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人类肠道中含有的多种微生物,称为肠道菌群,它们对宿主的健康起着至关重要的作用。肠道菌群的组成包括细菌、病毒和真核生物,已经被证明与宿主健康有密切的联系,尤其是其中的益生菌。益生菌通过多种途径发挥作用,包括与宿主微生物的相互作用、抵御病原菌的定殖、改善肠道屏障功能、调节免疫功能、产生相关代谢产物,在宿主的代谢、免疫和神经系统中发挥有益作用。综述益生菌的作用机制,讨论了近年来益生菌应用临床研究实例以更好地理解其对疾病风险和健康可持续性的贡献,将为新的治疗干预和疾病预防策略提供参考。  相似文献   

人类肠道菌群与疾病关系的元基因组学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体的生理健康除受自身基因的调控外,还受到肠道菌群的影响。人体肠道内的细菌有1 000~1 150种,其中160种为优势菌种,存在不同类型的生态学相互作用。肠道细菌的300多万个基因被视为人类的"第二基因组",在正常人体健康状态下,肠道微生物种群处于平衡状态,而在宿主患病期,菌群失调或紊乱。采用元基因组学研究能在更高更复杂层次上揭示肠道菌群之间的生命运动规律。本文系统综述了元基因组学对肠道菌群与肥胖、糖尿病、炎症性肠病等疾病之间关系的研究进展。  相似文献   

宿主微生物群落对机体局部以及系统免疫的影响已逐渐引起人们的关注,目前发现局部的微生物群落能够对机体远端部位的免疫能力造成影响。肠道和呼吸道菌群稳态对机体免疫系统发育以及抗病原微生物感染至关重要,肠道和呼吸道菌群失衡与炎症性疾病、代谢性疾病以及过敏性疾病密切相关。肠道和呼吸道菌群失衡会通过"肠—肺轴"的相互作用,引起免疫系统改变与急性、慢性肺部疾病的发生。在这篇综述中,我们对肠道微生物和呼吸道微生物在肠-肺轴中发挥作用的研究进展作一总结,并对从微生物角度进行疾病治疗干预的可能性进行分析。  相似文献   

人体肠道内生存着种类繁多的微生物,它们在维持人体健康及疾病的发生发展中发挥着重要的作用,被称为人体的"第二基因库"及"隐藏的器官"。近年来,随着人类微生物组计划(HMP)及人类肠道宏基因组计划(MetaHIT)的实施,关于肠道微生态的研究逐渐走向高潮,其中肠道菌群在胆管癌的发生发展中的作用逐渐显露出来。胆管癌作为一种预后极差且发病率逐渐升高的消化系肿瘤,其与肠道菌群的关系,特别是细菌逆行性感染及肠道微生态失衡在胆管癌病情进展中的作用应引起大家的重视。本文就肠道菌群的分布情况及其在胆管癌发生发展中的影响、检测方法及研究展望作一综述。  相似文献   

“微生物”这一名词指非常小的生物,如古菌、细菌、原生生物、真菌和病毒,肠道“微生物组”表示的是肠道微生物集合体。它们实际上共享宿主的身体空间,但作为宿主健康和疾病的决定因素却几乎被忽视。作为信息的集合,微生物组包括微生物的基因组数据、结构元件、代谢物和环境条件。最近对肠道微生物组的研究表明,微生物群落在维持宿主稳态和调节宿主表型上发挥着重要作用。随着包括二代测序(next-generation sequencing, NGS)在内的新技术的出现以及微生物群落序列谱等深入测定技术出现,人们对肠道微生物组与宿主遗传背景之间的关系有了许多见解。本文通过肠道微生物组学的概述,基于全基因组关联分析技术建立肠道微生物组学与宿主遗传之间联系,并对宿主遗传学与肠道微生物组的关系及未来发展前景进行探讨。  相似文献   

肠道共生微生物与健康和疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡旭  王涛  王沥  金锋 《中国微生态学杂志》2012,24(12):1134-1139
人体是个庞大的动态的微生物群落的天然寄居场所,人体的皮肤、口腔、消化道、呼吸道和生殖道等部位都寄生着大量的微生物.这些微生物与人体互惠互利,形成共生复合体.其中,肠道共生微生物与宿主的相关性及对宿主生理和病理状态的影响已经得到了很好的阐释.肠道共生微生物的主要功能是帮助宿主代谢,使得能量和可吸收的营养物质更好的被利用,为肠道上皮细胞提供营养,增强免疫功能,帮助寄主抵抗外来微生物的入侵.肠道菌群紊乱也是一些疾病的症状或诱发原因,比如肥胖、糖尿病和肠道炎症等.深入研究人类共生微生物与健康和疾病的关系,将为一些疾病的预防和治疗提供新的手段.  相似文献   

单胃动物肠道微生物菌群与肠道免疫功能的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物胃肠道栖息着大量的微生物,这些微生物及其代谢产物在营养、免疫等方面对宿主的健康有重要的意义。近年来研究发现肠道微生物与免疫系统间存在密切的交流和互作机制,尽管肠道共生菌具有定植抑制效应,但肠道微生物也可通过其特定组分刺激免疫细胞如Tregs细胞、Th17细胞的分化,肠道菌群的紊乱可能导致细菌移位、肠道屏障功能损伤,影响机体健康。宿主免疫系统可通过分泌多种免疫效应因子如MUC、sIgA、ITF、RegIIIγ、α-防御素等调节肠道微生物的分布和组成,调节肠道菌群的稳态。本文综述了单胃动物肠道微生物菌群的组成,深入探讨了肠道微生物菌群与动物肠道免疫功能之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

张碧云  杨红玲  汪攀  孙云章 《微生物学报》2021,61(10):3046-3058
鱼类肠道中存在大量微生物,对于维持宿主健康具有重要作用。鱼类免疫系统能够监视并调控肠道微生物组成,维持肠道菌群稳态。同时,鱼类肠道共生微生物调节鱼类免疫系统,抑制病原微生物的过度增殖,保证宿主的健康。本文回顾了鱼类肠道微生物与宿主免疫系统相互作用的研究进展,重点介绍了宿主免疫系统识别肠道微生物、塑造肠道菌群以及益生菌对宿主免疫和肠道菌群的调控等,提出了理想的益生菌应该来自动物自身胃肠道,生产中应谨慎选用非宿主来源的益生菌,以期为推动鱼类肠道功能微生物开发和应用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

<正>肠道微生物菌群可以参与人体新陈代谢,与健康和各种疾病密切相关,其中细菌数量是人体细胞总数的10倍。之前研究报道称,人体肠道中大约存在1000到1150种细菌,平均每个个体内约含有160种优势菌种。这些肠道菌群与人体互利共生,并为人体产生有益的物质,保护人体健康。饮食也会导致肠道菌群的结构失衡,从而引发肥胖、肠炎和糖尿等疾病。迄今为止最具代表性、最高质量、近乎完整的人类肠道微生物参考基因集数据库。  相似文献   

肠道菌群是一个数量庞大且种类复杂的微生物群落,是人类的"第二基因组",同时又是一个被遗忘的"器官",参与调控宿主生理及病理过程.随着检测技术的不断提高,肠道菌群的研究已经成为了热点,其与各个系统疾病关系的研究也不断深入.生命早期(包括胎儿期和婴幼儿期)是婴幼儿尤其是早产儿肠道菌群定植及演替的主要阶段,具备动态变化的特征...  相似文献   

The human gut harbours a large and genetically diverse population of symbiotic microbes that both feed and protect the host. Evolutionary theory, however, predicts that such genetic diversity can destabilise mutualistic partnerships. How then can the mutualism of the human microbiota be explained? Here we develop an individual-based model of host-associated microbial communities. We first demonstrate the fundamental problem faced by a host: The presence of a genetically diverse microbiota leads to the dominance of the fastest growing microbes instead of the microbes that are most beneficial to the host. We next investigate the potential for host secretions to influence the microbiota. This reveals that the epithelium–microbiota interface acts as a selectivity amplifier: Modest amounts of moderately selective epithelial secretions cause a complete shift in the strains growing at the epithelial surface. This occurs because of the physical structure of the epithelium–microbiota interface: Epithelial secretions have effects that permeate upwards through the whole microbial community, while lumen compounds preferentially affect cells that are soon to slough off. Finally, our model predicts that while antimicrobial secretion can promote host epithelial selection, epithelial nutrient secretion will often be key to host selection. Our findings are consistent with a growing number of empirical papers that indicate an influence of host factors upon microbiota, including growth-promoting glycoconjugates. We argue that host selection is likely to be a key mechanism in the stabilisation of the mutualism between a host and its microbiota.  相似文献   

The impact of the gut microbiota on human health: an integrative view   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Clemente JC  Ursell LK  Parfrey LW  Knight R 《Cell》2012,148(6):1258-1270
The human gut harbors diverse microbes that play a fundamental role in the well-being of their host. The constituents of the microbiota--bacteria, viruses, and eukaryotes--have been shown to interact with one another and with the host immune system in ways that influence the development of disease. We review these interactions and suggest that a holistic approach to studying the microbiota that goes beyond characterization of community composition and encompasses dynamic interactions between all components of the microbiota and host tissue over time will be crucial for building predictive models for diagnosis and treatment of diseases linked to imbalances in our microbiota.  相似文献   

[Purpose]Recent studies have shown that COVID-19 is often associated with altered gut microbiota composition and reflects disease severity. Furthermore, various reports suggest that the interaction between COVID-19 and host-microbiota homeostasis is mediated through the modulation of microRNAs (miRNAs). Thus, in this review, we aim to summarize the association between human microbiota and miRNAs in COVID-19 pathogenesis.[Methods]We searched for the existing literature using the keywords such “COVID-19 or microbiota,” “microbiota or microRNA,” and “COVID-19 or probiotics” in PubMed until March 31, 2021. Subsequently, we thoroughly reviewed the articles related to microbiota and miRNAs in COVID-19 to generate a comprehensive picture depicting the association between human microbiota and microRNAs in the pathogenesis of COVID-19.[Results]There exists strong experimental evidence suggesting that the composition and diversity of human microbiota are altered in COVID-19 patients, implicating a bidirectional association between the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. In addition, SARS-CoV-2 encoded miRNAs and host cellular microRNAs modulated by human microbiota can interfere with viral replication and regulate host gene expression involved in the initiation and progression of COVID-19. These findings suggest that the manipulation of human microbiota with probiotics may play a significant role against SARS-CoV-2 infection by enhancing the host immune system and lowering the inflammatory status.[Conclusion]The human microbiota-miRNA axis can be used as a therapeutic approach for COVID-19. Hence, further studies are needed to investigate the exact molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of miRNA expression in human microbiota and how these miRNA profiles mediate viral infection through host-microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Human body harbors diverse microbes, the main components include bacteria, eukaryotes and viruses. Emerging evidences show that the human microbiota is intrinsically linked with overall health. The development of next-generation sequencing provides an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the complex microbial communities that are associated with the human body. Many factors like host genetics and environmental factors have a major impact on the composition and dynamic changes of human microbiota. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the relationship between human health and human microbiota (skin, nasal, throat, oral, vaginal and gut microbiota), then to focus on the factors modulating the composition of the microbiota and the future challenges to manipulate the microbiota for personalized health.  相似文献   


Life for meta-organisms is based on a strong relationship between gut bacteria and body cells. This review summarizes to what extent the microbiota can influence host circadian rhythms via a literature review on the topic. The results show that microbiota can influence the host’s circadian gene expression through direct interactions via immunoreceptors and microbiota-derived metabolites, especially in peripheral tissues. Noteworthy metabolites that are only attributable to the microbiota are short-chain fatty acids and unconjugated bile acids. The microbiota also serves as a mediator for the interplay between the host’s diet and circadian rhythmicity. This work furthermore displays that the microbiota is subject to diurnal variations in terms of structure and function and that the host and the host’s diet influence these fluctuations. As most of these results originate in mouse models, we hope this work stimulates further research in human derived tissue to verify these conclusions.  相似文献   

The human gut microbiota is involved in multiple health-influencing host interactions during the host’s entire life span. Microbes colonize the infant gut instantaneously after birth and subsequently the founding and interactive progress of this early gut microbiota is considered to be driven and modulated by different host- and microbe-associated forces. A rising number of studies propose that the composition of the human gut microbiota in the early stages of life impact on the human health conditions at later stages of life. This notion has powered research aimed at detailed investigations of the infant gut microbiota composition. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms supporting the gut microbiome functionality and the interaction of the early gut microbes with the human host remain largely unknown.  相似文献   

人体肠道内定植了约1014个微生物,种类有1 000多种,它们作为"人体的第十三个生理系统",直接参与了机体的各种代谢活动,与人体健康密切相关。研究显示,肠道菌群的构成和稳定受到诸多宿主和环境因素的影响,其中饮食因素起着至关重要的作用。因此,本文用膳食金字塔将食物进行分类,介绍了膳食中谷类、果蔬类、豆类、奶类、鱼肉类、油脂类和糖类对肠道菌群的调节作用,以期为相关研究的开展、相应疾病的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

The normal intestinal microflora (microbiota) represents a complex, dynamic, and diverse collection of microorganisms, which usually inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. Normally, between this flora and the human host a mutually beneficial long-term symbiotic relationship is established, where the host contributes essential nutrients necessary for the survival of the microbiota and the latter fulfils multiple roles in host nutrition and development. Several achievements have recently converged to renew interest in studying the normal gut microbiota: the development of molecular methods of studying the microbial communities, the improved understanding of host-microbe interactions in health and disease, and the potential for therapeutic manipulation of the microbiota. We present recent data concerning the molecular technologies of studying the microbiota and new findings regarding the composition of the normal flora. We underline the beneficial activities of the gut flora on the human host. We emphasize the recent findings in the alterations of the microbiota in various medical conditions (celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, colorectal cancer, allergic disorders, and especially inflammatory bowel diseases). The results of these new studies suggest that changes of the microbiota could be linked to the etiopathogenesis of these diseases. These outstanding findings could be used for further diagnostic tools and/or therapy.  相似文献   

肠道微生物群是人体内环境的重要组成部分,与宿主共进化、共代谢、共发育,并与宿主之间相互调控,影响宿主健康。近年研究显示,肠道微生物群参与了结直肠癌的发生和发展。了解肠道微生物群的特征性变化及其诱发结直肠癌的机制对于结直肠癌的防治有着重要意义。目前以肠道微生物群为靶点的干预性基础研究也取得了一些突破性的研究进展。本文主要对结直肠癌患者肠道微生物群的变化、其可能的致病机制及临床相关研究进展等进行综述。  相似文献   

The human microbiota is a complex community of commensal, symbiotic, and pathogenic microbes that play a crucial role in maintaining the homeostasis of human health. Such a homeostasis is maintained through the collective functioning of enzymatic genes responsible for the production of metabolites, enabling the interaction and signaling within microbiota as well as between microbes and the human host. Understanding microbial genes, their associated chemistries and functions would be valuable for engineering systemic metabolic pathways within the microbiota to manage human health and diseases. Given that there are many unknown gene metabolic functions and interactions, increasing efforts have been made to gain insights into the underlying functions of microbiota metabolism. This can be achieved through culture‐independent metagenomic approaches and metabolic modeling to simulate the microenvironment of human microbiota. In this article, the recent advances in metagenome mining and functional profiling for the discovery of the genetic and biochemical links in human microbiota metabolism as well as metabolic modeling for simulation and prediction of metabolic fluxes in the human microbiota are reviewed. This review provides useful insights into the understanding, reconstruction, and modulation of the human microbiota guided by the knowledge acquired from the basic understanding of the human microbiota metabolism.  相似文献   

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