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青花菜花粉母细胞减数分裂及雄配子体发育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用染色体制片及爱氏苏木精染色-冬青油透明技术对青花菜花粉母细胞减数分裂及雄配子体发育过程进行了细胞学研究.结果表明:花粉母细胞减数分裂的细胞质分裂为同时型,四分体为正四面体型或十字交叉型;中期Ⅰ和中期Ⅱ,少数细胞可见赤道板外染色体;后期Ⅰ和后期Ⅱ部分细胞出现染色体桥及落后染色体;四分体时期可观察到二分体、三分体及含微核的异常四分体.雄配子体发育过程包括2次有丝分裂,成熟花粉为3细胞型,具3个萌发孔.减数分裂过程中染色体行为异常的花粉母细胞约占10.28%;雄配子体发育过程中异常频率约为3.2%,败育主要发生在单核期.  相似文献   

发育早期的单核花粉,第一次有丝分裂形成2生殖核花粉,以后继续分裂形成3生殖核花粉,4生殖核花粉乃至多生殖核花粉,此时,其中的细胞仍聚集在花粉壁范围以内,成为多细胞团,当生生殖核继续分裂长到一定长大后,撑破花粉壁,成为一团游离的组织,皆由生殖核细胞组成,当此,认为是早期的幼小愈伤组织,这是雄核发育的第4条途径,称D途径,生殖核发育过程中,出现二游离生殖核发生融合的行为,这是染色体自然加倍的一种途径,同时,发现发育时期和形态大小相同的8个生殖核细胞由一个胼胝质的壁包被,形成花粉小块。  相似文献   

对垂花悬铃花雄配子体发育观察表明,其花药由表皮(1层)、药室内层(1层)、中层(2层)、绒毡层(1层)及造孢细胞组成,花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型。雄配子体发育经由花粉母细胞减数分裂形成四分体,该四分体胞质分裂为同时型,四分体排列方式为四面体型,十字交叉型及左右对称型;小孢子再经有丝分裂形成营养核和生殖核,生殖核再经有丝分裂形成3-核花粉。花药壁层的变化,在单核小孢子期,表皮细胞解体,仅留下痕迹;中层在花粉母细胞期逐渐消失;药室内壁在单核小孢子期开始纤维化;绒毡层在单核小孢子期消失,属变形绒毡层。雌配子体发育观察表明,其子房上位,5室,每室1个胚珠,胚珠弯生,中轴胎座,大多数胚珠发育停留在珠心形成阶段,极少数珠心形成一群孢原细胞及单核、双核胚囊。  相似文献   

用UV照射金鱼的卵子使其卵核的遗传物质失活, 再与异源四倍体鲫鲤(AT)产生的二倍体精子受精, 在无雄核染色体加倍处理情况下, 成功地获得了两性可育的二倍体雄核发育鱼(A0). Ⅱ龄性成熟的A0自交形成了雄核发育鱼自交子一代(A1). 本研究对10月龄A1的染色体数目、性腺的显微和亚显微结构以及外型特征进行了观察, 实验结果表明: (ⅰ) A1中包含有四倍体(A1-4n)、三倍体(A1-3n)以及二倍体后代(A1-2n), 他们所占比例分别为85%, 10%和5%, 其染色体数目分别为4n=200, 3n=150和2n=100. 其中四倍体和三倍体的形成证明二倍体A0能产生二倍体配子. 二倍体雄核发育鲫鲤杂交鱼产生二倍体配子的原因与早期生殖细胞的核内复制机制有关. (ⅱ) A1-4n的性腺为两性型且发育正常. 其中雄性个体能挤出白色精液, 其中的二倍体精子头部明显比红鲫的单倍体精子头部大. 这些二倍体精子具有正常结构, 由头部和尾部组成, 头部与尾部交接处有多个线粒体, 精子尾巴的中央轴有典型的“9+2”微管结构. A1-4n雌性个体的卵巢发育饱满, 其中含有大量Ⅱ, Ⅲ和Ⅳ时相的卵母细胞. 在Ⅳ时相卵母细胞的放射膜上能观察到受精孔. 同时期的A1-2n, A1-3n的性腺发育异常, 均表现为不育. A1-2n的不育性与其为远源杂交二倍体有关, A1-3n的不育性与其为远源杂交三倍体有关. (ⅲ) 与AT相比, A1-4n不仅具有生长速度快、抗逆性强的优点, 而且在外型上具有体背高、尾柄短、头部小等优良性状. 本实验说明运用雄核发育技术不仅能获得两性可育的四倍体鱼, 而且能对异源四倍体鲫鲤进行有效的遗传改良, 这在细胞遗传研究和鱼类育种方面都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

作者建立了离体培养君子兰雄配子体的简易方法并观察了其发育过程。应用核酸、蛋白质合成抑制剂和放射自显影技术,研究不同发育阶段雄配子体的核酸和蛋白质的合成。发现四分孢子释放以后,DNA 的合成仅在有丝分裂间期的细胞核内进行;散粉前96小时至精细胞形成,营养核、生殖核和精于核中均未见~3H-胸苷掺入。RNA 和蛋白质合成的动态相似,各有三次高峰和两次停顿。抑制剂的种类和加入的时间、数量对发育的影响不同,显示了 DNA、RNA 和蛋白质合成间及生物大分子合成与雄配子体形态发育间的相关性。  相似文献   

黄芪的胚胎学研究Ⅰ、雌雄配子体发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王晓燕  申家恒 《植物研究》1988,8(4):153-160
通过光学显微镜对黄芪雌雄配子体的发育过程进行观察, 同时对花粉发育进行细胞化学实验, 其主要结果如下;1.花粉第一次有丝分裂形成一个较小的半球形生殖细胞和一个较大的营养细胞。2.生殖细胞发育过程中存在暂短的细胞壁, 经PAS反应和苯胺兰荧光显微反应鉴定均为负反应。即:生殖细胞壁并未显示出纤维素或胼胝质性质的壁。3.营养细胞与生殖细胞之间壁的解体及生殖细胞进入营养细胞的过程。4.成熟花粉中的生殖核为孚尔根反应强阳性, 营养核为弱的正反应。5.雌配子体发育起源于珠心组织亚表皮下的孢原细胞其中只有一个孢原直接发育成为蓼型胚囊。 文中对黄芪花蕾外部形态及其内部雌雄配子体的发育作了相关性比较。  相似文献   

该实验通过采集天然二倍体芒不同发育时期的幼穗,进行卡宝品红染色压片和石蜡切片制作,观察芒的花药发育过程,为芒的生殖生物学及其系统发育研究奠定理论基础。结果表明:(1)天然二倍体芒雄蕊3枚,雄蕊花药四室,花药壁由4层细胞组成,从外向内依次是表皮、药室内壁、中层、绒毡层,花药壁发育属于基本型;花药成熟时,中层和绒毡层降解消失,或者仅存痕迹,只剩表皮和纤维层细胞,但此时可观察到部分绒毡层降解延迟现象。(2)花粉母细胞减数分裂为连续型,成熟花粉粒为3-细胞型;花粉母细胞减数分裂后期Ⅱ出现染色体分裂不同步现象。(3)雄配子体发育过程中,同一花粉囊的花粉粒发育不同步;雌、雄配子体发育也不同步,且雄蕊先成熟。  相似文献   

采用常规石蜡切片法观察马蹄参小孢子形成和雄配子体发育的过程,探讨其濒危机制与雄性生殖发育的关系,为马蹄参的保护与繁殖提供基础资料。结果表明:(1)花药具4个花粉囊,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层、绒毡层4层构成,花药壁的发育类型为基本型;(2)小孢子母细胞减数分裂时胞质分裂为同时型,四分体排列方式为四面体型;(3)成熟花粉为2-细胞型;(4)扫描电镜观察发现马蹄参成熟花粉极面观呈钝三角形,赤道面观呈长球形,具3个萌发孔。研究认为,马蹄参不存在雄性生殖结构与发育过程异常。  相似文献   

采用透射电镜和光镜比较观察了中华水韭和云贵水韭雄配子体及其精子的发育特征。结果显示:(1)2种水韭的雄配子体的寿命只有15~30d,终生都在小孢子壁内发育。(2)雄配子体只含有1个原叶体细胞、1个精子器壁细胞和4个精细胞,前2个细胞内含有丰富的营养物质。(3)精子由精核、微管带、鞭毛、细胞质等4部分构成。(4)中华水韭雄配子体发生率为4.5%,平均每个雄配子体产生0.46个精子,精子游动速度约53μm/s,寿命8min;云贵水韭雄配子体发生率和产精量略高于中华水韭,但精子游动速度和寿命略低于中华水韭。研究认为,中国水韭濒危的主要原因之一是雄配子体产精率低、受到生殖生态限制、水污染对精子的危害等;雄性特征表明水韭在石松类中占有较高的进化地位;结合前人的研究成果绘出了水韭雄配子体的发育模式。  相似文献   

植物的生殖讲座(四)──花药的发育和雄配子体的形成王景林(首都师范大学生物学系100037)被子植物开花时,花粉从花药中散出进行传粉和受精。花药是产生花粉的地方,我们若要了解小抱子的形成和雄配子体的发育,就要从花药的发育谈起。花药是一朵花雄蕊的主要组...  相似文献   

以秋水仙素人工诱变获得的不结球白菜同源四倍体Pol CMS及其保持系为材料,采用石蜡切片法研究其花药发育过程.结果显示:四倍体Pol CMS与保持系花药发育差异明显,不育系花药发育受阻于孢原细胞分化期,不形成药室,属无花粉囊型.极少数温敏型花药能产生1~2个花粉囊,但四分体时期绒毡层提早退化,导致成熟小孢子数目减少.四倍体保持系花药发育过程与二倍体基本一致,同一时期的可育小孢子四倍体比二倍体大,二倍体花粉粒都为3个萌发孔,而四倍体多为4个萌发孔.四倍体保持系同一花粉囊中花粉粒发育有不同步现象,花粉粒败育频率比二倍体高.研究表明,不结球白菜同源四倍体Pol CMS比其二倍体Pol CMS不育更彻底,更具应用性.  相似文献   

Although there is an extensive literature on the genetic attributes of allopolyploids, very little information is available regarding the genetic consequences of autopolyploidy in natural populations. We therefore addressed the major predicted genetic consequences of autopolyploidy using diploid and tetraploid populations of Tolmiea menziesii. Individual autotetraploid plants frequently maintain three or four alleles at single loci: 39% of the 678 tetraploid plants exhibited three or four alleles for at least one locus. Heterozygosity was also significantly higher in autotetraploid populations than in diploid populations: H° = 0.070 and 0.237 in diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea, respectively. Most of the genetic diversity in T. menziesii is maintained within populations (ratio of gene diversity within populations to mean total genetic diversity = 0.636). The total genetic diversity due to differentiation between the two cytotypes is only 0.055. Such a low degree of differentiation between cytotypes would be expected between a diploid and its autotetraploid derivative. Most diploid and all tetraploid populations examined are in genetic equilibrium. Diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea share three or four alleles at six of eight polymorphic loci. This suggests that either autotetraploid Tolmiea was formed via crossing of genetically different diploids (perhaps via a triploid intermediate) or autopolyploidy occurred more than once in separate individual plants, followed by later crossing of autotetraploids.  相似文献   

True endomitosis in the anther tapetum of the liliaceous plant Eremurus is described. The nuclear membrane does not disappear, but during metaphase the chromosomes are condensed, often considerably more than in normal mitosis. When the pollen mother cells (PMCs) go through the last premeiotic mitosis, the tapetal cells have one diploid nucleus which divides while the cell remains undivided. The two diploid nuclei may undergo an endomitosis and the resulting tetraploid nuclei a second endomitosis. An alternative pathway is an ordinary mitosis—again without cell division—instead of one of the endomitotic cycles. The cytological picture in the tapetum is further complicated by restitution in anaphase and fusion of metaphase and anaphase groups during mitosis, processes which could give rise to cells with one, two, or three nuclei, instead of the expected two or four. No sign of the so-called “inhibited” mitosis is seen in these tapetal cells. When the PMCs are in leptotene-zygotene, very few tapetal nuclei are in endomitosis. When the PMCs have reached diplotene, almost 100% of cells which are not in interphase show an endomitotic stage.  相似文献   

A spontaneous mutation causing male sterility has been detected in line BR97-17739 from the soybean breeding program conducted by Embrapa-National Soybean Research Center. Meiotic division and male gametophyte development were analyzed in 10 male-sterile, female-fertile plants. Meiotic process had few irregularities related to chromosome segregation and affected about 2% of tetrads. Despite the high frequency of normal microspores, pollen sterility was total. After callose dissolution, microspores were released into the anther loculle and interphase nucleus was displaced from the center to one side of the cell. Displacement continued throughout normal microspore mitosis (PMI). After telophase, the hemispherical phragmoplast marked the place of cytokinesis. A typical generative cell, adjacent to the plasma membrane, and the vegetative one, containing most of the cytoplasm, were formed. In spite of the well-formed generative cell, pollen mitosis (PMII) failed to occur. The generative cell degenerated and was completely destroyed. The 3:1 segregation for male sterility in this line and its progenies indicate that a single recessive gene controls mutation.  相似文献   

The complex cellular events that occur during development of the male gametophyte of higher plants suggest a role for the cytoskeleton. This investigation has revealed that unique microtubule arrays mediate events that occur during microspore development; both actin and microtubule arrays have important roles during the asymmetrical microspore mitosis and unique actin arrays mediate events that occur during early pollen development. Migration of the nucleus to the generative pole during cellular polarization of the microspore is mediated by a microtubule cage that encloses the nucleus. Nuclear position at the generative pole is maintained by an actin net that tethers it to the pole prior to the asymmetrical mitosis. During entry into mitosis, the microtubule cage becomes modified and transforms into the asymmetrical mitotic spindle. Actin is localized within the region of the mitotic spindle and in the phragmoplast. Following mitosis, actin networks enclose first the generative cell and then the vegetative nucleus. These actin networks function during migration of the generative cell and vegetative nucleus toward the centre of the pollen grain. Mature pollen contains a dense cortical actin meshwork and a disc-shaped microtubule array enclosing the generative cell. The functional importance of the unique actin and microtubule arrays is verified by their targeted disruption with specific cytoskeletal inhibitors, which disrupt normal development and cellular morphology. In summary, these data provide evidence that the co-ordinated reorganization of unique actin and microtubule arrays is an essential determinant of microspore and pollen development.  相似文献   

A cytochemical technique was used to determine whether gemerative cell and yegetative nucleus at various stages of the developing male gametophyte of Clivia nobilis and Amaryllis vittata have ATPase activity. All the studies were carried out in Wachstein-Meisel's medium (1957). The pH optimum for this reaction was pH 7.2. Comparing with the results obtained from the normal development %f male gametophytes, under the same measured conditions, the abortive pollen, the boiled and dried male gametophytes, in which protoplasmic streaming had stopped for more than 24 hours, showed negative reaction. The results obtained from the male gametophyies with normal development are briefly summarized as follows: 1. The presence of ATPase in the cultured male gametophyte: By cytochemical procedures for localizing ATPase activity: ATP-dependent reaction product in living samples or in the samples dehydrated by 80% aleohol in a short time as the pretreatment, is found to be confined to: (a) the growth region at the tip of the pollen tube and the dense region of protoplasmic stream, (b) generative cell (sperms) and (c) vegetative nucleus. Therefore, the Mg2+ and ATPase-dependent cytochemical reaction, and the specific localization of reaction product, have strongly suggested that the appearance of lead phosphate precipitate was due to the ATPase activity in the male gametophyte. 2. The range of ATPase relative activity at various stages of development of male gametophyte: the ATPase activity in generative cell at various stages of its development changes in the range from the 1st degree (light-brown) to the 5th degree (black), but in vegetative nucleus it changes only from the 2nd degree (brown) to the 3rd (dark-brown). 3. The relation between ATPase activity and cell action: from the results, it can be seen that the higher the ability of cell movement and cell activation is, the greater is its ATPase activity. So the relative ATPase activity is in close relation to the mechanical movement of generative cell and vegetative nucleus and their physiological state. 4. The vegetative nucleus is a physiologically active organelle, due to its own ATPase system. Many experimental facts revealed that the. vegetative nucleus might play an important role in mitosis of the generative cell and in formation of sperms.  相似文献   

Soltis DE  Soltis PS  Ranker TA  Ness BD 《Genetics》1989,121(4):819-826
Few studies of cpDNA have provided evolutionary and/or phylogenetic information at the intraspecific level. We analyzed restriction site variation using 19 endonucleases in 37 populations representing both diploid (2n = 14) and autotetraploid (2n = 28) Tolmiea menziesii. Seven restriction site mutations and five length mutations were observed. Although diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea have been intensively studied using nuclear markers, cpDNA variation provided additional evolutionary insights not revealed previously. The chloroplast genomes of diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea are as distinct as those of many pairs of congeneric species of angiosperms. Based on outgroup comparisons, the primitive chloroplast genome is present in tetraploid rather than diploid Tolmiea. These findings suggest that either: (1) diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea may have diverged since the origin of the autotetraploid, (2) the original diploid donor of the cytoplasm present in the tetraploid subsequently became extinct, or (3) the diploid was actually derived from the tetraploid via polyhaploidy. cpDNA variation also revealed that despite their close geographic proximity, diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea do not experience cytoplasmic gene flow. Last, three cytoplasmically distinct groups of diploid populations exist, two of which occupy distinct geographic areas. These findings demonstrate that, at least in some plant species, restriction fragment analysis of cpDNA can provide important evolutionary and phylogenetic information at low taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

不同倍性水稻亚种间杂种小孢子发生的细胞学观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用塑料半薄切片对水稻同源四倍体亚种间杂种F1及其对应的二倍体杂种F1小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程的细胞学变化进行观察研究.结果表明,同源四倍体水稻亚种间杂种造孢细胞期和小孢子母细胞期已经表现出较高频率的异常;减数分裂过程中,小孢子母细胞出现异常更加复杂,主要包括小孢子母细胞液泡化和退化两大类,这些异常是导致杂种花粉败育和花粉低育性的重要原因之一;此外,绒毡层异常也是导致杂种的花粉育性降低的因素.二倍体杂种小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程的异常类型与水稻同源四倍体亚种间杂种基本相似,其绒毡层异常频率较低,对其花粉低育性影响不大.  相似文献   

一品红雄配子体发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一品红花药来源于雄蕊原基,花药由表皮(1层)、药室内壁(1层)、中层(1层)、绒毡层(1层)及造胞细胞组成,花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型。小孢子发生和雄配子体发育是经由小孢子母细胞减数分裂形成四分体,该四分体胞质分裂为同时型,四分体排列为四面体型,小孢子再经有丝分裂形成2-核花粉。花药壁层的变化是表皮在花药成熟期消失,中层在四分体时消失,药室内壁在花药成熟期形成柱状纤维层。绒毡层在单核小孢子期径向伸长,有双核或多核,另外有的绒毡层细胞形成横隔或类胎座;进入2-核花粉期,绒毡层细胞分泌颗粒物进入药室,为非典型腺质绒毡层;进入成熟期绒毡层消失。同时观察到花药发育异常现象。  相似文献   

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