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真核生物通过双层膜结构包裹细胞内受损的蛋白、细胞器或外源物质, 经溶酶体(或液泡)将内含物降解并进行循环利用, 这种高度保守的生物学过程称为自噬。活性氧是细胞有氧代谢的副产物, 作为一种信号分子广泛参与不同生物学过程的调控。研究表明, 真核生物中自噬与活性氧之间存在密切联系。该文结合近年的研究进展, 对植物细胞中活性氧的种类及作用和自噬的分子机制等进行概述, 旨在探讨活性氧对自噬的调控作用。  相似文献   

自噬是细胞重要的自我保护机制,多种伤害性刺激激活的自噬具有维持细胞稳态和正常功能的作用.此外,自噬还参与调控恶性肿瘤、动脉粥样硬化等多种疾病的发生发展过程.体内细胞处于复杂的力学微环境中,力学刺激参与调控细胞自噬,如压力可诱导心肌细胞的自噬、牵张力调控运动系统多种细胞的自噬、流体剪切力可激活血管内皮细胞和肿瘤细胞的自噬.力学刺激诱导的细胞自噬依赖众多信号通路.细胞骨架作为重要的调节因子,不仅参与细胞力学信号转导,同时可参与调控细胞自噬.因此,细胞骨架与力学刺激诱导的细胞自噬密切相关.本文结合最新的研究成果,综述力学刺激对细胞自噬的影响及其分子机制,以期为研究力学刺激对细胞生物学行为的影响提供新的视角,进而为相关疾病的治疗提供新思路和分子靶点.  相似文献   

活性氧对植物自噬调控的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自噬是一种在真核生物中高度保守的降解细胞组分的生物过程, 在饥饿、衰老和病菌感染等过程中起关键作用。而活性氧是有氧生物在正常或胁迫条件下产生的一种代谢副产物, 在植物的生长发育、胁迫适应和程序性细胞死亡过程中起重要作用。最新研究结果表明, 当植物受到病菌感染产生超敏反应时活性氧和自噬在程序性细胞死亡、生长发育和胁迫适应过程中起重要调控作用。因此, 该文结合最新的研究进展, 从活性氧的种类及特点、自噬的分子基础以及活性氧在植物自噬中的作用等方面, 探讨了活性氧与植物自噬之间的信号转导关系。  相似文献   

Ⅱ型糖尿病发病因素复杂,长期高血糖和高血脂刺激所产生的氧化应激反应能调节葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌,促进胰岛β细胞凋亡、导致胰岛功能障碍,是糖尿病及其并发症发生发展中的一个重要因素;同时,细胞自噬作为一种分解代谢途径,在维持胰岛细胞内环境稳态中发挥重要作用。活性氧族(Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS)的产生是氧化应激的基本环节,同时与细胞自噬存在复杂密切的关系,ROS既有一定的细胞毒性损伤作用,同时还作为重要的细胞内分子,活化许多信号转导通路,特别是参与自噬的信号转导。本文就ROS与细胞自噬在糖尿病中的生物学作用进行综述,旨在探讨糖尿病的发生机制,为糖尿病的防治寻找新策略。  相似文献   

NGAL蛋白诱导食管癌细胞发生自噬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以往研究证明,中性粒细胞明胶酶相关载脂蛋白NGAL(neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin)与食管癌密切相关,改变NGAL表达能够对癌细胞的形态结构产生明显影响,但确切的作用机制不明.在酵母细胞中表达NGAL蛋白,柱层析分离纯化.筛选NGALR(NGAL receptor)高表达与弱表达的人食管癌细胞系EC1.71和EC109作为实验细胞模型.5-FAM标记NGAL蛋白,加入到细胞培养上清中,对比研究NGAL蛋白入胞情况、细胞形态学改变、细胞自噬体产生、自噬相关基因表达、细胞内铁离子与铁蛋白水平以及相关细胞信号转导激酶的活性等.结果表明,NGAL蛋白可经由内吞途径进入食管癌细胞发挥作用,致使细胞发生典型的自噬性形态结构变化,自噬体大量产生,自噬相关基因的表达发生相应变化,ERK被激活,但细胞内的铁离子与铁蛋白未受明显影响.上述结果提示,诱导细胞发生自噬是外源性NGAL蛋白经由内吞途径进入食管癌细胞发挥作用的机制之一,与NGAL蛋白跨膜转铁未见直接关联,而ERK信号转导途径可能参与了这一过程.  相似文献   

自噬是以细胞内自噬体形成为特征,通过溶酶体吸收降解自身受损细胞器和大分子的一种自我消化过程,是细胞维持稳态的重要机制。自噬广泛参与多种重要的细胞功能,既能在代谢应激状态下保护受损细胞,又可能因为过度激活导致细胞发生II型程序性死亡,从而引发多种疾病,尤其对肿瘤的发生和发展更是发挥着"双刃剑"的作用。自噬通过多种分子信号机制调控肿瘤进程,包括mTOR依赖性和mTOR非依赖性途径。mTOR作为生长因子、能量和营养状态的感受器,可通过调节下游自噬复合物的形成,直接调控细胞自噬。阐明mTOR与细胞自噬的相互作用机制将有助于从分子水平上对各肿瘤病变进行分析和治疗。因此,本文就自噬与PI3K/Akt/mTOR通路在肿瘤中的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

活性氧与自噬的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱京  谭晓荣 《生命科学》2011,(10):987-992
活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)和自噬在人体内作用广泛,且与人类的健康密切相关。两者之间关系复杂,ROS作为诱导自噬的信号分子,参与多种诱导自噬的信号途径,在自噬的形成过程中起着重要作用,而自噬具有减少ROS损伤的作用。对ROS与自噬之间的关系,包括ROS介导自噬的分子机制,以及ROS和自噬在肿瘤、神经退行性疾病和衰老中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

细胞自噬是真核生物在进化过程中高度保守、基于溶酶体的一种胞内降解途径,对维持细胞和生物体的稳态平衡有重要作用。研究表明,自噬参与生物体发育、免疫反应、代谢调节、细胞凋亡和衰老等多种过程。自噬功能异常与神经退行性疾病、肿瘤等的发生发展密切相关。近30年,我们对细胞自噬的认识无论是在分子机制上还是生理功能方面都有了长足的发展。为进一步加深对细胞自噬的认识,该文主要对细胞自噬的概念、自噬核心机器的组成及调控机制、自噬类型、生理功能及与疾病的关系作一简单综述。  相似文献   

自噬是一个清除受损细胞成分或老化蛋白质的过程,并以此参与不同细胞的保护。骨质疏松与衰老相关,其主要特征是骨形成受抑制而骨吸收增加,使骨转换增加。在老年阶段,无论是男性还是女性,都会出现骨量和骨强度的下降,从而使骨折的发生率增加。临床研究和动物实验都证明,衰老导致的骨量丢失与自噬的累积、活性氧水平增加、雌激素缺乏和高水平的内源性糖皮质激素等因素相关联。越来越多的研究表明,衰老相关的因素参与调控自噬,并在骨重塑以及衰老引起的骨量丢失和骨强度下降中发挥重要的调控作用。现通过综述自噬与骨代谢的相关文献,旨在阐明自噬对骨质疏松的调控机制。  相似文献   

细胞自噬是细胞内高度保守的细胞自我消化和分解代谢过程,细胞内变性蛋白、衰老和受损的细胞器被转运到溶酶体降解. 自噬过程失调引起多种疾病,包括感染、衰老、神经退行性疾病、癌症和心脏疾病等,因此,自噬过程需要非常精确的调控. MicroRNA是一类在基因转录后水平调控目的基因的功能性小RNA分子.研究发现,microRNA可以通过RNA干扰(RNA interference, RNAi)途径调控某些自噬相关基因(autophagy related gene, ATG)及其调节因子.这些microRNA表达异常足以影响自噬水平,使得microRNA成为自噬研究的新视角,同时也使microRNA成为治疗自噬失调引起的疾病的潜在靶点.本文将对有关microRNA参与细胞自噬调控的最新研究动态进行综述.  相似文献   

Oxidant stress and endothelial cell dysfunction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as signal transduction elements in physiological phenomena is a recent concept that changes the paradigm of these active species as harmful molecules that promote deleterious effects and even cell death. Capacitation is a term used to define a complex and not well-characterized process that allows spermatozoa to complete their preparation to fertilize oocytes. Spermatozoa from many species incubated under specific conditions have the ability to produce small amounts of ROS without harming cell function and rather promoting signal transduction pathways associated with capacitation. This review summarizes the findings regarding the role of ROS during mammalian sperm capacitation, specifically as physiological mediators that trigger phosphorylation events. The role of ROS as regulators of protein tyrosine phosphorylation has been known for a decade but other novel phosphorylations, such as those of PKA substrates, of MEK-like proteins, and of proteins with the threonine-glutamine-tyrosine motif, were recently evidenced. Here we stress the involvement of PKA and the ERK pathway as two signal mechanisms acting independently that contribute to the modulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation required for spermatozoa to achieve capacitation. Moreover, integration of all these data reinforces the concept that although some phosphorylation events are independent of the others, cross talk is also needed among the various pathways involved.  相似文献   

While the chemical nature of reactive oxygen species (ROS) dictates that they are potentially harmful to cells, recent genetic evidence suggests that in planta purely physicochemical damage may be much more limited than previously thought. The most potentially deleterious effect of ROS under most conditions is that at high concentrations they trigger genetically programmed cell suicide events. Moreover, because plants use ROS as second messengers in signal transduction cascades in processes as diverse as mitosis, tropisms and cell death, their accumulation is crucial to plant development as well as defence. Direct ROS signal transduction will ensue only if ROS escape destruction by antioxidants or are otherwise consumed in a ROS cascade. Thus, the major low molecular weight antioxidants determine the specificity of the signal. They are also themselves signal-transducing molecules that can either signal independently or further transmit ROS signals. The moment has come to re-evaluate the concept of oxidative stress. In contrast to this pejorative or negative term, implying a state to be avoided, we propose that the syndrome would be more usefully described as 'oxidative signalling', that is, an important and critical function associated with the mechanisms by which plant cells sense the environment and make appropriate adjustments to gene expression, metabolism and physiology.  相似文献   

Chen SY  Chiu LY  Maa MC  Wang JS  Chien CL  Lin WW 《Autophagy》2011,7(2):217-228
The treatment of L929 fibrosarcoma cells with zVAD has been shown to induce necroptosis. However, whether autophagy is involved or not in this event remains controversial. In this study, we re-examined the role of autophagy in zVAD-induced cell death in L929 cells and further elucidated the signaling pathways triggered by caspase inhibition and contributing to autophagic death. First, we found that zVAD can stimulate LC3-II formation, autophagosome and autolysosome formation, and ROS accumulation. Antioxidants, beclin 1 or Atg5 silencing, and class III PtdIns3K inhibitors all effectively blocked ROS production and cell death, suggesting ROS accumulation downstream of autophagy contributes to cell necrosis. zVAD also stimulated PARP activation, and the PARP inhibitor DPQ can reduce zVAD-induced cell death, but did not affect ROS production, suggesting the increased ROS leads to PARP activation and cell death. Notably, our data also indicated the involvement of Src-dependent JNK and ERK in zVAD-induced ROS production and autophagic death. We found caspase 8 is associated with c-Src at the resting state, and upon zVAD treatment this association was decreased and accompanied by c-Src activation. In conclusion, we confirm the autophagic death in zVAD-treated L929 cells, and define a new molecular pathway in which Src-dependent ERK and JNK activation can link a signal from caspase inhibition to autophagy, which in turn induce ROS production and PARP activation, eventually leading to necroptosis. Thus, in addition to initiating proteolytic activity for cell apoptosis, inactivated caspase 8 also functions as a signaling molecule for autophagic death.  相似文献   

Accumulated evidence indicates that ROS fluctuations play a critical role in cell division. Dividing plant cells rapidly respond to them. Experimental disturbance of ROS homeostasis affects: tubulin polymerization; PPB, mitotic spindle and phragmoplast assembly; nuclear envelope dynamics; chromosome separation and movement; cell plate formation. Dividing cells mainly accumulate at prophase and delay in passing through the successive cell division stages. Notably, many dividing root cells of the rhd2 Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, lacking the RHD2/AtRBOHC protein function, displayed aberrations, comparable to those induced by low ROS levels. Some protein molecules, playing key roles in signal transduction networks inducing ROS production, participate in cell division. NADPH oxidases and their regulators PLD, PI3K and ROP-GTPases, are involved in MT polymerization and organization. Cellular ROS oscillations function as messages rapidly transmitted through MAPK pathways inducing MAP activation, thus affecting MT dynamics and organization. RNS implication in cell division is also considered.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are natural by products of cellular metabolism that were initially considered only deleterious towards the cellular macromolecules. Research advances have broadened the scope and now numerous studies are available rendering ROS molecules essential for plants to combat several biotic and abiotic stresses after being involved in essential defense mechanisms such as hypersensitivity reactions (HR) that lead to programmed cell death (PCD), cell wall reinforcement by cross-linking of cellular glycoproteins with other entities and salicylic acid mediated signal transduction pathways. During fungal attack, the fungal components like chitin and other elicitors activates the plant immune responses that employ ROS with other molecules like nitric oxide (NO), calcium ions to fight back the pathogen attack and restrict its spread to further plant parts. Here, several defense mechanisms mediated by ROS are discussed. Verticillium dahliae is one of the dreadful fungal pathogen to plants that cause wilts in many important plant species causing huge economic burden in food sector. The major constraint in its scenario being the deficit of field management systems based on chemicals or agronomics. It is evident by studying their interactions with the variety of hosts that in most cases, ROS mediated defenses play a key central role via cross-talk with other mechanisms making them a potential target for transgenics as well as resistant genotype selection.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known mediators of intracellular signal cascades. Excessive production of ROS may lead to oxidative stress, loss of cell function, and cell death by apoptosis or necrosis. Lipid hydroperoxides are one type of ROS whose biological function has not yet been clarified. Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx, GPx4) is a unique antioxidant enzyme that can directly reduce phospholipid hydroperoxide in mammalian cells. This contrasts with most antioxidant enzymes, which cannot reduce intracellular phospholipid hydroperoxides directly. In this review, we focus on the structure and biological functions of PHGPx in mammalian cells. Recently, molecular techniques have allowed overexpression of PHGPx in mammalian cell lines, from which it has become clear that lipid hydroperoxides also have an important function as activators of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, participate in inflammation, and act as signal molecules for apoptotic cell death and receptor-mediated signal transduction at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Redox-dependent signal transduction   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Finkel T 《FEBS letters》2000,476(1-2):52-54
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide appear to be transiently produced in response to growth factor and cytokine stimulation. A variety of evidence suggests that this ligand-stimulated change in the cellular redox state participates in downstream signal transduction. This review will focus on the effects of ROS on signal transduction pathways, the molecules that regulate intracellular ROS production and the potential protein targets of oxidants.  相似文献   

大量研究证明活性氧(ROS)在气孔运动中起信号分子的作用。保卫细胞中ROS的产生依赖于特定的酶,其中NADPH氧化酶组分RBOH已得到深入研究,并已证实其参与生物与非生物胁迫反应。植物激素包括脱落酸(ABA)、水杨酸(SA)、乙烯、生长素及细胞分裂素等,它们均通过ROS的介导来调控气孔运动。生物胁迫(如毒性细菌和真菌)也会调控气孔运动。ROS参与这些调控过程。保卫细胞中存在多层次对ROS产生及其作用的调节,抗氧化活性物质和ROS敏感蛋白(如蛋白激酶和磷酸酶)均可传递ROS信号并调节气孔运动。ROS对离子通道调节的证据也越来越多。保卫细胞由于可通过ROS整合复杂的信号途径,已成为研究植物ROS信号转导过程的良好模式系统。  相似文献   

王棚涛  赵晶  余欢欢 《植物学报》2014,49(4):490-503
大量研究证明活性氧(ROS)在气孔运动中起信号分子的作用。保卫细胞中ROS的产生依赖于特定的酶, 其中NADPH氧化酶组分RBOH已得到深入研究, 并已证实其参与生物与非生物胁迫反应。植物激素包括脱落酸(ABA)、水杨酸(SA)、乙烯、生长素及细胞分裂素等, 它们均通过ROS的介导来调控气孔运动。生物胁迫(如毒性细菌和真菌)也会调控气孔运动。ROS参与这些调控过程。保卫细胞中存在多层次对ROS产生及其作用的调节, 抗氧化活性物质和ROS敏感蛋白(如蛋白激酶和磷酸酶)均可传递ROS信号并调节气孔运动。ROS对离子通道调节的证据也越来越多。保卫细胞由于可通过ROS整合复杂的信号途径, 已成为研究植物ROS信号转导过程的良好模式系统。  相似文献   

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