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Di Y  Xia SH  Tong CQ 《生理科学进展》2006,37(3):263-265
AGS3蛋白是影响受体到G蛋白的信号转导或直接影响非受体依赖型G蛋白激活的蛋白质之一。AGS3蛋白在脑、睾丸、肝脏、肾脏、心脏、胰腺及PC-12细胞中普遍分布。它不仅具有不依赖受体的Gβγ信号转导激活物的作用,也能作为二磷酸乌苷(GDP)的解离抑制剂,并负向调节G蛋白偶联受体对G蛋白的激活。AGSl、AGS2、AGS4是AGS家族的其它几个成员,能选择性激活不同类型的G蛋白。LGN和PINS蛋白是AGS3的同系物。AGS3蛋白与信号转导的关系是目前研究的热点之一。  相似文献   

目的:研究吗啡对大鼠皮层神经元瞬时外向钾电流(IA)的影响,并在此基础上,用G蛋白信号转导激活因子3(AGS3)的抗体阻断AGS3作用,观察其对瞬时外向钾电流(IA)的影响,从而探讨AGS3蛋白在吗啡成瘾中的机制。方法:采用全细胞膜片钳技术记录IA;吗啡对神经元IA电流密度-电压曲线(I-V曲线)的影响;在全细胞构型下,观察三种不同浓度AGS3抗体对吗啡处理大鼠前额叶皮层神经元IA的影响。结果:吗啡能引起大鼠皮质神经元IA增强;当膜电位+55mV时,10-3μg/L、10-2μg/L、10-1μg/L三种不同浓度的AGS3抗体作用于吗啡处理的神经元,10-3μg/L对电流密度的抑制没有显著差异;10-2μg/L、10-1μg/L的抗体能显著抑制吗啡引起的电流密度升高,有统计学差异。结论:吗啡能引起神经元I的增强,AGS3蛋白在成瘾机体中参与了对I通道进行调节的信号转导通路。  相似文献   

Zhu M  Fan XL  Yang WL  Jiang Y  Ma L 《生理学报》2004,56(5):559-565
G蛋白耦联受体激酶5(GRK5)在G蛋白耦联受体信号转导中起重要调节作用。本文研究了单次给予成瘾性药物吗啡、海洛因和可卡因对大鼠脑内GRK5mRNA水平的调控作用,并选取吗啡为代表,观察单次或多次给予吗啡后大鼠脑内GRK5蛋白含量的变化。结果发现:(1)单次给予吗啡(10mg/kg)、海洛因(1mg/kg)或可卡因(15mg/kg)均可引起大鼠大脑顶叶皮层、颞叶皮层和海马的GRK5 mRNA水平显著上升;(2)单次或多次给予吗啡注射可以显著上调大鼠大脑皮层GRK5蛋白含量,而多次给予吗啡显著下调丘脑GRK5含量。我们的结果首次证明成瘾性药物对大脑皮层、海马等脑区的GRK5在mRNA水平和蛋白水平都有调控作用,提示GRK5可能在精神活性物质的成瘾中起作用。  相似文献   

尹旭明  黄冰  马兰  刘星 《生理学报》2013,(2):178-184
β-arrestin2是G蛋白偶联受体的负反馈调控蛋白,介导受体的脱敏,此外β-arrestin2还可以通过招募信号分子,介导G蛋白非依赖的信号传导过程。β-arrestin2广泛分布于各重要脑区,参与神经环路的信号传递。本文旨在研究β-arrestin2在可卡因诱导的小鼠奖赏行为中的作用。采用β-arrestin2基因敲除小鼠(Arrb2/),检测了β-arrestin2在不同剂量可卡因诱导的条件性位置偏爱(conditioned place preference,CPP)形成中的作用,还检测了其在可卡因诱导的自主活动性变化中的作用。结果显示,在中等剂量(20mg/kg)和高剂量(30mg/kg)可卡因诱导的CPP实验中,Arrb2/小鼠比野生型小鼠(Arrb2+/+)表现出更强的可卡因诱导的位置偏爱,而在低剂量(10mg/kg)可卡因实验中两者无显著性差异。可卡因诱导的Arrb2/小鼠的自主活动性显著低于Arrb2+/+小鼠。以上结果提示,β-arresstin2在可卡因诱导的奖赏行为中起重要作用。  相似文献   

DELLA家族蛋白与植物生长发育的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赤霉酸(GA)同细胞膜上的受体结合后,通过一系列信号分子,把信号传递到下游,以调节植物的生长发育.在已发现的植物GA信号传递分子中,有一类的N端具有高度保守的DELLA结构域,称之为DELLA家族蛋白.文中介绍了此类蛋白作为阻遏蛋白,对植物生长发育的调控作用及其行使阻遏作用的分子机制.  相似文献   

李利  陈莎  毛涛  陈福生 《微生物学通报》2013,40(8):1493-1507
丝状真菌在工业、农业、医药等领域具有重要经济价值,一些亦可导致人类及动、植物疾病,造成经济损失.G蛋白信号途径是真核生物中普遍存在的细胞跨膜信号转导途径.近年来,丝状真菌中G蛋白信号途径的研究发展很快,相关报道表明该信号途径参与感应并传递多种胞外信号刺激,对丝状真菌的生长、分化、繁殖、致病性及真菌毒素等次生代谢产物合成有重要的调控作用.本文就丝状真菌中G蛋白信号途径的基本组成及其生理功能的研究现状进行简要综述.  相似文献   

植物体中的MAPK   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
促细胞分裂剂激活性蛋白激酶(MAPK)是一类存在于各种真核生物体中的丝氨酸/苏氨酸型蛋白激酶.它被上游激活因子MAPKK磷酸化而激活,并通过将底物蛋白上的丝氨酸和苏氨酸残基磷酸化而传递信号.它与其他一些信号分子组成MAPK级联信号通路,接受外界刺激信号,将信号转入细胞内,影响特定基因的表达,它的作用受到不同因子的调节.本文介绍了植物体中的MAPK的结构特点、作用机理、生物功能以及MAPK级联信号通路的调节.  相似文献   

G蛋白对花粉管生长的调控作用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
赵彩平  张绍铃 《西北植物学报》2004,24(11):2177-2182
花粉萌发和花粉管生长是花粉与雌蕊相互作用过程中受到高度调控的发育过程,它涉及花粉与雌蕊的识别作用、细胞间及细胞内信息传递等生理反应。近年的研究表明G蛋白作为一类重要的信号分子在调控花粉管生长中起重要作用。着重介绍G蛋白对花粉管生长的调控作用以及此过程中G蛋白与其它信号组分的协同作用。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)在大脑信号传递中至关重要,而在阿尔兹海默症(AD)中,G蛋白偶联受体通过调控α-、β-及γ-分泌酶分泌、淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)生成及β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)降解,直接影响β-淀粉样蛋白在神经系统信号级联反应;另外,阿尔兹海默症中β-淀粉样蛋白的生成可以扰乱G蛋白偶联受体功能.因此,阐明G蛋白偶联受体与阿尔兹海默症发病之间的关联有助于开发以G蛋白偶联受体为靶点的阿尔兹海默症治疗药物.  相似文献   

小G蛋白一类是低分子量GTP结合蛋白,其分子量大约20~30 kDa.小G蛋白作为重要的分子开关参与了细胞许多重要生理信号途径的调控.近几年在植物中的研究、尤其是对模式植物水稻杭病分子机制的研究发现,Rho家族的小G蛋白在植物抗病信号传导途径的调控中起了关健的作用.本文对植物特有的Rho家族小G蛋白在植物免疫反应中的最...  相似文献   

AGS3 (activator of G-protein signaling 3) was isolated in a yeast-based functional screen for receptor-independent activators of heterotrimeric G-proteins. As an initial approach to define the role of AGS3 in mammalian signal processing, we defined the AGS3 subdomains involved in G-protein interaction, its selectivity for G-proteins, and its influence on the activation state of G-protein. Immunoblot analysis with AGS3 antisera indicated expression in rat brain, the neuronal-like cell lines PC12 and NG108-15, as well as the smooth muscle cell line DDT(1)-MF2. Immunofluorescence studies and confocal imaging indicated that AGS3 was predominantly cytoplasmic and enriched in microdomains of the cell. AGS3 coimmunoprecipitated with Galpha(i3) from cell and tissue lysates, indicating that a subpopulation of AGS3 and Galpha(i) exist as a complex in the cell. The coimmunoprecipitation of AGS3 and Galpha(i) was dependent upon the conformation of Galpha(i3) (GDP GTPgammaS (guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate)). The regions of AGS3 that bound Galpha(i) were localized to four amino acid repeats (G-protein regulatory motif (GPR)) in the carboxyl terminus (Pro(463)-Ser(650)), each of which were capable of binding Galpha(i). AGS3-GPR domains selectively interacted with Galpha(i) in tissue and cell lysates and with purified Galpha(i)/Galpha(t). Subsequent experiments with purified Galpha(i2) and Galpha(i3) indicated that the carboxyl-terminal region containing the four GPR motifs actually bound more than one Galpha(i) subunit at the same time. The AGS3-GPR domains effectively competed with Gbetagamma for binding to Galpha(t(GDP)) and blocked GTPgammaS binding to Galpha(i1). AGS3 and related proteins provide unexpected mechanisms for coordination of G-protein signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Activator of G protein signaling 3 (AGS3) is a guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) that contains four G protein regulatory (GPR) or GoLoco motifs in its C-terminal domain. The entire C-terminal domain (AGS3-C) as well as certain peptides corresponding to individual GPR motifs of AGS3 bound to G alpha i1 and inhibited the binding of GTP by stabilizing the GDP-bound conformation of G alpha i1. The stoichiometry, free energy, enthalpy, and dissociation constant for binding of AGS3-C to G alpha i1 were determined using isothermal titration calorimetry. AGS3-C possesses two apparent high affinity (Kd approximately 20 nm) and two apparent low affinity (Kd approximately 300 nm) binding sites for G alpha i1. Upon deletion of the C-terminal GPR motif from AGS3-C, the remaining sites were approximately equivalent with respect to their affinity (Kd approximately 400 nm) for G alpha i1. Peptides corresponding to each of the four GPR motifs of AGS3 (referred to as GPR1, GPR2, GPR3, and GPR4, respectively, going from N to C terminus) bound to G alpha i1 with Kd values in the range of 1-8 microm. Although GPR1, GPR2, and GPR4 inhibited the binding of the fluorescent GTP analog BODIPY-FL-guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate to G alpha i1, GPR3 did not. However, addition of N- and C-terminal flanking residues to the GPR3 GoLoco core increased its affinity for G alpha i1 and conferred GDI activity similar to that of AGS3-C itself. Similar increases were observed for extended GPR2 and extended GPR1 peptides. Thus, while the tertiary structure of AGS3 may affect the affinity and activity of the GPR motifs contained within its sequence, residues outside of the GPR motifs strongly potentiate their binding and GDI activity toward G alpha i1 even though the amino acid sequences of these residues are not conserved among the GPR repeats.  相似文献   

Activator of G protein signaling 3 (AGS3) activates the Gbetagamma mating pathway in yeast in a manner that is independent of heptahelical receptors. It competes with Gbetagamma subunits to bind GDP-bound Gi/o(alpha) subunits via four repeated G protein regulatory (GPR) domains in the carboxyl-terminal half of the molecule. However, little is known about the functional role of AGS3 in cellular signaling. Here the effect of AGS3 on receptor-G protein coupling was examined in an Sf9 cell membrane-based reconstitution system. A GST-AGS3-GPR fusion protein containing the four individual AGS3-GPR domains inhibits receptor coupling to Galpha subunits as effectively as native AGS3 and more effectively than GST fusion proteins containing the individual AGS3-GPR domains. While none of the GPR domains distinguished among the three G(i)alpha subunits, both individual and full-length GPR domains interacted more weakly with G(o)alpha than with G(i)alpha. Cytosolic AGS3, but not membrane-associated AGS3, can interact with G(i)alpha subunits and disrupt their receptor coupling. Immunoblotting studies reveal that cytosolic AGS3 can remove G(i)alpha subunits from the membrane and sequester G(i)alpha subunits in the cytosol. These findings suggest that AGS3 may downregulate heterotrimeric G protein signaling by interfering with receptor coupling.  相似文献   

Activator of G protein Signaling 3 (AGS3) is a receptor-independent G protein activator that has been implicated in multiple biological events such as brain development, neuroplasticity and addiction, cardiac function, Golgi structure/function, macroautophagy and metabolism. However, how AGS3 is regulated is little known. We demonstrate here that AGS3 interacts with a ubiquitin specific protease USP9x, and this interaction is at least partially mediated through the C-terminal G protein regulatory domain of AGS3. Knockdown of USP9x causes a moderate reduction in the level of AGS3. In contrast, overexpression of either USP9x or its deubiquitinating domain UCH increases the amount of AGS3, whereas expression of the mutant UCH domain that lacks deubiquitinating activity does not have the same effect. As previously observed in AGS3 knockdown cells, the localization of several marker proteins of the late Golgi compartments is disturbed in cells depleted of USP9x. Taken together, our study suggests that USP9x can modulate the level of a subpopulation of AGS3, and this modulation plays a role in regulating the structure of the late Golgi compartments. Finally, we have found that levels of AGS3 and USP9x are co-regulated in the prefrontal cortex of rats withdrawn from repeated cocaine treatment. In conjunction with the above data, this observation indicates a potential role of USP9X in the regulation of the AGS3 level during cocaine-induced neuroplasticity.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a cellular process whereby the cell sequesters and recycles cytosolic constituents in a lysosome-dependent manner. It has also been implicated in a number of disorders, including cancer and neurodegeneration. Although a previous report that AGS3 over-expression promotes macroautophagy suggests a stimulatory role of AGS3 in this process, we have found that knock-down of AGS3, unexpectedly, also induces macroautophagy, indicating an inhibitory function of endogenous AGS3 in macroautophagy. Interestingly, AGS3 phosphorylation is decreased upon induction of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent macroautophagy. Moreover, unlike wild-type AGS3, over-expression of an AGS3 mutant lacking this modification fails to enhance macroautophagic activity. These observations imply that AGS3 phosphorylation may participate in the modulation of macroautophagy.  相似文献   

In cell polarization of Drosophila neuroblasts, Inscuteable (Insc) functions via tethering Partner of Insc (Pins) to Bazooka, homologous to human cell polarity protein Par3. However, little has been known about mammalian homologues of Insc. Here we describe cloning of two distinct cDNAs from human Insc gene, which is differentially expressed from alternative first exons: one encodes 579 amino acids, whereas the other lacks the N-terminal 47 amino acids. In contrast to human homologues for Pins and Par3, human Insc exhibits a weak homology with the Drosophila counterpart. Nevertheless, human Insc proteins bind to the human Pins homologues LGN and AGS3, and also to human Par3 and its related protein Par3beta. Although LGN by itself is incapable of interacting with Par3, coexpression of human Insc leads to the interaction between LGN and Par3, indicating that human Insc plays an evolutionarily conserved role as an adaptor protein that links Pins to Par3.  相似文献   

Activator of G-protein signaling 3 (AGS3, gene name G-protein signaling modulator-1, Gpsm1), an accessory protein for G-protein signaling, has functional roles in the kidney and CNS. Here we show that AGS3 is expressed in spleen, thymus, and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells, and is up-regulated upon leukocyte activation. We explored the role of AGS3 in immune cell function by characterizing chemokine receptor signaling in leukocytes from mice lacking AGS3. No obvious differences in lymphocyte subsets were observed. Interestingly, however, AGS3-null B and T lymphocytes and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells exhibited significant chemotactic defects as well as reductions in chemokine-stimulated calcium mobilization and altered ERK and Akt activation. These studies indicate a role for AGS3 in the regulation of G-protein signaling in the immune system, providing unexpected venues for the potential development of therapeutic agents that modulate immune function by targeting these regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

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