jackknife检验下,Adaboost集成分类算法提取3种蛋白序列特征,3种特征在数据集CH317和Gram1253的最高预测成功率分别为92.4%和93.1%。结果表明Adaboost集成改进KNN分类预测方法是一种有效的蛋白质亚细胞定位预测方法。  相似文献   

相似性比对预测蛋白质亚细胞区间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雄飞  张梁  薛卫  赵南  徐焕良 《微生物学通报》2016,43(10):2298-2305
【目的】对蛋白质所属的亚细胞区间进行预测,为进一步研究蛋白质的生物学功能提供基础。【方法】以蛋白质序列的氨基酸组成、二肽、伪氨基酸组成作为序列特征,用BLAST比对改进K最近邻分类算法(K-nearest neighbor,KNN)实现蛋白序列所属亚细胞区间预测。【结果】在Jackknife检验下,数据集CH317三种特征的成功率分别为91.5%、91.5%和89.3%,数据集ZD98成功率分别为93.9%、92.9%和89.8%。【结论】BLAST比对改进KNN算法是预测蛋白质亚细胞区间的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

蛋白质相互作用研究有助于揭示生命过程的许多本质问题,也有助于疾病预防、诊断,对药物研制具有重要的参考价值。文章首先构建出蛋白质作用数据库,提出分段氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法来预测蛋白质相互作用。10CV检验下,基于支持向量机的3段氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法的预测总精度为86.2%,比传统的氨基酸组成成分方法提高2.31个百分点;采用Guo的数据库和检验方法,3段氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法的预测总精度为90.11%,比Guo的自相关函数特征提取方法提高2.75个百分点,从而表明分段氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法可有效地应用于蛋白质相互作用预测。  相似文献   

利用分组重量编码预测细胞凋亡蛋白的亚细胞定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从氨基酸的物化特性出发,利用物理学中“粗粒化”和“分组”的思想,提出了一种新的蛋白质序列特征提取方法——分组重量编码方法。采用组分耦合算法作为分类器,从蛋白质一级序列出发对细胞凋亡蛋白的亚细胞定位进行研究。针对Zhou和Doctor使用的数据集,Re—substitution和Jackknife检验总体预测精度分别为98、O%和85.7%,比基于氨基酸组成和组分耦合算法的总体预测精度提高了7.2%和13.2%;针对陈颖丽和李前忠使用的数据集,Re—substitution和Jackknife检验总体预测精度分别为94.0%和80、1%,比基于二肽组成和离散增量算法的总体预测精度提高了5.9%和2、0%。针对我们自己整理的最新数据集,通过Re—substitution和Jackknife检验,总体预测精度分别为97.33%和75、11%。实验结果表明蛋白质序列的分组重量编码对于细胞凋亡蛋白的定位研究是一种有效的特征提取方法。  相似文献   

寡聚蛋白质广泛地参与多种生命活动,对其预测研究有重要的意义。文章从蛋白质序列出发,提出多策略滑动伸缩窗特征提取方法,采用“ 一对一”的多类分类策略,对蛋白质同源寡聚体进行预测研究。结果表明,在Jackknife检验下,基于支持向量机的多策略滑动伸缩窗特征和氨基酸组成成分构成的特征集在加权情况下,其总分类精度最高达到了75.37%,比单纯的氨基酸组成成分法提高10.05%,比参考文献最好特征BG_Zhang提高了3.82%。 说明多策略滑动伸缩窗特征提取方法对于蛋白质同源寡聚体分类,是一种非常有效的特征提取方法。  相似文献   

文中提出了一种简单有效的蛋白质亚细胞区间定位预测方法,为进一步了解蛋白质的功能和性质提供理论基础。运用稀疏编码,结合氨基酸组成信息提取蛋白质序列特征,基于不同字典大小对得到的特征进行多层次池化整合,并送入支持向量机进行分类。经Jackknife检验,在数据集ZD98、CH317和Gram1253上的预测成功率分别达到95.9%、93.4%和94.7%。实验证明基于多层次稀疏编码的分类预测算法能显著提高蛋白质亚细胞区间定位的预测精度。  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的蛋白质同源寡聚体分类研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
基于支持向量机和贝叶斯方法,从蛋白质一级序列出发对蛋白质同源二聚体、同源三聚体、同源四聚体、同源六聚体进行分类研究,结果表明:基于支持向量机, 采用“一对多”和“一对一”策略, 其分类总精度分别为77.36%和93.43%, 分别比基于贝叶斯协方差判别法的分类总精度50.64%提高26.72和42.79个百分点.从而说明支持向量机可用于蛋白质同源寡聚体分类,且是一种非常有效的方法.对于多类蛋白质同源寡聚体分类,基于相同的机器学习方法(如支持向量机),采用“一对一”策略比“一对多”效果好.同时亦表明蛋白质同源寡聚体一级序列包含四级结构信息.  相似文献   

从非同源蛋白质的一级序列预测其结构类   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对基于氨基酸组成、自相关函数和自协方差函数提取特征的蛋白质结构类预测算法进行分析比较,对氨基酸组成和自相关函数相结合的方法,以及氨基酸组成和自协放差函数相结合的方法的预测算法进行了研究。结果表明:对非同源蛋白质,因氨基酸和自相关函数相结合的方法中,采用Miyazawa和Jernigan的疏水值时,训练的自检验的总精度为95.34%,其Jackknife检验的总精度为81.92%,检验加的他检验的总精工为86.61%。在氨基酸组成和自协方差函数相结合的方法中,采用Wold等的疏水值时,训练库的自检验的总精度为96.71%,其Jackknife检验的总精度为82.18%,检验加的他检验的总精工为86.88%。这说明氨基酸组成和自相关函数相结合的方法,以及氨基酸组成和自协方差函数相结合的方法可有效提高结构类预测精度,表明提取更多有效的序列信息是提高分类精度的关键。  相似文献   

Gao QB  Wang ZZ  Yan C  Du YH 《FEBS letters》2005,579(16):3444-3448
To understand the structure and function of a protein, an important task is to know where it occurs in the cell. Thus, a computational method for properly predicting the subcellular location of proteins would be significant in interpreting the original data produced by the large-scale genome sequencing projects. The present work tries to explore an effective method for extracting features from protein primary sequence and find a novel measurement of similarity among proteins for classifying a protein to its proper subcellular location. We considered four locations in eukaryotic cells and three locations in prokaryotic cells, which have been investigated by several groups in the past. A combined feature of primary sequence defined as a 430D (dimensional) vector was utilized to represent a protein, including 20 amino acid compositions, 400 dipeptide compositions and 10 physicochemical properties. To evaluate the prediction performance of this encoding scheme, a jackknife test based on nearest neighbor algorithm was employed. The prediction accuracies for cytoplasmic, extracellular, mitochondrial, and nuclear proteins in the former dataset were 86.3%, 89.2%, 73.5% and 89.4%, respectively, and the total prediction accuracy reached 86.3%. As for the prediction accuracies of cytoplasmic, extracellular, and periplasmic proteins in the latter dataset, the prediction accuracies were 97.4%, 86.0%, and 79.7, respectively, and the total prediction accuracy of 92.5% was achieved. The results indicate that this method outperforms some existing approaches based on amino acid composition or amino acid composition and dipeptide composition.  相似文献   

This study presents an allergenic protein prediction system that appears to be capable of producing high sensitivity and specificity. The proposed system is based on support vector machine (SVM) using evolutionary information in the form of an amino acid position specific scoring matrix (PSSM). The performance of this system is assessed by a 10-fold cross-validation experiment using a dataset consisting of 693 allergens and 1041 non-allergens obtained from Swiss-Prot and Structural Database of Allergenic Proteins (SDAP). The PSSM method produced an accuracy of 90.1% in comparison to the methods based on SVM using amino acid, dipeptide composition, pseudo (5-tier) amino acid composition that achieved an accuracy of 86.3, 86.5 and 82.1% respectively. The results show that evolutionary information can be useful to build more effective and efficient allergen prediction systems.  相似文献   

The attainment of complete map‐based sequence for rice (Oryza sativa) is clearly a major milestone for the research community. Identifying the localization of encoded proteins is the key to understanding their functional characteristics and facilitating their purification. Our proposed method, RSLpred, is an effort in this direction for genome‐scale subcellular prediction of encoded rice proteins. First, the support vector machine (SVM)‐based modules have been developed using traditional amino acid‐, dipeptide‐ (i+1) and four parts‐amino acid composition and achieved an overall accuracy of 81.43, 80.88 and 81.10%, respectively. Secondly, a similarity search‐based module has been developed using position‐specific iterated‐basic local alignment search tool and achieved 68.35% accuracy. Another module developed using evolutionary information of a protein sequence extracted from position‐specific scoring matrix achieved an accuracy of 87.10%. In this study, a large number of modules have been developed using various encoding schemes like higher‐order dipeptide composition, N‐ and C‐terminal, splitted amino acid composition and the hybrid information. In order to benchmark RSLpred, it was tested on an independent set of rice proteins where it outperformed widely used prediction methods such as TargetP, Wolf‐PSORT, PA‐SUB, Plant‐Ploc and ESLpred. To assist the plant research community, an online web tool ‘RSLpred’ has been developed for subcellular prediction of query rice proteins, which is freely accessible at http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/rslpred.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing gap between structure-determined and sequenced proteins, prediction of protein structural classes has been an important problem. It is very important to use efficient sequential parameters for developing class predictors because of the close sequence-structure relationship. The multinomial logistic regression model was used for the first time to evaluate the contribution of sequence parameters in determining the protein structural class. An in-house program generated parameters including single amino acid and all dipeptide composition frequencies. Then, the most effective parameters were selected by a multinomial logistic regression. Selected variables in the multinomial logistic model were Valine among single amino acid composition frequencies and Ala-Gly, Cys-Arg, Asp-Cys, Glu-Tyr, Gly-Glu, His-Tyr, Lys-Lys, Leu-Asp, Leu-Arg, Pro-Cys, Gln-Met, Gln-Thr, Ser-Trp, Val-Asn and Trp-Asn among dipeptide composition frequencies. Also a neural network model was constructed and fed by the parameters selected by multinomial logistic regression to build a hybrid predictor. In this study, self-consistency and jackknife tests on a database constructed by Zhou [1998. An intriguing controversy over protein structural class prediction. J. Protein Chem. 17(8), 729-738] containing 498 proteins are used to verify the performance of this hybrid method, and are compared with some of prior works. The results showed that our two-stage hybrid model approach is very promising and may play a complementary role to the existing powerful approaches.  相似文献   

Lee S  Lee BC  Kim D 《Proteins》2006,62(4):1107-1114
Knowing protein structure and inferring its function from the structure are one of the main issues of computational structural biology, and often the first step is studying protein secondary structure. There have been many attempts to predict protein secondary structure contents. Previous attempts assumed that the content of protein secondary structure can be predicted successfully using the information on the amino acid composition of a protein. Recent methods achieved remarkable prediction accuracy by using the expanded composition information. The overall average error of the most successful method is 3.4%. Here, we demonstrate that even if we only use the simple amino acid composition information alone, it is possible to improve the prediction accuracy significantly if the evolutionary information is included. The idea is motivated by the observation that evolutionarily related proteins share the similar structure. After calculating the homolog-averaged amino acid composition of a protein, which can be easily obtained from the multiple sequence alignment by running PSI-BLAST, those 20 numbers are learned by a multiple linear regression, an artificial neural network and a support vector regression. The overall average error of method by a support vector regression is 3.3%. It is remarkable that we obtain the comparable accuracy without utilizing the expanded composition information such as pair-coupled amino acid composition. This work again demonstrates that the amino acid composition is a fundamental characteristic of a protein. It is anticipated that our novel idea can be applied to many areas of protein bioinformatics where the amino acid composition information is utilized, such as subcellular localization prediction, enzyme subclass prediction, domain boundary prediction, signal sequence prediction, and prediction of unfolded segment in a protein sequence, to name a few.  相似文献   

Discrimination of Lysosomal membrane proteins (LMP’s) from folding types of globular (GPs) and other membrane proteins (OtMPs) is an important task both for identifying LMPs from genomic sequences and for the successful prediction of their secondary and tertiary structures. We have systematically analyzed the amino acid frequencies as well as dipeptide count of GPs, LMPs and OtMPs. Based on the above calculated single amino acid frequency combined with dipeptide count information, we statistically discriminated LMPs from GPs and OtMPs. This approach correctly classified the LMPs with an accuracy of 95 %. On the other hand, the amino acid frequency alone can discriminate LMPs with an accuracy of only 79 %. Similarly dipeptide count alone has an accuracy of 87 % for the discrimination of LMPs. Thus the combined information of both amino acid frequencies and dipeptide composition gives us significant high accurate results.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11693-014-9153-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

嗜热蛋白在高温下能保持稳定性和活性,是研究蛋白质热稳定性的理想模型,开发一个蛋白质热稳定性识别的方法将对蛋白质工程和蛋白质的设计很有帮助。目前的研究中,氨基酸的组成及其物化性质一直被认为和蛋白质的热稳定性相关。本研究筛选出可靠的数据集,包括915个嗜热蛋白和793个非嗜热蛋白。利用蛋白质氨基酸的物化性质和氨基酸的组成表征嗜热蛋白,将二肽氨基酸组成整合到9组氨基酸物化性质中使蛋白序列公式化。支持向量机5折叠交叉验证表明:当gap=0时,290个特征产生的精度最高,为92.74%。因此说明对于分析蛋白质的热稳定性,所建立的预测模型将是一个很有效的工具。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new subcellular localization system (TSSub) for eukaryotic proteins. This system extracts features from both profiles and amino acid sequences. Four different features are extracted from profiles by four probabilistic neural network (PNN) classifiers, respectively (the amino acid composition from whole profiles; the amino acid composition from the N-terminus of profiles; the dipeptide composition from whole profiles and the amino acid composition from fragments of profiles). In addition, a support vector machine (SVM) classifier is added to implement the residue-couple feature extracted from amino acid sequences. The results from the five classifiers are fused by an additional SVM classifier. The overall accuracies of this TSSub reach 93.0 and 77.4% on Reinhardt and Hubbard's eukaryotic protein dataset and Huang and Li's eukaryotic protein dataset, respectively. The comparison with existing methods results shows TSSub provides better prediction performance than existing methods. AVAILABILITY: The web server is available from  相似文献   

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