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含有3-磷酸甘油酸激酶基因(PGK1)的酿酒酵母染色体3.1kb HindⅢ片段,已被克隆到大肠杆菌-酵母菌穿梭载体pCN60上。Kpn Ⅰ核酸内切酶在pCN60上没有酶切位点,而在pCN60(PGK1)上仅有一酶切位点。用此酶将pCN60(PGK1)质粒完全酶切,再用Bal31从两端逐步消解碱基对,使反应终止于每端消解500bp左右,加上EcoR Ⅰlinker。用EcoRⅠ、BamH Ⅰ酶切,分离1. 9kb的DNA片段,插入用同样双酶切的酵母启动子探针载体pVC727上,转化E.coli C600,再从转化子中提取重组质粒转化酵母受体菌NA87-11A。用菌落染色法筛选出PHO5基因高效表达转化子,这个转化子质粒含有1.9kb的BamH Ⅰ、EcoRⅠ酶切片段,它具有强启动子功能,并测定其3'末端序列。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母3-磷酸甘油酸激酶基因(PGK1)启动子片段的亚克隆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含有3-磷酸甘油酸激酶基因(PGK1)的酿酒酵母染色体3.1kb HindⅢ片段,已被克隆到大肠杆菌-酵母菌穿梭载体pCN60上。Kpn Ⅰ核酸内切酶在pCN60上没有酶切位点,而在pCN60(PGK1)上仅有一酶切位点。用此酶将pCN60(PGK1)质粒完全酶切,再用Bal31从两端逐步消解碱基对,使反应终止于每端消解500bp左右,加上EcoR Ⅰlinker。用EcoRⅠ、BamH Ⅰ酶切,分离1. 9kb的DNA片段,插入用同样双酶切的酵母启动子探针载体pVC727上,转化E.coli C600,再从转化子中提取重组质粒转化酵母受体菌NA87-11A。用菌落染色法筛选出PHO5基因高效表达转化子,这个转化子质粒含有1.9kb的BamH Ⅰ、EcoRⅠ酶切片段,它具有强启动子功能,并测定其3'末端序列。  相似文献   

outhern杂交分析表明在地中海拟无枝菌酸菌u-32染色体DNA和黑曲霉niaD(硝酸还原酶基因)之间存在着明显的同源性。利用异源niaD探针从地中海拟无枝菌酸菌u-32基因文库中筛选得到一个能与niaD杂交的5.0kb的Pst Ⅰ片段。该片段经同位素标记后能与地中海拟无枝菌酸菌u-32染色体上一个相同的Pst Ⅰ片段杂交,位于这一片段上的2.1kb sma Ⅰ—EcoR Ⅴ片段只能与以硝酸盐为唯一氮源的总RNA杂交,而不能与相同条件下以铵盐为唯一氮源的总RNA杂交,这些结果表明,所克隆到的5,0kb Pst Ⅰ DNA片段含有地中海拟无枝菌酸菌U-3z的硝酸还原酶基因。这是好氧细菌硝酸还原酶基因克隆的首次报道。由该酶蛋白分子量推测,其结构基因大小在1.5kb左右,进一步的杂交分析发现在5.0kb的Pstl片段中含有完整的NR基因。用20种限制酶对重组质粒pJLl进行了限制酶酶谱的构建。发现有10种酶在pJLl外源片段上无切点,6种酶为单切点,EcoR Ⅰ与Sma Ⅰ各有两个切点。  相似文献   

以提纯的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌8705染色体DNA为材料,经EcoR Ⅰ消化,过SepharcylS-400柱,得到大于400bp的酶切片段;然后随机克隆到质粒pGEM-3Zf(—)中,转化大肠杆菌LC2a(hag~-,recA~-);在氨苄青霉素平板上共得到6013个转化子,从中筛选出1个有动力的克隆,小量制备质粒DNA,经酶切电泳鉴定,该克隆的外源片段大小为15.3kb,将其命名为pGI4015。动力、动力抑制试验和Southern blot分子杂交试验证明pGI4015中载有鼠伤寒沙门氏菌Ⅰ相鞭毛蛋白基因fliC~I;利用其BamH Ⅰ和Sal Ⅰ位点删除与鞭毛蛋白表达无关的序列,构建亚克隆质粒pGI4015BS,使得fliC~I定位于更小的区域——3.8kb的BamH Ⅰ/Sal Ⅰ插入片段上。  相似文献   

O139霍乱弧菌质粒基因组文库的建立及O抗原基因的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合成O-抗原的基因是串联在一起的一个基因簇,提取O139霍乱弧菌基因组DNA,限制性内切酶EcoRⅠ酶切,电泳回收4~20kb的DNA片段,构建质粒基因组文库.随机筛选重组克隆,获得一株可与O139霍乱弧菌抗血清发生凝集反应的重组克隆,命名为大肠杆菌DH5a(pMG320).经鉴定分析重组克隆所表达的O-抗原具有良好的免疫原性及反应原性.酶切分析质粒pMG320,推知其O-抗原基因大小约4.6kb.这为今后O139霍乱疫苗的研制及O139霍乱弧菌O-抗原基因的结构和功能研究提供了条件.  相似文献   

以紫云英根瘤菌菌株7653R为材料,制备总DNA,经EcoRⅠ限制酶部分酶解,通过10—50%蔗糖梯度离心,分离到20一30 kb的DNA片段。利用能在革兰氏阴性菌中转移和复制的广谱寄主载体——pLAFRl质粒,构建了紫云英根瘤菌基因文库。通过与苜蓿根瘤菌102l菌株中8.7kb的共同结瘤基因(作探针DNA)杂交,从基因文库中分离到紫云英根瘤菌共同结瘤基因片段。以紫云英根瘤菌不结瘤突变株7653R+1(7653R消除共生质粒)为受体、构建的7653R基因文库(E.Coli C600)为供体,通过协助转移质粒pRK2013(LE392)进行三亲交配,在含四环素的根瘤菌台成培养基(sM)上选择接合转移子。将得到的所有接台转移子混合在一起接种植物,通过植物结瘤试验,分离到含紫云英根瘤菌结瘤基因的重组质粒pRaz15。将该质粒用EcoRⅠ完全酶切,得到25kb左右的外源DNA片段,该片段携带完整的结瘤基因簇。  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌569B染色体DNA,经毒源性大肠杆菌不耐热毒素基因探针定位,确定霍乱毒素基因分别位于EcoRI/pst I 酶解的5.1和5.4kb片段。我们分离其EcoR I/Pst I 酶解的4.5—6.0kb片段,与经EcoR I/Pst I 酶解的质粒pBR322体外连接转化大肠杆菌,经原位菌落杂交及重组质粒DNA的电泳分析鉴定,获得了霍乱毒素基因的克隆。通过生物活性和抗原性测定,表明霍乱毒素基因在大肠杆菌中获得了表达。  相似文献   

链霉菌M1033染色体DNA经BamH Ⅰ酶解后电泳,Southern转移。根据自测的链霉菌M1033 D-木糖异构酶氨基酸序列设计合成寡聚核苷酸探针x-2、x-3,以x-2、x-3及Am-pullariella sp3876 D-木糖异构酶基因(1.17kb)为探针进行杂交,确定与上述探针杂交最强处在15kb左右。从胶上分离出g-20kb大小的片段,克隆到EMBL 3载体中,经杂交筛选后,得到0.6%的阳性噬斑,其插人大小为13kh。将插入DNA的saIⅠ酶解片段(2.5kb)进一步亚克隆于pucl8,得到重组质粒puB l,经酶解图谱、部分序列分析和互补实验确定puBl含有完整的M1033 D-木糖异构酶基因  相似文献   

水稻线粒体DNA酶切带型研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨金水 Walbo.  V 《遗传学报》1993,20(3):235-244
水稻IR36线粒体DNA经6种限制酶酶切,用脉冲电泳和长距离琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离酶切片段,获得高分辨率的清晰带型。每组酶切片段加和测得水稻IR36线粒体基因组大小分别为227kb(HindⅢ)、253kb(EcoRⅠ)、253kb(XhoⅠ)、294kb(BamHⅠ)、239kb(SalⅠ)和283kb(xbal)采用9个来自水稻和玉米线粒体基因组的基因探针与酶切条带杂交发现,水稻线粒体基因组含有包括编码基因在内的重复顺序。  相似文献   

牛疱疹病毒Ⅳ型(BHV-4)DNA片段分别被重组到质粒pUC9或pBR322的EcoRI、Hind Ⅲ和BamHⅠ位点中,用光生物素(Photobiotin)标记这些重组质粒作为探针,分别与转移到硝基纤维素膜上的病毒DNA的EcoRⅠ、Hind Ⅲ和BamHⅠ片段进行杂交,根据杂交结果及克隆的BHV-4DNA片段的双酶切分析,画出了病毒DNA的EcoRⅠ、Hind Ⅲ和BamHⅠ位点图,井证明在病毒DNA的两末端含有多聚重复序列,左侧含12个重复单位,右侧含6个重复单位,两侧重复单位的排列方向相同,重复单位的大小为2.35kb。病毒DNA分子无任何异构体.  相似文献   

A NheI macrorestriction map of the Neisseria meningitidis B1940 genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A macrorestriction map of the Neisseria meningitidis strain B1940 genome was constructed by two-dimensional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (2D-PFGE) techniques. Digestion of the genomic DNA with the restriction endonuclease NHe I revealed 15 fragments between 10 kb and 450 kb. The sum of the fragments and resolution of the linearized chromosome yielded a total genome size of about 2.3 Mbp. By overlapping methylation with the Alu I-methylase six Nhe I recognition sites could be blocked. Fragments were ordered by partial/complete 2D-PFGE of genomic DNA with and without prior Alu I methylation, respectively. All nine Alu I-methylase/ Nhe I and 14 Nhe I restriction sites could be mapped on a single circular chromosome. This map will serve as a useful tool for further genetic analysis of meningococci and exemplifies the power of non-radioactive 2D-PFGE techniques to construct large physical genome maps with a single restriction enzyme.  相似文献   

Characterization of a novel plasmid DNA found in mitochondria of N. crassa   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

To investigate mtDNA recombination induced by multiple double strand breaks (DSBs) we used a mitochondria-targeted form of the ScaI restriction endonuclease to introduce DSBs in heteroplasmic mice and cells in which we were able to utilize haplotype differences to trace the origin of recombined molecules. ScaI cleaves multiple sites in each haplotype of the heteroplasmic mice (five in NZB and three in BALB mtDNA) and prolonged expression causes severe mtDNA depletion. After a short pulse of restriction enzyme expression followed by a long period of recovery, mitochondrial genomes with large deletions were detected by PCR. Curiously, we found that some ScaI sites were more commonly involved in recombined molecules than others. In intra-molecular recombination events, deletion breakpoints were close to or upstream of ScaI cleavage sites, confirming the recombinogenic character of DSBs in mtDNA. A region adjacent to the D-loop was preferentially involved in recombination of all molecules. Sequencing through NZB and BALB haplotype markers in recombined molecules enabled us to show that in addition to intra-molecular mtDNA recombination, rare inter-molecular mtDNA recombination events can also occur. This study underscores the role of DSBs in the generation of mtDNA rearrangements and supports the existence of recombination hotspots.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cleaved by restriction endonucleases Eco RI, Hpa I, Bam HI, Hind III, Pst I, and Sal I, yielding 10, 7, 5, 6, 1, and 1 fragments, respectively. A physical ordering of the restriction sites on yeast mtDNA has been derived. Yeast mtDNA cannot be isolated as intact molecules, and it contains nicks and gaps which complicate the use of conventional fragment mapping procedures. Nevertheless, the position of each of the restriction sites was obtained primarily by reciprocal redigestion of isolated restriction fragments. This procedure was supplemented by co-digestion of mtDNA with a multisite enzyme and a single-site enzyme (i.e., Sal I or Pst I) which provided a unique orientation for overlapping fragments cleaved by Sal I or Pst I. The data obtained from these approaches were confirmed by analysis of double and triple enzyme digests. Analysis of partial digest fragments was used for positioning of the smallest Eco RI fragment. A comparison of mtDNA from four grande strains (MH41-7B, 19d, TR3-15A, and MH32-12D) revealed similar, but slightly varying restriction patterns, with an identical genome size for each of approximately 5 X 10(-7) d or 75 kb. A fifth grande strain, D273-10B from S. cerevisiae, revealed restriction patterns different from those of the above strains, with a smaller genome size of 70 kb.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper reports the methods of construction of gene-targeting vector for transformation of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. The genomic DNA was isolated from the posterior silk gland of the fifth-instar silkworm larvae. The short fragment (0.5 kb) and long fragment (5 kb) of the fibroin light-chain gene were obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis with special primers and genome DNA as templates and then recombined with pBlueselect vector into pBs-FS-FL. The target green flourescent protein (GFP) gene, was derived from pGEP-1 vector and recombined with pUC19 vector into pUCG vector. GFP was recovered after cutting with restriction endonucleases, Pst I and Bam HI. Finally, GFP was recombined with pBs-FS-FL into gene-targeting vector, pBs-FS-GFP-FL.  相似文献   

Some of microorganisms have been known to possess penicillin G acylase activity. The E. coli derived penicillin G acylase (PGA) can catalyze the conversion of penicillin G into phenylacetic acid and 6-amino-penicillanic acid, the latter is used as the starting compound for the industrial formation of semi-synthetic penicillins. Apart from its industrial importance, the enzyme PGA displays a number of interesting properties. Catalytically active enzyme is localized in the periplasmic space of E. coli cells and composed of two dissimilar subunits. The two subunits are apparently produced from a precursor protein, via a processing pathway hitherto unique in its features for a prokaryotic enzyme. The studies on processing of the precursor and on the relationship between structure and function of the mature enzyme are important theoretically. Previously we cloned a 3.5 kb DNA fragment from a strain (E. coli AS 1.76), which displays PGA activity. In this paper, we report a nucleotide sequence of the 3.5 kb DNA fragment containing PGA gene. After insertion of the DNA fragment into EcoR I and Hind III sites in pWR 13, pPGA 20 had been obtained. We subcloned the Hind III and Bg1 II treated fragment of 1.6 kb in length from pPGA 20 into Hind III and BamH I sites of pWR 13 to get a pPGA 1.6, and Bg1 II and EcoR I treated fragment of 1.9 kb in length into BamH I and EcoR I sites of pWR 13 to get a pPGA 1.9. The linearized pPGA 1.9 which were digested with appropriate restriction enzymes were progressively shortened from both ends respectively by digestion with Bal 31 nuclease, followed by cleavage of shortened target DNA off vector DNA molecules with appropriate restriction enzymes. The series of the DNA fragments shortened from EcoR I end were then cloned into plasmid pWR 13 which had previously digested with Hind III and Sma I enzymes (Fig. 1). The DNA fragment cloned in pWR 13 were directly sequenced on the resulted plasmids by using primer I and primer II. Thus we have obtained the complete nucleotide sequence of the 3.5 kb DNA fragment. The 3.5 kb fragment contains an intact PGA gene which is 2.6 kb.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The physical map of Campylobacter jejuni TGH9011 (ATCC 43430) was constructed by mapping the three restriction enzyme sites SacII (CCGCGG), SalI (GTCGAC), and SmaI (CCCGGG) on the genome of C. jejuni by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern hybridization. A total of 25 restriction enzyme sites were mapped onto the C. jejuni chromosome. The size of the genome was reevaluated and was shown to be 1,812.5 kb. Ten C. jejuni genetic markers that have been isolated in our laboratory were mapped to specific restriction enzyme fragments. Furthermore, we have accurately mapped one of the three rRNA operons (rrnA) and have demonstrated a separation of the 16S and 23S rRNA-encoding sequences in one of the rRNA operons.  相似文献   

An innovative combination of various recently described molecular methods was set up to efficiently identify regions flanking a marker DNA in insertional mutants of Chlamydomonas. The technique is named restriction enzyme site-directed amplification PCR (RESDA-PCR) and is based on the random distribution of frequent restriction sites in a genome and on a special design of primers. The primer design is based on the presence of a restriction site included in a low degenerated sequence at the 3' end and of a specific adapter sequence at the 5' end, with the two ends being linked by a polyinosine bridge. Specific primers of the marker DNA combined with the degenerated primers allow amplification of DNA fragments adjacent to the marker insertion by using two rounds of either short or long cycling procedures. Amplified fragments from 0.3 to 2 kb or more are routinely obtained at sufficient purity and quantity for direct sequencing. This method is fast, is reliable (87% success rate), and can be easily extrapolated to any organism and marker DNA by designing the appropriate primers. A procedure involving the PCR over enzyme digest fragments is also proposed for when, exceptionally, positive results are not obtained.  相似文献   

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