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目的通过研究健康老年机体上呼吸道微生态菌群构成,了解老龄人群上呼吸道优势菌群种类及数量,为从微生态学角度预防呼吸道感染的发生提供参考。方法自沈阳市选取年龄为65~70岁健康老人为研究对象,无菌咽拭法采集咽后壁粘膜表面标本,对菌群进行定量分析、定性鉴定。结果老年人群咽后壁需氧菌群与厌氧菌群数量之比为2.65∶1,检出率较高的需氧菌及厌氧菌包括唾液链球菌、口腔链球菌、缓症链球菌、微黄奈瑟菌、灰色奈瑟菌、麻疹孪生球菌等,检出率较高的菌构成比也较高。结论健康老年人群中检出率和构成比都较高的需氧菌和厌氧菌共同构成老年人上呼吸道口咽部优势菌群,在维持呼吸系统微生态平衡中起重要作用,可作为上呼吸道微生态学研究的重要指标菌。  相似文献   

目的探讨在沈阳市夏、冬两季不同空气污染程度条件下,慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性发作期患者上呼吸道菌群的改变,了解明确暴露于不同大气污染天气下,患者口咽部、呼吸道黏膜微生物菌群的动态变化,为由大气污染引起的呼吸道感染防治提供科学依据。方法选取2017年11月-2018年1月,以及2018年7月-9月沈阳市某三甲医院呼吸科COPD急性发作期各30例患者的咽拭标本,对需养菌和厌氧菌进行分离培养、纯化、16SrDNA鉴定。结果分析沈阳市两季节COPD急性发作期65~85岁患者的咽后壁菌落,得到夏季大气污染情况较轻空气中颗粒物质较少时,需氧菌的优势菌以口腔链球菌为主,厌氧菌以微小消化链球菌为主;空气污染较重的冬季需氧菌的优势菌以灰色奈瑟菌为主,厌氧菌以韦荣球菌为主。结论相比于夏季,冬季患者咽后壁的菌群多样性更为丰富,优势菌与夏季也有不同,考虑与季节不同空气污染程度不同有关。  相似文献   

反复呼吸道感染患者的微生态学分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
冬季是呼吸道反复感染的多发季节。我们对反复发生呼吸道感染病人口咽粘膜菌群的定植进行了分析。结果表明,正常组需氧菌群密度为4.1135±0.0884,厌氧菌群密度为4.4101±0.35861;患者需氧菌群密度为4.5290±0.0086,厌氧菌群密度为4.8718±0.3424。反复呼吸道感染患者需氧菌和厌氧菌的含量均不于正常对照组(P<0.05)。18例病人分离出两种以上需氧菌,奈瑟氏菌和肺炎链球菌检出率较高,分别为38.7%和22.6%;厌氧菌以韦荣氏球菌和消化链球菌为多见,检出率分别为32.2%和58.1%。有7例病人分离出白色念珠菌。4例病人分离出绿脓杆菌,明显表现出微生态失调。药敏结果表明,不同菌株对抗生素均有一定的耐药性存在。  相似文献   

老慢气患者下呼吸道微生态学的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为深入探讨老慢气的发病机理,运用微生态学原理对32例老慢气患者下呼吸道以纤难支气管和环甲膜穿刺的方法采取气和必物标本,以进一步探讨老慢患者与菌群失调的关系。结果表明,老慢气患者下呼吸道需氧菌主要为肺炎链球菌、奈瑟菌、甲型链球菌。肺炎链球菌和奈瑟菌的检出率分别为50%和43.75%。厌氧菌主要为消化链球菌、韦荣菌、优杆菌、丙酸力。消化链球菌检出率为87.5%、韦荣菌为34.38%。药敏实验表明,肺炎  相似文献   

目的研究人体胃内菌群,探讨老年与非老年人胃内菌群的差异。方法选择67例无严重胃肠道疾病的患者为研究对象。其中男性50例、女性17例。年龄≥60岁53例,〈60岁14例。胃镜下取胃组织及胃液,测胃液pH,并做胃组织需氧、厌氧细菌培养及真菌培养,计数胃组织细菌培养数量。16SrRNA法鉴定胃组织细菌种类。真菌的鉴定按微生物科常规菌种方法鉴定。结果老年人中胃内需氧细菌培养阳性为23例(48.93%),12例(25.53%)胃内需氧菌培养〉1×10^5CFU/g;厌氧细菌培养阳性为22例(46.81%),12例(25.53%)胃内厌氧菌培养〉1×10^5CFU/g。非老年人中需氧细菌培养阳性为4例(28.57%),1例(7.14%)胃内需氧菌培养〉1×10^5CFU/g;厌氧细菌培养阳性为4例(28.57%),1例(7.14%)胃内厌氧菌培养〉1×10^5CFU/g。但老年人与非老年人比较,细菌培养阳性率及细菌培养〉1×10^5CFU/g的比率差异无显著性。仅1例老年人胃组织分离出真菌,为白色念珠菌。胃内共分离出细菌69株,其中革兰阳性球菌31株(44.93%),革兰阳性杆菌12株(17.39%),革兰阴性球菌11株(15.94%),革兰阴性杆菌15株(21.74%)。需氧菌13株(18.84%),需氧兼性厌氧菌54株(78.26%),专性厌氧菌2株(2.90%)。老年人胃内常见的细菌是:链球菌、大肠埃希菌、奈瑟菌;非老年人胃内常见的细菌是:链球菌和大肠埃希菌。多为口咽部和胃肠道常见菌群,部分为条件致病菌。结论约46%~48%的老年人胃内细菌培养阳性,约25%的老年人有胃内细菌过度生长(〉1×10^5CFU/g)。约28%的非老年人胃内细菌培养阳性,约7%的非老年人有胃内细菌过度生长。老年人胃内菌群分布与非老年人相似,为口咽部和胃肠道常见菌群,部分为条件致病菌。  相似文献   

本文报告10例食管癌、12例胃癌贲门癌、10例大肠癌患者和12例正常人的粪菌群检查结果。这些粪菌群包括厌氧菌中的双歧杆菌属、拟杆菌属和梭菌属、兼性厌氧菌中的乳酸杆菌属,需氧菌中的大肠杆菌属和肠球菌。用每克粪便中菌落形成单位(CFU/克粪)的对数值来表示细菌的数量。结果发现:癌症患者粪便菌群中,双歧杆菌的数量在食  相似文献   

小鼠肠道菌群失衡模型建立   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的利用抗生素干扰小鼠肠道菌群建立轻重程度的菌群失衡小鼠模型。方法选用不同浓度的头孢曲松钠,行小鼠灌胃,取盲肠内容物连续观察培养优势菌群变化。结果优势菌群失衡组小鼠与对照比较,盲肠体积增大,盲肠指数升高。头孢曲松钠8g/(kg·d)剂量连续灌胃8d,造成重度失衡模型,小鼠肠道只能检出肠杆菌属、链球菌属,且数量被抑制在103CFU/g以下。头孢曲松钠5g/(kg·d)剂量连续灌胃8d,造成轻度失衡模型,小鼠肠道双歧杆菌属、链球菌属和韦荣球菌属数量降至105左右,类杆菌属降至104左右。消化球菌属降至103左右,而其他菌属如乳酸杆菌属、肠球菌属和肠肝菌属等数量显著降低。结论亚致死剂量头孢曲松钠灌胃可以建立肠道菌群重度失衡模型。  相似文献   

老慢气病人呼吸道微生态的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们对36例老慢气住院患者的口咽部进行了微生态学研究。结果表明,老慢气患者口咽部需氧菌和厌氧菌的含量均高于正常对照组,其需氧叶生细菌主要为葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌、奈瑟氏菌、肠杆菌、粪链球茵等;厌氧性细菌主要为类杆菌、消化球菌、优杆菌等。细菌群密度需氧菌为7.0241±0.6021,厌氧菌为7.0340±0.4631,需氧菌与厌氧菌之比为1:1011。一些非正常菌种类多,检出率高,明显表现出微生态失调。药敏研究结果表明,耐药性菌株较多,提示合理使用抗生素不可忽视。  相似文献   

目的 探讨遗传性非息肉性结直肠癌(Lynch综合征)患者肠道菌群特点及其与糖脂代谢指标的相关性。方法 选取2011年9月至2021年9月我院收治的42例Lynch综合征患者作为Lynch组,并选取42例同期健康体检人群作为对照组。比较两组对象粪便菌群的丰度和多样性,应用Pearson相关性检验分析不同菌属拷贝数与糖脂代谢指标水平的相关性。结果 Lynch组患者肠道菌群Chao1指数、Ace指数、Shannon指数均高于对照组,Simpson指数低于对照组(均P<0.05)。Lynch组患者HbA1c、TC、TG、LDL-C、FPG、apo-B水平均高于对照组,HDL-C和apo-A1水平低于对照组(均P<0.05)。Lynch组患者粪便中以变形菌门、肠球菌属、埃希菌属、消化链球菌属、韦荣球菌属、不动杆菌属为主要优势菌。Lynch组患者TG水平与乳杆菌属拷贝数呈负相关,与埃希菌属和韦荣球菌属拷贝数呈正相关(均P<0.05);HDL-C水平与乳杆菌属和布劳特菌属拷贝数呈正相关,与埃希菌属、韦荣球菌属、消化链球菌属拷贝数呈负相关(均P<0.05);FPG水平与乳杆菌属...  相似文献   

本文对昆明地区6~12岁60名健康少年鼻咽部的需氧及兼性厌氧菌进行分离培养,共分离到7个菌属12种细菌,其中的奈瑟氏菌、链球菌及葡萄球菌在健康少年鼻咽部为优势菌群。  相似文献   

目的通过采集健康人群口咽部分泌物,分析上呼吸道中α-溶血性链球菌的分布状况,并对革兰阳性化脓性球菌进行生物拮抗试验,为进一步研究上呼吸道益生菌提供理论基础。方法随机自愿原则,用无菌咽拭子采集沈阳市年龄在3~75岁的300名健康人群咽后壁分泌物,对α-溶血性链球菌进行鉴定和定量分析。对致病菌的生物拮抗试验采用小缸杯法。结果定量分析显示不同年龄人群咽后壁的α-溶血性链球菌检出率均较高。在咽后壁菌群中α-溶血性链球菌构成比最多的是幼儿组,达到60.3%。其中唾液链球菌群在幼儿组所占比重最大;老年组人群格氏链球菌占比较大;儿童、青年、成人以缓症链球菌和口腔链球菌为主。对革兰阳性化脓性球菌的生物拮抗试验显示,1株婴儿链球菌婴儿亚种能够拮抗8株致病菌;4株分离菌只能拮抗1株病原菌,提示不同的菌株拮抗病原菌的能力差异较大。结论α-溶血性链球菌在人群中分布广,数量多,不同年龄人群的菌群构成存在差异。并且某些菌株显示出对致病菌较强的生物拮抗作用,推测这些菌株在呼吸道黏膜保护中起到重要作用,可作为上呼吸道益生菌的备选菌株。  相似文献   

In this study a participation of anaerobic bacteria in respiratory tract diseases is presented. Bronchial washings collected by ++fibrobronchoscope constituted material for the study. Immediately after collection the material was plated onto two media for aerobic bacteria (hemomedium) and anaerobic bacteria (anaeromedium). Then, the samples were centrifuged and a sediment was plated on solid media suitable for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Bacterial anaerobic isolates were identified by using API 20E and their sensitivity to antibiotics was tested. From the material described above the most frequently isolated anaerobic bacteria were such as: Streptococcus intermedius, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Veilonella sp. Among aerobic bacteria the most frequently isolated were Gram-negative rods, Streptococcus faecalis, Branhamella catarrhalis. It is worth to underline that in about 25% of cases anaerobic bacteria were the only isolates.  相似文献   

Culture-independent, biomarker-targeted bacterial enumeration and identification strategies were employed to estimate total bacterial burden and diversity within the cabin air of commercial airliners. Samples from each of 4 flights on 2 commercial carriers were collected via air-impingement. The total viable microbial population ranged from below detection limits to 4.1 x 10(6) cells/m(3) of air, as assessed by the ATP assay. A gradual accumulation of microbes was observed from the time of passenger boarding through mid-flight, followed by a sharp decline in bacterial abundance and viability from the initiation of descent through landing. Representatives of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria, as well as Gram-positive bacteria, were isolated in varying abundance. Neisseria meningitidis rRNA gene sequences were retrieved in great abundance from Airline A followed by Streptococcus oralis/mitis sequences. Pseudomonas synxantha sequences dominated Airline B clone libraries, followed by those of N. meningitidis and S. oralis/mitis. The cabin air samples examined herein housed low bacterial diversity and were often dominated by a particular subset of bacteria: opportunistic pathogenic inhabitants of the human respiratory tract and oral cavity.  相似文献   

目的探究吸烟对人体内的呼吸道微生态的影响。方法采用细菌鉴定及药敏分析系统鉴定健康吸烟者与非吸烟者,患下呼吸道感染吸烟与非吸烟者咽后壁分泌物的细菌密度、细菌数量及种类的改变。结果在健康吸烟者与患有下呼吸道感染患者的呼吸道中,厌氧菌明显升高,其中以韦荣菌和消化链球菌为主。结论吸烟可使人体的呼吸道微生态中细菌密度,细菌数量及种类的改变,易患呼吸系统疾病。  相似文献   

Both prereduced molten agar and broth and aerobic molten agar and broth were inoculated with blood samples collected from patients with periodontitis, but in otherwise good health, both before and after extraction of two or more teeth. Postoperative blood samples from 23 of 25 patients sampled yielded anaerobic and facultative species. Colony counts from nine samples yielded from less than 1 to over 100 colonies per ml of blood. Organisms detected were species belonging to the genera Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Leptotrichia, Propionibacterium, Peptococcus, Veillonella, plus Streptococcus mitis, S. salivarius, vibrio forms, and strains resembling S. mutans. The data indicate that prereduced anaerobically sterilized culture medium with polyanethol sulfonate is effective for detecting anaerobic species in bacteremia and that anaerobic species can be prevalent in bacteremias immediately after tooth extraction in patients with periodontitis.  相似文献   

The initial microbial colonization of tooth surfaces is a repeatable and selective process, with certain bacterial species predominating in the nascent biofilm. Characterization of the initial microflora is the first step in understanding interactions among community members that shape ensuing biofilm development. Using molecular methods and a retrievable enamel chip model, we characterized the microbial diversity of early dental biofilms in three subjects. A total of 531 16S rRNA gene sequences were analyzed, and 97 distinct phylotypes were identified. Microbial community composition was shown to be statistically different among subjects. In all subjects, however, 4-h and 8-h communities were dominated by Streptococcus spp. belonging to the Streptococcus oralis/Streptococcus mitis group. Other frequently observed genera (comprising at least 5% of clone sequences in at least one of the six clone libraries) were Actinomyces, Gemella, Granulicatella, Neisseria, Prevotella, Rothia, and Veillonella. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) confirmed that the proportion of Streptococcus sp. sequences in the clone libraries coincided with the proportion of streptococcus probe-positive organisms on the chip. FISH also revealed that, in the undisturbed plaque, not only Streptococcus spp. but also the rarer Prevotella spp. were usually seen in small multigeneric clusters of cells. This study shows that the initial dental plaque community of each subject is unique in terms of diversity and composition. Repetitive and distinctive community composition within subjects suggests that the spatiotemporal interactions and ecological shifts that accompany biofilm maturation also occur in a subject-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The assessment of influence of silver-free, fluor releasing dental materials on dental plaque bacteria quantity. 17 patients were included into the study. 51 restorations were placed following manufacturers recommendations. Following materials were used: conventional glassionomer Ketac-Molar ESPE, resin modified glassionomer Fuji II LC GC and fluor containing composite Charisma Heraeus Kulzer Class V restorations were placed in following teeth of upper and lower jaw: canines, first bicuspids, second bicuspids. Sound enamel was a control. After 10 weeks the 72 hours old dental plaque was collected from surface of restorations and control using sterile probe. Total amount of 68 dental plaques were investigated. Each plaque was placed on scaled and sterile aluminum foil. The moist weight of dental plaque was scaled. Dental plaque was moved into 7 ml 0.85% NaCl solution reduced by cystein chlorine hydrogen and disintegrated by ultrasounds (power:100 Watt, wave amplitude: 5 micorm). The suspension of dental plaque was serially diluted from 10(-4) to 10(-5) in sterile 0,85% NaCl solution, and seeded with amount of 0.1 ml on appropriate base. In dental plaque trials the amount of cariogenic bacteria was calculated--Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Veillonella and Neisseria, and also total amount of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria was measured. Microbiologic studies were performed in Institute of Microbiology, Medical University, ?ód?. Statistical analysis of collected data was accomplished. In 72 hours old dental plaques collected from the surfaces of Ketac -Molar, Fuji II LC, Charisma after 10 weeks since being placed into the class V cavity, results show no statistically significant differences in the amount of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Veillonella spp., Neisseria spp, in total amount of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and in the quantity proportion of Streptococcus mutans versus Streptococcus spp. in comparison with control trail. Results show no statistically significant differences in the amount of listed above bacteria and in the proportion of Streptococcus mutans versus Streptococcus spp. in 72 hours old dental plaques collected from surfaces of investigated restorative materials.  相似文献   

S ummary . A medium suitable for isolating some groups of Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria from the pig alimentary tract is described. Colony counts were made of Gram-negative anaerobes in the gut of pigs varying in age from 1 day to 6 months. The genera Bacteroides, Veillonella, Sphaerophorus and Peptostreptococcus were recognized on the basis of morphology. The Bacteroides spp. were of two morphological types: a coccobacillus, present only in pigs up to 18 days of age and a bacillus, present in all the pigs with the exception of those between the ages of 43 and 67 days. Veillonellae were absent from the gut of pigs up to 11 days of age and thereafter were usually the predominant anaerobic flora. Sphaerophorus spp. were not isolated until the pigs reached 43 days of age. Peptostreptococci were isolated only occasionally.  相似文献   

The study group were persons with risk factors of colonization by pathogenic strains and included smokers, patients suffering from paradontosis, and patients with visibly neglected oral cavity and teeth. We isolated and classified to the species or genera 488 microorganisms. Of posterior pharyngeal wall flora, 61% of were Gram-negative bacteria, represented predominantly by Haemophilus and anaerobic rods and aerobic cocci belonging to the Neisseria and Moraxella (Branhamella) genera. In the group of Gram-positive cocci (34% of the total number of microorganisms), oral streptococci, Stomatococcus mucilaginosus and Streptococcus pneumoniae were isolated most frequently. The affected by neoplastic lesions larynx, was colonized by similar bacterial groups. However, the incidence of Gram-positive cocci was higher. The main etiologic factor of purulent post-operative wound inflammations were methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (MRSA), which had been absent among the bacteria isolated from patients on admission.  相似文献   

Bacteriological study of the biopsies taken from gastric and duodenal mucosa of 10 healthy volunteers and 74 patients with duodenal ulcer, was carried out. In the gastroduodenal zone of healthy subjects microorganisms of 6 genera (Streptococcus, Candida, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Helicobacter and Lactobacillus) were detected. H. pylori was isolated in 20% of cases only in biopsy specimens taken from the antral section of the stomach of healthy as monoculture or in combination with C. albicans. In patients with duodenal ulcer activation of opportunistic microflora was observed in the periulcerous zone. More often H. pylori occurred in associations with fungi of the genus Candida, streptococci, staphylococci, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas and other microorganisms (of more than 30 genera). Quantitatively the dominating microorganisms (3.8-5.7 lg CFU/g) were H. pylori, fungi of the genus Candida, bacteria of the genera Streptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroides, Gemella, Prevotella, Veillonella, Peptococcus, Bacillus, different species of opportunistic enterobacteria, as well as bacteria of the genera Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Corynebacterium, Neisseria, Pseudomonas, etc. Opportunistic bacteria detected in the ulcerous zone, as a rule, expressed hemolytic, lecithinase, RNAase, caseinolytic, catalase and urease activity. Sonicated filtrates of such cultures produced a cytotoxic effect on cells HEp-2. Ulcer is an infected wound that needs sanitation.  相似文献   

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