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淹水时水翁幼苗光合特性与不定根的关系(简报)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
淹水引起水翁幼苗净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率发生变化。淹水5d后,水翁幼苗净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率慢慢下降。但从淹水第35天开始,部分水翁幼苗在淹水的茎部产生不定根,有不定根的水翁幼苗的净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率逐渐提高,到第80天后维持在较高水平。有不定根的水翁幼苗的净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率的日进程呈双峰型,回归分析表明,净光合速率与气孔导度呈正相关(r=0.69,P〈0.05  相似文献   

实验设置对照、浅淹(水位高出土壤表面5cm)和深淹(水位高出土壤表面20cm)3种处理,研究了淹水深度对互叶白千层幼苗的气体交换、叶绿素荧光和生长状况的影响。研究结果表明,随着淹水深度的增加,互叶白千层受到的胁迫程度有所增强。经过270d的淹水处理,浅淹组和深淹组的株高和生物量有所下降,分别为对照的90.86%、64.58%和74.52%、36.46%。浅淹组植株叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔传导率和蒸腾速率略有下降,分别为对照的95.39%、94.26%、90.02%和88.94%。深淹组植株在淹水后180d内上述参数显著下降,分别为对照的79.44%、73.54%、61.79%和71.46%,随后逐渐接近对照组。浅淹组PSⅡ的最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)比较稳定,与对照组基本相同。深淹组在淹水后150d内Fv/Fm稍有下降,随后恢复到对照水平。浅淹组植株光化学淬灭系数(qP)稍有下降,非光化学淬灭(NPQ)略有上升,分别为对照的96.63%和105.66%。深淹组植株在淹水后120d内qP显著下降,NPQ明显上升,分别为对照的94.51%和126.66%,随后逐渐接近对照组。另外,淹水过程中,互叶白千层形成不定根和产生发达的通气组织,淹水植株的根孔隙度显著高于对照。  相似文献   

宜昌黄杨对夏季淹水的生理生态学响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
宜昌黄杨(Buxus ichangensis)主要分布于长江三峡地区的消落带, 对该地区的水土保持和岸坡地稳定起着十分重要的作用。作者通过模拟夏季淹水研究了宜昌黄杨的形态特征、光合作用和根系活力的变化特征, 揭示了宜昌黄杨对淹水的生态学响应规律。结果表明宜昌黄杨在淹水过程中产生了皮孔、不定根等形态适应特征, 经过60 d的淹水处理, 植株仍全部存活, 表现出较强的适应能力。但是植株的生长仍然受到淹水的显著影响: 淹水条件下宜昌黄杨的最大光合速率、气孔导度和根系活力与对照相比都显著下降, 60 d后分别只有对照的19.24%、24.04%和4.78%。在不同处理阶段这些指标下降的幅度不同: 初期的下降幅度最大, 后期下降幅度减少, 其中根系活力在后期还有所回升。叶绿素A的含量随淹水延长持续下降, 后期有所回升, 而叶绿素B和类胡萝卜素的变化却不大。最后, 作者对该物种在水电工程库区退化消落带植被生态恢复中的应用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

淹水对玉米不定根形态结构和ATP酶活性的影响   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
淹水2天后,玉米苗基节内即有不定根原基一进于正常植株。淹水16天后,从基节部长出的不定根数多于正常植株,但淹水导致根系生长和干物质积累大幅度下降。淹水幼苗不定根伸长区内有发达的通气组织形成,使根内部组织孔隙度大幅提高。电镜细胞化学研究表明,经15天淹一,不定根根尖细胞内ATP酶的分布与正常功苗基本相同,酶活性尽管有一定的下降,但仍保持较高水平。根据实验结果,本文重点讨论了不定根的发生及其内部通气组  相似文献   

模拟淹水对池杉和栓皮栎光合生理生态过程的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
衣英华  樊大勇  谢宗强  陈芳清 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6025-6033
池杉(Taxodium ascendens)和栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)是我国亚热带河岸带和库塘消落区常见的植物,对于河岸带和库塘消落区的水土保持和水源涵养具有十分重要的作用。研究通过测定二者的最大净光合速率、光饱和曲线、二氧化碳饱和曲线、根/茎/叶的可溶性糖含量、叶片的比叶重(Ieaf mass per unit area,LMA)和根系活力等指标研究了模拟淹水(50d)对两年生栓皮栎和池杉树苗生理生态过程的影响。在淹水过程中,栓皮栎的最大净光合速率不断下降,到试验结束时淹水处理的最大净光合速率降低为对照的9%,而且处理与对照差异极显著;而在整个淹水过程中池杉则在处理和对照间没有显著差异。淹水胁迫下:(1)淹水导致栓皮栎表观量子效率(φ)不断下降,淹水第6天降为对照的59.9%左右(P〈0.001),第26天降为对照的40.9%左右(P〈0.001),而26d的淹水对池杉的光饱和曲线却影响不大;(2)淹水导致栓皮栎羧化效率(CE)的不断下降,在正常生长条件下栓皮栎的CE为(0.331±0.075)μmolm^-2s^-1Pa^-1。淹水第10天栓皮栎的CE下降到对照的22.1%,淹水第30天降到对照的16.8%,且差异均显著(P〈0.001)。淹水对池杉的二氧化碳饱和曲线没有造成显著影响;(3)淹水导致两个种的根/茎/叶可溶性糖含量呈现动态变化。50d的淹水导致栓皮栎叶片可溶性糖含量相比于对照略有上升,茎和根可溶性糖含量显著上升。而池杉根/茎/叶可溶性糖含量对照和处理之间差异不显著;(4)淹水导致栓皮栎的比叶重持续升高,池杉的与对照没有显著差异;(5)淹水导致栓皮栎的根系活力持续下降,池杉则开始时下降后又升高,这可能与池杉在淹水过程中产生了有利于吸收氧气的不定根,而栓皮栎没有产生不定根有关。以上实验结果说明相对池杉,栓皮栎应属于对淹水较敏感的树种。短期淹水(1~10d)导致栓皮栎光合速率下降的生理生态原因应该至少包括表观量子效率和羧化效率下降两个原因。而长期淹水条件下,叶片碳水化合物的积累(LMA升高)导致的负反馈效应也可能是光合速率下降的原因之一。  相似文献   

淹水胁迫对青杨雌雄幼苗生理特性和生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为揭示青杨(Populus cathayana)雌雄幼苗对淹水胁迫的适应性, 在实验地内通过土培盆栽淹水方式从植株生理生态和生长发育方面探讨淹水胁迫对青杨扦插苗的影响。试验分为对照和淹水2个处理, 处理时间为40天。结果显示: (1)淹水胁迫导致青杨幼苗叶片中的丙二醛(MDA)含量和茎部淹水区的不定根数显著升高, 植株的净光合速率(Pn)、叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、株高、基径、总叶面积、比叶面积(SLA)、根生物量、叶生物量、茎生物量、总生物量干重和根冠比(R/S)显著降低。(2)与雄株相比, 淹水胁迫显著增加了雌株幼苗的MDA含量, 降低了SOD活性、Pn、类胡萝卜素(Caro)含量、叶绿素a/b、SLA、根生物量和R/S, 并导致雄株在淹水胁迫下具有比雌株更高的气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、不定根数和株高。可见, 淹水胁迫对青杨雌雄幼苗的形态生长和生理过程均有严重的抑制作用, 但表现出显著的性别间差异。雄株可以通过维持更高的光合作用能力和增加不定根数量来维持植株的生长, 从而表现出比雌株更强的抗逆性。  相似文献   

淹涝胁迫对鹅掌楸属植物叶片部分生理指标的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究了淹涝胁迫对不同种源鹅掌楸[Liriodendron chinense(Hemsl.)Sarg.]和杂种鹅掌楸(L.chinense xL.tulipifera)幼苗部分生理指标的影响。结果表明:在淹水处理24h后,杂种鹅掌楸幼苗叶片的净光合速率变化不明显,鹅掌楸幼苗叶片的净光合速率则有一定程度的下降;在淹水处理48h后,净光合速率均大幅度下降。在淹涝胁迫下及胁迫解除后,幼苗叶片叶绿素含量持续缓慢下降;而脯氨酸含量总体上呈现上升的趋势;与鹅掌楸相比,杂种鹅掌楸幼苗的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性变化不明显,但SOD活性最高,POD活性最低。结果表明,杂种鹅掌楸具有较强的耐淹涝胁迫的能力。  相似文献   

淹水解除后玉米幼苗形态及光合生理特征恢复   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
梁哲军  陶洪斌  王璞 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3977-3986
以郑单958为试验材料,在盆栽条件下研究了淹水及淹水解除后玉米幼苗根系、叶片形态、光合生理及植株的恢复生长.结果表明:(1) 淹水总体上抑制玉米幼苗根系生长,短期淹水(7d)导致根系总长度、根系表面积、根系体积均显著降低,随着淹水时间延长(14d)玉米根系产生大量不定根,使得根系总长度、根系表面积、根系体积显著升高(P<0.01);(2)淹水条件下叶片生长同样受到抑制,玉米叶面积、叶型指数和可见叶片数均显著下降;(3)淹水条件下玉米幼苗的光合性能下降,光合色素总含量降低,但短期淹水(7d)后叶绿素a/b值提高;气孔限制(Ls)是淹水7d植株光合速率下降的主要因素,而非气孔限制则是淹水14d植株光合速率下降的主要因素.(4)淹水处理7d、14d后的玉米幼苗均能够恢复生长,但恢复生长速率随淹水时间延长而降低;在恢复生长过程中,光合生理指标恢复早于形态恢复,强光对于淹水后幼苗恢复生长具有明显的抑制效应.  相似文献   

研究了人工模拟淹水胁迫对两年生栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)和枫杨(Pterocarya stenoptera)树苗的影响。经过70 d的淹水处理两种植物的存活率均为100%。淹水对两种植物生理生态过程的早期影响是快速降低了二者的最大净光合速率(Pmax)、气孔导度(Gs)、最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)。经过7 d的淹水处理后,受淹栓皮栎的最大净光合速率是对照的39%,枫杨是对照的42%;受淹栓皮栎的气孔导度是对照的38.8%,枫杨是对照的71.9%;水淹5 d后,枫杨和栓皮栎的最大光化学量子效率分别为0.694和0.757。但经过最初的下降后,枫杨的最大净光合速率、气孔导度和最大光化学量子效率逐渐恢复,而栓皮栎的则持续下降。到淹水70 d时栓皮栎的最大净光合速率下降了94.1%,最大光化学量子效率的平均值为0.537。在试验过程中,枫杨产生了有利于吸收氧气的不定根和肥大的皮孔,而栓皮栎没有产生不定根。随淹水时间的增加枫杨的叶绿素含量与对照没有显著差异;而栓皮栎的叶绿素含量在第33 d后大幅降低,Chla/Chlb的比值下降。淹水后第10 d和第70 d测定的清晨水势,受淹栓皮栎比对照高,而受淹枫杨比对照低,因此淹水导致的叶片水势的变化可能与树种相关。以上的试验结果表明受淹的栓皮栎的光合机构运转受到了严重影响,因此栓皮栎应属于对淹水较敏感的树种。从两种植物受淹水胁迫的形态和生理变化看,枫杨比栓皮栎更耐淹,更适合库塘消落区生境。  相似文献   

为研究淹涝条件下水稻幼苗株高及碳水化合物消耗对不同外源生长调节剂的响应,本试验选用籼型常规稻IR64和导入耐淹涝基因Sub1的IR64-Sub1为试验材料,秧龄20 d时喷施1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)、多效唑(PB)、赤霉素(GA)3种外源生长调节剂,以喷施清水为对照(CK).喷施处理2 d后进行0、4、8、12、16 d没顶淹涝胁迫,淹涝胁迫结束后常温恢复7 d,取样分析不同外源生长调节剂对水稻成活率、株高、叶绿素降解及恢复、地上部非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)消耗的影响.结果表明:淹涝导致水稻幼苗株高显著增长,叶片SPAD值快速下降,叶片可溶性糖迅速消耗,但耐淹涝品种IR64-Sub1淹水前茎鞘NSC含量明显高于IR64,淹涝中NSC消耗速率低于IR64,淹水结束后地上部淀粉含量高于IR64.外源PB处理显著抑制水稻幼苗株高增长、叶绿素降解及NSC消耗,提高存活率,且对IR64-Sub1效果更为显著.外源GA处理水稻幼苗叶绿素降解、株高增长和NSC消耗最快,植株恢复能力最低,耐淹涝能力最差,但与IR64相比,GA对IR64-Sub1淹涝耐性的抑制明显减弱.外源ACC促进伸长效果明显低于外源GA处理.淹水前喷施PB可有效抑制植株水下伸长,延缓叶绿素降解,减缓NSC消耗,保留更多NSC,为淹水胁迫解除后水稻快速恢复提供有利条件,这对于易涝地区减轻涝渍危害具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Myricaria laxiflora, an endangered shrub species distributed along the banks of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges area, is completely submerged from June to October every year. It is generally assumed that summer flooding has a strong impact on the survival and growth of seedlings. We designed an outdoor randomized block experiment on the responses of seedling survival and growth to different flooding depth and flooding duration treatments during the flood season in the Three Gorges area. Seedling survival rate, aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, total biomass, root depth, length of primary branch and the number of primary and secondary branches were examined.M. laxiflora was found to acclimate to summer flooding by becoming dormant and losing biomass. Seedlings of M. laxiflora ceased growing during the summer flooding season, regardless of the flooding depth and flooding duration they were subjected to. The number of primary and secondary branches, aboveground biomass and total biomass of seedlings was reduced with prolonged flooding. The length of primary branches and aboveground biomass were more sensitive to flooding than other measured parameters and differed significantly between the onset and the end of flooding.In each flooding treatment most seedlings of M. laxiflora survived a flooding period of 2 months and recovered rapidly after the flooding was terminated in September. After 3 months of recovery, aboveground biomass, total biomass and the number of the primary branches increased significantly. Furthermore, seedling survival and growth in the flooding treatments were not significantly different from the controls both during the summer flooding stage and in the recovery stage. All of these results suggest that summer flooding does not affect seedling survival and growth in this species. On the contrary, flooding released seedlings from the stress of drought during summer and facilitated seedling establishment. M. laxiflora appears to cope adaptively with the flooding cycle by going into a state of dormancy during the flood season.  相似文献   

Black spruce [ Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] and tamarack [ Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch] are the predominant tree species in boreal peatlands. The effects of 34 days of flooding on morphological and physiological responses were investigated in the greenhouse for black spruce and tamarack seedlings in their second growing season (18 months old). Flooding resulted in reduced root hydraulic conductance, net assimilation rate and stomatal conductance and increased needle electrolyte leakage in both species. Flooded tamarack seedlings maintained a higher net assimilation rate and stomatal conductance compared to flooded black spruce. Flooded tamarack seedlings were also able to maintain higher root hydraulic conductance compared to flooded black spruce seedlings at a comparable time period of flooding. Root respiration declined in both species under flooding. Sugar concentration increased in shoots while decreasing in roots in both species under flooding. Needles of flooded black spruce appeared necrotic and electrolyte leakage increased over time with flooding and remained significantly higher than in flooded tamarack seedlings. No visible damage symptoms were observed in flooded tamarack seedlings. Flooded tamarack seedlings developed adventitious roots beginning 16 days after the start of flooding treatment. Adventitious roots exhibited significantly higher root hydraulic conductivity than similarly sized flooded tamarack roots. Flooded black spruce lacked any such morphological adaptation. These results suggest that tamarack is better able to adjust both morphologically and physiologically to prolonged soil flooding than black spruce seedlings.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Simultaneous formation of aerial and soil seed banks by a species provides a mechanism for population maintenance in unpredictable environments. Eolian activity greatly affects growth and regeneration of plants in a sand dune system, but we know little about the difference in the contributions of these two seed banks to population dynamics in sand dunes.


Seed release, germination, seedling emergence and survival of a desert annual, Agriophyllum squarrosum (Chenopodiaceae), inhabiting the Ordos Sandland in China, were determined in order to explore the different functions of the aerial and soil seed banks.

Key Results

The size of the aerial seed bank was higher than that of the soil seed bank throughout the growing season. Seed release was positively related to wind velocity. Compared with the soil seed bank, seed germination from the aerial seed bank was lower at low temperature (5/15 °C night/day) but higher in the light. Seedling emergence from the soil seed bank was earlier than that from the aerial seed bank. Early-emerged (15 April–15 May) seedlings died due to frost, but seedlings that emerged during the following months survived to reproduce successfully.


The timing of seed release and different germination behaviour resulted in a temporal heterogeneity of seedling emergence and establishment between the two seed banks. The study suggests that a bet-hedging strategy for the two seed banks enables A. squarrosum populations to cope successfully with the unpredictable desert environment.  相似文献   

Seedling recruitment and survivorship of beech (Fagus crenata) were studied with special reference to the simultaneous death of undergrowing bamboo (Sasa kurilensis). The survival rate of beech seedlings on the floor whereSasa had withered was much higher than that on the floor whereSasa survived. Damping off caused the largest mortality among beech seedlings. However, the allocation pattern of matter to different parts of the seedlings indicated that their survival was greatly affected by production economy. The dense cover of dwarf bamboo prevented the establishment of beech seedling banks on the forest floor. The interval between the times when simultaneous death ofSasa occur and the length of its recovery period are thus important factors controlling the dynamics of beech forests in Japan.  相似文献   

Invasive plants and urban run‐off constrain efforts to restore sedge meadow wetlands. We asked if native graminoids can self‐restore following the removal of Typha × glauca (hybrid cattail), and if not, what limits their recovery? After we harvested Typha and depleted its rhizome starch reserves, Carex spp. expanded vegetatively (approximately 1 m over 2 years) but not by recruiting seedlings. A seedling emergence experiment showed that seed banks were depleted where Typha had eliminated the sedge meadow over a decade ago (based on aerial photo analysis). Carex seedling emergence was 75–90% lower where Carex was absent than where it remained in the plant community, and at least 17 species that were abundant 30 years ago were absent from the seed bank and extant vegetation. By varying hydroperiod, we showed that prolonged flooding prevented emergence of Carex seedlings and that a fluctuating hydroperiod reduced emergence and ultimately killed all Carex seedlings. In contrast, Typha seedlings emerged and survived regardless of hydroperiod. Thus, slow vegetative expansion by Carex, depauperate seed banks, and altered hydroperiods all constrain self‐restoration. To compensate for multiple constraints on self‐restoration, we recommend a long‐term management approach that capitalizes on flooding and the capacity of Carex spp. to regrow vegetatively. We suggest annually harvesting swaths of Typha at the edges of clones, before or during flood events, to allow gradual, vegetative self‐restoration of Carex spp.  相似文献   

The survival, growth, and biomass of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.), water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica L.), Chinese tallow (Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb.), and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.) seedlings were examined in an experiment varying water levels (watered, flooded) and salinity levels (0, 2, and 10 ppt, plus a simulated storm surge with 32 ppt saltwater). All seedlings, except for those flooded with 10 ppt saltwater, survived to the end of the experiment. In 10 ppt saltwater, flooded baldcypress, water tupelo, and green ash survived two weeks whereas Chinese tallow survived for 6 weeks. However, a second set of slightly older baldcypress, water tupelo, and Chinese tallow seedlings survived eight weeks of flooding with 10 ppt saltwater. When carried through the winter to the beginning of the second growing season, flooded baldcypress and Chinese tallow seedlings from the 0 and 2 ppt treatments leafed out, but only Chinese tallow recovered from the saltwater surge treatment. The diameter and growth (height) of each species was not affected when watered with 2 ppt saltwater, except for the effects of the height growth of baldcypress. Growth was reduced for all species when watered with 10 ppt saltwater. The diameter growth of green ash was reduced by freshwater flooding. The diameter growth of baldcypress and water tupelo was greater when flooded with fresh water. Flooding with 2 ppt saltwater caused a significant reduction in diameter growth in water tupelo, green ash, and Chinese tallow, but not in baldcypress. Root and stem biomass values were not significantly different for any species between the 0 and 2 ppt salinity watering treatments. However, seedlings watered with 10 ppt saltwater had significantly lower root and stem biomass values, except for baldcypress roots and green ash stems. Baldcypress was least affected by flooding with 0 and 2 ppt saltwater, although there were slight reductions in root biomass with increasing salinity. Because of the susceptibility of the seedlings of these four species to increases in flooding and salinity, their regeneration may be limited in the future, thereby causing shifts in species composition.  相似文献   

Periodic flooding of trees in tropical floodplains and reservoirs where water levels fluctuate is a common phenomenon. The effects of flooding and subsequent recovery on gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and growth responses of Melaleuca alternifolia seedlings, a tall shrub species used in floodplain and reservoir forest restoration in southern China, were studied during a grow season (from March to December in 2007). M. alternifolia seedlings were flooded for 180 days, drained and left to recover for another 60 days. Survival rates of the seedlings were 100% during the 180-day flooding period. Chlorophyll (Chl) content, net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), and transpiration rate (E) of the flooded seedlings were all significantly lower than those of the control. Significant reductions of photochemical quenching coefficient (qp) and increases of nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) in the flooded seedlings were observed. However, there were no significant differences in the maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) between treatments. All seedlings survived during the two-month recovery period after the flooded treatment was drained, and the biomass and height of the recovered seedlings approached those of the control at the end of the experiment. During the first-month recovery period, Chl content, P N, g s and E in the recovered seedlings were all obviously low, then increased gradually and rose to the levels similar to the control by the end of the experiment. Quenching analysis revealed significant reductions of qp and increments of NPQ in the recovered seedlings at the beginning of draining, and a nearly complete recovery for both parameters by the end of the experiment. However, Fv/Fm of the recovered seedlings did not differ significantly from the control during the recovery period. Our study demonstrated that M. alternifolia seedlings can survive and grow through 180 days of flooding with a subsequent 60-day recovery period in drained conditions, indicating that seedlings of this species would be suitable for afforestation in areas exposed to intermittent flooding.  相似文献   

Developmental regulation of anoxic stress tolerance in maize   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anoxia associated with flooding stress is detrimental to plant growth and productivity. When maize seedlings 2 to 7 d old were exposed to anoxic stress, 3-d-old seedlings were found to have much lower tolerance than 2-d-old seedlings. Ninety per cent of 2-d-old seedlings survived 72 h of anoxic stress compared with 0% of the 3-d-old seedlings. Since 2-d-old isolated root tips survived anoxic stress better than 3-d-old tips, the anoxic tolerance of 2-d-old seedlings was independent of the translocation of nutrient reserves from the endosperm to the root. The addition of glucose to the medium improved the anoxia tolerance of 2-d-old seedlings by 25% but had no effect on 3-d-old seedlings. Acclimation by pre-cxposure to 4% oxygen and pre-treatment with 100mmol m?1 abscisic acid (ABA) improved the anoxia tolerance of 3-d-old seedlings by 2- and 4-fold, respectively. However, acclimation and ABA treatment had no effect on 2-d-old seedlings. The results indicate that anoxia tolerance in maize is develop-mentally regulated. The mechanism of anoxia tolerance innate to 2-d-old seedlings was inducible in 3-d-old seedlings by acclimation or treatment with ABA.  相似文献   

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