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基因载体是制约基因转移技术发展的关键。近年来,非病毒载体由于其安全、低毒、低免疫原性等特点而备受青睐。文章以脂质体和聚乙烯亚胺为代表,介绍了非病毒载体的性质、介导转染的机制。随着人们对细胞转染机制了解的深入以及生物材料科学的迅速发展,非病毒型载体将有望实现高效、低毒、靶向特异等特点,从而成为基因治疗中的理想载体。  相似文献   

肝脏是一个特殊的器官,不仅因为它独特的解剖结构和生理特征,而且它还具有无限的再生能力。在各种动物模型中,应用病毒或非病毒载体将肝细胞生长因子等基因转入体内,能增强肝再生能力,这就是肝脏基因转染技术在肝再生研究中的应用。未来的研究目标就是消除病毒载体的毒副作用和增加非病毒载体的转染率,这也是目前肝内基因转染技术中面临的主要难题;另一个研究目标就是用受体介导基因靶向肝转染,使转入基因在肝细胞中特异高表达。这些研究成果将有助于肝再生基因机制研究,以及将来临床基因治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

Duchenne肌营养不良(DMD)是常见的神经肌肉遗传病之一,由于骨胳肌肌膜上的抗肌萎缩蛋白(dys—trophin)完全或部分缺失引起。本文介绍了dystrophin的结构和功能,对DMD基因治疗的目的基因。基因治疗方式(包括病毒载体和非病毒载体)。基因转染途径作了较为全面的介绍,指出腺相关病毒载体介导的基因治疗及干细胞移植是有希望的治疗方向。经全身途径使目的基因广泛转染骨胳肌并实现心肌和膈肌的转染,是基因治疗研究的难点。  相似文献   

李琦涵  赵红玲  王丽春  孙明  姜莉  董承红  王炯 《中国病毒学》1999,14(2):geMap1-500mmol
为探索可表达较大片段外源基因的脊灰病毒重组载体,以HBV-S基因置换脊灰病毒的P1基因,同时以另一途径提供脊灰病毒P1结构蛋白,经转染入Hela细胞中形成缺陷型重组病毒颗粒,此病毒可以感染新的细胞,并表达其重组的外源基因,但不产生子代病毒.实验结果表明,这种瞬时表达系统的构建,为脊灰病毒缺陷型重组载体用于基因转导技术打下基础.  相似文献   

为探索可表达较大片段外源基因的脊灰病毒重组载体,以HBV-S基因置换脊灰病毒的P1基因,同时以另一途径提供脊灰病毒P1结构蛋白,经转染入Hela细胞中形成缺陷型重组病毒颗粒,此病毒可以感染新的细胞,并表达其重组的外源基因,但不产生子代病毒。实验结果表明,这种瞬时表达系统的构建,为脊灰病毒缺陷型重组载体用于基因转导技术打下基础。  相似文献   

为探索可表达较大片段外源基因的脊灰病毒重组载体,以HBVS基因置换脊灰病毒的P1基因,同时以另一途径提供脊灰病毒P1结构蛋白,经转染入Hela细胞中形成缺陷型重组病毒颗粒,此病毒可以感染新的细胞,并表达其重组的外源基因,但不产生子代病毒。实验结果表明,这种瞬时表达系统的构建,为脊灰病毒缺陷型重组载体用于基因转导技术打下基础。  相似文献   

自2006年诱导多能干细胞(iPS)技术诞生以来,采用病毒等载体进行的诱导方法已取得了成功,但是其致瘤性的影响限制了病毒载体的推广与应用,而采用非病毒载体诱导iPS细胞成为研究的热点. 本研究通过两个启动子的独立启动,构建了带有绿色荧光标记的OCT4/SOX2共表达诱导载体(pOct4/Sox2-EGFP). 将该载体转染HEK 293FT 细胞后,阳性克隆明显表达绿色荧光,并通过RT-PCR,免疫荧光等方法证明其中的转录因子OCT4和SOX2能在转染细胞中高效表达,同时诱导受体细胞中内源NANOG的转录表达. 本研究说明OCT4/SOX2共表达载体能激活NANOG基因的内源表达,暗示着非病毒不整合载体pOct4/Sox2-EGFP本身或与其它转录因子和小分子结合可用于诱导成体细胞的重编程. 因此,本研究为下一步应用质粒载体诱导体细胞重编程为iPS细胞的研究奠定了工作基础.  相似文献   

以自我失活型逆转录病毒载体pSIR为基础,构建了含有增强型绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的载体pSIR-EGFP和含有870bp p16启动子载体pSIR-EGFP-870.将两种病毒载体转染至包装细胞包装成病毒颗粒.病毒感染2BS靶细胞,病毒5′LTR在逆转录过程中自我灭活.通过该系统观察到p16启动子在2BS细胞衰老过程中,转录活性明显增强.结果表明,自我失活型逆转录病毒载体能很好地用于衰老基因转录调控的研究.  相似文献   

DNA疫苗的转染载体及免疫途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本介绍了阳离子脂质体、聚合胺、减毒侵袭性细菌、Cochleates等可介导疫苗DNA转染的载体,并对肌肉注射、基因枪导入、皮内皮下注射及粘膜接种等可用以DNA疫苗接种的几种免疫途径作一简述。  相似文献   

以自我失活型逆转录病毒载体pSIR为基础,构建了含有增强型绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的载体pSIR-EGFP和含有870bp p16启动子载体pSIR-EGFP-870.将两种病毒载体转染至包装细胞包装成病毒颗粒.病毒感染2BS靶细胞,病毒5′LTR在逆转录过程中自我灭活.通过该系统观察到p16启动子在2BS细胞衰老过程中,转录活性明显增强.结果表明,自我失活型逆转录病毒载体能很好地用于衰老基因转录调控的研究.  相似文献   

余晓玲  孙恩杰  尹丹丹 《生物磁学》2009,(15):2995-2997
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是指双链RNA(double-strand RNA,dsRNA)特异性降解同源mRNA,从而引发基因转录后水平沉默的现象,是一种高效、高特异性抑制基因表达的途径。自1998年Fire等发现RNA干扰现象以来,其特异性降解目的基因的优势吸引了众多研究者的目光。本文在简要综述RNAi技术在基因功能研究、抗病毒治疗,肿瘤基因治疗等领域的应用后,重点归纳了基因枪技术在RNAi研究即siRNA导入细胞中的应用,并简单分析其优势与意义。  相似文献   

The application of a magnetic field to enhance the transfection efficiency has been reported to be mainly dependent on the magnetic force generated by a magnetic field gradient to attract paramagnetic bead-conjugated carrier and polynucleotide complexes. This strategy has the advantage of targeting a point or an area on the culture vessel. However, it is difficult to target deeply placed tissues in vivo. Uniform magnetic field-correlated effect is applicable to such a purpose. Here, we attempted to establish a novel procedure for uniform magnetic field-dependent enhancement of transfection efficiency. We examined the effect of a 1.5 mT uniform magnetic field on cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level and transfection efficiency mediated by a ROS-sensitive transfection carrier. Our experimental results revealed that a 1.5 mT uniform magnetic field transiently decreased cellular ROS levels and strongly enhanced transfection efficiency mediated by polyethylenimine (PEI). The uniform magnetic field-dependent enhancement of PEI-mediated in vivo transfection was confirmed in the livers of mice. Local intensification of a uniform magnetic field in a culture dish resulted in selective gene delivery into cells on the target area. Although further examination and improvement are necessary for this procedure, our findings provide a novel option for spatial control of gene delivery.  相似文献   

高效遗传转化技术是植物重要性状功能基因鉴定的前提和转基因育种的基础。随着纳米生物技术的发展,以纳米载体介导的植物转基因技术已显示出巨大的应用潜力。综述了国内外应用于植物纳米载体的类型、与外源基因的结合方式以及传输细胞的原理,重点阐述了影响纳米基因载体性能与转化效率的重要因素,以及纳米载体介导外源基因转化植物细胞的方法,分析了纳米载体介导法与其他转基因方法的特点和优势,并提出纳米载体介导的转化技术应加强稳定遗传转化、基因编辑与植物原位转化等方面探索研究,旨为植物遗传转化技术和方法提供新的思路。  相似文献   



Recently, particle bombardment has become increasingly popular as a transfection method, because of a reduced dependency on target cell characteristics. In this study, we evaluated in vitro gene transfer by particle bombardment.


gWIZ luciferase and gWIZ green fluorescent protein (GFP) plasmids were used as reporter genes. Mammalian cell lines HEK 293, MCF7 and NIH/3T3 were used in the transfection experiments. Transfection was performed by bombardment of the cells with gene-coated gold particles using the Helios Gene Gun. The technology was assessed by analyzing gene expression and cell damage. Cell damage was evaluated by MTT assay.


This technology resulted in efficient in vitro transfection, even in the cells which are difficult to transfect. The gene expression was dependent on the gene gun's helium pressure, the sizes of the gold particles, the amount of the particles and DNA loading, while cell viability was mostly dependent on helium pressure and amount of the gold particles.


This technology was useful to transfection of cells. Optimal transfection conditions were determined to be between 75 and 100 psi of helium pressure, 1.0 to 1.6 μm gold particle size and 0.5 mg of gold particle amount with a loading ratio of 4 μg DNA/mg gold particles.

General significance

These findings will be useful in the design of gene gun device, and bring further improvements to the in vitro and in vivo transfection studies including gene therapy and vaccination.  相似文献   

The DNA vaccine, pIHNVw-G, contains the gene for the glycoprotein (G) of the rhabdovirus infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), a major pathogen of salmon and trout. The relative efficacy of various routes of immunisation with pIHNVw-G was evaluated using 1.8 g rainbow trout fry vaccinated via intramuscular injection, scarification of the skin, intraperitoneal injection, intrabuccal administration, cutaneous particle bombardment using a gene gun, or immersion in water containing DNA vaccine-coated beads. Twenty-seven days after vaccination neutralising antibody titres were determined, and 2 days later groups of vaccinated and control unvaccinated fish were subjected to an IHNV immersion challenge. Results of the virus challenge showed that the intramuscular injection and the gene gun immunisation induced protective immunity in fry, while intraperitoneal injection provided partial protection. Neutralising antibodies were not detected in sera of vaccinated fish regardless of the route of immunisation used, suggesting that cell mediated immunity may be at least partially responsible for the observed protection.  相似文献   

转基因技术在动植物优良新品种的培育中发挥着重要作用,而随着纳米生物技术的发展,基于纳米材料构建基因载体的动植物转基因技术,对于发展动植物转基因新方法以及加速转基因种质材料的大规模制备、优良新品种的培育进程具有更为重要的意义。综述了纳米基因载体的种类与性质,并结合动植物遗传育种的研究进展,分析了纳米基因载体相比于其他载体的特点及优势,同时,重点阐述了基于纳米基因载体的基因转染技术的基本原理和操作过程,及其在动植物遗传转化中的应用,以期为动植物基因工程改造提供新思路。  相似文献   

Micelles have demonstrated an excellent ability to deliver several different types of therapeutic agents, including chemotherapy drugs, proteins, small‐interfering RNA and DNA, into tumor cells. Cationic micelles, comprising self‐assemblies of amphiphilic cationic polymers, have exhibited tremendous promise with respect to the delivery of therapy genes and gene transfection. To date, research in the field has focused on achieving an enhanced stability of the micellar assembly, prolonged circulation times and controlled release of the gene. This review focuses on the micelles as a nanosized carrier system for gene delivery, the system‐related modifications for cytoplasm release, stability and biocompatibility, and clinic trials. In accordance with the development of synthetic chemistry and self‐assembly technology, the structures and functionalities of micelles can be precisely controlled, and hence the synthetic micelles not only efficiently condense DNA, but also facilitate DNA endocytosis, endosomal escape, DNA uptake and nuclear transport, resulting in a comparable gene transfection of virus.  相似文献   

DNA condensation plays a key role in non-viral gene delivery by affecting gene transfection, nuclear targeting, and eventual gene expression efficiency. Theoretically, a DNA condenser with the appropriate DNA condensation ability but without affecting DNA dissociation from DNA condensates inside the cytoplasm should be a perfect carrier for gene delivery. Protamine is a natural DNA condensation agent and has been widely used in gene delivery. In this work, protamine was selectively digested enzymatically to produce low molecular weight protamine fragments (LMWPs) of various lengths and amino acid compositions. The DNA condensation ability and gene transfection efficiency of these LMWP peptides were tested. Compared to protamine, all the LMWP peptides showed lower DNA binding strength. However, some LMWP peptides demonstrated excellent DNA condensation ability and could form very compact DNA condensates with small particle size (∼100 nm). More interestingly, LMWP peptide-mediated in vitro gene delivery showed prolonged (up to 12 days) gene expression. Results from this study suggest that designing DNA condensers with appropriate and tunable DNA binding strengths and condensation abilities would be an effective means to improve gene expression and thus gene therapy efficiency. Since LMWP peptides have low immunogenicity, they would be safer than protamine for use in gene therapies. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2008, Vol. 73, No. 10, pp 1447–1455.  相似文献   

基因治疗是一个快速发展的领域,其中关于慢病毒介导的外源基因导入研究得最为广泛。随着研发技术的不断发展,在安全性方面慢病毒已经从第一代发展至第三代,而如何工程化获得高滴度慢病毒仍是当今技术一大瓶颈。运用Fibra-Cel片状载体作为HEK293T细胞载体基质,联合多个无菌细胞转瓶在滚瓶机上培养,对贴壁细胞进行规模放大化生产。通过对第三代慢病毒包装过程中影响慢病毒滴度的因素进行逐一筛选,使病毒滴度达到最优。研究结果成功运用Fibra-Cel片状载体作为HEK293T细胞粘附载体基质,作为一种贴壁细胞规模放大的方法,筛选出了利用滚瓶机制备第三代慢病毒的最优条件,规模化生产了3批慢病毒。在时间上,将慢病毒的生产时间从质粒转染到病毒收集的120 h缩短至54 h;在成本上,利用滚瓶机代替生物反应器实现了无需反复灭菌、全程一次性产品的安全有效低成本的运行,为慢病毒的规模化制备提供了技术上的支持,为临床应用奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Beets are a crop of particular concern regarding invasiveness questions because they commonly become feral due to unintentional hybridization with annual forms of wild beets. In this study the performance of transgenic beets resistant to Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) was compared to the performance of unmodified material from the same breeding line. Both transgenic and control genotypes were also compared to a conventionally bred variety carrying a similar phenotypic trait. Field tests were developed in a step by step fashion in order to study seed emergence and competitiveness in early life stages. The tests quantified the potential ecological advantage of virus resistance under virus and non-virus infestation conditions. In experimental field releases in 1993 and 1994 in Germany, a small but increasingly clear 'additive' ecological advantage of the genetically engineered trait was detected. In both years and all competition treatments, the conventional tolerant variety performed best. An impact of naturalization on natural, nonagricultural habitats may appear in wild beet populations in Italian seed beet production areas. However, a survey of coastal areas of North-Eastern Italy found no virus infestation in 1994, suggesting that an increase in wild beet fitness is unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

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