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二倍体、四倍体和六倍体小麦产量及水分利用效率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验选用了6个不同染色体倍性的小麦进化材料(3个二倍体、2个四倍体和1个六倍体),分别在不同水肥条件下研究其根系、地上生物量、产量、蒸腾耗水量和水分利用效率等指标,旨在阐明小麦进化材料产量及水分利用效率的差异及水肥条件对这些特性的影响。试验表明:不同倍性小麦进化材料的生物量、产量和水分利用存在显著的差异,而且水肥条件对其有显著影响。在染色体倍性由2n→4n→6n的进化过程中,小麦根系及地上生物量均先增加后降低,而产量却显著增加,这与收获指数的增加有关。小麦产量的大小顺序为:T.aestivum〉T.dicoccum〉T.dicoccoides〉Ae.squarrosa〉Ae.speltoides〉T.boeoticum。水分亏缺显著降低小麦的生物量、产量和收获指数;在不同水分条件下,增加施肥量有利于这些指标的增加。但是水分亏缺下,增加施肥却降低各小麦材料的根系生物量。随小麦的进化,蒸腾耗水量显著降低,这与其生育期缩短有关;而生物量水分利用效率和产量水分利用效率却显著升高,且后者的差异要大于前者。各小麦产量水分利用效率的大小排序与产量的完全一致。水分亏缺处理显著减少各小麦进化材料的蒸腾耗水量47%~52%,而显著增加生物量水分利用效率3%~40%;但水分亏缺对产量水分利用效率的促进作用却随染色体倍性的增加而降低,甚至降低六倍体小麦T.aestivum的产量水分利用效率19%。不同水分条件下,高肥处理均有利于蒸腾耗水量、生物量水分利用效率和产量水分利用效率的增加。  相似文献   

不同小麦进化材料生育后期光合特性和产量   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
以二倍体野生一粒小麦(Triticum boeoticum)、栽培一粒小麦(T. monococcum)、节节麦(Aegilops tauschii)和黑麦(Secale cereale)、四倍体野生二粒小麦(T. dicoccoides)、栽培二粒小麦(T. dicoccum)、硬粒小麦(T. durum)、六倍体普通小麦(T. aestivum)‘扬麦9号’和‘扬麦158’及八倍体小黑麦(Triticale)为材料,采用盆栽试验研究了不同小麦进化材料生育后期旗叶光合特性的演变及产量的差异。结果表明,与六倍体普通小麦和八倍体小黑麦相比,二倍体和四倍体材料在开花前具有较高的光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、最大光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)和实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)。开花以后,二倍体和四倍体材料受非气孔因素的影响,光合能力下降较快;除黑麦外,旗叶光合速率在开花10 d后都低于普通小麦和小黑麦,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)迅速增加,Fv/FmΦPSⅡ和叶绿素含量快速下降。二倍体和四倍体材料开花前单株总叶面积和旗叶叶面积较大,花后下降迅速,功能期短;单株穗数也较多,但穗粒数、千粒重、产量和收获指数却显著低于普通小麦。因此,小麦长期进化过程中,普通小麦花后较高的光合能力及较长的光合持续期是提高千粒重,进而提高产量的重要生理基础。  相似文献   

利用温室盆栽试验研究了施N与不施N(施肥)条件下不同生育阶段水分有限亏缺对冬小麦产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明,在小麦苗期、拔节期、灌浆期进行水分亏缺胁迫处理。对其经济学产量,生物学产量,每盆有效穗数、每穗粒数、千粒重等影响达显著或极显著水平。苗期和灌浆期为水分亏缺不敏感期,拔节期为亏缺敏感期。在施底肥条件下拔节期水分亏缺使每穗粒数、千粒重显著减少,或低于对照水平。从补偿角度看,苗期是生物学产量  相似文献   

干旱与复水对小麦光合和产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
通过不同生育期变水处理,研究干旱胁迫和复水处理分别对不同基因型小麦光合和产量影响。结果表明:拔节期为亏缺敏感期,该期胁迫引起产量显著降低,相比充分供水处理普通小麦减产25.93%,同时光合速率、水分利用效率、收获指数均下降,蒸腾增强;灌浆期为复水高效期,对比胁迫处理普通小麦增产38.78%,光合增强,水分利用效率和收获指数增加,蒸腾减弱。  相似文献   

小麦花后水分亏缺和复水对同化物转运和籽粒灌浆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了阐明水分亏缺对小麦花后同化物转运和籽粒灌浆的影响及其生理机制的相关变化,以盆栽小麦旱作品种‘长旱58’为材料,自花后9 d起,设置正常供水(WW)、中度干旱胁迫后复水(MD)和重度干旱胁迫后复水 (SD)3个水分处理,比较干旱胁迫后复水处理对小麦籽粒产量、产量构成因素及水分利用效率、强弱势粒灌浆动态、旗叶光合性能、茎鞘非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)转运、籽粒形成关键酶活性变化等的影响。结果表明:(1)与WW相比,MD处理显著增加了小麦穗粒数和千粒重,进而提高籽粒产量、水分利用效率和小麦弱势粒的最大灌浆速率和平均灌浆速率,对强势粒则无显著影响,而SD处理则显著降低了穗粒数、千粒重、强弱势粒的最大灌浆速率和平均灌浆速率,但水分利用效率显著高于WW处理。(2)MD处理植株旗叶在小麦灌浆过程中维持了与WW基本相同的净光合速率,同时在小麦花后9~20 d时MD处理下气孔导度和蒸腾速率变化不明显,而在SD处理下气孔导度和蒸腾速率则急剧下降;另外,与WW相比,在整个灌浆期MD处理下旗叶叶绿素含量变化不显著,而SD处理下叶绿素含量呈大幅下降趋势。(3)MD处理提高了小麦弱势粒蔗糖合成酶和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性;同时使灌浆中后期有较高的果聚糖水解酶(FEH)活性和较低果聚糖含量,显著增强了茎鞘同化物质转运,提高茎鞘储藏物质对粒重的贡献率。研究发现,中度水分胁迫后复水处理小麦植株具有较好的叶片性能、花后较多的茎鞘同化物向籽粒转运以及较高的弱势粒库活性,从而提高旱作小麦弱势粒灌浆速率,增加穗粒数和粒重, 进而提高籽粒产量。  相似文献   

普通小麦是由四倍体小麦栽培类型与野生二倍体节节麦远缘杂交形成的异源六倍体.普通小麦保持了四倍体小麦的高产潜力,D基因组的加入丰富了食品加工产品类型、增强了环境适应能力.与二倍体作物不同,普通小麦有3个亚基因组,存在大量重复基因,基因组缓冲性、可塑性强,单个基因拷贝可能对育种改良的效果有限.小麦3个亚基因组的遗传多样性是...  相似文献   

孙婴婴  刘立生  张岁岐 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4488-4498
通过3个不同倍性冬小麦材料(两倍体栽培一粒、四倍体栽培两粒、六倍体现代品种长武134),在不同水分条件下进行密度实验,研究了不同材料的株高、生物量累积和分蘖动态的变化,以及产量对密度变化的反应。结果表明随着群体的增大,不同倍性材料个体间竞争明显加剧,相互抑制作用增强,种群内部个体大小等级差异增大;在不同群体下各倍性材料的个体生长存在差异,表现为四倍体栽培两粒竞争能力两倍体栽培一粒六倍体现代品种长武134,且长武134受种群大小影响最为显著,但长武134产量累积的投入比例最高,产量最高,低竞争能力的个体更适合生产上的需求,是群体高产的基础。研究结果为旱地小麦的高产栽培和育种提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

旱地小麦理想株型研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
理想株型选择是旱地小麦节水栽培和高产育种的重要前提。围绕群体条件下旱地小麦产量形成、节水效率和干旱适应性等关键指标,从根型、茎型、叶型和穗型4个方面总结了旱地小麦株型演变规律和调控机理。旱地小麦从野生近缘种二倍体和四倍体向现代六倍体进化的漫长演变过程中,株型经历了从"高根冠比、低收获指数、高冠幅/株高比、小穗和种子扁长"等"杂草"型向"低根冠比、高收获指数和高粒叶比及小冠幅/株高、大穗多粒"的"作物"型的演变。从株型各组件演变规律看,根型以根系大小适中、根条数较多、根系生理活性较高为主;茎型以各茎节长度比例趋近"黄金分割"演变,株高控制在80-100 cm左右的适中高度;叶型以叶片直立、旗叶长宽比例适中为主,倒二叶长维持在20 cm左右;穗型以直立、大穗和小穗数多为主;单株分蘖数趋于减少,株型结构趋于紧凑。上述组件特征将促使旱地小麦向弱竞争能力的方向发展。总之,旱地小麦经历了自然选择和人工选择双重压力,其株型结构有利于群体产量和水分利用效率提高,从而获得较高的种群适合度。  相似文献   

在盆栽条件下,研究了3种染色体倍性小麦的叶绿素荧光参数受水分亏缺的影响.结果表明,水分亏缺下3种小麦灌浆期旗叶的荧光参数表现为F v/Fm(可变荧光与最大荧光比)、qP(光化学猝灭系数)、ETR(表观光电子传递速率)下降,qN P(非光化学猝灭系数)上升,导致3种小麦的光合速率下降,其中四倍体小麦的这些光合参数受影响最大.试验还发现正常供水下小麦随倍性增大光合速率降低,而qP升高,qN P下降,由此推断小麦从二倍体向四倍体、六倍体进化的过程中,PSⅡ(光系统Ⅱ)天线色素吸收的光能用于光化学反应的份额变大,PSⅡ反应中心非辐射能量耗散能力降低,导致用于光化学反应的光能更容易过量,造成光合机构损伤,引发光抑制,这有可能是小麦在进化中光合速率降低的一个原因.  相似文献   

采用适当的农艺措施来影响根系生长以提高作物水分利用效率是节水农业研究的一项重要内容。通过田间试验研究了旱作冬小麦‘长武135’(Triticum aestivum cv. Changwu135)返青期切断部分侧生根对根冠比、水分利用效率及产量的影响。与不断根处理相比,冬小麦切断部分侧根后,极显著地减少了表层的根量,花期时断根和不断根小麦在0~20 cm土层根量分别249.70和307.52 g·m-2,100 cm以上总根量分别为305.53和368.73 g·m-2。断根比不断根处理根呼吸速率下降了25.57%。断根也抑制了小麦的群体数量,断根和不断根处理单位面积的穗数分别为590.33和646.33 m-2,但断根显著增加了千粒重,断根和不断根分别为45.99和41.47 g,收获指数也有一定提高。断根对籽粒产量没有显著影响,但断根后土壤含水量显著增加,水分消耗减少。以生物量计算的水分利用效率和以产量计算的水分利用效率分别提高了32.52%和29.98%。因此,在旱地农业中,通过返青期人工断根措施削减根系降低根系对同化产物的消耗和减少耗水量来达到提高冬小麦水分利用效率的方法,是可行的。但今后还需对断根措施作进一步研究,以期实现产量和水分利用效率的同步提高。  相似文献   

Water stress effects on accumulation of dry matter, carbon andnitrogen in grains were analysed in varieties and species ofwheat differing in yield stability. Variable water environmentswere generated using a line source sprinkler system. Althoughlarge fluctuations occurred in the water potentials of the flagleaf and ear, grain growth remained relatively buffered undermoisture stress. Developing grains were at a lower moisturelevel throughout grain growth in plants subjected to moisturestress relative to the unstressed plants. Carbon content decreasedmore than the nitrogen content in the stressed grains of thespecies and varieties. Reduction in the duration of grain growthand the rate of dry weight accumulation induced by water stresswas more prominent in T. aestivum var. C306 and T. sphaerococcum.Grain yield was reduced significantly under water stress, themaximum being in the high yielding cultivar HD2329. Both grainnumber and grain weight were reduced in response to stress,the extent of reduction being different in different genotypes.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Water deficit, yield stability, C and N accumulation, heat degree days  相似文献   

高产条件下不同小麦品种耗水特性和水分利用效率的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王德梅  于振文  许振柱 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6552-6560
设置不灌水(W0)、底墒水+拔节水(W1)、底墒水+拔节水+开花水(W2)3个灌水处理,采用6个冬小麦(Triticum aestivum.L.)品种,研究了不同品种耗水特性和水分利用效率的差异.结果表明:(1)依据籽粒产量和水分利用效率2个因子,采用聚类分析的方法,将供试品种分为高水分利用效率组(Ⅰ组)、中水分利用效率组(Ⅱ组)和低水分利用效率组(Ⅲ组).同一灌水条件下的籽粒产量,Ⅰ组显著高于Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组;Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组在W0条件下无显著差异,在W1和W2条件下Ⅱ组显著高于Ⅲ组.(2)从Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组中分别取1个品种,泰山23、潍麦8号、山农12进一步分析表明,在W0 和W1条件下,泰山23和潍麦8号的阶段耗水量和耗水模系数为开花至成熟>播种至拔节>拔节至开花,山农12为播种至拔节>开花至成熟>拔节至开花.W2条件下,3个品种的阶段耗水量和耗水模系数为开花至成熟>播种至拔节>拔节至开花;播种至拔节和拔节至开花的耗水模系数为泰山23>山农12>潍麦8号,此阶段的耗水量和耗水强度为泰山23品种最高;开花至成熟的耗水模系数为潍麦8号>山农12 >泰山23,此阶段的耗水量和耗水强度为泰山23品种最低.(3) 在W0 和W1条件下,总耗水量和灌水量、降水量及土壤耗水量占总耗水量的百分率为泰山23品种居中;W2条件下,灌水量和降水量占总耗水量的百分率为泰山23>潍麦8号>山农12,土壤耗水量及其占总耗水量的百分率反之,但泰山23的总耗水量最低.(4) 同一灌水条件下,泰山23品种100~200cm土层的土壤耗水量高于潍麦8号,表明该品种能充分利用深层土壤水;山农12品种在W0和W2条件下,100~200 cm土层的土壤耗水量高于泰山23和潍麦8号,但其籽粒产量和水分利用效率显著低于上述两品种.  相似文献   

Three diploid (Triticum boeoticum, AA; Aegilops speltoides, BB and Ae. tauschii, DD), two tetraplold (T. dlcoccoides,AABB and T. dicoccon, AABB) and one hexaploid (T. vulgare, AABBDD) varieties of wheat, which are very important in the evolution of wheat were chosen in this study. A pot experiment was carried out on the wheat under different water and nutrient conditions (i) to understand the differences in biomass, yield, water use efficiency (WUE), and nutrient (N, P and K) use efficiency (uptake and utilization efficiency) among ploldles in the evolution of wheat; (ii) to clarify the effect of water and nutrient conditions on water and nutrient use efficiency; and (iii) to assess the relationship of water and nutrient use efficiency in the evolution of wheat. Our results showed that from diploid to tetraploid then to hexaploid during the evolution of wheat, both root biomass and above-ground biomass increased initially and then decreased. Water consumption for transpiration decreased remarkably, correlating with the decline of the growth period, while grain yield, harvest index, WUE, N, P and K uptake efficiency, and N, P and K utilization efficiency increased significantly. Grain yield, harvest index and WUE decreased in the same order: T.vulgare > T. dicoccon > T. dicoccoides > Ae. tauschii > Ae. speltoides > T. boeoticum. Water stress significantly decreased root biomass, above-ground biomass, yield, and water consumption for transpiration by 47-52%, butremarkably increased WUE. Increasing the nutrient supply increased wheat above-ground biomass, grain yield,harvest index, water consumption for transpiration and WUE under different water levels, but reduced root biomass under drought conditions. Generally, water stress and low nutrient supply resulted in the lower nutrientuptake efficiency of wheat. However, water and nutrient application had no significant effects on nutrient utilization efficiency, suggesting that wheat nutrient utilization efficiency is mainly controlled by genotypes. Compared to theother two diploid wheats, Ae. squarrosa (DD) had significant higher WUE and nutrient utilization efficiency, Indicating that the D genome may carry genes controlling high efficient utilization of water and nutrient. Significant relationships were found between WUE and N, P and K utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

In C3 plants, carbon isotope discrimination (△) has been proposed as an indirect selection criterion for grain yield. Reported correlations between △ and grain yield however, differ highly according to the analyzed organ or tissue, the stage of sampling, and the environment and water regime. In a first experiment carried out in spring wheat during two consecutive seasons in the dry conditions of northwest Mexico (Ciudad Obregon, Sonora), different water treatments were applied,corresponding to the main water regimes available to spring wheat worldwide, and the relationships between △ values of different organs and grain yield were examined. Under terminal (post-anthesis) water stress, grain yield was positively associated with △ in grain at maturity and in leaf at anthesis, confirming results previously obtained under Mediterranean environments. Under early (pre-anthesis) water stress and residual moisture stress, the association between grain △ and yield was weaker and highly depended on the quantity of water stored in the soil at sowing. No correlation was found between △ and grain yield under optimal irrigation. The relationship between △ and grain yield was also studied during two consecutive seasons in 20 bread wheat cultivars in the Ningxia region (Northern China), characterized by winter drought(pre-anthesis water stress). Wheat was grown under rainfed conditions in two locations (Guyuan and Pengyang) and under irrigated conditions in another two (Yinchuan and Huinong). In Huinong, the crop was also exposed to salt stress.Highly significant positive associations were found between leaf and grain △ and grain yields across the environments.The relationship between △ and yield within environments highly depended on the quantity of water stored in the soil at sowing, the quantity and distribution of rainfall during the growth cycle, the presence of salt in the soil, and the occurrence of irrigation before anthesis. These two experiments confirmed the value of △ as an indirect selection criterion for yield and a phenotyping tool under post-anthesis water stress (including limited irrigation).  相似文献   

In C3 plants, carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) has been proposed as an indirect selection criterion for grain yield. Reported correlations between Δ and grain yield however, differ highly according to the analyzed organ or tissue, the stage of sampling, and the environment and water regime. In a first experiment carried out in spring wheat during two consecutive seasons in the dry conditions of northwest Mexico (Ciudad Obregon, Sonora), different water treatments were applied, corresponding to the main water regimes available to spring wheat worldwide, and the relationships between Δ values of different organs and grain yield were examined. Under terminal (post‐anthesis) water stress, grain yield was positively associated with Δ in grain at maturity and in leaf at anthesis, confirming results previously obtained under Mediterranean environments. Under early (pre‐anthesis) water stress and residual moisture stress, the association between grain Δ and yield was weaker and highly depended on the quantity of water stored in the soil at sowing. No correlation was found between Δ and grain yield under optimal irrigation. The relationship between Δ and grain yield was also studied during two consecutive seasons in 20 bread wheat cultivars in the Ningxia region (Northern China), characterized by winter drought (pre‐anthesis water stress). Wheat was grown under rainfed conditions in two locations (Guyuan and Pengyang) and under irrigated conditions in another two (Yinchuan and Huinong). In Huinong, the crop was also exposed to salt stress. Highly significant positive associations were found between leaf and grain Δ and grain yields across the environments. The relationship between Δ and yield within environments highly depended on the quantity of water stored in the soil at sowing, the quantity and distribution of rainfall during the growth cycle, the presence of salt in the soil, and the occurrence of irrigation before anthesis. These two experiments confirmed the value of Δ as an indirect selection criterion for yield and a phenotyping tool under post‐anthesis water stress (including limited irrigation).  相似文献   

Rising air temperatures are projected to reduce rice yield and quality, whereas increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) can increase grain yield. For irrigated rice, ponded water is an important temperature environment, but few open‐field evaluations are available on the combined effects of temperature and [CO2], which limits our ability to predict future rice production. We conducted free‐air CO2 enrichment and soil and water warming experiments, for three growing seasons to determine the yield and quality response to elevated [CO2] (+200 μmol mol?1, E‐[CO2]) and soil and water temperatures (+2 °C, E‐T). E‐[CO2] significantly increased biomass and grain yield by approximately 14% averaged over 3 years, mainly because of increased panicle and spikelet density. E‐T significantly increased biomass but had no significant effect on the grain yield. E‐T decreased days from transplanting to heading by approximately 1%, but days to the maximum tiller number (MTN) stage were reduced by approximately 8%, which limited the panicle density and therefore sink capacity. On the other hand, E‐[CO2] increased days to the MTN stage by approximately 4%, leading to a greater number of tillers. Grain appearance quality was decreased by both treatments, but E‐[CO2] showed a much larger effect than did E‐T. The significant decrease in undamaged grains (UDG) by E‐[CO2] was mainly the result of an increased percentage of white‐base grains (WBSG), which were negatively correlated with grain protein content. A significant decrease in grain protein content by E‐[CO2] accounted in part for the increased WBSG. The dependence of WBSG on grain protein content, however, was different among years; the slope and intercept of the relationship were positively correlated with a heat dose above 26 °C. Year‐to‐year variation in the response of grain appearance quality demonstrated that E‐[CO2] and rising air temperatures synergistically reduce grain appearance quality of rice.  相似文献   

The lack of good irrigation practices and policy reforms in Pakistan triggers major threats to the water and food security of the country. In the future, irrigation will happen under the scarcity of water, as inadequate irrigation water becomes the requirement rather than the exception. The precise application of water with irrigation management is therefore needed. This research evaluated the wheat grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) under limited irrigation practices in arid and semi-arid regions of Pakistan. DSSAT was used to simulate yield and assess alternative irrigation scheduling based on different levels of irrigation starting from the actual irrigation level up to 65% less irrigation. The findings demonstrated that different levels of irrigation had substantial effects on wheat grain yield and total water consumption. After comparing the different irrigation levels, the high amount of actual irrigation level in semi-arid sites decreased the WUE and wheat grain yield. However, the arid site (Site-1) showed the highest wheat grain yield 2394 kg ha?1 and WUE 5.9 kg?3 on actual irrigation (T1), and with the reduction of water, wheat grain yield decreased continuously. The optimal irrigation level was attained on semi-arid (site-2) with 50% (T11) less water where the wheat grain yield and WUE were 1925 kg ha?1 and 4.47 kg?3 respectively. The best irrigation level was acquired with 40% less water (T9) on semi-arid (site-3), where wheat grain yield and WUE were 1925 kg ha?1 and 4.57 kg?3, respectively. The results demonstrated that reducing the irrigation levels could promote the growth of wheat, resulting in an improved WUE. In crux, significant potential for further improving the efficiency of agricultural water usage in the region relies on effective soil moisture management and efficient use of water.  相似文献   

夏闲期轮耕对小麦田土壤水分及产量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Hou XQ  Wang W  Han QF  Jia ZK  Yan B  Li YP  Su Q 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2524-2532
2007-2010年在宁南旱区研究了夏闲期免耕/深松/免耕(T1)、深松/免耕/深松(T2)、连年翻耕(CT)3种耕作方式对麦田土壤水分及产量的影响.结果表明:经过3年夏闲期T1和T2处理后,农田土壤蓄水效率平均分别较连年翻耕处理提高15.2%和26.5%;T1和T2处理的降水潜在利用率较高,分别达到37.8%和38.5%,降水生产效率平均分别较连年翻耕处理提高9.9%和10.7%.夏闲期轮耕能显著降低休闲期的土壤无效蒸发,有效保蓄小麦生长期的土壤水分.在冬小麦生长前期,T1和T2处理0~200 cm土层土壤水分平均分别较连年翻耕处理增加6.8%和9.4%;在拔节-抽穗-灌浆期,与连年翻耕处理相比,两处理可显著提高0 ~ 200 cm土层土壤蓄水量,对作物产量的贡献率较高.不同轮耕模式在增加作物耗水量的同时也提高了作物产量及水分利用效率,与CT处理相比,3年T1和T2处理作物耗水量平均分别提高5.2%和6.1%,产量分别增加9.9%和10.6%,作物水分生产效率分别提高4.5%和4.3%.相关分析表明,在干旱缺水的宁南地区,冬小麦播种期、拔节-抽穗-灌浆期的土壤蓄水量可显著影响产量,尤其抽穗期的土壤蓄水量对产量的影响更大.  相似文献   

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