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喜马拉雅旱獭种群微卫星变异及遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解不同地理种群喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmota himalayana)的种群数量变化并探讨其内在的遗传学机制,通过构建部分基因组文库的方法筛选出8个高变异微卫星位点,根据微卫星位点的测序结果设计相应引物,PCR扩增检测了青藏高原4个地理种群(德令哈、乌兰、沱沱河、安多)喜马拉雅旱獭的遗传多态性及其种群结构.研究结果显示:8个位点在喜马拉雅旱獭种群中均为高度多态,观察等位基因数、有效等位基因数、多态信息含量分别为4.75、3.033 2、0.610 2;喜马拉雅旱獭种群总的期望杂合度和观察杂合度分别为0.670、0.699;3个喜马拉雅旱獭种群显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)偏离H-W平衡状态,且这些偏离平衡的位点均由杂合过度导致(FIS<0);喜马拉雅旱獭种群的部分位点已经偏离了突变-漂移平衡.结论:筛选出的8个微卫星位点适合于喜马拉雅旱獭种群遗传多样性的研究,所研究的喜马拉雅旱獭种群有较高的遗传多样性,安多地理种群在近期可能经历过瓶颈效应,种群数量曾经下降.  相似文献   

异型花是青藏高原特有的一年生草本植物。为了更好地利用和保护这一重要的植物资源,本研究开发了异型花的多态性微卫星标记。首先,基于限制性位点相关DNA测序(RAD-seq)技术,开发了异型花14个多态性微卫星位点和2个单态性微卫星位点的引物;随后,对异型花的3个自然居群的57个个体的14个位点进行了分析。结果显示:14个位点观察到的等位基因数为4~7个,平均为5.071个;期望杂合度范围为0.003~0.312 (平均值为0.194),而观测杂合度范围为0~0.281 (平均值为0.047)。其中,仅有3对引物在龙胆科的椭圆叶花锚中具有通用性。本研究开发的多态标记对研究异型花种群结构和遗传多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

结合已公布的大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca基因组和本实验室所测6只大熊猫的转录组数据,筛选多态性微卫星位点并分析其组成及特征。结果显示:共获得326个多态性微卫星位点,其中二碱基多态性微卫星最多,共228个,占69.93%;三、四、五、六碱基所占比例分别为9.51%、14.11%、5.21%、1.22%。根据分析结果中缺失率与标准差2项指标以及位点序列长度,选取20个多态性二碱基微卫星位点,用于25只大熊猫个体血液DNA进行PCR验证并做后续分析。结果表明:不同位点的等位基因数为2~8,平均等位基因数为3.70,观测杂合度、期望杂合度分别为0~1.000、0.280~0.784,平均值分别为0.472和0.532。在Bonferroni校正后,证实4个位点显著偏离哈迪-温伯格平衡,所有位点未观察到显著连锁不平衡(P>0.01)。20个位点多态信息含量(PIC)在0.246~0.734,其中具有高度多态性的位点9个(PIC>0.50),11个位点呈中度多态性(0.25相似文献   

三个野生群体日本囊对虾遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解野生种群日本囊对虾遗传分化和改良遗传育种,用SSR技术对福建厦门(XM)、广东湛江(ZJ)、广西北海(BH)3个地区野生日本囊对虾进行遗传多样性的研究。采用了10对微卫星引物对3个野生种群进行分析,10个微卫星位点在3个种群中均表现为高度的多态性,每个位点平均检测到3.87个等位基因;平均多态信息含量为0.5893;3个群体的观测杂合度分别为0.6243、0.5704、0.4661,全部群体观测杂合度平均为0.5536;期望杂合度分别为0.7193、0.6189、0.6226,全部群体平均期望杂合度为0.6536。这说明3个野生种群在10个微卫星位点上均具有丰富的遗传多样性。基于Nei's遗传距离的聚类分析显示厦门群体和湛江群体的遗传距离较近。  相似文献   

用GenBank中飞蝗Locusta migratoriaL.的序列来设计微卫星引物,并对这些引物的有效性进行验证。结果表明,在所设计的3对引物中,只有1对为有效引物,可扩增出微卫星位点。序列分析表明本位点是一个不连续的重复微卫星位点。该多态微卫星位点含有14个等位基因,不同飞蝗地理种群的等位基因数目、大小和频率都存在较大的差异。对该位点各等位基因型进行χ2检验,基因型频率的观察和期望杂合度分别为0.4578和0.8836,该位点不属于Hardy-Weinberg平衡位点(χ2=733.12,P=0.0000)。该微卫星位点表现出高度的多态性说明是分析飞蝗种群遗传多样性的优良分子遗传标记。  相似文献   

勐养保护区亚洲象微卫星位点筛选及种群遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以亚洲象肌肉样品提出的DNA为模板,从非洲象31个微卫星位点和5个已知亚洲象微卫星位点中筛选勐养亚洲象的微卫星位点,进而对在西双版纳勐养保护区3年采集到的191 份亚洲象粪便样品中提出的DNA进行特异性PCR扩增、基因分型、检测位点信息和遗传多样性分析.结果表明:36个位点中有14个位点能在亚洲象肌肉样品提出的DNA中成功扩增,且经测序证实为微卫星位点.其中9个多态位点能在185份粪便样品DNA中稳定扩增.勐养种群中,3个位点可能偏离Hardy Weubberg平衡,至少8个位点间无明显连锁存在,平均等位基因数3.78±1.72,平均期望杂和度0.32 ± 0.06,平均观察杂和度0.36±0.02,平均多态信息含量0.28 ,说明这9个位点适用于勐养亚洲象的遗传学研究.根据微卫星位点的杂合度和等位基因频率,相比于其他亚洲象种群,勐养亚洲象种群遗传多样性较低且等位基因频率具有特异性.  相似文献   

以紫扇贝DNA为模板,用已开发的147个海湾扇贝微卫星标记引物扩增,结果表明100个微卫星标记能成功扩增,其中有47个表现出多态性,等位基因数目从2到9不等.观测杂合度范围为0.128 0~1.000 0(平均0.660 4),期望杂合度范围为0.503 1~0.862 1(平均0.671 9),有6个位点偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.05).用7对引物分别对紫扇贝、海湾扇贝及其种间正反杂交F1各30个个体进行PCR扩增,发现它们可明确区分紫扇贝与海湾扇贝,且所检测60个杂交子代均同时含海湾扇贝与紫扇贝的相应种特异性条带,证明全部为种间杂交子代.将该7对引物的扩增产物克隆测序,发现这些位点在两种扇贝中的序列同源率为40.22%~91.95%,其中3个位点在紫扇贝中的扩增产物仍然含有微卫星.  相似文献   

牙鲆微卫星标记的筛选及群体遗传结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang L  Zhang LD  Wan YM  Tan ZJ  Sun XW 《遗传》2010,32(10):1057-1064
采用生物素-磁珠吸附微卫星与质粒二次检测相结合的方法克隆牙鲆微卫星,并利用所得到的引物分析野生群体遗传结构.共获得2805个阳性克隆,测序得到3120个含微卫星的序列.其中完美型、非完美型和混合型分别占57.97%、7.25%和34.78%.用Primer 3.0软件设计牙鲆微卫星引物,从中筛选出具稳定多态性的30对,分析中国黄海、渤海海域4个不同海区牙鲆野生群体(大连、北戴河、丹东、青岛)遗传结构.结果显示:有效等位基因数为3.93~9.94,平均为6.95;观测杂合度为0.532~0.895,平均为0.753;期望杂合度为0.635~0.902,平均为0.820;Hardy-Weinberg平衡指数(d)的变化范围为-0.247~0.512,其中7个位点表现为杂合子过剩(d>0),其余位点表现为杂合子缺失(d>0).聚类分析显示:4个群体聚为两类,大连与丹东聚为一类,北戴河与青岛聚为一类.  相似文献   

爆杖花(Rhododendron spinuliferum)是中国西南地区特有的观赏和药用植物。为了研究爆杖花和碎米花之间的杂交物种形成过程,本研究利用FIASCO方法对爆杖花进行微卫星引物开发,从100对引物中筛选出28个微卫星标记,其中22个为多态。利用爆杖花两个居群共24个个体对22个多态性位点进行分析,结果显示:每个位点具有2~5个等位基因,平均为3.4个,其观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.083~0.792和0.153~0.744。对筛出的28个微卫星标记在碎米花的两个自然居群中也做了检测,结果显示:有22个微卫星标记成功扩增,其中20个有多态性;每个多态位点有2。6个等位基因,平均为3.2个,其观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.000~0.833和0.117~0.736。开发的微卫星标记可用于爆杖花及其近缘物种的居群遗传学分析和杂交物种形成研究。  相似文献   

实验兔三个封闭群微卫星DNA多态性遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对日本大耳白兔、青紫蓝兔、新西兰兔三个封闭群体开展群体遗传学分析.方法 利用10个微卫星位点,进行Hardy-Weinberg平衡(HWE)检验,统计三个种群的基因频率、观测杂合度、期望杂合度、F值和遗传距离.结果 青紫蓝品种在12L1E11位点,新西兰品种在INRACCDDV0087位点与INRACCDDV0203位点,日本大耳白兔在Sat12位点与INRACCDDV0203,P<0.05,显著偏离HWE,多数表现为杂合子缺陷;三个群体在Sat13、So144、6L1F10、7L1F1、12L4A1、INRACCDDV0016点上均符合HWE;各位点平均等位基因数5.9,种群整体基因频率差别较大,其范围为0 -0.9060;三个种群的平均观测杂合度为0.6204,平均期望杂合度为0.6178;群体间分化系数(Fst)平均为0.0750,日本大耳白兔和青紫蓝兔遗传距离最近为0.1223,青紫蓝兔与新西兰兔遗传距离最远为0.1934.结论 三个种群的遗传结构均表现出遗传稳定性和均一性,在10个微卫星位点上呈现高度多态性,种群间遗传分化明显.  相似文献   

We have developed 11 microsatellite markers that are specific to Chattonella antiqua, C. marina, and C. ovata, the red tide‐forming harmful phytoplanktons. The 11 loci were amplified in the three species. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 16. The three species shared most microsatellite regions, although the genetic differences in specific loci were detected among them. These markers of the Chattonella species will be beneficial for biogeographical, detailed taxonomic, studies.  相似文献   

The Shanyi inbred A and E strains of the Chinese hamster are widely used in biomedical research, but detailed genetic characterization has been lacking. We developed microsatellite markers that could be used for genetic diversity analysis and linkage map construction. We isolated and characterized 16 novel microsatellite loci from a microsatellite-enriched genomic DNA library. These loci were genotyped in 48 animals from the two strains, and the polymorphic information content was determined. In the Shanyi A and E populations, 14 and 15 loci were found to be polymorphic, respectively, with polymorphic information content ranging from 0.1393 to 0.8082 and from 0.1109 to 0.7397, respectively. A total of 115 alleles were found for the 16 microsatellite loci in the two populations; the mean observed heterozygosity (H(O)) was 0.5191 and 0.4333 for the A and E populations, respectively, indicating marked genetic variation within the two populations. Correspondingly, the F(ST) values ranged from 0.002 to 0.9253, with an overall mean of 0.1935, indicating significant genetic difference between the two strains. The population differentiation levels were substantiated by Nei's genetic distance and full Bayesian analyses computed with STRUCTURE. Despite the genetic diversity and differentiation within and between the two inbred populations, the 48 individuals were correctly allocated into their original populations with high statistical confidence based on these 16 microsatellite loci. These novel microsatellite loci should be useful genetic markers for these two Chinese hamster inbred strains.  相似文献   

Avicennia marina is an ecologically important mangrove tree species. We isolated 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from this species using an improved technique. Our isolated loci provided compound microsatellite markers with polymorphism of two to six alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.025 to 0.625 and from 0.096 to 0.767, respectively. These markers would be the useful tools for researching on the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of A. marina.  相似文献   

We developed and characterized 8 polymorphic microsatellite loci or simple sequence repeats from the expressed sequence tags database of the medicinal fungus, Antrodia cinnamomea. Variability was assessed in a panel of 23 strains collected from various regions of Taiwan. The number of alleles per polymorphic locus ranged from two to seven loci with an average of 4.375 alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.130 to 0.783 and from 0.122 to 0.809, respectively. No significant Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was detected (P < 0.01) at all loci. The EST-SSR markers developed in the present study can be used for strain identification and population genetic studies in A. cinnamomea.  相似文献   

We developed nine polymorphic microsatellite loci for the field vole, Microtus agrestis. The number of alleles ranged from five to 15 and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.40 to 1.00. We also tested the microsatellite loci for amplification and polymorphism in the congeneric species Microtus arvalis. Five of the nine loci were successfully analysed in this species. The microsatellite markers will be employed in studies of reproductive success and fine‐scale spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

A total of 15 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the red panda, Ailurus fulgens, were characterized in this study. Based on evaluations of 33 red pandas, the number of observed alleles for each locus ranged from seven to 17 and the expected and observed heterozygosities were 0.412–0.897 and 0.121–0.909, respectively. The mean polymorphic information content was 0.721. These markers would greatly strengthen the utilization of microsatellite tools in genetic variation studies in red panda populations.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for isolating microsatellite loci in mungbean, Vigna radiata, based on the 5′‐anchored polymerase chain reaction technique revealed 23 microsatellite loci and six cryptically simple sequence repeats. We report on the characterization of seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in V. radiata. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 5 while the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.9048. These markers should prove useful as tools for detecting genetic variation in mungbean varieties for germplasm management and crossbreeding purposes.  相似文献   

艳丽  刘志瑾  魏辅文  李明 《兽类学报》2005,25(4):339-344
微卫星(Simple Sequence Repeat,SSR)基因位点是在各个遗传学领域被广泛使用的分子标记。而对于首次研究的物种,必须筛选出可以应用的微卫星位点。对于分离微卫星位点来说由于只有大约0.5%-2%的重组体含有微卫星位点,所以标准的基因组文库需要至少产生5 000个重组体。传统的筛选方法就是通过检测大量重组体来定位这些少量的位点。近几年来出现了一些新的筛选方法,采用“富集”微卫星序列的技术将包含微卫星位点的重组体比例提高了10-100倍。这样就降低了筛选工作的时间和劳动强度,大大提高了筛选微卫星位点的效率。本文在结合了几种筛选微卫星位点技术路线的基础上,采用生物素标记探针杂交、富集和PCR筛选技术,对原有技术路线进行了改进。主要试验步骤为:1)基因组DNA的提取和消化;2)生物素标记探针富集;3)克隆建库;4)“PCR”筛选;5)引物设计和多态性检测。新的方法在小熊猫微卫星基因文库的构建中取得成功,获得了10个具有多态性的(CA)n重复序列微卫星位点。  相似文献   

We report on the isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite markers from enriched libraries for the critically endangered Atropa baetica. These are the first microsatellite loci reported for Atropa species. The total number of alleles found was 18, the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.198 to 0.505. These markers will be useful to establish the real census of individuals and the genetic diversity both within and among the different populations of A. baetica.  相似文献   

A rapid method for isolating microsatellite loci in pineapples, based on the 5′‐anchored polymerase chain reaction technique, revealed 137 microsatellite loci (consisting of 62 dinucleotide, 24 trinucleotide, 49 tetranucleotide and 2 hexanucleotide repeats) and 16 cryptically simple repeat sequences. We report on the characterization of 19 polymorphic microsatellite loci and one cryptic simple repeat loci in pineapples. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to four while the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.1705 to 1. These markers are useful as tools for detecting levels of genetic variation in pineapple varieties for germplasm management and crossbreeding purposes.  相似文献   

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