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Making generalizations about the impact of commercial selective logging on biodiversity has so far remained elusive. Species responses to logging depend on a number of factors, many of which have not been studied in detail. These factors may include the natural forest conditions (forest types) under which logging impacts are investigated; but this question has so far remained unexamined. In a large‐scale replicate study we aimed at clarifying the relationship between logging and forest types on leaf litter frogs. We contrast three distinct and naturally occurring forest types, including wet evergreen, moist evergreen and semi‐deciduous forests. Selectively logged sites were compared with primary forest sites for each forest type. We found that the response of frog communities to logging varies in different forest types. In the wet evergreen forest, richness was higher in logged forest than primary forest, while diversity measures were not different between logged and primary forest habitats. In the moist evergreen, richness and diversity were higher in selectively logged areas compared with primary forest habitats. In the semi‐deciduous, logged forests were characterized by drastic loss of forest specialists, reduced richness, and diversity. These results indicate that the net effect of logging varies with respect to forest type. Forest types that are characterized by adverse climatic conditions (i.e., low rainfall and protracted dry seasons) are more likely to produce negative effects on leaf litter anuran communities. For comparisons of the impact of logging on species to be effective, future research must endeavor to include details of forest type.  相似文献   

Question: Vascular epiphytes and hemiepiphytes (E/HE) in neotropical forests account for a large fraction of plant richness, but little is known of how the interplay between phorophyte architectural characteristics and habitat perturbation affect communities of E/HE. Location: Sabal mexicana forests in a coastal area of Veracruz, Mexico. Methods: We compared communities of E/HE on phorophytes with different architectural characteristics – the palm S. mexicana and non‐palm phorophytes – in three environments: conserved sites, perturbed sites and small regenerated forest fragments. We combined traditional (abundance, species richness, similarity and complementarity indices) and more recent (phylogenetic diversity) metrics to describe the communities of E/HE. Results: Overall, we recorded 924 E/HE individuals (nine families, 16 genera and 21 species). The abundance and species richness of E/HE was higher on palms than on non‐palm phorophytes. Abundance‐based complementarities between phorophytes and sites were high. We detected clear changes in community structure of E/HE with habitat perturbation, but there were no effects on the phylogenetic diversity of the E/HE community. Palm phorophytes hosted a more phylogenetically diverse community of E/HE than did non‐palm phorophytes. Conclusions: Palm phorophytes are key elements supporting the conservation of resilient communities of E/HE in S. mexicana forest. Habitat fragmentation has a strong effect on the structure of the E/HE community in S. mexicana forests. Ferns are the group of epiphytes most severely affected by habitat perturbation, but we detected no significant effect on the phylogenetic diversity of the community.  相似文献   

Sonali Saha 《Ecography》2003,26(1):80-86
The regressive succession model hypothesizes tropical savanna-woodlands to be a degraded stage of primary deciduous forests. Species diversity, richness and evenness of woody species in savanna-woodlands, secondary deciduous forests and mature deciduous forests of central India were compared to test if the regressive succession explained pattern in species richness, diversity, functional diversity and basal area. At the plot scale (0.1 ha) secondary deciduous forests and savanna-woodlands had similar species diversity, a pattern not consistent with the regressive model of deciduous forest succession, and mature deciduous forests had greater species diversity and richness (p<0.05). When examined at a larger scale or community scale by pooling all plots within a community type, the trend in diversity persisted even with greater effort allocated to sampling of secondary deciduous forests. Species richness at the community scale was greatest in secondary deciduous forest as expected from species area relationship. The communities shared 28 woody species but the species composition was significantly different between the communities. I suggest that conservation of tropical deciduous forests based on regressive succession model is problematic.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the biogeographic history of the Western Ghats forests by investigating decoupling between phylogenetic and taxonomic diversity. We specifically test whether the deciduous forests have been recently established, whether the southern region was a refuge, and whether the deciduous and evergreen forest species have disparate evolutionary histories. We used species composition data from 23 forest types along the Western Ghats for all woody angiosperms above 10‐cm diameter at breast height. Forests were broadly grouped as either evergreen or deciduous. Mean phylogenetic distances corrected for species richness and mean phylogenetic beta diversity corrected for shared species were assessed using z‐scores from null distributions. Null distributions were generated by randomizing the species relationships on the phylogeny. We found that all evergreen forests showed a greater phylogenetic diversity as compared with null expectations. Deciduous forests showed the inverse pattern. Within the evergreen belt, there was a decreasing phylogenetic diversity from south to north, as predicted by the southern refuge hypothesis. The phylogenetic beta diversity across evergreen–deciduous forests was lesser than the null expectation, whereas it was much higher across forests within the evergreen belt. This study provides the first phylogenetic evidence for the antiquity of evergreen forests as well as the southern refuge hypothesis in the Western Ghats. The deciduous forests species have shared evolutionary histories with the evergreen forest species, suggesting multiple shifts between evergreen and deciduous states through the lineages. Conversely, the evergreen species exhibited a disparate evolutionary history across these forests, possibly owing to sharper ecological or climatic gradients.  相似文献   

We analyze the relationship between palm species diversity and diversity of palm use in two areas (Amazonian Ecuador; Yucatan Peninsula) of equivalent size but with contrasting characteristics in palm species diversity and morphology, and in the phylogenetic composition of palm flora. The areas also differ in their cultural and socioeconomic contexts. Palm use diversity is significantly higher in the Ecuadorian Amazon than in the Yucatan Peninsula and the lower species diversity of palms in the Yucatan Peninsula is not matched by a more intensive use of the fewer species found there. The taxonomic composition of the palm flora is a poor predictor of extent of use and morphological characteristics of palm species affect usefulness only in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The Yucatecans’ more limited reliance on forest products might explain the observed patterns. Ornamental palm use is an indicator of a general change in plant use patterns associated with tourism and macro-economic development in the Yucatan Peninsula. We find a positive relationship between ecosystem plant diversity and plant use diversity, but socioeconomic factors such as market integration strongly influence the use of local biodiversity. Palms represent a diverse and important natural resource that deserves further investigation to secure its sustainable management and conservation in the two studied sites, regardless of their degree of market integration.  相似文献   

Although dipteran communities play a fundamental role in the ecosystem, little is known about their diversity, richness and abundance in different environments. In spite of the importance of Natural Protected Areas (NPAs) as reservoirs of biological diversity, information about community parameters of most insects, including Diptera, are practically unknown in these areas. In this study, we described and compared the composition and structure of Dipteran communities (considering Tabanidae, Asilidae and Syrphidae families) within six (NPAs) of Yucatan, Southeast Mexico, comprising four main vegetation types: seasonally flooded forest, tropical deciduous forest, semi-deciduous tropical forest and coastal dune. We used Malaise-traps to collect samples during a period of two days, twice a month, for one year (2006–2007) within each NPAs. A total of 6 910 specimens belonging to 33 genera and 78 species/morphospecies were recorded. Our results show that the four vegetation types host a vast diversity of dipterans. However, species richness, abundance, diversity and similarity were higher in the communities of tropical deciduous forests compared with those from semi-deciduous forests and coastal dune vegetation, probably as a result of microhabitat differences between sites. We highlight the role of tropical deciduous forests as a refuge for Diptera species and the importance of these forests for conservation of dipteran communities.  相似文献   

We provide total vascular plant species counts for three 1-ha plots in deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen forests in central Bolivia. Species richness ranged from 297 species and 22,360 individuals/ha in the dry deciduous forest to 382 species and 31,670 individuals/ha in the evergreen forest. Orchidaceae, Pteridophyta and Leguminosae were among the most species-rich major plant groups in each plot, and Peperomia (Piperaceae), Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae) and Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae), all epiphytes, were the most species-rich genera. This dominance of a few but very diverse and/or widespread taxa contrasted with the low compositional similarity between plots. In a neotropical context, these Central Bolivian forest plots are similar in total species richness to other dry deciduous and humid montane forests, but less rich than most Amazonian forests. Nevertheless, lianas, terrestrial herbs and especially epiphytes proved to be of equal or higher species richness than most other neotropical forest inventories from which data are available. We therefore highlight the importance of non-woody life-forms (especially epiphytes and terrestrial herbs) in Andean foothill forest ecosystems in terms of species richness and numbers of individuals, representing in some cases nearly 50% of the species and more than 75% of the individuals. These figures stress the need for an increased inventory effort on non-woody plant groups in order to accurately direct conservation actions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Oil palm is one of the most rapidly expanding crops throughout the tropics, yet little is known about its impacts on Neotropical invertebrate biodiversity. Responses of insect assemblages to land conversion may substantially vary among taxa. We assessed geometrid and arctiine moth assemblages in a Costa Rican human dominated landscape, where oil palm plantations are now the second most common land cover. Moths were sampled during 6 months with automatic traps in the interior and margin of old-growth forests, young secondary forests and oil palm plantations in a 30 km2 area. Our results show that richness and diversity of both taxa were severely reduced in oil palm compared to all other habitats. Geometrid abundance was highest in forest interiors and lowest in oil palm, while arctiine numbers did not differ between habitats. Dominance was highest in oil palm plantations, where one arctiine species and one geometrid species accounted for over 40% of total abundance in each of their respective taxa. Species composition was distinct in oil palm and forest interior sites, and depicted a gradient of habitat disturbance in ordination space that was strongly related to vegetation diversity and structure. This study demonstrates that oil palm plantations are not a suitable habitat for these moth taxa. Whilst some arctiine species seem adapted to disturbed habitats, geometrids were more dependent on old-growth forests, showing higher bioindicator potential. In the face of accelerated oil palm expansion, conservation strategies should focus on protecting old-growth forest remnants, as well as increasing species diversity and structural complexity of degraded habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although acoustic recordings have recently gained popularity as an alternative to point counts for surveying birds, little is known about the relative performance of the two methods for detecting tropical bird species across multiple vegetation types. During June and July 2008, we collected species detection/nondetection data to compare the performance of a quadraphonic acoustic recording system and point counts for estimating species richness and composition and detection probabilities of 15 rare, moderately common, and common tropical bird species across six structurally distinct vegetation types (coastal dune scrub, mangrove, low‐stature deciduous thorn forest, early and late successional medium‐stature semievergreen forest, and grazed pastures) in the northern Yucatan Peninsula. We selected five rare species endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula and 10 moderately common and common species that also occur in other tropical regions. Species richness and composition did not differ between survey methods in any of the vegetation types. At the population level, however, we found support for an effect of method on detection probability for most species. For 13 species, regardless of their abundance, acoustic recordings yielded detection probabilities as high as or higher than those for point counts across all vegetation types. The remaining two species were better detected by point counts in pastures and coastal scrub, where greater visibility likely improved sightings of these species. However, these species were detected as well as or better by acoustic recordings in forests and mangroves where detections were primarily auditory. In tropical regions where experienced field observers may not be available and funding for field surveys may be limited, acoustic recordings offer a practical solution for determining species richness and composition and the occupancy patterns of most species. However, for some species, a combination of methods will provide the most reliable data. Regardless of the method selected, analyses that account for variation in detection probability among vegetation types will be necessary because most species in our study demonstrated vegetation‐dependent detection probabilities.  相似文献   

Deer overabundance reduces forest ground-layer vegetation and can cause cascading impacts on a forest ecosystem. To predict these effects, we must elucidate the relationship between deer density and the status of ground-layer vegetation. This relationship was studied in the Boso Peninsula, where the deer population density exhibits a clear geographical gradient. We examined species richness and cover of ground-layer vegetation at several cedar plantations and hardwood forests in the Boso Peninsula. We also examined whether deer impacts were altered by light condition, soil water content and forest type (cedar and hardwood). Species richness of ground-layer vegetation was maximized at an intermediate level of deer density, suggesting an intermediate disturbance effect. This phenomenon was compatible with the observation that evergreen species, which were competitive dominants, decreased with increasing deer density, whereas less competitive deciduous species increased until herbivory was intermediate. As deer density increased, cover of ground-layer vegetation gradually decreased, but species unpalatable to deer increased in abundance, suggesting indirect positive effects of deer for unpalatable species. Cedar plantations tended to have greater species richness and ground-layer cover than hardwood forests with similar deer levels. Canopy openness, an indicator of light conditions, increased species richness of hardwood forests and ground-layer cover of cedar plantations, even under deer herbivory. Topographic wetness index, an indicator of soil water content, significantly increased the ground-layer cover of cedar plantations under deer herbivory. These results emphasize the importance of environmental productivity and forest type in the management of ground-layer vegetation experiencing deer overabundance.  相似文献   

浙江西天目山主要森林类型的苔藓多样性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
苔藓是森林的重要组分, 是森林保护区的重要保护对象, 在物种资源和生态系统功能维护中有重要作用。该研究以浙江西天目山国家自然保护区内7种主要森林类型(落叶矮林、落叶阔叶林、常绿-落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林和竹林)内的苔藓植物为对象, 调查了32个10 m × 10 m的样地, 记录地面生苔藓植物盖度和树附生苔藓植物多度, 采用重要值、相似性系数、多样性指数分析了森林类型间的苔藓植物多样性差异。共采集969份标本, 隶属41科84属142种, 其中苔类植物13科18属33种, 藓类植物28科66属109种, 优势科为灰藓科、青藓科和羽藓科。2种混交林(常绿-落叶阔叶混交林和针阔混交林)的物种丰富度和多样性指数均高于其余5种森林, 其中物种丰富度以针阔混交林最高, 苔藓植物多样性则以常绿-落叶阔叶混交林最高, 竹林两者均为最低。海拔等环境因子较为接近的植被类型的苔藓植物多样性相似性较高, 常绿阔叶林与针叶林相似性最高, 而落叶矮林和竹林相似性最小。  相似文献   

古田山不同干扰程度森林的群落恢复动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林采伐后次生林的恢复过程对于生物多样性的保护和生态系统功能的重建具有重要意义。作者以古田山不同干扰程度的12个1 ha 森林样地为研究对象, 运用群落多元统计方法, 探讨了自然恢复过程中森林群落组成及物种多样性的动态变化及趋势。结果表明: 不同恢复阶段森林样地的群落组成存在显著性差异, 而同一恢复阶段的样地具有高度的相似性。物种丰富度随恢复进程有增加的趋势, 但各阶段差异并不显著; 物种均匀度除人工林较低以外, 其他恢复阶段之间无显著性差异。不同恢复阶段研究样地的群落组成及物种多样性的差异主要存在于林冠层。灌木及更新层具有各自的指示种, 人工林的指示种为落叶灌木或阳性乔木, 幼龄次生林的指示种为常绿灌木或小乔木, 老次生林的指示种为亚乔木层常绿树种, 老龄林的指示种为林冠层树种。上述结果表明古田山不同人为干扰程度森林群落的物种多样性具有较强的自我恢复能力。尽管物种组成难以预测, 但处于同一恢复阶段的森林, 其幼树的生活型组成呈现出一致的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Aim New protected areas should consider safeguarding high conservation value sites based on multiple criteria and not just the presence of a single endangered or charismatic species. However, the extent to which complementary criteria coincide is usually unknown. We use the case of Guaiacum sanctum (Zygopyllaceae), an endangered timber tree species, to explore whether the protection of forests where this species is most abundant would meet other complementary conservation goals, such as capturing regional plant biodiversity, protecting other threatened/endemic species or safeguarding ecosystem services. Location Yucatan Peninsula, southern Mexico. Methods We conducted an analysis of the structure, composition and diversity of tree communities (including stems ≥5 cm dbh) at eight G. sanctum forest sites. We identified endemic and threatened tree species and quantified above‐ground tree biomass and carbon storage in these G. sanctum forests. Results Guaiacum sanctum forests contain 35–59 tree species on plots as small as 1000 m2. The species composition of tree communities changed rapidly (high β‐diversity) across soil boundaries and rainfall regimes. Twenty‐one endemic and eight threatened tree species were recorded in our inventories. Individuals of G. sanctum represented up to 55% of the above‐ground carbon for trees ≥5 cm dbh. The high basal area of G. sanctum forests plus the high wood density, abundance, large size and longevity (more than 500 years) of G. sanctum and other tree species enhance the potential importance of these forests for carbon storage. Main conclusions A conservation strategy focused on protecting important populations of G. sanctum in the Yucatan Peninsula would have significant co‐benefits for conservation of regional tree species biodiversity and provision of critical ecosystem services. Our study illustrates a multiple criteria approach useful for the selection of areas with high conservation value on the basis of endemic, threatened species, species richness and ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Agricultural expansion and intensification are major threats to global biodiversity, ecological functions, and ecosystem services. The rapid expansion of oil palm in forested tropical landscapes is of particular concern given their high biodiversity. Identifying management approaches that maintain native species and associated ecological processes within oil palm plantations is therefore a priority. Riparian reserves are strips of forest retained alongside rivers in cultivated areas, primarily for their positive hydrological impact. However, they can also support a range of forest‐dependent species or ecosystem services. We surveyed communities of dung beetles and measured dung removal activity in an oil palm‐dominated landscape in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The species richness, diversity, and functional group richness of dung beetles in riparian reserves were significantly higher than in oil palm, but lower than in adjacent logged forests. The community composition of the riparian reserves was more similar to logged forest than oil palm. Despite the pronounced differences in biodiversity, we did not find significant differences in dung removal rates among land uses. We also found no evidence that riparian reserves enhance dung removal rates within surrounding oil palm. These results contrast previous studies showing positive relationships between dung beetle species richness and dung removal in tropical forests. We found weak but significant positive relationships between riparian reserve width and dung beetle diversity, and between reserve vegetation complexity and dung beetle abundance, suggesting that these features may increase the conservation value of riparian reserves. Synthesis and applications: The similarity between riparian reserves and logged forest demonstrates that retaining riparian reserves increases biodiversity within oil palm landscapes. However, the lack of correlation between dung beetle community characteristics and dung removal highlights the need for further research into spatial variation in biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships and how the results of such studies are affected by methodological choices.  相似文献   

Temperate deciduous forests in Monsoon Asia are classified into three forest types which differ in floristic composition, dynamics and disturbance regime. The cool temperate mixed deciduous broadleaf/conifer forest, dominated by Quercus spp. (mainly Q. mongolica or Q. crispula) and conifers, is distributed in northern parts of the temperate zone. The cool temperate deciduous forest, dominated by Fagus crenata, is distributed in Honshu, Japan under a humid climate through the year. The warm temperate deciduous forest dominated by Quercus spp. (mainly Q. acutissima or Q. serrata) occurs in the continental areas, the Korean Peninsula, and the Pacific Ocean side of Japan. The species diversity of cool temperate deciduous forest was lower than the other two types because of the intensive dominance of Fagus crenata. The disturbance regimes also varies among the three types; small scale treefall gaps are prevailing in the cool temperate deciduous forest, while larger scaled disturbances are important in the other two forest types. Fire seems to be important in the warm temperate deciduous forest, and both fire and large scale blowdowm seems important in the cool temperate mixed broadleaf/conifer forest. These differences in forest composition and disturbance regimes associated with climatic conditions and ancient human impacts have a close analogy with the Northeastern Hardwood forests in North America.  相似文献   

The introduced tree species Spathodea campanulata (Bignoniaceae) forms novel forests in Puerto Rico, these having emerged after the abandonment of fields in the mid‐20th century and resulting in forests with a new species composition. We assessed bryophyte species richness in these novel forests and sought correlations with geological substrate, past land use, forest edge and patch area, forest structure, elevation, microhabitat diversity, tree species richness, and microclimatic conditions. Transects were established (edge and forest interior) in nine moist forest patches dominated by Spathodea in north‐central Puerto Rico. These Spathodea forest patches ranged from 0.6 to 9 ha. ANOVA, Chi‐square, correlation, and cluster analyses were used in data analyses. We found 57 bryophyte species. There was a significant difference in bryophyte richness among patches. Those on karst exhibited highest bryophyte richness due to microhabitat diversity, past land use, and shorter hydroperiods. Alluvial sites scored lowest in bryophyte species richness, and forest structure was important for bryophyte communities on these sites. Significant differences in temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity were observed between edge and forest interior. These appeared important for establishing bryophyte species cover but not richness and composition. Microhabitat diversity, patch area, and forest age were more related to bryophyte species richness than elevation, exposed edge, and tree species richness, regardless of geologic substrate. Collectively, Spathodea patches were similar to mature forests on the Island with respect to bryophyte species richness and composition. Novel Spathodea forests have conservation value due to their habitat suitability for bryophyte communities.  相似文献   

We examined the impacts of land-use history on the species composition and diversity of a warm-temperate riparian forest landscape in Kyushu, southern Japan, focusing on the relationship between evergreen oaks and deciduous trees in natural and seminatural forests. The species composition of 59 plots was classified into four types (A to D). Type A, which showed a significant bias towards sites not subject to nonforest land use since 1947, had high species diversity consisting of (1) many lucidophyllous components of the region, including the rare indigenous oak Quercus hondae, and (2) summergreen tree species of varying dominance and number representing unique or locally rare elements of the riparian landscape in this warm-temperate region. Type B was dominated by a common species of oak, Q. glauca, and displayed less clear distribution bias with land-use history. In contrast to types A and B, types C and D, which were characterized by high dominance of deciduous trees, had negative bias away from sites that had been under forest land use in 1947. Presumably, intensive anthropogenic disturbances associated with nonforest land uses had expanded the habitats for deciduous trees. This phenomenon was represented by the establishment of forests (type D) dominated by Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (UDJ) after it had been released from the suppression of evergreen forest trees during a period of nonforest land use that prevents the successful recovery of evergreen trees. From these results we conclude that the impacts of land-use history on the diversity of warm-temperate riparian forest landscape are multiphased: a period of nonforest land use has a strong negative impact on lucidophyllous forest trees represented by the rare indigenous oak Q. hondae; release from the suppressive effects of the lucidophyllous species then encourages establishment of locally rare deciduous tree flora represented by UDJ, which continue to persist for decades after abandonment of nonforest land use.  相似文献   

Questions: How is seedling regeneration of woody species of semi‐deciduous rain forests affected by (a) historical management for combinations of logging, arboricide treatment or no treatment, (b) forest community type and (c) environmental gradients of topography, light and soil nutrients? Location: Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Methods: Seedling regeneration patterns of trees and shrubs in relation to environmental factors and historical management types were studied using 32 0.5‐ha plots laid out in transects along a topographic gradient. We compared seedling species diversity, composition and distribution patterns along topographic gradients and within types of historical management regimes and forest communities to test whether environmental factors contributed to differences in species composition of seedlings. Results: A total of 85 624 woody seedlings representing 237 species and 46 families were recorded in this rain forest. Cynometra alexandri C.H. Wright and Lasiodiscus mildbraedii Engl. had high seedling densities and were widely distributed throughout the plots. The most species‐rich families were Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Rutaceae. Only total seedling density was significantly different between sites with different historical management, with densities highest in logged, intermediate in logged/arboricided and lowest in the nature reserve. Forest communities differed significantly in terms of seedling diversity and density. Seedling composition differed significantly between transects and forest communities, but not between topographic positions or historical management types. Both Chao‐Jaccard and Chao‐Sørensen abundance‐based similarity estimators were relatively high in the plot, forest community and in terms of historical management levels, corroborating the lack of significant differences in species richness within these groups. The measured environmental variables explained 59.4% of variance in seedling species distributions, with the three most important being soil organic matter, total soil titanium and leaf area index (LAI). Total seedling density was positively correlated with LAI. Differences in diversity of >2.0 cm dbh plants (juveniles and adults) also explained variations in seedling species diversity. Conclusions: The seedling bank is the major route for regeneration in this semi‐deciduous tropical rain forest, with the wide distribution of many species suggesting that these species regenerate continuously. Seedling diversity, density and distribution are largely a function of adult diversity, historical management type and environmental gradients in factors such as soil nutrient content and LAI. The species richness of seedlings was higher in soils both rich in titanium and with low exchangeable cations, as well as in logged areas that were more open and had a low LAI.  相似文献   

To quantify and assess the processes underlying community assembly and driving tree species abundance distributions(SADs) with spatial scale variation in two typical subtropical secondary forests in Dashanchong state‐owned forest farm, two 1‐ha permanent study plots (100‐m × 100‐m) were established. We selected four diversity indices including species richness, Shannon–Wiener, Simpson and Pielou, and relative importance values to quantify community assembly and biodiversity. Empirical cumulative distribution and species accumulation curves were utilized to describe the SADs of two forests communities trees. Three types of models, including statistic model (lognormal and logseries model), niche model (broken‐stick, niche preemption, and Zipf‐Mandelbrodt model), and neutral theory model, were estimated by the fitted SADs. Simulation effects were tested by Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Results found that the Fagaceae and Anacardiaceae families were their respective dominance family in the evergreen broad‐leaved and deciduous mixed communities. According to original data and random sampling predictions, the SADs were hump‐shaped for intermediate abundance classes, peaking between 8 and 32 in the evergreen broad‐leaved community, but this maximum increased with size of total sampled area size in the deciduous mixed community. All niche models could only explain SADs patterns at smaller spatial scales. However, both the neutral theory and purely statistical models were suitable for explaining the SADs for secondary forest communities when the sampling plot exceeded 40 m. The results showed the SADs indicated a clear directional trend toward convergence and similar predominating ecological processes in two typical subtropical secondary forests. The neutral process gradually replaced the niche process in importance and become the main mechanism for determining SADs of forest trees as the sampling scale expanded. Thus, we can preliminarily conclude that neutral processes had a major effect on biodiversity patterns in these two subtropical secondary forests but exclude possible contributions of other processes.  相似文献   

The biodiversity inhabiting tropical peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia is currently threatened by commercial logging and agricultural expansion. The occurrence of mammals in such forests is often poorly known and the factors influencing their occurrence in these ecosystems have rarely been quantified. We aim to determine the key habitat and landscape drivers of mammal species richness in fragmented peat swamp reserves. We conducted camera trap surveys in the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (NSPSF), the last remaining area of peat swamp forest on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. We also measured vegetation structure and landscape metrics to investigate the relationship between these factors and mammal richness. We recorded a total of 16 mammal species from 45 sampling sites using camera traps located in peat swamp forest reserves. Mammal species richness increased with the abundance of large trees and distance away from roads. Species richness decreased significantly with canopy cover and height, the abundance of fallen trees, the abundance of forest palms and saplings, distance away from rivers, and a measure of landscape compositional heterogeneity. Our findings underscore the high conservation value of logged peat swamp forests and the urgent need to halt further deforestation. We recommend: (1) protecting riparian habitat; (2) avoiding further forest conversion particularly areas supporting large trees into oil palm plantations; and (3) limiting road development within and around the NSPSF.  相似文献   

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